The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, October 07, 1868, Image 2

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    ,iui:N i'. - i. :r.
I ' I NKS1J. Y,
October Vi li. ::: : : : L'-'O.
Wo wi-h i;i s ay a few word ; bofote
Hot mo-ii r.vr in D-ti'.i,
H ON. HO Fi AT! C S i M O UK,
i f : i w von k.
Volt Vl-'li ritt.--!!.KNT,
GiiN. f". P. GLAIR,
(it m;s.-(:i;im.
3KM0n?-A"J 10 iSTATI-j 'JUKKT.
( Aivliui' (Jfit'ircf,
'or Sum iff (li nrr'if,
VI 'ln,J:ii (.tt:i:i.
7 nr. rj ..! ;.',: or m: i;o:
noun: a
"And 1,0 taueht tin- people and the cif.'S. ti to l.n n oi ail -.itioH. V.'i
sp'i'.e till! i. iheni A parable : "
( si the p'lta hp ;.'' the, !..:; 'h.d'Vr i
is as with a man who h.or vcd jYej-.u :i i ! :-, i
Inimd $10,00!) in j com lots
Rot v. 1 1 r i the w.-'v came ami chit I' j vmn'd a
conned at i a-hi'iedon 1 vc-1 -,i ( 1 t; j ihoy may J i - . be v rotm in vottti.;; to
debts -liinM bo paid i 'l !Toi'nh:iek, lie i keep j-nrty in power. Tlicro are
.Tout otto (lav ami 1.i.-';i!i' with hi:-4 810, miy n.,,,.', men id (lie Rvnublicsin pir-
nk Iiici.i to rom-ido4, well li-fnro. they
vn'-'. We ::i f.nd no t:,u!t v.ith Rc-
. : j : , i i .-.:. -v . ! o M-c-t-i-'lin-r .) ll.t r
lis s n.soi ami i.'uty. j u I. wo
!; them lo fniisMur whether
t5 pcrinl -';.(itt$.
i.l ih) iu p.'J 25,0 'A' i:i j'r-'i"i'.'.f," i .
A: .1 ho (.( k therefrom ? 1 .0.'lt'O, ami
went to lii.-; f'ri.:n l and sail, " Here my
iilctid, tnkc what I owe thee."
l'.ut llio other H.iiJ, " I iomed tho:
fiM, mul tliou tliouWi't I'or.ny im: i;i
" "Tnlcr'.ivcr," cr-o.l Ois otkor, r -n-1
I Us : " This note i a lo.ral tuwi- for
all ih ' !, j.vivulo mul j'tiMio. r!c. I, as
a h i.iati, sh.i'.f ii:v.-:i.' v.iiiii: aivl
ty :) have '-r-vi hiiii'lo-l hy j -1 . : r: ,
1 iit vitii tai-ir nr!y tlirmih la'.:ti
K'l'.'i -o'l'ii'.i vi:; ;.jij;it t'ac ili-1 y illy of
t!:i'. I)oi:iouratd. cum U r-luv.v ynu whers the
IV'.i.--:!'.t, a- a .arty, I:-ivo ever fh r,v:
ol.-j thau a stviot oboil'jiioo to
all law.-; ma Jo in ctcorthmco V-'nh ii-?
svr.t the Cn-:t'.;iuiii-.i.
Y'c a V"'t I ' v". '-v coi:.'n'" Ice
t;ru i:l !i ;
'1 hi. iky.
!':':'"V '' .1 ' kr; f.n'.'Ml'O lairifn? r.iv
i .! . ! lii-s. A. AI.MJN'd Imjir-ivfil (npv.-r-
vl..; lihir lU'-lor. i' cr I'l'i's-Wi; I in .v.i;
i.;li!0 i1, ur.-ri rrc'i l.y ovovy wm. ' .Kvciy
;i-.i..-i:.! !.v-:5 :i. fr:. 'ae l!.:ii:ir.
T-. 1KB VoT;;aMiir Kmc 'Vvsir, Uv.
iil;; lie: a i.ii'.jiii .l l.y n.v fi ii n.ln 'f lo! !i
) ri--! :(! t ' 1 id inn ii 1 Milri ."inioiil r.llrll
.!.;'. '(' Si i : li' ::l l!ii- ni,.ii..'!iin;; i'lr'-tin
I li n vi" -nr,..lin!i'il lo olii'v lln'ir w i i c -i , and
1 .'.i;'i"i l ull v n-'; 1 If ii !iiiTtort of nil v.'ho
n. .iy i'c-l iiu-iino i iu vgic fur mo.
I'Y.'' I'm i-Iia -iTs if lriii"l.4 in SI. !favy'p
n! I'm 'i i t' t.-iii'i r'M r:ik'?, art" ini'nrme't
lint I licii' il; C'i1; uii'l lititi'N cm In1 (nuii't at
tlio ciiisc ulWh.n-t, Hull & Co.. at t?.tiut Mi
l.v'ri : I'm' ol!n:r of (Iiq comi'y a! Iho
i .:i!"o nf f'v.i',1! '.V :!'.?.! & tfi.-uthor, m
V- i'l;.. :V. .IV.
'J iio cuts of Fal " Iri Tfii'l on fir li
f"i o i. ii'jil M;ir r. n tii-j !M of (.'t't'j'.cr
:, .;l or i'.i.' l. n.l- will n. n'.il.
