The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 08, 1894, Image 8

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~The Strutter Has Roundless Concelt—The
Woman Who Steps With Painful Accu-
racy—Ah, Here Comes the Man with
Steady Tread und Manly Carriage.
It is Plutarch who says that “An ac-
tion of small note, a short saying or jest
will distinguish a person's real character
more than the greatest sieges or the
most important battles,” and Lavater,
the father of physiognomy, declares that
po man csn set a glass upon 8 table
without betraying to a certain extent
his individuality. True, no doubt, but
one must have the keen vision, the well
‘trained eye, in order to interpret these
- mystic signs. The indications of char-
acter as exhibited in the walk of a per-
gor, however, are patent to every be-
holder acd may be deciphered by the
most untutored, the least astute. ;
©. Sit by your window some fine morn-
* . ing and watch the men and women as.
they pass to their varied avocatioms.
Take, for example, t
proaching. His chin is elevated to gn
angle of 20 degrees, a sel! important
frown corrugates his brow, a complacent
rather than walks. Need I point him
out as a man of boundless conceit, of
monumental brags, of colossal gall? His
amisbility is imperturbable, for one who
is absolutely self satisfied is apt to take
an indulgent view of the warld at large.
His faith in himself is limitless. No
traitorous feeling of self distrust will
éver cause his failure. He will under-
take without the slightest misgiving
what a man of ten times his ability would
hesitate to attempt. His success in life
is assured, and yet one cannot help feel
ing that
found to spring from defects rather than
The dress of the weman coming just
behind him is arranged with mathemat-
“jeal exactness. The placing of each pin
has been a matter of special care. Her
© lips are compressed, her hands clasped
“primly before her, her steps are ‘taken
with painful accuracy; there is not a
bairbreadth’s difference in the length of
" them. If you follow her to her home}
you will find that the same scrupulous
ness prevails in the disposition of every-
thing about her. The furniture is ar-
there is not a pin out of place in her
burean drawers, and the jars upon her
“pantry shelves are marshaled like sol-
diers on parade. She will accomplish -
no great work in life, however. Sheiss
procisionist and spends her time labori--
ously doing nothing. And. also, take
care of this woman. She is absolutely
uncompromising, and all about her must
be lopped off or. stretched oat to fit the
stean ides of order which exists in
her own mind. . :
But don't—you who are in search of a
. wife—{all into the opposite error of choos
ing aa a life companion the girl with the
frouzy bead, the skirt of whose dress
dips in points, whose gait is careless,
who swings her rms as she walks. She
- is generous, warm hearted, good natur-
ed, p of noble traits, but con-
fusion, with sll its hideous train of evils,
follows in her wake. One foresees for
-ber an untidy,
ular, {ll arranged meal
badly governed children.
chaotic household, irreg-
1f her husband
strong man, he will sizaply be supremely
wretched and uncomfortable. If not,
his ambition will be paralyzed, his dis-
tion ; be will escape the phys-
. means in his power and perhaps drown
the recollection of them in drink. :
‘The man with the shuffling, uncertain
gait, whose steps seem to be directed
no guiding power within, is weak -
ed. There is nothing which more surely
betrays feebleness of intellect than the
-walks¢ And be of the awkward gait, the
restiess manner, the furtive glance, is
the morbidly self conscious man, who
cannot for a woment divest himself of
~ the sense of being observed; who lives,
* 80 to speak, under a glass case. And he
~ of the soft, cautious tread, who givesyou
the impression of crenping upon some
* object as a cat creeps up upon a bird, is
feline in his nature. He is not to be
-grusted; he is treacherous; every faculty
of his mind is poised for a spring.
Let me commend to your confidence
the man just coming into view—the man
with the earnest eye, the manly carriage,
the firm tread, who walks witl. simple,
straightforward directness, as if toward
some given point. He is “stable in all
his ways.” He has as distinctly defined,
well considered purpose in life, toward
the attainment of which he advances
with unswerving steadfastness, never
turning to the right or the left, never
allowing himself to be drawn into by-
paths, no matter how alluring. His vic-
tory is assured, his success merely a ques
tion of time. Hy
And so might one multiply types ad
infinitum, for the variety in mankind is
limitless. Nor is it to be wondered at
that the characteristics of mien and wom-
_en exhibit themselves in the gait, for
the motive power, the propelling force
is from within.
Ir his account of Cataline, Sallust,
the great master of nature, has not for-
gotten to remark that ‘his walk was
now quick and again slow,” as an indi-
. cation of a mind revolving with vielent
emotions, —Fuiladelphia Times. ;
- No Danger of a Salt Famine.
~The amonnt of salt in the sea waters
of the globe, if extracted, would be greater
in mass than the land, so far as it appears
above the surface. The seas cover 73 per
cent of the earth's surface, estimated at
9,260,000 (German) square miles. The
percentage of chlornatrinm in the sea is
the same at all depths. Assuming that
the average depth of the sea is a half
© (German) mile, there are then 3,400,000
enbic miles of sea water, A cubic mile of
sea water contains on the average about
95 kilograms of salt. The 8,400,000 cubic
miles of séa water would therefore con
©. talib 85,000 cubic miles of distilled purs
‘salt. —From the German.
) _ afterward he himself
smile plays about his mouth, he struts
if traced to its roots it would be
with rectangular ‘ exactness,
happens to be a strong, an exceptionally
discomforts of his situation by every
A Bluff That Was Called Down In s Mest
Humilisting Manner.
The following story is told of Timothy :
Coffin, who was for a long time judge of
the New Bedford district: When a very
young man, he was retained in a case of
sufficient importance to bring out almost
every resident of the town, so that
the little New Bedford courthouse was
packed when court was opened that
morning. Coffin had been secured as
counsel by the defendant. Although it
was his first attempt in open oourt, he
had made little or no preparation, think-
ing that he could get through somehow
or other when the time came. Thus,
into court that morning, he was greatly
surprised, and no less agitated, to see the
big crowd and realize the wide publio
when the counsel for the defendant came
interest in the trial at hand. He saw
that he had looked upon the cese too
lightly. The prosecution was strong,
and ha had made not even a slight prep-
aration. :
To lose the case meant the loss of a
hoped for repmtation.. Could he afford to
commit this blunder by displaying his
out of it? These were a few of the ques-
tions that are known to have flashed
through the young lawyer's head, for
told of the awfanl
perplexity of the hour. Being a shrewd
inventor, be devised a plan. As soon as
the court had been called to order and
the crier had said his little say he arose
and asked for a postponement of the
“fixed tariff of prices for everything .
——— “
- oo —-—
On wings that glitter as they rise;
So blue are they, so akyey clear, :
Unequaled bliss their beaming brings
For now I think of one most dear,
Whose tyes are bright as biuebird's wings.
From covert groves glides forth a trill
Of wild birds singing iustily,
Yet while | list my thonghkte will still
Seek her who is most dear to me,
For. ob. her soft and soothing voice
Sounds merrier than the leaping throng
Of waters when spring rifls rejoice
Rs music mates the iinmet’'s song.
Upon a bourgeoned white birch broad
Cd gambols apry and fleet,
- Until, by my rude spr pl awed,
She higher mounts ¢7 hasty feet:
And as she bounds without a fall
From lower limbs 10 limbs above
Her agile motions well recall
© The fiske-light footfalls of my love.
. ~Maaurice W. Casey in Boston Pilot.
3 Advice From a Kisg.
Kabarega. the negro king of Unyoro,
in Central Africa, is a man who rules his
subjects with arod of iron. Like all ty-
rants, he regulates their smallest actions,
and a host of spies inform him of any
jgriorance of the case? How could heget | disobedience to his commands,
Among other things, he has made a
bought or sold in his country. and every
deviation from it is severely punished.
trial, on the ground that he had just re-.
ceived 8 announcing the sad-
den and fatal illness of his mother, who
resided at Nantucket.
from the lips of young Coffin,
when an elderly woman quietly arose in
the balcony of the courtroom and gave
atterance to these werds, ‘Timothy,
Timothy, how many times have I chas-
tised thee for lying?’ :
Timothy recognised the sound of that
voice only too well. It was that of his
mother. This being Timothy's first pub-
lic case, the old lady bad secretly come
up to New Bedford to see how well ber
son would do. Her presence was of
‘course totally unknown to him. The
further developments need not be record- |
‘ed here. Suffice it to say that Timothy
"Coffin in after years made sure that his
escuses would not bs thrown back at
him by any member of his own family.
—Boston Herald.
Profits In Champagne.
The returns sre enormous whem &
brand of champagne is firmly estab-
lished, but it is slow and laborious work
to build up s demand for a new wine.
pularizes a brand
| for dry wines some 15 years ago was
. cansed by a remark of the Prince of
Wales, made casually in the conrse of an |
| ‘after dinner chat. It wag immediately
| ponnced upon by the manufacturers of
requires continual effort to maintain the
‘popularity of » wine. There must be no
flagging. ;
Brands that were in great demand a
_ few years ago are now dropping out of
: sight. Only a few hundred cases are
sold annually. Others have come to the
An instance of this is given by Vita Has-
san in his book about Emin Pasha and
the Equatorial Province. vo
About a month after Hassan's arrival
in Unyoro he bought a fowl and paid 30
cowries for it, while the market price
All kinds of laundry work done on short po-
{ire and good work pam nteed, Prices reasen-
able. Work called for and delivered without
‘extra charge. Orders left at ‘s barbe
shop, opposite the Beck Hotel, will receive
prompt attention. = *
SEE. |
P. P. Young & Bro., -
: cates Retail Dealer in
was only 25. In that part of Africa it.
