The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 04, 1893, Image 3

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    i Re ne nai A
‘ A .
> 4 as a
mii | SRK
Two Ware Killed and Four Seriously Iu.
Juréd ~The Pince Provonnced Safe’
Corvupia, = C, Pee. 31 - Lait Fri
day night a= State Constable Davia was
returning to his boarhiuy bouse he was |
attacked by sa moh of Negroan and ssvere
ly whipped with rubber hose. Patel)
was made to take off his hat gad eddress
“the Negroes as gentlemen and wear be
wonid quit (Governor Tilloaan's aervice
apd po home, A pumber of white meu |
witnessed the aseanlt bat refgesd 40 Jn
been constant and growing rostisssness;
one ontrage has followed another and the |
orderly people are ade ‘to risk their
lived to reginre roanant for peda and
Throe Experienced Mes Pronaunced the Pockel
Szlz Place lo Work.
Doyen, XM. J, Der
a musa of earth amd roe
yesterday James Madden,
and Joan Brew, aged 17 3 ,
killed, ‘and four others © badly
jared. ‘The men had been trying
joceen 8 hinge piece of grin wig
twerty five tons, bat found it myposaible |
withoni blasting, Three expegenced |
miners prononneed it safe to work nnder |
| show. The venue for import danty in
but the men bad hardly begun “dni
when the entire mass fell
Rics, who ia among the injared, Ge the
father of John Rica, ope of the two killed,
“apd was ooo of the men who propounced |
the gre yand safe.
A Dizcharged Policeman Connived With
Anarchists ta. send the Dynamits.
pYeight by Unis oy Pr
Beuers, Deo. 31.—=The Biystery of the
dynsmite casa gent to the Emperor and
Chancellor Van Cdprivl a ebnrt time ago
has been solved. Norman: Wahlgren, a
discarond Berlin police agent, went to
Paris in November and arranged with |,
two French anare send tha hoyes
His plan wan to révea: the plot at the |
proper moment andl wa a reward for
+5 There aed 52 no Apprehension of 2 Depit- |
ed Stock of Gold. i
Wasnixerox, ‘Dee. 31. — Chairmen |
Vea, af the Ways and Meaps commit |
i= looking up date for hie turiff |
3 4
re aty . |
Mr. Wison was asked if the new
turf Lilt woald make toe balavee of
| truce agsiust this conutry so large as to!
Jisturs the gold balanees and muke the!
demand on the reserve so great as to
canes any apprehension oconcerving it.
He repliad that apy 10 years of the!
country’s hist ary would show that the!
| baiknea of the trade ran about even. ‘It
is a matter of barter anyway,” he added.
{te balances age not paid in gold, bat
(in eXchange. There need be no appre-
Henson of depletion of the goid reserve.’
Membera of tha majority of the Ways
‘and Means committees assert that the
terfere, Farmers are organizing ail overt,
the coantry to put down such !awless- |
unjiortations of former years, while being
the only basis apon which estimates
; : pav be mad a, will pot by any means be!
Under the Tillman regime there hoa
a fir eriterion for the actual reven nes
andar tis Wilson bili. The decrense of
the import revenues, based on the im.
wirtattons of 1843, ia shown to ‘ba abont!
PORTH O00 C00, while the estimates shnw
Pthet it will not be resily more than
R40 060,000, The valnes of inrportations
ING were KIBO C0 and an [Rag
are ZR44 000000. It 1a believed ‘that
3 > :3 ~. — ! »
»Jecrene tn 15M will be very large,
foe the receon that nutil the new tanfl
roves into effect every mmpo ster and buyer
ail fry to dispose of present stocks and
as Ite alroad mw possible, Jno order
take advantige of the reduced duty.
Lhe ame reason 38 given by the mujor
the comiittes for the
beriefl thnt the revenues uuder the pew
Bill will be mach larger than the figures
1843 wads FPR GOGH and its be! aged
that ior 1794 the nrea will be far taliow
C that, infact; the present defleit shows a
large faliing off, due largely, it 19 claimed.
to the desire to take advantage of thei
new bit
2 With Murderer,
Mim, Pa, Dee. 41-8. (L Shorthd ys
proprietor of ‘tha academy for the haye
fired six shots to his wife's ‘head thi
morpiog while walking on the slrasts
killing her instantly, This was his see
ond wifes, he havire married six weeks
He wus
his supposed kerinnees seenra his old 1.
employn ment bere.
