The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, September 30, 1868, Image 3

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Var Time at lUdgieay.
Erie Express East. 1:23 a. m
do do West 4:03 ft m.
do Mail East 4:02 p. m.
do do West 3:1G p. m-
Local Freight East 0:40 a. m.
do do West G;00p. m.
Elk lodge, A. T. M.
3tatcJ meetings of Elk Lodge will be
held Tuesday evening, on or before the full
moon of each month, once every two weeks
thereafter. J. K. VYHITMORE. Sec'y.
Qraoe Choreh Protestant Episcopal.
Rttv. C. E. Butler, Beetor. Services
will bo lie Id in the above church every al
ternate Sunday morning and evening.
Methodist Episcopal.
Rkv. F. Yrkhon, Pastor. Morning Ser
vice, in the Court Houso, every alternate
Out of season Ice croain.
In scasoo Oysters.
Messenger, our Postmaster, re
quests us to say to those having letters
to mail, east or west, must have them in
the office by half past two o'clock, P.
M., othtrwiao they will lie ove" until the
next day. 2t
Fatal Accident. Last Thurs
day, whilo Michael MoGuane was goiog
from this place to Shawmut, ho was ran
over by a coal train on the Shawmut 11.
R., and instantly killed. Deceased was
a plain and hard.honost, working man,
and had the respect of Lis employers
and those with whom he was employed.
He leaves a wife and family.
During the Radical meeting last
Saturday, we noticed a Democrat from
Fox with that delegation. On asking
him why it was, he said, Well, you
see, I hired these Radicals my horse to
hitch in one of their teams, and know
ing that the party are not too honest,
thought I would corns along and watch
my horse, for fear you know."
We aro informed that it was not
the fault of the Fux township delegation
that they were unaccompanied by music.
They had went ho far as to send to the
Five Pointn, we don't mean the Five
Points of Buffalo or of New York, by.
any means, with a four.horso team.
Rut alas and alack, no band was there !
Nothing but the whistle of the breezes
through the branches of the trees, that
ea&ne anything Dear music, was there to
welcome the men and team who had
on)6 from Centreville for music. Nary
a band was there, aud the wagon drove
off, and oame to Ridgway, disheartened,
and dispiiited. j
Last Saturday came, and with it
the. Radical mass meeting which the
Union League and G. A. R. have had
in contemplation for a month past. The
delegations from abroad commenced n!
ing into town during the afternoon, and
were as follows : Thirteen men from St.
Mary's; seven from Wilcox, aud thirty
fight men iu six wagoD3 from Fox town
ehip, this county, and Huston township,
Clearfield eounty. This latter dtlega.
tion arrived about 1 o'clock, and they
along with tho Ridgway and St. Mary's
Roys in Blue," (?) formed a process
ion, to receive the enormous delegation
from Wilcox. Arriving at the depot,
the captain, thinking they were in reali
ty, all like himself, " Boys in Blue."
commanded " halt," which was obeyed,
for they were tired. But when he com
manded " 'Bout face," the evolution
was obeyed by about ten, the balance
not knowing how thus showing to the
assembled multitude, that the name of
" Boys in Blue," so far as they were
concerned was misapplied. The dele
' gation from Wilcox, consisting of seven
men, aocompanied by the Warren Band,
making seven more, five of whom aro
Democrats, then arrived, and marched
back to Ridgway. We understand that
no meeting was held iu the afternoon,
as was intended. Scofield, Souther and
another gentleman named Belford, spoke
in the evening, to which meeting the
Cops had gathered in respectable num.
ters, expecting to hear truth and wis.
dom. But in this they were disappoint
ed. Scofield, during his speech, would
occasionally attempt to contradict some
of the charges made against him, but
about the time he should have come to
the point, would launch forth into some
stale humorous story, and the Radical"
would laugh. The other speakers harp,
ed the same tune. After the speaking,
three cheers were proposed for the Rod
ieal candidates, which were faintly giv
en, when a yoang Democrat, whose en
thusiasm got the better of his judgment,
proposed three ehecrs for Seymour and
Blair, which was responded to with a
will. In tho language of the 0. A. R.,
' How's tho neffs ! " Sclali 1
Mr. Shrcincr will ppcak in the En
glish and Mr. Korn in tho German
language. Let there be a full turn out.
