The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 25, 1893, Image 5
~~ 4 lsat Thursday. g : 5 i last Friday in Patton, and of course made the COURIER a visit. Mr. Weak- over to Patton Saturday. ~ guest at Hotel Beck Saturday. - Somerset county, Pa., visited in Pat- Th rere which is of: 3 to all readers. Just see for’ ol oni gg pe gr pn Sn Patton “Courier. Jo Go to » John Boyoe's billiard parior| Philip Lutringer,and J. A. Boney, of | or a good cigar.-0t2. Ebensburg, were in own Monday. in r ArTON PUBLISHING ¢0., Proprietors.| FP. F. Brown, of Altoona, was a guest Good overcoats for boys, nobby with at the Commercial Monday. cape, $1,50 at the Patton Clothihg Store. | THU i : 'RSDAY, JANU ARY 25, 1304. od The carpenters are putting in. the. I have for sale several desirable lots ! | another column of this paper. H. J. Waltz, and M. J. Staltz, of Carrolitown, spent Monday in Patton. Single copies of the COURIER can be purchased ax this officé for five cents apiece. Geo Logue and Lewis Goazion, of | Hastings, called at the Courier office | Tuesday. E. J. Severin, the harness maker, has a new advertisement {in this issue of the/C WLU RIER, John Martin, and Jas Potts, of banisters at the Good building. . in Patton, suitable for dwelling and Best flannel shirts in Patton for 90 business houses. The terms on which | | cents, at the Patton lothing Store. these lots will be sold are reasonable... Kinkhead restaurant and | For prices, terms, etc. cail on or ad- Oysters served dress, E. A. MELLON, [in every style. otf : ot4 Patton. Pa Wm. Askey and Tanien Fulkrod, of} We refer the readers of the COURIER | Jersey Shore, were guests at the Rob- | t© the card of G. FE. Hipps, who will inson honse Monday. ‘open S Normal School in Chest Springs. . Quite a number of young people at-! dis of. Somes py TROT enges, | Punxsutagney, were guests of Lan- {tended a dance and. festival given at abe one b : Je} | lord Beck Tuesday. ; | 8t. Augustine Saturday night schools in the country. Write to aim! H gu ght. for terms if you have not already re- A teachers local institute will be Prof. G. E. Hipps and M. J. Cramer, ceived his circular. held at the Gilt school in Chest town- | both of Chest springs, were callers at. p x pineoan has ‘purchased the | ship on Saturday, January 27, 1964. ! the COURIER on Saturday last. ; | Prato laundry, wich is located next Mrs. John Ashcroft who has been Mahaffey is erecting an electric, visiting relatives at Philipsburg and door above Hotel Patton, and is now plant. Mr. E. B. Cresswell, of Ebens- prepared to do all kinds of laundry | Curwenaville returned to har home in burg, has charge of the construction. work with neatness and dispatch. | Patton Wednesday.- sun-comes ap some day | For coughs, colds and sore throat try . Orders ean be left with Jack Schied, B. L. Sharbaugh and M. J. Hehe, “ f 4 | Magic cough cure. Guaranteed by C. barber, opposite Hotel Beck, and vith jc arrolltown, Wyghes in Patton oa ot iv Hodgkins, druggist, Patton, Pa.-tf J. Feigh & Bro.: barbers opposite the | day. The citizens of that industrious lit- | PF. N. Dunegan now has charge of Good building. 0t4 | tle place are organizing a fire company | the Patton laundry and has employed | A lot. of hoodlums in: Gallitzin, on {and these young men came to gain | first-class, experienced workmen. Try Saturday night of last week smashed in | information regarding rules, regula- : SIP id upon to play Jui, ' all the windows in the basement of the | tions etc. Every day— | When you go to Hastings, stop at the ‘new school house in that place. The | i : Is | Central hotel; it is a good place and directors have offered a reward of 3100 ' Res it fhe Co will he in Plesed to iearn that A. M. Thomas Mr. Nicholson knows how'to bospitably for their apprehension and