EE A ad YLYANIA RajLiish IN PFPYCT ( the % § v 2 if and ifrives A to that #ient, amd the train It was al- : ; : Bult: If tha road is class A IAL DESTROYERS. that sise is Smid Hd, Se ii anlocking of “LASGOW WAYS. NOW 3 ee Loans machinery, 20 tons of {freight 8 Cea, I now than the world TION THAT WAR WiLL SOON BE IMPOSSIBLE. on Will Ge to War ‘With Sach Ter- a Instroments of Staunghter and De. straction—Possihilities In Aerial Fhips " of a Naval Ofmecer. [Special WW asurvai between smsiblo,” ~ ficer of tha 1 gp.anation of Li mead wl S1¥%3 § vy ness tions hn tious that { 3 der thoir « thelr wor Copies fn of oar vn i sant ¥ fraport ITS iE. He EARS tice are tad 5 pez . Harlo:ah's Prophecy. «But from vit is knswn -peritents now being carried « and other coaniries, eitbor. ag goveruine u's or by individual no hesitation in saying that 10 ‘hence the I. iil be in existence a ie- Mroyer that avill maka wir impossible, FOF Ln t go tow Ang its ren st eities tion ar rl fie pe ple t vw HG ter. The new peace bringin: sail in the air. The terrible ¢ ROH depicted in that work of theimiagination. | sHartmian, the Anarchist, Dostroving London,’ which was published last erm mer in an English periodical, wiil be realized in actuality. We are nearer to thinks. Experi "ments have been made in this and other countries secretly which prove beyond a shadow of doubt that in cose of necessi- ty an acrial ship can be constructed that will destroy London or any olher vity in the world with which the United States may be at war. This aerial destroyer does nob niece. arily ocd 10 be capable © of navigating the air, though serial nav ion for Dayal 3 not, for commercial pees is near at haw 4, A Pre a s Juvention. Tt is an open secrat here in naval cir- eles that if Aduiiral Meiloand his fello - revolutionis! % of the Bleazilian republic a bad snfficient means at their dispos- al they could have sectired the services of an aerial destroyer that wonld hive placed Ricand the Brazilian government T Som pletely at their mercy. A canpany stood ready to eonstruet for them such a , Qevien, uid the plats awn, The } fveraor of the gystemiis a Frene “amped Do Mag 5 haa for a lon “time boenar Hide rusted rein to the rerfertion of B¥EivLl ul ; fonght to secure i capital necessary for ity periostion 1a ft was thers that be wade hig 1cistake. - Not in BO years, if ever, is there any prospect of gucesssfal serial navication from a com mercial point lev. If bad from the £0 bavok to the eonviruct navi! warfare the flats now of the ex- | <n in thi a rn yours Fast Wil % w ar ¢stbject absoin destrae- Farry, Lath 51a yas iow i» Wine fal BINA ho damtvap TF EDCIGY, ae 0 vy SUCCEHS. ies of Coanlinstion. He Proposes plinary sense of at i laminat- ir, and that a i was will rise Hninaisne Hinng ailie Las of i i 3 5 = Le En 1d DTH E Nit * £33 $n i ARR on : 15 som not a bail the torn. ing goo 3 Hght body fled wi ing is lizhior than “even hydrogen, and will rise so miach the more easily. Therifore instia gas he uses a vacunm-—not a portent 4 or even spprosimutely perfect vacunm, ore of about Thor 80 dtm sp heres, Mule is Lotoustruct a's Or ves Hg enough to Eve hee air pum from it abil to resist atmospheric pr gure of eight or te side DET Sar inch and yet light ¢ ci to be Lifted in - the atmosphere by virtoe of the whois ‘mass being lighter than, the gir which i it displaces. De Bausset had this all worked out. “By employ ing a lighs steel framesand the best steck one forty-four of RR 15h 1 ness hs cosiG doi the vessel would have to be yore Tare: gome 600° or 00 feet long and 100 or more feet iu diameter, This would muke it larger in bulk than one of our biggest ocean steamers, which sre 640 feet long, but only ahout 65 feet deep and broad. HY h ¥ Had fas, or Pin i Tow dle & i» plating ix Fudadlis It was necessary to make the airship as 0 mike & float thats! large as this in order above the enrth, on the | - Jarger your vessel, of w hatever shape— _ spherical, cylindrical or conical — the . greater itz contents in proportion to the amount of materials used in its constru. - tion. ‘Ibis 1s conveniently illustrated by the fact that a globe 10 feet in diameter bas a superficial area of] 314 square feet ~ and contents of only 514 cubic feet, while a globe 15 feet in diameter has an area only 707 square feet and has contents of 1,800 eubic feet. i ae . Cumbersome ani Costly. Bausset's vessel as planned by ‘was so large, cumbersome and cost- yd that investors Ww ould} Et look at it. At hringinle etd -——_ . of the air. al of | mere butchery ¢ together too bnlky—av reritable leviathan new pos gibili nat the ] wonderinl metal which people hink it,in the bnilding ree tn play Al Bat a HT rieed, £11 has where a th section the «ar FAT just been conniry bicement enon ihe Lords x ¥ deste ible i ossibil thes His enn he navi- . i. beg tev} Its Ter: SONAR TR-litnt ; tarnac of Lis new fivi = wwe all, Wiese acl I tiv F. ng nd, show thal with a ki need pe we re LL BeTGD be ables to storm. Wis ship will hiv er, kt willl & fair weather crafr, pure and simple, But for ofensay fo owe SRY ad dle ‘Bansaet principle for use at The meré fact that was within b power to utilize a fair day fav Er ; ity n chip | i to 1m RUIreniuor « So it would i ; ploy an aerial 5 wip Tir defense of the oot New Yeark. Oar craft mizht not perfectly navidade, parocnlarly so (ast adverse winds. af We 3 ‘ favorable mon flor our a upon the fleet of the encuay bay or ont«ide of Laas: ing an attuck ep the difficuiti=s wou creased, imaginatm | sending such deck of one of stolen under the Engzieh capital as possible, apd of reaching the niark with a few terrible ‘shots of dynamite. A Hazardous Enterprise. “When we remneiaber that a very aerial vessel, ¢vén a cuinmon f silk and inflated with illami- made of a jzas, can carry a saf- i @ to seal shelt i tx tea ] » A 30 BAVEL War Ira Ht “fk i a Toi : Yar A PRE L iii it in at ait 2 Eis Nie NL 8 OW ¥ «1 With Zynamite wos FELT ITI Tus Yih da i + [siand. In pak London of Bua: withont any si t can pee the possibility alr eraft up from uricruisers, which had small tall nating or Lydroge ficient quantity of explosive to destroy a fleet of ermsers, the wonder is greawr progress has not been made ni the direction of serial warfare. In the operation of these war engines of the fn- tare there is sare to be much risk The men wiih sail these eral will ir boat that 1:8 toile, De Lie AP «¥, Wy On £ } canng of the dari Shiedr Hive “sir nv Trey will taks br li 1 wii Lsangerous tLe # ii nd idk TTT Ne fond to “Knowing “Nn /LCCE > ieciing 1 ti vial tae has in direction aerial explosive ti wr naval off ing iv mind that peehiags on whic has be 1 ACY Hpiisne 4 we ks BOSE z of, Lre pres «11 10 vars the great will bio fyadiaii row TETRA 33h grad Feat ney Jo Wer of Lhtl | deseriptiog, yw oigy sna When poarag t ents of t tire TR Sar 5 an «1d x ainchy