The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, October 30, 1868, Image 1

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    . 9
r::;:i:Ri:t in' 11 it. c. m. jacksvx,
l'.'ii.ipn I'tin, r..
T.'df greatest kni-txn nmcMafir
Liver -Coviiplamt,
Nervous Debility,
Diseases of the Kidneys,
nf nil INfB-ifn nrlatiitf from DIm
uitlcrctl Ijivcr. hoiut('lit or
iMPiiury vp Tilt: itzoon.
t'.vrif the fi'UmriiiQ tymj t'wis, aud ( f y'u find thai
yrtr tystrm if n'td Uy any rt' tu-'m, yin may rest
(iitfifrJ t.'i'tt Uio.r. hat V"itH' Hivl itt aUovk on tV
r' -t: itnpc1' '. mt sr$vi "f y n' unlets tn
cckfi by Ih' use i f poiverftd rmedi'S, a tuitenxble
Uft, f(yi terminating m dilht will be tfac result.
Constipation, Flatulence, Inward Piles,
Jfc'ulnossofliloiKl totlie Head, Acidity
at' tiie Stomach, Nnusen, Heart
burn, DiNKUMt for Food, Fulness
or Weight in the Htomuch,
Pour hlrmttfitions, Bink
ins or tO'iitteriug at tlie Vit
of u,o ytt,"vaon, bwimming of
tho 2r!.ul, Unified or 13ifllcult
"4r:rt h ir. i?1' tt rin jr nt the Heart.
Citokint; or .uti'oeuiing tSntmtionn whoa
In n I yiiicl'uKtnri!, DinmeRH of Vision,
X);tH or Webs bMore the bipht,
U'.iU Pain in the Hund, Deli-
liinc.y of i.'orspirntioh, Yel
lov'iiOMs of Skin Mnd
TC.Tr.;S, Vn'm i i the Side,
Hack, Chest, Limbs, etc., bud
de;i t uish.'s of Ileal,, Burning fa
fh Pl!sh, Constant linaRtniups of
jLvii, aud Great D-.iirefisiou of Spirits,
tiee iivlirat dif-it- i f the Livr or ihgettixt
ti V't"i cmbvd with impuix blood,
ooZmVa Overman Bitters
in eiil Irrl y vrirct a . mift rnnlnhm no
liquor. It km n cmii hmi.c1 of Klulil K x
irMrtM. The Hooln, llrrbft nt Unrk
from wlilcli i!nc ntfncti nre mnde
Hrc ;lnrcd In C:vriim,ty All tlie
tttrdlcliiftl virtues re ritrfftd from
&-a:m by a KctntMfli ili'i'ft. TJirse
iiimciN mrv thru firMtrdfrt to tills
uunr' to le iiHril vxprcvttly for tli
HUM it uf'vrt nr iif ( lirtsf. UHtrs, '1 lit-re
l ua alfoltollc itHamc of any klml
uhciI In roiti poii'trf ii c the Htl tcra
Mf ucc it Ih lie HiHc" f tint 'n
Vr uwrd Iti fiiwrH vherr alcol.ollc h(Iiu
ttlaul at e itot mlviaaljlc
tiaofltiub's ennrm Conic
id a'i'n of uf V,t irtvrdiniff of th Jh'f'srt,
iril.'t yiks.ii ,att Vi h'um, f hT7it'r, etc, f it u"t fvr
lh tMi tiisf.i.ff us tUt iiitrrn, ik cati-s whrre tm
urr tilco'viic ttiwtdui it rrnuirnl. !.- wi fcair tn
THin.i tluit iff t rtviu-lii'4 ore cntirfly tlift'orenC from
Wiy of. 'it aitvviissd for the. curt uf the di''a$
n-imrl, iV &t 4- i-inific irparaiion of mnlirtrutl
ti!- fit. whtit t't.- r'htrt are futr lUcoctums ttf run
tu t'uvn. 'fhf Ton It; it ar.liily one of the ttwst
j,v.?'t:; n vgre,.xll rwdit ttr njfred to the
-u''!tr. )$ uut. it fjyuiiitr. It it a pUature to take
if, while tl I'V-tfi'?.;;, txhil'iriitmpt and medicituU
v t-tittiet have mutt'tt u Utbt ktwn ae the greatest ef
Tliatihrtt of GHNr whrn the pn
lrnt Htipjiofircl lit: wru afflicted wlli
i h ( (evri llf dlKrnnr, liv been cured
I tir uif Aflltmf rrtnedlr. Kxtrrme
riniicUi Ion, drhllfty, and coah are
The unumI nttrndiittt npon severe
rmmrm f dMirpla, or dleae of the
llf,eKlxe oi-aiiA. Lven tn canes of
Ce m til nc Coiihimtpllikii, t hese remedies
will br found ttf I he greatest beneAt
atrciigiUeutug auU ln.rlgoratiBg,
V.ere it i medicine pid to Un.1Lmft Qerman
HxUn-t 'W Timi? in cjn (j Debility. ' Tltey impart a
Uxe un.i rtnnr tn tle whni wafem ttvu'w aa.
j fit, V rtyyml of the 1id, ewiitl the
rtni- U hjet if, pw-ify the btetcd, give food,
.wt, he-'Uhy comj''jriin, eradicate the yUe Unge
'rum b'f eyt wvpart a Moost to the. chetkt, and cttng$
is put mi from a i.Wt-fcretHVd, emaciated totaJt,
Weak and Delicate Children
are mnde strong by ulnr the Bitters
r Tuttlt . lit farl. I hey are Family
nrrtluHfi. 1 he rau he administered
ufi yrfct nfety lo a ehlld three
uinntii old. the mot delicate female,
or a matt of ninety.
ri' IteU't are the belt
lflood litrlflorts
em. l-Mrttrt( utii ill curt aU dit'ii4 rntltif from
ttr I?o-vi pure; lejt ymr .iVt in order ;
L'eji i iui- ijivTii ff-"ii tn i t, healthy con-ii-
P.. H a
l.ndles who uUh a fair skin and
Uooit camplrilou, free from a yellow
Kit t ii-r and all ot her Mfij;Hi cmen ,
ihnnid line little i-eiuedie nrttklun
si!) . The Lh ri In perfect order, and
(lir l:lowd pure, will rrmill In spark.
i e &ad hlooinlnf checks f,,tnjn Heme the are. rnttnerfeited.
SWe t;itti te hie the $i.mutnre ef 1!. M. ttnrkwHi
mi tJe fi ! (V iu'M' tcraf-. fi" arA LiUtle, and
ri'Tm i utUTi tiu'ii in mcA OotUe, J U other $
1 hovtvaiiitu of letters have heen re
:rl vfd, t eMlfytufc to the lrtne of these
ril')M H'.N. (JF-O..W. WOODWARP,
tUif Jai.-fl uf tJic fi.ri.ip Crert of rennylvnl.
I'liinD-LiniA, Makcb 16ih, lt.
i fnd "jr.tUmdt fimsm Sx'tert'' it not nn inMav
i un ' -. (-t it a ffoJ (iwif, m rfir-
f (.." fs 'ttyjtti-e. nrjatil, IH' jvaf hettrfj in
t xet of uchiUiy awt win( of n'-rroui aclim in the
etiem. k'mrt truly,
Jn e of llif t :- :iim fni t i-f Peiuivlvstris.
. PlIM 4iC1 PfilA, Afhil lSCfl.
I rons' iter Hooflatid's Oerman Itlt
4ers' a ratttahlu tnfitcia4 In rue of a I
larks ef lndtitlon orlytpepn(a. I
ran eerltty this from my rsprrlence
! 11.
V ou ii, with irhpucl,
SID 0 WAY, rEXXA., OCT., 30,
C. J5. GOULD, Editor & FullUlicr.
latm of tfit TVmiIi Hipti-t t lmirh, PhiliiK'tj-bls.
Ir...lA- itf 1pk Sir -.Ihare 1mfr3umtlyr
ifne:ed M my w-mi1 iri'f rentnimewtatumM if
r. fr-iK m-'i- in. s( regarding the practice
di uW my tp)wpriate tphere, I have, in all eases ite--iint'i
; t' wiii a c'T prwt tu variant inttaucen, and
rttimntUirlif imnijotcn firmly, nf Ve Htefulnsttuf r.
y j-iwf i OVrwin Hxtterr, J depurtftr an':efvm my
,iit debility of ihf nyt ,n, ;n.l ei.f:iftll fur Liver
c;Hi.ltiiiit. it i u iif nil J v.iUmiiiu insinuation. In
ime ratet it mtty fail ; Iml vtxtally, J dnuOt ", it will
be very bctief-iat to thou who sutfer J rum Utt above
04W44. XvWS, ei-XJ reje.t fuUyt
J. ii. A kXXAJin,
Ltidh, oW 0itt$ St.
