nr i - a i iia + pi THE HEAT OF TH ESON PROM- . a ora RR INS URANCE! Dale & Patterson., PATTON, PA, ‘IRE. LIFE and ACCIDEN o Lowest Rates consistent wit and for centariss man bas delved 12 thé earth after these stored up, ral nast » RIDE RIAGE FAC- SERVICE arta rad paEess INDUSTRIAL AE ISED BY AN VOLUTION a linek I; ax %- fartare Conirasted -A Washin estates It Wil Molt Freight Car Hopes to Rey tndaning Power. yantiy zs Big Vs tt} 33 Vashion's I a Sh TE tou Man Who With the Olf ashing 's Deeres as 10 the nize Methods of. Ob tx le For the Oeensing— An fmmens In- dustry Expl: vines). Are Insurance in sprety ty iy * ar) on Fad o all kinds of sinpanies at th mnpal i < v Holders. Royal Insurance Co. ~ QF t, 130, + on > AN £3 Qo States, 9 , Travelers of Hartford, § vy “Nn Ix ISLE ance Company, F NEW YORK iy Cash C apit tal Ba, Uy Assets $1,325 754. 14. (ELEN head 18 CAr- | npholster- his respective After orde > a ; saposny. tH Fara : 3k as high TE it amount Frias Store J. R. CORN ELIUS lered a sunset Wera nr ETE. He can and does st A fll line Wf Furniture! Carpets Window S jes! general. lar Jace to buy Farniture. £ gO wis. } ST OP iTEESE i pu money in Fi 1 > Led Roo MJ 1 Sn 2 ‘ - 7. 1 - v6 03} OIISe k I es (Ge Olds In tile ® pat hiss G s. Parlor Suits, LU ne der rtaking in all its branches. Avenue, PATTON. Magee .C. DALE, Dealer in DOORS AND SASH, An Ohstacle Overcome, wary eff ad bedd the sun G's {a sens and 3 A \ Ya. 44 He : t veo when this great ob | 4 entring for a rulway. He SN Molar il aor aired AFA will eo abi ME MINE AND MILL SUPPLIES. STOVES a RANG PLUMBING, ROOFING AND SPOUTIHG, ne wall hie iid not Naw an Hnprove heat whe ful meEthétl of Co vee ara promised tn ei ion Good of Man, whiney, Wil NT FOR NDERELLA ag Mee, Ranges. NONE BETTER--FEW AS GOOD. GIGer- iReleton the iron hammer the Sash 3 R . “rEg rand ia "e h : $4 \ . yi : ni veil ' : LY 9 sg trey hal Her . 1 vir anvils & : : : : rin Fer Or i . ites om ev al Se olan iron, aod dusky fore . | 1 : : : lows. gid dri wl: lowing iron, aud dusky forms gp re your property with grated with fine sel ment. if dozen differ 1¢ Qnai papered Coats First-class, old-line, fire- ‘ested, stock com- ; panics represented. Companies that pay all What Old Sol Has Wrought loss or damages by I'IRE or LIGHTNING. Many 8 man has thought that we ars | now going about utilization of velons power of the sun, the center and | life of the solar system. 1n ly awkward manner. A; | ago the sun caused great spring up on the face of the earth and | | finally ULrought about changes im the | earth's crust which buried those forests | deep in the ground. There they became the upholiter- the mar- |: Yves cigd 2 iin . «and trimming department, = Banc hes the hides cloth spresud, skilifu! fingers. sewing machines make accom- imi to the rat-tat of the tack har. and swish of tearing Leath: loth, silk, satin and morocco The back and sides of the Insure your hfe in the grand old Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New Yor . Assets —81’ 79.000, 000. an exceeding- and forests to are <8 ages | ry Vare TET > and fashionad by : cE pe f fashion triangle 1s, if the envelope and MoHrning paper iss abroad. Instead a i printed an the ¢ the note paper mer cloth. er, broade i are useg. Surplus—8$15, 000,000. PATTON, Tuer Office next door to Bell's Clothing Store, zen he vehicle: ex. Aces} adel GTS Gly of . first ens wire 3 v eater >on a1 E 5 top ure nat +3 % “a yer ond b¥ | ] 1 A0 ATIH OF goose The Finish: = = differen styles have differs 1 baw tops Are Over the Or shicm of curled i=ather ont oth or head neide of the bow. ton, in four r. ne is also After the iy for ship wheels, slinfts ‘mail conpass, iatform car its oth, 5 14 aifscturers sealers, SrOUps upon ting 1930 0F wu rhelesalers 3 for the closed 4iv3.. Vietorias Wnegies are ries are all Traps range «onree- the prices r ine coaches. + i stributed all over but. New York state, the tates and the west have ter of factories. Through 1 the mannfaciories are smaller, he far west and on the Pacific ‘indust leds important. promi places if mannufac- New Amesbury, Mass; Buffalo apd New . Lif (0 6 oat nun PLAYED, MCago, SIE are heinnati, U a is rerresented by half a doz- suinoos catidogues manafaciarers te ad- The American car- me {amoas and leads the - uty and construciion. > iz, P. Smite. .- COLOR OF CUILDINGS. flew a Taste For is Stendily iarmony Gaining Ground. freer may { Americans stendis [4 -no wuy is this ral taste more plainly n thé painting of the £8. SFTY Years ago red and vel. ns0s vere often seem In country beidnning of the f them were Toft, and es anong the well 20 do white be- came the dominant paint. In the snburls of the ¢ sities it wasithe same, while p and $ wd pretentions residences were al tall of gray or Drown stone or brick lull, rsd color. Often the brick was tel a somber yng, snd sometimes bright coloring was ‘practically tht of ‘n bnildings, and when began “to he introduced was frowned an from all Air tions as evidence of exiremely taste. Now the white house is 50 extremely Tare as tO excite surprise, and vear by. gearthe coloring of all surts of buildings is bécoming gayer psified. lest hoase builder of to- hh titne to the eonsidera- ; of the paiut ho shall residence, and more than one of my acquaintance who : ervetion of moderate priced mploys constantly a recormzed artistic taste to lay lor scheme for single houses sad Une of these men, with whom iets; but by the } aneaa - L WAGE eww «( 3a LAY mbilice bad eCiaat Sof values and contrasts «t very logically why he had wmsex built on the samme rently, Une ‘was sur- s and shrubbery, and the street closely bmilt ap on each side to houses Jors chosen in sach it harmonize with iva all the reasons of warm shown greater hoildiag an well decoration than Euglish buildings stroctures of abonmd ih bright col v a certain metecrolog- Average tempers iis risen ons degree ty holds that this pobich ft ber 1s produe- ification of our niages, manners. Possibly it has ping apen thie pont in ques- large influx of European blood hgve ng to do with it, ietiteniig of the national ww ipcreared attention to Soi greater general culture, nporsry with the change in of the buildings, and quite are resultant from the same (.- B. BoLLes, anlies i IES : Ome winsome : Ail ars cont tie conainyg pri bably all CAUBRSS, It's Different Here. Loudon the cunductor of a tramear arrest and punishment if he serinfos more than the regular number of on his rar. Recently one conductor was fine. $1.75 because there - wis one paBsenger extra, Ws aise to passe ery . Cina ERED lint
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers