The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, October 21, 1868, Image 4
A TURKISH LADY'S BATH. T Her otliro fiirst removed. An at tendant jukes n glove every day it is a new clove of uudrcsscd silk. With the disengaged hand she pours over her mistress bains of warm water. Then, by gentle lriction with the glove, she (slowly removes the palt and impurities which nre deposited on the skin. This liuished, the attendant covers the ludy Irotn head to foot, by means of a mop of lowny silk, with a luther made of pecu liar coop peculiar, I believe to Turkey. Upon this soup depends much of that peach like softness and snowy whiteness of the skin, fur which Eastern women nlwnys arc so remarkable. It has the reputation of removing stains, spots,and freckles that are not deeply marked in the cuticle. This part of the matter i'a. having been carefully performed, the lady is again deluged with water heated to one hundred ond ten or one hundred and twenty degrees, aud poured from tabs (basins) of silver. Large towels we might then call them sheets of the finest muslin, richly embroidered with flowers and cold, arc wrapped around . her, and she is led iuto a saloon, where, rolliog up a heap of cushion, she sinks into a soft,drcamliko languor that might oecouic laintncss were it not lor tne as siduity with which a slave fans her. As soon as she is sufficiently recovered to bear it, another slave combs, perfumes, and disposes her hair in ornamental braids. The hour after the bath is one of gentle, sleepy, dreaminess. THE SLA DAY STONE. In one of the English coal mines there is a constant formation of lime stoue, caused by the constaut trickling of water through tho rocks. This wa ter contains a great many particles of lime which are deposited in the mine, and, as the water passes off, these be come h:trd, aud form limestone. This stouc would always be white, like mar ble, were it not that men are working ing in the mine, and, as the black dust rises from tho coal, it mixes with fie soft lime, mid, iu that way, a black stone is firmed. In the night, when there is no coal du.t rising, the stoi e is white ; then again, the nest day, the next day, when the miners are at work, another black layer is formed, and so on, alternately, black and white, through the week, until Sunday colors. Then, if the miners keep the Sabbath, a much larger layer of white stone- will be form ed tfan before. There will be tho white stone of Saturday n;ght and the whole of Sunday, so that every seventh day the white layer will be about three times as thick as any of the others. But it they work on the Sabbath, they sco it marked against them in the stone, llence the miners call it " The Sunday stone." Perhaps many who now break th j Sabbath would try to spend it bet ter if there was a " Sunday stone " where they could see their unkept Sab baths with their black marks. PERTINENT QUESTIONS. Tf reconstruction is n success, why isn't the army witbbrawn ? II the Radicals want peace why did thty propose to arm the negroes If the Radicals mean equal rights, why do thry advocate one currency for capital and an other for labor ? If the negroes can vote for them eelvcs, why pay the Bureau to teach them ? If the Radicals mean equal rights what do they put the negro above the vrhite man lor ? If the Radicals mean impartial suffrage, why does their platform say one suffrage North and' another South '( If the Rodicals want peace, what are they running their candidate on his mil. itary tutiits for ? Is it impartial suffrage to enfranchise the black and disfranchise the white m a u ' !ur (Hup gasket. London has killed 10,000 super fluous dogs this season. The Japanese army is being arm el with Enfield rifles. The highest rent paid for a dwel-Jing-house in Chicago is ?10,000. 1 Two of tho Lawrences, of Boston, have given an Episcopal church, worth 855,000, to Lougwood, Massachusetts. Tf Hon. Jesso A. Bynum, for eight years a member of Congress from North Oiroliaa, died recently in Loussiana, at the advanced age of seventy-three years. Tf A German wants to know why Carl Schurz gets $100 for an hour's talk, when the poor devils in tho audi ence are compoiled to hear for nothing. Tf A national convention of tho advo. dates ot tho political rights of women i called to meet in Washington next December. The call is issued by the Universal Franchise Committee, and is intended to be a stirring one. Tf A letter from Lima, Peru, says : A vote of thanks Ins been passed by Con gress to the people ot Chili, and the Ministers of the U. States and France iu 1'enj, together with our Admiral in those woters, for prompt and efficacious tt-'sistm'je to their uuiurtuuats people. T AUlUEJ. 11LAKELY, Attorney at law, Li Bntl U, 8. Commissioner. Ridgway Elk counly, Yn. fmnr-22'tili-iy. TTKNUY SOUTHER, Altorncy-at-Law, A LP1NE HOUSE, St. Mary's Yn.., Her- XjL "inn Krctz, Proprietor, rug'.t uu DR. W and S JAMES HLAKELY riiysician Surgeon, St. Mary's, Elk county Lmar-22 utily. JOHN 0. HALL, Attorney nt. law, Ridg way, Elk county Pa. inar'22'CO ly ID". W. AV. SHAW Practices Medicine and Surgery, Centrcvillc, Elk county mar-22 tib-ly. TXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, RUBPtE, I"i nas, AVarranls, &c ou hand and for sule at this office. CH. VOLK, Manufacturer and Dealer in Lngcr llccr, opposite I he EailroaU Depot, M. Mary s, Llk county Fa. DR. W. B. HARTMAN, St. Mary's, Elk county, Ya. Late of tho Army of the l'otomac. 1 articular attention given to all cases ot surgical nature mar-22 uu-ly. GROVE G. MESSENGER, Druggist and Dealer in Drugs and Chemicals, I I'nints, Oils and Varnish. Perfumery Toil, et articles and Stationary, Ridgway, Elk county l'a. mar-z ou-ly. JOilN O. HALL JAS. K. V. UAL HALL & BRO. a -n ,, c - . t ST. MARY'S : BENZINGER P. O. ELK COUNTY, YA. September 20, 18GG. ly. T S. Bordwcll, M. D. Eclectic Physician' (J , Office and residence opposite the Jail, on Centre St., Ridgway, Pa. Prompt attention will he given to all calls. Ollice hours : 7 to 8 A. M- j 12 to 2 P. M. ; and C to I P. M. Mar. 22, Gfi-tf. 1 "MAYER HOUSE, RTDGWAY, PA. DAVID THAYER, Proprietor. The undersigned having fitted up a large and commodious hotel on tl,e southwest corner of Centre and Mill streets, with good and convenient staliling attached, respect fully solicits the patronage of his old friends anu nic pMi tic generally. decl3'0G ly DAVID THAYER. S. SHORT, JOHN G. HALL, LOUIS VOLLMER, JAS. K. V. HALL. BANKING-HOUSE OF gliort, St.Maru'8, ttctizinsrcr I. O. Elk County, Pknxa TTVDE HOUSE, JLL Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa M. V. Moore, Proprietor. Thenkful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, tho new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort nna convenience nf guests, to merit a continuance of the same. Oct Hi 18(56 I7RANKLIN HOUSE, St. Mart's, Pa. LARGEY & MALONE, Promi's. The proprietors respectfully ask the atten tion of their friends and the public in gen eral to their large and commodious hotel. Every attention paid to the convenience of guest g. Ji. LAKliEY, niay30-18G8.1r J. A. niALON'E. Ex IXCHANGE HOTEL, RIDGWAY, PA. J. HALEY Tropvietor. This hotel is pleasantly situuled on the banks of the Clarion River and Elk Creek, at the lower end of t he village, Mr. Healy will spare no pains for the of his guests, 7einvitosono andallto give nun a can anu iry ins House, Sept, 17th'ti7-ly. "10AL, COKE AND FIRE-CLAY ! All of superior quality, for sale by the Tannerdale Coal Company, St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. jJgyOrdcrs by mail promptly ttend. cd to. , Lscptlli 'D-tl H. S. BELN A P &CO., BLACKS AlITIIING. Having completed our new establishment, and located therein, we still hope by con. stunt attention to business, and turning out first-class work, to merit a continuance of she putroaago heretofore so generously be. ttowed. Call at our new shop, nt tho east ern end of Main Street, Ridgway, Pa. Particular attention given to the shoeing of horses. All wcjask is a fair trial. May 17'C0-ly. JAMES McCLOSKEY, SeqUl ii Groceries, &c, Wou'.d respectfully inform the oitizens of the surrounding community that he Btill keeps on hand a good supply of such art i. cles as are generally kept iu a country gro cery store, including TEAS, FLOUR, SUGARS, TOBACCOES, SEGARS, WHISKEY which he flatters himself he can sell as cheap as they can be bougbt anywhere in the county. I have lately erected a first-class shinglo mill, which is now in operation. It is an attested that the shingles which were made in this mill aud sold in Williamsport, are k first-class anicle, the lumber of which they are made being a lirst-class article. 