The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 08, 1894, Image 6
NO K ING In M. GOOD REHAN CROW 506. re THOUGHTLESS MINISTERS. ba MINOT. LEDGE LIGHTHOUSE. i ie dn eis 3 a : | Ets Eacape and Return Aftei Yo Fad Been The Cheeky Draramer Catches Two Di- The Historie Siorm Which Wiped the Orig- SPA FIST Be araiiie : Rentemes:l tin (rents : ok SB : Proposition. inal Strasfnre Out of Existence. SRUCEES Sittin To} op dedee A) plvmniRn i Abad ac potbiliz, a commercial The lighthouse on Illinot's. ledge iad ULEEP BINGE | 8. Dh Bid ICROWR 30 3 traveler in the sonth ones prop posnded a stands within the shadow of a tragedy. aie § Pai lerson., {hen be dito Too Dg for the SGC Tingle of Slongymen, 1 is the second stractaro. erected upon ‘9 - L944 People Conn py 1Ee Beith He A . - 73 4 Ory a Be peccotoyed on oA “waflvond he Age. The Syst 1 1 ghttioose aod the : . ; Urmoved to Fog ¥ Teh an Allow #1 Xr | =u freA gia nh 3 Yrlya yy rates how ensily 8 fives it hided were eda : ) 2 : : : . io hin ow i rabead oo Ar Sahn ais Yo Sewtin nf tnd aad soars i : } he Rililee Again bat : bapli IT i A hi Shijpete ls 2 : * PATTON, PA., ” : i a ba The % suns : vis x Cds } r enteped Yeu , IR4R..1t was O¥YeTW bork . : i ) v3 : roy oof bi " indy 3 8 girs £3.08 oe: be hg wind ' : : Tis i strretict wad the Are plepared to write all kinds of FIR E. LIFE and ACCIDEN | A decade dgn Maharajah Dhairep] Gi ) REINER £{ rome Frtortdinad them sarfagly Mest tragic (vent in tho hisiory of ony Insurance in COA n ee at the Lowest Rates copastent wilt in e . A * J b tirbmiiir gy inf Bibs SSA on, men SE . ow — is surety tothe Policy Holders. : fie APN. wan on in the | iF the yoinds. ! egal fraper- 5 1h% antl at lust the talk was pos wreogit io piles 8 tim gthened sn] ee hw do fi wean hewa In $538, | GF throughout the Wel fir Talmuge dud Bia visit {o the iy bre Ie piles penetrated five Royal Insurance Co. Ah Es Siam me Jao | £17 wreaking of the weiter Judie | 5.1 ins EOI ke the i, On te Laem, 344 A RReEs Held ili thel I \ ae Toad : hes : RARNAA de L dundy: § 5 Foy ¥ i 3 : : : i To ¥ Nae Ktates, $7,180.58 ven by the CGoaeen cee the Tord, # be had an- Travelers of Hartford, Ce ives @. Diep |: 1 wert in Washington do Joy 800 er | o¢ ia wih proms hele cox amd | ed To 4 4reen non, EM HITE Lo oldest and biggest Ae] y , pr : Herod i} Jil " : : cident Company in the fio] ry etl ; J ; tories which scoegnt pend HW [Tnited States. | feat being the retreat, of the invaders | Via’ mrp 1 re thelr préseyvation.™ ! Cp wha nhue Tn sor hi le wp shore Home Insurance Uppal ys of (i pence Rimi Singh. the atest | wiphted mr atten Lo wae 4 irom casterly oi. OF NEW ¥¢ EK : 2 The sei # {0 $5] : : Yop k " : } thon | } forthe fret i Eat * ? 1 LO z.. ye wes gn x2 tie Lee 19 oy $3 The tower two O00 O01), Fibs bv. ee fran OB w ym } 18a} "Ein 4" ie} side oz X } fir po end of the hed white the principal. yesper we visitor because + $5 ve % ! i ir sid wie Brey OT. Ar TR ATAE RTRY 4 Fo AR jE On of A - i Af A MONEY SAVER 1 Is alwave Popular with the Masses This is the reason Was CHE Jj. R. CORNELIUS’ Furniture C grossing tide and the in- Fa ane eet at Mamet 8 a 4 . oy 3 . Biss a Pe throne of his er. Punt hi Pra ; : du ing iar yin Je it 1% : novine off | Wal heara. A I that n send ross t populiz place to bay Farniture. He can : ig of th Sag is Naik gh. Ha void | fa drainer. who had be ack ling | @Pove tha din of tie storm. About 8 tho ped le money in thie pure linge of goods. A fu 1H lin 1e Irntary und his sus leaitimate tart i ’ ac : singwelf the wesuwdiia thin J i em : 3 8 men 2 mn » waking i ; § shade yr wer tind by the Soi pans ned Of one a edod, opon which as ‘ TO AAW § Dag ! kinds. Bed Reom Suits, P arior Buits * Carpets, Ww indow hat . 