A H'EEKLY NEWSPAPER. Devoted to the Interests of the People of Elk Co is lUBMSHru kvibt sati rimv, I3Y JOHN F. MOOltE, Office in the Court House. Ts On ttollnr and Fifty Cent per Hnunm, invariably in advnuM.. No devia- lion from these terms. Rates of Advertising. Transient Advertiflcmcuieiilx pers qjre of 10 lines or let:, i times or less $2 00 For encli snbseqitnt insertion 25 Administrators' and Ex'rs notices. .. 2 f0 Auditors' notices 2 60 Dissolutions, Cautions and Estrays... 2 00 Local and Obituary notices pot line 15 Professional cards, 1 year 6 00 YEARLY APVERTlBRMBNTS. 1 square $ 7 00 I column $20 00 S tquares 12 00 I column 86 00 3 squares - 15 00 1 column 60 00 The above rates will be strictly adhered to in all advertising from this dato, BLANKS. Single quire $2 6016 quires p qr..$l 75 S quires $ qr... 2 GOjOver 6, 1 qr 1 60 HAK1BILL8. sheet, 25 or less 2 00 J uliect, 25 or less 5 00 sheet, 26 or less 3 00 1 sheet. 21 or less 9 00 Not. 28, 1807. JOUN F MOORE, Editor and Proprietor. & O0unii girwtoigj. COUSTY OFFICERS. President Judge R. G. White. Additional Law Judge II. W. Williams. Associate Judges E. C. Schultze, Jesse Kylcr. District Attorney J. K. P. Hall. Sheriff James A; Malono. Prothonotary, &c U. A. Rathbun. Treasurer Claudius V. Gillis. Co. Superintendent James Blakely. Commissioners H. Warner, J. W. Taylor, Louis Vollmer. Auditors Clark Wilccr, Byron J. Jones, Jacob McCauley. County Surveyor Geo. Walmsley. TIME OF HOLDING COURT. Second Monday in January, Last Monday in April. First Monday in August, First Monday in November. JAMES McCLOSKEY, fjeqlclr lit Groceries, &c, Wou'd respectfully inform the eitiiens of the surrounding community that be still keeps on hand a good supply of such art i. clfrB as are generally kept in a country gro cery store, including TEAS, FLOUfc, SUGARS, TOBACCOES, SEGARS, WniSKEY which he flatters himself be can sell cheap as they can be bought anywhere in the county. I have lately erected a first-class shingle mill, which is now in operation. It is an ttosted that the shingles which were made in this mill and sold in Williamsport, are a first-class article, the lumber of which they are made being a first-class article. I desire to introduce these shingle' to the notice of builders, who will consult their own interest by giving me a call. May 3d, '66. tf JTCD. 1 ITCH ! ! ITCII ' ! I 8CRATCA ! SCRATCH ! ! SCRATCH I I ! in from 10 to 48 hours, Wheaton's Ointment cures The Itch. Wheaton's Ointment cures Salt Rheum. IVheatoo'B Ointment cures Tetter. Wheaton's Ointment cures Barbers' Itch. Wheaton's Ointment cures Old Soree. Wheatoa's Ointment cures Every kind, of Humor like Magic. Price, 60 cents a bok ; bv mail, 60 cents Address WEEKS & POTTER, No. 170 Weuhingion Street, Boston, Mass. For sale y nil druggist. Sept. 1F67 ly. J. 8. RORDWELL, M. D. eclectic pmraicijiJr. fTlhe word eclectic means to choese or I select medicines from all the different schools of medicine ; using remedies that re safe, and discarding from practice all medicines that have an impuriout effect on the system, such as mercury, antimony, lead, eopper, 4o. I lay aside the lance the old blood letter, reducer or depleter, and equalize the circulation and restore the system to its natural state by alteratives and tonics. I shall hereafter give particular attention to chronic diseases, such as Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Liver complaint, Catarrh, Neu ralgia, diseases of the throat, urinary or gans, and all aiBeasea peculiar to females, &o. CATARRH I treat with a new instrument of a late invention, which cures every case. TEETH extracted without pain. Office and residence south of the jail on Centre St. Office hours from 7 to 8 a. m ; 12 to 1 p. m ; 6 to 7 p. m. Dec. 23'67.