Vrloa of ths Sitters, tl.00 per bottle
Or, a tialf dozen 'or $5.00.
price of the Tonie, $1.50 per bottle
' pr.uUalf dozen for $7-80.
jTlib Tunic U .nt up In Quwt botllM.
' EtroUrcl Hut it it Or. IJJtmifi G'rmart K-mr.ti'i
tlutt ar? M vuiminlty U'i ittvl M hiyldt vcumimi ivl
'li ; and do tuJ all'iui tlie Ui utniM I" induct yii to
lukt tiling tint tluU he mi) My it just til it'A, '
C4iu ht nutlet u farr'r prnfd mt it. Tltrtt hfmrdiu
ftU bt tail by urjnlt la uy bjculity awlicutun
m A UCll S TJWET, l'hiladilphii.
(-'HAS, M. EVANS, Proprietor,
rormei.r C. U. JACKSON & CO.
TbeH. Aemctllva r. for ! y
Di '' Ktoitkeeiier,, unil Jlledl-
Ho nt-t fiivj'-t tn trfivnne wcK (Ac ai'McIt vw
An aunt from the country ! Oh,
George, I can never endure the inflic
tion I"
Emily PenforJ pnusod in her occupa.
tion of fuslening blue ribbon upon the
crown of a jaunty straw bennet, for
Einily was but a milliner's $rl, pretty
and graceful tnougn sue was, anu jusi
at present she was doing "extra work,"
fn rn mnnev to huv sunderv articles of
" - " j j
dress, termed by ladiee a "trousaeau.
For Kuiily fentord was enpagca to De
ninrrtPfl and the stalwart, noblv fiamed
young man who sat besido her, are-
lossly playing wuu ner spools ana scis
sors, and tape-measure, was George
Martin, who would hardly at that mo
ment have exchanged places with the
Crown Princo of Russia. What though
ia m but inurnevman oarneuter?
" ' ' J .
didn't he some day look forward to the
dignity ot a snop oi nis own i anu was
he not stroncl8 Vulcan, and handsome
as Appolo ? And more than this, had
not pretty Emily i'enioru promiscu to
be his wife?
George Martin looked at the gather
ing cloud on Emily's forehead with con
siderable perplexity.
"Well, Emmy, I'm sorry myself; I
know it would be far more pleasant to
. . .ii i
live uy ourselves, out my poor oia uncie
is dead, and Aunt Bridget is all alone
in the world, and I somehow feci as it
were my duty to make a home for the
old lady. You see, I am tho only rela
tinn alia lias extent C!miin Isabella's
folks, and they utterly refuse to be bur
dened witbany sucn piece oian'iquuy.
"The are a creat deal bettor able to
afford it than us," pouted Emily t
"Better able ? of course they are, but
T't ilnvt found throueh life that it is
ot alone the 'best ablo' people who are
willing to assume tne duties ana respou.
aiLilitiaa Th m.ltor ia plum rnoilali-
Isabella and her husband decline to do
anythiug for Aunt Bridget, and I cau't
see the old lady uomeiess, or iu wum., w
long as I have a cup to drink, or crust
to eat. So I have written to her to
come and live with us, as soon as we
were married."
"Without consulting me?"
"Without confulting you for there
was no time to be lost, and I know my
little Emily would not fail to acquiesce
in what I considered best. There's
plenty of room you know, for I have
-a a nlmla floor, and"
ni-v, ..ill l.n nVntu nf room." said
Emily, with her cherry lips compressed
in a mnner ticorge waruu uu m.u
lrro ;nkKid. and her blue eyes
.Mir... nritri miininll li"llt. "(or if
your Aunt .Bridget comes 10 u "
house, 1 never (.nan.
