_ * publisher, celebrated its TT a i Faron rome iat ! | THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1804. od Patton Monday. { Por fine boots and shoes go to the Pat- » ton Clothing Store. Mall Closes, ; T02 Aw. Nomp—— es ierx rn, Mto 8 HN nd. C.L Hause, of Milton, Pa, spent Patton Tuesday. Thos RB. Williams, of Spangler. visit John Gavland, of Philipsburg, was in Patton Monday on business. oor Tec ¥ tags ir xt ea] 2.H. Beckley, of Johnstown was in| Jom Ashcroft wae ut Ee Tuesday. Harry Watson and wife are vit in Reynoldsville this week Men don't buy a palr of shoes til} you Miss Emma Burkster, of Tyrone, i. see my line. Bmx THE CLoTHIER E. Turnbangh of Philipsburg E - visiting relatives in Patton. J. H Boring of Philipsburg wan » ‘ vegistered at the Palmer house Toes. guest at Hotel Beck Monday. drove | over to Patton Saturday. H. 8. Buck took a sleigh ride over , 1 Chest Springs Saturday. Isaac Straw and sisters, of Westover. ‘visited in Patton on Saturday. G. F. Lee the contractor spent San- day with his family at Irvona. ved a man in Mexico, o all his life dV battle sich ensy words t wrote the names of sil the owns, It tok of ink, s Boh uot spel] Tenochtitlan, or : He wont 10 ehool each day, ghd eh spn, 004 ax day wr a : Bammbpeael. aan, Te, ei opel ome litle word. mean rng se es "0% Foporaiepets Be choked at last --J. T. Greenleaf, See Bell's fine shoes Read the Pittsharg evening and Son- | . day Press. ‘Miss Anna Grey, of Hastings, spent | apiece. . Friday in town. J. M. Robinson drove over to Hast- gh was Fouaradoy. OM newspapers for sale at’ this office | Wien cents a bundle. H. C. Beck took a sieigh ride over to ZT. Berry, of Punxsutawney, regis- tered at Hotel Beck Friday. : - Arch. McCullough, of DuBois, is ‘spending » few days in Patton. * Peter Johnston, of Huntingdon, was 5 in Patton last Friday on business. .. Very few visitors come to town, who do not look over the new Palmer hotel. Good overcouts for boys, nobby with. _ enpe, $1,50 at the Patton Clothihg Store. . Li L Brown, of Spangler, a brother of EC. Brown, was in town on Satur- | : a, Girest burgaine in working snd drew} = shirts at the Putton Supply Company's © shore. 126 >: .W. W. Worrell, of Clearfield, futher af Dr. or edn Pasion a _ few dayslsst week. Anon 10 tho od suporsitin of ‘of good winter weather. : .. Hom. A. C. Hopkins, ho aw buss threatened with poeamonia, is improv- Lock Haven Express. : ; : coughs, colds and sore throat try | Magic cough cure. Guaranteed by C. -W. Hodgkins, druggist, Patton, Pa-tf who have been in Patton the pact week, returned to their home st Philipsburg lent Friday. “" Augustine's new church is rapidly | pearing completion, and when comple- aia # Wil bo an \mponing and | besati- | + 3 John Jenkins, of DuBois, registered | at the Commercial hotel Sunday. Will Straw, of Carrolltown, was a ‘guest at the Palmer house Saturday. Albert 8. Johns and wifes, of Hastings, [Souk & els ville over tr Patton Pri. | day. J A Golda pnd Gus Sidebome, of Hastings, drove over to Patton Sun- | day. : The Pennsylvania Grit had a very interesting letter from Patton last : = month. Gr ly lke known | Samuel Boyce, of Glen Hope, visited Friday. Single copies of the COURIER can be juss at this office for five cents |W. C. Hubbard, of Lock: aves, was Sut a Commercinl hotel over Sunday. O. C. Bennett and F. H. Heinbach, of Jersey Shore, were visitors in Patton | last Friday. edits 2 witiior: of Siglo J parties from different nearby towns drove to Patton Sanday. County Commissioner Dillen, of Bastingn, registered at the Commer- cial hotel Monday. Geo. W. Murray, of Panxsutawney, was a guest of his brother, Dr. C. LV. Murray, last weelss . Sam’] Pape, representing a clothing firm of Philadelphia, was a guest at the Palmer house last Friday. Mrs. Vern Bloom, of (Jearfield, and | Miss Grace Bloom, of Curwensville, visited in Patton over Sunday. Henry Keller, the baker and restaur- - ant man, and Jas. W. Hoy, the jeweler, took a trip to DuBois this week. -—y Magic drops for pain, internal and sxternal. Guaranteed by C. W. Hodgkins, druggist, Patton, Pa-sf Go to the Kinkbvad restaurant and get a fine oyster stew. Oysters served in every style. Otf The largest Ine of shirts ever brought ‘to Patton at the Patton Supply Com- _pany’s store. Sold at a bargain. 12tf "H. A. Addleman and daughter, Miss Pella, of Patton, were visitors in town over Sunday. Curwensviile Review. Stirman & Pack, who keep a cloth- ing store on Fifth avenue, will next spring, put. In 4 fail Hos of dry goods. Ed. Curran, accompanied by George Stettler and Wm. Jones, of Coalport, drove over to Chest Springs Saturday :: The population of Patton was in- | creased last Wednesday by the arrival {of 13} pound girl at the home of Mr. jad Mrs 8. E Jones. : how to treat you well. -4t2. ¢ Archie Burkhart. and Mollie Me. * Kenzie, both of Chest Springs, drove J Patton to get a lunch | and a» first-chws meal. Eveeything Sept Vo 18 found 14 4 fiwi-cloan eating | house. -0tf. When in St. Augustine, stop at the on. George Harber, the pro- ~ Arlington. - prietor is a good fellow, and will put forth every effort to make your stay a pleasant one. ‘The lumberrsen are happy in this vicinity, and they are making good use of the late fall of snow. Teams haul- 5 er a common sight the past in Paiton. CL F. Datesman, who is an Earioye in Geo. 8. Good's store, is now at his home in Lock Haven, where he will yemain uutill he fully recovers the use of his lirab which was injured some time = ago. s ~~ Asleighing party of eighteen college boys, of Loretto, drove over to Patton _ last Saturday, and eleven of them took dinner at Hotel Beck. They departed about 2 o’clock in theaften oon having ~ taken in the sights of Patt t The Johnstown Weeki Democrat, Warren Worth Bailey, . % anniver- sary under its new mas week, Feb. 2. The I _ bright newey sheet and patronized in Cambria « A local market report ~ the columns of the Coun ‘which will be of special in “ers who bring produce - will be corrected eaci. cial article which can Jill bo made » note o ean’ 22 posted ¢ Tat is a . peis well iereafier to farm- ton. It . Any | farm- itor and. ment last ppear in readi- ek by ‘over to Patton Sunday. They were | guests at the Robinson house. | Big Run isto have a test well put ‘down in the spring for gas. The people of that place seem confident that it will be a profitable venture. | Licenae court, convenes at Ebensburg | in about two weeks and no doubt there will be considerable sleep lost during that time by the anxious applicants Monday, February 19th is the day. Patton wis “blessed” with 2 street fakir Friday, who a anipuiated ed hands. be’ G. P. O'Leary to the wants of his friends in the line of meat. Is market is supplied with the best meats and it will be sold at living prices. Next door to T. F. Mel. lon’s grocery. -8if : : 1 Jack Schied the borber says the next . time he goes over to a dance at Carroll- town that they should keep it up later so he will have plenty of time to reach the place. What is the matter of start- ing in the forgnoon and being well equipped with shovels éto. Everybody ‘should read the Pitts burg Press. It is one of the most pop- ular evening papers pubiished in that city, and affords the highest clase of reading for both old and young. The Sanday Press is the leading Sunday . paper of Western Pennsylvania. J. L. Randall, of Chest Springs, father- inlaw of Postmaster Mellon was in town on Monday. Mr. Rane Iall at one time operuted Marks’ mill ‘in this place. At that time grist mills in this section of the country were not very “What fools we mortals his brother, John, at a piace Wet . day. A. T. Mead, of DuBois, Her Several couple, va Sunday, while out 4 pb. Cee V2 sleigh-riding to Carrolitown and Ebens- CURIER office Toesday burg, upset two or three times on the Mr. and Mrs. James Spicher were level road. Ite strange how such things Visiting friends in La Jose on last Suan- : do happen. day. A large number of young folks from | Hastings and Carrolitown passed t John Otic is having a water line laid from the main to his residence. on through Patton Tuesday night on their Beach avenue. - ‘way to St. Augustine to attend the: Catholic fair and festival William H. Waltz of Carrolitown, and | John 8 Polley, editor of the Carroll. town News came over to Patton Satar- | day and nade the CoURIER a very friendly visit. Would be pleased to | have you call again. Ed. Carran, the gentivingh who now has charge of the Robinson house ex- pects. to be prepared to accommodate the traveling public the 10th of this the “Arlington’ hotel. The dance held at Carrolitown last ‘Thursday night for the benefit of the firemen at that place was a complete