-ly. J. 8. BORDWELIi. WIIEELER & WILSON'S SEW ING MACHINES. The under igned having been appointed Sole Agent for the sale of Wheeler ft Wilson's Sewing Machines for Elk county. He keeps an assortment constantly on hand. Machines sold at Philadelphia nod New Yor prices. Any parties desirous of obtaining them can address J. K. WHITMORE, March 9t-'66-ly. at Ridgway, Pa. TOBACCO ANTIDOTE. WARRANTED to remove all desire for Tobacco. This great remedy is an excellent appetiser. It purifies the blood, invigorates the system, possesses great nourishing and strengthening power, ena bles the stomach to digest the heartiest food, makes sleep refreshing, and establish es robust health. Smokers and Chewers for Sixty Years Cured. l'rice.Fifly Cents, post free. A treatise on the injurious ef forts of Tobacco, with lists of references, testimonials, Ac, sent free. Agents want ed. Address Dr. T. R. ABBOT. Jersey City, New Jcreey. Aug. 15th 12w 01IN Q. HALL, Attorney at law, Ridg way, iia connty ra. lniar-22'GG ly T AUHIEJ. IU.AKELV. Atlnrno... l. j and IT. 8. Commissioner. Ridgway w Buuiiijr, i n. mar-z tiu-ly. H ENRY SOUTHER, Altorney-at-Law, mngwny, i s. (rcbZHTig) LPINE HOUSE, Si. Mary's Pa., Her. L man Kreta, Proprietor. mgO'68 DR. W. JAMES BLAKELY Physician and Surgeon, St. Mary's, Elk county mr-22'C6 ly. PR. W. W. SHAW Practices Medicine and Surgery, Centreville, Elk county mar-22'6ily. I EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, 8UB1ME. J ". Warrants, &c, on hand and for sale at this ofEoe. CH. VOLK, Manufacturer and Dealer s in Lager Beer, opposite the Railroad Depot, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa. Mar-22'66-1 . irvlt. W. B. HARTMAN, St. Mary's, Elk I J county, pa. Late of the Army of tha Potomac Particular attention given to all coses of surgical nature. mar-22'06-ly. GROVE Q. MESSENGER, Druggist and Dealer in DrugB and Chemioals, Paints. Oils and Varnish . Ferfumery Toil, et articles and Stationary, Bidgway, Elk county Pa. mar-22'G6-ly. JO.IN O. BALL -JAB. E. P. HALL. , . TTALL & BRO. AttrnS?7MSARYV LaW BENZINGER P. O. ELK COUNTY, PA. September 20, 1866. ly. T 8. Bordwell, M. D. Eclectio Thysician fj s Office and residence opposite the Jail, on Centre 8t., Ridgway, Fa. Prompt attention will be given to all calls. Office hours : 7 to 8 A. M- j 12 to 2 P. M. ; and 6 t0 7 p- M. Mar. 22, 66-tf. THAYER HOUSE, HIDGWAT, PA. DAVID THAYER, Proprietor. The undersigned having fitted up a large and commodious hotel on the southwest corner of Centre and Mill streets, with good and convenient stablinip i.k ....... p e " . , itoipcur fully solioils the patronage of his old friends .. j. iliiu generally. decl3 00 ly DAVID THAYER. 8. SHORT, LOUIS VOLLMER, JAS. K. P. HALL. JOHN G. HALL, BANKING-HOUSE OF $Urt, gall & d0. St. Jtlary't, Benxinrer J. . Elk Coohtt, Pirnta HYDE HOUSE, Ridowat, Elk Co., Pa. M. V. Moore, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of the Baine- Oct 24 1866. FraniI,Wv.a.ousEs LARGEY ft MA LONE, Paora's. The proprietors respectfully ask the atten tion of their friends and the public in gen eral to their large and commodious hotel. Every attention paid to the convenience of guest. H. LARGEY. may30.18C8.ly J, A. nXALONE. EXCHANGEHOTEL, RIDGWAY, PA. J. HALEY Proprietor. This hotel is pleasantly situvted on the banks of the Clarion River and Elk Creek at the lower end nf tha ;u,. hi. ii-.i' win spare no pains for the convenie.ee of Ma .....(. rx- 1 I. .... - ...a Buwfl, icmiuus on ana an to give him a call and try his house. Sept, 17th'C7-ly. COAL, COKE AND FIRE-CLAY ! AU of superior quality, for sale by tha Tannerdale Coal Company, St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. arOrders by mail promptly ittend. cd to. sept!6 3-tJ H. fi. BELNAP & CO., BLACKS.VIITHING. Havins eomnleted our new DBta.KliaVmx.1 and located therein, we still hope by con! outui BiiQuuon to ouBiness, ana turniug ont first-class work. In mnril she patroaage heretofore so generouslv be- tliwjut n.lf - . 1 . . 1 w bu. wit i. unr lew snop, st me east ern end of Main 8treet, Ridgway, Pa. Particular attention given to the shoeing of horses. All wo'ask is a fair trial. May 17'66-lj. LCKSmTtH'S CARPENTER'S AND joiner's tools for sale " cheaper than the cheapest " at the St. Mary's Hardware Store ' (nov28'67.) rPIIE OLDEST BITTERS IN USE L IN AMERICA I H. & B'S OLD DOimnON STOStACH BITTERS)! O. B. A. G. HAVING BEEN USED OVER TWEN ty years under the style of Old Do minion Bitters. They are a perfect Blood Purifier, an unrivalled Stomachic, and a certain cure for all diseases arising from derangement of the Stomach, Liver or Kid neys. A snre remedy for Jaundice, Chron. io Diarrrhoea and Debility resulting from any cause whatever. By it, the appetite is strengthened, and a healthy tone and vigor imparted to the whole system. Quan tities of testimonials, and certificates have been sent us, all speaking in commenda tion of the henefifiia.1 effata nf nm ItionM and we have no hesitancy in asserting that u mey are once employ eu, ineir use will be recommended by every purchaser. They are cheap, available, safe and aure, being somposed of ingredients pure and harmless. Try them and be eonvinced of their virtues. For sale by all the principal Druggisti and Merchants. Do not fail to examine well the article you buy in order to get the genuine. See trade mark. 1UYNES 4 BOYER. Sale Proprietors ft Manufacturers, muyl 3ui. j;, r, J 'PHE CHEAPEST GOODS IN TIIS COUNTRY Are Sold by WEIS DROT IljE R fSucccssors to Geo. Weis. UAUll IK fol-cigi) tmd Sotneslic Sty Goo??, St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. QALL AND EXAMINE OUR IMMENSE STOCK OP BOOTS AND SHOES We bave no hesitation in saying that in this department of our establishment, we can give bargains to our customers with which they cannot fail to bo satis fied. We buy our stock direct from the Manufacturer, Richardsons' Cele. brated Boot & Shoo Manufactory, Elmi ra, New York. We warrant all goods in this line sold from our establishment. JJEAVY & SHELF HARDWARE. WE ARE PREPARED TO OFFER To our customers in this line bargains which cannot be undersold in Elk coun ty. Oar etxk is large, well selected, and is especially adapted to the wants of the community. jADIES DRY & FANCY GOODS. An Unequalled Assortment I Muslins, Silks, Calicoes, Satins, Delaines, Moire Antiques, Chintzes, White Goods Cloths, Flannels, Beregcs, Laces, Corsets, In fact we have everything connected with Ladies' Wear. We are determin ed to sell lower, cheaper and BETTER Goods than any othet firm In the conn ty. Give ns a call, we'll prove it JJARK WELL WHAT WE SAY. Fe Sell the Beit, thereore THE CHEAPEST CLOTHiNO Sold in Elk Connty. Our Stock of " Mo 01)3' 5nh)h)elf sjijo JUIijiel- IS IMMENSE, And we confidently flatter ourselves that better Clothing oannot be found ANYWHERE. Persons, before purchasing elsewhere would do well to give ua a call ISwNo troublo to show our Goods. QROCERIES, NOTIONS, &c, &o. In Endless Variety, and CHEAPER than tle CHEAPEST! Ai the Store of In St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. piPES,TCBACCOE3 & SEGARS We have now on hand AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT, Which will be sold at a VER Y SLIGHT ADVANCE On eott and carriage. V&'Our Store i in the new Stone Building on Main Street. July II, 1867-tf. jEW HARDWARE STORE 1 The subscribers have just opened In ST. MARY'S A new and Complete Stock of Heavy & Shelf HARDWARE ! ! And will keep constantly on band a great variety of CO OK AND HE A TING S TO VES Bar Iron, Steel AnviU, BeBowi, Nail, Ilorie Shoe, Springs, Build, ing Hardware, Sawt and File of Every Deter ipt ion I CBNfl, PISTOLS AND CARTRIDGES, Cntlery, plated Ware and noose Furnishing Goods. All kinds of Mechan ics' Tools I TINWARE Of every description, which will be sold at the LOWEST CASII PRICES. They have also the exclusive agency in St Mary's for the IMPROVED ORIENTAL BASE.BURNING COAL STOVES AND PARLOR FURNACES 1 Which have received Four First Class Pre miums at the New York State and otli. er Faire ; Also, the Great Silver Medal at the Fair of the Am erican Institute, held in New York City,18C5. They are Perpetual Burners, only one fire being required to'; be made uuring the season. M. BE EC HER, Jb. WM. 11. COPELAND. nov28'67 ly PATRONIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS. FLOUR, FEED AND GRAIN. THE subscribers having completed their New Grist Mill in Ridgway are now prepared to furnish the people of the sur rounding country with Flour of the Best Quality, and of their own manufacture, at the lowest market rates. - The attention of lumbermen and othtrs Is called to our lacilitiea for furnishing them with FEED OF ALL KINDS, cheaper than it ean be bought any other place in the oounty. XQ7Cash Paid roa GRAin-TjJj. J. S. HYDE, J. V. HOUK. J. K. WHITMORF. Nevember 7, 1867(f LOOK HERE I WATCHES. JEWELRY & SILVERWARE. C1HARLES HOLES, Practical Watohma- ker, Jeweler and Engraver, Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. The eubscriber begs leave to announce to the citizens of Ridg way and vicinity that he is prepared to do all work in bis line on short notice and at reasonable rates in the very best manner. Shop in II. S. Belnap's Store. Special atten tion paid to engraving. Ho has also on hand a large assortment of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry end Silverware which he offers for sale on reasonable terms. Give him a call. nov7'07tf. GUNS, PISTOLS, RIFLES, KNIVES, pocket and table cutlery, of the best quality and most approved patteins, very cheap at the Hardware Store on Biberger'i old corner in St. Mary's. IWmM k MACHINE SHOP IN ST. MARY'S. LOUIS H. GARNER begs leave to call the attention of the citizens of Elk and adjoining counties to the fact that he has purchased the foundry, formerly known as MoGill's Foundry, and that he has refitted the establishment with new and improved machinery, which will enable him to turn out all work in his line in a manner such as will compare favorably with any work in the country. He manufactures STEAM ENGINES, MILL-GATES AND CASTINGS, PLOUGn-POINTS, WATER-WHEELS or all KINDS, WINDOW-WEIGHTS, STOVE-CASTINGS OF ANY PATTERN, He is also agent for Henry Jarecki's Brass Foundry, at Erie, and oan furnish fTom that establishment Brass Castings of any desired pattern on short notice. Particular attention paid to the wants of eoal operators. Chilled car-wheels, axles and pulleys furnished and made to order. Steam-engine boilers repaired in a dura eand neat manner. A varied assortment of rubber and leath beliing kept constantly on hand, lie expects through steady application to business, to deserve the patroaage of all who may call on him. TERMS CASn. BQo.FOUNDRY ON MILL STREET, ST. MARY'S, Benzikoer P. 0., Elk County, Ta. May 1, 1868-Smiouo. C. AU.tStsi-uice's Golqh)!)' FOR PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES IN 1808, SOME EMINENT MAN SHOULD BE SELECTED. FOR THE PLACE TO BUY STOVES T I N W i BE 3 HOUSE. FURNISHING GOODS, GO TO RIDGWAY, GALL ON SERVICE, MAKE KNOWN YOUR WANTS, And you will be supplied, and well satisfied with the calL STOVES, Of all Desirable Kinds, always on hand. Of the Latest and Most Approved Style and Workmanship on hand, and Made to Order, (a Speciality made of this Branch.) A)) Goods warranted. Dealers supplied at the Very Lowest Prices. Price Lkt furnished on ap plication. TOILET SETTS, SOME BEAUTIFUL DESIGN3 ! SPIOE-BOXES, And all and every novelty in the Japan ned Tiaw&re Line t SVire Goods, Toys, French Tinned Ware, English Hammered Ware, Scotch and Yankee Bowls, Sad Irons, Coal nods, Japanned, Galvanized And Fancy. Iron Hollow Ware by the Sett or Single Piece ! FISHINO TACKLE, Rods, Baskets, Flies, Hooks, Ac., &o. Jobbing in all its branches. I have the agency for the Celebrated Oriental Base Burning Furnace. The beat in the world portable or brick set. If they fail to give satisfaction no pay will bo asked. HOOFING, Flator Standing Groove, Eave Trough, Spouting, and House work generally. 6TOrders by mail promptly attend ed to, and work guaranteed, I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD ! If your are going to build a House, Store, Church or Barn, call before you Oder your Tip, Copper or Sheet Iron Work. fern A Oot. 31st 1867-ly. EW FIRM AND NEW GOODS I NEW GOODS I JUST RECEIVING AT THE STORE OF HYDE, GILLIS & CO. HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, CANDIES, NUTS, &s. DRY GOODS & GROCERIES. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST. IN ELK COUNTY. CALL AND SEE AND BE CONVINCED THAT WE SELL CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER STORK IN TniS SECTION. WE ARE CONSTANTLY ADDING TO OUR STOCK COME ANb SEE US. Hoods, Nubias, and all Kinds of Wootes Goods at the cheap store of "67 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. o yon want to Dnrchnao & .;i.. -American or Foreign ? if so, go t 12 67 HYDE, fit I T. is fci A P's'or? of " COnslant,J on hand ! 12'C7 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. Notions of all kinds In extensive variety at the store of "'67 HYDE, GILLIS a CO. A n extensive assortment ef CLOTHING ITL t the store of 12'67 HYDE, GILLIS a CO. B OOTS, SHOES and G A I TE RS every kind, style and varietv t tha 12 67 HYDE, GILLIS a CO. A large and complete stock of Hardware and cutlery at the store of 12 67 HYDE, GILLIS 4 CO. mOBACCO-The finest brands for smok JiJg Md ohwinK. he storeof 2 67 HYDE, GILLIS 4 CO. CLN;8!-assort. mo store or 67 HYDE, GILLIS CO. Newest Styles of Balmoral Skirts at tha cheap store of 1267 HYDE, GILLIS 400. Ladies' Dress Goods-latest and mos fashionable figures, at the store of 12 67 HYDE, GILLIS 4 CO. TTats.. Caps and furs, In great variety --Aa, attne 'owest price, at the store o 12 67 HYDE, GILLIS 4 CO. M ens' woolen and cassimer Shirts sensation prices, at the storeof U'67 HYDE, GILLIS 4 CO. N TTndershtrts and drawers, cheaper tha I) the cheapest, at the storo of T2-67 HYDE, GILLIS & CO Oct 31st, 18G7-ly. A