The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 04, 1893, Image 1

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    ig saps Sai
a Bt 0. dma amotio
Served at all
. The Main Concern Closes Its Doors Bet
leaves a Healthy Brood.
NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 2. — The Louisi-
+0 P F R A H 0 i) 5 E ana State Lottery closed up business
here on December 40, as the law pro-
“hibited lotteries after’ December 31
i 1893, in Louisiana, and moved to Hon.
~ YN TN ‘daras. It is evident, hawever, that the
EL ia E ‘ valuahls lottery business is not to be
A : 4 9 surrendered entirely, for the several
; 5 : t
lottery shops opened as wnsual! this
| morning and began ering tic kets in =
OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. fly drawing, the nominal otters
: company operating thew styling itself
| the New Orleans Premiom (lab, (duite
a number of tickets were sold, and
| some of the venders were arrested for
violating the anti-lottery laws, the de
sire being to make a test case. Ss
It is understood that the old Louis.
iana Lottery is not running these new
concerns, hut that their backing comes
mainly from local politicians, and that -
i N 0 [ A § I N : the present city government will. aid
the lottery At the last election New
' Oricans voted two {0 one in favor of
the continuance of the lottery, but war
ontvoted by the eoantry districts. [t
is evident that an attempt will be made
to continue the Jo*tery system here in
spite of the State officers, and the wre is
: TAD s ‘ ‘promised a conflict between the State
REGU LAR MEALS and city puthorities over this matter
From 70 to 100 KHled.
BERLIN, Jan. 2. Several reports re-
Ti INES. cently have been cinculated regarding a
massacre of Catholics, which was ssid
to have taken place at Krosche Kowno,
Russia. Cossack soldiers belonging to
the ‘Russian government are said 20
C. A. M'MULLEN, Prop’r.
, versions of the affair have been given,
and each version has been officially de-
nied by the Russian government. :
The Cologne Gazette some days ago
‘repudiated these official denials, and
professed to give details of the cruelty
of the Cossacks who were said to have
surrounded a Roman Catholic church
at Krosche, and to have knouted men.
women and children in front of the
building.” A number of ths nnfortunate
peopie were said to hive Leen killed,
and their bodies thrown into lime pits
where they Were CONsumed. :
The Culagne Volks Zeitung to-day
gives more details of the torr bly trage
dy; seeming to confirm] the owt start:
ling reports circulated] and describing
other horrors. The ngmber of peopl:
killed is said to be from 30 to 100,
& CO,
Rp NE AR LixcLE MixNE, —
Chinese Ard shy.
SAN PRAXCI0, Jan! 2 The bhrea
for the registration of Chinese labor-
. ers, in conformity with the McCreary
a law, opened for business here this
; morning. | Large rooms had been se-
Se convenient to the ( hinese quar-
i p to noon only two appjjeations for
certificates of residence had been made
Collector Welborne has had circulars ir:
MINE and MINE RS’ To. freely distributed among the
Celestials, urging them to come for-
ward promptly.
Bethlebem Mills Start.
oO inlti : BETHLEAEM Jan 2. After an idleness
ur specia Hes are. of six weeks, the Bethlehem Iron Com.
‘operations to-day. The billet mills
will start up to-morrow. Both mills
“have resumed in full blast, giving em-
ployment to 1,100 men. A reduction
PICKS, of wages from 5 to 30 per cent. has been
HANDLES, wade,
II, and
For Charity's Sake.
ALLENTOWN, Jan. 2. The Pavis and
Thomas Springdale foundry and ma-
chine works at Catasauqua wil! start on
full time next week on: a large contract
for electric railway castings. They
CANS, and
OIL. xz bave accepted this work with no profit
in view, merely in order to keep their
men employed.
™®» The contract wil! furnish work for
about 100 men until next summer.
( Jur stock of
9 H OES No Ouoram Fresent.
“AND J ‘ouncil Incked che of having a quo-
eum Tuesday evening and hence no
business was done. There are a numi-
ul e FP . ber of matters requiring attention such
as sewers, sidewalks, ete, but all were
necessarily held over. Burgess Jack-
00 S son was present and informed: those
present that in a few weeks he pro-
Is alee "posed to have street lights, and with-
out cost to the borough. He had seen
Call and see them.
