© placed on both tickets and it is the way. Patton Courier. a rt re rok Ties | for a Jong time been: agitating the eo- PATTON PUBLISHING co., Proprietors. | | actments of a grester New Yorke by an- | THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1904. JIE 6 She ce ther vitals cities | : AN IHPORTANT ELECTION. Next Tuesday the municipal elections will for the firet tire regularly elect gopeme will materialize during the borough officers. Two tickets have’ present. session. mains for the voterd to elect officers legislature, the towns of Northern Ili whom they desire to administer | nois and has for four years boasted of borough affairs. Patton la a progres | covering more pararie than any other, sive town and let us continue to keep city. Buffalo regularly agitates a sim- | it in advance of 2ll others of Northern ilar step and some day the. legislature Cambria. [It can be done without ex- tof New York will greatly enlarge the travagance or burdensom taxation. . city limits and the population. - Towns The names of good men have been are being enlarged all the time in that duty of the voter to study them care- ample. fully and make his selection conscien- tionsly. These ake nix o dix schoo! director fil board of to it and to each other were several each to elect w! hich is a condition that ‘ communities--so-called because they + will probably never again ocour in this were separated by cofporation lines. borough, hence special rare shoud be They were one community, literally, exercised to elect the very bes men and are now civilly named by the two parties and to elect After the great flood, when the valley who are most interested in Pat- was being rehabitaied, the several ton by reason of permanent interests. boroughs were incorporated into a city, was a borogh virtually controlled by The candidates are, perhaps, personally which is now the pride of the county ; known to every voter and thereforethe and one of the largest and most im- voter is better enabled to judge of the portant towns on the line of the Penn- fitness of éach for the position to which sylvania Central. The people are bet- . he aspires. By reason of the election ter sithated because their local inter- of full boards ahd the necessity for ests are identical in every particular, improvements the comming year the and after the experience of the few election is indeed importatant for Pat- years which have passed the number ton. The most important question, | who would favor a return to the however, before the people is the mat- | previous staté would not equal the! ter of schools. Ti is proposed o vote | Prohibition vote of the city. for or Against an issue of bonds atthe We think we can see for Patton a coming election, that the borough may piace in the northern end of the county have & school building, without which like that of Johnstown in the south Patton may not expect to be a progres- end. Some and the people have the children, who | Patton the annexation of five or «ix must be educated There are just two little communitics which are yet a few ways lo provide an adequate school miles away from the corporation lim- g for their education. One way its. The lines are going to expand . by. direct taxation, by which the: sometime and nearly touch Carroll- people living kere now will pay for a town and Hastings, and then thuse building in which to educate their own places and others around will want to ~ children as well as those who come in get under the Hig emt. : the future, when the taxpayers of to- : day have passed to their reward and a new generation will have taken their Ben Butler has been dead a number . places. The other plan, and the one Of years and many good snd bad BUTLER'S OPIN YON. proposed, is to vote for and suthorise | things have been said of him since his an issue of bonds. By this plan the demige, as were said of him while liv- _ taxpaye.s of the present will pay their Bg: He was a statesman, however, proportion and those who come here- ‘and like all great men his words and after, deriving equal benefits, will pay | deeds live after him. The following a | | will be of interest at this time: “Ben of twenty years a small part being : Butler in his youuger days was an on- paid each year, and thereby none wiil | compromising Democrat, and an feel s heavy burden. Plans for the | | ardent free trader. He inlerited his new building, costing not over seven ‘ Democracy from his father and im- thousand dollars, were accepted, con- Dibed his free trade sentiments from ditionally, and have been nublished in the books at