The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, October 21, 1868, Image 3
LOCAIr INTELLIGENCE Car Time at UUIgtraij. Erie Express East 1:'-:'n. m. do do West 111 1 do Mail East -LO'J p. m. do do West ii:!'1 1- ' Local Freight East 1,1 do do West 'J:OOp. m Elk lodge, A. Y. M. Plated meeting of Elk Lodge will lip liclil Tuesday evening, on orlii'forc the full moon of each montli, once every two weeks thereafter. J. K. W'lllTMOHH, Sec y. Orac Chi:rca--Irotostant Episcopal, ltsv. C. K. Ui'Ti.KM, Hector. .Seniors will be licldin t'.ie above cliureh every al ternate Sunday morning mid evening. Hsthodist Episcopal. Hr.v. F. Vernon, Pa-tor. Morning Ser vice, in the Court House, every alternate Sunday. U. S. A. There will Lc o meeting of the Council at their rooms on Satur day Evening, October 24th, nt 75 o' cluck. Let every member attend. fly order, J. R. 1AIU!, D. S. Lutiikr, Scc'y. I'res't (5"The Great American Hair Prep aration, valued at homo and abroad, a real Hair Restorer or dressing um lmttfr. A great triumph of science. Mrs. S. A Allen's Improved, ucc styfe.' Every Diuggist sells it. Price One Dollar Lost. Between Ridgway and the crossing of ilie Shawtnut 15. It., on the -Olli instant i buiidle, 0 yd's it white flannel, and 6 yards of gray titriped cloth, any person returnins the hatue to the subscriber, or leaving it at this office, or at W. C. llcaly'a store, will be liberally rewarded. P. M'Mahon Shnwniut, Pa. "Spring it is cheery, Winter is l'reary, Green leaves liang, but In-own iim.l flv . When In is shaken, Lo::e and forsaken. What can n pour old man do liutdie?" Why, take Plantation Hitters to be sure, and with them a new lease of life. The old are undo poung again, the middle aged n-joicc, and the, jnung be. come doubly biilliant by ut-ing this t-plcndid Tonic. Dyspepsia, Heart burn, Liver Complaint, Headache, l'uins iu the Side, "Click in the Hack," and nil symptoms of Stomachic derange ment yield at ouca to the health giving influence of Plantation Hitters. They add strength to the system uud boyancy to the mind. The Austrian F:cld Marshrl liuly. who lost the I attic of Magenta, is dead. Baltimore is getting toban impor tant port for the arrival of emigrants. The assessed value ef taxable prop, erty in Illinois is ?47S,0U(.t,OO0. Prinnc Napoleon is said to be anx ious for theSpanish throne. Mrs. Kcmblc is redding in Chicago this week. Richmond has becu excited about a duet with broadswords. Victor Hugo's " Les Miserubles" has becu dramatized. The Princess Mettcrnieh's bonnets cost $20,000 a year. --In Paris, velocipedes arc about to make their appearance on the s'agc. In Belgium a few days ago. a yonng girl, whilst daueing, died in the arms of her partner. Delaware) County, Ohio, has au old lady ot 105, who cau walk six miles a day, Bowdoin College, in Maine is hav ing trouble about " huziug.,, Seventeen ftudents were rcceutly suspended for the oflence- One hundred and seventy four candidates for Parliament, ninety three of them liberals, ore said to have no op ponents. More accijen'-s have ocourrcd on Lake Michigan this year than iu any previous one. The composer of the song "Not for Joieph," has received 835,000 as his share of its profits. Writing popular music pays. The British "national anthem" was b'ssel in a Quebec minstrel hall one night last week a rare dcuupstration in Canada. Tho "conscience fund" of the Uni ted States Treasuiy increased (.'i,i'j-.i,. 60 brtween November, lHfiS, aud June 80;1863. Twenty Svc thousand Irish left Ire. landdnring tho three month ending with June last. Tho New York Evening Post pub lishes a " plea for croquet." urging the establishment of public croquet grounds. Kfforts are being inude in Holland to abolish capital punishment, and the movement is headed by the Minister of Justice ut the Hague. 