Tin: ii.T!:ii'T( (in;r ofiirt- fniici
Si at ex, t'.it the ViYsi.-rn liiairh't .f lVnn
evhnTr.-i. I i"l"i i"l; j: nun 'h. n I'aiiKru.t
nr. ' -r lb'" Ai ' fit ( 'I'l'rci.i of Mmrli l.'n I,
I' ''.7, Ii.ivmic api.ticl l'-.r a il;u lmrr-o tram
all lii' tii'i'ix. mul ii licr cV,ini rov.ili'c u.n
ilcr act, l y nnlw i.f the i.onrt, colioo
U licr.-l.y f '.!!. t all p-rv wlio Vnvn
jii' t lie i r 'lc"ll . ainl r'.V.'Y na-sons in
t'"fc":ic:l, to uiKiir on tlui LSI li day Dt'tiii-t.;li-r,
1 si;jl. nl 11 o'clock, A. M., Imforu S.
1'-. Vi'oo'lruO", K., Jtpjistcr, nt tl:o liyilo
House, in ltidfiway, l'n., to show ennc, il
nay llicy lmvo, why a Itischarpe plinuld nut
frrni'ik'il lo the Huhl liar.krnj't. Ami
fiirihcr, nolico a hcrchv riven, that I he
Pi'OO'i'l ami third inc-ctiiijn of cictiiors of
creditors of raid h uil:riiil, rc iiirc l hy tl-f
LTlh and :l'ih sections of paid Act. will he
hrld before I he said Ueghtcr, at the same
time and vlace.
f'-ei'CVi'.IW-rt Clerk.
. Cau;:. A i h
Di.ifl.t Ti ;, ',
HON. liAi'llLAS kuow:
of Waiitn t'ci'.idy.
HON. V. WALIiAOll, i;l Cloaifu-U Co
HON. T. J. McCl'MK't:!.,
of Clcailii lJ contii v.
J)- ;(yc.""l'ic ( i,
J O . (
j.;'(m: Mi'Cvri.KV, of twp
!i. S. '!:;:. NA1', nl HiJway twn.
V. A.V,'ll.('t)X, of Hoitnn twp.
rbrii'.i.'iit to the conimait-l t f the ohk-f j this counlry c't:i p i ..n rprn i::';: r.'il'.n.i
t-H!fil. 1 -i"!'- v;iit ro.-!-t Hie mv.'s c.
Ibo 1 ;t a 2 . '.i'ln.'U art a c trhca.l and a
Iraiif.'. I fore lake that which id tl.isio
ov;i a.T.i thy way."
Anl,ii-: the hya! man wouM rot I'.ry
lii.'i jTV.nd. ho wr::t and hdi'i.'kt h;:i:,
tv'th t:..i in iaii;i"v,' ?1.".!:') wl.iih lie
had honorally rarnud by this Itiy.J
t ratio, Unit : J States Uwi twoi ly bond:',
whicli netted Mm an income of tC'Ov
annmntv to k. ' p .".n nr.; i'...: i!i ''.: '.n t.'-wiir
vl."'i.-.c ::f.Ic aim and i hj.ct r' ::i lor ''.
.''yiitl do, t'nt is thn v:;y yot-.r ot"! will
i.o. v-'c tod yon ihu cu:itvy
t:.:;:iot .'!:.:!.! it, ' U $mj:'t iuf v.'. '::.
Thou thiidt bdnro voa vote.
Ot,"i in'.: i l'mr.A'jr.t.viiiA. Ta
vi::!" tho. rccc-ul iiJOc!i:i;r u! the fO callod
l .ys ii! jii io at l'liila-lcj hia, ou:r.'ij:-
. .v., ...... : . ,..
ii pld, or ?-2,.r)C0 in the money of I l.o of the nwt atvvcious charaotsr were i.ic
ami, t-l out i.'i i.or cvnt. Ai;d he chid order of the day. Jt:iK-crati3 citizen.-'
: ii : . i ; .. . . .. ;....,', 1 n,. 'i.,. I..-.T,
J'ACJ'SJ O:: TiiE l'LOl'LK.
The value u! U. K. j-ropcrty before
the was ?l.!.iOL,00.:',OUJ. Sitiei:
then in tho Northoi'': ciiali.s it has ii:.-
ctra-td invaiiio, a!id tho Sou'.hs v:
f-'tates di:nin!: ht-d. The prriductlve iti-lu.'t-y
of tbo ccitnti-y, ts u-ually cstitna
ted at '1 per com. upon the wh,h; val
ue nf the country, which would make
8 fOO.O'JO.OOO a var the produetivo in
tore; t of the country. The amount of
taxes drawn from the people whioh
reaehed the pukdie Trca-nry ia "It'il'i,
was i'.)5!.).0Oii.O'"'!; in l'c'07 it wasG l.iO,
OU'dOijO, and Mr. W-lw, the i-'peisal
llivi-nuc (,'(:mrui.-i-i'jii( r, bus l 'a-'e r.
Btatoiiienc in whi'di lo- :-, iln-.l f..r tho
past year, In! endiiu: on the fnvt o!
July. :h-rc were C ("!'','XM of
jnuiiey drawn trom the people by way rd
taxation, which wont into iha Treasury .
Here then U a syXoin of annual laxa.
tiun far beyond the aet-.ul- income
from the productive iudii-iry ol the
''.!. as thin tax b, according to
Freeman l.'Iark, lllaik il.'i.n'.dicau, and
C'ltniiiisMoncr Wtiir, Ji'-.-.ddn, i.ot one
hall tho taxes aosod i:aoh the Treas
ury, which is double ioju-tioc to the
I'eop'.o ; fn-.;t, in the wr nu; done to the
hone-t taxpayer, and, ucj.mdly, in the
redueunn of vCvonue tliitKipdi au u:i
jut adniinistratiou ol the law.
3d l'uriii"; ."dr. folk's a Irn'misira
tiou we had war with Mexico, and had
transported armies and munitions ol
war to that c -untry. The whole ex
pense Uurin-j these f -ur years was only
:'-!ot IMiO.OOO. while du.inii the r.rceut
year, and the three or four years past,
the expenses have been about 1-0-:
njO.OOO, eo that it eo:;t C 3i' ,!0!
viore for these Jac-ob'nst'! run the do-
artmcut iu a tingle year in tho lin.o
( f peace, than for four yea -s du-in:r n
t .reign war under a I c'uoerui;c admin,
i: 'ration.
4th- In Grout Britain the property
is valued at double ours, 'their debt
.d o ; yet they expend for all purposes
.?dS0,000,000, includii.' intiiest tipo;;
th.r debt, and we cApend, ? 100,0(.iO.
'-. V.'e expend ubout Slxo.OOo'oo yoni. thun Great Ilri'.ain. Their
a: my of 2o0,00d men four limes larirer
ihao '.urs, cost less uioncs'.
o'h. Just look now at one year's
i v!:tj ;i I e I'll tho Freodmaii's Iiureau :
t ,,!.,.,.. -ary etorrs, ?17,.t0 ; talaries
ol iki, ?l-.0i'Hl j stat'mnary and
1 !;i. !!:.'. :.',000 ; (paaiters i.'id fuel,
th..:bhi fur di.-tribution, SI,
.. .j (:(,., 1,. i' year they d'n
i,t ;.ry c .'.1;:-'0,JUO worth of clos
tl.'i: ;.. i o n'oos who arc able to woik.
'i!... -ext item Commissary Ftcics,
f 1,1' '.i,000. Over gl.OOOJHO in one
yea. i-wanted to feed ntruos at the
South. iud white men pay for it. Med"
:...d ' a eu-a 8500,000, for nerces well
, ii',ii i nd.'eJ. Clothiii-utfi.OOO.OuO
: i itS4,0C0,00O,and trauspoitin-
.,,: : J00. to lii'. 'ine raiinent
And wheu lie wi.-la-d to incrtare bis
talon!-, he dopi:s:.ted his money in Va-h.
inptim ; and it came to pass that he re
ceived pcrr.ilciou to lake from the peo
ple many thousand. of djl'ars more
every year, because license w.-.s trivcu
hi'ji to J'Ut forth aaticnal lank notes al
Thru fpoko the eh'of council :
" This Soy:! f,.-l!ow shall be free from
all taxes roi l a.-:::crsmct)t3."
" And," cried the republican conven
tion at Cliic il;o, "Laborers a 'id t.ispay.
ers, be lto-ii,-"lh: -liCvrnUc h-D'oro
Jih- ! Toy this loyal mam who is in
need, with ij'ild -joltl yoii
5ut the writer pays : ' lie thai hath
cars to hear, let him hoar,"
hsmlcl, IV.uoert-'h! l':i:rs torn
down, tool citizens Murdered in tht
street. This lo occur in a t i ty hke
1 Tiil-.idelphia v. lit no doubt s:rpn.)0 die
general ro.ader, but whoa it i s knvn
t'.itit tho .M.-ya-ii a lb; ileal, and ti.e
p-diea ,'v it viil n-tot:Wi no e:.c.
i; tio-'i.tiicir ru;e w.i: -ooo oo over.
idiiladoiphi i at the c r...i.'
.ive I')"dO Dcmorra'.ia
I 1:: ' - -i. ll O'V. i! ' OV-
i .-!,.( d.-.- i'ol- i ho e:oe
. t' .- l".i..- V.''e.----.'lv i'i-ri-, ii:.; .; '
O! "f the t .' i i and ."'caii;; it (ir.-:.i.'i. and
Ih -vh. ! in 'nf il: - n '-r i-r.:jf!t 01; l".f
! oieti.i :::: i v: :o'i:- h -i.'. '. Iliva! i.m t
::ci hsivt . ear. -i 1-y ti' (:!'! f -ti:
;,,-..!ii;.!"l dt':':re t liemd'-t ilu- ni.iit'iv.l
an i tn.l .-r:r.'."Oe, 1 !'! :-vnd .he ve.-'.pe fur
pro) urmj; iiiol tisir.;- i'nl i.o lieii.", in a
M-i!'d iivt t.i :,::v n'o." -.;'.) 11 e1. X-i il ,
lit:;. ji" i:e; i:. 'Ad.irers.
-T. :-if i !'. 1NMA"
Mali,ii I), I'iMe !S '; o
New V..:.'l: Coy.
'I:;.- i::e.-l ! to-a :,r ive t-oedd mid damp
J'.-r a s : . :..-.( :n:d true."
ll'li.iy had 'ne' u vNo. tl.otlii'e nec'. '-i-ty
c-l ir;.i:iiiii u ;;i'.r. - !'..i' lie y icot-'y
h.':..'.: !:.ive I --.:! a;": t 1. i'l:i::;..i" ion li't
teis. if litae!' use I. an: :-ar lo r; 'ac i'.io
id h.v.
r. o
"VyO'l IvX. liio t-evernl Cooi'is ef Kik
(' it:iily, coiaineiieina on Monday, the
d ,!:.. i.f Novct.di-r. J'oo. l-in me liirt
V.oml'iy. w.'.i on thai liny he tjf allied to
ao.'V. o'"Vt":t'i' i-l ''.. 1 " ;-, t one the t hii-d
" i-i:d :'. , to:-, hi.di tin. e ilia lies will he
.-.-il ,-,-s .l':v.''i'-. a a -1 Ccnfa'di and
all mlnri ;..!- '. :vi:ii; ioi -on': I.-j' t !io
id (' n-ta.! inl-e notice and rjovfru
i!-,.t... -;.. w: rl rr'.y.
l'.v- or :'. of I he il-m. II. V.'. VT.uui!.
' t ';.' i.m .yd.-jo, It Ii -!t o.coil I':-'i o.'l.
'tiK'i. A. i'.ATl! I'.l.'N. I'lotlM-y.
I1idr:v.i;y. hi-j-teraii.-r -i.-l, 1 ' cs :;t.
-jr: Tit:-: ussfun t ivni'r of lii.i i.'nii-
(j ed : l.Oes for ill" Vi extern Dis-lriol of
ri-iiro-". Ivania. 1. . i. irveu, a nan'impr.
ni;d-r Vi'i eel (.. I or rrcss or Mnr-li Ufl,
IKijT. hnvi-u- !ii pl:e 1 for a cisolinrsc? irom
ail Ins ih.-l it?. iiK'l (.!h;r claims pmvalde
under said A"t, hy order of Hie (.nun, no
tice is hevohy piven, to all . !--o::s who
have proved liieir dchts, and otaer pev-o-.s
ii'.t.'icsie 1. lo appear en the -"-ih 'lay f O.t
loh'i", l!."i8. ai'll o'eleek, A. M hefore S.
E. i ooO.viifl, J.sq., f.eiatei". a' . tno iiytl
a. U li L", trout cen liriii;-
A'.m-xt i.ll l;..-.t - liuv- liie'i-licp-ttititnjr
in s..ii--e .-i'.r!.' .1, !','..!'..;' ( f lite yiomaih,
vhieii wen1 i .-.:. I.. .; Iiy -pi- i.i. J,'.-1 1-
!!l-ll... love:- 0;'l.t-. N: Oil o -. Con-
Hiiaoo it.:i, to.;: 0. .:::! y..'o;v,.l
Hie an-.;.l, audilio ji", ..., n Kid-rv.-ny, 1'1V.', lo show cause, if
;ji-.iiu l..e
.i, lacy
f:"F3ur fear:-, ap-o, in opp..":d- the
ro-eloeSnu of Mr. i! Vre-
mont, a Jladical of the Iladicab-yloelured
lloit his party had '-imedles. ly put the
oau' try on t'.o road to 1.
Tot-: V nor From ull parts the
are cl.etrin,:. Never in it--, history
is a party, were tho l.::io:r.;ts more
eloi eiy tmi'ed than r.ov. 'J hey rve im.
pressed with, the importaiiee of the is.iue.
They feel that il we do uot win now our
country is ruined forever. V.'e feel
confident that our pr.'ty v.'.il tiiumph.
fjft every Le-;;oorat ho r.t tho polls.
Strike ft. r Liberty , TT;iion ami Peace.
;e.-i Ihe .id
V. i,.'." ih.y
taoee.i lio- m:'
yt.-.::.. : V ::: -a .!; ::.-'. S'u! ti oi l ar
ticle eritu' a cdot :..;. an t at Lull tiio
. i . ": 1 - T "l...
irOV tllCV Have, WllVllHiStlll.lnu Minuet not
lVrv.i.U' 1 ia ihe said I'anki'ii;.!. And far
ther, lojiiee is here) y Riven, ti.a. Hie :ee
r.nd and lliir-.i not lire. I of c;'i-!;. . i'f " of the
so '-I l-UiMH'T"'. re t d 1
.'.-ih . ,'c.i.o .- t.:':-:'.d act, W..10- :.:0 i lici'ole
. .. .1 tie- : it-, at r1.-' s:o ,n lii te anu
t;. C. MeC.V:,i.iL!'?-i,
lepioJ'-'-o'-'-t. CUvk.
"fi OilN WAl'Llv (losire3 to make knowfi
ft lo Ihe c'uizens of i.Ynlrcvillo and tlio
:-iirroiiiidiii!; country that lie lias tnken Ihe
shop formerly reenpic-d y H. ' Mnloney,
on " Mc."iiiiley's Corner" in Ccntreville,
and Unit lie hopes hj paym3 strict atteft
lion lo his tmsiness and the wauls of his
customers, lo merit their pnlronnrto in Ids
line. He will Ke.ip on Imnil a largo and
well scleblcd assovliiient of
tin mul hcct-3fw Wave,
of his own mnimfaetiire, whielilie will war
rant lo heoflhelicM (jii'ility. His stock
consists of everything that is useful iu the
tinware lino ahont a house.
I ask n fair trial, and if my work docs
not pive salisl':icl.inn, my cusloiners will not
no olilijretl Iu lake it.
Rej.lihlf. JOHN W'Al'LE.
k") rjK.,H)' CUS'l'oMKUS IN l-UL'll
' v .. i : t. u
itiiis. i.muiuic ttio ije.-t.
HiiTir.f; the largest, enpilal, most, cryier fnyiv?, and extensive of any
cui:ccr. in Ihe Dollar f iv1 1msiiKs, r
C i' A II ANT f. 12 8AT1 S !' A C TI O N
in rve-y iasleiu o, and also the lies! relec.
ti.-a of oods ever ci.'cred at (JN12 DOLLAR
No oilier concert has any show wherever
our neins are sO.'.'i'ij;. Our motto, " l'l-mint
end llelialde." Male and female n'culs
wauled 111 coy and country.
Tiil2 LADllO! are particularly i-equeple I
lo try our popular clul) system of Belling
all kinds of Dry and I'nni .y (loods, Dress
l'a'lerns, ('oiiou ClnlTi, (,'asinrs, Silver
l'h'.icd (i.iods, TYtehis, &c. LsliihlisliC"!
1!M,1 A patent pei founlain nd a check
(l 'seril)iii g an article to lieeold torn dollar,
in cent St; i or 2 : -10 for f I ; liuforfo;
ICO for S10 ; sent by i,Yaii. Free prt-sent'3
to. fetter up. (woith o() her cent more than
those sent hy any other concern.) accoi linif,'
lo size of'clnh, or if not do not fail lo Bent!
or a circular.
N, 11. Our sale should not lie classed
wiih New York dollar jewelry sales or ho
pais " Tea Compi-nics," as it is nolliint; cf
the sort. K A. ST. MAX tS: KKNDALI.,
i'l'j HaiKiyer tstreet,
mnvil-'hn. Huston, Mass.
A ! kw 'i;5i:iy 1.' CsscMi'r::a. A
1 i:ystei..i w!m Ii ol Conemajoi. n lor '-wei.
ul y.'-ir-', v.ith f. O'i't'.'nt l.'.ce.Vi.iL'T id tlie
lv.Ii's, curd hho-e'f itii'i n. t 11 ' 101-
knowu to the pi' oti.-' :on, when I,." ea-.e up-
t'O'ive 1 hene e-s. !'i is the only onysieian
wlio liie iised il in his ow.i j i-roii. or who
has any k"'.ovIe.'-'.; ol its viitues; a .d he
can aset-ihe l!.e deer, e 01' ho.d.'i in." m
cn-oys to nu'hli;-' Ijitt (h-u-e ol'hts nu: it
ch 1 : ' an.l nothia ' hot utter d ii-th an 1
em ii 0 c Mine : it u ei ti.l h io ( 1' rceovi ry.
t. thei' vith an. in! of con", lence in ad
others iiid ".ee I him to ha;..i:d liic c.-J.c
iiue i'.. I 1 those suit'eSios e.'iSi i:ny di
eiSJei'ihe lu:.--s !. t ie... ;s a ti-jv.aseiil
li.vctmf.deaily l.t'tiev.- v:i!i erolicaio
ii's ....-I", l riee t'l.i.O per t.oiile. uv a
de:S 'I...:::, ."cat Iv c:tte". .-'end for a
C.VCUeil- Ol' . lit lOl l-il. ... i..;YI.STOS J.-.fK-
i7tv.e cf (hi i;i(,
I.Xj. Jul ' mxmi xiiXX
(iivn YOeia oiiiinas to tiik
U; tlvcrat; x,n (LtabllsUmeut.
'J'lio Ihidieab; have enjoyed four years
me. re of poiver, and what is the re-:u!t 1
That they have needlessly brought
the country face to face with bank-ruitey.
The rdrcecor of the Statti-tical lluroau
in the Treasury Department shows us
clearly that on the fist day of January
next the balance in the Treasury r.-'ill
amount to but .JVOOOiOO, ;he greater
part of which bein trust lands will 1;0
umivailal.!'.'! for public purpose?,. For
.that by the 1st of February, the
Treasury v.'i'l lie virtually i'.a:il:rr.pti
TI e catastrophe of C'.itrse Trill bo cva-'.c-l
by incrcas-ing the public debt. Hut, if
we pronounce upon th-j hituation aeci.rd.
inoj to sound piinclplcs of finance, we
are forced to sea that the country is re
ally bankrupt now, since it is to day pay
iu;r its way by promises to pay. And
the r.adicti!.;, who have brought us to
this pass, after four years of successful
war an.! throe years and a half of peace
coolly ask us to give them a new leise cl
power !
JKjTVoto tho fu'd ihu.'iaSe Ticket.
Think ol the bhssin rs that v.ii! follow
lis triumph. Many ibsr-ubllcan, will ;'"' ?tt;"' V f;.1',e "' rcn-,I,0'u A mild and oprccaMo TONIC STIMU
vote Willi you who have htrtolore voted ,UN. n,;. 'Xemii fm-i. l'hi'.a- LA NT, STOMACHIC and CAtt.MIXATlVU
ajtaiaat you. '1 he duty of Democrats is
to see that every Democrat is out, and to
watch the polls, and eh:i!ler.;ro every
Republican if you doubt his ri-ht lo
Vote legally.
rrv ,To all t Lo 1! '
,i ., ,.
aootoins for
delphi'i, Ta.
Ti:s'iimo:,y from the, " CVn-
ctirr.iii'" cn the Kv.-n-ienii.-.i t".c'.v:...u'.e
army will: i - -Ihla'-- at its head, the
Fi oedmim's jli-.iv.ii, tlie s;v.irms cf
causer. and excisemen, ihey have add".!
ltctrro in: uvrcction. (leo:;;ia is recon
structed. The- Dadieab are iu a mlri"!'.
ity iu the le'-.l.iture, r.n-1 there is no
way of preventing; her people frcta vo
tii'v lor Seymour and Ll.i'r, linu by
letting slip the sleuth hounds of civil
war. This accounts for the movement
ir.uu-urated at Camilla the other day.
Thou;.di fortunately suppressed, these
disturbauee:; aro liable to break out at
any moment. They will r dord a fine
piot.. st for Grant to tend reinforcements
of regular troops it, to tie South, declare
it under martial law, and prevent an
election. What if the State .should be
wrapped in the flames of a ue-ro war,
with all its horrible couoomilatits, from
tho Atl'.mlie to tho Teii!ic:eo border 'i
There will be ekd.t tdocioiul votes the
less against the party of peace 1 and of
Kvery Democrat, every Conservative
in the State, will vote to save his eouu
try on the iodi of Oetoher.
If there are any ju.-t., liberal minded,
patrietiu Hepu'diesiH who wi-hto do so,
ami want to kn.n? h jW, wo will tell
A',.', P!,,vV,.-, T' 7V! P,,r ,l:
tor (iemiv,!.
Vole firCcn. Wellington II. Hat for
Surveyor Sonera!. ,
'ote for Dtsinocratie (hoiressmen
and ir.rmbers of the Jj oi-lature.
In that wty and mdy iu that vay,can
yotl save you country.
If the hadlc.ds succeed ;
11 Hartrar.ft and CampbiU, a Radical
Con.;re:-':i and Legislature should be
elected ;
Good by to peace, to prosperity, to
We .-hall be involve.! in common
ptin ; rn-1 t..!.. Gr.-rt Republio, ouee
the prile aid :;!-ny of the w ni l ; won
hy the b'o.: l of i.!.s revolution, and pre
side..! or by V-sd.l:i;.-o!!, will c-a.-o to
e:! t, t.lid o:..or i...i'o o.n.:.. I T
or'.y, v.'i.'l en set i : - . tot -moos.
till 'trio ;.
:) :rr..:il a
siiiutional l.ioon.- l,:is!::.if;to!i, It. I. Kxlr.-c-tcd entin ty from IlKUtJS & HOOTS.
tins t.iti.i. v,o wtiiil-l, cull i'.c I'.M-nK'di of Hi-lTy liciK-fifiul in
otii- vi i-v 1 , i fi m t 1 1 ! r st-ii r " lit' t'vi :.
Xhi :::;rils ol ' v. :oV," havy l.een'ai teMd hy PYSlFSIA, 0 FN !' R AL IIllULT
himnrC'ls e. oil!" nio-l imelien u;; .;. ens. I
efts ae.'.i.i'i ! vepi.'ati" a ever tire v.'li 'l
e omtry a t oe iie-I ioaie i.t.ov. !i, :::: .1 In
i; . -o i'.-ia. and :.ii et!t, r dis'-'i-.--: ai". o.:
fi.n.i n i!i-oi-l. vi-1 : l..r.!-eh. it no eon;. 1.
li ("..mains no aloolndic ( jiii'.is ol ary kin.':,
hut is l.uiel.'.' veireta'ole in iis charaeler;
in ! we can felly for its curative
pi'iv.e:-! it s, h.-ivitirt use! it earsol veto
"iioolliind's Oernii'U Hitters'' eouiainiio
1,1-jiur of in:-,- il.-.-.c-.-ii.iio'i.
lti on.AM.'s (ii.nxAS Tonic. Is a coa
liinalion of till the i:i;-rcc'i enl ( o; tho Hil-tei---,
wiih l.iii-o ir oita I riu Huai, oranjto.
:.!,!-o. ,ve, nitikir..-; a Vi . pal :;tit.n ef 1 el -' p J Ja V IJII.T
medical va!u The Tonic :s used for the 5 r.u'n'
same, (licenses rts the li. litis, nieio-es w litre
KiH!! Ah.-h,.i..i'::c i;l!iiiiihiiit, j.: rci'i'.iii'..-1'
l oineipiil ( tl-'.l Arch S't., l'hil'ft. 1'a.
Sold eiorywliere hy'ists and etiiers.
Ar.l r.n exee..eut ccneclive for persons
u!!eri!i.'; ftrtt l)!.-.i.rd; is cf the LV,e!s,
'latuleaee, i;c.
rr T ,.,.m,,t T' IT ;,'"l r t
Denot, No. .!3 Miu-ki't Sired, 1 ml i a.
5e;.tl, .7. K. TAYLO'.t A CO.
!;A e-t-
T! ii-k
'; l;
c it aa
1 V,
-.It. st
eauun;; v.
''r.'Aiu1 r.Y ti.t. ( ms'-'Ii t'i'!:i:;.
This sh-uld be lite v.-.!!.::;- oiy of the
(o H'i'.m.ts i.f R l!ie:t!i: The C-ei-li-
ol s.ioei
: .'.!;
i.-i i. ".'.' i. '. r-
i; .
iud of Mi at moral ideas !
Eer.Would you secure peace and har
mony to the whni:'. Country '! Then
vute the I.Vmotiie tiekct.
t ilS, toe c'i!'.' : eevo :v we have ler
; icsei vr.ti jii of crder, :.ud of the rights
of property ami yet- ei. The Radical
doema, that the c-!i,stiii,..i..-n eau be set
aside by a cctieiv -1 .r.a't rneetii.i-r.t, by
the ren!t ol r.u elect: -u, ly a uolsv
on'.'o ::'.k e-1 j nj-u-ar pM;-. ; -n, of tho fo
voi i: b uimi;i:.ii!y ol iie-io.rjli:;; demn-o-'ijs,
or of en exel'.e.l :- s, i, a ciime
i.eaoo t c:v:l x -vei unit t;t, and tin insult
to liberly reeuiiOed by law. The Cua.
slic.f.ioii Is the- '..ill of the people, sol. rt;d foJinully cvprest-ed. It
stands as the bond of iiatinna! lifo. It
caumt be touched cave in the way itself
provides, without us to the
hoirois of ahareliy aiid tho insane furies
of cimtriidim.c fae'.ioi.s Let the Lien
v.-hoeeeii hint at o ivernin'.' "untside" ,d
it lie In
,. i i . .
evt iioove aeeursea as oisor- i 1 " '
tJ-p'. IX', ISh.-' C!
V ll.MATtTll, l'A., AlieilSt tl'lh 1N0.3.
lll.snv fiissTO-.-: Jlr.irS.'r The- 7- Kicli
saw which I soul you in Muy for rep sir 1
proved itselt f-ince rehu:!t hy von) to uc
:. : 1 ei-i't-wtiea us nio, 'hit:; es.ii he.
i'e! oe c n r.n-.; it to you I led sen' i! 10
the orisiM-il l.iaheis I ; ul 1 m i-.l, profiler &
Co, r.t i - .'ii;;:.. i ho 1 1 1 u:-;:t -1 ft t . i.-.e
.; o ijsoi'ed v. i:i. a h -avy hii! ei' l el ai' s, hat
a t 1 ia ihe l"a-t. 1 fucltn'ed
ti'at tlie .--tw r could he raa-.lo to inn
aiid tlii.t I v.-.-.-.ii I 1. 'Ve i- v. f i ts., it v.-UU a
l.exv i n.-,- -:n ti e r.:' oi l t of
Ji.v.-'. h-.-,".(f. !.!( i ie V! ;.. All. I' ! .-':
I.'.ll I 10 1, e ' ill. t t. i " i 1 1 1 .'.' t ' 1 Si iC id
I-'-. iil ! vtlt ( II I. lie t I '. 0.1 , II Ket l-i
t ... o u:. i ' . . o-:e i e-e ii:. i.iieo. aa 1 t-..Li,i i v.
'.en lO'el 1 ;.'.! :o ' v ran if!o a peeo (,j'-t.e:l,
hi. e.hiti:: half an iii'-li i.:f i :o- t .e:h.--i llvn
p'tl y.'iv ;.. ; : ove I ;.-iiii"m-r ..v f 'tar ' ei ln::
;-sv Idi.e) upn'.i if :-,!'.'.-, an 1 in ti.r-.e l-.,
i t ti se ii otli in I I.e sro-ie couditiull they
l. v r.r ,u,-:i f.r.-i .'"in. in 1 ('.'.'..
y cur.-- I - o'y
ruiii. i,v:lm.iit:i.
ii') JJ.el'-.'i'iioClilJill?.
V7c lar?f-!-ov.l it rccn'y, v-Cmt to Jt.wj ti.3
f.n,ri, i;':teo;.i: of tie .r'voci'.o cna x:.i
l asis, te f-ic-f'. the V.:t'.v;ug rrle :
Trans'.!.!-.'. Adv. ':r-ii:i-.-.ts.n:r.i te p.'ttf'ir in ad-vauc-3
i ui.ii ell Jot) Voi !: as te:. a as conjdeii d.
Eids mad.: out and la-set;.! to ;t. 'i:y a::veiusc.s
at the le'tinnii'-ij of web qttanrr.
tits":i p'.i. 115 to l.e paiit lor invar iatly in advance
nuvit Jonx t., ruliii-hci"
J Notice is hereby pi von lottcis
of e'tmri.i;!!-.'!!:,.!! linvin;.' hi en ri -. m e i to i iie
l a !ei - 'j." ed ori l! e -t v o i A i. Orsi y (1:11. o
hoc of I '.'K 'I On' Nod'.! 1', Je.e. o-.l, a'.l
ei -..,.i:s iu ! '1 te 1 1 o Slid estate are rt.iie.-t-cd
t..ti.'t.'- K i-.. i',i end uoil.t iieiitc 'iiiie :iy-
Vil:'' i-hl'.rtn li; illll.O li. '
i-.'-e v : it -v 1 1 y .- .-
;..-oy:V.'tr- .v:.;;-.;,-,J-?
. r - '. ' - ''','.: J, .'
thitr-.T.viitjfs and I'r:
riTtii and I ,, .- .... , ,
JL -
Clflrar. jt for Site .liUtion !
Go to A., Agent,
A TTi:.TIOT .VI L L- 0 ii'NJ- KiS !
rjMlli liAOLU TCHl'INK W A T 12 H
1 V,';i!''KL, patented julySO, 107, is
superi'T to any wheel in use. The under"
arr.od have ih nrrency for siiid wheel in
ihe State of l'onnsy'.f ania, and can rccomf
mend it as l.cing Ihe best manufactured,
l-'or flirt her particulars, and circuliir. in.
ipiire at orir Koundiy in Kersey, where
machinery, mill-earii.;;, cn stings and sleain'
eiv.rincs v--ill lie made lo order at reasonable,
prices. We expect hy niviin; nili.-tfuetiviir:
iiCour work to receive a good blinre of pule
lie patronage.
H. iflil.l.
Kevey, l"k Co.. Ha., janlO rst.Hpd.
4 CAHDTOTI1!: I.Al'lIhS. Dr. l.noii
j. ca's tiOLDl-.N' l'KilloDiCA L l'UXS
lor leniiiles. itila in correcting irrej.-.
el.-uiiies, Hemiivinji; rnei iens of tho
?,;..i:i' ly Turn1, foni whatever cause, mid
i.hv ;y.-; successful as a preventive, (bio
I'll! is a I'.ese. I'ciiisles: poeuliarly situated,
ov those sttppesinj; t!ic!iiMlvi'H so, lire (siu
tior.ed iieoiinsl u.-.iner I hese'-.l'il's wliilc in
tio.t coadi'ien. lest Ih.y invite Miscarriage,
nfici- wiiie'ti a iiinii.ii ion the i'loprielor ms
Miii'.cs no i'esioiis',!iiiity, nl 1 i : ,n i e; i their
mildness would pi event, any nosehief to
health; oll'e.i wisu the l'ills live reeomiiieri"
ikd us n Most lnva'-ii."-.!:'!".' Heinedy for tho
alleviation of thoso suHV-riiif! from nny ir
regiiliii-ilios whatever, as well us pcevr ul an
increase of family when health will not
permit it , ijuiciiiig ihc.nervcs ami bringing
back the ' rosy color of health " to tho
check of the l:;o-1 delicate.
I'a'.l and explicit dirtciioiis accompany
each 1 ox. Hi ue i;1 per box ; l boxes, tf'j.
;-,l 1 in Hidwuy, Ha., l y C. 0. Messen
ger, Inuaftisl, sole nfo-nt lor Hidwoy. La.
die-, l y ..cndiiifr him i'l to the llitlwny 1
(. can have the l'iils sent (cnntide'.it ially
hy li.ail lo any isn't of ihe country, .roe
r .ta re. Sold also by Swiyn? ii lfeynohlii,
.Si. Mary's, mi 1 by one Doiie-risi. in cvciy
viita"o iu the Uuio',1..
s. p. nowr,
my- ho-'y. Sole Di-oprieior, N. Y.
"iiO A irV 1 1 INCJ- NKW!
,.., 5 1 :c'.r,, sres & criN tKrijvTAi. rAiTtTixc
I.: t.
1'.. 1 1 e i ii lo ;.il Cf;a:'. ni;.il 'i'ol ellCS,
,., l-j on 1 ? Id j ee hnudred. -'.'It
Tv l.'-'St'LUTDiN Ob t'AHTNUr.Siii!'.
' 'the pal in:". shi lii-1 c' cxi-lill
I .iKt-i'ii the i;inlcr- aid ia ihe 'fanning
t,i.v;i,iths l.iw been this day dissolved by
:.:uli:;;'t coli.-'eut.
12. L. iM;,ULTy.L',
C. M. Mi.iUMJ,
St. Mary's, Kept., 'd-f'.l.
,., , I., .- l .,,,.,,. I e r aeie v ili I : .'Sf ut th.i.idu'y ;iu:l.r;:ti
:.' 11. iZ. OS, eu.ilileS t'l so 'li.l ot 11 an 1 ,. .
, ' , , , - . . . lor seltk Inelil. i.o'.riy .u(o.uu J,.nii,j. . K. T. KYI.IIP.
.,.d..iiu:.:ti uior.
("S At' DS, V.m-ltead:'. Lctter-Head.i. Ta-s,
J Haiuibill.-.. Slc. done in a neat mniiner,
iiini in ll:e lowest riuei:, l-'Oll CASH, at
the lilk Advoi'itf l'r'.ulin Oiliee.
i "THANK S. HAHHt'.TT, Attorney nt-Law,
Cleai held, l't iin'a. Will praoMeo in
iil; and Cameron coin ties. ; ep',l,'l'.tr-y .
11 nrders for 1 and llarduave
j will be j'l'.'inplly alteiidc t lo as soon
l:: o.
ai;y s :: M:iiVi'A:;i:sTiii;i2
'jOR V;oRK of aii kind.-; and des.
J eripfio'.is done at this olliee.
flii liloji'SS, I.Al'.hLS ,v XAl.S ii.-in-,i
J ly printed i t ihe Advoeate Otli'o
IftflSl't'lNU ('All DSN'
V cJ ai this cii'ci'.
r ani: st'iiscr.n: t: h vv o u l d it i:-
! speeil'iilly inform Ihe cili.ens of IT
canty that he lins just started in the
above business in Hidguay, and feel cotni
d.'ia litat he can )di:ase nil who may favui
him wiih their custom. (i it A IN I NO,
roost fasiiionalile and imjirove.l manner and
style. Orders left at this Olliee or lit the
I'.uiikiin? House of .Souther, Wiilisif Souther
will be promptly ufciended lo.
l .NCOIll'OKATtoN NO'I H li. eNntin: 'f
Jl hereby riven that the petili.of .lainci
hiiaddeir, and others, lo he incorporated ml
Mer Ihu liiupo, style and lule ol " t-diih'h
I'l-. -Lviei-hiii Clmreh at t. iMtiry K looi
bren filed ill my oliieenud will be presented
for t-oiiliriiiiitiiiii U imrncM lerm ol u
Com" of Coiuiiioii l'leasot I.ll;
gi:o. a. u Tiir.uv,
So l. -.1 le. I'rotln.notiiry.
I N'l'i K I'l llf AT ION NuTit'i:. Notie,. i,
f hen by riv."a ihe pel il ion of lilins
SiT'O.r, and oriiei-:, to he iii.'i.ipornle.l m,-,h-r
ihe iiaiiic. style nnd title of ' .Vies-iali's
I l iiicii, at '! ohy," has been hied ul my of
iioc and will be jn-e-eoled for ei.nlirioali..:i
al tho nest lerm of the ("oiirt of Common,
l'leas of Llk comity.
Sept. 'Lie. l'lu'.LuuuUry.