(iKniilt ! WViu mv darhnc
11 1 Inn 'tea me VOUr bUlllUL, omi
Emily, impaticnty withdrawing her hand
from George's grasp. "A man who
wants to burden his wife's home with
disagreeable, oldfashioued relations,
against her wishes a man who is o
selfishly inconsiderate with regard to
his wile s comtort, suouiu oe mare Bea
ring of his allaetionate terms."
"Of one thing you may be certain,
George Martin, I shall not marry you
if I havo to marry your aunt aiso.
George looked luto tne preuy, iuuij-
nant lace with a grieved and startled
look, of one who has -.nexpectedly tound
foul ingpftt m the bcart ot a rose.
uv.milv. T cant pive ud mv old aunt-
my mother's only sister, who brought
ber up. ud pestowea more mau y.
..i . . a
nul r-a.rl .infill hCT . WHIIO QUllO T
"Very well then of course you are
prepared to give me up ?"
-rn von mean to sav. Emily, after all
our affection, Uw neeks of our engage.
f rA hannv eTenincrs we uavo
vmv i t J a
spent together, you would casinre awujr
rather tnan mano iue mmim aou.vw .
ask J Bo you mean that I ehall under
stand you thus, Emily?"
Ill tin"
"Thea I have read your ohracter
nr,lo all alontr. and I BUPPOSO OUr
"'""bVI . -ot ,
engagement is at an ena i
"I suppose so too," said, Emily, trim-
ruing off the raveled edges oi a riDDon
bow" with a hand that never trembled
the least.
"Good-bye, Emily I suppose, low
J. ought to say W us x enioru.
"Goodbve. Mr. Martin."
Jlowest Ceorge went down the stair
vith an nrlJ. stunned feeliuir. A00P
alas, to resoly itivJf into active paifl. If
the world had euddanly turned itself
the wrong way, and the e.uu unexpect.
edly risen in the west, he could not hv
v.oon innrA mixzlnd. confused or bewil
dered. If Emily the Emily he had
deemed eo pertectiy taultless was ee
sentially selfish, then the world was a
lie went home to the common, iituc
thinlr.itG hoardins houso which he had
soon hoped to change for a cozy home
... 1 ..r. . .1 1 11
of his own. Jenny wmto, tne lanuia-
dy's stop-daughter, met him at tho
"You're too late for tea, George, but
I can crct vou a cup in no time," said
Jenny, wistfully. She was a fair, deli
cate looking girl, with grave brown
eyes, and hair brushed smoothly away
from an oval face.
"Thank you, Jenny, I feci tired and
faint," said George. "But what's the
matter? You've been crying 1"
"Oh. it'a nnthinr?. " said JcnDV. trv
J " ' o w
ing to restrain an involuntary sigh ; "only
mother is so hard with me, and aud
the taid to-day she could not support
mo any longer, and I must go out sew.
"It's a shame," said George warmly.
AsJunuv lii'htfooted and skillful,
j D ,
moved about setting plate?, moving cups
nrennrinf a litlio suPTi nmeniarv iubhi
for hif benefit, he thought how thrifty,
and careful, and industrious she was
how too roses on her pretty cueeit
were fading through over-work, and
lack of necessary recreation. And he
wondered that he had never before ob
served how pretty Jenny White really
was I
'T droaJ tho chancre verv much.
said Jennie, meekly, as she poured out
.. i f
ueorge Jiartin 8 cup oi tea. iujr uu jig
has not been a very pleasant one, since
father died it breaks my heart to think
of having no home 1"
Tf .Tnnnv White had been a heroine
of some novel, she would have burst in
to a storm ot gnel at this juncture, Dut
a it wu, aha winced very heard, ana
kenl back the tears !
r .. wr a -cariin
'Jenny, saic uoorgo
a sudden inspiration, "you're a good lit
tle eirl, and I like you very much. If
you'll marry me I'll make a home lor
VAnd within just about a uioutti ot
that rainy April evening, Mr. Martin
installed Jenny White in the "second
floor" he had rented and furnished, witn
reference to another tasto, and looked
with a pleasant emile, at ber urignt en-
raptuicd tace. .,.,.
"Oh, George, how beautiful this is,
she exclaimed, with her brown eyes full
of happy brightness. Ana now snug
even down to tho garanium plants in the
wiudow I Dear Ueorge now luouguuui
you have been I And I shall be so glad
- a it J a, -rA tnAn
when your Aunt unagei ramn f
me company in the long days when jou
are away.
"Do you think she will like to live
with me, George ?"
"She would bo more than mortal, ii
she did not," said George, looking ten.
derly down upon the contented little
being, and mentally contracting her
Penford. "People cannot
help liking you, Jenny.
uTU lint Wad ia verv nice. Jenny
but I like Graham crackers," said Auut
ir;.i.,t nnd the hash is seasoned too
-li ? T Ti"nlr tliom is rva or
niizuiy, tow .uiw j . i ..-j- j j -p
.'' i .1.. !r. tlia I V l.. .... l.lo ,.,.V. ....,!, .l.m
parched peas, or oomuiuiug co i uo iaj u vu-v m...."
r rr . 1 J 1 innii trash 1" I ttnrrara lnr.n tll'lt IK A 11 1
.A(TnPl don't drink such trash 1
"I can make you a cup of tea m a
minute, Aunt Bridget."
"No. no, child the tea ueorge nuys
n"n't W T have been accustomed to.
And I wish vou'd have the coal stove
But the time came when Jenny was
destined to bo still more severely tried.
Aunt Bridget fell sick, and grew
more petulant, irritable and exacting
than ever but when she died, with her
head ou Jenny's arm, tho girl thanked
Heaven, that she had ken gentle with
her to the last I
"Jenny," said George, with dim eyes
"I shall not soon forget this ordeal
through which you havo passed."
And Jenny was satisGed to her
mind, her husband's approval was tho
sweetest guerdon she could know I
"Ilereis Aunt Bridget's 'will,' in a
leather picket book, under her pillow,
George she told me where I should
find it," taid Jenny, a liltlo while sub
sequently. "Will you please to take
charge of It !"
Georco danced over the quaiut and
formal document with a rather curious
smile on hil face.
"She leates you her wardrobe, Jen
ny, nioro putticulary her brown Pongee
dreis 1 An important bequest 1 Well
poor, old thing, it wa3 all she hnd to
give. Put it iu the rag bag, Jeuny or
give it to some peverty stricken soul !"
"Indeed no," said Jeuny, reverently
folding up the ancient garment, "I'll
pot it away and keep it for Am t
Bridget's sake ! !"
"Isabella and her husband will feel
very badly, when they learn what an
inheritance they have lost," said George
Martin, with assumed gruvity. "I won
der if they will come to the funeral ?"
But no body followed poor old Aunt
Bridget to her grave, in the quiet shad
ows of Greenwood, except Mr. and Mrs.
Martin ! the dead leaf fluttered down
at last from its teeblo hold ou the trees
of the world, and thore were but few to
mourn its fall 1
Vaara passed on-and the little round,
-1 ' r 1- - - lj 1 nH .-.ii n
George Martin's hearth.
"it takes a deal of money to feed
finA lUtlA Miilririn. " said he cheerily as
v.a .m.iitorl nut the market funds for
v.;. ciirifti, ;fn "huLthere isn't one of
em we could spare, eh, Jcuuji 7"
But when, one dreary November ev
ening, he was brought home on a shut
ter crippled and helpless for months,
from a fall from a scaffolding, poor
George thought the future looked very
"It's for you and the children I'm
arorpoinn-." hfl said, to his Wife ; "we
haven't laid up a cent, though we've
I always lived comfortably, and now Jon-
nc i iton't Ken wim c is 10 uecouiu OI UK.
"Cheer un' Georcre." said the little
woniau. bravelv : "we'll do well enough
know of a place where they will give
vMtn to make, and I can sew in the
"What, sew in the eveu'iDg : after you
Vavp unrlced hard all dav louyr for me
" ' " I
anil the children 1"
"I shall not mind it, George 1" said
.Tonnw "Dear me. ita nothiuz to- the
work I used to do before we were mar
ried 1"
So -Tennv Lent the fiiousehold pot
boiling by her own individual cxertions-
marlii and mended, ana patcuea ana
darned with unceasiua patience."
Whv Jennv. said George .Martin,
ner Busy
'flow much is thero, George ?' ques
tions the bewildered Jenny.
