t ' d:iii gtdvorjate, A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, Devoted to the Interests of the People of Elk Co is rrhi.tsur.D evkht iiiat, BY C. J3. GOULD, Office in the Court House. Terms Two Dollars per annum, invariably in advam... Ho deviation from thsoo term 9. Rates of Advertising. Transient Advertiscniemcnts, pers q.irc of 10 lines or leas, 8 times or less $J 00 For each subscqiint insertion ,., 25 Administrators' and Es'rs notices... 2 60 Auditors' Loticcs. 2 60 Dissolutions, Cautions and Estrays... 2 00 Local and Obituary notices per line.. 15 Professional cards, 1 year...., 00 1EAHI.Y AIiVKUTISRKBNTS. 1 square $ 7 00 column $20 00 2 squares 12 OOjj column 35 00 IS squares 15 00,1 column 0(i 00 The above rates will be strictly adhered to in all advertising from this date. BLANKS. Singlo quire $2 606 quires fl qr..$l 75 3 quires "rl or... 2 60.0ver C, T-l or.. 1 60 IIANWIIM.8. sheet, 2 5 or less 2 UOI sheet, 25 or less 5 SorlcssaOoJi sheet, 21 or less 9 i sheet, (Blh djjounfu Siitdori. COUNTY OITICEKS. President Judge 11. 0. White. Additional Law r Judge II. W. Wi'liams. Associato Judges E. C. Schultze, Jesse Kylcr. District Attorney J. K. P. Hall. Sheriff JauicsA. Malono. Prothouotary, io. U. A. Rathbun. Treasurer Claudius V. Gillis. Co. Superintendent Jauics Blakely. Commissioner. H. Warner, J. W. Taylor, Louis A'oilunr. Auditors Clark Wilcox, Byron J. Jones, Jacob McCauley. County Surveyor Geo. Waluislcy. TIME OF HOLDING COURT, Second Monday in January, Last Monday in April. First Monday in August. Fir&t Monday in November. LOOK HERE I CENTREVILLE TIN-SHOP. TOHN WAPLE dosires to niako known to the citizens of Ccutrcville nnd tho unrounding country that he has taken the on Mcra'uK-yV'jV'iy R' J' M""y. nnd that .he hopes b, paying" rt&t'niS8; tiuii to his business and the. wants oJ Jjjg lino. He will Keap on hand a largo and well selebtcd assortment of iTiai and htrt-$rim Wnxt, f his own manufacture, which he will war rant to bo of the best, quality. His stock consists of everything (hut is useful in the i in ware line about a house. l u?k a lair trial, and if my work docs not giyc satisfaction, my customers will not iic uuiigctt to take it. ecpl(i:tf. JOHN WAPLE .J F YOU WANT TO BUY . VL, it TIII.YG for the JtUlllon t Co to A. DURLACIIER, Agent, DEALER IJT CLOTHING ! CLOTHING GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, IIATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, TRAVELING 15 AGS, &o. ST. MARY'S, ELK COUNTY, PE.NNA Jau218GSlypd uauuiuiiieudIES.-Dr. Dupon- km uuLiua I'tlUUinUAL TILLS lor females. Infallible in correcting irreg. ulurilits. Removing Obstructions of the Monthly Turns, from whatever cause, aud always successful as a preventive. One Pill is a dose. Females peculiarly Bituated, vr those supposing themselves so, are cau tioned against using thcsefFills while in mui conuiuou, lest they invite miscarriage, after which udmouition the Proprietor as sumes no responsibility, although their mildness would prevent any mischief to health ; otherwise the Pills are rccommen. (led us a Most lnaluablo Remedy for the alleviation of those suffering from any ir regularities whatever, as well as prevent an increase of fauiily when health will not permit it ; quieting the nerves and bringing buck the '-rosy color r.f health" to tli cheek of the most delicate. Full and explicit dircelions accompany each box. Price $1 per box ; 0 boxes, 5. Bold in Ridgway, pn., by 0. G. Messeu. ger, Druggist, sole ugonl for Ridgway. La. dies, by sending him $1 to the Ridgway P O, can have the Pills tent (confidoat iully by mail to any part of the country, irte . postage. Sold also by bwuyno & Reynolds, . St. Mary's, and by one Druggist in every . village ia the Union. . S. D. HOWE, ury2 G8-ly. Boiu lVopriUor, N. Y. i H.1 F. OVEUHOLTziMt MERt'llANT TAILOR, HitUrvvny, Klk Co.. The Bubseiiber d.sirpa voUTi0.A.ii form the ciliztns of lti,l,v ..n.i ,,:i,.:... that he is prepared to make to order as well as Heap be doneany where, anything in the line of his business. All he asks is a fair trial. Oood Fits guaianteed. SUCloths, Cassimers, Vestines and 1 rimmings xf the latest und most approved Btyles kept constantly on hand,' which will he sold CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAP- Ladies desiring Hemming, Stitching, .' filing, Hiding, to., ondicbses, capes, ao ill liuditto their ijtereat to give mo a t al1-, uuguO UU. -XT-ISITINQ CARDSNEATLY F.XtC UT V i t thi oMJss. drawn for No- Grand Jurors. Solomon Buchert ; Xnvicr Biberger, jr., St. Marvs ; Pat rick Malose, Ridgway ; W. W. Shaw, Fox 5 .Georgo Wcis, St. Marys ; Robert Wrttior, Jones ; Joseph King, Fox ; Natliatl Hippie, Ilorton ; Valentine Miller, Jones; S. A. Olmstead, Ilorton ; lid ward Souther, Ridgway ; Jacob C. Mcffert, Jones ; Jacob Spanglcr, Jay ; Nicholas George, Spring Creek ; lid ward Fletcher, Bcnczctto ; Charles Mead, Ridgway ; Ferdinand Wonk, Jones ; Henry Thomas, Ridgway ; O. G. Clark, Fox ; John King, St. Marys,'; John Stockman, Renziugcrj Charles Winslow, Ucnezctto ; John Soscuhci nier, St. Marys. Traverte Jurors. Ralph Johnson, Benezette ; Robert Wilbur, Fox ; J. K. Whitiuorc, Ridgway ; Ellis Lewis, Rcnczetto; Michael Weideit, Jones ; Gaorge Smeltzor, Ilorton ; John Mo sier, Fox ; Martin Perrin, Spring Creek ; Lewis Iddicgs, Fox ; Elijah F, Meredith, Fox ; Martin Sorg, lienzin ger; C. U. McGill, St. Mary a ; Clark Wilcox, Ilorton ; Jacob Soienheinicr, ot. Marys ; A. Uiesu, i'ox ; John Ow cn, Ridgway : Michael McNaily, St. Marys ; E. E. Crandall, Ridgway hlias Mover, Fox : Hc.ekiah Ilorton Ilorton ; Eben Russ, St. Marys ; lliiatu l arniau, fcpnng Creek ; Aleury Lurgev Fox; A. 1. Wilcox, Jones; Procarus inouipson, Pox; Clitton JJundy, Fox G. H. Royd, Jones ; Jeremiah Elliott, spring (,'rcek. ; w. 15. Uartuian, t M arys ; Robert J, Spanglcr, Jay ; Jno, Winklcblech, Ilorton ; Lorenz Deitz St. Marys : Thomas Koerner, Renzince William Derr, Bcnezctte ; Michael Dill Jones; milts -Kylor, Fox. C OUKT P It 0 C L AMATION. Whereas, tho Lion. H. W. Wil liams, President Judge, and Hons. E.C Schultze and Jesse Kyler, Associates, Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions Orphans Court, Oyer aud Terminer, aud General Jail Delivery, for tho trial of capital and other offenses in the county of Elk, by their precepts to mo directed, have ordered the aforesaid named Courts to bo holden at Ridgway in ana tor tne county ot on th Third Monday of November, it beiu the lGlh day of the month, and to cou tinuo one week. Notice is hereby triv- en to tho Coroner, Juttices of the Peace and Constables of the county, that they tlinri nnrl thorn in . arwo ctock, A. M., of said day, with their iolls, records and inquisitions, and ether remembrances, to do those thincs n,blv. rr. . . . . u.w. iuuu uiuucs npponaia to do aone, and that all Justices of frid county make returns of all recognizances entered into Deiore them, to the Clerk of the Court as per act of Assembly of March 4th Ana those wno are bound to prosecute the prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of the county of Ek, and to De men and there to prosecute ag ainst tuem as snail De just. JAMES A. MALONE, Ridgway, Oct. 21. Sheriff. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTrCK XL Notice is hereby given that lettcis of administration having been granted to tho undersigned on tho estate ot Anthony Cuneo late of FOX TOWNSHIP, deceased, all persons inueoiedto said estate are request ed to come forward and make iinniedinlp nnv. mcnt, und those having claims against the 8amo will present them duly authenticated R. T. KYLER, 6ept. 30, 18C8-Ct Administrator SHERIFF'S SALES. TY VIRTUE of sundry writs of Vendi jt iioui exponas issued out of the Court ot Common Pleas of Elk county, there will oe exposed to 1'UULIC SALE ut the Court House in Ridirwuv on MOVnw H.o ir..i. ajr ui .luvenioer, iou5, tne lollowiu" des cribed Real Estate, to wit : ja tne riL'iit. i n. ,i ,.!;,,, ,,i demund of the defendant of, in and to the following described tracts, pieces or parcels jbi.au inat certain tract or piece of muu nullum m rox towuslnp, in 101k comi ty and State of Pennsylvania. Reirimiiuir at a post on the turnpike, thence extending along Aumaml'B land south tu. ana iniriy-iuree perches to a post, thence west one hundred and ninctv-ciL'ht cerches to a chestnut ttumn. theneo lund north thirty-nine df?refs. ps, tUra luencB uiong me samo south filly-eight aud a half degrees, east nine perches to the placo of beorinuiuir. and rniu.iimnn, . i , t "ui"'t11 uiiueu acres, more or leas. an mat certain tract or piece of iuiiu Buuute in l ox lownsUin. Elk nniintv. Pennsylvania, Resinning ut a pobt on the Hogback road, extendinir east liniv.iin. and tlii oe-'jiiiii ier perches more or less to a post, thence south forty. eight nnd a quarter pcrohes more or loss to a post on the north side of the Toby road, thence east four aud a quarter perches to a post on tho south siueortiie loby road, thence south four unu turoc quarter perches more or less to a post, thence east one hundred and seven ana a hilt pcrclie more or less to a post. euce north City and three Quarter imp dies more or less to a beech, thence west thirty-eight aud three quarter perches more or less to a hcnlock on tho Toby road, thence north sixty.two and a half degrees, west seventy-three and a quarter perches more or less to a post ou the Hogback roud, thence south fiftv-thrco d, teen and three quurttr perches more or loss to a post, thence south sixty-three degrees west leu and a half perches more or less to the post and place of beginning, containing Pi, . r 8 or luB3' Lut reserving thereout certain mininir i!,ri,i l ..." granted to the Daguac.h" nd Improvement Comgany lu about ten acres of said land Reginu.ug ut the lust mentioned post! thence exietding east sixlv.ono in.l- .fn.i ' quurter more or Us to a posf, thence north ta'y-two imJ half device, tliirtv- LlST.Oi' .IL'UUKS d veuiber Term, 1SG3 : si( ami a halt perches more or less to post on the Hogback road, thence Rout fifty-three jlegrecs, west nineteen and threo quart er pel dies more or loss to a post I hence south sixty-three degrees, west ten nnd a half perches more or loss to the post anu piace oi ocj'inniiig. un which is crcot ed one frame dwelling-house eighteen by iweniy-Fis icei .'inn two Blnries High. Al one frame building for a shingle machine about sixteen by sixteen feet. lid. All that certain tract or piece ofland siiimie in rox lownsnip, Jim county, I'cnn sylvan m, beginning ut u biroh in tho mill pond, thcuco extending east one hundred nga sixty-seven perches more or less to post in the line cf lands of James W. Rog. eis, tlieiu? south along lands of said Jus, V. lingers ninety. six ierchos more orles: to a post thence west along binds of Joseph o. iiyuu oncmumreu anu sixty-seven per cues more or less to a poit, and thence north ninety. six perches more or less to the place of beginning, containing one hundred acres more or les, on whickjs erected one frame dwelling-house ono and ahalf stories nign, about eighteen by twenty-six feet with wing attached. Also one frame horse barn about eighteen by twenty feot. Also, one frame grain nnd hay barn about forty by sixty feet. Also, an orchard containing uuoui one nunurcu apple tres, and from sixty to seventy acres improved. 4th. And also all tho coal, iron and lime stone in or under all that certain tract or piece of land situate in Fox township, Elk county, Pennsylvania, Reginuiug at a post thence extending etghty-nine degrees east uniciy-iwo pcrcues to a post, thence north eighty-one perches to a post, thence north ciguty-nmc degrees west one hundred and live perches to a post, thenco south forty degrees east 'twenty-eight perches, thence soum nine and a quarter degrees cist elev en perches, and thence south five and three quarter degrees west forty-eight perches to the place of beginning, being a pin t of tract -xo. WiB