college. Butler's mother the COURIER, hence people know just intended Ben for the ministry, and what kind of a scheol building they with this end in view he was sent to will have, providing the bond issue is Waterville college. Speaking of his suthorized. Vole for bonds snd vote college days he says, In the delightful fot the bust men on both tickets, regard- | ‘book which he has left to posterity: less of perty, and Patton will continne 2 my third year at school I gave otc plugruive town 3 with an hon- more attention to the college course. ost These studies were more congenial The text hooks interested me. Way- FIRS WHERE THERE'S SMOKE. If the old saying is true that there De a free trader, as do all such college - must be some fire where there is much text books teach students. These smoke, the people of Northern Cam- doctrinal text books would be perfect bria and Indiana county may expect to did all nations stand in all respects up- reap some benefit in the comparative- On a common level, bat as they do ly near future through an extension of Dot, the teachings as applied to states- the Beech Creek system or its allies. | Haut We a witiew = they are ‘The newspapers and people have been et oe talking, talking, talking; much at ran-, “° ve very highest respect for . dom, of course, and somewhat plausib- the learned professors of colleges, but ly. Among the latest of these com- _ ments is the following from the Marion | | they always remind me of a recluse old independant: . “The latest rumor in regard to the children.” ” extension of the Beech Creek road through this county is that they are ' now contemplating going down Crook- ed Creek. An engineer was out at the latter part of last week taking the elevation of the summits at Decker's IT wis reported that a meeting of Point and at Spencer's, just east of this the mine workers and operators of - place, to see what could be done. The this section wias held at Altoona, Tues former, which would lead down day and Wednesday. The Covmiem - Rayne’s run to the creek, wis pro- was informed by good authority that nounced unfavorable, but the latter, it was only & meeting of the United which would pass through this place Mine Workers of this district, and down Pine ran, was reported very | favorable. It is said enginecl® will be | put on the route soon. Some are of the | opinion that this is a move to connect with the Turtle Creek rond and gain a ' good entrance to Pittsburg. Monday, that metropolis. may weil be called the windy city. Industrial Intelligence. rk was resumed yesterday ire, O., steel mill. The strikers at the Girard stove - works in Youngstown, O., will resume _ “The coal leases which : Re work to-day at the old wages. on Crooked Oreck some time ago are The miners at Cannelton, Pa., have expiring and parties are now at work accepted 14 cents per ton reduction renewing the leases, offering $50 per greed upon by the Columbus conven- tion. - INI Tis Joma, years, with ; interest from date of lease. We are The rolling mill at Piqua, O., which Wi informed that the cash is also offered at ‘has not run steadily for the past six a much nearer date, but the price is months, resumed work yesterday, giv- 5 less.” : ; ; , ing 3000 men steady empioyment. i The Erie railroad has laid off 50 fire- Do Nor tail to vote at the municipal men and nearly as many brakemen on ‘election and vote for the best interests the second and third divisions and more "of the community. THE STORM area shifted from Wash- | {1s the cause. The acceptance of the 50-cent rate for ington Monda, and was pretty well | > distribut mony try. ' coal mining in the Hocking Valley is ptt efi, | conditional upon a corresponding re- THE SNOW STORM of the first of this duction house rest, tool-sharpening, ‘week blockaded railroads and the ac- | ete., by the operators. ~ companing wind did considerable dam-| The operatives of the Washington ~ age throughout the county, but it is an mills at Lawrence, Mass, have struck ill wind that blows no one good. The | jon a proposed reduction in wages. If ~ lumbermen will appreciate the cold | | the strikers refuse to return to work in wave, aud accept the blizzard without 'a week or two the mill will shut down $omplaining. | indefinitely. of Brooklyn, Jersey City, Hoboken, | and sometimes, it is thought, Albany. A bill of that description passed the house last week and there is a pros- of the comty will be ‘held and Patton | pect that - the brilliant metropolitan | Chicago did succeed | been pluced in the field and it now re-| be : i. jl AmvieiSE ly thie uid Of