Patton Gourier. | PATTON PUBLISHING Co, Propristors. | THURSDAY, : DECEMBER 3, 1893. Look over the new advertisenents i in | “Ps this issue. 8. M. Wilson is in DuBois this w eek on business. Try Hoy on spectacles and watch re. pairing. -2t Wm. Waltz, of Corroiltown,~ . Mondgy in Patton. The second day of January was’ a beautiful spring day. The mammoth new hotel at Mahaffey will soon be under roof. For fine boots and shoes go to the Pat- ton Clothing Store. Men's fine mackintoshes at the Pat- ton Clothing Store. I' A. B. Clark, the Hastings livery man was in town on Tuesday. Patton has one of the best volunteer fire departments in the county. A new and substantial sidewalk is be- - ing laid around the Hote! Palmer Best flannel shirts in Paiton for 40 cents, at the Patton Clothing Store. The Commercial hotel will probabla be opened to the public next week. spent 2] Have you calied at the Kinkead res taurant? If not, you want to.--2tf. Try Hoy's watch hospital. tee a cure of all watch complaints. -414 Good overcoats for hoya, nobby with cape, 1,50 at the Patton Clothihg Store. ; Quite a number of Fl tings pe ople i Went the first of the year in Patton. All the mines in thifs section Wigton commended work on Wednes- day. “Dr. W. . Father of Caton, were in town on Wednes- day. hat Vt Soan and DA A good serviceable glove at 30 cénts, goat skin lined, at Bell's one 8 priose loth- ing house. : Storm coats $7.25, former price $9.50, at the closing out sale at the Feonomy store. -5tf. Don't miss the gro: ing sale at the Feon omy store, Hotel Beck. -5tf, W. P. Thomas, of Punxsutawney, came over to Patton to’ spend the first day of the new year. - Most of the business places in Patton were closed during the afternoon and evening of New Year's day. John Marion, of Walnut Run, a stock holder in the First National bank of: Patton, was in town on Tuesday. This is your only chance to buy cloth- ing cheap, at the Econom y store. All clothing must be sold at once. suf I have a number of fine building lots for sale in different parts of the town. inquire at postoffice, E. A. Mellon. 4 #Mrs. Reuben McPherson, of Clear- ~ fleid, who has been visiting in Patton, | returned home the first of this week. Dr.8. W. Worrell received the ap- pointment as railway physician and | surgeon on the Pennsylvania railroad | Monday. . 4. G. Bolomn, owner of the building occupied by Bell. the clothier and Kel- mtele mig out cloth. i lor’s restaurant, is a candidate for bur- DuBois. goes of T. R. Marshall and John Woy, heii - obers of the firm of Marshall Plan Mill company of Johnstown, Ps., were in town on Tuesday and callers at the CoumiEn office. . The barber derives his class title from | the Latin word barba, a beard. Rude, “uncivilized races were originally called “barbarians,” solely on account of their | unkempt beard and hair. : ; Thirteen “applicants for license are | 9 circulating their petitions in’ Patton. 1 im is clear evidence that Patton is putting on city airs, and that we will soon be in line with the best ‘“‘ov 'em.” On one of the inside pages of this is- sue the miners of Patton, and those who are interested in such matters, will find a full and complete report of the miners convention held in \ DuBois, December 27, 1893, "The Palmer house can boast of the best sidewalk in town. Mr, Robinson in the habit of doing things by Ae Other parties in town should take this walk as a sample, ahd build their walks accordingly. ‘Specimens of job printing done at this office will be shown ‘patrons on ap- plication. Note heads, bill heads, state- ments, envelopes, handbills and all kinds of commercial printing done at . reasonable prices. Send in your orders. The Eureka Recess, next door to the Grey Hotel, Carrolitown, Pa. is open day and night. Turkey, Chicken, Ham- burg steak, Broiled beefsteak, Hoast Pheasant, Roast Rabbit, Hot coffee, tea. &ec., &c., always on the bill of fare. Regular meals 25 cents. Side dishes, deserts and second order for meat, ex- tra.-tf : On Tuesday morning at 1:30 fire broke out in ‘the coat room of John ~ Stetson’s Globe Theatre, Boston, Mass. , . and before the firemen could get it an- der control, the auditorium was in - flames. And notwithstanding all the heroic efforts of the firemen the whole | . block on which the theatre was located | * was doomed. No estimate of the los- hI given. but they must have en very heavy. > * “and in Guaran- Gpposite. window, Pose. new advertisement of Bell the ¢ Jothier, Powell, the magician, will appear at | the opera house this evening. mise seeing him. Dr. Murray Wednesday returned - from a visit with friends in the faders part of the state. £. Will Green, of Reyaokisvills, rived in Patton Tuesday afternoon and will make his home here. 2. H. Stolz, formerly of the Carroll town News, was a caller at the office of the CoURIER on Wednesday. Sid Miss Lanra Mack, who has been con- | fined to her bed, with diphtheria, is | now on a fair way to recovery. Lt Alvin, son of Bud Beckwith, who has been seriously ill with typhoid fever for the past five weeks, is now slowly con- valescing. . The meinbers of the Patton Fire company are very jubilant over the re. sults of the ball held on January first. They have now ordered their hose cart, a short time will be ready show the citizens of Patton how ay fast . they can ran and drag their cart. The. Cambria Iron company of Johns _ town, has begun the erection of & stew] rail mill that is to cost ®1 006,000. [If this report is correct, it. will give Johns will be 1} ndcing town a boom that 1 hots. of the city, and more to its population. On account of the hard many children have been aban(long on the streets of Chicas go, by ‘parents, within the past weeks all homes, asylums and hospitals filled, and charitable being unable to care fopthem, have left “ome to their fate. Pyoi Philadelphia wt General Master Worln Sa of the K. of L., Hazleton, Pa. that ¢ ity. interests of the o rdern head, and was comps Philadel; The Corn IER has the as one Gf our prominent citizens brass bund which some thiris and will add several tims, that are’ socint ies 3 ng tines WIEN Ol a fal) ast week, fell while on a hasiness tri; of whic elle to hin it or nee SU TANCE that the ines pa turned their instruments on sciount of - a lack of will he with Wish. funds, tmished horns, ete, in a very short in the next four weeks will be held in the opera house, and as much money raised The balance needed will be fir theaming when the time arrives for the payment of the instruments. Hon. James Kerr, Washington, D. C.;.A. E. Patton, Curwensville: R. R. Peale, Philadelphia; Geo. 8. Good, Lock Haven; Joseph H. Reilly; Phil- ipsburg; William Brison, Philipsturg, and W. A. Selts train dispatcher of the BC RR, were in town on Monday. All of the above gentlemen have inter: esta in Patton and have heen here on business. They left for their several homes on’ an engine provided for ther by the Beech Creek. Last Sunday night in Denver, two | i} men attempted to hold up an electric | car, but failed in their attempt. One of the men smashed the head light and then made a dash for the motorman, . who drew a revolver and fired at him. The motorman then quickly tarned on the full current and soon left the #ob- | bers behind. It has become a very or- _ dinary thing for highwaymen to hold | up passeuger trains, bet this is the frst | £ | attorapt that we have had heard of, in| Were | which they attempted to rob a street | car. We presume, however, that the business has received a back seat on : account people in these days not car- rying maoch money when traveling, and this has forced train robbers to holding up street cars. At the lighting of a Christmas tree in New York on January 1 Mrs. Ella Ahl-- 'bergh and her baby lost thepe lives, Mrs. Ahlbergh and her husband lived on fourth floor of a five house and on the first of the year they lighted the Christmas tree, which had been in a warm room for a week and had become very dry, no sooner was the mach touched to the wax cane than the whole tree was in a blaz: Mrs, ‘Mrs. Ahibergh, tried to extinguish the flames, and the light clothing «iu at the time caught fire and in. conds she was enveloped in In her agony she rushed to the. dow and before her was coming to the rescue. could reevent her she threw herself out of the fourth story and crushed her baby which she had in her arms to death, and -herseil received wounds that will prove fatal. time. another! hall HR possibile f ii 1 em wire Woe ; wir husband, who The Patton Water ¢ auipany. Bills for water rent, for the first quar-’ ter of 1894, are due January 1st, 1804. Attention of consamers is called to the following portions of the Rules and Regulations of the Patton Water Co.: “If net paid within ten days, after they fall due, five per cent. will be added to the bills, and if not net paid within thirty days, after they are due, the water company may ‘shut the water off without further notice, and collect the full amount as debts are now recover- able by law. “In case the water is tarned off b by | an agent of the company for ady cause, it will not be turned on again till aj back charges and fifty cents additional are paid.” ; | : THE PATTON WATER Co. | - E. C. Brown, Sec. & Treas. | “Dec. 26, 188. Do not | ars See Powell this evening at the opera We call attention this week to. the: The Holiday Week being the close of the Busy Season for many decided to three months Our merchants we, have make the next Busy Season. To d iO this ‘Cut of 15 Per Cent on MEN = and B OY FE vid dita i) iN INS an H ne COATS made a 41 Aid have SUITS, PANTA- FAVY WIN. » . 3 Remembe A WS Positive Cut And no Doctoring of Tickets. Bell,’ The One Price Clothier. NEW YORK URY GOODS § Opposite Hotel Beck, will sel » : : Friday and Saturday, 100 LADIES! and CHILDREN'S COAT AT $1.00 EACH. - Goods, Blan Kets 3, Dress - Underwea r, - Haps - and of Siiks and Velvets-from: cents up NEW YORK DRY GOODS STORE P ATTON, NAGLE’S Jue & Se gre Back of Wilgon and Robinsons hotels, FINE RIGS ' AND GOOD HORSES. | CAREFUL DRIVERS when desired. WE ARE WITH THE TAXIFF Knocked out of * sight, but my El TRIE ~ Dealer in and Manufacturer of-- N= Harnes ss, Bodies, Saddles es, , Collars, ‘Whips, Blankets, Harness Oils, Etc. Prices are not. | i 'I have a very complete line of HORSES # BOARDED wick or month. Prices ressonable TRY ME. T. 'N. NAGLE, Proprietor. PATTON, PA. My the 5tf = WHEN YOU WANT A FIRST-CLASS JOB OF PAINTING, © - SIGN-W RITING, PAP] nd A PERING or: FRE SEE SCOING.. WATSON, THE PAINTER. W. J. Weakiand | PEALER IX Groceries, Tobacco, | | Cigars and Confectionery. © Corner! Lang and Fourth streets. Marvins Celebrated Pittsburg Bread { Crackers and Cakes received fresh eve- ry day. . ces for cash. Goods sold at the lowest prk-| leq ME IN ANIL Watches. Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Gold and Steel Spectacles, Silver Novelties, almost evervthing that 1s carried in Jewelry Stores, i . . = : . ‘and prices: to correspond with the times, > 3 S. WW. HOY, Mages Avenue. | JAS. | Patton Block. PATTON, PA. SEE MF. Repair Work ISSMY SPECIALTY. Corner Railroad Street and Magee Avenue, PATTON, PA. FISHER & BUCK, DEAL ERS IN FURNITURE. I tar os 0 {'R NITUR a1 a p ano. FLAKE MATTRESS, the best mattress now *SNOW ["ndoubtedly made. \We are agents for it. A STOCK OF “CARPETS, WINDOW SHADES and FIXTURES in great variety. AGENTS FOR THE EWING MACHINE. We “WHITE $ Come and look our stock over, can save vou money. * ONDERTRKING AR SPECIALTY. FISHER & BUCK, Beach Avenue. PATTON.