The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 01, 1894, Image 5

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wh Ll So wa
_Ebensburg Monday.
ed at the Commercial last Friday.
‘cape, $1.50at the Patton Clothihg Store.
aurier. -
Tune “The Old Oaken Bucket. ”
How dear to our hearts fx
Cash on subscription,
When the generous subseriber
Presents it 1o view;
But the man whe don’t pay
We refrain from description
For perhaps, gentle reader.
That man might be you.
1. 8. Bell is at the county seat this’
. Read the Pittsburg evening and Sun-
day Press.
B. B. Williams, of Souman, was in
town Monday.
A. J. Graham, of Philipsburg, spent
Friday in Patton.
~ Harvey Patterson took a trip to!
Bruce Graham, of Harrisburg, spent
Saturday in Patton.
Go to John Bowce's billiard Prior
for a good cigar. 0t2
Old newspapers for sale at this oltive
at ten cents a bundle. -
A. P. Stevens, and wife, of Rativey.
Pa,, spent Sunday in Patton.
Read the Philadelphia Times “ad” in
+ another colomn of the COURIER.
A. Wolf, of Jersey Shore, registered
at the Robinson house Thursday. i
. C. H. Harris, of Johnstown, register.
C. W. Hodgkins, the druggist, is in
phia this week on business.
ow H Smith, of Jersey Shore, regis.
tered | at the Robinson house Monday.
Mrs. 8. M. Wilson, of the Commer-
cial, spent Saturday at Glen Campbell.
Good overcoats for boys, nobby with
Dr. H. Summerville and Sam’] Kelly,
drove over from Chest Sbrings Mon-
Mrs. Clara Worts, of Lamber City,
visited her parents at this place last
Geo. Kinkhead, an insurance man
of Ebensburg. spent Saterday in
Patton. dy ;
A ‘large crowd of young folks at-
tended a dance at St. Augustine Satur-
day night.
J. Mirkin, of Altoona, visited his
brother, A. Mirkin, the clothier, last
R. F. McGee, of La Jase, was a guest
‘of Grier Hile, the clerk at the Com-
mercial last week.
Go to the Kinkhead restaurant and
get a fine oyster stew. Oysters served
in every style.-0tf
Mrs. Evans, who had her sight arm
broken some tire ago has taen the
Th off and is again able fo attend to
#_#houschold d duties,
das. Wilson has purchased a town
lot on the lower end of Beach avenue
and expects to erect a dwelling as »oon
a8 the weather permits.
Mr, H. J. Boyer, the COURIER ; solici-
tor, was at Ashville this county, Pridsy
and Saturday, and added quite a num-
. ber of subscribers to our list.
Mr. Callen, who had one of his ribs
broken some time ago is again able to
* attend to his work. Mr. Callen is an
employe at the Ashcroft mine.
Wolf & Thompson, the clothiers, |
expect 10 occupy the store room in the '
Good building next to Geo. 8. Good's
‘store on or about March first.
A Mr. Yinglin, of Wankesha, Clear-
field county, accompanied by his
brother, were in Patton Saturday look-
lng for a location to open up a general
David Holt, an extensive coal opera-
. tor, of Philipsburg, spent Saturday in
our enterprising town. Mr. Holt is in-
terested in mining at both Hastings
and Spangler.
A dance will be given at Carrollitown
this evening for the benefit of the fire
men at ‘that place. Quite a number
» on Patton will attend. The Patton
rchestra will furnish the miusie.
LR Snyder, propricior, of the Rail-
road restaurant, on Fifth avenue, below
A ok 8 hotel, has an advertisement in
another column, of this paper. He
makes a specialty of shell oysters
(ieo. 8. Good and lL. M. Patter
of Lock Haven, A. G. Palmer, of Jerse;
Shore and A. E. ‘alton, of Curweéns-
ville, were in Patton last Thursday
looking after their business mterests,
Tyrone has a young man named
Scott Watson, aged 16 years and %
months, who tips the scales at 2
pounds. His height is 5 feet 2 oo
his neck girths 19! inches, his breast
measures 52 inches and his waist & feet.
J -—~Ex.
‘Last ‘Wednesday night an attempt
was made to burglarize the jewelry
store of Mr. Smith at Gallitzin, but the
robbers were discovered in time to
- pevent their going any further than
Sneaking the transom. The thieves
made good their escape.
Everybody should read the Pitts-
burg Press. It is one of the most pop-
~ ular evening papers published in that
city, and affords the highest class of
* reading for both qjd and young. The
Press is the leading Sunday
r of Western Pennsylvania.
town Wednesday.
Friday in Patton,
D. C. Dale made a business trip “
Hastings Monday.
For fine boots and shoes go to the Pat-
ton Clothing Store,
The Carrolitown letfer came too late |
to publish it in fll.
Chas. E. Patton, of Curwensville,
gpent Wednesday in Patton, :
Notice A. M. Thomas’ advertisement
in another column of this paper:
S. 8. Wetzell, of Marion Jentre, was a -
| quest at the Commercial last Thursday.