sucorss. A large number from Patton attended. The Patton orchestra fur- danoers. striken looking couple was awarded to | E. A. Mollon and wife. W. J Philo Patterson, wife and child,: of New York, are stopping at the Com- mercial hotel. Mr. Patterson répre- septs Bradstest’'s mercantiling agency and will emain in Patton about two weeks or more in the interest of the The COURIER noticed by a Holidays- of Joseph E. Eckenrode and Mis Ida Marie Noel, both of Hastings. The were married and wishes them a happy - The Brock mines are still idle, al though word is received every few days that the prospects for resuming are good. The letting of the Grand Trunk contracts at Montreal on the Tth inst, is expected to have some in- flaence in coal circles in this section. — Brockwayville Record. ey ; | aad is now prepared to At the poverty ball on Friday sven | ing, the first prize for the most poverty | Storm | and sister captured the second one, and | James Tombleson mc sived the third! >. Fisher and wife, of Beach ave- nae, Ee Sunday at Loretto with the j parent) of Mrs Fisher. - LL. Nicholson, proprietor of the | Central hotel at Hastings, and daughter | Emma, visited friends in Patton Toes | day Krim & Co., music dealers of sport. Pa. a sopping at the Palmer house this week: railroad people have established a new on trains will be charged an excess of ten cents from stations ‘where ticket offices are maintained. Carline drift near town, for local trade a good quality of coal. The drift is in over 20% feet and beyond all crop coal. He | thanks all patrons for pest orders and solicits their fatdre orders. . Geo. Ellwanger, Patrick Donohoe and wife, Lincoln Conrod and wife, Mrs J. J. Rhody, and Mrs. Edward Doyle, of day. The party stopped at Glam's restaurant on Fifth avenue. Mr. Ell wanger is the (oOURIER correspondent at Ashville. : Pennsyivania last half the bituminous coal in the United States. Of the amount mined, West- moreland county comes first with 8,7991,068 tors. Fayette comes next, Clearfield th'rd and Allegheny fourth. Cambria which is the eighth in order of production, mined 386 554 tons. Little Freddie Kirk, son of A M. Kirk, Corwensville, met with an acci- dent on Wednesday afternoon which resulted in the fracture of the fibula of the left leg below the knee. and a lad aamed Whittaker ran into him with the above result =-Clertiel] Monitor. TH AT CU IT of 15 per cent. } wo Achenbach, representing Fisk, William- Mr. John Truman has seopensd the Ashville drove over to Patton Tues year mined over’ A number’ of boys were coasting on the sidewalk, RY GOODS STORE, OPPOSITE HOTEL BECK. ——Are Selling —- I Yrous Coons vy elvets, Ladies Coats, and Underwear, And Blankets And Notions AT A VERY LOW PRICE. An Euadless van ety ty : of Ladies’ Jersey Waists At 25 cts Each. wheel of fortune. Quite u crowd con- gregated and considerable cash chang. is now réady to cater numerous, and there was money in the | 1s doing wonders for me in selling out the balance of my winter SUITS, OVERCOATS and HEAVY WINTER! WEAR: ~ You don't get Hsappol nted ‘ei when you come in to buy—we take off 13 cents on every dollar—just stop and think of it. ‘much cheaper than any one in Patton long before the holi- ' days. Now by coming here now vou can save 13 cents ex- ra on every dollar's worth pur + 1 L4iCT GW ~ 3 Lil he sed. A GHANCE OF A LIFETIME 1s offered vou in to get. rv Picture of yourself or any Len “y ur ta n1is Fre ree of Cost. There will be a sample of the Work in one of our show windows This week. Be sure and see it. in and ask for one of Come ITN A. la ml our pren scheme to V ou. > Remember the Discount Of 15 per cent. is taken off on all winter wear. trade, BELL, The One Price Clothier of Patton. Yours for Lots and Lots of people have told me that I sold tickets which explain the Watch for our space next ‘Week. great to offer you. PATTON SUPPLY We have something vs . A GROCER "WITH ANY SAND Will not put it in his sugar, but rather : In groceries Trev us to business principles. we are careful! what we buy. A HORS SE SHOE 7 DEXOTES GOOD LU C K. yur BOOTS and SH( JES Buy y¢ from ‘us and be nn luck. Dry Goods re a specialty with us. Try us in any of the above. We have the stock. DRY RUN STORE CO. General Merchandise, Corner Magee and Fifth Avenues. PATTON, PA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers