Ivc JU'on,h " wi:dni:sday, OcIoIh'v a 1st, ::: : : : Ihoh. M Kill PltKNlPKNT IN lSli'.l, GEN. U. S. GRANT. Kilt VICK IIIKSIKKNT, HON. SCHUYLER CCLFAX VM.Linvrouy. Circumstances over w'lich wo liad no co'itrol liavc loij us to dispose of our in terest in the Ki.k AnviiCATK to the Radical party of Elk comity. While t lie re was but one journal in Elk county, we should not liave sold to tlic party mentioned under any consid eration. Rut tlic reecDt establishment of another paper in St. Mary's of our political belief, has led us to the co iclu. hion that two Democratic papers would not pay in Elk county, nud that one or the other must go down, and to save ourself from possible financial ruin, wc Lave sold out. Some two months 030 a party catm. to us, and offered to buy the establish incut, and run it as a democratic paper, xm were willing to sell, and closed a written agreement for a certain price. AVhen the day for concluding the bar. gain nrrived,said party wished us to take a sum less than we ngrccd.and threaten ed to start a paper in St. Mary's unless wc acceded. This wc could not do. Wc have no fault to find with the Itcuioeraey lor not snpporting us prop erly. Wc feel confident we have met with as much us wc deserved from theni Hut our deserving would not c.cet our expenses-' Although wc have sold our paper, wc have not by any means sold our princi ples. They arc still as they always have been, and ever will be, Democrat ic at all '.hues and under all circumftan ces. John F. Moork. A C11AXGE. The names of the candi.'ates at the head of this column indicates that since the last issue of the paper, the paper and all belonging to it has changed hands, and from now forward it will be used iu the interest of the Republican parly. The change lias been made so uddenly that it was impossible in this issue to nu'kc both sides alike in tone, therefore the outside bears the impress of the defeated party, and the inside, so ar as the matter for the present issue is concerned, advocates, as far as we arc ublc to have it uudcr the circumstanc cs, the cause ol the party which is work ing for the election of Grant and Colfax, ntid the tiiumph of the Uuiun Repub lican party. The office has passed iuto the hands of an association of gentlemen Aio have labored to secure the triumph of Republican principle and the election of tfrant & Colfax, and who regret for the sake of the cause that an organ of the party in this county could not have be?u established at an carl'er period in the campaign, but as it is never too late to do good, wc hope that by commencing now, we may uo goo 1 hcrcuftcr. Mr. Moore, as will be seen by the ar liclo above, has no further interest in, r connection with the paper, and retires from it at this time. Tho future management of the paper, we can as sure the public, will be committed to fcblc and competent hands, and it will be the aim of those conducting it, to tusko it a good county papc, and one worthy of the patronage ond support of people of this county, and all haviugr in terests here. x&.We suppose that some subscr ibers to this paper who will not relish the change th.it has been made- in it. To such we say that by returning the present issue to us, their names will be stricken from the subscription list. We hope all our Republican friends,both in the county and out of it, will subscribe lor the paper, get their friends to do the same, and aid us in every way they can to help the paper. We will thank any of oir friends to favor us with any tnattero of local interest occurring in the county, uud we will tako great pleasure in giv ing them place in our columns. . CONOBKSS FOll THE H?TIl DISTRICT. Again this district has honored itself by tho election, by tho old fashioned majority to Congress, of the Hon. G. W. Scotield. Tbs Democracy ran their Ufct man against him. Tbe storm of 1 8Cri was a bad one for the Democracy to ) out in, and Judge Riown can console ui.unelf with the reflection that ho is 11 4 the only man iu Warren county upon whom the ttonu descended. Si: 11. inwK.snii'.s. Ih'tieclto 71 T7 lilii Lb". 4; an Aid. Ukn. ;:! I,:, S17 H 1 ' T'.i j .j V'M .VJ ol !H J 7 H.t 81 !K M 34 221 17 10.V 007 I'etmnger, rox Ilorton.... Highland .'y .Inn ei llidgwny Spring Creek ... St. Mary's llor. TOTAL. '.HI Hi 18 508 5rDemoerats in small to Wilcox, for Auditor. IST'ZS votes wcro cast for election. T H i: ELK CTIOXS! GRAND TRIUMPH ! PENNSYLVANIA AND OHIO I INDIANA AND NHDUASKA ! E SUA L L 11 A YE PEA CE .' The October Elections, like those re ccutly held in Vermont, Mains and Connecticut, have resulted in Republi can triumph, aud prove the fact that Grant is to be the ucxt President. Pennsylvania gives 10,000 majority, Ohio 18,000, Indiana 1,500 majority and Nebraska 2,-100 majority, all of which States were claimed by tho De mocracy lor Seymour, and without which they admitted by their figures Seymour could not bo elected. The contest, as far as the Democracy is concerned, is virtually ended, but llepublicans must not relax their efforts to sccuic universal majorities in every locality. Let us see to it that every vo ter is at the polls on the 8d of Novem ber. The End of the Campaion Tuesday the 3d of November closes the Presidential Campaign for 1GS. It has been fhort and brilliant, and the elec tions in five of the States on the 13th of this mouth indicate clearly that it has been decisive, and no one can be so blind as not to see that it must rcsult,by a large majority, both in the popular and electoral vote in the election of Grant & Colfax. x To insure this let every Republican voter be at his post of duty on the 3d of November, let no consideration in duce bim to be absent, our duty is not, and cannot bo accomplibhcd, until every vote in every election district, hich be longs to tho Republican candidates is polled, and then, and not till then, can we say, we have done our duty. The Democracy ore demoralized a change cf candidates in the heat of the conflict is demanded by some of their leading organs, victory over them is complete, and we can accept nothing but "Unconditional Surrender. " Tho victory must and will be as full ond completo as Appommattox, the hist blow must be given to the re bellion, the victory won by bullets must be affirmed by ballots All along the line, then boys, the word has gone. Don't misunderstand it. Iu meauing is clear, "Rally ou the ccutre." (ien. Hancock is now 011 his way from St Louis to Vahio;;luu. OFFICIAL ItETUKNS OF THE ELECTION IN ILK COUNTY, HELD OCTOHER 13th, 1SGS. (jl'.N, Co X IIIIKSS. Sknatk. Assembly rii 1 7'.i 0 M H4 IV.) x-.i 18 74 t!:;7 lti I 0 07 47 M .".4 21) (if, .l 7'i A 47 !4 K!) 84 18 Iii't 0 1A Mill 07 47 Kl MO OOl 07 47 si 1001 5(11 1O08 COD 11)54 503 caps ; Radicals in Roman. No opposition to Rordwill for Coroner, nor Malono, for Sheriff, notwithstanding his withdrawal on the day of tho L(J YE M CM) Eli .SUICIDE. A shocking tnd bloody tradgedy oc curred about lour o'clock on Monday morning !ast, in Mercer county, some two and a half miles from the Hamlet post office. A young lady about 18 years of age, uamcd Jartha Martitidulc, was living with her step father Charles Williams, a farmer iu that vicinity. J. G. Allsworth, a German, aged 22, about two years in this country, was working for another farmer iu this viciuity, uam cd Kclzel. Roth parlies had been em ployed iu Auderson&Gilmore's window blind tacttory, at Davenport, tor some time proceeding harveit, when they went into tho country to work. While in Davenport it seems John was smitten with tho charms of Martha, and, ac cording to statements made by him,she had rromiscd her hand iu marriage. On the strength of this promise he is said to have rcutcd a farm in Iowa, to which he proposed to move when their nup tials were eoosumated. It seems, how ever, that iu this, as iu many similar cases, the course of true love didnt run smooth, and the two had some trouble, which John blamed to the fickleness of Martha. Stili they kept on terms of in timacy, she receiving frequent visits from him and being driven to Rock Island iu a buggy by him. Some two weeks ago, after spending the evening with her, he had an altercation as he was leaving her house, during which he struck her in the face. Iler screams screams brought assistance ; J oho was arrested, tried and fined twenty nine dollars for the assault. On Saturday last John went to Jndalusia, bought a Colt's revolver of Mr. Jouea ou which ho paid nine dollars and pawucd a ring fur the balance. On the way homo he rodo some four miles wi:h Mr. John Foster, and told him that ho was sat'u. Gcd to let the matter rest, and that he had uo ill-will against Martha. Sunday he attended church and saw Martha there, but. did not speak with her; Monday morning, when his employer called hnu, ho was missing. It seems he had gotten up during the night and gone over to Mr. Williams,' where Mar tha was staying, tier b;d room was on tho first floor, the b d being close to tho window. A little girl belonging to the family was sleeping by her side. It seems the would be assassin waited un til the moon came round to that side of the house, then stealthily opening the window and pushing aside the curtain, he Grcd his revolver at the head of his affection and his hate. She seems to have had her arm thrown up to her head. The bullctt passed through the arm, inflicting a flesh wound, then struck her temple and bdged ner the car. She at once sprang up, gavo the alarm, and the neighbors were called in. When they arrived, to their horror, they found Allsworth lying by tho win" dow outside, with a bullet fired directly into his forehead, dead. After killing, as he supposed, her on whom he had lavished his affections, he applied the revolver to hiswn head, wijb fatal ef fect. He was hurried (be same day ou a piece of unknown pairie, east of R. Dunns. l)rs. lownsenj, 01 lieeinp tion, nod Irvin, cf Aledo, were dent lor, who extracted the bullet from Martha's head the wound is not dangerou, and be will recover. BjOfc.The season of long evenings lias arrived, and with it, to many, an oppor tunity of improving their tniuds, and extending tho bounds of their knowl edge by rcadiug and study, which no other portion of the year affords them. Young men, especially, should embrace this opportunity for self cultivation, and devote the hours which the long nights place at their disposal, to tho acquisi tion of such information as they can hereafter turn to profitable account. You will never regret the time so spent. The knowledge you will gaiu in that way if tho subject of your reading are wisely selected will always bj useful to you in your future liven, aud always a souicc of ilca.Mi.io' sJiiEimr. Co. Cum. Am C011. (ill 7:! UO 74 lili 74 ! L'l':'. Id 2'.7 !i 'j:!7 7!" lr.! Ii7 1 ; I 7'.i 1C.4 0 5 0 0 0 0 47 lo:l 70 l:jii 47 117 t4 07 !H 57 '.'4 57 ; 48 50 47 til! 47 '.) 72 !H 81 80 81 J!4 2:'. 40 DO J):t 3 18 217 10 220 18 220 lib -i 47 !U 02 8'.) 84 17 502 II'.M) 010 MO:! 0O2 1O5ii J(tejA pretty sharp piece of female practice was perpetrated in Pittsburgh the other day which goes to show that the adroit swindlers arc not all confined to the male persuasion. A few days since, a young woman of rather prepos scssiug appearance, called at the house 01 a lauy 111 inc cirv, and asked to see another lady who was stopping at the house. The visitor was requested to be seated in the parlor, and the lady was soon afterward sent into the room. Tho strange lady introduced herself as a sis-. ter of a gentleman who was paying his addresses to Miss 0. Alter conversing' for a while the stranger informed Miss C. of the ol ject of her visit, which was to procure the loan of her gold watch and chain to wear to a party that even ing. The watch ond chain were promptly loaned to the new found friend aud she departed. Whcu Miss C. next saw her lover, she related to him the meeting of herself and his sister, but was surprised to find that he had no sister, and that she had been made the victiim of an impostor, a swindler and a thief. All efforts towards apprehend ing the thiol have, of course been una vailing. Queen Victoria is to recei ve the Chinese Embassy ou the 2'Jth of this lUOUlll. Special leturji;. M.Mi.voi.u AVatkr a iluliglitful toilet nr tiele superior to cologne, uud til half the priee. A Cabd. A Clergyman, while residing in Eolith America as 11 missionary, discov ered 11 safe nml simple remoily for t It u cure of Nervous Weakness. Knrly Jlceay, Diseas es of tlic I'riimiy nml Seminal (lir..ns, nml 1 1 1 0 whole train of disorders lirouj'lit on by haiiefni and vicious huliils. (ileal num bers have been cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit llie alttieted and unfortunate, 1 will Fend 1 lie recipe for preparing nml using this medicine, iu n sealed envelope, lo nnv one who needs il, FHKEOK CH AtKiE. Address, JOS FPU T. IXMAX, Station 1), Itilde House. Sep9 :5m. New York City. A New Hkmkiiv in CoNsrMi"r:os. A 1'hysieian who Ii id Consumption lor sevei. nl years, with fie-pient bleedings of the 1 1111s, cored himself with medicine un known to the profession, when his case iip peired hope ess. lie is the only physician who has used it in his own pci-son, or who has any knowledge of its virtues ; nad he can ascribe I lie degree of health he now enjoys to nothing but the use of his medi cine; and nothing 1ml utter despair mil entire extinction of all h"pe of recovery, together with n want of confidence in all others induced him to hazard the exper iment. To those sutfci'ing with any dis ease of I lie lungs he proffers a treatment ha confidently believes will eradicate tlic hisease. Tiiee 51. oil per bottle. orfSa dalf dozen, sent by express. Send for a circular or call on Uu. K. Uoyi.stos Jai-k-son, No. 2.10, Norin Tenth Sireel, l'hiln delphia, I'll. mny8lMi8-ly Wii.M.MiTM, 1'a August 2'nli 1SHS. II kn 11 y Oi.oton : J ur Sir The 72 inch saw which 1 sont you in May for repair has proved itselt (since rebuilt by yon) lo no ns near perfection as nnylhtng can lie. lleforc s liding il lo you I had sent it lo the original nuikers ( Hubbard, L'rothers & Co., riiisbiirgh) who returned it to 1110 ac companied with 11 heavy bill of repairs, but not improved in the least. I concluded that the saw uevcr could be made lo inn nud that 1 would have to replace il wilh 11 new 010, at the urgent request of my head sawyer, 1 sent il loyou. After being returned lo 111c with your improved shaped teelh 1 cut on it almost 10(1,0011 feet of hoards, wilh one re-giitiiuiiiig. and could have cut one half 11s much more had it not been accidciliilly run Into n piece of steel, breaking half 11 11 inch olf one loolh, 1 then put your improved glimmer (nr chambering machine) upon the saw, and in three hours put the lent Ii in the same condition they were when fust gummed out. Yours truly FI1KD WILMAHTH. OR WOUK of all kinds aud des. criptions dono at this office. VS VKUri'KS, I.AliKl.S & TAOS noal 14 ly printed k t tlic Advocate OHi'o 71S1T1N! C A It DSN E ATL Y KXECIT- 3)v tlvcrtisrmcnW. SPECIAL XOTICK. We liavitbnnd it necesary, in Order to keep the financial department of the Advocate on a good basis, to adopt tho following rule : Traniient Advertisements must be paid for in ad vance : and all Job Work u soon as comkud. Bi Is made out and presented to yearly advertisers at the beginning ol each quarter. Subscript!. ns to be paid for invariably in advance. niirlt .Ions I'. Mooiik, ruhlinlivr 1ST OF .H ROIUS drawn lor No j vcnibcr Term, 108 : Grand Jurors. Solomon Ruchert ; Xavier Uibcrgcr, jr., St. Marys; Pat rick Malonc, Ri.lgway ; W. W. Shaw, Fox ; George eis, ht. .Marys ; Robert Warner, Jones ; Joseph King, rox ; - .1 ii- i tr . i.iauiau Hippie, Jinrion , uieimuu Miller, Jones; S. A. Olmstcad. Ilorton ; Edward Souther, Ridg way ; J acob C. Metleit, Jones ; Jacob Spangler, Jay ; Nicholas George, Spring Creek; re ward Fletcher, Rciicette : Charles Mead, Ridgway ; Ferdinand Wonk, Jones ; Henry Thomas, Ridgway ; O. G. Clark, Fox ; John King, St. Marys; John Stockman, Renzinger; Charles Winslow, Rcnczctto : John Soscuhei- mer. St. Maryi. jrarvrse ,iirora. Ralph .Johnson, Rcnczettc ; Robert Wilbur, Fox J. K Whitmore, Ridgway ; Ellis Lewis. Rcnezetto ; Michael Wcidert, Jones ; George Sineltzcr, Ilorton ; John Mo- . ... I. o sicr, rox ; iMartin rerrin, spring Creek ; Lewis ldditigs, Fox ; Elijah F, Meredith, Fox ; Martiu Soig, Renzin- . . .mi -1 . -a r - II 1. cer; V. U. AlCUUl, luarys ; v,iarn Wilcox, Ilorton ; Jacob SoJcnheiu'icr, St. Marys; A. Gicsh, Fox ; John Ow en, Ridgway ; Michael McNally, St. Marys ; E. E. Crandall, lvidgway ; Elias Moycr, Fox ; ilezckiah Ilorton, Ilorton ; Ebcn Russ, St. Marys ; Hiram Carman, Spring Creek ; Henry Largej', Fox; A. 1. Wilcox, Jones; Proearus Thompson, Fox ; Clinton Dundy, Fox ; G. II. Royd, Jones ; Jeremiah Elliott, Spring Creek ; W. R. Haitmao, St. Marys; Robert J. Spangler, Jay ; Jno. WiuklcLlech, Ilorton ; Lorcnz Deitz, St. Marys ; Thomas Kocrncr, Renzinger; William Dcrr, ISenezettc ; iictiaei uni, Joucs ; Willis Kylcr, Fox. !c. Voi'RT P 110 0 L AM ATI ON. J Whereis, tho lion. II. W. Wil liams, President Judge, and Hons. E.U. Schullze nnd Jesse Kylcr, Associates, Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions, Orphans' Court, Ojer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, for the tr:al of capital aud other offences in the county of Elk, by their precepts to me directed, have ordered the n foresaid named Courts to be holJcn at Ridgway, in and for the county of Elk, 0:1 the Third Monday of November, it being the lGth day of the month, and to con. tiuue one week. Notice is hereby giv en to the Coroucr, Juttices of tl e Peace, and Coustables of the' couuty, that they are by these presents commanded to bt then and there in their proper persons at ten o'clock, A. M., of said day, with their mils, records and iiioui.-itions, and ether remembrances, to do those things which their offices nppertaiu to be done, and that all Justices of (aid county make returns of all recognizances entered iuto bcloro them, to tho Clerk of the Court, as per act of Assembly of March 4th, 1U34. And those who aro bound to prosecute tho prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of the county of Eh., and ti be then and there to prosecute ag ainst them as shall be just. JAMES A. MALONU. Ridgway, Oct. 1. Shcrift. SHEFV FFrSSALESl T)Y YIRTl'K of sundry writs of Vendi t tioni l'.xpoiias issued out of the Court of Common Hens of KIk comity, there will be exposed lo I'CIU.IC SAI.K at the Court House in Kidgway on .MONDAY, the Dith day of November, ISliS, the following des cribed Ueul Ksiato, to wit: All the rght, title, interest, claim Jiid demand of the defendant of, in and to the following described tracts, pieces or parecl.1 o! laud, described as follows: 1st. All that certain tract or piece of land situate iu Fox Township, in KIk coun ty nnd Stale of Pennsylvania, i'.eginnii-g at a post on 1 lie turiiike, thence extending along Aiimand's land south two hundred nud thirty-three perches ton post, thence west one hundred and ninety-eight perches 10 a chestnut stump, llieuee nlong Full's land north thiriy-ninc degrees, east three hundred perches to tho turnpike, nnd thence along the same south filty-eight and 11 -half degrees, cast nine perches to tho place of beginning, and containing one hundred nud fifteen acres, more or less. 'd. All thai certain trncl or piece ol land situate in Fox township, Elk county. Pennsylvania, lleginiiing at 11 post on llie Hogback road, exten-ling east twenty-one and llirce-'iuarlcr perches more or less to n post, thence south forty. eight and a quarter per .-lies more or less to n post on the north side of the Toby road, thence east four ami 11 quarter perches to 11 post on the south side of tho Toby roud, thence south four ami three quarter perches more or less to n post, thence east one hundred nnd seven nnd n h ilf perches more or less to n post, thence north fifty and three iiuarler per dies nioro ur le.-s to n beech, thence west thirty-eight and three quarter perches more or less toa hen lock onlho Toby road, thence north sixty. Iwo nnd a half degrees, west seveuty-ihree am! a quarter perches in ire or less lo a post on llie Hogback road, thence souih fil'iy-lbrco degrees west nine teen nud three quarter perches more or less lo 11 poet, thence Bouth sixty-lltrco degrees west ten and a half perches more or less to the post uud place of beginning, containing fifty uercs moro or less, but reserving thereout certain mining right herslofore grunted to the D.tgusciihonda Improvement' Coingany iu about ten acres of said land, ltegiiiiiiug at llie last mentioned post, thence cxiei;diug east sixty-one rods nml a iiuirler mure or less to a posf, thcuce north tity-two ouj a half degrees, west ihiny- siq nnd n half perches more or lois to 11 post mi tlic Hogback ro.id, ihenee south tifty-thrte degrees, west nineteen and llireo quarter perukes nioro or less lo n post, llienco soulll sixty-threo degrefs, wesl ten unit 11 half perches more or less tu tho post and place ol beginning. On which is creel ed one frniiie dwelling-house eighteen by Iwentv-six feet and Iwo stories high. Also, one tramc building for n shingle machine about sixteen by sixteen feel. !d. All thai certain tract or piece of laud situate iu Fox township, lilk county, I'eiiu sylvntiin, Uegintiing at a biroh in llie mill pond, thenco extending cast one hundred ngd sixty-seven perches more or less to 11 post in tlic line of lauds of James W. Itog. ers, Ihenee south along luuds of said J as. W. lingers ninety-six perches move or less to a post thence west along lands ol Joseph . Hyde one hundred and sixty-seven per dies more or less to a post, nnd thenco north ninety six perches more or less lo tKo place ot beginning, containing 0110 hundred acres more or less, on which s erected one frame dw elling-house one and a half stories high, about eighteen by twenty-six feci, with wing attached. Also one liaiiic hurso bum about eighteen by twenty feet. Also, one frame gram nnd hay bam about forty by sixty feet. Also, an orchard containing it b mt one hundred apple iic-s, uuj from sixty to seventy ncres improved. 4th. And also all the cunl, iron nnd lime stone in 0. uudcr nil t hut certain tractor piece of la..d situate 111 l-'ux township, KIk county, Pennsylvania, I'.eginuing at a pos1, thence oxtciniing etgliiy-nine degrees ca.-i ninety-two perches lo 11 post, Ihenee north eighty-one pcrclics lo a post, thence north eighty-nine degrees west one hundred and five perches lo a post, thence south forty degrees cast 'twenty-eight perches, llicnee sout'j nine and a quarter degrees cast elev en perches, and thence south live and three quarter degrees wtst forty-eight perches t r Hie place of beginning, being a part of tract No. -ilJToi and HIT'J, and cout.iiuing fifty acres more or less, and the right to enter into and upon said laud to mine nnd carry away such coal, iron ore and limestone, aud to cut nnd use sncli hemlock timber standing on said land as may be necessary for props. Un which is creeled one cngino house with engine, boiler, pumps, railroad and nil the macliiueiy necessary for mining coal, e, The said engine house being u one story frame builuing about thirly-live feet high, the main building being about, forty by fifty feet, wilh a wing or lintel on llie east side of the same about twelve feel by twenty feet. I1I1. All 1 htil ccrtainlot orpieceof ground situate ou llie northwesterly side of tho Milesljurg and Isduethpoi I turnpike in the township of Fox, county of Elk, and State of Pennsylvania, Beginning at llie distance of iwj huudred ami sixty and n half feet south cighly-iiine degrees east from n post at the Kersey Mill rend and at the cornel' of the lot numbered 3, iu the plan ot the town of Farley, thence extending in front or 1 rciidih on said Milesburg uud Snietli porl , turnpike sou Ii eighty-nine decrees cast one huulred nnd fifty feet In llie cor ner of lot numbered six iu said plan and in length or depth northward nt light an gles lo said Milesburg and Siuelliporl turnpike Iwo hundred fee:, oil wh.eh is er oded one frame dwelling house two stories) high, and about eighteen by twenty foci. tit li. Also all thttt certain lot or piece of ground situation tho northward side ofthe Milesburg ami Sinetliport turnpike in the town of Knrly, Fox I iwnship, KIk county, Pennsylvania, Beginning nl 12-ldy Hyatt's line, ihenee extending iu front or breadth ou said Milesburg and .Sin th port turnpike north eighty uiue degrees, wesl oil'! hun dred uud titty led tu n twenty-live toot wide street the western lound.u-y jflhis lot aud iu length or depth northwardly ul rigid angles lo said Milesburg and Smelh port turnpike six hundred and forty fei t uud such further distance, f any, as .may be re piircil to cross on the easlernmoM line of ihic lot the tramway now construct ed by the said Toby Creek and Philidel phia Coal and Oil Company eonne ding Hi cir mines with Iho Dagiiseahunda Kail Itoad. On which is erected one frame dwelling house sixteen by twenty feci, One ami a half stories high, small tenant house, and house used for storing powder. 7th. All that certain piece, parcel of lo'.of land silimlo and being in the town of ivirley, in the township of Fox, county of KIk. and Stale of Pennsylvania, bounded nnd dessribed as follow s, lo w it : Beginning ut a post and brick al tho soulhfiut corner of lot number thirteen, nnd sold lo John llershey. nnd in the north line of the Miles burg and Smethport turnpike I hence along said turnpike south c:g'ity degrei s. east. seventy five feel mors rr less ton posi ul cofner of lot number fifteen, on which iho. engine house stands mid liie shaft is being put down, thenco north one degree, cbsl two hundred feet to a post, ihenee north Nl degrees, west seventy livo feel more or less to 11 post nt corner of lot number thir teen, Incline south one degree, wesl lvi hundred feet more or lese lo the place ot beginning, containing Ihirty-fivo one bun. ('redtlis of an acre of land more or loss, be ing lot number fourteen 1 4, on the plan. of lots in I he town of Karley, made by C. 11. Fiurley, exe 'pting nevertheless, from and out of the operation of this conveyance all the c 'til, iron ore, limestone nml oilier iniu ei nls in or under the lands above desci ibed, ns fully as llie same is conveyed lo E. K. tiresh, nud others, by deed dated August the IHth, lfW), and recorded in deed book " I, " of KIk county, page thirty-nine. &c, on which is creeled one frame horse bank about twelve by twenty fuel. The whole ofthe above seized and taken iu execution and to be sold ns the properly of "The Toby Creek and Philadelphia Coal ami Oil Company of Philadelphia.'' 4 I.sn LSI ) All that certain tract or parc ol l'in-1 situate in the township of Fox, counly of Llk, and !-tate ot Pennsylvania, hounded ami described ns follows, to wit : tlcing four contiguous ami inljoining town lots netnoeie-l seven (7), eight (H, nine (H) nnu Ihirty-lhreo (')''), in the village of Ceil trrvillo, township, county nnd Hate afore, said, according lo John Ureen's plan of said village, which ph. 11 is tiled in tho Re corder's Ollice, i 11 nnd fur llie county of KIk, having erected thcreoh one two-story frame tavern house Iho main building be ing forty-two by Iwenly feel, wilh u wing utlaebed also wagon mid blacksmith shop twenty-six by twenty feet uls-, one frame barn uud other outbuilding also, sotuo fruit (roes, growing on iho premises. Seiz-e-l nud laken iu execution nml to bo sold a tho property of Michael Oerg. JAX1F.S A MAI.ONB, Sh'ff. Siii niLr sOn.ii K, Un-iiw.w, Pa., October Mlh, BLACKSMITH'S CAHPHNTEICS AN,T Joiner's tools for sale " cheaper thuu the cheapest" ut the St. Mary's Hardware Sieio (uov-b'07.)