54 Foo « ey ; : } F ey : > ¢ dea Sant § ir, : " - : 3d ¥ g fF FY “ 35 tawiag Ab ad wi aan, large line of House F arni shing Goods in general, : ; ¢ thnhzh ar : i with one wf 8 ; All ’ ont THiason hers al ‘Fxcus: Ye if ig hat you Dang ol be teoognised 11 as Baviag been 3 : . : : x . § \ ¥ 5 i a ! a LEWEE, A ¢ Fy IH wid any doubts of sian” : : if i iT s1 hile aie kh | dF Empedaiy fous it meunid Bove knows XY ws only § 108 HS Bich a bass dnacsed bes rtaking in all its branches. rebellion in the Land of th fees io ® Ered tam ro. When nc eri: 1K1N 1 : FOTO Wit “i arin b rx 30 tha Fl: : $ £3 tR 11s beady al ¥ orl 3s 1d : teil, BE Wak seen ovey Maiaot's its white Mere are many FRE Mages Avenue, PATTON. PA. nr etanstes fas traveling wi z 4 zits ys : nie Pery i lor : a ———— A - Je ARID tet bo pertaitited to Tend In fm | Dhow days every ida respeeth Et coins of the Lusitess | E7+7Y tua (ols Baws was struck bg | 9 (13 rebellion vould bave teen KIowia roof hur Micamesin | > ©} asa it actaully © a at the 1d evenly | hair [3 ric gad ives and re ther-day whett two of the craft en- | SOW a5 tated | by congress for We pin i - : : Tl Be fi 3 (3 of Maal : he 3.30 7 : 0% i x] EE ' TR Plax iE RTE DORI i! i hgy Sin 1g +] Lae Was insafll- sualiy painted his sitters - {tor 68 ; ; Y : | am pl top om their reflect in a mirror and : he Hikhs into rebellion against Brit EE TE CE lume fa merchant, “tnt | really | not from a direct vis Salwar ny has i Bis half, tol Was ¢r ng Wi Ee MM Te ee i § He on Songer | 3 table & xcept an, BoWeTer;, Was . VOrWArm.. Bo the pig without a con Rm Sem ih 1 oman, inliodaes me” BN de in fhe 240 of his magnificent por- “ NN YN YN : re tablished bin wif 1 Cotnapal > " : La ; i oesker 33d, snd tus merchant, eeing gi teait of Mr, Siddous as the. Tragic OV I S A N D RA -%f GE i 1 3 aris, wi olan J 6 dg up 4 50 ; : nal 3 x Xz eS : : 1h fried ch et nts ‘Bearty’ gf Faw : AM: ayn wl was paiated when the [Ad ie 1 Ante time of hs Genii He o Moats 1 BG RRO LR A TIME BIS Conn rand was on insored by the two | master wis 80 vears oid and when Mrs. rie tat saad to gpsetiid LEW] } i i RIO BR 7a 5 Ba Sil: yang mwa, if they Bad entered in the | Siddons was IR, The great acipess, fail- / fom hee A is-6f this oriental fobris- Hazel dee 8 Hv Fh Rapa. wlimary style and stated their busi-i ing at fi te ty recognize a sort of em- PLUMBING, HOOFIKE AND SPOUTING, : : tyan, and an bereditar COISPORIon to | Late IB BS ag Hm 3 tented 18 1 gee would probably have been shown | bro SHIEY = ; ch the arust st had added to : ; : ; bv oatiy i ' tae. Ti Fraves or IsH BERE On 1 pL the Sor -»London T i : ige £r Tobe, on perceived that . : ep regret for. hors Iutingy tye Mellon Jeopted | am i it contained the words, Joshua Rey- AGE NT FOL : Va rae eb DOR y Ww hich ke bad Salle y I Ls Si ey Ih print ¢ Rvory Carviag In C nina and Japan. | Bolds prasi ] i. wherenpon Sir 433 # aril and ber ma - | IBZ F.C i 11. only AY AD | 5 China and Japan ivory has been | Joshua as d her * that he would be ¥ maint : XT : I Hes b 8 Tra B30 f curved, the GE ia joel wed inside | 7 LR go down to pos- LLA Ione accor her | stance, this Leng obtaitied by p © asother being. specially oted, | terify on tbe hem of Ber garmen \INDERE Biicw Mone. R., ANGES. Bet a MT crt | Wy eh Hr EE — & to give kim her it-Ihits NONE BETTER--FEW AS GOOD. ) +d : : ] rial} ; > ye t Bair : thin tal 2 } uXalx . dog sd wasedel. 24 sus $v hy evra 3 Memory. % py : che 2 19 hibit {nek from | neld al 30 pratossalphuric acid in fe ett thet small | TBere aro 100 different varieties of 4H +X id | isi ig TR seat isiportanee, “Hoe irned and ves 5 : avn ered cugh one book One of ths Best. : twice Ton OF roseang we books onee. i . $a ie 3 wen larned #8 SIR aver at in- no » v7 3 : arfy 1 . of | y ' fiir wl ia tr og 1 | adjacent town, where 1 Wont tol awar, * M, dnville says wa Insure your property with Ta NUS | ate a HACER RO, Telv celebra | should «kn ont-car own ideas and dust nieror. J. FRANK CLARE & CO. en 38 Sanita ome | Bes. of was ra CREE TISWES Te S : rs urs ted: srw} ; M. & P nl : sd 1 put all rhe power § | iy : = tore ov Her r- fact was “First-class, old-ling, fire-tested, stock comi- +, panies represented. Companies that pay all pn Re | ‘oung, ® loss or damages by FIRE or LIGHTNING, © ater of the tailing, sakes the | “The situa for 9 at Tl ety . qr an of tha bm so suteni : Debit : in it. PY to the dress Insure your life in the grand old Mutua re i white poe. | at fe Teh © C Cjdelphia | tap nd © und him thers site Life Insurance Co., of New York. FE em tour be | Armimieb Hs Ss . a a Goin i ac levaig pen Catan wloag, ie gift ug inquired a ¢ ¢ the door. s seat. And his wife - ; cu = | them his funieral pyse. py : : : hes kel tha anth | a a uy hsowt § Assots—%1 79, 090,000. hi ~ $15, 000, 000, Lensther of Dhistles ingh doch } 1 two porsins speak § Coo have.” replisd the weafy + ~be'd been my hushg . le ein hi sith oe td 3 ia t Lin in with 1 saual bim baldhe . Store. : PATTON. PA. York Times, : . En 1 } : : | i ita vg TERY : T! Banfale Express. G