ie ‘ap. from here on Munday and Tuesday This county affords an: ex A few years ago Johnstown. stineilmen and the Cambria jron company, and joined | and politically. time the Cor RIER will see sive town.. We have the people here that it is expedient to advocate for, from an exchange, concerning Butler, land’s Political Economy taught me to when they are out. to talk on politics, | maid lecturing on how to bring up WITH THE WIND Sowig ot 80 miles an hour in Chicago, as was the case. . will have to go. Light freight business Our Season; Pabraney 1, 1904. The pupils of the Grammar grade had a vacation on Monday and Tues: day. 3 cess. The hall although one of the: ‘largest in the county, was filled to ite utmost capacity. Waiter Perry was home from Ebens- burg on a visit Saturday and Sunday. Several sleighing parties were made ‘evenings. They report having a good time. : M. J. Cramer is home from Pittsburg, where he has been attending college. The pupils of the public schools of this place, under the direction of Mr. Hipps, principal, are organizing = literary society and will make their debut before the public on Prides night. The meetings will be held in the hall. An invitation is extended to all. Doors open at 7.30. 8PM : Dave Cramer, town this week. Exercises at of Gallitzin, is in . Took Arsenic. Saddie L. Garris, of Blairsvil'e, half an ounce of arsenic Thursdy ¢ ‘ing with suicidal intent. Antidotes were promptly given by Dr. W. RR ook Yen- Miller and everything possible done to save her life, but to no avail und the girl died Ssturday evening. Coroner Miller was notified and held an inquest, when it was revealed that a criminal operation had been attempted without ,csuse. It is said that two young men, who have left the town, are implicated in the case, and the jury adjourned for ‘two weeks, when a thorough inves gation will be made. The girl was only 17, and it is said this was the third attempt she had made on her life. — Marion Centre Independent. Electric Cary for Lock Haven, Mr. E. C. Carr, of Jersey City, representing a firm of contractors ‘who pat in trolley slectric street lines, was in the city last Wechwsday N. J. iT c 5 { cate the children of said and had a conference with the gentle: men who received a charter some time ago for an electric street railway from this city to Miil Hall. Mr. Carr is familiar with this section and says it " would be a paying inv estment to run a trolley road between the two places. He stated that he had offered liberal inducenients to the company, thus far received no definite ; answer. - Lock Haven Express. School Report. ter school, Carroll township, ‘month ending February 12 ‘Whole number enrolled, boys ! 20, total 47. Average attendance dur ing month, boys 33, girls 16, total 39. Per cent. of attendance, boys 8%, girls 84, total 88. Following are names of pupils who were perfect in attend- ance: Annie Strittmatter, Peter Stritt- matter, Walter Bortman, Edward Short, Benedict Ovembeérger, “harles Ovemberger, Frank Fox. 1884. A. H. Swory, Teacher. Killed in the Woods. Thomas Rager, a well known aad prosperous farmer of Jackson Town- ship, was killed in the woods a short distance from his home on Friday by a log which rolied off his sled and passed over his body. time, and the first intimation his young wife had of the terrible misfortune was - when ber husband failed to return at the usual time in the evening. . A regularly. For Sale. Eighty call boxes; 3 bronze front ete.,, making a complete outfit for a postoffice in a town of 1,000 inbabitanta. Will be sold at your own price : Fa A. MELLON, otf Patton, Pa. Try Magic drops for pain, internal and external. Guaranteed by C. Hodgkins, druggist, Patton, Pa. f Adamant Plaster © in the Gives a first-class wall a moderate ex- pense. Is the best fire-resisting plaster. Always ready for use in any season. Does not hold gases or disease germs Is the par excellence for patching. Can be papered as soon as dry. Is recommerded by al the leading Architects who ve used it in . this country and England. Will give you a solid wall: Of itself will not crack, shrink swell or bat had Following is the report of Strittmat- - for the nus 17, girls ; Parents are requested to send toéir children more He was alone at the searching party found him near his team, cold in death. — Hastings Tribune. . lock boxes; counter, delivery windows . WW, x Will not cleave off when used as di-- rected, evem in case of leakage. ‘Will give yom a warm house. Does not ruin woodwork by loading ; it with moisture. : Admits of carpenters following. plas- terers in a few days. Is capable of every variety of finish. 