a a Wie Patton Courier. | raTTON PUBLISHING co. Proprietors. cotributed several thousand dollars as _ glance into his methods of aiding . others. The editor's paper had col- lapsed. He went to Philadelphis, and | yy citizens of Mahaffey are agitat- | “Keep $50 of the money you earn and | : givoit to some other newspaper mas | THE COURIER deems it a duty to : by that $50 of Mr. Childs. ming of the Beech Creek passeager | . tesine to this place and with the ap- | The year of 1803 passes into his- _ @ven in these depressed times, and will | possi- _ eoutinge $0 increuse with the growth | ble. Nesvin ‘Sue Hn of cutastryphes ‘of Patton. West of Philipsburg and: occured from a similar cause in June “THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1804. PHILADELPHIA PHIL ANTHROPIST. George William Childs, who died at re darllen wut 1 far from 3 o'elock Saturday morning, in his 65th the truth, as is well known by a year, was a character for whom no | are in the least famaliar with printer or journalist can find expres- ton coal. The false report has sions of love and respect sufficient to | twice corrected by the CCURIER, but it satisfy. This is so because the lament- seems an untruthful report, repeated ed philanthropist. was, while renownded | with finds many believ- the world over for his benevolence, most | ers in the face of facts to the contrary. devoted to the craft. His big heart The Patton cosl has made place for was ever full of sympathy for poor iteelf in the markets at a price equal to printers and his generosity was so un- other bituminous coal and this was not assuming that comparatively few of | | accomplished by introducing, or after- the unworthy comid have had the | wards offering, an inferior quality. hardihood to attempt to impose upon It is true, however, that some of the him. As one of his editors recently | mines are shut: down for the present, said: “He was a sort of a kind friend, but the suspension is largely due to a father or an elder brother. He pen- the general depression throughout the sioned his men when age came upon | bituminous mark ts. A comparison of | them, cared for them in sickness and the shipments made over the Beech advised them in time of trouble.” | Oreek system from Patton during the It was through his instrumentality past three months will compare favor- | that the Home for Union Printers was | ably with shipments made from other established in Colorado. It was started | piaces of this region, and should be by what was known ss the Childs- | gufficient refutation of the “inferior Drexel Fund, each of those gentlemen | coal” reports. The statement of in- fatior Sil haw'beest sade 4) 1) pov, parties interested in some of the region, with a hope “each contributed one thousand ems of of reaping a benefit thereby. CAMBRIA county has ‘a large number type on anniversaries of Mr Childs’ | ie gall Childs himself fornished | od houses. But the population is An anecdote, related by an editor of large and a great percentage is German, & paper in a town outside of Philadel -while they do also serves to give an inside e diss opposed io eer wast of the’ Mississipl | i | knowing of Mr. Childs’ great heart, he |;.0 the organisation of a board of trade he would ssk the loan of $50 or that Die. 'A very wise move, and to take him to New York, where te in Pat- to get work. | ton. Every person in this town should ay, wid Mr. Childs, “but don’t YOU csiient way this would be to secure think New York is a bad place 10 several good industries here. The #0 to? Everybody goes there.” time is near at hand when this matter “The editor had his eye on New York should be attended to. Organize at | snd would not swerve. When Mr, db we can offer as Childs called his cashier and bade kim | owed a0 bY SO ay ther give the editor $50, the latter said: Mr. | Patton has good facilities in ony Fe” ¥ Y99 every way aid 10 be sentired at 4 low | figure. CounIER is for board of “Don's do that,” replied Mr. Childs. | poe , ——————————— who needs aid and tell him to repay it | keep before the people of Patton the by giving it to another.” | | importance of voting ‘at the election The editor secepted the $50, and, se- | Chin month fot an iste of soul bonds. ‘caring work in New York, saved $60 Good schools must be provided for if quested. "At the present tims seven |a progressive and enlightened com-’ mon bave been benefitted | munity. The town has not yet been | bonded for any purpose and it will be : by | in these 85 . #0 widows ard 135 was the legacy they left to the | munity. The Pifth district is thiat in the Haselton region, John M. Lewis, There the nccidents were 151, of which 58 ended fatally. Twenty-six of these left widows and a total of 54 orphans. The Seventh district, Ed- ward Brennan, inspector, is that about Shamokin and as far east as Ash- ‘land and Schuylkill county, and " embraces also the lower end of Colum- bia county where anthracite exists. Here there were 334 accidents, result- ing in 70 deaths, 2 widows and 68. orphans. Together, these six districts show a total of 1,201 accidents, from which resulted in 352 deaths, [64 widows and 480 orphans To these Scuylkill county will add fully 3250 | accidents with a corresponding ratio of killed, widows and orphans. For this batallion of cripples and the graves of encugh men io make & regiment, ; with the attendant distress of widows A orgie, Spwiclis of 15000 Loi of coal have been mined during the year.—Bituminous Record. : We have bargains in everything See us first. Parron SupPLY Co.-13tf X have for sale several desirable iots | in Patton, suitable for dwelling and - business houses. The terms on which these lots will be sold are reasonable. For prices, terms, etc., call on or ad- dress, : E. A. MELLON, ts Patton. Pa The reason why so many die with throat and lung disease, is because they neglect to doctor the symptoms in the first stages. If you hava a cold or cough stop it, every time you cough irritates the affected parts and opens ‘wider the passage for the diseas: to ‘spread. Cribbs German Cough Syrup, discovered by a famous German physi- cian, will stop the cough and cure the affected parts and will do it quickly. A ten cent sample bottle of Cribbs Liver Pills free with each bottie. For. sale by O. W. Hodgkin's. Notice of Election. WAERKAS The Borough of Patton being without how aegis school build- mous children of «::d ey ue WHEREAS, It is not possible to se ‘cure necessary school accommodations from present property valuations by ‘taxation. Thefore be RESOLVED. lst. That the School Board <f Patton borrow a sam of These little things are but drop in | easy to realize on them at a low rate of money for building pu purposes, not to the food of benevolence that issued interest, and the people will have the from the hand of this friend to hamani- ' use of the capital without burdensome exceed $10,000, on of said Bor- cough bearing interest at the rate of 5 ty. His deeds of kindness will never taxation. Let every voter ask himself P2F S500 FON annam. Said bonds to be enumerated anywhere this side of which is the wiser: To vote against eternity, and any effort to review them ' bonds and pay out of pocket at once here would not do him justice. for inferior buildings or vote for bonds, A short and abridged sccount of put up good buildings and compel ‘his life work appears in another part others who will come later to do their «of this paper, and from it every young | part towards paying for them? Every American can draw a lesson of great man who votes against bonds will vote usefulness. ; {money out of his own pocket for ‘educating the children of men who WANT BETTER SERVICE. will come years hence. Patton people still look for the run- | Mining Disasters for 1895. “of spring, when 8 change of tory as one of tragedy in the anthra- schedule will be effected, it is earnest cite mining record of Pennsylvania, ly boped the desired accommodations marked, as it was, by many disasters ‘may be granted. Patton is the princi- | terribly of fatal consequence. The pal town on the line of the Cambria grimmist record of death during the nd Cleacfield road, over which route year was that of the Neilson shaft, the freight trains of the Beech Creek | near Shamokin, last April Whol eleven are run to this place. The passenger men perished in an explosion w . busimess is increaeing tc this point, | fired the colliery and shut Bu eh air before their escape was p Clearfield mare people probably travel | one of the Lehigh & Wilkesbarre ie to Patton than ay other plaee in this lieries at Plymouth, when. five mine and why the Beech Creek employes lost their lives. Falls of roof, trains should turn at Mahaffey is a con- | however, are the principal causes of dition that no person has seemingly | the death record of the mines, of the { | yet bet able to explain. With the maimed