conviction expects to open a first-class plumbing ron Bia guste. eo ind iis 1s vs Bp sey wil) by cavigh | | and hardware establis} t on M | A dance was given in the opera \and made an example of —Cambdria’ , .,ue in the room now occupied by | house Saturday evening for the benefit Freeman. : {J & Fong Thus Mr. Thomas Than it J | of the Patton orchestra, which was very | H. J. Wateon, the painter, expects to | joins the ranks of Patton’s enterprising You must ve the pluck to Shon | poorly ssiendet. ; {erect a building on the lot next to | merchants and we extend to him a : : The Kinkbead restaurant is the best | Hodgkin’s drug store Fifth avenue cordial welcome. EW. Sl Fm at, place in Patton to get a good lunch soon. The buiiding will be 30 by ». Mr. Samuel Kelly, who formerly it |and a first-class meal. Eveeything | feet, two stories and a large basement. | sumed the Hotel Beck, and Dr. Som- Jas. Morgan, of Clearfield, | was inl¥ept lobe Sima 2 1 first-class eating The first floor will be used as a SOTe | merville, of Chest Springs, are erecting Patton Monday. | house. -O0tf. - ; ‘room and the second for a dwelling. | six frame houses just outside of the Harry Mays, of Berwindadale, visited | All the rooms in the Commercial The basement will be occupied by a | borough limits, on the Carrolitown | , cigar manufactoring establishment. | road Watson Speseer is doing the | Patton last week. hotel were occupied by guests on Mon- M. J. Horne, of Punxsutawney,spent | day night. Mr. Wilson, the proprietor, C. M. Letts, the contractor, who has | carpenter work. Friday in Patton. "is well satisfied with the outlook for | charge of the painting at the Palmer | | For fine boots and shoes goto the Pat. | 11407 PUsiness house has very nearly completed his | job and the workmanship speaks for | ton Clothing Store. | Wigton mines have started up and .are working to their full capacity. jteelf as being one of the very finest | being without a, esas | ings to accommodate roperly edu- | Held SY A | Reilly's are shipping ten cars a day. jobs done in the painting line the COU- | i, the childre ead The balance are still shut down, but RiERr representative has seen for some { y = Bn rough and, . BEd. Renhinger, of Hasti P | WHEREAS, It is not possible to se-! last Th ps ° ings, was in are hoped to be started again soon. time. Mr. Letts understands his busi- cure necessary achool accommodations y Lock Haven was visited by quite an ness well. | from present property valuations by yq E. A. Rickford, registered at the Rob- - ‘expensive fire last Sunday night, Jan- saxakion, a lute belt the. Se on house Ssturday. ‘nary 14th. The store of 8. E. Finny Board of Patton borrow a ot of Miss Minnie Collier spent Sunday at. with several others was consumed. money for building p .not to La Jose visiting friends. : . The total loss is estimated at about exceed $10,000, on buds If sd Bar. | ough bearing inte at t rate of 5 Sam] Kelley, of Chest ‘Springs, was $7,000 per cent. per unnum. Said bonds to / : Mrs. William Sineal, of Blue Ball, w redeemable at option of said Bor- was a Clearfield county, died a few days ago {ough after five years, and payable in from excessive bleeding of the nose. Every effort was made to stop the { 20 years from date of issue. That this proposition be submitted | bleeding, but without success. —C linton | : Democrat. rested for the same crime in Punxsu- j to the elactors of Patton Borough for Geo. Ivory and Joe. Bengle, .of : : G. P. O'Leary is now ready. to cater tawney. The evidence secured ati the time of his arrest and since, is suf- | their assent at the regular spring elec- | tion, February 20; 1894, ‘retto, spent Tuesday in Patton. 3b YE Fa kl to the wants of tends in the line w. i wd Ne dg, the ¢ ) of meat. His market is supplied with’ A ‘Watchword for the New Year. When you find a certain lack In the stiffness in your back At a threatened fierce attack, Just the hour That you Seed VOUT every power, Look a " Fora . ht to baMe It . just recall that every Knave. Ee Sowa, can be brave That Bis ConruE" should be prime Then ‘tia fled. © Keep your head! What a folly "tis to jose it Just the time vou want to use it! When the ghost of some old shirk Comes to p oe you, and to jnrk In your 4.0 of your work, Here's a a hit a Like enough wi settle it, Knowledge Is a worthy prize; Knowledge comes to him who tries Whose sullen vor i Celie nev . ; Beerytody yould be wise : ! bor, Worst not they who labor While the eT Ing or sleep: Go to the get a fine oyster ste Ww. { creep, : red, But whose motto was * “I'm tired” When the task of keeping guard . heart— - Of your XK weary watch and ward and bard, — pid, virtoe irksome, ng worksom not : That {t's harder keepl Rraigh Than itis to Hg the way of right, Notice of Election. : | WaAEREAs— The Borough of Patton: school baild- Daniel F. McSweeney, a U. S. de tective stationed at Pittsburg, was in town on Monday and Tuesday looking up evidence in the case of the counter- feiter, Platt, who had been passing spurious coin in this place several Chas. Mitchell, of Mahaffey. ‘weeks since, and was subsequently ar- Read the Philadelphia Times gd in! another column of the COURIER. Notice A. M L Yhomss® advertisment 5 NEW YORK DRY GOODS STORE, OPPOSITE HOTEL BECK, NI Are Selling—=— Dress Goods. Velvets, Ladies Coats, “and ; Underwear, And Blankets . And Notions AT A VERY LOW PRICE. An Endless variety of Ladies’ Jersey Waists At 2h cts Each. ficiently strong to ronviet and send | Attest: IR NOONAN. him to the penitentiary for a long | J. BE. DALE, President. was in i last week on br Pittsburgh nst- the best meats and it will be soid at living prices. Next door to T. F. Mel- term of years. Secretary. Miss Lizzie A. Pullin, jon's grocery.-Sif ~ THAT CUT of 15 per cen nt. is doing wonders for me in selling out the bulance of my ‘winter SUITS, OVERCOATS and H FAVY W INTER] WEAR. You don't get cnopiietet either when you come in to buy—we take off 15 cents on every. dollar—just stop and think of it. - Lots and Lots of people have told me that I sold much cheaper than any one in Patton long before the holi- days. Now by coming here now you can save 135 cents ex- tra on every dollar’ s worth purchesed. of Adison, ton on Saturday. Specimens of job printing done at i this office will be shown patrons on ap- Grier Hile, the accomodating clerk | plication. Note heads, bill heads, state- at the Commercial, Spesst Sunday at his ns envelopes, handbills and all ‘home in La Jose. kinds of commercial printing done at "HR Schied, ‘of DuBois, spent reasonable prices. Send in your orders. Thursday in Patton with his brother, | The contractors who were building a Jack, the barber. ' dwelling on the rear of the Good lot Mr. Hon. James Flynn, of Altoona, pave about completed their work. The was in Patton Saturday looking after. pyilding faces Beach avenue, and will his saw mill interests. - >: : be occupied by a party from Indiana R. L. George, of Gallitzin, and Wm. | county who expect to run a boarding Keller, of Austin, Pa., registered at | house. Hotel Beck last Friday. be Covmisn loans from the Reyn-| "Try Magic drops for pain, internal oldsville Star that the tannery which and external. Guaranteed by C. W. | was consumed by fire at that piace Hodgkins, druggist, Patton, Pa.-tf | about two months ago will: positively Warren Shepherd assigtant freight be rebuilt soon. This is very good news agent at the P. R R. station, spent Sun- | for the people of that enterprising day with his parents at Westover. : town. The COURIER representative has: The Industrial Vindicator, published noticed quite a number of new board | at Gallitzin, Pa., has again come to the Walks being put down since our last | fron: after a suspension of about two months. Brother Kilduff, the editor, | has made resolutions to the effect that all business hereafter will be strictly | i cash. Right you are. During the past few weeks the streets of Patton presented a very lively ap- ‘ pearance, and very little complaining is done by our business men. This is what very few towns can boast of cou- sidering the. stagnation of business all over the country. A prominent member of the G. A. ‘R., Andrew McGaugh, died/at Loretto January 17th., and was bed at that place last Friday. The dece ancl was second lieutenant of company G, 12th Pennsylvania cavalry, and served three years in the late war. EX Gas witb ha. has a new | "yourself. . Dr. J. Harry McCormick took a busi- | ness trip to Balsano, in the vicinity of the Black Lick coal region Friday and Saturday. The family of Elmer Smale, arrived from Lock Haven Monday. Mr. Smale +and family are stopping with ¥. W. Rodgers, Fifth avenu. Nagle, the liveryman, erected a very attractive sign on Magee avenue and also had the front of his stable lettered with large, attractive letters. ' A.M. Kirk, of Curwensviile, spent A GHANCE OF A LIFETMIE The Eureka Recess; next door to the Grey Hotel, Carrolltown, Pa. is cpen day and night. Turkey, Chicken, Ham- burg steak, Broiled beefsteak, Roast Pheasant, Roast Rabbit, Hot coffee, tea. | &é., &c., always on the bill of fare | Regular meals 25 cents. Side isis, . deserts and second order f ir meat. ex- Work in One of our show Ntratf This The Hungarians who livein the vi- in and ask for one of our premium tickets which: explain the | . cinity of Ricker & Gould’ s machine courtesies extended to our solicitor Ors ie “Rome howl” Saturday scheme to you. Remember the Discount when on a visit in that town “night A dance was given: by one of yd Of 15 per cent. week. ythe residents of fordiga birvh which is taken off on all winter west] Yours for trade, of £ Philadelphia for one of their val- ing, not allowing the more Lars abiding The One Price Clothier of Patton. member of vour family Free of Cost. wil 38 be : visited the Courier. His name was added to our subscription list. John Weakland of Chest Springs, was in town on Saturday last, and PrN [ nere a sample of the ca WILNAUWS see it. land expects to move to Patton in the | spring. We are under obligations to Mr. E. D. Curran, of Chest Springs, for week. Be sure and Come usable almanacs of 1894. For ‘public | | citizens within bearing, to partake of and general information The Times | their needed rest. One party whose almanac Is on top. | passion was aroused to some extent . Mrs. J. M. Robison, who has been on | tried to drown the noise of the ‘merry the sick list for several days is, we are dancers” by discharging a Winchester : pleased 1 to say, well again and as usual | between acts, but had to give up in - very busy getting ready to move in the despair and wait until the “‘polinky pt ' new Palmer hotel. had worked off. : is offered you in to get a Crayon Picture of yourself or any TH PATTON SUPPLY 0, DE ALERS IN STAPLE @00D5 OF ALL KINDS. DRY GOODS, vn GROCERIES NOTIONS, PROVISIONS DRESS TRIMMINGS, CANNED GOODS FLOUR AND FEED, H. ATS. CAPS, S. BOOTS AND SHOES Country Produce taken in exchange for goods. > Agents for Palace Steam Laundry. ‘A GROCER WITH ANY SAND in his sugar, but rather “Will not put it into business principles. In groceries we are careful what we buy. Try us’ A HORSE SHOE DENOTES GOOD LUCK. Buy your BOOTS and SHOES from us and be in luck. Dry Goods Area specialty with us. Try us in any of the above. We have the stock. DRY RUN STORE co. | Lo. geral Merchandise, | and PATTON, PA. Corner \lngee ne Pidth Avenues.