1 desiro to introduce these shinglo to the notice of builders, who will consult their own interest by giving 111911 call. May 3d, 'GG. tf llEELElt & WILSON'S BE W ING MACHINES. The under signed having been appointed Sole Agent fur the sale of Wheeler & Wilson's Sewing Machines for Elk county. He keeps an assortment constantly on hund. Machines sold at Philadelphia and New Yor prices. Any parties desirous of obtaining them can address J. K. WIUTMOKK, Mai'.h 9t-ti0 1;-. at Uidwu;, l'a. M1K CHEAPEST GOODS N IN THE COUNTRY A re Sold by 1VEIS II II O T II.E R Successors to Geo. AVcis. DEALERS IN - Foh'Igif qnD oiiKsriii Goo??, St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. c ALL AND EXAMINE OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES We have no hesitation in saying that in this department of our establishment, we can give bargains to our customers with which they cannot fail to be satis fied. We buy our stock direct from the Manufacturer, Richardsons' Celo. bratcd Boot & Shoe Manufactory, Elml ra, New York. We warrant all goods in this line sold from our establishment, H1 "EAVY & SHELF HARDWARE. WE ARE PREPARED TO OFFER To our customers in this line bargains which cannot be undersold in Elk coun ty. Our stock is large, well selected, and is especially adapted to the wants of the community. T ADIES' DRY & FANCY GOODS. XJ An Unequalled Assortment ! Muslins, Silks, Calicoes, Satins, Delaines. Moire Antiques, Chintzes, White Goods Cloths, Flannels, BcrcKCB, Laces, Corsets, In fact we have everything connected with Ladies' Wear. Wc are determin ed to sell lower, cheaper and BETTER Goods than any other firm in the coun ty. Give us a call, wc 11 prove U. jJJAItK WELL WHAT WE SAY. ll'c Sell the Best, thereore THE CHEAPEST CLOTHiNG Sold in Elk County. Ouv Stock of TJeii qqd Ss giii.jlnel" qnD &Jii)ier I n t In n g IS IMMENSE, And wo confidently flatter ourselves that better Clothing cannot be found ANYWHERE. Persons, before purchasing elsewhere would do well to give us a call. B,No troublo to show our Goods. GROCERIES, NOTIONS, &c, &c, In Endless Variety, and CHEAPER than tne CHEAPEST! At the Store of His au0 c- In St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. I IPFS,TCBACCOES A SEGARS We have now on hand AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT, Which will be sold at a VE R Y S L1G HT AD VANCE On cost and carriaiie. tST'Our Store is in the new Si'one linitdi'inf on Main S'.ritt. Julv '11, 107 tf. EW HARDWARE STORK ! The subscribers lave just Jopcncd in ST. MARY'S A new and Complete Stock of Heavy k Shelf HARDWARE 1 ! And will keop constantly on hand a grat variety ot COOK AND HEATING STO VES Bar Iron, Steel Anvils, Bellows, Nails, Horse shoes, Springs, Build ing Hardware, Saws and Files of Even Description ! GUNS, PISTOLS AND CARTRIDGES, Cntlcry, Plated Ware and House Furnishing Goods. Al' kindsof Mechan ics' Tools 1 TINWARE Of every description, which will be sold at tho LOWEST CASH PRICES. They have also the exclusive agency in St Mary's for the IMPROVED ORIENTAL BASE.BURNING COAL STOVES AND PARLOR FURNACES ! mm Which have received Four First Clas Pre miums at the New York State and oth er Fairs ; Also, the Great Silver Medal at the Fair of the Am erican Institute, held in New York City, 1SU5. They arc Perpetual Burners, only ono fire being required to' bo made auring the season. M. BEECH EH. Jr. VM. H. COPELAND. cnv28'C7 ly PATRONIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS. FLOUR-i FEED AND GRAIN. IT HIE subset ihors having completed their New Grist Mill in Hulgwny arc now prepared to turmsb t lie people oi ino sur rounding country with Flour of the Best Quality, and of their own manufacture, at the lowest market rates. The attention of lumbermen and others culie'i to our laciuties ior lurnisiuug them with FEED OF ALL KINDS, cheaper than it can bo bought any other I lace in the countv ENCASH Paid for GnAix"fj5a. J. S. HYDE, -J. V. HOCK. J. K. AYH1T.Y10RF. November", I8fi"tf LOOK HERE I WATCHES, JEWELRY & SILVERWARE. f1HARI.ES HOLES, Practical Watclima J kcr, Jeweler and Engraver, Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. Tho subsciiber begs leave to announce 1 0 1 lie citizens ot Ridg way and vicinity that he is prepared to do all work 111 his line 011 short notice nndat reasonable rates in tho very best manner Shop 111 II. fc. lielunp sbloie. special atten- 1011 paid to engraving. He has also on hund a largo assortment of Clocks, AVatchcs, Jewelry snd Silverware which he oilers tor sale on reasonable terms. Give h111 a call. uov7'07tf. CI UNS, PISTOLS, RIFLES, KNIVES, X pocket and table cutlery, of the best quality and most approved patterns, very cheap at the Hardware Store on Bibergcr's old corner in it. .Mary s. TOBACCO ANTIDOTE. WARRANTED to remove all desire for Tuhacco. This great remedy is an excellent appetizer. It purifies tho blood, invigorates the system, possesses great nourishing ana strengthening power, ena bles the stomach to digest the heartiest food, makes sleep refreshing, and establish es robust health, smokers ami Liicwers for Sixty Years Cured. Price, Fifty Cents, cost free. A treatise on the injurious ef fects of Tobacco, with lists of references, testimonials, &c, sent free. Agents want ed. Address Dr. T. R. ABBOT. Jersey CityNew Jersey. Aug. 15iu 12w J. S. BORDAVELL, M. D. KCL EVT1C J 11 1 c i a J I'Vie word eelcctie means to ehoese or select medicines from all tho different schools of mediciue ; using remedies that arc safe, and discarding from practico all medicines that have an impurious effect on the system, such as mercury, antimony, lead, copper, &LC. 1 lay aside the lance the old blood letter, reducer or deplete)', and equalize the circulation and restore the system to its natural elate by alteratives nud tonics. I shall hereafter givo particular attention to chronic diseases, tiich as Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Liver complaint, Catarrh, Neu ralgia, diseases of tho throut, urinary or. gans, ai'd all peculiar to females, &c. CATARRH I treat with a new instrument if a late invention which cures every case. TEETH extracted without pain. Oihce und residence south of the jail ou Centre St. Ollice hours from 7 to 8 a. iu ; l'J to 1 p. m : H to 7 p. m. : Dec. !!T07.-lv. ,1. S. DORDWKLIi. FOR PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES IN 1808, SOME EMINENT MAN SHOULD BE SELECTED. FOR THE PLACE TO BUY STOTES T I N w a r: 3 HOUSE. FURNISHING GOODS, GO TO ..EIDGWAY, CALL ON SERVICE, MAKE KNOWN And you will bo YOUR WANTS, supplied, and well satisfied with the call. S rOTBS. Of nt Lie Kinds,' always on hand 3 Of tho Latest and Most Approved Style aud Workmanship on hand, and Made to Order, (a Speciality made of this Branch.) All Goods warrantcd.- Dealers supplied at the Very Lowest Prices. Price List furnished on ap plication. TOILET SETTS, " SOME BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS! SPICE-BOXES, And all aud every novelty in the Japan ned Tinware Line ! tViro Goods, Toys, French Tinned Ware, English Hammered Ware, ' Scotch and Yankee Bowls, Sad Irons, Co:il Hods, Japanned, Gulvanized And Fancy. Iron Hollow Ware by the Sett or Single Piece ! FISHING TACKLE, Rods Baskets, Flies, Hooks, &c, &c. Jobbing in all its branches. I have the agency foi the Celebrated Oriental Base Buruinz Furnace. The best in the world portable or brick set. If they fail to givo satisfaction no pay will bo asked. ROOFING, Flator Standing Groove, Eavo Trough, Spouting( and IIouso work generally. JQf Orders by mail promptly attend ed to, and work guaranteed, I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD ! If your are goiug to build a House, Store, uuurcn or jjarn, can ocloro you rt. "1 1 1 1' 11 n oder your Tin, Copper or Sheet: Irop Work. I Oct. Slst l?7-1y. EW FIRM AND NEW GOODS NEW GOODS 1 JUST RECEIVING! AT THE STORE OF HYDE, GILLI3 & CO. HARDWARE; QUEENSWARK, CANDIES, NUTS, Ac. DRY GOODS & GROCERIES. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST. IN ELK COUNTY. CALL AND SEE AND BE CONVINCED THAT WE SELL CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN THIS SECTION. WE ARE CONSTANTLY ADDING TO OUR STOCK COME AN1 SEE US. H oods, Nubias, and all kind's of AVoolen Goods at the oheap store of t7 HYDE, G1LL1S & CO. Do you want to pnrchnse a silver watch American or Foreign ? if so, go to 1SG7 HYDE, G1LLIS iCO. Iiesh Oysters constantly on hand at ' store of the 12U7 HYDE, CILLIS & CO. Tot inns of all kinds in extensive variety at tne store 01 11U7 HYDE, CILLIS CO. extensive assortment c-f CLOTHING the store of 07 HYDE, GILLIS t CO. DOTS, SHOES and GAITERS every i kind, style and variety at I lie store of HYDE, GILLIS i CO. largo and complete stock of Hardware- and cutlery at the store of HYDE, GILLIS Si CO. I IOBACCO The finest brands for smsk . lug aud chewing, at the Mi ;re of 12 W HYDE. UjLLIS s CO. QUEENSWARE 111 cut, at the st an extensive assort. ore of 12'ti7 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. "VTewrst Styles of Balmoral Skirts at the cheap stor nt 12'C7 HYDE, GILLIS &CO. L ndics Dress floods latest and mos fashionable figure, at tho store of 12'07 HYDE. GILLIS & CO. Hats; Caps and furs, in great yarioly ' and at the lowest price, nt the stove o IU 07 HYDE, L'O. Mens' woolen and cassi ner Shirts sensation prices, at the stmorif . 12 u7 11Y1K, GILLIS 4 CO. Undershirts and drawers, cheaper thai the cheapest, at the store of I J tit Jit UK, Ull.MS S C) Oct ohi, 1SG7-1 y. ' '