9 Hing a yood ;
We are sell; 1 8 thirty dollars per month for street
: lights by private subscription: The
0 er lolir lights will be erected as soon as pos.
, For $1. 00 a Sack. Try Magic drops for pain, internal
: and external. Guaranteed by CW,
TRY IT. Hodgkins, druggist, Patton, Pa.-tf
have committed the outrages. Various:
pany’s steel works resumed operations 5
GROCERIES, ~ “o-day. The billet mills have resumed
‘This frightened him, and he left town
a number of citizens ané secured about
Report, of the Earnings of the Compary. tor Womens of
PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 31. The state.
{ ment of the busines of all lines of the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company, all
lines east of Pittsbnrg and Erie for No
vember, 1893, as compared with the
same month in 1392, shows 2 decrease
in gross earnings of $720,130: a decrease
in expenses of $531 487; 2 decrease in
net earnings of $197,243. The eleven
months of 1893, as compared with the
same period of 1882 shows decrease
in.gross earnings of 81.554 542 a de-
crease in expenses of $1,008,757; a de
crease in net earings of |27,755.
All lines west of Pittsburg and Erie
for November, 1393, as com: pared with
the same month in 1882 show a decrease
in goes earnings of $837 883; a decrease
in expenses of Baan, a decrease in
net earnings of $354 322. The eleven
months of 1863, as compared with the
same periced in 1892, show a. decrease
‘in griss earnings of $864,330; a decrease
mexpenses of $454.724; a on Tease in
net earnings of $140,606
Thieves Enter by a Rear Window and Carry
Away S700 Warth of Goode,
When Stirman & Pack opened their ,
store Wednesday mornirg they were
consider®ly surprised tn fiad that an-
welcome visitors had teen 16 sew them
during the night. Cux«ds were seat.
tered about the store and there was ev.
ery evidence that pohbe=s liad heen in
daring the night. At ths jar of the
store room is a window and a pane of
glass had been removed fromm this the
fastener over the sash had been taken
oat and by this means the thieves
gained arn entrance withont mnch diff.
enlty, The goods taken wére princi-
pally silks and velvota The pro
prietors estimate . that the goods
stolen will amount to about two
hundred dollars. In front of the
store yesterday morning were found
several pieces of silk and farther up
Fifth avenue, in front of the Chest
Creek Land and Improvement Com.
pany’s offices were also found several
pieces, showing that the thieves had
secured about all the Hoots th wy enuld
Thieves Again.
The proprietor of the Robison house
with considerable loss on Saturd: ay
vy thieves breaking into his
¢ house. About thirty feet hack
he Ete: ira smiail building in which
Robisen uses for storing provisions
of all kinds. On Ratarday night last:
tome thieving scamps forced the lock
and took three or four havin, ahont
thirty pounds of butter, some chickens
aid turkeys, dressed ard ready for
Sunday dinner Scarcely a week pas-
wea by but that there is one or more com-
plaints from cilizens, whose cellar or hen
roost has been robbed. Unless there is
A stop put to this thieving by some one
who is foranate enough in catching the
scamps, their boldness will eventually
wad them to robbing of a more! serious
Lefl for Parte § nknown.
Counterfeit silver dollars were in cir-
ulation in Patton last week and if the
COURIER is correctly informed. this
“queer” waa shoved by an old time .
counterfeiter, who makes his headquar-
ters within a short distance of this place.
Sometime since he was arrested byal.
8. detective, but sueceeded in destroy
ing all his moulds, metal &¢., and in
consequence could not be convicted.
He is well known in this section, and sev-
eral parties soon « dropped on t5 his game
and forced him to return their money.
in such a hurry that he did not take
to get acquinted with the COURIER re-
presentative, who was looking for him,
-and very anxious to make his acquaint-
City Officials. Pecice a ad Firemun wilt Contribute One
Per Ceat Per Moath
PHILADLPAIA, Jan 2 Since the
publication Monday of an appeal for
help by the Citizens” Fs
for aid for the ett sod of the city,
$57,994.74 has been sehseribed by the
tasiness firms and individuals Direc
tor of Public Safety Beitler has annoan-
ced that during the continuanes
castrisss he will contribute or
per month of his salary el,
and heads of the varioas <ity depart-
ments and police and firemea wili do
Lkewiise. It isexpected the sam of gx,
COO will be ntribnted from this source
alone 3
Attention. Firemen
A moet g of the Patton fire. company
all be held in the opera house on Fri-
lay night. Business of importance
will have to be transacted. and every
member of the company is expected to
be present. By order of
H. OC. Beck, President
Expensive Ww reck at Munster
A Collislon That Wight Have Been Diese.
troas to all Hands.
A terrible loss of life in the wreck on
the Cambria and Clearfield division of
the P. R. R. last week was averted by
a hair's breadth. ( ‘ondnctors of the
passenger train due here at 8:07 Pp. wm,
‘and the freight going sonth received
instructions t0 meet at Munster siding.
The engineer of the passengsr train
forgot his orders and did not stop to
switch: in on the siding anti! he was
rung ap by the conductor "es
too late, however, to prevent a collision
with the freight, which was moving
very slowly and in the act of terning in
on the siding. when the passenger
‘struck her going at the rate of about
ten or fifteen miles an hour Both en-
gines raised up and then tumbled to
one side of the truck. Three freight
cars were completely demolished and
the front ends of both engines knocked’
off. When it was seen thai a collision
could not be avoided, all of the hands
on the engines jumped for their lives
with the exception of the firernan on
thefpassenger engine who bravely stuck
6 hia pest working the sand lever,
and making desperate » orts to stop
He escaped without a
An invalid lady on the train
iy Lome from the hospital
became so much excited that she had to
be carried into a farm houpe where she -
stayed anti] she pecover sufficiently
to resume her journey. Had the freight
been a few minutes earlier land partialiy
on the siding. the result off the collision
would have hewn by far more serious,
as the passenger train would have been
completely. side wiped, andl many peo
ey ™ Te be felt for many months.
pie might have perished.
: Relief Organizatidas.
Relief organizations in ‘several of our
Jarger cities have a very difficult prob
lem to solve It is to give pelief to the
deserving poor, without bardening
themselves with those who gre dissolute,
lazy and to al. intends an dlement that
is a curse to both the charitably dispos-
ec and the worthy poor. ( “hicago has
this difenlty to contend with at present.
From all parts of the con try, tramps
are pouring into the city, with the ex-
wetation of roeiving lodging and fhod
row, 8 they can ase the little money
they have in (he cheap drinking houses,
which are now doing » large business
Some of the largest contributors to
charitable purposes have always advo-
cated the practice of providing work
for those willing to work; and not indis-
crimnate charity. Prominent among
those supporting these views, in Mr
Carnega of Pittsburg, who has asser-
ted! at differerit times that charity dis
pensed in any other way. is in many !
Cases offering a premium on drunken-
ness and lazyness. The eviderite as to
i the correctness of Mr. Carnega’s views,
is conclusive to those who are now ex-
periencing the difficulty of separating
the unworthy from the deserving.
The New Bank.
This week the First National Pank of
Patton will be moved into ita new room
and permanent quartersin the Good
building. * The room is specially fitted
for banking purposes and when occupi-
ed Patton will have not only one of the
most sclid banking institutions of the
county bat also one of the finest build-
- ings. The main room in divided by a
glass partition, finished 11 oak and well
lighted. At the rear isa vault that is
both large and convenien’, and back
ofis a large room fora private office.
CARROLLTOWY, Jan. 2. 1594.
Dr. Miller, of Portage, was a visitor
here Sunday :
ev. Mancher, of St. Vincents, West:
moreland Co. spent the Si 5 with
is Pat and many friends.
J. W. Sharbaugh, ane of ourene rget-
ic business men paid the celinty sweat a
i » of Ebensburg, « again
a typo on th
The little ds n ek ter of ex-Shemff
iray iw impoving rapidly :
What the Grip Really i
So vou want to know what the grip
nado von? Ris a omhination of had
colds, several deg ree at Once, contin.
wed headache, belly ache, sickness at
stomacti, blind staggers, chicken pox.
hives, spring halt, seven-year itech, dis-
ordered liver. kidnev trouble,
bone in one’s body trying to ache more
than the others, and about forty other
indescr hahle diseases All of these,
never less, sometimes more at one and
{he same thl City Blizzard
A Well Known Comtractor and Builder
Dies at His Home in Jersey Shore
New Year's morning the solegraph
wires brought the sad information that
‘8S. H. Eyre, the contractor and builder
had died at his home at Jersey Shore
Mr. Eyre was the builder of the Palmer
hoonse which will be opened in a few
weeks, and was well known in Patton.
The announcement of his death will be
a surprise and regretted by very many
people here who knew him. Mr: Eyre
has done considerable work in Patton
during the past year in the line of
building. His principal contract was
the erection of the Palmer bonse,
now aboot completed. and which will.
stand many years a monument to the
bailder. (ther houses erected in Pat-
‘on by Mr. Eyre are tie residences of
M7 John Asheroft, W. H. Sandford and
Mr. Butler. Mr. Eyre was in Patton
Jersey Shore to spend the holidays and
was taken ill with 4d phtheria, which
resulted fatally as sated [isceased
was aged 33 years and was 3 young:
man of exceptional executive ability.
He was an active member of the Meth
odist church and died in the faith of
eternal happiness. Within two weeks:
the family buried two children who
were victims of the dread disease and
the first of the year found the father
‘cold in death: A wife and one child re-
main. who have the sympathy of many:
friends in this place as well as at their
home in Jersey Shore,
The opening of the Pulmer house
may be delayed a few days on account
of Mr. F Eyre’s death, but the contract is
so nearly completed that it will be fin-
ished within the present month. Mr.
Eyre’s business here was in such shape |
that the work can proceed with searce-
ly any interruption. His death leaves
A vacancy among the business men of
Patton and in this community that will
The Firemen's Ball.
The firemen’s ball in the opera house
on New Year's evening, was socially’
and financially a success. The young
folks expected 2 good time on that
evening, and they undonbtedly had it.
Nothing was lacking. The room was
nicely decorated with evergreen, flags
and bunting, and the manic was excel-
lent. The cakes and ice cream were
fine and al etiquette and formality was
dispensed with: this conld not-help but
make it 2 very enjoyable affair. About
3 o'clock the first sot wasn formed and
wn all the room in the pit of the -
Opera Louse was taken ap by a merry
crowd of dancers and continued so an-
til midnight. Everybody was happy,
even the baid heads in the gallery could
be seen squirming on their seats and
shuffling their feet. The cake walks
were a feature of the evening in which
all hands joined. The Anest cake was
chanced off and the lucky number
drawn by Mr. Beck of the Hotel Beck.
Several cakes were put up at auction
and knocked off to David Dale, Wm
Storm and H. C. Beck. The amount re-
alized by the fire company clear of all
expences was about $70.00. This
amount wil! he ample to pay the bal-
ance on their new hose carriage and
leave them quite a little sum to apply
on home, of which the boys are very
much in need.
Licenne Court in Clearfield.
Monday was an important day at
Clearfield. It was the occasion of the
granting of licenses, and Judge Gordon
took the oath of office. He was sworn
in by Prothonotary Bloom at 10 o'clock
Monday morning and at 1 o'clock was
introduced to the bar of the county by
Judge Krebs, whom he succeeded. The
new Judge responded in brief and ap- «
propriate remarks and soon after was
engaged in the most vexations and la
“bortous work of the court—that of
granting licenses. The number of ap-
plicanss in Clearfield county was un-
usnally large this year on account of a
new judge appearing upen the bench,
and the work of sifting the worthy ap-
plicants from those who would be bet-
ter without a license t » sell Hgnors was
a diffi ult task here were mare than no
two handed applicants in the county.
Professor s. M. Work.
SM. Work, professor of vocal music,
voice culture and hb armony,;. was in
town on Thesday. Professor Work
was a student of cae of the most. em
nent musical professors of this count ry,
and incidently agreed, that ir the town
Patton would guarantee him fifty.
pupils at one dollar each, he would
come here on three weeks notice and
give twenty lessons, two a day! and
hold a conveation at the end of the
term. Ouir voung folks shoad not miss
‘this i to receive instructions
in vocal maosic at this ridiculously low
price. Very few are favor=d by oppor
tunities like this
. district president of the U
last week apparently 2s well as ever in Die
his life. He retarned to his home at : of over an hour's duration. demonstra
$14 00 o PER YEAR.