82 Used on the Palmer House, Good Building, Hotel Beck, Hotel Patton, C. C. L & L Co office, Patton Opera, house, M. X- Ghureh, and on more than one-half of the plastered. houses and store rooms of Also the Catholic Church St. August- ine. For prices and information, write ADAMANT PLASTER CO., Patton, Pa., Lock Box 345. far dewars We. See us PaTroN SvprLy Co.-12tf Notice of Election. WaEREAS--The Borough of Patton i The fair on the 3rd. was a grand sue- being withoat adequate school dle 0 and, ings to accommodate and WHEREAS, It is not possible to se- care necessary school accommodations from present property valuations by taxation. Thefore be it ResorLvep. 1st... That the School Board of Patton borrow a sum of money for building rposes. not to exeeed $10 000, on g pur of said Bor- ough bearing interest at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum. Said bonds to he redeemable at option of said Bor ongh after five vears: and pavable in ) years from date of isene That this’ proposition be to. the elec iors o their assent at the regular spring elec- tion, erties hi, 1R84 \teest J 2 Dans, sribmittad NOONAN, President. B J PF. McKENRICK.- ~ Attars er vif { Gunse ar a LEARE Eng LE EN PP A. NERIH Will sriend 1 nll BDOsitbees With renters res and deity. Offewe « ppouite the Mas WAL DAVIS, — Attorney and Counselor fitain House, it Las, RENSBURG, PA. NORMAL ; CaMeria COUNTY, Schoo! will open Monday, - April (X84, for a term of ten weeks All different branches will be taught. : Pror. GE. Hires, Write {or circulars, oto. Principal. M. Xx CRAIN, PLANTERER angd CONTRACTOR, 1, the Patton, Walnot Ron, Spangler, and Hustings, ADAMANT | phastering a spociacly Estima Rinds of ark M. M CHAINS Patton, Pa. i McNEEL, BARBER AND HAIR DRESSER, ead he iE $ D ou Fiver on ail Mwy arin £ i BEI HE penis, Shampoo HOTEL PATTON, E A. MELLON, Prop'r. The oldest hotel in Patton. Lately remodeled, enlarged and refitted throughout. Tables and bar supplied in first-class styie id. Cifflee HARRY Mor RMICK, M.D Puy SICIAN AND =r RGBOX, PATTON, PA. i Jooew” Rul "tng. an Migee Avenue, asi of Fifth Ceifiew Dosis from ANB to 3000 «ML and THD pW F. W. BITTNER. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. ne Sw Frtimates submitted on hort notices, PATTON, PENNA, FIFTH AVENUE RESTAURANT, I. R. SNYDER, Prop'r, Fifth avenue, below. Beck's Hotel, good meals at all hours. Keeps evervihing to tee fiat in a fAnstelass. restadmnt OVsiers served inevery sivie, We make a specially OYSTERS IN THE HALF SHELL. AU GUST K. HU BER, STONE MASON. all kinds of waak tn omy Loire Ren wind Malian tion THE We ethos rsd 1 taratond. Exive me a ondl M- HAFFEY Hw SE Mahaffey, Clearfield Co, Pa. Ae A firsieclnss, Hest od Lo wh lnir, Sabing attac ea. GEORGE FERGUSON, Prop'r: ait Wines at mf MR. EDITOR. 1 1) VIN DEAR SIR:— be kind enough to this space vacant uatil fur-- ther notice, as I -have more signs now than I can fulfill orders for. = And Oblige, Yours Respectfully, EUREKA PAINTING CO., D.H.C. % Manager. fg —— first. | * Patton. Borough for’ SCHOOL 9-1y | HE la ix will serve ur ease leave y ne oie LE Be oped a a dm A PATTON, PENNA. JUST OPENED. [Largest and Finest House in Cambria. New and Elegant Fur niture. Throughout. Large parlors and bed rooms. Baths and Closets. Steam Heat. Hot And Cold Water. Tables Supplied: with Ev ery thing dhe’: Market Affords. RATES $2.00 PER DAY. J. M. ROBINSON, Pro's. i imma E verbody is cordially invited to call and see our iarge stock : bods which are offered for sale at our store AT A REASONABLE PRICE. It will be our constant effort to supply the wants of all our customers and keep a good class of goods to select rom. We have a full | line of | ow 5000S, BOOTS AND SHOES, GAGERIES, And every thing kept in a firstclass general store. We make a specialty of the best grades of FLOUR, - FEED, - HAY, GRAIN, - ETC, A large assartment of CARPETS, OIL CLOTH, MAT. TING, Etc., kept on hand. Also QUEENS, WARE, DISHES and TINWARE. : is of Shelf Hardware kept on hand. : os rouble to show goods. = Come in “and look around. Respec ctfully. - GEO. S. GOOD, _ Patton, Pa._ “3 Wi S AVER i AY A . A Ls [ Is always Popular with the Masses This is the reason J. R. CORNELIUS * Is-the most popalss place to buy Furniture. He can and does save the people money in the purchase of goods. A full line of Furniture of all kinds. Bed Room Suits, Palor Suits, Carpets, Window Shades and a large line of House Furnish: mg G Hoods 1 in general. 1 king in all its branches Magee Ave., PATTON, PA.