nnd 40VJ, nnd containing fifty acres more or less, and tho right to enter into and upon t aid land to mtno nnd car away such coal, iron oro and limestone, and to cut and use snch hemlock timber 8tandmg on suid laud us nay be necessary for props. On which i9 erected one engine house with engine, boiler, pumps, railroad nnd all the machinery necessary for mining coal, &o, The said engine house being a one story irume inuluing about thirty-nte feet high, the mala building being about forty by fifty feet, with a wing or lintel on the east side of the samo ubout twelve foet by twenty feet. 6th. All that ccrtainlot orpieceof ground situate ou tho northwesterly sido of the Milcsbufg and Smethport turnpike in the township of Fox, county of Elk, and State of Pennsylvania, Beginning at tho distance of two hundred nnd sixty and a half feet south eighty-nine degrees east, from a post at the Kersey Mill read and at the coiner of the lot numbered 3, in the plan of the town of Earley, thence extending in front or oreadtn on said .Ylilcsburg and Smeth port turnpike south eighty-nine decrees east one hundred and fifty feet to the oor- m Ic-hgru of depth northward at rieht an gies to said Alilesburg and Smethport inu uuuureu jeer, on watch is er ected one frame dwelling house two stories nigh, and about eighteen hv inm. -. (ith. Also all that certain lot or piece of o-." .....Mi iiir nonnwnrii sulo nfil, Wilesburg and Smethport turnpike in the inun ,.r v.. v. i , wnu iri x.uiij', IOI lUWUSllip, JC1K COlintV, Pennsylvania, Bettinnincr at Kddv Hvnii'. line, thence extending in front or breadth on saia wilesburg and Smethport turnpike uunu ciguiyiuiue uegrces, West one hun ureu and nlty lcet to a twenty-five foot wide stroet tho western boundary of this lot and in length or depth northwardly at ngut angles to said Milesburo- and Knieih port turnpike six hundred and forty feet ouiiu luriucr uisiaucc, li any, as may be required to cross on the easternmost line oi tine lot the tramway now construct eu by tne said Toby Creek and l'l,;iu,iui. phia Coal aud Oil Company connecting their mines with tho Haguscahonda Rail Road. un which is erected one frame dwelling house sixteen by twenty feet, one and a half stories high, small tenant Imnao .m.l wuiiiu uouu ior siurillg powuer. !,.. i .-..:..! . in. All tuat certain niece. mrol r.r ioi oi tana situate and being in the town of Karley, in the township of Pox, county of i-ik, ana oiate ot I'ennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit : Regiuninc ut a 1'uoi, iuu Ulica Ul 1110 BOlltnnst pnrnsr ot lot number thirteen, and sold to John Jtcrshey, nnd in the north line of the Mil,.- burg and Smethport turnpike, thence along said turnpike bouth eighty degrees, cast Ecventy-five feet more or less to a post at coiner of lot number fifteen, on which the engine nouse stands and the shaft is being jiui. uuwu, inciicu norm one degree, east two Hundred leet to a post, thence north 8'J degrees, west seventy-five feet mnr nr less to a post ut coiner of lot number thir teen, thenco bouth ono degree, west two hundred feet more or leso to tho pluce of iBinmui:, uuiiiuiiiiiig iiiiriy-nve one hun t'redths of an acre of land more or less, be ing lot number fourteen 14, on the plan of lots in the town of Earley, made by C. R. Earley, excepting nevertheless, from and out of the operutiou of this conveyance all the coul, iron ore, limestone und other min erals in or under the lands ubove described as fully as the same is conveyed to E. K. Urttdi, and others, by deed dated Auyusi tho 18th, 18uo, and recorded in deed book L of Llk county, pago thirty-nine, &c. on which is erected ene frame horse burn about twelve by twenty feet. Ihe whole ol the above seized and taken m execution and to be sold as the property of "The Toby Creek nnd Philudulnl and Oil Company of Philadelphia." ALSO All that certain tract or parcel of land situnto in the towushin of t'n. county cf Elk, and State ot Pennsylvania bounded and