The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 11, 1893, Image 5
t AL i ; Patton Courier. PATTON PUBLISHING CO, "THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1804, Proprictore. | i tiis issne, puaty Superintendent Leedh, bensburg, was in town Tuesday. Re Summerville and Samuel Kally, Read Bell's offer in another column. ie A. Laird, of Tyrone, speut Mon- ady in town. For fine boots and shoes go to the Pat- ton Clothing Store. : Frank C. Guaison, of Huntingdon, had business bere Monday. C. & E. Little iast week killed a bo- vine that weighed 1,750 pounds. Wm. Boyce and Wm. Wells, of Brie- | W. Hodgkins, druggist, Patton, Pa. bin, are visiting friends in town. Best flannel shirts in Patton for 90 walk down to the grist mill and take a to cents, at the Patton Clothing Store. Jack Shied is able to be around again ‘ after a severe attack of rheumatism. county, is a guest at the Hotel Beck. Good overcoats for boys, nobby with | cape, $1,50 at the Patton Clothihg Store. | Misscs Anna Seyler and Bertha Barr, 0 DuBois, are guests of Miss Sannie | Dale. PM Brown, of Willmore, was in over Dale’s hardware store to a room was in Patton Tuesday town Thursday and paid the COURIER | on the second floor of the new Good location for blacksmith a visit. Storm coats $7.25, former price $9. 50, convenient quarters i in his new location, to ull patrons. at the closing out sale at the Economy 7 store. -5tf. AT ni i 3 It is often difficult to get shell oysters, at ali times. -1 Don’t miss the great closing out oloth- ing sale at the Economy store, opposite - wh Beck. -5tf. of C ‘hest Springs, were in town Tues. : Br. : L. 8. Bell, the cicothier, was draw n | es week as a juror for court at Ebens- burg. If you wae trait free, en { amn. For coughs, colds snd sore throat try Magic cough cure. Guaranteed by C. Af If you are interested in game cocks, “Nn elkgant crayon por- ~fler in another col: ons at Mr. Burns’, they are beauties. Mr. E. C. Brown, who has been to Jersey Shore and Williamsport for J. C. Oberlin, of Smicksburg, Indi several days on a business trip, return- | rolltown over the license question, and ed home Monday. A miners’ and mine laborers’ mass meeting will be held in the opera house on. on Friaay evening. Several speakers from a distance will be present. Dr. Worrel has moved his office from 1 building. . He has very pleasant and A. Libovis, of Altoona, {as rented the room jormerly occ by Charles a ‘Wholley the barber, ed ehant %tailoring business. Mr. Libovis expects to be ready for business next’ week. : The Eareka Rowse, next door to the Look over fhe new advertiseinante in| of the Yahnér L R. Snyder, Fifth avenue, has them building, and will fit it ap for the mer. MN. CARROLL TOWN. k : CaRROLLTOWSY, Jan. 0, 1904 Mrs. J. W. Sharbaugh is improving. | Fresh roasted peanuts at the Fureks, asy and night. Call at the Eureka restaurant and get ncodie soup, 5 and 10 cent dishes. : D..C. Sullivan, proprietor of one of the best hotels at Spangler, in town Monday. - W. H. Waltz, proprietor of the Ea: ] rela restaurant, next to (Gray's hotel, keeps open day and night. Adam Freese, our popular liveryman, BAYS that busines’ is fair to middling, but if there was deighing it would be better. Albert Flick, of the Gray hotel, re- med from Pittsburg Saturday. He - was selling ‘apples and wis Very suc- cessful. Considerable interest prevails in Car- { Offer! bl as the time for granting approaches the interest increases. Mrs. Quince Brickley, of Spangler, died Monday morning, January 8th, of consumption. She was abont 28 years of age and leaves one small child. James Sharbaugh, of Carrsllitown. leoking np a shop. He is a competent mecoanic and will do justies Of { the New York. I ean give All th: at's necessary 1s tvpe brought here to my cards entitling you T. W. Letts, formerly editor nnd pro- priator of the News, has left his ac- counts with "Squire S¢hroth for settle. All those indebted to him will pleuse call and settle to save cout largest Crayon P rtrait | Bvimordinary Keller’ s Bakery 1 and Restaurant H. E. KELLER. Proprietor. Fifth Av enue, Patton, Pa. | IF resh Bread A Crayon Portrait, Size 16 Xx 20. LIFE SIZE. N ABSOLUTELY I AEE - With Every $10 Purchase. AL IVE R Y, ‘Having made arrang ements with one Makers in my customers a Lifer a Photograph or tin- the store, and one of to the picture, will be give n you. S: ame as full instructions the reon. BeELLwooD, Jan. 9, 1584, The Republican voters of the boroagh R EMEMBE R. “The New York dry goods store will ‘Grey Hotel, Carrolitown, Pa. is open met in Cornmesser’s hall last, Satarday continue . auctioning off goods, every evening this week. day and night. Turkey, Chicken, Ham: burg steak, Broiled beefsteak, Roast evening and nominated a fifll borough ticker. Their chances for success were Notice the change in the advert Pheasant, Roast Rabbit, Hot coffee, tea. looked after in the selection of cundi- ment of Fisher & Bnek, the farniture je. dealers, on Beach avenuve, Dr. Neiman, of DuBois, was in town | last week, presumably looking for a lo- | cation for a dentist's office. This is your only chance to buy cloth tg cheap, at the Eeonomy store. All| clothing mist be sold at onoe.- Sf I have a number of fine building: lots for sale in different parts of the town. Inquire at postoffice, E. A. Mellon. ~ John Boyce expects to begin erecting an addition to his building, opposite the Hotel Beck in ubout two weeks. Try Magic drops for pain, internal and external. Guaranteed by C. W., Hodgkins, druggist, Patton, Pa.-tf W. H. Bell, Jr. of Reynoldsville, ful and marvelous performance in the diphtheria. He was aged 2 yesas and ta fow days in p last week | OPera house Thursday evening, made | 10 months. The remains were interred He was the guest of his “brother, L.. 8, the hit of the season. It was pronoune-- I" th Logan Valley cemetery. | Bell ¥h Wanted. - a practical blac kemith de- sires a location. Write to Alex 8. &c., always on the bill of fare gular meals 25 cents. Side dishes, | deserts and second orde ir for me ai, ex- tra. tf : § .- Who weeps with you when you are i sad, who laughs with you when you | are glad, and smiles with you when { you are mad? The editor. Who has ito be both kind and wise and never hardly ever) lies, and when he does, creates surprise? The editor, Who owns a heart as well as cheek, is pos- sessed of spirit, proud yet meek, sad lives on forty cents a week? The editor. Ex. Entertained at Operas House. Powell, the magician, in his wonder- jed the best entertainment that has ever been in Patton, and gave universal sat- isfaction. Those who have seen Kelier dates. Party lines are not very closely drawn in local contests; good men are looked for, J E. A. Howell has severed his connec- tion with the Pennsylvania & North. western railroad as assistant engineer of maintenanes of way. He departed last Wednesday evening for Chester, + he will stady law. ; A fire broke out in the stable connect- ed with the Bell hotel on Wednesday “morning. Some shingles and hay were ‘burning when the flames diseov- ered. The bucket brigade quenched the biaze. . Ray Baker, son of William and Clara Dysart, died ai the home of the par- ents ‘nn Bellwood Friday afterroon of All | | | | of 15 per Is Made « whew were 15.00 Suits, now * gr Suits, S12 O00 now mistake but come here. The Patton Water Company. . Billa for water rent, for the first quar- ter of 1594, are due January 1st, 1594. Attention of consumers ia called to Besides this extraordinary offer. a positive Reduction i otlies goods in heavy wear at same proportion. We do just as we advertise. Bell, cent Mens Winter Suits, Overcoas or Heavy Wear * J. ost you 1.3.00 Uvercoats, now cost you cost vou ‘Make no: The One Price Clothier. Good drivers furnished Pies, C akes, "And Ser) ting in in .the Bakery line al. Hea hand st allt times ul Spver 44 at i Hous ain 5 - nh ier nd et. Fresh Shell Oysters, WK Prices Are Right. PFAFF & NOLF,’ ~ SALE and FEED STABLE. MAGEE AVENUE, Sized C rayon of any me .mber of the family. Opposite the Station, PATTON, PA. Ciroraiese ne furnished for al? purposes at shart notice. GOOD HORSES, - GOOD RIGS. Roasouible rices. Prompt 2 wilen Aocirs : aes ITC d. hoarded hv the week 7B Horses or month at lowest rates. i "NAG LE'S MC and Herman pronounce Mr. Powell the i Byes. Hel. us Milla, a equal if not the superior of either. Mr. the fcllowing portions of the Rules and Powell is a gentleman on the stage, Regulations of the Patton Water Co.: | Which cannot always be said of those “If not paid within ten days, after they i who make magic a profession. His fall due, five per cent. will be added to I a3 aov For a first-class | wae a ealler at the COURIER office on | li the rear of the Good building, intended | Mr. Bwent, of Indiana county, is put ting up a large building on the lot in BJ Kahn, of Altoons, was in town 3 * on Mandy. Mr. Kuhn is the proprie- of a large bakery in that city. He § at present trying to get a foot hold I os ying to Stn Attorney MeKenrick, of Ebensburg, Saturday, Mr. McKenrick knows a [ood thing when -he sees it. He sub- | : 1 it was lost by some peddier. scribed for the COURIER. ; Bpecimens of job printing done at this office will be shown patrons on ap- - plication. Note heads, bill heads, state- | mena, envelopes, handbills and all Sf commercial printing done at reasonable prices. Send in your orders. Inadvertantly an error was made in last week's that Stirman & Pack’s store had been . robbed. It should have been reported that the proprietors of the New York ve ii ; 2 dry goods store week the victims. G. P. O'Leary is now ready to cater to the wants of his friends in the line of meat. His market is supplied with the best meats and it will be sold at . living prices. Next door to T. F. Mel- Jon's grocery. -8if : John Yahner and William Dunnell, each have board walks completed in Yont of their properties. These were che last two sections to complete the walk from the COURIER office to the branch railroad crossing. Who will be | next? John Boyce and Samuel Kelly have applied for wholesale license, and which | will be heard at the llcense court in February. Patton is | purse. He had not been long thus oc- | Address all letter to "COURIER in the statement Of | East India trunk trick and his version | of Rider Haggard’s “She” were mar- | velous performances. We predict for | him 4 crowded house when he appears | here again. Muted Atm Seyi am Bein Bors, the most pleasant social events ever given in Patton. Several guests from out of town were present, among whom '| were Miss Maggie Thompson, of Cur- wensville, and Mr. W. D. Gilmore, of Philipsburg. Music was furnished by the Paston archestss. Bem efdeweiry Found, ~The box of jewelry found along the branch railroad above town last week, | waa at first supposed to be some of the goods that were stolen from the. New York dry goods company's store last week, but the proprietors say it does not belong to them. 1t.3s probable that ; Building a Bridge. ‘Messrs. J. E. Bowser, J. H. Emert, H. K. Carson and A. N. Carsan, bridge builders for the Beech Creek railroad company, are stopping in town. Ti ney are engaged in building a bridge at the lower end of the “Y™ uwitch for the company named, Yreparing to Focate, J. H. Garrity, Altoona, was in town Tuesday its an idea of loe ating in Patton. Mr. Garrity represents the Columbus Brewing company and ex- pects to open an agency here in the near future. A building will he erected especially for his use. Cl Rested in the Cooler. Saturday evening & Hungarian, load- ed with whiskey. and a pole ax, created some excitement on Magee avenue. -He had been around with the boys during the early part of the evehing and about 10:30 imagined that he had lost his purse under the sidewalk near the Cor- ‘nelive furniture store. By some means | he procured possession of an ax and with a will went to cutting the side- walk to pieces to procure the alleged the centre of a good territory and if | cupied before he wap gathered in by the any of the towns of this section sore ivoass 1% will probably be | chief of police and taken to the cooler to rest. He was given a hearing before | Burgess Jackson aad ined Band coi the bills, and if not not paid within thirty days, after they are due, the | water company may shut the water off without further notice, and collect the full ainount ss debts are now recover- able by law. 2 “In case the water is turned of by. an agimt of the company for ady canse, FINE RIGS [ter g Fa - Back of Wilgon and “obinsons hotels. Tux PArron Wares Co. E. C. Brown, Sec. & Treas Dee: ism Have You Read : The Tires, PHILADELPHIA PA, This Morning? Hoses * BOARDED By the week oF moat. Prices reasons dle TRY ME. NAGLE, Proprietor. | : PATTON, PA. Sf WHEN YOU WANT A FIRST-CLASS THE TMES is the most extensively HERE WE ARE WITH THE TAUFF { Knocked out of sight, But x my) Prices are not. Watches. Clocks, Jewelry, | Silverware, Gold and Steel JOB OF PAINTING, SIGN- WRITING, PAPERING or FRESC ( ING. SEE | WA ISON, THE PAINTER. W. J. Weakland DEALER IN circulated and widely read newvpaper published in Pennsylvania, Is dis- custiion of public men and pubiic measures is in the interest of public integrity, honest government and prieiperous industry, and it knows no party or personal allegiance in tréating public issues. In the broad- est ind best sense a family and. gen- eral newspaper. THE TIMES aims to have the Inrgest i cirealstion by deserving it, and . claims that ‘t is unsurpassed in all the . essentials of a great metropolitan newspaper. Specimen copies of any edition will be sent free so any one sending their address. ’ TERMS Datcy, #00 per annum; (Gr wcertes, Tobacco, $1.00 for four months; 30 cents per! month; delivered by carriers for 8 cents per week. SUNDAY EDITION, - twenty-four large, handsome puges— | 168 columns, elegantly illustrated, $2.0¢ per annum; 5 cents per copy. Daily and Sunday, $5.00 per annum: 50 cents per month. Weekly Eiitiou, ; i 50 eonts per annum. Cigars and Confectionery. Lang and Fourth streets. Marvios Celebrated Pittsburg Bread, THE TIMES, PHILADELPHIA, PA. | Craiova nad Cakes received fresh eve- iry day. Goods sold at the lowest pri | ces for cash. | Comer Spectacles, Silver Movie I have 2 very f complete line of | | SHAVE OR HAIR CUT GO TO JACK'S PLACE. jos Beck’s Hotel, in Jno. Boice’s Billiard Parlor. DON’T FORGET TO VISIT" JOHN BOICE'S Billiard Parlor, Opposite Beck's Hotel. 'WEAKLAND BROS. * LNERY IND FEED STABLE, FIFTH AVENUE, near Beck Hotel : i everything that! 1S carn ed mn -dewelry Stores, ‘and prices to correspond with the times. = COME IN AND SEE ME. JAS. W. HOY, Patton Block. PATTON, PA. Magee Avenue. | FIRST CLASS RIGS. GOOD HORSES. re mn. PRICES REASONABLE. Dione sent with all turnouts if desired. dmp— GIVE Us A TRIAL. FASHIONABLE y DRESS MAKING MISS M. ARTEN. A BUCK in prejared 4 all winds of sewing. Dress inaking a s Lag styles amd good wark gunrnnteed, ordbrs for work given premptattention, . rewcamble. In same ntiatag with CouniEn.