1 500,000 Cl'STOMEIlS IN 10111 m , Yen i-s. Patronize the Hcst. Having the largest capital, most crper ienred buyers, and extensive tmdc of any coiieerr, in the Dollar Sale business, we (U'AHANTEE S AT ISFACT10N in every instance, and also the best selec tion of goods ever offered nt ONE DOLLAR EACH. No other cmieern any show wherever our agents are selling. Our motto, " Prompt nnil licliahlo." Male and female agents wanted in ei-y nnd country. Tlliv LADIES arc particularly roiiirslod to try our popular oluh system of selling all kinds of Dry and Fancy Woods, Dress Pallcrns, Cotton Cloth, Castors, Silver Plated Goods, Watches, tic Established 181)4. A patent pen fountain and a cheek describing an article to be sold forn dollar, 111 rents; 'JO for !?:2 i -10 for I: ISO for $H ; 1(1(1 for $10 ,- sent by maii. Free presents to getter up. (worth oil her cent more than those sent by any other concern.) according to size of club, or if not do n:t fail to scud or ii circular. N. P.. t'ur sale should not be classed wi-li New York dollar jewelry sales or bo gus " Tea Coniprnies," as it is nothing of the sort. EASTMAN .v. KENDALL, (if) Hanover Street, may'-o-lMii. Huston, Mass lENTTbJlTUjolVNflls! 'IMIE EAGLE TURBINE WAT Ell 1 WHEEL, patented only 30, 18(17. is superior to any wheel in use. The under signed have the agency for said wheel in I lie Slate of Pennsylvania, and can rccnim mend it as being tho best manufactured. For further particulars, and circulars, iu quire ill our Foundry in Kersey, where machinery, mill-gearing, eastings jnd steam engines will be made to order at reasonable prices. We expect by giving satisfaction in our w ork to receive good share of pub lic patronage. j. f., P.. HELL. Kersey, Elk Co., Pa., janltS lStiSpd. SOMETHING- NEW! HOUSE, SIGN lu ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, f I "HE 8LTHSCItlIi E It W O U L D It E- specifully inform the citizens of Elk county llir.t he has just started in the above business in Ridgway, and feel confi dent that he can please all who may favor him with their custom. GRAINING, PAPEIt HANGING AND CALClMINlNfl DONE ON SHOUT NOTICE AND IN THE rco.-t fashionable and improved manner and style. Orders left nt Ibis Olliee or nt the Hanking House of Souther, Willis & Souther will be promptly attended to. W. 1. WILLIAMS, May-17'C(i-1y. INCOIiPORATION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the pclition of James Suuddcu, and others, to be incorporated un der the name, style and title of " Shiloh Presbyterian Church at St. Mary's has brcn filed iu my utliccaud will be presented for confirmation nt the next term of the Cour of Common Pleas of Elk count v. CEO. A. HATH lit' X, Sept. 21-lc. Prothonotiiry. d.mi: V. N.-ti D.MlN'ISTRATltl.VS NOTICE. utice is hereby given that letteis of administration having been granted to the undersigned on I lie estate of Anthony Ctincn late of FOX TOWNSHIP, deceased, all persons indebted to said estate are request ed toe i:ne forward and make immediate pay. mi ni, an I those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement. 1!. T. KYLE It, Sep'.:lO, lPliX-Ct Administrator. "VnTl lCE. The several Courts of Elk jj County, eoniuienciiijj on Monday, the 'Jd day of November, 1H0S, being ihe first Monday, will on ilial day be adjourned lo Monday, November Ki, 1SJC8, being thothird Moiolay, for which time tho jui ics will be su iinioucd. Suitors, Jurors. Justices, Constables, and other persons having business before the said Courts will lake notice nnd govern themselves accordingly. Hy order of I lie-1 1 mi . If. W. Williams, Additional Law Judge, lib Judicial District. GEO. A. RAT1HHN, Prmh'ry. Uidgway. September L'lst, lNii8-3t." JE YOU WANT Canljs, gTcttct and gitl-Prmtsi t)0ME IX TUB Neatest Sh-fe of Inc itf, AM) AT TUB LOWEST LIVING HATES GIVE YOUR OUDEHS TO THE (flit Advocate Printing (fj-taulishmcnt. "JJlt. T.YYEOIVS OLIVE BRANCH BITTERS. A mild nnd agreeable TONIC STIMU LANT, STOMACHIC and CARMINATIVE BITTERS, Extracted entirely from IIEIIHS & HOOTS. Highly beneficial in DYSPEPSIA, GFNERAL DEBILI TY, AXD LOSS OF APPKTITH And jin excellent corrective for persons suffering from Disorders of the Howcls, Flutuleuoc, &c. EOLD KVEUY II HERE ! Depot, No. .113 Market Street, l'hila'a. 8cpO,Y.8-y J. K. TAVLOH t CO. CAKDS, Hill-Heads, Letter-Heads, Tags, Handbills, iic, done in a ileal iiianncr, and at ihe lowkrt i-iiii k, FOR CASH, at the Elk Advocate Priming Ofliee. ITMtAXK 8. HAltltETT, Aitorney-nt-Law, Clemiield, l'euu a. Will practice iu ilH aud Cameron couriies. sep'.,'(i8-y. Vll orders for Stoves and Hardware will be promptly ut tended lo as eoon as received, Ht the 1J 07 81. MAHV'S IIAUDWAUE ST011E Vvcisulcntial (flection i'voclnmatioi". GI'.NFH.VL ELECTION PUOCLAMA TIO.'I. 1'iirsiinni to nn Act of the ilenernl Assembly of the Commonweallh of Pennsylvania, entitled " An Act relating to Ihe elections of the Commonwealth," apr proved the '2, dav of July. A. D., 1 s:ltl, I. JAMES A. MALONH, High Sheriff of the county of Elk, Slnto of Pennsylvania, do hereby make known and give notice to the electors of said county, thai a General El ection will be held ill Elk comity on the KiliST TUESDAY, being the TIlfl'D day dav of November, 1 WISH, at w hich time there will be an election for TWENTY-SIX EL ECTORS for President and Vice President of the United States, at the following named plaeos : And the qualified electors of tho county of Elk will hold their eleuions in the sever al districts, as follows : Hener.c-Ue township, nt the house of Eliza beth Winslow : Hen.inger township, nt the sehnolhousc on Michael street, near the Llk creek bridge : Fox township, at the Ceritrevillo school house ; Highland township, nt the house of Levi Ellithorpe : Horton township, ni the schoolhouse near llezekiah llorton's : Ridgway township, ai the Courf House : St. Mary's Hurough, nt the house of Chas. Sehis.-le ; Si r ng Creek township, nt tho house of Slockdalc, Downer .v. Company ; Jay township at the house of Alfred Pcarsall ; Jones township, ut the school house iu Wilcox. 1 also make known nnd give notice, ns in and by the 'hirteentli section of the afore said act. I am directed, " that every person, excepting Justices of the Peace, who shall hold any ofliee or appointment to profit in trust under the Government of the Unilcd Slates or of iliis State, or any city or in corporated district, whether n commission ed ollicer or otherwise, subordiiiole o III -cer or agent, w ho is or shall be employed under thu legislative, judiciary, or execu tive department, of this State, or Unilcd States, or any city or incorporated district : and also, thai every member of Congress or Slate Legislature, and the select or common council of any city, commissioners of any incorporated district, is by law incapable of holding or exercising at ihe same time, the ofliee or appointment of Judge, Inspec tor, or Clerk, of any election of this Com monwealth, and that no Inst. ectoror Judge. or ut 1 1 i- officer of any such election shall be eligible lo any ofliee then to be voted for. ALSO, That in the fourth section of the Act of Assembly entitled " an Act relating to elections, and for other purposes,"' ap proved April l'illi, JMl'.l, it. is enacted thai I he the thirteenth section " .-hall not be construed ns lo prevent any militia officer or borough oHicor from serving as Judge, Inspector or Clerk, at any general or spec, ial election in thi Commonwealth." ALSO, That in the 01st section of said Act it is enacted that " every general and special election shall be opened between the hours of eight nnd ten iu the forenoon, and shall continue without interruption ot- ad journment, unti' seven o'clock iu the even ing, when the polls shnll be closed." The general, special, city, incorporated districts and township elections, and all el eelions, for electors of President and Vice President of the United Stales, shall be held and conducted by tho Inspectors and Sudges elected ns aforesaid, and by clerks appointed as hereinafter provided. ' No person shall be permitted lo vute at any election, ns aforesaid, but u white free niun of Hie oge of (wenty-oftc years or ninr?, who shull havo resided in Ibis State al least one year, and in the election district where he offers to vote, nt least ten days immediately preceding such election, nnd within two years paid a State or county lax, which shall have been assessed at least ten days before tho election. Hut a citizen of the Uni ed States who has previ ously been a qualified voter of this State and removed tlierefiom, mid returned, anil who shall have resided in the election dis trict and paid taxes as aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote after residing iu this State six mouths. Provided, That 1 lie while freemen, citizens of the United State), are between the ages of twenty-one andtweiuy Iwo years, and shall have resided iu the el ection district ten days as aforesaid, shall not have paid taxes. Pursuant to the provisions contained in the -Itli section of the Act aforesaid, the Judges of the aforesaid districts shal 1 re spectively take charge of the certificates or return of elections of their respective dis tricts, and produce them nt a meeting of one Judge from each district, at the Court House iu Hidgwny on tho third day after tor the election, being for tho present year on Friday, Ihe Kilh day of October next, ihon and there to perform the duties re quired by law of said Judges -, also, where a Judge by sickness or unavoidable acci dent, is unable to attend said meeting; of Judges, then Ihe coilitieate or return afore said shall be taken in charge by one of the Inspectors or Clerks of the election of said district, who shall do and perform the du ties required of said Judge, unable to attend. AN ACT regulating Ihe mode cf voting at all elections, in the several counties of this Com moo wealth. Skction 1. Ho it enacted by tho Scnnte and House of Representatives of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania in General As sembly met, and it is hereby enacted by au thority of the same, That the qualified vo ters of the severil counties of this Cuminon wcaith, at all gencal, township, borough and special elections, are hereby hen after, authorized und required to vote, by tickets, printed or written, severally classified, As follows: Cue ticket shall embrace tho names of all Stnta officers voted for, uud to be labelled ouiside, "JUDICIARY : " one ticket shall embrace the names of all Stale officers voted for, and shall be labelled, "STATE;" one ticket shall embrace Ihe dames of nil county officers to be voted for, includiufi oflit-e of Senator, member and members of Assembly, if voted for, and members of Congress, if voted for, and be labelled, COUNTY ; " one ticket shall em braco the names of ull tow nship officers lo bo voted for, and labelled, ' TOWNSH II';" one ticket sh-.ll embrace the names of nil borough officers voted for, uud be labelled, "ROROUGHs" and each class shall be deposited in separate ballot boxes. f ClVEN under my hand und I SEAL Jsenl at mv ofliee in Ridgwnv, Vth'is FIRST day of SEl'TEM -HER, iu the year of our Lord, One Thous and Eight Hundred and Sixty-Eight. JAMES A. M ALONE, Sheriff of Elk County. Sepl ember 2nd, lbliS:(aoe. LAX Kg of uU liud? for sale ut this ef fie J. Ite Last Succcs Hair dressing NewJty'e moneB0ifte BY ITS USB Gray or Faded Hair is quickly restored to its youthful color and beauty, and with the first application a beautiful gloss and delightful fragrance is given tu the Hair. It will cause Hair to grow on Raid Spots. It will promote luxuriant growth. FALLING HAIK is immediately checked. For Hale br nil Drugglm. DEPOT removed from Orecnivii-h St. to 35 Harcluy St. & 40 Turk riacc. For (?oing a family washing in Ihe best and cheapest manner. Guaranteed equal to any in the world ! Has all tho strength of old rosin soap will) t lie mild and lather ing qualities of genuine Castile. Try Ihis splendid soap. Said by Ihe A 1. DEN CHE MICAL WORKS, JM North Front Slrcet, Philadelphia. Sept'J lH:ly omethint Men. A i.aiigi: stock or GOODS 14 ,tJ Iml VdW Vil Hill W Wuil The undersigned have on hand a large and vciy desirable stock of GOODS, and will constantly keep an extensive assortment, including everything that is wanted to EAT, WEAI1, Oil FEED. which they will sell at the very bottom figure and from this date will sell only for CAS If. We will use every endeav or to make it to the interest of onr cus tomers to adopt the universal CxlSII SYSTEM. Wo have de'cnniiici! to "ive tho CASH SYSTEM a fair trial, believing it to be tho inter est ol both buyci aud seller. Uidgway, Aug. 13th, 1867. 3. HF. OVERIIOLTZER, . MERCHANT TAILOR, 1 tideway, Elk Co., Pa. The subscriber dosires respectfully to in form the ciiizns of Ridgway and vicinity that he is prepa.ed to make lo order as well ns it can be done anywhere, any thing in t lie line of his business. All he asks is a fuir trial. Oood Fits gtiatiinteed. BS5uCloths, Cassiniers, Vesting! nnd Trimmings of the latest and most approved styles kept constantly on hand, which will be sold CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAP EST. Ladies desiring Hemming, Stitching. Felling, Rinding, .sc., on drc.-scs, capes, ,u will find it t3 i heir interest, to give ine i fill. uiig::0 Uli. J OUIS II. GARNER, i'UACTICAL MACHINIST, Can be found nt his Foundry at St. Mary's where he is ready lo have all shop-work in his lino done ou short notice. Si. Mary's. HcnuiugW P. O., E1U co.j Pa. inyl'OH'ly T NCt) Rl'i ) It AT ION Noflt'ENotice is hereby given that tho petition of IClias Moycr, and others, to Uo incorporated un der the nnino, style and title of " .Messiah's Church, at Toby," bus been filed al my of fice mid will be presented for confirmation nt (honest term of the Court of Coiiimou Pleas of Elk county. j'EO. A. EATIIRUX, Sept. id;lc. ( l'lullaouvlaiy. 11KN11Y II. Afore conirr of Jlahub Dqmt Street, July 30, 1808. UIDGWAY, VENN" A. TNSl'UANCE A( AINST LOSS OK 1 DAMAGE i!Y FI11E ! THE Lycoming County Mutual Insur ance Company at Muncy, Pcnnn., con liniics to Insure against Loss or Dninngo by Fire on all kinds ef Merchandise. Publio and private uildings, either in town or county. Also on Mills, Tanneries, Earns, stocks of firnin, Sc., nt the lowest possible rates, consistent with safety to the Insurer nnd Insured. The Lycoming County, Mu tunl Insurance Company invites an investii gnlion as to its stability. Its capital amounts to 03.800,000! Thus assuring to every one of its patrons Hint their losses will be promptly and satis, faclorily paid. Its management lias always been prudent, ns its cxislen;o of twenty si x years fully dcinonslraics JAMES HLAKELV, Agent for E'U county, nt St. Mary's Oct. is. lw;7-1v. s 1T. MAllY'S STEAM TANXEU1 ! II. E. Epspenpluule & Co. Take pleasure in announcing to the public of Elk and surrounding comities that they have thoroughly refitted nnd rennovated ibis old and well-known establishment, nnd congrctulatc themselves that with their ex tended facilics, with first class workman, that they can put out as good work as cau be found anywhere. We have, nnd keep constantly on hand alll kiuds of leather such ns iu general use in this section, in cluding Sjiaitifli tnul Country S'"A- Leather ! Ciilsf.i'iis, ShrtytskiiiS, Ki'pscins I Harness 0 i 'ipcr Leather ! Give ns a cull and be convinced of the truth of what we state. inar21'HS rAMH vs Little ef. al.. Garnishees. In j the Common Pleas of Elk County, No. l"i, April Term, lSdS. The undersigned having been appointed Trustees in Ihe above cause hereby give notice tj all persons holding property of tho def'enlaut, or indebted to him, are re quired to make payment to the undersign, ed and deliver the iaid properly to them, creditors of defendant will also present to the undersigned their claims duty authen ticated for sett lenient. FRED. SCIKENINO, HORACE LITTLE, at Ridgway, or L.VOLLMER, St. Mary's. L. J. HLAKELV, Pluintifl 's Attorney. August iSth, 103-01. HOUSE, S1CN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. The undersigned hay. concluded lo hang up for 0 while in Ridgway, would respectfully inform its citizens and those of its surrounding vicinity, that they are prepared todoall work in their line in u manner warranted to suit their customers and al as reasonable a price as it can be done by any other man. Our motto isto 'Live and let live.' All orders promptly intended to. 03-CASH PAID FOR HIDES. J uly iiin. J AC 1C T. SHUT E & C( ). A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN JUST X. published in n seuled envelope. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radical cure of Spermatorrhoea, or Semi nal Weakness, lnvoltfcitnry Emissions, Sex ual Debility, and Impediments lo marriage gcnerall. Nervousness, Consumption, Ep ilepsy and Fits ; Mental und Physical In capacity, resulting from Self-Abuse, .c. by Robert J. Culverwell, M. D., author of the "Green Hook," etc. Price iu n scaled envelope, only six eenls. The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' succcrsful practice, that the alarm ing consequences of self abuse may be rad ically cured without the use of internal medicine, or (he application of Ihe knife, pointing out a mode of cure al once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condi tion may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. lfju'i'his Lecture should be in the hands of every youth und every man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, postpaid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Also, Dr. Cul. verwcll's " Marriage Guide," price liojeuts. Address tho Publishers. CHAS. J.C. KLTVE .i CO., 127 Howery, New York, P. O. Hox -l.OSfj. janlO-lSOT nuiEip mux, J .maxi ov 1 n' ?i:j!t,?."'V m mm JO I ("lurch Slreel, Philadelphia, f cul fur Engravings pjicc Li-i. IMMENSE REDUCTION IN Til! j rillCH.OP E AT THOMAS' $1 THE PLACE TO BUY IS AT TIIElimCrWAY mm - store. KETT 11Y GROVE G. MESSENGER, Dealers in Drug, Medicices, Pr.sts Oils, White Lead, Lubricating Oil, Lamp Oil, Tattler's Oil, l'cr. fumeries of nil Kinds, Tlio purest Varnish, Uiuslies of every Style and Size Dye Stuffs, l'urc Conf'ectionarics Citron, ltaisiiu, l'atent Mcdiciues, Wines, . Watslies, Jewelry, Kings, Tobaccocs & Sugars l'urc Liuors for Medicinal pur poses only. A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of Everything Useful rcitaiiiing to the Drug Eusinc-ss Gen erally. Pure Drugs al Low Trices ! J'uro Dings at Low Trices- Notions in Eudlcss Variety ! Notious in Eudlcss Variety American and English Watches ! American and English Watches Latest Styles of Jewelry, Rings, Sc. Latest Styles of Jewelry, Rings, &c. Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels ! Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels Albums, News, Stationery, Dird-CagesT Albums, News, Stationery, Bird-Cages I Violin, I'anjo and Guitar Strings! Violin, IJanjo and Guitar Strings ! mar201S(iG THILADELmiA & ERIE RAILROAD. WINTER TIME TAELE. Th rii'jh ttnd JUrC't limtU: l-clirccn riifadcljilu'a, Laftimirc Harris hunj, WdUumsport, ami the C K E AT 0 1 L Ji E C 1 OM of Pennsylvania. U L E G A N T "SLEEPING CARS On all Night Trains. OX and after MONDAY, NOV. 2r,th the trains on the Philadelphia & Eria Kailroad will run as follows : w Ksrw.Miii. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia..l0.40 p. m. " " " Uidgway !5.Ki p. ni. " " arrive at Erie H.'.'i p. in. Eric Exp leaves Philadelphia. ..11. :!() noon. .. .. i !.l., ., i. :'. -T in iu.. " " arrive al Erie t).0U) u. H.vsrwAiii). Mail Train leaves Erie 10.00 a. " ' Hidgwny 4. OH p. " " arrive at Phila'd'ti... 7.00 a. V.vie Express leaves Erie 7.t)5 p. " " I'idgwuy... I.:i3 a. " " ar-nt Philadelphia 5 00 p. iu nu Mail and Express connect with Oil Creek and Allegheny Itiver Hail Hold. H.Y(J. (J.UiE CHECKED TIIHOUOII. AI.FHED L. TVLElt. Generol Superiutciidcnt. 1"7STHAV. Cam lo the residence of the 2j residence ofllio subscriber in Hen-, .iiiger tow nship, AN ON, with whitehead, high horns, 7 or 8 years old, and 7 feet girth. Tho owner of said ox is requested, to call, pay charges, nnd take liiui awny, otherwise ho will bo disposed of according to law. JOHN TIIEEDLE. I'cn.iugev, September 1M, 18iiS-ot, VALUABLE LOTS TOR SALE. The undersigned has laid'out a vil, ago upon his ground adjoining the Hidg way Depot, to bo called EXIC. Tho lots, arc 50 feel front by 100 feet deep front iug towards the railroad. Terms For tho first lot sold, $100. Fov the second lot sold, $110. For tho third lot sold, $120 nnd so on iiicrcusing in. price ns lots arc sold. BQ. First purchasers got the choice lot,, at the cheapest rates. Purchasers will be registered in tho or der of their application Ten per cent of the purchase monoy must be paid at tho t;iuo ed' the application.. IfcfUApplicutiou wiU bo made to Job, G. llall. Esq., Hidgwny, Pa. J. S. HYDE. Eldgway. mav,2U'U0 -tf. NAILS, SPIKES, III! CEi, 11 VETS; locks, bolts, and all kinds olbuilder's. matcriiils iu general can be hud cheaper in, Ihe St. Mary's Hardware Stele lliuti any other place iu Elli cjiuity. u'ZH 07