described ni follows, to wit jl Ileing four contiguous and uJinininr id iots ncmOeiod seven (7), eight (8), i0 (U) anu thirty-three (UO), iu tiie village of Ceii trevillt); township, totihiy aud state afore, said, according to John Green's i.lon t said village, which plr.n is filed iu the Re- order s utlice, in und for th ,,,, ,i ,.t riL- i..,..! ! . , " . ' v "'i '"B viciiicu iiiureou one two-stoty frauie tavern-house the main building be ing forty-two by twenty feet, with a win. attached also wagon und blacksmith shop twenty-six by twenty feet also, one frame barn and other outbuildings nln. .a.,,- fruit trees, L'rowine on the tiretnisen. S..I. d and taken in execution and to b the property of Michael Gerg. JAMLM A. S1AL0VE. Rl.'ff SitEHiif's Ot-Licx, RnxjwAy, Pa.. 1 October 10th, lbtiS, to BLACKSMITH'S CARPENTER'S A.Va joiner's tools for sale " cheaper than Jie chcaiicbt " at the St. Mm i'n llar,l,., Tirercqriilc, N EW HARDWARE STORE! Tho subscribers have just "opened in ST. MARY'S A now and Complete Stock of Heavy & Shelf HARDWARE ! 1 And will keep constantly on hand a great variety or COOK AND HEA TIXG TO YES Bar Iron, Sled Anvik, BcVou-t, Nails, Horse Shoes, S2rinjs, BuihU hvj Hardware, Saws and Files of Every Description I GUNS, riSTOLS AND CARTRIDGES, Cutlery, Plated Ware aud House Furnishing Goods. AU kinds of Mechan ics' Tools 1 TINWARE Of every description, which will be sold at tho LOWEST CASH PRICES. They havo also tho excluprve ngenoy in St Mary's for tho IMPROVED ORIENTAL BASE.BUItNING COAL STOVES AND PARLOR FURSACES I Which have received Four First Class Tre' xniums at the r.cw xork State and oth cr Fairs ; Also, the Great Silver Medal at the Fair of (he Am erican Institute, held in New York City, 18C5. They are Perpetual Burners, only one fire being required tobe made during the season. UEKCHER, Jr. WM- iL col'ELAKD, nov28 67 ly PATRONIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS. riour, rccD and qiaim. rrHE subset ibcrs having completed their 1 icwunsi win in jtidgway are now prepared to furnish the Decide of the snr. ruunuing country witn Flour of the Best Quality, and of their own manufacture, at the lowest niaraei rates. lhe attention of Inmberni'-n and others is called to our lacilities for furnishin" them with FEED OF ALL KINDS. cheaper than It can be bought any other iii uiu vouriiy. T"tASH Paid roil Grain-tJj. J. S. HYDE, J. V. HOUK. J. K. WU1TM0RF. evcmbc 7, 18C7tf LOOK HERE I WATCHES, JEWELRY & SILVERWARE. C1HARLES HOLES, Practical Watchma- kcr, Jeweler and Engiavcr, Ridgway, : county, l'a. The subscriber bees eave to announce to the citizens nf Tti.hr. way ond vicinity thut he is nrenare.l in ,l all work in his line on thort notice and at reasonable rates iu the very best manner. Shop in II. S. Relnap's Store. Special attcn- ioii iuu io engraving, lie has also on hand a laree assortment of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry snd Silverware which he oilers for sale on reasonable terms. Give him a call. iiovT'bTif GUNS, PISTOLS, RIFLES, KNIVES, rocket and table cutlery, of thn bit quality and most approved patterns, very cheap at the Hardware Store ou Biberger'9 old corner in St. Mary's. TOBACCO ANTIDOTE. WARRANTED to remove all desire for T I Tobocco. This ureut n.n,..,lv ia excellent appetizer. It purifies the blood, invigorates the system, possesses great liouriBhinjr and stronirtliciiiiiff ble9 the stomach to digest thn lipartioot food, makes sleep refreshing, and establish es robust health. Smokers und Chewcrs for Sixty Years Cured. . Price.Fifty Cents. cost free. A treatise on the iniuriotis ef fects of Tobacco, with lisU of references, estimoniuls, Sic, sent free. Agents want- Address Dr. T. R. ABBOT. City, New Jersey. Aug. loth li'w J. S. BORDWELL. M.-D. ECLECTIC l'U'SICI1J v'I'Mie word ecloc I select mtdicini schools of meJicii cuiuuiiu ueuns io cnoesc or lcines from all the different cine : usinir remedies that are safe, and discarding from practice all ...lu.iuica uav nave an nnpurious effect on ine sysieui, such as mercury, untimouy, lead, copper, &o. ' i luy aside the Line a D, nl.t l.l.,.i letter, reiucer circulation and restore the system to its k 1 1 i u Unios. i shall hereafter give particular attention to chronio diseases, such as Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Liver complaint, Catarrh, Neu. rulgia, diseases of the throat, urinary or gaus, and all diseases peculiar to females, CATARRH I treat with a new instrument n-L-L., vcnuon" nii;n cure eery vase, It LI U extracted without pain. Office and rcsi.l Centre St. OJhee hours from 7 to 8 a. m : 12 to 1 p. m; 6 to 7 p. m. Dec. a.rt-.r. u. j. s. toRDwrLL. 6. 3JJ. gilrbice'g Gollll)I)' roit mEsiDENT or im umim states IN 1SCS, SOME EMINENT MAN SHOULD BE SELECTED. FOB THE l'LACE TO DUY STOVES I J N W a RE a . HOUSE. ITKMSIIIXG GOODS, GO TO 1UDGWAY, A3LL ON S Eli VICE, MAKE KNOWN YOUR W ANTS, And you will be fcupplieil, nnd well 6atisod with the'call. s foves Of all h Lie Kinds, always on Land. TINW AR Of tho Latest and Most Approved Stylo and Workmanship on hand, ond Made to Order, (a Spcchliiy mado of this Branch.) All Goods warranted. Dealers eupplicd at tho Very Lowest Prices. Trice List furnished on plication. ap TOILET SETTS, SOME BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS I SPICE-BOXES, And all and every novelty in tho Japan ned Tiawaro Lino I SViro Goods, Toys, French Tinued Ware English Hammered Ware, Scotch and Yaukco Bowls, bad Irons, . Coal Hods. Japanned, Galvanized Ana rancy. iron Hollow Ware ly the Sett or Single Piece ! FISHING TACKLE, Hods, Baskets, Flics, Hooks, &c, &c JoLbing io all its branches. I have the agency for the Celebrated Oriental Base Burning Furnace. Tho best in tho world portable or brick set. If they fail to give satisfaction no pay will be asked. ROOFING, Flat or StandinSG roovc, Eavo Trough. Snouting and TTnnn work generally. J6T0rdcrs Ty mail promptly attend ed to, aud work guaranteed. I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD ! If your are going to luild a House, Store, Church ot Barn, call beforo you Oder your Tin, Copper or Shpe Iron Work. i i Oot. Slst l?07.j. J JfjjtV, Gi'ills & Co'?., Coliih!. N EW FIRM AND NE W GOODS NEW GOODS! JUST RECEIVING AT TIIE STORE C7 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. HARDWARE, QUEENSWAF.L CANDIES, NUTS, &c. DRY GOODS & GROCERIES. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST. IN ELK COUNTY. CALL AND SEE AND BE CONVINCED THAT AVE SELL CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN THIS SECTION. WE ARE CONSTANTLY ADDING TO OUR STOCK COME ANt J5EK US. Hoods, Nubias, and all Kinds of Woolen Goods at the cheap store of WC7 HYDE, GILLIS &C0. Do you want to purchase a silver watch American or Foreisn 1 if . 12C7 UVDE, GILLIS &C0. Ilresh Oysters constantly on hand at the store of 1-C7 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. "Vf-otions of all kinds in extensive Tarictv I at tho stnrA nf 11G7 HYDE, GILLIS CO. A n extensive assortment f CLOTHING) ut the store of 107 HYDE. GILLIS CO. EOOTS, SHOES and GAITERS every kind, style and variety at tho stom r.f 1J'U7 HYDE, GILLIS CO. A large and complete stock of Hardware and cuilery at the store of I S CI III DE, GILLIS 4 CO. rpORACCO-The finest brands for emok J n.g und chewing, at the store of 12 07 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. Q m 12'C7 EENSWARE an extensive assort. cut, at the store of Hi DE, GILLIS & CO. "VTewcst Styles of Balmoral Skirts at tho Xl cheap store of 1SC7 HIDE, GILLIS 4 CO. Ladie,' Dress Goods-latest anj raos fashionable figures, at the store of HYDE, GILLIS & CO. Caps and furs. and at the lowest price, atthestcabV 1-C7 UIJLLI3 4 CO. s T Tens' woolen and cassimer Shirts XT L sensation prices, at the store of 1267 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. Undcrshfrts and drawers, cheaper than thecheapeBl, at the store of i:C.7n. . .iiY?.ClLLI8&C0 vct oist, itOi-1 y .