The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 15, 1894, Image 8

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    alleled In the Annals of Fishing.
A remarkable hanl of eels was made
the other day by Cosmos Eckenrode, who
There is a variety of eels known as the
tandem eel, which is very seldom formd
fn this state, though comnon ia the west.
A peculiarity of this variety is that they
travel, when migrating, single file, about
gix inches apart, and maintain that dis-
tance exactly during the time of their
progress, If one of the lot shoots ahead -
too rapidly, the one following immedi-
stely grasps him by the tail in order to
drag hin back to his proper place in the
fine. They appear to have a remarkable
mstinct for distance, and the variation
of an inch will canse the rear eel to ex- |
ercise his anthority to pat the brakes on
An Interesting a
At a meeting of the Brooklyn
Health society at the residence of W.E
WU tae other night a paper was
read by J. Winfield Scott, secretary of the
Boston, on ‘Methods of Protecting and
National Constitutional Liberty league of
Promoting Public Health.” The follow- |
of the league, the B~ookiyn :
society and the New York Public Health
and Constimtiona! Liberty league from
their headquarters, room 18, 331 Madison
. avenne, New York: i
Whereas, It is self evident thst conmstite-
tional liberty, ‘progress in the bealing
art, will be promoted and public health con.
1 by imonediste
While Mr. Eckenrode was fishing be
hooked one of the travelers, a very re-
_markable circumstance, as they seldom
bite while migrating. As soon as he had
" hooked it be of course gave & haulon the ' pg
to ie
‘ line, which caused this particular eel
shoot shead. He was immediately
‘grasped by the ome following, and as
that one likewise shot ahead the next one
did the sage, so that when Mr. Ecken-
rode began to haul out he found a solid
rope of eels. Dropping his rod and line,
he grasped the living rope and began to
Baul in hand over hand. He kept hanl-
ing in and piling up the eels until he
was utterly exhausted, when he was
obliged to stop and cut the connection.
He quickly ran for assistance, and a
pomber of the neighbors came to help
him take care of his rase catch. When
they were a'l gathered up and loaded on
wagons, it was found that he had 875
pounds. - About $50 worth were sent to
the market, and the rest were
distributed among his neighbors.
The news of his remarkable catch has
spread all over the upper part of the
county, and a great many fishermen have
beén endeavoring to repeat it, but with-
ont success, since, according to natural-
ists, an occurrence of this sort is one of
the rarest in fishing. — Reading Herald.
A Large Ztéctrie Light Plant to Be Put In
by the Government.
- It is probable that the electric lighting
plant to be pat in the nation’s capitol
will not only be reqnired to light that
building. but also to illuminate the con-
gressional library, which is to be the
largest building of its kind in the world,
and which, by resson of its nses, will re-
quire the best class of illumination.
"To accommidate sucha plant it wil
‘be pecessary to focus the engine and
dynamos in a structure erected for this
special purpose. The location of the
power house is now being carefully con-
sidered, and the decision will probably be
reached very soon. The house will be
- @roamenisl in appearance; and will be of
sufficient size to contain not oniy the
‘eight dynamos necessary for the present,
but ales for other buildings that may be
/ ‘added to the group clustering arcund the
* capitol, notably the home for the su-
prem: court - :
A carefal estimate has placed the orig-
inal cost of the building, the machinery,
the wiring aud general installation of the
| plant at §200,000. This will insure the.
work tobe of the best character and be
plant to be of sufficient size to furnish ail
the light that can -be used in the baild-
“ings and the grounds. This Istter is a
most irnportant item in the cdleunlations,
for at present there is an utterly inade-
quate illa
“is not caréiin whether the grounds will
be lighted by are lamps or groups of in-
‘gandescent globes. Bat this is a matter
of detail to be settled afterward.
"A rough estitnate that has already been
made of the cost of maintairing the new
- plant, which will do not ouly the work
now done by the gas and electric plants
in the capitol building, but also the entire
work of lighting the new library buiid-
ing and the Maltby House, shows that it
will cost in the neighborhood of 19,000
~— Philadelphia Record.
—. Barry O'Brien’siCanard.
The Speaker, a weekly literary organ
of liberalisin, endeavors to create a po
litical sensation by arnouncing the dis-
- govery of a grand new Tory scheme. The
"design is to dish the Home Rulers by the
establishment of five great national conn-
cils, two for England and one each for
Ireland, Scotland and Wales, with the
endowment of an Irish Catholic univer-
sity. The Speaker further declares that
the scheme has been svbmitted to the
leaders of the Irish Nationalist parties.
Probably this pretty story hus been ca-
bied to America with ashow of authority.
There are signs that it set politiciins here
talking freely. Therefore it is neces
sary to say that the whole thing is a fan-
tastic fake. The proud author is Barry
£7 #en,ibarristir, journalist and writer
~af'several books on Irish. pofitics which.
‘ * Gladstone has praise Lo You Letter. |
fg ee ; '
A House of Buttons.
Clapiseon, the French musical celeb-
rity, is building a chatean composed en-
tirély of buttons. The walls, the ceil-
Jugs, the doors, the exterior, the inte-
rior, are all ornamented with this novel
. element of architecture. Buttons of every
description, from the very origin of their
_invention np to those of the present day,
have been employed in the arabesques
and ornamentation of the walls, Every
country has been ransacked, and ‘some
curions specimens have been bronght to
light. Those dating from the lower
* Greek empire are of the most curious
manufacture. —London Tit-Bits.
Love Versus Politics.
The Princess Elizabéth of Bavaria,
who has just been married to a youn
lieutenant, 18 spending her honeymoof
in a residence presented by her grand-
"father, the emperor of Austria. The
emperor, who at first so strongly opposed
‘the match, as he desired the princess to
be the future empress of Austria, is ro-
orted to have said: “The poor child
shall marry the man she loves. We have
~ already made sacrifices enough to poli-
mination of the grest park. It
sobler impulses and dearest in
maznity will thus be served :
dresses of persons willing to receive and dis
tribute literature or circulate petitions. We
also likewise solicit verifiable facts, experiences
and other data toncling opon these topics and
tending to strengthen the cause of public
bealth and liberty before the
A Hunter Ran a Fox Into a Cave, s~d Sab-
sequent Proceedings Were Star. - ag.
Three prominent residents of Bing-
pamton. N. Y., indniged in a fox hunt
recently. As they were peturning home
the hounds strock the trail of a fox.
They followed ‘it and came upon their
bounds barking under a ledge of rocks
on ‘he western slope of the old Baker
farm, Ome of them felt around the
ledges for any other bole by which the
fox could escape, using a small crow-
bar. He climbed to the top of the ledge
of rocks, striking all aroond with his
Suddenly it slipped thringh his fingers
snd went down a small fissore. In en-
deavoring to get it out he lighted a match
ard dropped it into the fissure. © A flash
and sndden explosion ocenrrad. A jet
of flume shot npwari higher than the
sarrounding tree tops and illuminated
the surromnd Lh 100
3 . og ry
3341 coRniry. SUR
feet below the place where the wail was
barning they discovered a flow of oils
guing from a crevice. The stream was
large enough to fill a two inch pt pe.
village is in excitement over the find,
prospectors are focking there in num-
bers, The crowbar was fonnd again and
bore anmistakable signs of the “third
send” upon it E
¥ The Sultan's Library.
The sultan of Turkey hus issued an
imperial decree to the effect that three
copie= of every book and pamphlet on
any subject EAL Las ¥en
printed or published in any language in
any part of his dominion, from the time
he ascended t
day, m* to be sent to the imperial palace
and one £6py to the new library at the
Sablime Porte, which is now being bmit
by bis majesty’s orders
It is stated in well in
that his majesty has ©
view. First, it ix an
furnishing two Hbrasioe
that it will enconrs’
* (whose lot un:
hardly be regarded
writing and publishing
‘the third and most -
all is that his 'm Uy em-
ployed. censors be
better able to contral and cbreck any pub-
lication containing anything to which
the sultan and his advisers may object.
3 Louis Globe-Democrat.
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Logs Preserved Ia Water.
Some magnificent logs of spruce and
yellow pine, which have made their way
down from the sources of the Delaware
to. the Kensington mills, are now float
ing in the Aramingo canal just below
the Girard avenae bridge. Excellent
material for tall masta and flagpoles and
huge beams over 7 feet Jong and 2 feet
square on theend are noticeable among
the mass of floating timber. Contrary
to the popular belief, timber is best pre-
served when submerged in water, and
what appears to be a mass of refose clog-
ging portions of the canal is in reality
valuable Inmber stared there for reasons
of economy. Such economy can be over-
done, however, and many a noble piece
of tiznber, which has become water-
logged during a long period of time, now
lies along the bottom.ef the canal.