The Big Octopus at New Or-
‘Enthusiastic Gathering at the
Opera House. :
© Mr. Bradley of the- SE Mine Workers
: - Addressed the Hosting.
The miners meeting in the opera
house on Thesday night, waz attended
by nearly ail the English speaking
miners, with a fair number of Huns
scattered through the hall Fnthosi:
asm and good nature prevailed all even-
ing. The meeting was called for the
purpos: of receiving the report of the
delegates, who were sent from Patton
to the convention held in DuBois, De
cember 27, 1302. After the rence” was
read and acted opon, Mr. Hradiey the
was introduced, and in: a speech
ted to the satisfaction of the men pres
ent, the necessity of thorough organi-
zation. In his remarks “he stated -
that coal contd not be forced on the
market through ‘cheap digging. Ceon-
sumers would not buy the product of
the mines for the sole purpose of dump-
ing them in the river because they
could buy them cheap. His idea of an
organization is, fo make it national.
and he says a strong eftort will be
made to bring every American mirer
into the already strofig folds of the U
M. W. A not for the purpose of insti
tating strikes, but for seif protection,
and practically. for the protection of
the operator, who knows that in many
cases cutting the price of digging coal
- isonly temporary. He claims that when
the Bell, Lewis & Yates company or
dered a reduction, who claimed that
Pittsburg coal was in sharp competition
. with them in the Buffaic market, it
was uncalled for, and a great injustice
to the miner, and tha: it was not true
that Pitteburg coal. was shipped into
that market at all, in fact he powitively
asserted, and proved it by the operators
own organ. that coal in Beffalo was
quoted five conta higher the day the
eut was made, than one year previous.
Mr. Bradley is a ffaent talker, and in
all his remarks did not show the disposi-
_tion of the demagoyme, but advised con-
servatism, and saked the miners to al-
ways be reasonably in all their demands
After Mr. Bradiey tock his seat, the
meeting went into executive session
The question then was asked: Which
organization will we join. the Miners
Union or the K. of L's? After conski-
erable debating it was finally left to a
vote, and carried unanimously, that
tre miners of Patton attach themselves
mt a body tw) the Knighta of Labor
which is the necret branch of the Uni-
ted Mine Workers of ‘America The
questicn of ssmi-monthly pay. was also
discussed, on which a vote was taken,
instructing miners to petition all oper
ators fo conform with the law, and if
‘any refuse, to forward a copy of the pe-
tion to the State Factory Inspactor.
whose duty it is to prosecute all oper
ators who decline to secede to the de
mands of their employees.
The miner; of Patton having attach-
ed themselves to the Hastings check:
‘weighn ans fund, an aoditor, treasurer
and secretary was elected to represent
the miners of this section on that board.
The nen-English speaking miners pres-
_ent had two interpreters in the meet
ing, who made everything plain to their
countrymen, and who agreed to abide
by the decision of the English speaking
miners present. ;
Just before the meeting closed, Mr.
Richards member of the board of the
Hastings checkweighman's furd took.
the stand; and in ‘a fiften minutes
speech emphatically denied the charges
that he had embezzled $1000 from the
Glen Richie Co-operrdive society. This
accusation was first saarted in Patton,
and Mr. Richards, in his remarks, sta-
ted that the charge was as false as
hades and as hlack as the bottomless
pit, and pruved to the satisfaction of
the men present thut the malicious le
was stazted by the party he publically
accuyad of being the maligner, through
nace and enmity, and if it was not
_ promptly stopped, the malicionsly in-
clined person wonld be compelled to
appear before a ‘bar of jastice. The
speaker was enthusiastically cheered.
The meeting then closed to meet
again at the ea ll of. the Dist=ict presi.
1s ant
A French Epitaph.
In a French charchyvard 5 2a monn-
-ment having an epitaph of which the
following 8 4 translation: - “Here lies
Jean Pinto. the Spanish vogalist. When
he ached heaven. he united his voices
th the voices of the archangeis. As
wa as he heard him, the Deity cried,
‘Keép quiet. all von fellows, and let us
hear alone the illustrious singer, Jern
Pinta! “Hx ih
Sd a