The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 25, 1893, Image 8

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There Is » Constant Flow of Unconscious
Thoupgkt While We Rieep.
The physiologists of the first half of
the century and Bme more modern writ-
“ers expressed the belief that dreaming
omy oconrred at the moment when cone
pcimendes hogan to resume i185 sway.
Battin The North Americar Review,
Pr. Lenis Robirsam says that modern
frivestizators accept the theory of the
mietant vaiciang and believe that thers
§4 i cortain amount of cerebral action
hole icd of sleep, and
the vost mo ty of ‘onr dreams
to knowledge. He
dnrine the Ww
s peYer
: this
rent of ides which passes throngth the
sleeping brain, and which only reveals
jtself to the comscions ego when some
disturding olement intervenes.
may compare it to gn invisible and si-
Jent river, flowing! by withont betray- |
ing its presence, save where there isa
splash of a fish or df a falling rtome, 7
soine foaming eddy where a rock
the smooth surface.’
Dr. Robinson's article is Ic rd in.
teresting. The conclusions hich
he arrives are as follows: Gwing to
the nnceasing unconscious cerciralon
which is a necessary concomitant of oar,
power of intellect, the brain is always
in part awake, and is especially active
fn shifting memorized matter. The
cerebral centers compected with the |
_ sense organs ars continmally and inde |
- pendently employed in stimnlating im-
pressions from without. Certain of the
senecs, especially that of bearing. re
:- main open to external influences during |
sleep and convey actual vibrations to the
brain. There is an active and parely |
jnvoluntary predisposition on the part
. of the mental apparatus to compare and
collate all the messages which come, |
‘or seem to come, from without, through |
the sepes channels, and to collate these
agnin with what is brought to the con- |
geicirsness by involuntary recollection. |
Associated with this is a tendency to |
comhine the evidence so collected into
8 coherent whole, and to make the re-
sult of either explain the more em- |
phatic thoughts or i or elise
amewer sotae questions which occupied |
the attention before sleep began. *‘No |
voluntary power exists during sleep to |
pick out fiom the jumble handed in !
that which is relevant to the problem t
to be solved, and juet as thers fs no |
power to discriminate real from false
impressions at the outset, so, through-
oat a dream, we are completely obliv-
“jous to the most glaring fallacies and |
inconsistencies.” — Rochester’. Post-Ex- |
_ * Had No Eyes, but He “Saw.” i
~**I should like to have the key of the |
unoccupied house, —- Wharton street,” |
requested a well dressed man as
crane onY
wi |
FEE a.
tate agent. 5 i
“Yes, sir,” and the key was handed
noticed that be kept prodding the
with his cane as he walked. Bat
gait was almost a8 brisk and ab straight |
as though he had no affliction what- |
ever. This was remarked as he left the |
. He returned a baif hour
. step as quick as ever and with business
in every motion. *‘I like the honse,” :
‘be said, as he handed over the key,
“but there is considerable repairing to |
be dome. The paint should be renewed.
~The front bedroom and dining room are
sadly in need of repapering,’’ and 80 be
went on until he had examerated a half |
dozen things that were necessary to be |.
: ! Jovoe down in my district, I know that .
‘nine chances to ome crawfish have
It afterward transpired that be had
acquired all his knowledge simply by
the sense of touch. His examination
* had been as thorough as though he bad |
bad the nee of two good eyes. It was
really a remarkable performance.—
Philadelphia Call : ;
Long Talks. ,
Parliamentarians and orators in gen-
eral claim that no man could talk co-
berently on a single subject for more |
than six hours, yet hundreds of cases to
. the contrary could be cited. When De
Cosmos defended the settlers’ land bill
"in the lower house of the British Co- !
lombian parliament, he talked contin-
ually for 26 bours. The act confiscat-
ing the property of De Cosmos’ constit- |
tents had to be passed by noon of a cs - |
tain day; De Cosmos was the only .de-
fender. He took the floor at 9:55 o'clock |
the day previous to the date when the |
Jaw would become a dead letter and |
kept it until 12:08 the following day. |
It is said that his tongue and lips were |
cracked in hundreds of places and his |
shirt front covered with blood. A |
speech 11 hours longer than the Britislf
Columibian’s famous arguinent was de- |
~ livered in the Roumanian chamber of !
_ depuities in 1887. It was on the ocea- |
sion of the impeachment of ex-Miuister |
there is an nnbroken cur.
“We 3
/ - be em- |
tered the office of a down town real es- |
As the caller departed it was |
floor | very
his |
later with a |
| wet days, causing an expansicn of the
ler. ©
An Effort In the Hebrides Islands That
Was Brimful of Sauces.
the English navy, who lived ‘many
years in the Hebrides islands. tells the
following interesting tale regarding the
work of a professional native rsio-
maker. Toward the end of the year,
just after yam planting, there came as
anusual period of dronght. so that an in-
land tribe in the island of Ambrym
went tn its rainmaker and demanded bis
froreediate attention thereto.
He at once s<t to work to weave a.
srt of hurdle of the branches and
‘jeaves of a tree famed for its rain pro.
ducing qaalities, which, being finished,
was placed, with proper incantations,
at the bottom of what shonld have been
a water hole in the now parched bed of
the monmtain torrent. There it was
then beld in place with stones. Down
came the rain; nor did it cease for 48
| hours, by which time it had become too
march of a good thing. Soon the rain
producing hurdle was quite 10 feet un-
der water in the seething torrent, and
| the people, much to their dismay, saw
| that their yams and the surrounding
earth were beginning to wash away
down the hillsides. :
“The lieutenant continoes: “Now
mark what comes of fooling with the
elements! No man of the hill country
was able to dive to the bottom of the
water hole to ptll up the hurdle with
its. weight of stones, so the merciless
“rain still held on. At last the shore na-
tives, accustomed to swimming and div-
ing, heard what the mater was, and
some of them coming to the assistance
the compeller of the elements was re-
covered from its watery bed and—the
‘rain stopped!” :
It is such a coincidence as this, hap-
pening perhaps once in a decade which
canses this people, mow thoroughly
i to refuse to give up their
rain doctors, although all other out
ward forms of rank superstition appear
to have been freely abandoned. — Louis
ville Courier-Journal. =
The catalps never shows the ‘‘sere
and yellow leaf” in sotunm like the
samac, hard maple, etc. for the rea-
son that its leaves are caught in a
state by the first severe
green . 2
frosts. In ome night their bright green
| is turned to a dingy black. This sod-
den check gorges the cambium layer
and new wood of the stem with water.
An excess of water swells the proto-
plasm of the cells to such an extent as
to rapture the inelastic bark, and in
trees where the cell structare of tbe
wood is not ripe the crack will extend
into the wood often with a noe like
an explosion. . This often occurs in the
fall when it is not cold emough to stop
plowing. Sometimes we bave much
“loss in nursery in this way with varie-
come. Sometimes indeed it injures
hardy varieties. [n such cases the
swelling of the protoplasm comes from
the water sbsorbed at the ground sur-
face when combined wet and cold come
together in aatamn. The cracking of
cherries and pears comes from the same
cause——that is, by abscrbing water on
protoplasm. With trees the best treat-
mhent is fo cover the rapture with moist
clay and then wrap to exclude the air
as much as possible. —Jowa State Reg-
The Crawfish and the Leveea.
“Whenever 1 hear of a hreak in the
caused it. The assertion may sound
slightly exaggerated, but it is a fact
pevertheless that the troublesome litte
crawfish work more danger to the le
| yees than does the water. On a big rise,
| when the bed of the river is stretched
| from embankment to embankment, the
| crawfish barrow into the levees and
{ live there in the moist earth.
multiply faster than maggots and loosen
-up the earth worse than moles.
“The levee may be completely sodded
| with grass and you see no external evi-
' dence of the damage going on within,
but when the next big rise comes you
will see it. I have frequently known
| the water to break through the leves two
or three feet from the top, and yon can at-
tribute it to nothing but the destrnctive
work of ccawfish. This was particular-
I* true of the break at Offut’s in 1889,
when a portion of the town of Green
‘ville was sabmerged. Tho builder of
the levee in the future will have to take
into account the crawfish as one of bis
most stubborn foes." — St. Louis Giobe
Democrat. =
ie A Swearing.
It may be said withont exaggeration
hat swearing forms an important fac-
tor in the masculine vocabulary of
pearly every civilized nation. Great
Lientenact Boyle T. Somerville of
ties not fully ripe when the first frosts
Bratiano, the leading depaty support- | o . rt
ing the articles of impeachment talking SIRE ike Sunken - >e omy w Ui A
“eantiniously for 37 hours, Exc ! epithets with their etymology would
: A _—_S ror yi Vol fill a volume. Shakespeare realized
i... A RUE | Cronstad gi | that they were inseparable from a faith-
The harbor of Cronstadt in Rassia is | yo] portrayal of virile buman charac-
to be closed to merchant vessels ‘after | ior; that no truthful picture of com-
1805, and a new harbor will be opened | pon life would be possible withoat the
along a maritime canal just below St. | gee of that strong vehement language
Pe rsburg. This harbor will be 22 i; which men express their emotions.
feet deep, cost 1,000,000 rubles, and | But conventionality forbids to mise
be the central point for’ the unloading | teenth century writers what the Eliza-
. of coal and the loading of grain and |
other articles of export. The depart
ment of public works is also consider- t
ing the advisability of constructing a
tuunel under the Neva like that under |
‘the Thames in London, but built in
four stories. This abandonment of
Cronstadt is of especial interest, for it
was Peter the Great who established
. and indeed created it for the port of St.
Petersburg.—Springfield Republican.
Science of Divine Providence.
Nota great while ago a learned ig-
noramus delivered a sermon on '*The
Science of Divine Providence." “8ir,"’
said a genuine student, at the close,
“will you not favor ns @ith a lecture
on ‘The Faith of Geometry? ''—Chris-
tiag Advocate.
bethan age not only tolerated. but ap-
proved. —Philadelphia Presa.
Whistling on Shipboard.
If you want to see a disgusted man,
' just whistle on shipboard before a sail-
or. You never knew a sailor to whis-
tle. He will tell you all abont ** whis-
tling down the wind,’ but he could not
| get up a pucker to save his ship. You
| remember: that old story about a ses
“| captain who refused to take aboard a
| woman who whistled, and knowing the
| old superstition feared that with her
| on board
wreck. 1 do not know bow it is with
the captains of vessels now, for almost
every woman seems to know how to
whistle and keeps ap
| troit Frea Press.
‘be would be sure of ship-
the fashion. —De-
: ry | sve — New York Herald
Ce ge pS A OA SR Mri — as
The Strange Facuity Powemed by Some
Reptiles Even Whee Decapifated.
Reptiles and batrachians nsnnily pos-
sows what may be termed the water jo
My attention was fi~at called 10 this
by my brother. who, while engaged in
3 matural pistory expedition in soath-
eastern Texas, had what at the time we
both nonsidered a nnique experiimos
with a large sea tortoise
This tortoise had heen enrprived some
Eistanes from the water, ameng the
sand dunes that line he gulf shore, and
oft being overtaken had its hend chop-
ped off preparator? to serving #8 a very
tortheaomve addition to omar aiet. Moch |
to the surprise of the party the bebead-
"ad animal continued on its wai toward
the water. :
Several times it was tarped aroond
entirely or part way, bat every tire it
was able to nght its position perfuctly
and again maka directly for the water.
At the time this was narrated t) me
{ was of the opinien that there must
have been something in the comtonr of
he land that enabled the tortoies to
regain the carrect direction in each
Since then [ have had pumerons.
proofs that this atility belongs to a
pumber of species of these animels in
the West Indies, and that the los of
eyes and nasal organs of the entire
bead and peck. in fact. apparantly
works no inconvenience to them in this
istic which, =o far as | have Jieen able
to find, is not alluded to in any work
concerning them.
‘The same singular ability may te ob
served in certain species of water fre
qoenting snake. The common water
spake, often erroneonsly called the
“‘geater moccasin,’ almost invariably
finds its way to the water, if not to far
away, when its bead is cot off. —St
Louis Republic. :
The Color of Man.
The color of the skin in the vurious
races of man has never yit bien scien-
tifically accounted for, although pamer-
ous mythological stories have bees told
and senseless thecriea advanced as res-
sons for the remarkable variations in
boe. Nor have we any certain data
concerning the color of the cuticle of |
_ the primeval man. the original “lod
of creation.’ A pretty African legend
is that he was as black as the prover-
_ bial ace of spades and that the present
pale color of the Caucasian race is the
result of the scare God give Adam at
. the time of the fall.
It is proper to state hers that the
same legend says that the prasent black
race are descendants of one of Adam's
sons that was born and left Eden before |
the great change m color overtosk our
first parents. The Chiness balieve that
the original man was a creature half
god and half man, and that kis color
came about as a resuit of bathizgina
river of liquid gold. The Mussilmans,
the American Indians and several ori-
_ ental tribes and natioms account for
their prevailing red or eonper color by |
telling the story of the great being cre-
ating the first pair from rad kacim, the
common fire clay of (he potter shope.
—Exchange. ;
Soup For Chapped Hands
«Contrary to tie general nction,”
said a well known chemist, * goof toilet
‘soap is the best preventive ngainst
chapped bands that can be ured. I
don’t mean its geveral use in wash-
ing, but as a salve or balm, just as you .
would apply camphor ice or vaseline.
While the commen soap generally osed
for cleaning about: the house is of am
alkali nature and chape the skin terri-
bly, a good toilet scap is nentral and
acts as a balm %¢ the irritated skin. In
my hosiness 1 have to wash my bands a
great number of times a day At first
I had great trouble, for my «kin, being
paturally sender, chapped easily, mak- |
ing large cracks in the flesh which made
it dangerous for me to work iz acids.
~ At last 1 discovered by covering my
hands with good toilet scap after I bad
washed them— rubbing it well into the
skin--that 1 not only prevented chap
ping. but kept my hands 'n elegant
_cordition. Vaseline and salves sre very
good, but none of them can do the work
‘of a first class toilet soap. As [said
a toilet soap is neutral A person could
eat it without iajury. Wy, many of
the pills which are prescribed for you
are made out of nothing more than teoi-
let soap.’ — Pittabarg Dispatch.
——— o— — pS ——
Brazil is the botbed of ' provarica-
tors for amasement only.” It has in.
actual existence an Apanias clab, and
rumor credits Judge Silas D. Coffey of |
the state supreme bench with tae pres-
idency. The judge telia a good story
at the expense of John Vanes, proprie-
tor of the Van's baxiler works and a
cousin te Carnejie, the iron king. He |
said that one morning while a party’
‘were camping at the judge's cottage
they awoke to find the thickest fog on |
yecord Vanes was missing, and a
search was instituted. He was found
_just outside tte dour, where he was
cutting out slves of the fog with a
- ccrnknife and spreading il with sorg-
hun molasses for breakfast. Vanes de-
nies this and days be was cutting loose |
the shadows of night that bad got
caught in the fog Brazil (Ird.) Cor.
Cincinnati Enquirer.
[Feree of Habit.
Speaking: of farce of habit, some!
years ago there was an iron railing
arvund the capitol grounds at Washing-
ton. The appropriatica bill provided |
for a watchman to close and lock the
gates every night at & certain hour and
open thom at a certain hour every
In the course of time the!
pillars for a long time, and all
time the watcoman came and went
ularly. glosing and opening the
according to law and drawing
4 AG Sie sk A a rat be A Aa. Se ANI
This is a family character ©
‘And everyhhi
ST Kindy of Junsd ry werk done ew
Fg snd god + pes > € pri
Work oiled Bar gues edie
Compre lef ab eiesd
Bey Hits ps FE
Tat RC
Stem ohm Tee
spare We
Jay seay BT gre
Tr 31"
i 4
P. P. Young & Bro,
sryd Redatl
Bologna, lard, Etc
Patton. Pa.
Keller's Bakery
and Restaurant.
H. E. KELLER. Proprietor.
Fifth Avenue, Patton, Pa.
Fresh Bread.
Pies, Cakes,
on hand at all times.
served at ail hours and First-
class Lancli Counter in connection.
the New Store
> dimensions of
Room In this room is carried
conceivable in the line of
Boots, Shoes. China. Queensware, Glassware, Groceries. &e.. =
in the Bakery line al-
Tohacoo, Cigars and Confectionery.
Fresh Shell Oysters,
W==Prices Are Right.
Knocked out of sight, but my
Prices are not.
I have a very complete line of
Gold and Steel
Spectacles, |
In fact almost everything that
1s carried In
dewelry Stores,
and prices © correspond
| the times.
Patton Block.
and on this floor you can see a nice !
Me lasses.
ME. .
Magee Avenne.
> * : -
and Feed bonght by car load.
A very convenient place for merchandiseing.
™~ : ;
Take the elevator to go to second floor which 1s
of CARPETS, and
and snch other goods that first floor will not accom-|-
: Ee
All goods purchased for CASH
and will be sold at prices tha will com-
: i ah iv: areth 1
pare fav orably w ith all
Syrup. Baskets, Willow ware,” &c., are carried in j.
the cellar. The dimensions of w hich are
30 x 80.