Philadelphia Record. Tm
{ The Triamph of the Machine Gans
The interesting account of the fight-
ing in Matabeleland which Captains
White and Donovan have given ia, in ef-
fect, a glorification of the machine guna
It was all due to the maxims, and the
hotchkiss guns completed the rout in
every instance. So long as the English
troops tock ordinary precautions there
was no possibility of disaster. “The
laagers were a sheet of flame. It was
no use trying to advance.” Seven thoa-
sand warriors hurled themselves upon
the gunsin vain. They were not “mowed
down.” says Captain White, bat “lay
patty thick.” Well, we will not quar
rel over a phrase. The fact remsins
that between 1.500 and 2,000 natives were
killed. —Pall Mall Gazette.
———— Co trout
A Grandmother of Twenty-nine.
Some of the newspapers in another
state have been bragging of a 82-year
old grandmother and sending her pic-
! ture all over the country. As if any-
thing in the line of enterprise could not
| be excelled in Maine! But the Bangor
News comes along with the report of a
little boy born in Brooksville on Jan. 1
| whose mother is not yet 14 years old and
| whose grandmother is not yet 30. ~~
he throns to the present’
i them and confidentially told them
to watch him give Diempeey a friendly
Dempesy was surprised : 4
| ot the prospect of giviag a lively bout.
| “Costigan’s very strong tonight.” mor-.
on mured Deinpeey to his bottle holder aft-
er the first round.” =
The bottle holder smiled and answered:
| «Yes. He told thoss ladies in the box
| be wonld make a show of you.”
| “He did, 4id he?” said Dempsey grim-
*- | jy apd when the men came together
3 Costigan recoiled st the frst blow from
“Go easy. go easy,” counseled Costi-
“Thin ain't a fight.” So
“Let's give them their money's worth,”
,;” murmured Costi-
gan, snd Dempeey's fist collided with
Costigan's nose. :
“Work it vp,” siid Dempsey, and he
rushed Costigan all over the stage.
punching right and left. Costigan was
- driven pear the box. The eyes of his
lady friends were upon him, and be re
sponded, bat Dempsey grinned and hit
out more savagely than ever and woand
upthe bout by bacit heeling Costigan
and sending him to the ground with a
“Say, Costigan.” ssid Dempsey after-
ward, “always consnit me when you
want to make a stur play. 1 deserve
your confidence.” — New York Herald.
The Chinese Minister nt Washington Weeps
. and Wails Over a Gas Fill
. The Chinese legation bas always been
and the mystérions goings on in the fa
mons old Stewart castie. which the Ce
Jestinls naed inhabit. were a never
failicz source of wonder and speculation.
Now that the legation hrs a magnificent
i on ihe
tripie honse for 1t= home
inhalatants i=
oY res iT
pirhts the interest in
still farther mcre ‘usend
ister j¢ pew to Was
aoranss of
canse of a very peculia
other day.
‘The monthly
Gas Light company are print
of a pecnbarly dirty yeilow tint. which
happens to be the exact hae of the Chi
nese emblems of moursing. The long
strips ars left regularly at the doors of
all honses in the city and ar Ul
legation among the rest.
one was left for the first time
home of the legation, which i= o]
pew Chiness servants. The gas bill
was left in the vestibule. and wing car
ried to the new minister
fected hifn. It was evid
he thought. as 2 natific
body's death. and
Jegation door it ds
berezvement of sons
cial hf.
The minister 2% once gave drders to
close the hoase, The usual instruments
of mor riing wers hrcught ot, the shnt
ters were drawn, and jussersby for
cpemainder of the evening wers regaled
with a combination of curios noises
such #s the Chinese aly know how t
gtter when engaged in bewalling the
dead, and the minister retired with the
satisfoctivn of knowing that Lie had per
. formed a diplomatic courtesy. —Cor. Dos
ton Advertiser. :
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The Reconciliation In Germany.
Only in Paria das thers been any at
tempt to attach a sinister meaning to the
_weconcilintion between Kaiser and
Prince Bismarck. All Germsany ex:
- pressed nnfeigned delight o se happy
reanion, apd the rest of Earope
on with sympathetic interest and
proval. Jealous
see in the event the first step toward
winning away their new found Bassian
friends. They argue also tha the em-
peror is unwilling to enter the impend
ing war withon! » support of the Iron
Chancellor. Bismarck's friends in Eng-
land soe no other significance in the inci-
dent than a worthy desire on the part of
the yonng emperor not to allow the man
© to whan he owes ns throne to go down
“to his grave unreconciied. —Paris Letter.
