The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 25, 1893, Image 4
purtthe - o Patton Courier. | i'that you don’t like be careful that yon | PATTON PUBLISHING CO. Proprietors. Herald. TaURShAYS JANUARY 25, 1808. THE Armstrong Republican says‘ The LONE OF THE ISSUES. ~~ record for cheap horses has been broken At the coming February election the at a constable’s sale near Eldersville a citizens of Patton will vote for or few days ago, when two horses were against an issue of bonds for the pur- sold for 90 cents. We have positive pose of raising money for a school proof of this statement from a responsi: building. That much was definitely ble eye witness.” settled last week when the school board . issyed notice of such election through Penridyipanis holds the iead as the | this paper. The probability of such an | So, Siger SE election has been seen for some time, 158,852, while New York produced only . and since it is a certainty we woald Y ny 1,202,900, 000. These two States manu- One of the Largest Hotels iu North- sure the people of Patton that no ques- e otured about one-half the entire out- tion of equal importance, perhaps, put of the United States, which was will come up at the February election. 4, 674,708,260. . Men may consider other things which | vex their spirits, but there is perhaps Tue Postoffice conrtaent at Wash- no need of the town which could not ington had on hands at the beginning much better be tolerated, if necessary, ofthe year 165 658,745 stamps of the for a little time to come than the need (columbian series, valued at $3,000,000. ' of ample accommodations for the pub- To dispose of this vast accumulation of fic schools. A community must have these now discredited stamps the Pos schoo's; all communities must have them | master General has ordered and as required or become amenable to be distributed among a namber he the the State law. If the board does not offices of the country, and that no others | provide the school, which it is now be supplied until these are exhausted. showing a willingness to do, it can be | _ Ex. made to do so, and it is a wise govern-- ment that so provides, and the people | of Patton are & part of that govern- ment. Therefore, let the citizens eup- In only one ‘board in the most feasible plan | bills posted ‘very much wrong in last week's issue. | or two places were the on top of the Hastings bills, and these bills were not posted ! till late in the afternoon of the day on ~The sum which it is proposed to raise | i which the show was to. APgeAr ai, thet that may appear to some as a burdensome ‘place, and could not do any amount. But itis 'ruly not so. The | Neighbor you are wrong when you ao men who pay the taxes here to-day will | cose Patton of being jealous of the be giving their children atvantages at | Hastings opera house; the green-eyed | nominal cost to them and the pe. eflmd monster stands no chance in this busy themselves will help pay for it in years | little city. For the benefit of The to come, when the children’s children | Tribune we will say, that Patton isa ‘are going to school. ; Have all weighed | very very large youngster, and if compelled | the proposition in that light? Nominal to go back to “Hippins'’ again, it will | taxes will pay the interest and provide | require one the size of a storm over-, a sinking fand, and all the while that coats. nominal expense is being borne Patton : - twill have school rooms and schools as | thst » good as any other town. Our pubic schools ave the great a6 my. goo; Sustesise, Jun 98, 104. similaters, In them are found pupils || vo array Plue y, but by born in all lands, and through them all |, , time the next number of the are brought to live in the atmosphere | 'QOURIER is issued it is hoped there will of a republic with patriotic love for the |e cheerful minin g intelligence to country where all have equal advan- publish from this section. tages for obtaining a fair edueution. The members of the checkweigh a foundation upon which to begin board in this place went over to Pat- hich is not equalled by. P Sur ote he rod by 4 , ton on Tuesday and. met the members Do net mistake the importance. of 0 dog etme bined So thie ‘opera lium: kins for bon 4s at the Febiu too | purpose of examining the chek- ¥ % ary e ' weighmen at that place, who were tion. elected some time since, as to. their | fit- Sa ‘ness in Alling the position. A NEWSPAPER | A number of ladies and aor. In the first issue of the COURIER it were entertained in a delightful man- was made plain that it was not to be a’ ' ner at the home of Miss Emma Nichol journal! devoted to the cause of any son, on Beaver street Tuesday evening. political organization or an associa- After enjoying the good things pro- tion or associations of any kind. That | vided for the occasion the evening was had been determined upon because it enlivened by vocal and instrumental was known that a publication ‘which music. Those present, were Misses was other than simply a newspaper. Ida Eckenrod, Fannie Jones, Malvina could not be made self sneteining in Eckenrod, and Messrs. James Eck, J. this locality —and there is not a more 'F. Allport, W. C. ‘Hatfield and R. F. ‘popular ambition in the newspaper Notely. All were highly pleased with field than to make a good newspaper. | “the evening's entertainment. This matter is referred to here be- | Miss Malvina Eckenrod, of Carroll- cause it is gathered from some conver- | town, who has been visiting Miss Emma sations our solicitor has hal that some | Nicholson, at the Central hotel, re- whit il iu. the mes at Patton are turned to ber home to-day. ; COURIER is | Thomas McNulty, in town Tuesday on business. !" Mrs. Marks is a poor widow, and. place. Her husband died and was buried. Subse- q he was exhumed and laid to ' rest at Brisbin. The scandal-mongers | quickly decided that she sold him to some medical institute. To disprove this lie, Mrs. Marks had the body dis- fraction of that time and after a nom- interred. For the benefit of those who . ber of weeks the CousiER would be no | #7 only too ready to traduce the. miore. That is the actual situation as | Character of the woman, the doctor's’ related to business, without a line of Mfdavit and the witnesses certificate sentiment. And is it not a plain case? of denial is appended. : - A newspaper all want; an organ but ‘COMMONWEALTH cp Lig 8 few want. The COURIER means to be as CLEARFIELD a BEwspaper Sipndly t to Working men. Paivonally appeared before the sub- of complying with the spirit of our State school laws. NASTINGS ing miners employed here at present. _ If we were to publish & paper for them | alone we would get say 400 subscribers a $1 a year, $400, with which to pay scriber, a Justice of the Peace, in afore’ said county of Clearfield, J. A. Baird, M. D.. of the Borough of Brishin in said county, who upon his solemn oath according to law doeth depose and say, | that he has this day examined the ! y LOCAL TICKETS. Two jocal! tickets for this borough are in the field now, as the COURIER last week said there probubly would be, po. NMarkas late : : of Hastings, Cam- and both are mixed politically, We bria county, and now buried ria understand. Party lines are not ob- gemetry, and is positive that it is the served strictly in local elections in| body of the suid Frank - Marks. And Patton, although it is expected a ma | that y Rot Deets muitilabed y of the v for one. ticket Ly a pou orem examination, and jorit otes cast has n acquainted with him will be by Democrats and a majority for aboat fifteen years last past, and of those cast for the other will be by would not be mistaken in the identity. Républicans. Every man who owns a ; J. A. BARD, M. D. foot of ground in Patton and every me this 15th ay of January, A. D, _ one who expects to make his home 18M, FRED PULLIN, J. P. Wo he in in ay poo that we — t 8 8 : w resen liberal and progressive local govern- 4 ow the within named ig brs i ment to choose from the two tickets the Baird examine the - of Frank candidates in whom the greatest confi- Marks, deceased, late of i dence can safely be placed. They are gd examination having heen tings. Toe in Ean. iim j x risbin, Clearfield county, Pa. Jan- all citizens of a new borough and the uary 18th, 1884, and that there had | _. question of politics is of small account been no mutilation of the body of the in the February election. It would be said Frank Marks, having known him foolish for a man of either party to personally, and having seen him last at ‘ the time of his death on October waive the town’s material interests in 198% and that we are not 20th, favor of politics. mistaken the identity. William Beveridge, Wil- As the tickets appear in Shit paper it ond Siberts, William Marks, Frank cL aaking from both Goss, R. C. Davis, Charles Speigle. a very good corps of officers can be Mrs. Marks instructed your corres chosen. Both caucuses have, in fact, | Pondent to thank you kindly for the been careful in making selections. publication of the above, and allowing so mach of your valuable space with- out charge. The Stillwater scheol of Carroll town- on- | | ship, just outside of the borough of s | Patton will be closed on account of the | | sickness of the teacher. Brag Wook a whedls, 1 in the shape) of two live sheep on the top of a _ of hay, passed through town last . day. It is presumed that the dri name is Wilson. : : | | | f | | | | | If you see anything in another man THE Tribune is partly right and also Sworn to and subscribed to before For Sale. in a town of 1,000 inhabitants. will be sold at i own price : . A. MELLON, Patton, Pa. [HOTEL BECK, “H.C, BECK, Prop'r. otf ren 1m ern Cambria: Conducted in modern style. Dt Fighty call boxes; 56 bronge front | don’ t find it in yourself. Falls Creek ' lock boxes; counter, delivery windows | etc., making a complete outfit for a f Good Tables and Bar Supplied with Choicest Brands of Liquor. The Popular Rouse of Patton. STONE y| MAHAFFEY HOUSE, Mahaffey, Clearfield Co., Pa. mmodstions first-class. Best of Liquors | ai Ww ines at the bar, Stabling attached. GRORGE FERGUSON, otf Prop'r. HOTEL PATTON, E. A. MELLON; Props. Th du hk on. Lately ‘ remodeled, and «ao. in Arciam style PW. BITTNER. CONTRACTOR "AND BUILDER. ais So Estimates submitted on sbort whe diow. "PATTON, PENNA, F. MCKENRICK,— Attorney and Counselor at Law, © EBENSBUNG, PA. Will sttend tall busi ness with prompthness and fidelity. Office opposite the Mountati House. Adamant Plaster Gives a first-class wall a moderate ex- pense. : . Is the best fire-resisting plaster. Always ready for use in any season. mfitted 1 Tables Tone and bar wapplied | tion Guaranteed. FirstNation'IBank | Patton, Cambria Co., Pa. 8 “als nnd Banks reeeived ‘Does not hold gases or disease germs. Is the par excellence for patching. Can be papered as soon as dry. Is recommended by all the leading Architects who ve used * this country and England. Will give you a solid wall. Of itself will not crack, shrink. Will not cleave off when used as di- rected, even in case of leakage. . Will give you a warn house. Does not ruin woodwork by it with moisture. "Admits of carpenters following plas- terers in a few days. it in Is capable of every variety cf finish. Gra $a Used on the Palmer House, Good Hotel Beck, Hotel Patton, swell or te NORMAL SCHOOL | CvMuria COUNTY, 1804, for a term of ten ‘weeks. different branches will be am; Pror. GG. Nh Write for circulars, ete. Principal 1 y ( ) UU HARRY MoOORMICK, M.D. J. o PATTON, PA forar « dor Ganrsih Fifth. : (8 A vd ¢ “1S > If Not, Why Not. We undoubtedly have the very Arias and best line of Gents F urnishing Goods ever brought to the town of Patton and not only the best, but we can sell at the A EST PAI FOR CASH. PHYSICIAN ANT SURGEON, Office Boars from “90 to and TM oR PM M. FF. PHILLIPPL Offer in Dweker Buoildl pestle) it ANTI NGS, A. special; attention given y the preservation of the natirkl teeth . {'rowN AND HEIpar WORK, Artificial teth on Vubmnite ard Metall Plates, Prides as work. AUGUST K. HUBER, MAS ( JX, Mellon AN, PATTON, PA Iam prepared to do all Kinds of work in my fine at reasonable priess. Contracts taken and extimates frm iabed when destred. Satisfac tion guamntied, Glve mes endl i’ VENT = low p= 1s consistent with good SAMUEL E. JONES, i Ri TICA ~ Blagksmith and Horse Shoer. . Repairing of Wagons, Fie. neatly and prompt | done. Mining Toots n specialty. Hatlsfac- | PATTON, Cambria Co. Pa. | We are generally acknowledged as THE LEADERS in everything kept in a firstclass Clothing Store and we can show you goods with the greatest of Peers We make it a point to treat every person alike and offer the same price t to all See our Large Stock of Shoes, Rubbers, Etc., OF PATTON, CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00. Ascoanis of Corporations. Firms, Individo- upon the mos favors. ble lerins consistent with safe und conseryntive banking. Htenmship thekets for mle lines, Foreign Dmits re nt clthis of Ue Old World All correspoadence will lave oar profipt and personal nttention, “This isn’t all; We will sell all our Interest paid on ¢ time deposits, A. E. PaTTON Wa. H. Saxponh; a Overcoats at Cost FURERN PANT [i glare | WOLF & THOMPSON. for all the emdding ie in the prineipel D. H. C. WARREN, Manager. HOUSE: SIGN AND loading Ornamental Painting." ining, Glasing and Paper Building, C. C. L. & L Co. office., Patton Opes, Advertising a Specialty. house, M. E. church, and on more than jone-half of the pliaiersd hotues houses and la the Catholic anrch St. August- store rooms of Patton. For prices and information, write ADAMANT PLASTER CO. Patsen, Pa., Lock Box 345. PFAFF & NOLF, The Tires, LIVERY, “SALE and FEED STABLE. MAGEE AVENUE, . Opposite the Station; PATTON, PA. Conveyances furnished for all - purposes at short notice. GOOD HORSES. GOOD RIGS. Reascnable Prices. Have You Read Prompt attention. ; Good drivers furnished when desired. Horses "boarded by the week or month at lowest rates. ee QIVE US NEW MERCHANT | IN REAR ROOM OF Jonx YA NERS Building. Particular attention paid to Mend- ing, Dying and Cleaning. ee FIRST-CLASS WORK. ~ R. LE BOXIS. S A CALL— | guarantee PERFECT FITS and : Tailor Shop Signs of all Descriptions. PATTON, PA. THIS SPACE A.M. Phicniah who will on or about March Ist, - hardware, is reserved by PHILADELPHIA, PA, ” : open a first-class Citi ~ plimbing and steam heating This Morning! estsblishment in the room o¢- Wolf & Thomson, Magee avenue. cupied by THE TMES is the most extensively cirenlated and widely read newspaper published in Pennsylv ania. Its dis- cussion of public . men and public’ . mewsures is in the interest of pablic integrity, honest gov ernment and prosperous indust=y, and it knows no party or personal allegiance in _ treating public issues. In the broad- est and best sense a family and gen- eral newspaper. ; THE TIMES aims to have the largest circulation by deserving it, and "claims that it is unsurpassed in all the _ cssentials of a great metropolitan - newspaper. Specimen copies of any jo adition will be sent free so any one sending their address. & TERMS DaiLy, $5.00 per annum; £1.6) for four months; 30 cents per month: delivered by carriers for 8 cents per week. SUNDAY EDFi10N, twenty-four large, handsome pages— 188 columns, elegantly illustrated, $2.00 per annum; 5 cents per copy. Daily and Sunday, $5.00 per annum; ~ 50 cents per month, Weekly Edition; 50 cents per annum. ucrsun. THE BEST Sc. CIGAR. ma. EQUAL TO ANY 10 CENT CIGAR. " rOM SALE BY ALL REMABLE OEALERS. ’ : > et. Market trset. GF Fucke , Jobdea, vy o The above Cigar is for sale in Paton by : THE PATTON NEWS DEPOT. E. A. MELLON, P. M. ~ HENRY E. KELLER. CHARLES McMULLEN.. .J. M. ROBINSON'S HOTEL. J. F. HULL. ; Address ull letter to ‘THE TIMES, PHILADELPHIA, Pa.