,There cannot be less than thrco or
four thousand dollars,' said hor husband
sce-hcie is a hundred dollar bill close
to tho pocket 1
'Ah, Jenny, Aunt Bridget had a
meaning when she niado tho will be
queathing to you, her truest friend and
tenderest nurso, tho old brown Pongco
dress I I am glad nocv that I did not
distroy the paper. I wonder what Is
abella and her husbaud will say. 1'
'George' said Jenny, reverently, 'I
think God has sent us this money in
our time of need. I had not enough
left to pay the rent, and I dared not
think about the doctor's bill.'
The tears of fervent gratitude came
iuto my tyes us sho spoko.
Little Kute had a new dress to wear
to school but it was not tho brown Pon
gee, Jennio Martin trcsaured that up iu
memory of old Aunt Bridget ; while
Kuiils PenforJ. Cousin Isabella, and
that class of people, all exclaimed with
one accord :
'Who would have supposed such a
thing possible?'
As n tact were not olteu times stran
ger than fiction !
fiucers. eurelv that is Auut Bridgets
Pongee dress isin't it ?'
Jennv laughed.
'Well, vou see littlo Kate needs a
new dress to appear tolerably decent at
school, and as we havo not the money
taken out of ny room, and an airtight to buy one, I thought I would jubt rip
wood put in." up Aunt Bridget's bequest and see
Yes Aunt Bridget." what I could do with it. See it is
"And Jenny, it's confusion to my quite fresh aud bright on the wrong
tii vmi Bincintr about tho Bide, a little old fashioned, to be sure,
liAd ta hear vou sincing about
houao. I wish you'd leave it off.
"I will stop. Aunt Bridget, if makes
your head ache." ....
"Tain't that aloae, sighed the old
woman but the pisen air of them gerani
.,, r.-.n kind n' Rata in mv luntrs 1"
1 r.l l l. -i 1
-innntr fact, a r"Teiiui luoa. lib uer
favorite flowers, all flushed with umbles
of beautiful bloom.
"I will send them round to my step
mother if the annov you, Aunt Bridg
et," aid Jenny, meekly.
Ana so tney uvea, auuv xjhujjch
was oldfashioued, cross and whimsical,
in faot, a daily crown of thorns, but she
was George s aunt, ana not ior one in
stant did Jeuny fail iu hr dutiful forbearance.
Once, Emily Pentoru meeting young
Mrs. Martin iu the street with her aunt,
went home to havo a good laugh at the
nld kdv's expense.
Suoh a fright," sid fcmily-Ma poke
bonnet, tjimed with muff colored satin,
and hedious brown pongee dress, with'
ou a sign of crinoline 1 Well I'm glad
I didn't marry George Martin, nor his
odious old baokwoods aunt 1 Teople
say she has a good deal of property laid
up, but I cau't nee any symptoms of it.
TUmiAiious Treatment. A Chl
nese shave and shampoo is thus descri
bed by a correspondent of tho Chicago
Tribune: "The operator toot a razor,
aud strapping it upen his leg began to
cut the beard from my face, without ha.
ving lathered it. Upon my suggesting
that a little lather would prove benefi
cial, he replied that it was entirely uso
Ipm ana had a tendencv to make the
hair stiff and tough, and therefore was
never used by any one who nad any
knowledge of the human face divine
. . i t ..... l.M-,.n npmu.
nnd its appendages, x, j l -j
would 'rather be shavea twluu nml o-r
than once without. After the beard
had been taken off, and it was done in
a very short time, the barber took a
long, sharp, necdle.hke spoon, wa. vo-
gan to pierce my ears, no expioruu
every avenue, aud orougno up, irom
numerous littlo eriviccs, Pits oi wax uuu
dirt which had been accumaiating mere
since my childhood, for I never submit
tal tn ninth, ail oneration before. Ila
ving become satished witn tne picking
about mv ears, tho barber suddenly
twisted my neck to one side iu such a
manner that it cracked, as it tne ver-
tibrac had becu dislocated, "lloid on 1
"All right," replied the tonsor, "me no
hurt pou," aud continued to jerk and
twist my neck until it was as umocr us
mi nl.l ivmiui i's dish-iac. lie then fell
to beating icy back, breast, amies and
sides with his list, and puuuncuea tne
muscles until they fairly glowed with
the beating they had received. I'o
then dashed a bucket of cola water
over mo, and lvcving dried my skin
with fowels, declared that his work was
done. I dressed myself, and having
paid my two ceuts, walked away, feel
ing liko a new man. The sensation of
soreness was gone, and one of elasticity
remained. 1 really ucver felt Detter in
my life, and must say that half an hour
under the hands ot a Chinese barber
would be far better than a glass ot soda
after a night's debauch."
Address of the Republican State Central
Rooms ok thb Union Urpuducan '
Svtat llvvTBAT. OoMMITTKB.
PllILAUKI.l'llIA. Oct. 14, 18C8.
of TVnnsvlvHiiia I Yestordny
you achieved a triumph at tin' polls scarcely
less important iu its results thun the victory
of arms on the field of Gottsysburg. The
integrity of tho Union, the perpetuity of tho
Republic we secured by tho one, its perma
nent peace aud iuturo glory uro insured by
the other.
Your verdict tlms pronounced will he re
corded by tho .American peoplo iu Novem
ber next in a most emphatic condemnation
of tho party f;iUo to tlio country in tho hour
of its peril, lulso to liberty nnd tho rights
of man. Kvory lover of peaco and good
order congratulates you on your achieve
ments in stripping such an organizatiou of
all power to inliict future injury ou tho
country. lleneefoitH it must niik under the
mimo oliloquv tlint rests upon the Tories of
tho Revolution nud tlio Federalists of the
war of 1H12. Kutrustod with power, it
wielded it for tho dismemberment of tho
Republic. Confided in by its devotees as
tho guardinn of liberty, it exerted all its en
ergies for the perpetuity of human bondage.
Professing reverence tor free spmch nnd
freedom of the press, it silenced both with
bowie-kuife nnd revolver wherever it Imd
supremo control. Assuming to bo tlio
guardian of the lights of man, it became
tho chainpiou of human bondage, aud stood
eentinal with baying blood-hounds to seize
and return tho fleeing fugitive ; and at last,
dissutislied wilh the result of a fair election
it rained its hund against tho lite of the Re
public, nnd Sampson-like, would have
buried itself in tho ruins of tho grandest
temple of liberty ever reared by human
It is befitting that a party scared by such
a record should die at the hands of tho peo
plo whoso seuso of justice it has outro;;d
and whoso dearest rights it has trampled iu
tho dust
Republicans of tho Keystono 1 lour
hruthurn throughout thoUuion have watched
tho struggle which you havo jnst passed
with intense imorest, audita result gladdens
every patriot heart. Let not your victory
dam pou your ardor or relax your energy, but
march on with closed ranks and solid columns
to coraplota yeur victory in November.
G.u.vsha A. Gnow.
Chairman State Republican Committeo.
By tho President oT the United States of
America :
In the yeor which is drawing to an end tho
art, tho skill, aud the lubor of the people of
Vreatcr'dnbgenVe'and'vigor on broader fields
than ever before, and tho fruits of the earth
V',b?n eathored into the granary aud tha
highways havo bcou lengthened, ana new
and prolific regions have becu occupied.
Ve aro permitted to hope that long pro
tracted political and sectional discussions
...r. -t nn l;fniit. ilnv. to L'ivO 1)1C0 to I'O-
turuiug harmony and frutorual affection
throughout the Republic. Many foreign
States havo entered iuto liberal agreements
with us, while nations which are far off, and
which heretofore have boon unsocial and ex
clusive, have become our friends. Tho an
nual period of rest which we have reached in
health uud tranquility, and which is crowned
with so many blessings, is by universal con
sent, a convenient and suitable ono for .culti
vating persoual piety and practicing public
,i,..t;r... l llun-i'dire. recommend that
Thursday, tho twenty-sixth day of Novem
ber next, be set apart and observed by all
tho peoplo of the United States as a day for
public praise, thuuksgwing and prayer to
tho Almighty Civator and Uiviuo Ruler of
the uuiver.0, by ever watchful, merci
ful uud gracio is provideuce alone Stntos and
nations, no less thau families and individual
men, do livo nud move and have their being.
1 have hereunto set
'my band anil caused the seal of tho United
States to bo utixed. .
Douo nt tho City of Washington, turn
twelfth day of October, in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and
sixty-eight, and of the ludopeuduuue of
tho United States tho ninety-third. .
(SEM ) AnUKEW J 011NS0S.
Rv the President.
William 11. Sewarh, Secretary of State.
Vint. Kuln won't mind that.'
An Mrs. Martiu spoke, she cut the
lining'away from tho skirt with her
fkilful scissors.
"They made dreeses very couriously
in old times" said she smiling, 'the I'm.
iug is elaborately quilted in oblong
blocks, and see it is covered with bits
of brown paper inside.'
I ilirnvn tmnpr ? let mo See: Jenny.'
said George' suddenly remembering the
numberless eccentricities of his aunt,
and va!7uelv fanevin? he did not kllOW
wha. 'whv thev are really bauk-
, j v -
nrtfua. fdtild !'
And thev were bank-notes fives,
tana and twntla vAVetl fifties! Tho
i;;n nf tho nil lVme-ea drees was litter-
ally covered with them, neatly sewed in
n .i tnh. nrrn te V OOnceaicu irom
PV w " 1 J - ..
i7na (Via Ut frt vears of her lit
Aunt Bridget had been a walkin port
tnnnnaj. and Jennv no longer marveled
at the feverish anxiety she was wont to
betray about the biowa 'gow a as she
iWnii Mil a ia curioufl enough, said
II wu '
ftanrrya iuTPX fllin I10W aCCOUQt XOf tDe6
fleeting rumors of her wealth which we
fancied w erroneous.
DirsoMAMAC. The London Star
says : "The 6tory of a clergyman con.
victed of fraud, at tho Middlesex Ses
sions, yesterday, is at once ridiculous
and horrible, ins aowuiau uegau . oy
his getting drunk on what should havo
been his wedding-day, and in conse
quence, failing to keep his appointment
at the alter with a wealthy widow. The
rest of his mischances were equally CX.
traordinary. He was always most kna.
vish when most drunic, ana no was
hardly ever sober. When not drunk he
flt his position actuteiy, uu uu ueunj
managed to kill himself, once, when in
prison for fraud, un one occasion ue
pleaded temporary insanity in auswer
to a charge of fraud, aud was locked up
several months in Bethlehem Hospital.
It is a painful history a r.eaiiy tragical
one for its rumors lie only on tho sur
face. What is to be dono with such a
ruau? Cue can imagine what a problem
his wretched mental organization must
havo prcscntod to his feiends. It does
really seem mat tne roeeut icjuuuuu
by whicu persons muuiau.j b'""1
diuik are cnablod to have themselves
put under restraint on pleading -aipso-
... a i p..i nL.i
mania is a wise ana useiui oue. mean
iu nt drink, call it bv what name
ill doea nonatituto a real disease in
i n mi.:.. . t . ,3
thousands oi persons, j uis wicwucu
nvAfttnre has been coniemed to a penal
servitude for five years. If he could
be oondemed to some servituae, not pre
cisely penal, forever, it would be the
better for biia and lor ths rest of the
The States uow represented in Congress
and entitled according to the recent act of
the national legislature, to take part iu tho
Presidential election, cast 294 electoral
votes. Tho three States, excluded by that
act, Virginia, Mississippi and Texas, would
east if their votes were counted, 23 more
making a total vote of 317. In the actual
cose 117 vot--s are necessary to an election,
In the other case l.VJ would be.
Now let us seo how the already determined
voto Btnnda. Kix States have held elections
siuco the Presidential canvass opened, which
have given Republican majorities and an
nounced their SOVCluoer vote iu uuiuuti;
as follows :
ICnw Hampshire '
Msimj Y21
IVnusjlvania - .....
Total n
The follow ing additional States aro so cer
tainly Republican that, under the best of
eircuuistauces the democrats would not have
dreamed of carrying them :
M lutBtuisiich ueUa 1J
liluxie Uluuil
Ml. -litem - 5
Iowa B
11unfdota 4
I.- . . . a
nniin. .... .......... .... .. ....
Wisconsin... 8
Tiunu!Mt ..... 10
Vei Yirirlnla 5
boulil duulUui ....
Total M.
Thes, with the States named ubovo, make
up 161 electorial votes, or 2 l'J0r8 than would
be required if aU the btut3 voted, and 14
more than in the actual cage Bra necessary
to elect Geu. Great, .vbat then, is the use
ot the uemocrau jr . on ftuy further wuu
their canvass I 1 . thoulduH Seymour and
Blair withdia' . more fuueral