v + THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1994 Opres Housenext Monday night. Read Bell’s dfer in another column. _ P. J. Dutriek came over from Carroll- , town Tnesds'. Bee the “Burglar at the Oprea House | next ‘Monday night. : P Johnston, of McKeesport, spent Monday in Patton. Jus. B. Whiner, of Carrolitown, was in Patton Monday. : J. H. Beckley, of Johnstown, was a visitor to Paton Tuesday. ; You will always find bargains at the | Pattou Supply company’s. T. Jeff. Boom spent Sunday with his family at Carwensville. Balt $1.25 per barrel at the store of | the Patton fupply company. Pred Melon and Otto. P. Giosser, drove over 0 Loretto Sunday. J. H. Roms, merchant tailor of Punx- | ~ sutawney, was in town Monday. E. J. Heuver, of Clearfieid, was a guest at the Commercial Mondsay. Best flannel shirts in Patton for 90 cents, at the Patton Clothing Store. . John P. Barr and Wm. Young, of Al- toon, were in Patton oh business Mon- any. ) ir you want an: elegant criyon por- | trait. free, see Bell's offer in another col- | amn., Michael Zallner, constable of Carroll- ‘tawn, registered at the Robison House | Friday. « Thanks to C. J. Bangert, editor of the Walls Creek Herald, for a calendar and.’ blotters. ' Storm coats §7.25, former price $9.50, at the closing out sale at the Economy store. -5tL. J. C. Myers, of this place, was drawn as a grand juror for next term of court st Ebensburg. R. H. Yeager, of DuBois, was in Pat- | ton Thursday and Friday looking after his building interis. . pellent, - Magic cough care. _ Misses Lucy and Stewart Beck, of Huntington, visited their Father. HC. Beck, Friday and Saturday. For coughs, colds and sore throat try Giaaranteed by C W. Hodgkins, druggist, Patton, Pa-ff Dr. Murray bas had 8 new board "walk placed in front of his property om Magee avenue let the good work gO om. Quite a ramber of the young folks of Pation took advaniage of the skating Friday and Saturday. The ice was ¢x- H E Keller and L 8. Beil drove over to Hastings Monday. Jas. A Smith, of Galitzin, stopped at | the Robison house Monday. | You can save money by buying your | goods of the Patton Supply company. ' Call and examine our goods. Several new street lamps were placed on the streets since our Jast issue. : Carpets have been laid in abo at a dozen rooms of the new Hotel Palmer. © Fifth Avenue, and Restau rant. H. E. KELLER, Proprietor. Patton, Pa. Fresh Bread Pies, Cakeosi And ev in. the Bakery line al- | ways fh on hand at all times. a A oa a a A To connection. The Kinkead restaorant is an excel- class Lunch Counter in lent place for a | cents per pound, st the Patton Supply company’s. ow ihe gra clontiug ort Sik ing sate 4 the Economy sie; oppowte | Hotel Beck. -Stf. The hotels are crowded with stran. | gers, and inquiries for real estate are | made every day. Mr. E. C. Brown has had a board walk laid in front of his property on - Magee avenne. Th M. Schroder, of Tyrone, and Mr. Austin, of Pittsburg, registered ut the Commereial Monday. . Dr. M. E. Phillippi, a first-class den- tist of Hastings has a card in this paper. | Read what he has to suy.- This is your only chance to buy doth ing cheap, at the Economy store. clothing must be sold at once.-5tf Try Magic drops for pain, interhal {aid external. Guaranteed by C. W. Hodgkins, druggist, Patton, Pa.-tf Jas. McMasie, the jewelryman of Hastings. sccompanied by his wife, drove over to this place Sunday. W. PF. Kalbenchlog, representing Platt, Barber & Co., of Philipsburg, . made a bnsiness trip to Patton Monday. Wanted. —A practical idacksmith de- sires a location. Write to Alex 8 Pyles, McCullough Mills, Janista coun- ty, Pa. 614° : A meeting of the Fuilding and Losa association will be beld next Tnesddy evening at a place to be announced Iater, for ihe purpose of receiving dues Advertisements for Hegel Berk Hotel Patton Appear. in Tha They are both houses well and consequently =lwi ZOE. Sixteen htndred kegs of po rived her } i consigi who will use if ; ; nabasy Fredy Hoek, Ein Owing to the bad weather, ete. the borough council did not convene Mon- day night, there not being a quorum present. The “Barglar’’ wiil be presented at She Patton Oprea House, next Monday evening, Jan. 22. 50 conte. | ‘Mr. and Mrs. H. E Barton enter- tained a few of their friends at their residence on Palmer ‘avenue Saturday evening. When you go to Hastings, stop at the Central hotel; it is a good place and Mr. Nicholson knows how to hospitably | ia Alfred Hertiey, of Glen Campbell. who treat his guests. Freemsun Williams, of Big Run, Jef- ferson county, who has some real estate | in Patton, was here last week looking after his interests. : Residents in the lower end of town: are complaining because of the need of sidewniks. The mud is encugh just at present to justify complaint. Go thw Kinkead restaurant if you want & good lunch. Frank is a good fellow mid is deserving of the patron- Rp peo Fun 58 ‘Wasson, of Hastings, had charge ~ of the Muthodist Fpiscopal services in the Patton hall Sunday. The next pervices ‘will be Sunday, January 28. An iron bridge is being constructed over Chest creek on Magee avenue,and the strest is being graded to suit the requirements. The county is furnish- ng the bridge. been employed in the mines at that place, is now an employe of ‘the Ash. chroft mines here. his family here soon. Messrs. Kelly & Summerv ille are He expect Wo move building six new houses at the upper end of town. January hailding is al- _. miost. ‘an unknown occupation in most toms in -thi latitude. John Hensel, of Altoona, now has | charge of the Patton livery stable. Mr. ‘Hensel is an experienced man in that : business and no doubt will do a pros- porous husinges in Patton. JF Ross, traveling salesman for G. | T. Mathews & Co., wholesale tea house, New York City, was in town on Friday and secured some orders. Mr. Ross is vorably impressed with Patton. Pearl E. Taylor, of Hastings, and Thiideus Stine, D. D. 8, of McVey." town, Mifflin county, were callers at the CoURIER office Friday. lor in Patton. id Admission 25, 35 and Mr. Stine: contemplates opening up a dental par- - Ome hrea-bogtt Fe with one pout wd of bakin x po YW GET at the Patton Supply Company's. Don’t mly a few more edt. good meal or lunch. Stl . . Try our English Breakfast Tea ut 25 Tobacco, Cigars and Confectionery. Fresh Shell Oysters, WK Prices Are Right. PFAFF & NOLF, “LIVERY, SALE 2nd FEED STABLE. MAGEE AVENUE Opposite the Station, PATTON, PA. Conveystioes Sarnia for all: purposes at short notice. GOOD HORSES. oh GOOD RIGS. ‘Reasonable Prices. : Prompt attention. Good drivers furnished when desired. Horses boarded by the week or month at lowest rates. —GIVE US A CALL G. P. O'leary is now ready to cater to the wants of his friends in the Line of meat. His market is supplied with the best meats and it will be sold st living prices. Next door to T. F. Mel _lon’s grocery. Sif * Specimens of job printing done at this office will be shown patrons on ap- plication. Note heads, bill heads, state- ments, envelopes, handbills and all kinds of commercial printing done at reasonable prices. Send in your orders. We refer our readers to the cards of J. F. McKeurick and Wm. | torneys-at-law, Ebensburg, which ap- pear in this issue. Both of these gentie- men are well known in their profession, © “and if the patrons of the COURIER are | at any time in need of the services of an attorney, we recommend the above named gentlemen. Dr. J. A. Murray, of Mahaffey, who . was a delegate to the Democratic state ‘convention held at Harrisburg last week, returned home from that place Thursday of last week and stopped off at Patton to visit his brother; Dr. E. A. "Murray. He paid he Corrina pleasant cail The Eureka Recess, next door to th Grey Hotel, Carrolltown, Pa. is « pen day and night. Turks EY. ‘Chic ken, Ham- burg steak, Broiled Pheasant, Roast Kabbii, Hot coffee, tea Se &o., always on the bill of . fare. egal ir meals 20, cents, Sige diab, de seria and second order for meat, ex- tra. tf ‘Ke of I’. Attention : There will be a meeting of the Knights of Pythias in the Good build- ing on Friday evening of this week. All members are expected to be present as business of importance “is to be t TAnsac ted. We can sell you flour, sugar, coffee, meat, etc., cheaper than any store in | town. Try us and be convinced. THE PATTON SUPPLY C0. Miners Idle. The Patton miners have been idle | since Monday, but by the time the | next number of the COURIER is issued it is hoped there will be more ‘cheerful mining intelligence to publish. We are giv ing our trade the be ‘nefit of the cash system. PATTON SUPPLY Co. Davis, at JACK’S PLACE. Opposite Beck's Hotel, in Jno. Boice's Bi liar d Parior. DON'T POROET TO VISIT JOHN BOICE'S Billiard Par or, | Opposite Beck's Hotel WEAKLAND BROS. FIFTH AVENU E. near Beck Hotel bee fateak, Roast 5 a a — r— LS La— FIRST CLASS RIGS. GOOD HORSES. PRICES REASONABLE. Drivers sent with all t turnouts if desired. GIVE US A TRIAL. FASHIONABLE DRESS MAKING. all Kins of wwing Iaress tank atest sive ¢ and good work 2% waders By rR OEIVIET- Presi iis { Fess Ed Tae : I SET shud l di ERE WE ARE ‘WITH THE TARIFF K socked out of sight, but my | Prices are not. | { i ] have a very complete line of Watches. Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Gold and Steel Spectacles, Silver Novelties, Ia fact alinest everyting that is carried m dewelry Stores, and prices to cor respond with - COME JAS. W. HOY, TTON, PA, resi NAGLE'S very Rpg able FINE RIGS AND GOOD HORSES CAREFUL DRIVERS when desired HORSE + BOARDED saath, Prices rege sts ie | TRY ME ur Proprietor. L ; PATTON, PA. WHEN | YOU W ANT A FIRS T-CLASS JC OB OF “7 NERY ND FEED STE. eh SIGN. WRITING. PAPERI NG or ERE SCOING. QS} be F 3 of WATSON. THE PAINTER WW. Ju Weakiand ne AER TN ( aT MGETIes T. hace 0, ga rs = I and Cnfegtic Nery. lang ani | F Fourth streets. Marvins Celebrated ’ Pittsburg Bread, 3. Crackers and Cakes received fresh eve- | rv day. Goods sold at the lowest pri- Ces for cash. Magwe Avenue E. HO | Every . Lady and Gentleman Should Attend the Great / SALE the Auction NF ELC YORK DRY GOODS HOUS SE, OPPOSITE HOTEL BECK. Harness, Corner Railroad: E. J. SEVERIN, Bridle Ftc. > Whips, Blankets, Harness Oils "Repair Work 1S MY SPECIALTY. and Magee Avenue, PATTON, PA. Corner! FISHER & BUCK. po ITURE. FUR> ATU RE is fall and comp ete. FLAKE ATTRESS, tediv the Hest mattress now 3 \ stock of OW SHADES great variety. PARLOR SUITS, and nice ones too: Carpet Samples now on hand. : AGENTS FOR THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Come and look our stock over. We can save vou money. Also a large ariety of machine needles. UNDERTAKING i SPECIALTY. FISHER & BUCK, PATTON. A