takes aboat 230 cowries to make $1.
| Soon afterward a dragoman of the king
_ ful henceforth in your purchases—never
to give for anything more than it is
dry wines, the world was informed of it’
and their success was assured. But it
front with remarkable strides, and their
sales run up in the thousands. Asmany
as 80,000 cases of a certain brand have
been sold in this country in one year ats
net profit to the agent of not less than
$400,000. Such a statement is enough to
make a young man giddy.—New
“Tribune. :
| Dress of Short Women.
Women who are short must avoid
‘much trimming on their skirts, be
they stout or slender, as they are
shorter in proportion from the waist to
the feet, writes Emma M. Hooper,
in an article on *Gowns For the New
Year,” in The Ladies’ Home Journal.
For the same reason they mast omit
wearing large plaids and designs.
full portions of the waist must be mod-
crate in size, as tbe sleeves, bertha,
belt and vest. The short, wide revers
now worn are becoming, also round
‘waists and short, pointed basques. Jack-
et fronts are in good taste, but the um-
brella back basques give a short figure
a cut off appearance, as do tiny capes,
while a close fitting jacket adds ap-
parently several inches. Materials
anust be selected with a view to making
the wearer look taller.
A Juvenile Pessimist.
Jeremiah, who is 12 years old, is al-
ready a confirmed pessimist. Among the
things he continually grumbles about are
‘his Jead pencils, which never have points,
and to sharpen which he always has to
borrow a knife of some schoolmate. :
* “Why don’t you have a knife of your
own, Jerry?’ one of the boys asked.
“(rot mo pockets to keep it in,” said
Je i
“If I had one I'd have a hole in it.”
“Well, even then you wouldn't be any
worse off than yon are now.” :
“H'm! Yes, Ishonld. If I had a pock-
st'n a hole in it I never'd have anything
to lose through it.” ;
Jerry sighed deeply and went on whit-
“tling his pencil with the du!l blade of the
other boy's knife.-- Lewiston Journal.
Progressive Dinner Parties,
Progressive dinner parties are finding
plenty of admirers in Be “If the
gir] you take in is slow, all you Lave to
“dois to take your wine glasses, your
broad and your napkin gnd go to other
fields. The worst of it is yon ean stay
but one ¢
ty aud interesting girl,” is the way one
who has tried it puts the case.—Boston
He (to the matrimonial agent)—I've
married that! rich lady you engaged
for me, but she won's give me any mon-
e py y : : ;
Matrimenial Agen: And what could
yon ask better? Nob only have you a
rich wife, © also .a prudent one.—
London Tit-Bits. :
“Then why don’t you have a pocket”
“pations and therefore art called em-
had the words of this appeal sppeared and brought ‘back 5 cowries,
with the message:
“A fow] costs only 25 cowries, while
you have given 30. The seller has done
wrong. and the king will punish him,
but he sends to you the advice to be care-
worth, first of all in your own interest,
and next to this in order not to disturb
the market.” — Youth's Companion.
An Intevesting Predicament.
A man who lives in a flat niear Central
park recently had a peculiar experience.
A couple of deaf mutes rented an apart-
ment underneath his own and were
blessed in due season by the arrival of a
bouncing baby with an excellant pair of
longs. At night the little one woke up
' nearly the entire house by its cries, but
throngh all of it the parents slept until
the tenant above, at the solicitation of
bis wife, went down stairs and fairly
forced an entrance. The deaf and domb !
_ couple resort to many ingenious devices
to overcome the disadvantages under
which they labor. They. are unable to
bear their doorbell, so they have ar-
ranged a pie of colored paper upon
the gong in such a way that the paper
flutters when the bell rings. By keep
ing s watchful eye on the bell they are
able to receive their visitors promptly,
brit their inventive genins has not as yet
devised a scheme to indicate the baby's
distress 4% night. — New York Mail and
Mrs. Romney's Water Cooler.
" The Colorado journalist, Mrs. Rom-
pey, has patented, among several other
articles, a water cooler which does not
require ice. It is a covered receptacle,
of cellular brickware, manufactured of
-elay, sawdnst and asbestus fiber. In
the process the sawdust .is burned out,
leaving the product cellular, ur porous.
The receptacle, with the water to ba
kept cool within, stands in a tray of
- galvanized iron; which holds water toa
depth of two or three inches. By reason
of the porosity of the cooler and the foree
of capillary attraction, the water in
the tray constantly rises through the
cellular walls of the receptacle, and is
‘as constantly evaporated —- thereby keap-
ing the water inside as cool as it is nsu-
ally draven from a well or spring.-—Den-
ver Letter. lg
The Emperor and the Pirate.
Alexander the Great was about topass:
sentence of death on a noted pirate, but
previously asked him, “Why dest thou
trouble the seas? : :
“Why,” rejoined the raver boldly,
“dost thon trouble the whole world? I,
with one ship, go in quest of solitary ad-’
venture and am therefore called pirate.
Thou, with a great army, warrest againat
peror. Sir, there is no difference be-
twixt us bat in the name and means of
doing mischief.”
Alexandér, so far from being dis
pleased with the freadom of the culprit,
was so impressed with the force of his
appeal that he dismissed him unpun-
ished. —Sala’s Journal. ’
New York Women Officiala.
Eighty-five women were nominated
« for school rommissioner in the late can-
irse when you strike the pret-
‘litical Equality party 1.
vass in New York and fonr were elect-
ed. The Republicans nominated eight.
the Democrats 30, the Prohibitionists
2, the People’s Party 42 and the Po-
The list of
women corimissioners is increased by
one over last year.
The French have long been tamous for
their riddles, but it was an English fam-
ily who lived in. such an atm=phere of
puzzledom that on the husband inquir-
ing in excited accents of his wife, “Why
is that door always left open? she took
on a reflective air, and after a moment's
musing answered, “1 give it up.”
A young man advertised fora wife, and
his sister answered the advertisement;
and the voung man thinks there is ne
balm in advertisements and the old peo-
ple think it is pretty hard to have two
fools in one family. :
It was an old bachelor who said that
he never read the women's corner in his
paper. although be was something of a
women scorner himself, :
- No representation of the face of a man
was ever. staiuped on a coin until after
the death of Alexander the Great, who
was regarded as a divinity.
' Fifth Avenue,
Bologna, Lard, Etc
Patton, Pa.
Tailor Shop
+ JoHN YANER'S Building.
Particular attention paid to Mend-
ing, Dying and Cleaning.
' gor 1 guarantee PERFECT FITS and
Keller's Bakery
and Restaurant.
H. E. KELLER, Proprietor.
Fresh Bread,
i ar A
Patton, Pa.’
If Not, Why Not.
We undoubtedly have the very finest and
hr Pt eet a ee A A lA EA, A FC
La gi ai is i AR
‘best line of Gents’ Furnishing Goods ever
brought to the town of Patton and not only Fis
the best, but we can sell at the al
We are generally acknowledged as THE LEADERS in > ee
everything kept in a first-class Clothing Store and we can tw
show you goods with the greatest of pleasure. We makeita 8
‘point to treat every person alike and offer the same priceto
all See our Large Stock of
Shoes, Rubbers, Etc.,
This isn’t all; We will sell all our
Overcoats at Cost
Yours For a Square Deal,
Pies, Cakes,
And everythin in the Bakery line al- |
ways fresh and on hand at all times.
ealr served at all hours and First.
‘class Lunch Counter in connection.
Tobacco, Cigars and Confectionery.
Fresh Shell Oysters,
w=" Prices Are Right.
Have You Read
The Tires,
This Morning?
THE TMES is the most extensively
circulated and widely read newspaper
published iu Pennsylvania. [ts dis
cussion of public men and public
measures is in the interest of public
integrity, honest government and
_ prosperous industry, and it knows
no party or personal allegiance in
treating public issues. In the br yadd-
~ est and best sense a family and gen-
era! newspaper. :
is reserved by A. M. Thomas.
who will on or about
March .1st
open a first-class cedar
plumbing and steam heating
estsblis} ment in the room oc- ;
cupied vy Wolf & Thomson,
Magee avenue.
THE TIMES aims to have the largest
circulation by deserving it, and
claims that it is unsurpassed in all the
ecventials of a great metropalitan
newspaper. Specimen copies of any
edition will be sent free co any one
sending ‘their address, :
TERMS -DarLy, $8.00 per
§1.00 for four months: 30 cents per
month; delivered by carriers for 8
cents per week. SUNDAY EDITION,
twenty-four large, handsome pages
168 columns, elegantly illustrated,
$2.00 per annum; 5 cents per copy.
Daily and Sunday, $.0¢ per annum;
50 cents per month. Weekly Editiou,
50 cents per annum.
Address all letter to
OF Sictier, Jobe, Maret Steet,
Johnstown, Pm.
n Patton by
"The above Cigar is for sole