St. Mary's is to have a lock-up.
Foshionnble follies Planchottc
and the " Grecian bender."
Spirited the Radical mooting.
At least we thought so from thcamount
of" Bcnzino " consumed.
Don't forgot to got osscsael. If
you are not now, go and have it dono as
soon as you read this. It will then be
Grant is, Colfax will como.about as
near getting elected as tho Fox delega
tion came to getting tho Shawmut
Senator Doolittlo, of Wisconsin,
passed through heie on Monday morn,
ing last to fill an appointment ho had
made to speak at WillLimsport.
The Dcmocratio meeting at War
ren on Saturday last was the largest po
litical meeting ever held in that county.
Over 5000 people being present.
There will bo a meeting held at
Wilcox on to morrow, Thursday even
ing. John G. Hall and Judgo Messen
ger will oddiess it, we hope there will
bo a good turn out.
The Warren Band treated several
of our citizens to a serenade after the
Radical fizzle had subsided on Saturday
evening last. Those who heard it, say
that it was excellent. .
We have printed the tickets-for.the
State election, and as yet no one has
taken them away from our office. This
matter should be attended to immedi
ately. Don't forget tho Deraocratio meet-
iug at St. Mary's on Friday evoning
next. The speakers are said to be ex
cellent. Let every votcf who possibly
can do so, be present
Gould, of tho Cameron Press, in
his last paper, says " The news it sheer
ing." This is about as good grammar
as the G. A. R. use in their password,
thus, " How's the ncwB."
Hon. J. K. Hornish has been ad.
dressing several meetings in this county
since our last issue. He is a forcible
and eloquent speaker, and exposes Sco
fields villanies in a very convincing man
ner. We have received the first num.
ber of the Elk County Railroad and
Mining Gazette, lately started at St.
Mary's. Its management is under the
contiol of Mr. E. F . Hodges. The ty.
pographical appearance is very credita
ble. Its politics are Democratic.
" Esto Perpetua." The regular
meetings of the Union Democracy of
Ridgway will bo held at their room
every Monday evening. Punctual at.
tendance of each and every member is
requested. By order of
I. M., V. C.
--It would be impossible for us to
give the proceedings of all the Demo
cratio meetings held in tho county.
Suffice it to say that the"leaven is work
ing " admirably, and if tho Democrats
do their duty, in every county as they
do in Elk, no fears need be entertained
for the success of the Dcmocratio ticket.
We have oa file a lengthy com
munication from a former citizen of Elk
now residing at Coloma, Missouri,which
we will give our readers soor. after the
October election. It will not spoil,and
its insertion now would crowd out our
political matter which is more impor
tant. Adjourned Court. Owing to
the absence of J udgo Sohultze last Wed.
ncsday, the court was adjourned over
nntil WEDNESDAY, the 7th of Oc
tober. Persons desiring to be natural,
ized should be here on that day. They
should also have themselves assessed ou
or before the 3d of October, as that is
the la,,t dy on which it can be done.
X Tit IN. Pursuant, to nn Act of the
General Assembly of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, entitled " An Act relating
to the elections of tho Commonwealth," ap
proved the 2d day of July, A. I)., 1M!I, I,
JAMES A. MA LONE, High Sheriff of tho
county of Elk, Stato of Pennsylvania, do
horeby mako known and give notice to tho
electors of said county, that a General El
ection will beheld in Elk county on tho
TKENTH day of October, 1&G8, at whfeh
time the following officers are to bo elected:
Ono person for Surveyor General of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ;
One person for Auditor General of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania i
One persou for Congress, to represent the
counties of Cameron, Clearfield, Elk,
Erie, Forest, Jefferson, M'Kean and
One person for State Senate, to represent
die counties of Cameron, Clarion, Clear
field, Elk and Forest ;
One person for Assembly, to represent tho
counties of Clearfield, Elk and Forest ;
One person for Sheriff of Elk county ;
One perron for County Commissioner of
Elk county j
Ono person for County Auditor of Elk
county ;
And tho qualified electors of the county
of Elk will hold their elections in tho sever
al districts, as follows :
Bcnezeite township, at tho houso of Eliza
beth Winslow :
Benzingcr township, at tho schoolhousc on
Michael street, near thcElk creek bridge ;
Fox township, at the Ccutrevillu school
house ;
Highland township, at tho house of Levi
Ellithorpe ;
Horton township, at the schoolhouso near
Ilczckiah Hort oil's ;
Ridgway township, at tho Court House ;
St. Mary's Borough, at the houso oi Chas.
Schisslo ;
Spring Creek township, at the house of
Stockdule, Downer & Company ;
Jny township at the houso of Alfred
Pcarsall ;
Jones township, at the school house in
1 also make known and give notice, as in
and by the thirteenth sectiun ot the afore
said net, I am directed, " that every person,
excepting Justices of the Peace, who shall
hold any office or appointment to profit or
trust uuder the Government of the United
States or of this State, or any city or in
corporated district, whether a commission
ed ollicer or otherwise, a subordinote ofil
ccr or agent, who is or shall be employed
under the legislative, judiciary, or execu
tive department of this State, or United
States, or any city or incorporated district :
and also, that every member of Congress or
State Legislature, and the select or common
couneil of any city, commissioners of any
incorporated district, Is by law incapable
of holding or exercising at the same timo,
the office or appointment of Judgo, Inspec
tor, or Clerk, of any election of this Com
monwealth, and tli ut no Inspector or Judge,
or oth r officer of any such election shall
be eligible to any office then to be voted for.
ALSO, That in the fourth section of the
Act of Assembly entitled ' an Act relating
to elections, and for other purposes," ap
proved April 10th, 1810, it is cuacted that
the the thirteenth section " shall not be
construed as to prevent any militia officer
or borough officor from serving as Judge,
Inspector or Clerk, at any general or spec,
ial election in this Commonwealth."
ALSO, That in the Cist section of said
Act ii is enacted that " every general and
special election shall be opened between the
hours of eight and ten in tho forenoon, and
shall continue without interruption or ad
journment, unti' seven o'clock in tho even
ing, when the polls shall be closed."
The general, special, city, incorporated
districts and township elections, and all el
ections, for electors of President and Vice
President of tho United States, shall bo
held and conducted by tho Inspectors nnd
Sudges elected as aforesaid, and by clerks
appointed as hereinafter provided.
" No person sli till be permitted to voto at
any election, as aforesaid, but a white free
man of the oge of twenty-one yenis or more,
who shall havo resided iu thi9 State at
least one year, and in tho election district
where he offers to vote, at least ten days
immediately preceding such election, aud
within two years paid a State or county
tax, which shall have been assessed at
least ten days before the election. But a
citizen of the United States who has previ
ously been a qualified voter of this State
and removed therefrom, and returned, nnd
who shall have resided in the election dis
trict and paid taxes as aforesaid, shall be
entitled to vote after residing in this Stato
six months. Provided, That the white
freeman, citizens of the United States, are
between the ages oftwenty-oue and twenty
two years, and shall have resided in the el
ection district ten days as aforesaid, shall
not havo paid taxcB.
Pursuant to the provisions contained in
tho 4th section of the Act aforesaid, tho
Judges of the aforesaid districts shall re
spectively take charge of the certificates or
return of elections of their respective dis
tricts, and produce thein at a meeting of
one Judge from each district, at the Court
House iu Ridgway on tho third day alter
tcr the election, being for the present year
on Friday, tho ICth day of October next,
thon uui there to perform the duties ro
quircd by law of said Judges , also, where
a Judgo by sickness or unavoidable acci
dent, is unublo to attend said meeting of
Judges, then tho certificate or return afore
said shall bo taken in charge by one of the
Inspectors or Clerks of the election of said
District, who shull do aud perform the du
ties required of said Judge, uuable to attend.
AN ACT regulating the mode of voting at
all elections, iu tho several counties of this
Skctiom 1. Be it enacted by the Senate
and House of Representatives of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania in General As
sembly met, aud it is hereby enacted by au
thority of the same, That the qualified vo
ters of the several counties of this Common
wealth, at all pene-al, township, borough
and special elections, are hereby hereafter,
authorized and required to voto, by tickets,
printed or written, severally classified, as
follows : One ticket shall embrace tho
names of all Stata officers voted for, and to
bo labelled outside, "JUDICIARY ; " one
ticket shall embrace the names of all Statu
officers voted for, aud shull be labelled,
" STATE j " one ticket shall embrace the
dames of all county officers to bo voted for,
includinfi office of Senator, member and
members of Assembly, if voted for, and
members of Congress, if voted fur, and be
labelled, "COUNTY;" ono ticket shall eui
brijco the names of all township officors to
buotcl for, and labelled, "TOWNSHIP; "
one ticket shall embrace the names of all
borough officers voted for, uml bo labelled,
"BOROUGH;" and each cluss shall be
deposited in separate ballot boxes
s. GIVEN under my hand nnd
I SI! Wm Veal a', my r.ffiee in Ridswny,
Vihin FIRST ''ay of SEPTEM
BER, in the year of our Lord, One Thous
and Eight Hundred nnd Nixtv-Eigiit.
Sheriff of Elk County.
September 2nd, IKOMnoe.
Hair dressing
Gray or Faded Ilair is quicKly
restored to its youthful color and bounty,
and with the first application a
beautiful gloss and delightful fragrance
is given to the Hair.
It will cause Ilair to grow on Raid Spots.
It will promote luxuriant growth.
FALLING HAIR is immediately checked.
For Sale by all DraggiM.
DEPOT removed from Onenirtrh St. to
35 Barclay St. U 40 Park l'lacc.
For doing a family washing in tho best
and cheapest manner. Guaranteed equal
to any in the world ! Has all the strength
of old rosin soap with the mild and lather
ing qualities of genuine Castile. Try this
splendid soap. Said by the ALDEN CHE
MICAL WORKS, 48 North Front Street,
Philadelphia. Scpt2 'C8:ly
ters testamentary on tho estate of
George Reuscher, Senior, late of Bcnzing
cr township. Elk County, Pa., having been
granted to the undersigned, all persons in
debted to said estate, and nil having claims
against it, aro requested to come forwvrd
and settle immediately.
Aug. 23,'08-Ct. Executor.
JSmncthhuj gteiu.
Tho undersigned havo on hand a large
and very desirable stock of GOODS,
and will constantly keep an extensive
assortment, including everything that
is wanted to
which they will Fell at tho very bottom
figure and from this date will sell only
fur CAM. We will use every eudoav
or to wake it to the interest ot our cus
tomers to adopt the universal
Wo have dccraiiucd to give the
a fair trial, believing it to ho tho inter
est ot both bu.yei and seller.
Ridgway, Aug. 13th, 1887.. bo.
Itidgwny, Elk Co., Pa.
The subscriber desires lespcctfnlly to in
form the cilucus of Ridgway and vicinity
that he is prepared to make to order as well
as it can be done anywhere, anything in the
line of iii-i business. All ho asks is a fair
trial. Cood Fin guaranteed.
teHClo.hs, Cassiniers, Vesllngi aud
Ti'iuiming.1 of the latest uml ino .l approved
styles kept constantly ou lnniil, which will
EST. Ladios desiring Heinm'njt, S.iiching
Felling, Binding, to., on dresses, capes, 40
will find it to their interest to give me a
call. uugjO-iiO,
, -ibr c5Sf ivl ",7r.-
1 1 -. BV;W.-
Above corner of Main C Depot Streets,
July 30, 1808. RIDGWAY, PENN'A.
THE Lycoming County Mutual Insur
ance Company at Muncy, Penna., con
tinucs to Insure against Loss cr Bamago by
Fire on all kinds of Merchandise. Public
and private uildines, either in town or
county. Also on Mills, Tanneries, Barns,
stocks of Oram, &c, nt tho lowest possible
rates, consistent, with safety to the Insuror
and Insured. The Lycoming County, Mu
tual Insurance Company invites an investii
gation ns to its stability. Its capital
amounts to
Thus assuring to every one of its patrons
that their losses will be promptly and satis,
factoriiy paid. Its management has always
been prudent, as its existence of twenty.
sixyeafs fully demonstrates
Agent for Elk county, at St. Mary's
Oct. 18, lb07-ly.
II. F. Espensliade & Co.
Take pleasure in announcing to the public
of Elk and surrounding counties that they
have thoroughly related and rennovnted
this old and well-known establishment, and
congrctulnte themselves that, with their ex
tended facitics, with first-class workman,
that they can put out as good work as oan
be i'ouud anywhere. Wo have, and keep
constantly on hand alll kinds of leather
such ns iu general use in this section, in
cluding SjHitiifh and Country Sole Leather !
Calfuhins, Sheepskins, Kipskins I
Harness & Ipper Leather 1
Give us a call and be convinced of tho
truth of what we state. mar21'US
LAMR vs Little et. al., Garnishees. In
the Common Pleas of Elk County, No.
16, April Term, 1808.
The undersigned havine been appointed
Trustees in the abovo cause hereby eive
notice tj nil persons holding property of
mo acieniant, or indebted to nun, are re
quired to make payment to the undersign,
ed and deliver the said property to them,
creditors of defendant will also present to
i ne undersigned tncir claims duiy authen
ticated for settlement.
at Ridgway, or
L. VCLLMEU, St.Mary's.
L. J. BLAKELV, Plaintiff's Attorney.
August 8th, 1803-Ct.
PAINTING. The undersigned hav
concluded to hang up for a while in Ridgway,
would respectfully inform its citizens and
those of its surrounding vicinity, that they
aro prepared to do all work in their line in a
manner warranted to suit their customers
and nt ns reasonable a price as it can be done
by any other man.
Our motto isto 'Live and let live.'
All orders promptly attended to.
July2 3m.
published in a sealed envelope.
A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and
Radical cure of Spermatorrhoea, or Semi
nal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sex
ual Debility, and Impediments to marriage
generall. Nervousness, Consumption, Ep
ilepsy and r its ; Mental and Physical In
capacity, resulting from Self-Abuse, $o.,
by Robert J. Culverwell, M. D., author of
the "Green Uook, etc. Price in a scaled
envelope, only six cents.
The celebrated author, in this admirable
essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty
years' Buccersful practice, that the alarm
ing consequences of self abuse may be rad
ically cured without tho use of internal
medicine, cr the application of the knife,
pointing out a mode of euro at oncesinirlc,
certain and effectual, by means of which
every sutlerer, no matter what his condi'
tion may be, may cure himso.i cheaply,
privately, and radically.
livi-'lliis Lecture shuull be in the hands
of every youth and every man in the land.
Syiit under eeal, in a plain envelope, to
any address, postpaid, ou receipt of six
cuuts, or two post stamps. Also, Dr. Cul
verwell a " Marriage liuide, price -ojents.
Address the Publishers.
127 Bowery, New York, P. 0. Box 4,580.
STRAYED. From the residence of the
subscriber near the former residence
of Esquire Liiidetuuth on the road between
Caledonia nnd licnezette, a RED AND
WHITE COW, mrire red on the sides than
white ; about ten years old ; has long
horns, and was missed about fifteen days
sinoj. Any ono bringing her home, or
giving information where she can bo found
will be suitably rowarded.
Btnczette, Aug. DOth, 1808-31.
"j" PUIS 11. GARNER,
Can bo found at his Foundry at St. Mary's
where he is ready to have all shop-work in
his line dono ou short notice. St. Mary's,
Benzingcr P. P., Elk co., Pa. myl'08'ly
L ANKiJ of all kinds for sale at thin of
tic j.
Deahsrg in Drugi, Medicine, Paints,
Oils, White Lead, Lubricating Oil,
Lamp Oil, Tanner's Oil, Per.
fumcries of nil Kinds,
The purest Varnish,
Brushes of every
Stylo nnd
Dye Stuffs, Ture Confectionaries Citron,
Raisin3, Patent Medicines, Wines,
Watshes, Jewelry, Rings,
Tobaccoes & Segars
Pure Liquors for
Medicinal pur
poses only.
Of Everything Useful
Poitaining to the Drug Business Gen
erally. Pure Drugs at Low Prices !
Pure Drugs at Low Prices
Notions in Endless Variety !
Notions in Endless Variety
American and English Watches !
American and Euglish Watches
Latest Styles of Jewelry, Rings, &c.
Latest Styles of Jewelry, Rings, &c.
Fancy Article?, Toys, Latest Novels 1
Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels
Albums, News, Stationery, Bird-Cages!
Albums, News, Stationery, Bird-Cages !
Violin, Banjo and Guitar Strings!
Violin, Banjo and Guitar Strings !
Thrrwjh and Direct Route Ictween
Philadelphia, Ballimzre Harris
burg, Wdliamsport, and the
of Pennsylvania.
Pn all Night Trains.
ON and after MONDAY, UV. zom,
the trains on the Philadelphia & Eria
Railroad will run as follows :
Mail Train leaves Philndelphia..l0.40 p. to.'
n-1 OK!.. M
it uiugway o.iu p. iu.
if afiiv0 nt Krio 9.25 p.- m.
Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia. ..11. 30 noon.
" uiugway - -i
' arrive at Erie - a.&O a. ni
Mail Train leaves Erie 10.00 a. m.
it " Ridgway 4.0'j p. m.
it " arrive at Philad'a... 7.00 a. ra.
Erie Express leaves Eric 7.35 p. in.
tt tt r.nigway... i.oo u. iu.
it an-at Philadelphia 6.00 p. ui.
Vml nnd Express connect with Oil Creek
nnil Alb.irlipnv River Rail Roid. BAG
General Superintendent.
T"j1STRAY. Camo to tho renidenco of the
i. vaciiloiinA fif thfl anl-ianrihor in Ren-
iinger township, AN OX, with white head,
Ingli horns, i or e years old, and ( iec
girth. Tho owner of said ox is requested
to call, pay charges, and take him away,
otherwise he will be disposed of according
0 law. JU11.1 i nniifbUi
Benzinger, September 23, 18ti8-3t.
The undersigned has laidjout a vil.
ono upon his ground adjoining the Rid?.
way Depot, to be called ELK. The lots
arc 60 feet front by 100 feet deep front
iug towards tho railroad.
Terms t or the first lot sold, 5100. Fo
the. seoond lot sold, $110. For the third
lot sold, $1'J0 and so on increasing iu
price as lots are sold.
ty1)- First purchasers got the choice lot,
at the cheapest rates.
Purchasers will be registered in the or
der of their application. Ten percent of
the purchase money must be paid at the
t jine of the application.
BMlApplieat ions will be made to Job.
0. Hull, Esq., Ridgway, Pa.
Ridgway. mar,29'66-tf.
locks, bolts, and all km i i.uilders
materials in general can be had cheaper at
the St. Mary' Hardware Store than any
other place iu Elk county. (u28'67)