“Ta-ra-ra” Divides a Chareh.
“Tarra Booni-de-ay.” plaved during
. last evening's services at the Grimd Av-
Om Methodist church, has od a
* split in the congregation. y Rev
Mr. ‘Whent. the lofmer paltor, drose in
meeting and dencaneed the profanation
of the temple with such music. There.
upon the pastor; the Rev. Mr. Wilkin
son. amnouncsd that he was running
the church and advised Mr. Wheat to
mind bis own business. The older folks
are inclined to feel scandaliz<d, while
the younger members. side wii the pas-
tor.— Dubuque (Ia) Dispatch.
Thousands of Relatives,
A curions lawsuit has just been con-
cluded at Brussels. A widow named
AMoeus died intestate, leaving a large
fortune. A dispute at once bégan among
ber relatives, and a liwsuit to settle the
various claims was instituted. At the
trial it was proved that po fewer than
8,500 persons were related to the testa-
trix. Judgment has been pronounced
in their favor —that is, in favor of rela-
tives even twelve degrees removed —
Paris Herald.
Three Bachelors.
It is noted that all three of the assist- |
ant secretaries of the treasury are bach-
elors. A man who has access to the
United States treasury can have po legit
imate excuse for not marryirg
annlis Journal.
hs, fagge
es nb od
BF AL ol aE dey
prompt attentson.
an object of curiosity in Washington,’
Frenchmen pretend fo
—Indiac- | gre Prices Are Right.
'| Al Kinds of laundry work done on shor no
! toe n :
nd good work Prices napeon-
ork estied for and deliverad withoet
rege. Orders Hebeid's barber
tr the Beck
Blacksmith and H
Shoer. .
Repairing of Wagons, Fie. psatls and prompt.
iv done. Mining Tonls a
Ton Guaranteed
speciality. - Satisfae
PATTON, Cambria Co., Pa. |
~ P.P.Young & Bro.,
Bologna, Lard. I
Hotel, will moeetvs |
Patton, Pa.
Tailor Shop
Jorx YANER'S Building.
ing, Dying and Cleaning.
guarantse PERFECT
£3 fast
E. 4. SEVERIN, Prop'r.
; 1 W O > \
sree ty
Railroad NMreet and Mages Avems
" Particular attention paid to Mend-
FITS and:
FirstNation'I Bank
Patton, Cambria Co, P
CAPITAL PAID UP. $50,060.00.
Acevuinis af Carports
ais and Hanks reewived gen 1
5 3 Tn
rafts pannbie
er Woartd
Hows, §:
cities of Theo
_ix vee will Bay
& £
interest paid om {ime ile 2
A. E Parrox, - Wu H. Saxyurn,
President. Carhier
seam in
23 Years Experience
All Work Guaranteed to
-. Satisfaction Accord
and Spetifications
A gt %
\ra stoppin
Keller's Bakery
g at the ( ommercial Hotel:
-and Restaurant.
H. E. KELLER, Proprieter
Fifth Avenue,
Fresh Bread. :
pies, cakes,
And everything in the Bakery line al-
ways on hand at all thnes.
Meals servad at all hours and First-
class Lunch Counter in connection.
Tobacco, Cigars and Confectionery.
. Fresh Shell Oysters,
Shea Rs
Patton, Pa.!
Read the
| Patton
~ Send it to your friends at a dis- or
tance and they will thereby become 5
interested in the development of
Northern Cambria. =
When You Want
Patronize Your Home Printing Office. -
The COURIER is equipped with
all new type, new presses and a
practical and competent
man mm charge.
¢ neighborhood} =
3 the support of all =
advocating the interests of =
1 of the publishers «
than a
Tn -ie at]
mol = «1
: .
mage it :
ox Courier
and vou will be happy.
on orabout
h lst,
i 3
3 - +
: a cl hardware,
] ng and stear 1g
1 heatu
Pe Ttiven ¢
} 181€ TOON OC
tahrma ;
+X siiy Les
Pi eomiaaa
& Thomson.
[agee avenue
mucsur THE BEST Sc. CIGAR. ™™*%
OC FBisodes, job arket Street,
: Johmatown, Pay
The acove Cigar is for sale in Patton by 2 : ;
EY rE p