B Will Resull in the Building uv! a New
at Anta,
Poxxsorawsey, December
pe ww jambering deviv opments
pending In this sation 1: 18 stated
day ou the suth: ray of parties in interes!
is dazignated as the Sandy fract, the big
gest tract of timber idnd 10 this part of |
thé conntry. It contaius aboat 6000 °
acres, on which there is T0.00C,000 feet of |
hemlock, 20,000,000 fest of pine, and very |
valuable hardwoods in lesser quanities,
They propose to put a large mii on the |
tract at once and mavalactars ths lumber |
on a big scale, The mill will be placed
in the neighborhood of Anita. The price | :
Ba ; ; F house by masked nico and after being
paid by Clark, Keyser & Kipp 1s given as
£200,000, The will will have a capacity
ber fully one hundred wen, :
* Machinists and Laborers in the Carasgie Milfs |
Wii Work for Less Pav.
HoxestRaD. Pa., Dec. 20-- As the!
. : ! ‘hilnd . XY ivi 3 :
notice of the scale of re-wdjastmest sp- | between ’hiladelphin and Liverpool many
plied only to the tour.age men employed
in the Carpegiec Steel works it was
thought that the mechanics’ snd laborers’
wages would remain undisturbed.
Noticee, however, have been issued in-
formiag the machinists of a reduction of
214 cents per hog# while the laborers are
formerely earned from $2.25 to 22.75 and
laborers 81. 40! for a len Boar oe . ;
Walling Disposal of Tari¥ 8:1,
Paivirsevro, Pa., Dec. 31.—-RB. B.
Wigton & Bons who own extensive fire
brick woris in Caotre eoanty, have sgut
down, disemploying a large number of
men. Thé soperintecdert annonnees
_ the works will pot reenme nati! final dis.
position is made of the Wilson tari bill
which proposes to rodass the tariff oop
. brick two dollare per thoasand.
A Slats Trust Disbanded.
ArrLEsTOWN, Pe., Dee. 29.—The Black- |
| becuse his family preferred it for sever:
pamber of slate companies and prominest | * ease. The committee had nol
{bard coal. Then he. wonld take
board Slate association, compceeed of a
individaal operators with compaoy head
quarters at Slatington, met yesterday and | '
bat toft coal, bat that be did not want, 1t
| waa tho dusty. ‘Tue committee volan.
| teerad to ask if i* wanted ything to
eat. Well he dw t know, buat if they
wound ap its affaires. The “combine”
bad a prosperous year, the profits were Jd1.
vided and the orgamzation disbanded.
‘Floating Logs,
The ruin of Thursday night was enough
to raire the streams to the log tloating
stage. Ihe Snequebanna and its tribata-
ries are all np. J. M. Troxell & Co. bad
men at work breaking landings on Lick
Rap Friday.
Mayor Harrison a ‘Murderer Must Hang.
Cmicaao, Dec. 29.—The Prendergrast
jury rendered a verdict of guilty of mur-
der and reccommended that the prisouer
be baoged.
Back at the Capital.
WasHiNGTON, Dee. 29. — President
Cleveland and party have returned here.
{ conrt directed a re-nrgninent
that Clark, Keyser Kipp, a firms from | rt directs | : 4
the eastern end of the Ntale, have practi- |
i $hes wren ga Xs svicd Ragin vay) 4 i»
Vio pl a dail ) : ir thie Padadelphis and Rasding ratlrasd in
cally ciodad a deul for the tiubar on what & adelphin 2 A>
nite in tte New Zsland trade.
a iP,
a onl egn,
Las recently
| uny iodiesticns of mental sffigbon
New Orders in an Old Case
Prin 1a, Dee. 31, Ht # ANDEEMS
fall bench iu the cose
thie-appes! from the eimmen pleas doart
2 ee
y¢ Lycoming eooanty. Thies was a pro-
sending to test the validity of the com-
I bation contract of the Lehigh Vailey
and Central railroad stud the Reaadiug.
Whipped Ont of the County
Waco, Texas, Dac. 31.—2dwacd
Murcker, a negro, and his three sons hy
ing near here, were takan ant of their
t =i to trees were given 30 lsshes exch
. 5 i i y wits ns sie x ger oO
of 81.000 feat of sawed [amber a day, and | wis llekmy hes and -orderad
the woodsmen sod mill heads will name |
i of msiming jive stock.
leave the connty. They were suspected
Steamer Chariery Revoliad.
ParLapgreuia, Dee. 32.--The chirters
o! the British steamers Lord Olive aud |
Lo:d Gough, which have besn rouning
yes rs, have been cuncelled by the Amen
car ling compauy. They will now es-
Sats. 0 of a Pioneer Coal Miner,
Poermevirre. Pa, Dec. 31.—John Shay,
one of the pioneer coal operaters of this
| district and Wilkesbarre, died ests d
redgced 2 cents per boar. J sehioien | ql jes aay
from gnp, aged 72.
Pennsylvania Stale antlding Seid.
Harrienuzra, Pa.. Dee. 31 —Ezxecutive |
Commissioner Farquhar telegraphs Gov- |
ernyr Pattison Erom Chicago that the!
Permsylvania ‘state building has been
sold for 825 i
The Poor Man,
[lie ladicerons as well as the pathetic,
| cores to the fron? uo the work of the
i aulek charity committess. The other day
|'a man of large proportions’ applied to one.
[of the dommittees of the town for some
hard ecal. He said he wanted dard coal
coke. The committee had nothing.
bad & sack of four they might deliver it.
The nommittee had no meaps of diliver-.
ing the tour and asked if. he woald pot
earry it. © No, be would not carry the
flour. He was not sable. How mauvy of a |
family had be, the committee questioned |
the twlpless man. Ob, he had two sets’
of twins to begin with, when one of the!
committee promptly asked it be didn't,
think that a man who could afford two
sets of twins shoqld also be able to oarry |
one sack of flonr? Bat the man did not!
wait to explain and the flour was left: for
*3 r
for na
Greater Excitem- int Than Ever Before in
Madison Svjusre Garden, :
NEw York. Dec il Toe bicycle rice
st Madison Square Garden was won by
Schock with a gcore of 16) miles anid 1
lap. Tue other scores were Waller, 1454
miles, 5 inp: Martin, 1430 wiles, 1 lap;
Albert, 1419) miles, 1 lap: Vin Embnrg,
1401 miles, 1 inp; Ciblden, 1313 miles 1
lap: Meixeil, 1190 miles: Barton, 1006}.
i worth of property.
miles, “three lupe. Tle foepe at the
fie was mot sxoiting Schock was de
termined to mike 1188) miles Lap after
D { i
lap was was reeled (fF and when the elec-
trie balbe apd balletin showed he had
only one more mile to muke the)
horng, belie and drums were epongh to!
‘drive wn army crezy. © With fits
aps to wo the cfficisls tio be OR e excite
anid when 1 600m ty his credit
ihe excitement w led; never
was there such
Onp= lap more and wir
d=monnted Towser
next ten minntes nrapar
Foy iran neh sali
raatae t. } Ld
hd Wa
After the expenses?
thar :
fonrth. an > 3 to the Sith
Washirgion [ilends
a party haa
Hoed mvitation:
at fies wil
” f
. 3 fs 3 - »
TO 1adies, manly
Fainting, ostlad., One is
Tithe wife of 4 niember from the sonth.iong
prominent in the honse ‘of represents
tives, and (he othar the wife of a western
niember of large wesith asd usbonnded
caitality, and whe, during ‘he career
if cripgress has achisved a national ripo-
tatiog the ladies on entering dropped
their cards into the extended tray of the
bingy, and naturally, of conse, started
for the drawing room. Ihe man 1ater
said with the semnurk that be wonld see
if hie mistress was atl home,
This was cous
"thi enllers had © fher aiternativa hint
to walt in the hall wials the servant went
in with their cards, Perplexed at ahat
pe an nusceonntablie inciviity their
mrrassment was not lessened when |
tiiey overheard tho eabipet oflicer’s wife
giv to her servant to tell the ladies she
was uot in. They wera more amazed ut |
{this for the reason that no-one c¢onld
mistake the meaning of the reply!
Linasmuch as: 8 meeption was evidently
then 1n progress and tbey henrd the!
voices of other ‘winitors. They. returned
to their carriage, abocked at such treat
ment. Ope of the indies informed ber
| husband of the affair. He was so [arious| | dre nenr Eagle P
| that be directed Lis wife to write to the
| wits of the cabinet officer and demund | |
‘that her carda be returned. They were
sent beck with a terse note saying that
the lady of the cabinet conld not ander- |
; ladies will not probalbrly eall again at.the |
| same Louse daring the next three und :
bait youre:
Burned In Their Soniie Through the yan
Hard Drinker.
Dee. 31. Fire this
ing, 1p the sottage owned hy John
OMA, Neb,
i mings, reanited in four fataiiies. Cnm-
mings, his wife, three year old e¢inld and
Mrs. Margaret Fox, his wother in-law,
were burned to death. The story told by
Tommie Fox, n grandehiid of Margaret
Foz, is that Cammings was sick in bed
‘and the child wan with bis father. Mrs.
Cammicgs and Mrs. Fox entered the bed.
room when Cumanugs knocked over the
lamp which set the room atire; Com
‘mings closed the bedroom door snd beid
|it tightly shat. The fire was soon «xtin-
guished bat the four bodies were found.
burned to a erisp. Commings was a
eavy drinker and it 18 sopposed he was
| snffering from delirium tremens when he
[committed § the deed.
Mine Fire Extinguisher
Grex Carnox, Pa., Dec. 31,—From all
indications the firs 1n Richardson colliery |
| has been etiingulshad,
An Asalgnarent in Easton
Easton, Pa., Dee. 31.—C. & F. Seitz,
malaters assignad yesterday. The ssign- |
=a Be
rs mn Sa i
Much in a Little of the Histsry of the Coming
Year :
Natarday last the Commercial Gazette |
of Pittshnry, pabhsihed a st ol. d:sasters |
of tha year jnst closed. [twas prepared |
with care and at the expense of some
time, ard in its complete form was too
long for these columns, bat 12 bss been |
reciaced to thie most important property
joeses and to mention of aceidents where
mere than one ware killed and 1pjarsed,
Gd 1&8 given below: :
: Jannary
10. Fiy wheel burst iu a Sonth Side
£1! killing two men. Explosion in Un-
1100. Pacific minea near Denver, Coli!
twanty fonr lives jost
11. Fire in Chicago destroyy 22 50,000 |
12. Destructive fire at Brawsters, N Y.; i
fos, S100 a): Fire in Chey ago; loss |
16 Collision on Pegnsylvania railroad |
near Latro e; firetaan Billed :
$2. Pasesuger train ¢othuled. with oil
train dear Alton Janetion, ul:
vi were KLied anid fifty six sarionsly ins
3 « on Salishary sirset, Santh
Lives (ost,
the Pirttshnrg & West
Fire int
rittin co suf
etolosion at Whitset! mine |
near Latrobe station. Threa ives lost,
23 Five women cremated in a Cleves |
Iand apartmeut bonse. Csyelone in Miss-
1s23 nin:
- 4 ith,
br. Pd onee of the Rapid -lransad
eh, destroved
| hurped in South Chiesgo with a loss of
i solision ot: the Long Island railroad, DEBT
“road goes through a bridge. and thirteen |
high bridge near Milton, va. and seven
persons are killed.
23. Hurricane rages on the Atlantie|
{ sonst, Many vessels lost and forty per
BODE perish.
24 Five blocks of dwelling houses
81, oon, 000.
. Fourteen persons are killed by &
Berlin, L. L
2%. Georgia 1s swept by a cyclones and
100 pergons killed.
31. Train on Boston and Albavy reil-
persons lose their lives.
: september.
. Twelve lives lost in 5 railroad colli.
| sion near Colehear, Ili. - i
15. Porest firee in Wisconsin deetroy
86,000,000 worth of property.
18. Collision on Big Four raiiroad near!
| Kankakee, 111; eight are killed snd s x-
teen injured. : |
21. Five men perish in gers explosion. in!
a mine near Wilkesharre, Pa. 4
_ Collision on the. Wabash railroad,
near Ee Ill: twelve persons in- |
sia ty Kile. |
. St. Joseph, Mo hae a 81, 500,000 |
{ fire.
. T'wo persons killed 11 a collision on |
the . Sroad Trunk railroad near Beilegne, |
A mine near Crystal Fallz; Mich
J barying twenly.-el ight persons.
ID EWeeps over the gull states
: sand fives loet aud - 30.
worth of propirty.
arved sod S800 horses cremated,
13. Coilision on Mishigen Central ratl
road near Jaekson, Mich, i which
twelve persons lost their lives. :
14. Steamer Dean Rickinond beached off
| Dunkirk anid eightden persces perish,
Seheoner Minshaha lost on Lake Mieki.
gan anid six lives lost,
16. Steamer Woeocken lost off, Long
Paint; thirteen drowned. Dypamite ex.
plagion - at Emlugton, HL, kiis Use
Ie. -
iA. Wallp ager tory in New Yor
i stroved | by fire: jose, 83 GH O00,
gl Brad-
on. Exenrsion trains collide usar Bat.
tle Cres=k, Mich,; twanty.e1x pers
od and twentv-geven ininred.
Nove aber.
0 000 |
; Streetcar rallway etables at Chicago
Philadephia and Erle Ratirosd I
i Time Table. Trains jizave Driftwood
9:04 AM. Trait §, dally exept Sor
sSanbury, Harrisburg snd interiwdie
tions, arriving at Toit his, Gry
New York, 10% p, : Bal HERR, 7 75 x
Washington, 537 pn, a imtiman k
tron Willian BPEL 1 rd erssEnEeT
fran Kane to Phiadeizhia.
3:39 FP. M.~Tralni x, dat'y ereept Ra
Harrisburg and inte rirtinte stat ;
ving at Philadoip ¢ nT
TRY fh. 1m, Threas
mmsport, Poflman Bleeping on
ristasre to Phitadeipbia and
Plifiaded ky PeSSenZers Cn rer
Shing wet until Ta a, in
9:33 P.M Train 4, v for Sl
rishureand Intermed ate <0 Hom, &
Philadelphia; 69 LoNew York,
week dave and © . + V5 aye?
ti.nore, 45 RB. IN;
Pallmsn cars and I ¢ econches frog
Ete arnt Willitnspart to} set pbia Pas.
sengrers in sieepwr fOr Haltineoors ard Wash
ingtoh will be tran sferped nie Washington
sheper at Harrisbuarg, Dassenger iomches
from Erie to Philadephia amd Willnme.
5x at tor Baltimore,
7:32 A MM. -Traln 1, daily »x&ept 2anday,
for Wdgway, DuBoix Clormes it and ingere
med inte stations, lasves Ridgway al $00 Ps
mm. for birte I
0.50 A. M Trin 3, daily for oie and inter
md inte pan ta
{0.27 P.M Tain 1, dally a” Sunday, Gx
Kane and intermediate Lots 1
i tiadel pile to
‘orm Phi
vit #2 Drift
a Rr
i Wake
spurt ated
* Liiadel pin
port angi Wik.
Mh. cally
wrand a
re ALN
¥. P.M,
8 =
6 17
& 6
5. Steamer collision: on Lake Michigan:
twenty.fonr drowned,
R Three persons Billed io a collision oo
Hoek Island ratiroad at Chica To
aukes L HRN, ronrtaen pegs
Lao pervons
. YES 5 '
on Collision on braveh railroad
FROgmarest. Pao saven per ona kriled
gaveral injured. “A.cpsione in Oklabma
kills $i} ervons and wonnds man:
“Mav ’
ids in the Set
ai Willow Grove explode
unar Lafayette,
ad sixteen said
14 Ten mivers
shaft near Hoag
}3, (ereat iloo
Clevelapa, OQ. 850d Uno:
[pradus loss ther
| then iivas by the expiosi i
(Genava, Ii.
21. F Drest fires near Laks C
{ dnstroyes a lamber camp, and
gearsons parish ro the Hawes.
3 Walter IL, Mun's
iorailed near Tyrone, Pa;
3. I'wenty six men burned i
uss, Tex.
i. Fira at Fargo. Mion
sens burned and $8 (000 000 worthy proper. |
ty destroyed
9. Od Ford's theafres st Washiugton,
ID. C, collapses; (#Fenty two peracis |
| stand why the request wis made. These , i
vir lives apd ty gre sanicns)
Xow Yolk
by swentera bing
The auity of
foes UK) KK)
6 lIewa swept In
Ritlod avd 108 injured
MN hy fives noid
i story on Lake Mic
10, Cold aturage war=honse
bian exposition destroyed he f sid
neni ly two seore Chico Bremen fost the
Hyves, :
15. Wreck on the Test Shore mifond
gear Nowburg, N.Y ; five pesons fustant
ly killed and twenty five 1ojared
3. Steam yacht amks mn Laks George!
. acd nine persons drowned.
5. Passenger train cn Lake Shore rail
road leaves track near Fremout, OO ; three
partons Killed and twenty-five injured.
houses: loss, $1,000,000.
1:4. The Senate hotel, Chicago, burns,
some ore who vould carry it. —Punxsu- | man: was cansed by the dullness of trade and seven persons perish.
tawniy News.
| and difficulty to obtain ready cash.
13. A passenger train goes throtigh al
9 Collisior on. Hoekiog yy alley rail
near Rising S:au; foar persons’
DEVEL persons perish in a hotel fire
Me lr 8 «dsm, Beaver connty, Pa
Eldan, Muo ro & (o's drygoods
sbhishment of detron dos tryed by
STON (R £1 worth of pire
the Chitten:
UR Mother av od ti ree 2 olnldrén
it Oity fire.
L3THer Lad, Aileglieny, LEE 0M ‘
i motbier and ber two chuldnpt
rhe Ha
Prop on the Wigtern New York
tia { goes throagh
Yo might pee
Lionisvi ie, Ky, lulls ihicg twenty Mee:
Swit uth
19 Uollission
twenty tro hs hs
ful rile Fags
: nuts
an a Trolley Cas
}.—Jaeoh Hert
st death
manner. Ther:
{he troiley win
Hartiuan was leaping over the front
aashier lcakiog ap st the wire wi
3 vo wwiteh mod hide i
aur orushing tis Bead agRIneS
spd EBUNng hun alin
O.e of the First Repub jeans.
BrookuyN, Jan. 1. —Wiilism Rithar
i son, & ratroad magnate kncwn here
| Deneon Hishardson, died yesterday In
gestion of the bran and Mronoh
re born in England an
Governor Pattis'ao and the Nt
Hannispond, Pa, Jan. 1
~~’ att1800 ate his New Years
204 howling, enthusiastic newsbo
wis the apnual dinver Ziven by the Fa
rishorg Tetegraw, [oa speech the go
ernor connseilad the b wa and fold ibhem
the secret Gif snec =3 was in Jioiug the
ght thing and ! maniy bys;
Fax on Theatrical Companies,
Judge Doty hus decided, at Greens.
bury, that the theatrioni companies must |
pry to the treasury oi the. county &
license of 850 before Ww performance ean
be given therein, anless a state 1censs
| 81,000 is first pawl. This law applies to
all connties in the state except Aliegheu 4
| and Philadeiphia.--Ex.
A Fatal Celebration.
Priraprrruia, Jao, 1.-- While. cela.
Kcehier, eged 1 wae shot, and kiiled
Geo, Kehler, aged 15, was arrested on
suspicion of firing the fatal stot. The
{ shooting in believed to have been aco
14. Fire nt Minpeapolie destroys 112 | brating the new year in Keasington, John
Phiisdeiphis at 10.16 2.
Ra he Useunoa ell
1 ni train
wegen with Prfiadeis: da
: Adder Sore with the Fall
oiiie in New York Ste and the
. Mune with traits vo tind Trome Phiipe.
burg and with plage Tor Kyrtowie AR Phillipe
with Trrome snd Cleneticid Division of Penns. K T
At Clearflesd with Gudiaslo, Hoclwstor and Phish neg
Ry. At Slam with stages for Atsonvilleand ape
winsdale. At M abafleg with C3 Cambie and Clearfieid
Division of Penna. R. with Pepoa. and North
western R. HL
rte blr gpl a 28 hs
Superintendent : = Prilipsberg, a.