guerrillanations, savages and. individcals, War knew it will exist puly in history. the world thers will be uni An End io War. Another naval officer, guite as well in- formed as this sr aRer, eciined the sentiment “In § ! i he thing is ever the v fmproven ' wil As Wo In THA i" ace,” sams Lilia wit this America, thy guus which we already bave in use for throwing dynamite, War will i bec and wWanlioun of property, and thyt means an en nd 1 war.” Wa ALTER WELLM AN. Tried It on the —— With the object of ascertaining yrhat the effect would have been had Vaillant bomb exploded on the floor of the cham: ‘ber of deputies instead of in the air, the French police tied 20 unfortunate dogs to trees to represent the cabinet an d 1 tl A beaanbh identical will x Vaillant was then ex and every. dog [#1 ¥ §! . one thrown ploded con the ground. ‘was killed and terribly mangled. This shows how providential and marvelous was the esc ape of the French legislators by The. « hampion War Widows. There June last 15 widows of veterans of tha war of the revolution, The war ended! 11 yeara ago, : : wert vet living on the Pith Now comps aluminiam anda. slnminiom is | of | Wrecks Through portant | metal cover of night as ne art i HiT LATEST reer i ENCE OF WAY OFER oA Rall Wrecks Beeoanse o of Foo Mach Enterprise. The ize and I Fe The I “se of Bafely De vites re hh wf Eagaa o 141 VAL - “than +n 2 the IRaTaeT trang hoe w £ CAH that 1 bythe ne m agee nt of ¥ POR Tentor. as nb the hrale. IR Cig ines w Contr the vanes, and road that | i 1 > place 3 the bdnal was simple: rb RY, and he mnst come to o him, 1t will cost him $25,000. impr nt analogous to the science of operating railroads is the block years agd by the great Euaropeso roads, but still making poor headway he. Imnnrovement ral By 3. ¥ EYSLEI. RGOD 8G TRI Thin system of signaling will not pre- vent all pecidents. It wi H not insure imnmnity. from derailments nor wash. oul’ nor Le 3 Fridges, but it gre {rom collis £m ¥ ow NY NAY CURR gr y out} 3 3 viheT AR Perhl several forms arded tie nam ier of liner has lately disc ery fovea od largess nal if Ah RNG Ye, 8) rea ler road ye : dub wd * pis wrens of signal 1b Sy ast adva: near Low train t Tins x far + ny x ut tine, in © opened befare tae train CARN male this sy ; } imagine thr train appr thes te th Ty I win blo¢k-—indesd he cann ih can only be unloel at B, thisorerat RAT ¥ out first sto; . COMES 1 fark of Enterprise and | message sent by that § Tell So-and-wo ok will: vf}, men LAS. hite card” Ly ad vanes, Int may 3 wi dari or FEE RER AE 4 Poin ty That Interest an Asiirions In the Scetch Metropolis 5 omOrTow niidings, and you will cost several millions of which sum not a den nor jobbed.” re- {riasgow bailie w which oliars, marked =a to & Boston Herald correspondent, who were i large jawed reli aj the eX Dpeekers wera lanes place was pao 1h EET » srong 1 [attractive fara In this paises of slate 2 43 Cc Rvef: th +3 3 Ganceroai, 3 In man : . srnoon, 6 Yies# 1 atid artation from Gernuny 2 Sia oy hive a children’s § - aly, ip The wy 13 ' nap to hip, er the land, » the plone Aniericans f - of Bann ap Hos “tf flee pe iad . 