Wri. Marlett, of Peach Orchard,
registered at the Hotel Beck Monday.
v. Wasson, of Hastings, preached
at the M. E. services Sunday morning.
. Notice the change in the advertise-
ment of Dr. M. F. Phillippi this week.
Look for Lewis McNeel's advertise
ment in another column of the Cor.
Single copied of the COURIER can be
purchased at thie office for five cents
R. L. Deckenmiller, rari a
piano firm of Johndtown, is in Patton
on business.
'M. M. Crain, the pinsterer, and con-
tractor, has 2 new advertisement in the
Courier. « Just notice it. .
Henry Stickman, paymaster for Jas
Gatehouse at Chesterfield, Pa., was in
' Patton Monday on business.
A. Friedman, of Austin, Pa., a cloth-
-ier who expects to open a store in Pat-
. ton spon, is stopping in town.
Try Magic drops for pain, internal
{and external. Guaranteed by C. W.
. Hodgkins, druggist, Patton, Pa.-tf
(has. Miller, the pianist, who has
‘ been suffering from a severe attack of
rheumatism is able to be around again.
J. Reece Pantall, of Punxsutawney,
,eame over to Patton Tuesday Mr.
Pantall was a est at the Commer-
Reuben McPherson, general man
ager for George 8 Good, spent Inst
Friday and Saturday with his fimily in
Clearfield. :
Representative J. J. Thomas was in
He was consideri-
bly surprised at the magnificence of the
Palmer house.
Mrs. Maggie Redding and son
Wesley, of DuBois, are visiting the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8S. M
Wilson, this week. :
Invitations have been issued for a.
poverty sccial which will be given in
the Patton opera house Friday even-
ing, February 2nd.
The CovrreEx has been inf
- that a clothing firm will ocoup,
store room next 10 the First Nationak
wank In the Good building
A tailor shop will be opened up soon
1 Altoona pany 1 § one-haif of toe
restaurant room in tive building next
to Jahn Boyee's billiard room.
Miss Bert Morgan, of Pittsburg,
daughter of J. Lu. Morgan Esq., of Clear-
field, will locate in Patton next week.
Miss Morgan is a teacher of music.
Tre smoke house belonging to Thos.
Thomas at Howard burned down Fri-
day. There was in it 1,500 pounds of
mest, ail of which was burned. - Philips.
burg Journal.
ThomasMitchell, of Rey: noldsville, Was
jin town Wednesday examining into
the fature prospects of Patton, with a
view of starting a merchant tailoring
estal lishment in the near future,
The CouriER clips the following from
the Curwensville Review: “Patton,
Alexander D. Ditto, or Philips:
burg, superintendent for the Blooming-
| ton ye Company and the Patton
{Coal Company, is in Patton this week
on business.
A special car containing the general
freight officials of the Beech Creek rail-
road passed throngh Patton Monday
afternoon. The car came through
from Williamsport bound for Cresson.
Jesse E. Dale and Harvey Patterson,
of the insurance firin of Duie & Patter-
son, of this place, were at Ebensburg
on Monday attending a meeting of the
Nothern Cambria Underwriters Asso
ciation; which meets every month for
the purpose of adjusting insarance
rates, and any other business that is
essential to first-class insurance.
The reason why so many die with
throat and lung disease; is because |
they neglect to doctor the symptoms |
in the first stages. If yon have a coid |
or cough stop it, every time you cough |
irritates the affected parts and opens |
wider the passage for the disease to]
spread. Cribbs German Cough Syrup,
discovered by a famous German phyai-
cian, will stop the cough and caw tae
affected parts and will do it
‘A ten cent sample bottle of Cribbs
Liver Pills free with cach hottl ¥
sale by (0 W.
{CHEST SPRINGS, January 39, 1283
A social was held in the hall at this |
place on Monday might of last week
About fifty couple were present. All| y
enjoyed themselves until the morning
hours. Dancing was the principle
. E. Hipps, principal of our sc hools,
was home on a visit Saturday and
Sunday. ¥ ;
M. J. Cramer left yesterday for Pitts.
burg to attend the West Penn Medical
College. Mr. Cramer is a bright and
energetic young man and we predict
for him a bright future.
The young ladies are contempliting
a ntring =ocial for Wednesday night.
The prospects for the Justand Fair
on Saturday are very promising at
present. The committe are makin,
arrangements for a large attendance
If you wish a good time come to Chest |
CARROLLTOWYN, Jan, 31,1804
The folicwing offices were nomi .
nated Friday last on the p'éoples’
party ticket: Burgess, Alex Grief;
; council, J J Hawk. John Burns; choo!
directors, Dr Jno E Moucher, Peter
Campbell; assist. as’ra, Steven Camp-
edd, Dr GH Sloan: tax collector, J
Maucher; inspector, Mat- Behe, judge
of election, Frank Burns:
I. Eckindorsed.
GL Stes #Ver
auditor, Pi
A {meeting ¢ of the Parmer Alliunce |
wis held in Ebensburg on Mondsy and |
Tuesday. Officers were elected for the
ensuing year. The next meeting will
be held in Patton on Monday, May 20th,
at which time a gen-ral institute will -
. be orga dzed to all citizens.
The COURIFR representative is very
grateful. to John . Reilly, guperin-
os Bm
tendent, for piloting him through the -
Columbia mine, owned by Jos. Reilley
& Co., operated on the Dry Rui branch.
Tre Cotvrier will, later on, give a
full description of all the different
, mines located in the vicinity of Patton.
{The Glen Campbell Bridge Coudenned
The new iron bridge across Cush
ervek, at Glen Camplwil, has been con-
demned by the viewers appointed to
take it off the hands of the contra¢toms.
Tte court appointed as viewer, Linn
| Moorhend, Wm. Smith, Wm. : Strick:
fand, David A. Gorman, Henry Barkey,
and Byrron Keim. The vieivers met at
jibe bridge in December and: pro-
ceded to the performance of their
a ies. hey found that the structure
did uot come up to the requirements.
f the specifications and were abont to
report accordingly, when the builders
dred for another vxamination, and
ould in the meantime send their
hen out amd make the changes sug-
gested by the viewers. This arrange-
rent was consented to and the bridge
# overhanled, © The viewers again
vizited tiie bridge on January 18, and
| the following is their report:
| “After being duly sworn we went to
and upon the bridge and inspected the
masonry and iron work of suid struct-
ure. We found the masonry aeccord-
ing to the plans and specifications and
bult in a wormanlike manner. © The
iron work of the bridge we condemn
on account of it not being built in a
workmanlike manner. The bridge is
(notin alignment; the bolts do not all
fit the holes made for them: the lateral
rods are loose, and altogether the
F bridge is very loosely put together.
Th» floor does not all consist of Nao i
white oak, as called for in the specifica-
15, We therefore condemn the
brilge structore as rot suitible for a
cornty ‘hridge.”’
I: is the opinion of Wome of the view-
+ that to make x good job of it the
bridge shonid be taken down ani put
Gp again in a proper manner. The
cor tractors were Nelson & Bochanan,
of Uhambersburg, Pa. Faey are not
builders, but take contracts and have
the iron made Pittsburg pares,
ET hae defects | the Glen Campbell
bridge appear to be in the manner in
vheh it waw put together Indiana
p MesenyR
is doing wonders for me in se
You don’t get
buy—we take off 1
think of it. Lots anc
much che aper than anv one iu
days. Now by coming here:
- 4
3 ue
d i ALLS of
15 pet
Cents on every
Sing 1 } aie ¥1 Hy
sappointed ether when vou comein to
dolinr—just stop and
people have told me that I sold
TSS (;oods.
Veh ets,
| .adies Coats,
And Blankets
And Notions
An Endless variety of
Ladies’ Jersey Waists
At 25 cts Each.
1 Patton long before the holi-
HW rou can save Is cents ex-
tra on every dollar's worth purchesed.
Cambria county, wants a $10,000 school
building and will vote on the question
of issuing bonds to that amount at the
February election. Patton is a gusher
with no dry wells."
Marriage Licenses for Cambria.
Ben F. Wolford and Ida Marsh Johns-
Henry Bmith and Mary Kelly, Johns.
town. - :
0). M. Hill and Mbitie Baker Johns.
town. ;
Matthew Miller and Avilla Aastin,
Carrolitown. ” :
John . Sanker | and Marv Burk,
South §
Seimey and Helena Noel
Vmstas and | Susan hoffman
Niehour, Chest and Philo
mritzer, Carroll.
A Painful! Wound.
Jas, Reilley, of Clearfield.
lying very low at his home
. with an absess in his side, Sl» Boilie
wis a veteran in the late warand whi!
at his post was struck by 4 bullet pene.
trating his side causing untold suf:
fering al times, ever since. It appears
the bullet has lodged! in his body. Dr
Summerville, of Chest Springs is at-
tending him.
Swedish Lutherans.
Divine Services in Sanday school
room next to Good building, Tuesday
February 6th at 7.30 rw. All that
understand the Swedish language are
cordially invited to attend.
Lutheran Paster.
Hien he
Free of
11 Fags ¥
vail he a
Ww or k 11 alle 3
This week.
(18 offered - vou 1 to get a Cravon Pieture of
. ‘y
ot ey ty
and see it. Come
in and ask for one of our premium tickets which explain the
Hic 1 (ill .
Remember the Discount
~ 1
Of 15 per cent.
Yours for trade,
The One Price Chie of Patton.
is taken off on all winter wear.
Dry Goods
(Corner Magee and Fifth Avenues.
Country Produce taken
. u a 1 4
tor Palace Steam Laundry.
tt put itm his sugar, but rather
: H
In J
3 -
Thr ins
. al ey
nto business principles,
; i
we are careful what we buy.
Juv our BOOTS and SHOES
us and be in luck.
: :
Are a specialty with us. 2
© Try us m any of the above
“We have the stock.
General Merchandise,
ES on
Sil en