miners and laborers, and the connections of the Beech producers of widows and orphans Creek at Clearfleld and Philipsburg, throughout the counties of’ northeast- ‘which people of Patton frequently find! ern Pennsylvania in the developement necessary to mak, the layover at Ma- | of the mining industry. From all the “haffey is most ‘exasperating. * It is con- | mining districts excepting those formed ended that im the spring the Buffalo, | out of Schuylkill county; a record of Rochester and Pittsburg road will ran | L the mining casualities for the year | ‘#ta through trains to Clearflcld, where ending November #0, 1893, has been it has connection with the Beech Creek, compiled through advance reports instead of Punxsutawney, where it has furnished by the several mine in- mo connection. By this important spectors, which shows most forcibly change the necessitity of running the great cost in human sacrifice Beech Creek trains to Patton will be and misery that attends this greatest ~~ utill more urgent and people here will | of the industries of the commonwealth. not lose sight of that fact. Under the and in"which an army of fully 150,000 t so much desired it would men and boys find employment. From be possible to leave here in the morn- the first district, which embraces the ing and reach Bradford, Rochester or territory north of this city, Inspector ‘Buffalo, the same day, or intermediate Edward Roderick reports a total of points sufficiently early to transact 148 accidents, 49 of these being fatal, . business and return home the same causing 25 widows and orphaning 84 * evening. And in like manner to reach children. Inspector Patrick Blewitt, Philipsbmrg, Lock Haven, Jersey whose district takes in Lackawanna ‘Shore, Williamsport and other eastern county from the northern line of towns. i | Scranton city, reports 200 accidents, arpa causing 30 deaths, 10 widows, 48 SINCE HE fron business is showing orphans, Inspector Hugh McDonald, si iptovement ties are getting bet- | whose district embraces the mines in in the southern end of the county. the vicinity of Pittston, Avoca, and LL - coal business, which bears the Wyoming. reports 241 accidents, 60 of same relation to the northern end, has which were fatal. From the fatal acci- not been so flat at any time as iron | dents there resulted 28 widows and 94 manufacturing, but there is room for | orphans. The fourth district, embrac- improvement; yes, need of it, in that | ing the mines in the Wyoming Valley line, : [not in Inspector McDonald's district, redeemable at option of said Bor- cough after five years, and payable in #0 years from date of issue. this tion be submitted to the electors of Patton Borough for their assent at the Jeguiar spring elec tion, February 20, 1894 Attest: 3B. NOONAN, J. E. DALE, i President. A NEW VENTURE. FIFTY DOZ. MEN'S FINE SHOES TO BE RECEIVED THIS WEEK. EVERY PAIR GOOD, STYLISH AN SERVICABLE. ‘WAIT AND SEE THEM. PRICE £1.00 TO £4.00. BELL, ~ THE CLOTHIER. Adamant Plaster Gives a first-class wall a moderate ex- Is the best fire-resisting plaster. Always ready for use in any season. Does not hold gases or disease germs. Is the par excellence for patching. Can be papered as soon as dry. Is recommended by all the leading Architects who ve used it in this country and England. : Will give you a solid wall. Of itself will not crack, swell or a rink. : Will not cleave off when used as di- rected, even in case of leakage. Will give you a warm house. Does not rain woodwork by loading it with moisture. Admits of carpenters following plas- terers in a few days. : Is capable of every variety of finish. pia Used on the Palmer House, Good. Building, Hotel Beck, Hotel tton, C. C. L. & I. Co. office., Patton Opera, house, M. E. church, and on more than one-half of the plastered houses and store rooms of Patton. Also the Catholic Church St. Aangust- For prices and information, write ADAMANT PLASTER CO., Patton, Pa., Lock Box 345. 4 Eighty call boxes; 58 bronse front | lock boxes; counter, delivery windows | etc., making a complete outfit for a, » in a town of 1,000 inhabitants. will be soid at your own price ; E. A MELLON, otf Patton, Pa. Yowiewan has purchased the Pr undry, wich is located next - door above Hotel Patton, and is now ° Orders can be left with Jack Schied, | barber, opposite Hotel Beck, and with J. Feigh & Bro.: barbers opposite the | Good building. -0t4 R. M. ¥. PHILLIPPI, DENTIST, D Office In 1 Decker Bulllnk iE patadiet ; ARTINGS, PA. SPECIMLTES: The oy of yy | teeth, crown and work, correcting in | regular lana, ariifics; teeth on Gold na Ans | P 8. I will be in Patton, dy on | 5 Sffice of Pr. yey ing, room « NSU LTA ATION FREE F. McKEN RICK, — Alto sey and Counselor at Law, EBENSBURG, PA. | Will attend to all business with Pp | and Adelity. Office opposite the Mountain House. : We DAVIS, — Attorney and Counselor at Law, EBENSBURG, PA. | Ail lepil business promptiy attended wo Office cn Centre Street. CHEST SPRINGS : NORMAL SC HOOL Caxsria CouUNTy, School will 0 M April = 1504, for a rey oud different branches will bog - Prov. G. FE, Write for circulars, eto. M. x CRAIN PLASTERER and CONTRACTOR, Patton, Walnut Ron, Spangier, and Hastings. ADAMANT plastering a speciaity. Estimaies given on all Kinds of work. MM. M. CRAIN, Patton, Pa M. MCNEEL, | BARBER AND HAR DRESSER, In tive room formerly accupled by Otto Gloss, Oper [House block, First-class work guaran- Hair Cut 20 cents, Shave 19 cents, Shampob CM, and Sea Foam 10 senta. HUTEL PATTON, ECA MELLON, Prop'r. The oldest hotel in Patton. Lately remocleled, enlarged and refitted throug t in first-class s HARRY MoORMICK., M. Ix, » PHYSICIAN AND SUBGEON, TATTON, PA. Offior in Jones’ Building, on Magee Avenoe, for doors west of Fifth, Office hours fivim S00 to WO A.W, 200 to on and 740 to 906 FN. SAMUEL E. JONES, a PROTICAL- Blagksmith and Horse Shoer. | Repairing of Wagons, Ete. nently and prompi- ly dove. Mining Tools a speecfalty. Satis . tion Guaranteed. PATTON, Cambria Co, Pa. G. F. LEE, [omen Bouse 23 Years Experience. | All Work Gua ranteed to er (rood 3, Satisfactic HR Accord ing | and Spee fie Sgn Am stopping at the Commercial Hotel. MR. EDITOR. DEAR SIR: —Please 1 t } 21) Led LTayYt x kind enouy this space. vacant until fur- ther notice. as I have more - signs now than I can fulfill orders for. And Obl ge, Yours Respectfully, EUREKA PAINTING CQ, D. H. C. WARREN, Manager. -- PALMER HOUSI PATTON, PENNA. JUST OPENED. A MODERN [.argest and Finest House in Cambria. New and Elegant Fur 5 niture Throughout. * Large parlors and bed rooms. Baths and Closets. Steam Heat. Hot And Cold Water. ; T ables Supplied with Everything the Market Affords. RATES $2.00 PER DAY. dM ROBINSON, Prot. Ev erbody i is cordially invited to call and see our Hoge: stock of goes which are offered for sale at our store Th REASONABLE PRIGE. It will be our constant effort to supply the wants of all our customers and keep a good class of goods to Select rom. We. have a full line of Rb £0005, BOOTS ND SHOES, = And every thing kept ‘n a first-class general store. We ‘make ia specialty of the best grades of i FLOUR, - - FEED, - HAY, GRAIN, - ETC. Al large assartment of CARPETS, OIl. CLOTH, MAT- TING. Etc, kept on hand. Also QUEERS. WARE, DISHES and TINW ARE. All Kinds of Shelf Hardware kept on hand. = No trouble to show goods. Come in and look around. Respectfully. GEO.S. GOOD. ps FirstNation IBank E. J. SEVERIN, Prop'r., OF PATTON. SHOT | Patton, Cambria Co, Pa. Ee — ‘CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00. Aceoants af Corpomtions, Firms, Individa. ale and Banks nwrived gpon the most Savon. i Railroad Street and Magee Avenue. | - Son reser Bekers for sake for ail thee de Al correspondences will Baye sur proangt and REPAIR WO R K : A. E. Parrox, Wa H. SANFORD, STONE MASON, |SOFTRTOR 450 BUILDER. Hoe af ponsonabie ioe. Ctmets taken and | hiv terms consistant with safe and conservative lars Nets, WwW hips, Blankets, "| limes. Foreign Deafts uric {ir the prinet ! personnd attention. < . ¢ A Specialty. President. . Cashier. Mella Avenue, PATTON, PA : a satires s farnisd Bed | « Men des imal Satisfefion i Ha: mess, Bridles, Saddles, Col- | banking. Harness Oil, Ete. | sition of Hie'Li Wark Interest pad an vow de ewig AUGUST K. HUBER, | am prepared fo do all Kinds of wok in my : Fran wel LEV ne A ¢ oll »e Estinon ov subaritied an short notes. PATION, PEN x A. M: AHAFFEY HOUSE | RATLROAD RESTAURANT, Mahaffey, Clearfield Co. Pa. | | L R. Snyper, Props, \eevtimoda tions i (rst-clnss, Best of Liquors | evn venue. te fow. Book's. Hotell ! » © will serve ard Wines ai bar. Stabling attached. wad meals at ail hours. Keeps everyd wo FERGUSO | pe hal in a frstelosi restanmat IRA 3 ! Geo iE oe IN, seved (0 every style, We nies of Propir. | OYSTERS IX THF HALF SHELL.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers