The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 25, 1893, Image 7

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    LEB | [3 CARLISLE...
Birange Facnlty Possessed by Rome
Te era Even When Decapitated.
Reptiles and batrachians usaally pos-
sed eis may be te rined thé water io
cation SR
My: atte ntio
ky my bre ther,
a nita a} ¥ expedition in south
] east ra Texas ha what at the Hime we
The Speaker and HBoatelie Wrangled Over |
the Hawasian Affair
WASHINGTON v, Janu. FL -For three bons
to-day the seoste was coon pied in consid
{| both corsilered a uniqne experiences
with aii :
150d] sone
Arm he
eting the resolntios offsred by Peer] on 3
(Pop., Keusa) lust week, declaring
the secretary of thé tressury
bas no sathority in law to ngoe |
and sell § per cent. bonds, ge proposed 10
his notice. Peiffer heid the floor most of |
the tirae, yielding however, to other web
ators to flor pss remarke Owe of the
most pregeut of these remarls Was mace
by wP paliet ssoafor ‘r a] Remarks,
{Alier and bad reference bo * propos
‘tion of the Knights of Labor ta sppiy ti
the coarts for au inj ction to prevent su
eane of bonds, Allen suggested thet th.
| ped «
* ca :
tex 4 } )
1 $y the frst riser of tha ns
ei animal coptinued on its wo
tio water. :
Several times it ws
entirely or nar y
was able to rit
Bri 4 mz3in make
Af tho thee
| 1 was of th
Fave b
i th
courts tnipght decline to intsclers with thy |
aotion of the exsonative branch of tha gov
ernest and that the best way would bs
bo Fie boids to be iseaed ard then
Join their payment. The resulting w
OFer without scion Bil to morrow
bili for 150 repesl of she federal
. laws wags vot taken up.
"Phe autire day 1p the hoa
up to the consideration
y sehe die iu the Wien |
eclosion was reached. 1 wo
were ngreed to, one offsred by doll
(Det, Ark. siriking ont thie bonaty fount
are of the Wilson bill and one by Warn
er, (Dam, N. Y) potting refined eu
on the free list os well as raw eager. A
diversion in the ter? debate wes exnen |
by the presastation of the presidents
message transmitting the Heesiisn oor |
respoudence. The epeaker apd Boutells |
bad a lively scene becanse the latter rose
10 8 quettion of privilegh ovér the reten
tion of the papers. The spesticr ‘bad re
ferred tive Hawaiisn message to the com
mittee on {oreign affairs when FHontelle
arvie to s gaestion of persouni privilege. i the primeval man, the original “lord:
He eaid the correspondence shamed
president and those abont him were sli)
striving to Jucite insnrrention in Hawsin |
- gpd the ddly of oungress in th premises |
had becomb so obvious that be could not }
believe the speaker would persist in pat
ting in his cbjectica, and he thersfars
called up bis privilege resolution, Toe]
gpesker tried in vain to call the room to
order spd finally bsd to invoke the as.
sistance of the sergeant at-arme,
New Papers from Willis,
Wasminaron, Jap. 22 — The president | |
to-day tropexnitted sn addons’ Snstell
ment of Hawaiian papers recived from |
Willis. The retirement of Vice. President |
Hateh is anvooueed sud the elentioy of |
W. C. Wilder to saccsed him. The et
ecutive conneil, the correspondencs sdye, |
hee been increased from four to five per |
eons, n minster of toreign affairs belo |
added. The president had heretofore |
discharged the duties of that office, A |
petition and memorial addressed to Prei- | 6
ident Cleveland from the “Hawaiian
Patriotic Leagne” claiming to rirpreeent |
8,000 legal voters, is enclosed by Willie |
withont comment. The memorial xl.
- Joga the conspiracy of Minister Stephens |
snd men io the provisional Rovernmenit |
and denies that the present governisent
represents the people of Hawaii. Speci.
_ fieaticns are made. of ulleged inoompe-
tence in the provisional ROveroment,
Hawatisn Testimony.
Wasmisarow, Jan. 22.-<The senate |
- comirnittee sngaged in investigating the
. Hawaiian affairs continued its seation to-
‘day with J. A. MoUandless on the stacd.
- The witness was 8 member of the com:
mittee of safety and ome of the advisory
oouucil after the provisions! government
assumed power on the island. Bie testi-
mony was on the side of the proyisiooal
- gowroment, He sssuced the coramitten
~ hat the great mass of people were favor.
able to anpexstion with the states. He
flately denied Blouot’s statements that
there was an understanding. between ‘the
committee of safety and the American
‘minjster before the provisional overn--
ment took bold.
2 Geo. W. Chilas’ Cendiuon.
: 2--Geo. W.
serious and thet one of the doctops is con.
* shantly in attendance. A letter of sym.
5 ‘was received yesterday by Mre.
Ouilds mn. President aad Mrs. Clove.
ul nT Gorge W.
at Glial _oandition is more favorable to-
‘Lois Reg
wears singnliar atl!
vied im eertain species
ting enake, Ths ery
often erromeoigsly
" almost invard ably
roccasin, &
Bowater, if not too far
spr blic
: The Color of Max,
The color of the shiv in the various
races of man has never vet been scien
| tifically acconnted for, althongh numer.
Cons mytholomieal stories have been told
| and senseless theories advanced as res.
sons for the remarkable variatic us in
| hae. Nor havo we sy certain data
| comeerning the color of the cuticle of
| of creation.” A pretty African legend
i is that be was #3 black as the prover
| bial ace of spades and that the
pale COE HE ther { ancaiiar
result of the scare (i
¢ tine of the fall.
It is prop r to state
game legend says th
racy gre descendant:
: Bons th at was lern ay ici E
| tho great changs rool
first parents,
god and bali
came a bat asa ros
| river of liguid gold
tho American Indians and ses
ental tribes and nations accor
their prevailing red or copmer to re
i telling thastory of the great beng cre
| ating the Bret rair from red kaolin, the
common fire clay of the pot ter shops.
—E zchange.
Boap or Chapped Hands,
“Contrary to the gineral notien)”
said i well known chemist, goed toilet
soap is the best. preventive ggzainst
chapped hands that ean be meed. |
| don’t mean its general nee ia wash
ing, but pa a salve or bala, jost as you
woald apply camphor ice or vaseline,
While the common scap generally ased
for cleaning about xe houses i» of an:
alkali nature and ¢! aps the skin terri-
biv, a good toilet so ap is neutral and |
ucts 98 a balm to the irritated skin, In
| my business 1 have to wash ny kanda a
| great number of times a day At first
: i I bad great trouble, for my skin, being |
ing large cracks in the flesh which made |
it dangerous for we to work in acids.
At last I discovered by covering my |
bands with good toilet scap after I had |
washed them-—rabling it well into the
skin—that 1 not only prevented chap
ping, but kept my bands in elegant
condition. Vaseline and sulves are very
good, but vone of then can do the work
of a first class toilet soap. As I said,
a toilet soap is neutral. A person could
eat it withonit. injary. Why, many of
the pills. which are prescribed for you
let soap.’ — Pittsburg Dispatch. :
It Was Foggy.
Brazil is the hotbed of * prevarica-
tors for amnusement only.” It bas in
actual existence an Ananias club, and
{| ramor credits Judge Silas D. Coffey of
the state supreme bénch with the pres-
. idency. The judge tells Be ay
at the expense of John Vanes, proprie-
for of the Vanes beiler works, and a
cousin to Carnegie. tie iron king. He
said that one morning while a
were camping at the judge's cottage
ey awake to find ha thicken |
n= head is cul off. — St
naturally tender, chapped easily, mak- |
are made out of nothing moro than toi-
01d Time Texns Cova Vastly Different
From Those of the Presest Duy. ;
The old time coviloy is no more, Ha
passed in his checks with thes free grass
eustorn. - The big pastore bas intro
duced a new order of cowboy, whi leaps
f Av ries
frig bres andd sharal
rank Ins
#rn ranci
danirs, t
Br be eostyal
tive Was
rl im.
from th
snd me
$33 4
sig 4d
Blodshed wus barsiy prevented there
ard then, We gotthe city fellow to ride
off, and 1% Es FR bad vel
ed, Liat £
ra. of <3 i
EEN 81k 3
ment amity we.
Such wis tna old way
. a Ioan 2
i AL ih i
0s ARG hirave, Lhe
i3 the
Sie} * ii fast $
: thisg Is sure ~9if} ! his fants, and
: ;
LET wera many, Ue ld tins eo what
Was & man 10 {raeteod peace or |
hoger — 3
An Ansenian Fegend. !
Ararat, emo of the’ most majestic
mwountaihit in {he world, rides (T.000
feet above the va
bears its name ind yn : SL.
ronndi mx mount si ns. Ear riy in the morn-
ing, whik all thie valley: of Ararat and |
the meigboring mountains are buried |
in shadow, the while top of the Scrip |
+ tural mountain glen:us beantiful in the |
C first beams of 1} CST. Tabs
The Anipepis. people tel) this s story |
. about the inhabit tants of Pharbee:
Omnee tie devi] and a Fharboo man
aid a wager ay to which shoul) frst |
vee the sun. Tle «ne who saw it a
was to box the other's enrs, * Very
well,”” said the Armenian, and be Jay
down and slept sweetly, while the dev-
i il, itching to panih his enemy, stood |
: looking eastward, and with ¢ager eyes
| watched the whole night for the suprise.
i Early in the morning, the Pharbes man
! rose, and pointing to the top cf Ararat,
which was alrendy shining in the sun
cried joyfully, “Ise it!" The devil
was vanquisbed, The Pharlee man,
with his strong hand, boxed tie devil's.
ears. Ever since that time, the devil
bas been afraid of the people of the Ar-
menian village of Pharbee, -— Wornan' s
Cong ress Water.
How mimy pasple know that cat by
the Greenough statue of Washington,
east of the capitol, is a vist and cav-
érmocus reservoir? Not one in a thou-
sand, but there ‘if in, down in the bow-
els of the earth; and covered deep be-
neath the umootk surface of asphaltum.
Away back in the thirties congress pur- |
chased a spring (ver east of the present
site of Howard university. [ft 1 now
ml =
ha boys wers | -
{ two without experiencing fofine. Wom. | G0derg> a jreparatory stage before being
| ery other way. Any athletic instructor |
ii : ‘We ts Degrading Saperstivion I's Prae-
: eh | shat ancient and teresting form of
Engen Sasdow Thinks Fhysieai and Men African fetch wor bl p—Sxisie today in
tal Decry Go Togethor—He Does Not Ad- ares countries on the American comti-
vise Hard Trainiag.— The Gospel of Mod. . Bent, Hayti, San Domingo and Jamaica,
but more particula in ibe former.
Homan sacrifice. which is among the
most important of its peculiar rites, ‘bas
oy force of law been entirely abandoned
m Jumsica, ute] the sane sasertion may
te made with regard to Havti and Sas
Domingo, although thers ars skeptics
Cerntivn ~The Best rercies
Faegr $f
Fars 827
: IN EFFECT NOV. 2 sas
Phfiadeiphiia and Fre Railroad dives
fume Table. Traine cov: Dr won
EAM ~ Train £ Aaiy exoent Ronday, tor
Sunteury, Harriehang
res arriving 2 Fh
Sen York, Hp ™.,
ES rs biverine ¥
omy Won
Bh, Duis
Asbhry tn Fis inte phi ’
hiimdelp Bes Jusmengrase ua remain is sieepe
unig UE
35 PM. Lfrain 4 dafiv Sw Sanbury, Bar
risbury and intermediate Paton arriving an
Philadelphia 2:2 5 = ®t Fork Es mi
werk dave ard Yes 5. .
4 “
nto W ssbington -
» Ea th 2rg. Passevipwr
fans he. 16 stviohis aan W rong
rt to Bal limos
mr WEsTw ARD,
TRA M--Tmin i Saiiw except Sun
for Rifrway. Tra Bota 4 Trent” ad dus,
md te eli PORE. Lamhe Bedgway L590 p,
mfr Fr
M - “emis 2 dally for Erie and inter
mily sxoegs Ronday, for
Kane goed | termating Eatin. -
TRAIN 11. jemves Phidadmips
had andy bingo 8a
¥- SR,
wivsd 81 *¥ 5 om
fromm Philadels 3 Rd 5 red Fangs
marten wud Raltirese
oreagh 3
F wifi
Famsport 6s PmRels
TRAIN 3 jenves os
3 nel Maya Be ef
by |
i “pmpabo- |
. 88 the priests |
5 sect Are termed, |
, it may be observed, me mova |
1 ony a their individdal interests, that
3 he amforamty of tae religion has disp |
ered and given place oa fantasy. i
. AE services are condnciei in a
ail chapel or hoase erected for thas; BR
3 7
Purposs mm relirad pisces some dis
from to 8 Oo settiete
and esdur. i jews likely to be vimted by @rangers
ts or a day » : 5 4
* ‘ren an: 1
on stan
Sewing | is termed, a “throne.” is a wooden tox,
smirpent, which is the object of reverenes |
Ciand adoration. W a “dance” or}
: meeting, is to be tie believers as |
s'mble in the chapel. thers being an;
Ll aumter of men and women
f dumeers, whose costama on such ocea-
clber guweicmme persons, and therefore |
. & e 3 - £
more free from observatn, In ome end in
uf the chapel, placed on a dais or, as it! !
| ome side of witich is glass, Within is a 2
‘ ‘
Tails ERD Nan as ¥
TRAIN 19 joaves Nidywry 21 S90 sm Hob.
SOROERE af 055 4. mh, arrive aT Fg
sowing a 4 : “ramen a2
BALN 20 lon ves Clermont at i Rata
hae wha
cat lids mm
et nt erin iin
mtr Re
| ions & often a long red calico dyess or | 1
Mother Hablard. i
| When the “papshoso” is ready to offer |
| Lhe sacrifice to the serpent, the subiset
i whose jile in to be taken 35 brongel ini
Until a few years ago when the suthori-
| Hes interfermd and executed a avumber of ;
| the murderers, the stibject was oftnal
bsmall child, but a gont has sines been |
| substituted. The animal vawst be a male |
| amd fither entirely walle or altogether |
f black Befoire the cr'emony it is drags |
: seed br roedns of 3 ieares of the Fralepsna i
i play Everything being ready, the
joss hole # bowl under the animals!
aE wild lds left hand, and vith his
ot every its windpipe. The biood is |
| then served a8 a drink to those present, |
who Uy this trons are ‘wall under the in-
: #aenos of tafis; 25 rum is called in its
fret oomdafion after havin been pressed | 3
from the sugar cane. ile of the at-:
tendants, greatly excited by the cotnbin- | ;
| ed sight of blond and whe taste of tags, |
| smear the blood over their faces, while
i in some instances the blood is mized |
© wea gunpowder before being drank.
by the alti tar of their instrue-i The “papuboco” then. ents open the |
; I Torill wef 7 omy 5 tha mee. | body of the beast anil removes the henrt |
its of which are «=. 4 in the up| and Bver for vis own consumption, while |
building of my own ("rid me. As: the rest of the carcass is divided among |
| 1 said before, eat, drink : biazsei! and family snd those is attend. |
eration. Walk—wury! - gif vou ange.
have the conveniences—a (stance every | 10 become initiated into voodocism it
day, according to your physical esndi: was formerly required that the candidate |
tion when you begin trainise. Some] $308id be between 3) and #0 years of
men can walk 10 miles 3 dey without: 38%. but an supplicant is mow accepted |
hurting them. Others could not walk | Whed 20 vearsold. He is first obliged to
en. of course, should not Begin with the | admitted to the sect. This continues for
samo amoamt of work as men. A wak 8 period of 4 days, be being primarily
of ome mile, or, at the most, three, ju; Genaded of all of bis clothing and given
enough for them. Quit when you get -such rags $0. replace | ther ss the circum-
tired. You are not a boxer, carsmiam. stances and the rules raquire. He is then
sprinter or other kind of athlete, and tae | 2ePt locked ina room ur eight days with-
question of “‘gameness” doss net enter ou being allowed to we the light of day
here. Never overtask voarseif, Over apd is given frequen: baths made with
work is worse than no work 2 all: Your | W00n, or sicred plants and lea These
own feelings will tell you when to quit baths must be taken for 40 Says and
Above all things. join some gyming. | BUS always be kept ia the same condi-
sium or athjetic club. To your outdoor | 198. 2s the greater the fermentation and
exercise » ud that of light durabbells in | the more the water bectiznes i
touch heavy bells out of any feeling of toe ore desirable it i in the eyes of the
rivalry or false pride and essay feats you ; PP0S5
They are built up. You are | CAbdidate is ready to receive hin final
ighter bedis inltiativa. Tise event jakes piace before
Detter, Prom ns cote ve ta ory sit | w aumber of flowers of the sect. The
holds m lds ®
will do. Use the simplest motictis—. | Papaboce”™ bund 8 stick
backward, forward, sideways and evs}
can teach you them all in short order.
see others you think your inferiors pep. | After his wo cailed purification the {
uf punt
8M PREV : IB Woon,
renersl Manger wn. Paes, Ah
re pe v1 =
{ “3 ‘and afl r Naw, Th, NEE 5 ger trains i
tH *rrtse anid depart frees Ln Bods as Allows:
a from Pan sssta wna sd Rig Ran.
Bernohtevil and Fain reel
Aan Rstta wring avd oh Ran,
a, and © ar weneriile,
Fn and Big Ran,
© Jrnetheld amd Curwsnsetin
Pun Xeotawne sod Sig Ban
Tos iF vr Seartield and Creunev Tow
* Pansat ney
Foourhumter ind Baad uf,
Pig Ran sod Pan LRGLL Whey,
ail Bendioed
for Cuirwemseeii Buk 45
Big Row and Pan cesta wney,
Pails reel wowd Bev reskin idle
Ran asc Pass aSawiaey
hud ON bo bh pol uy
Johamoatars Ex press, Randsy ouly, euees 5
For Ponsetawnes sumdus suiy, 406 pm
fawassnd mil tekets wd four y
1 smtionm 34 Teenie pur ik 0%
For tickets, tf me tables. and 1 information J
oil aa a aul
Landsigna, sgont a Burs,
EC Lapey, Got Tost A
= Rochester, '§ ¥
- TH Barrett, Ges: Seay, Buttle, N. ¥,
Beech Creek Railroad.
NTC &n ER. BR Ce, aa
Tp Bond
Belts Easing. ri
Keo esanbugg
5 Weg
L arn, no
asxrzre2ecESEL 38
x Ll
i Ady
Glider a enrs
Ty ar Tr