7 E - Fre : - se GF ras see rr Ee fa Pp GE? fr tar Pr pns’. : iv at 3. Lark PA es. ’ . hy mama 7 » ieve fay ren fs ped MN oA ads Swe wd rd fe Ae arin he Hat above s: SE ea A ol dl Pred re itd 2 fC Stn’ ad pn oS oF ry s i od Fr £ wpe — £ ope ty Land to ng ; LOT, 1 $15, G00 ar 5 ’ 3 tas circ f this! $ * shail fowvant | =eoteh fin the buildings of Glasgow, Ving dnd American . than in th 1% mutter of story t what yurd ¢ ttyde ny $ Fthis latter by on thenssad ranres ne mayur BGT oRt aie n? 5 ars at 3d Heit to live in : it arstanees serve. Obviously it 1s for a rich man than it camel to enter the prov itp of Glas gow. Bat tha Glaswogians pr hat if the camel be not available, then not man have it all own Ww talk endows provosiship, so hae the suns. = gasier { saul the rich 3 ar sour go ay DOR i the !estarily Rpent apon splendor may hen , forth come from the public pursa. | they =P nia Fey pt : aye the Hin services onsl (sias aiid Every TOW 18 3 bailding WAY. Seatiatd. oat Beotehy tos Wherever looking iz of store, after Oma rarely sees brick { if the hiila for building al. = that to endo 1] stane stoi SIR he £0 you fH The i nee between British Unild- | ia not mora narks i {apd Prick partition walls bousrs, 1 mean, as well as warchonee | DEeming 1t necessary to prevent the | i construction of sky cleaving | which shut oat npht, aiv and every | thing gliness, the Glasgow folk { enacted a law that vo building shall higher than the width of the street « which it fronts. Yeu can brild a mil high y havea roughfars ss whie i as that. A i 4% which w has cansth but n if yon Bawe in €ilasgnw The municis a0 Hons of water, water ix kot at nti Wperatnye « 3 With i 2}. aon to Li "rd OF i grees, ara ( evenihig throats Lpsission G +1 hoster | san. Hall a E+ 3 68 fanis in a Lath bw VER mre shtonses wh fa dn : 2 Cea ail Ww dryt Ba He itary i shown 3 SHI, We v pfirwaya {9.50 A frivishar ” Fuatley wah wri 03 A M.~Train x, Ed port t 24] Baititwon 7 1 WENTS 2A MM -Tmin | for Rivgway, DuBose nub ate stations, Liu mar Frise; M---Tmin i 4a mediate pinta, PM Tain 8.23 Kane sad § nm peti nt | THROU GH TRAINS | TRAIN : is for | spss § ara dag f Trudi 8 B17 a, | Tin § i i { i i - FROM il naw THE £ wily PERV PPliiiaed Washi 5: s hid KX Haltircos, 1s wenn at BG fron ro Fhibaedeipid retosn fed Balti IFINSONBD REG Daily oxeept Snids sa ig Shiebas > sonbumrg at van, fam FRAN 20 leaves (7 ving at Johnsoubory a: Ridgway at 11:85am ETT RDG AY AND OL EARPLE L DAILY RITNDA EXCEPT SACTHWARD, : {1 AM STATIONS. zh ETHW A ®D, EI a » > Broek wy wy ide ‘MaMing Sp mit Harveys Ron Fes 8 u Wits LEAVE sas & 55 He » 54. - Has Eastward i m, Bn, mn Train 4 7:55 p. m, [RM PREVOST, Genernl Manag: r. Win Pass Apt FFL, ROCHESTER & HTT sauts an. dwelling | Cr D2 On anit after Nov, oth [RE passenger 18 3 gx hy ¥ buildings. will arrive aol depart frm Emde an toil TRA Nee A RRIVE 3 from Plnssutuie: asd Rig Ban § Rey nhl av tHe | nd Falls Crook “oo Panzsuls whey ard Big Ran Bradiiad and Rbtirw ny Clenrtield and « wtwensvitle, Punssutawney snd Hg Ran: Rochester and a Siio, Clenrteld and Cupwen sy 0, . Pim xX tas ney and Ble Rug TRAINS DEPART. ! WF airfield and Curwonsville Tt Pagxsubiwivy and 1 ee Ma, “ew hester a: Sneifsd Big Ran «nd Pun wet wt; Had pwayr and Hrwitord for urwe hd gated ¢ Big Rann 2 whine reel and hg Ra 14d 1 Tonto ibs nrg r yes 8 ing m. Far Pun XN we Thoassind ite tick. L § sla liote at 2 For thie te, thine © ald dk or addivss, 1 $F gvet - iB ¥. Bea fied Tut Lewy Balalsy iis tu Wy dH Barre Booth (‘reek jailread CONDENSED Badd Up ” i Mail ON 3 rd IW H121WmAr x IZ 63 a Yo asl Ma Ww $12 TE a ! * 0 $7 BLve Lg A ba Pa A u $3 WON #35 sil fix G PALMER. Superintenden! BETTI EN i ya ?
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers