a. a stahtmx.u j.i kumiss, nc r, . ii'm'i' 1:11 IS . jit'tvC jKi.n r.'' : "-"La JOHN F. i,ur.r, Em-ron. WEDNESDAY, September lOlli. :: 108. NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC TICKET, FOlt THt'.SIPKXT IN ISM, HON. HORATIO SEYMOUR., OF NKW YOHK. " ' FOR VH'K l'ttKSlDENT, GEN. F. P. BLAIR, OF MISSOURI. DHMOCttATIO STAT li TICKET. For Auilitor Gcucrn!, CHARLES E. BOYLE, Of Fayette County. For Surveyor Genera ?, GEN.WELLINGTON H. ENT Of Columbia Co ii nl y. Vi morratic DiMrirt Teat, FOtt CONGRESS, HON. RASELAS JiROWN, of Warren county. STATU SENATE, HON. W. "WALLACE, oi Clem fluid Co ASSEMBLY, HON. T. J. McCULLOUGU, of Clearfield county. Democratir County I'teJ.et. SIIE1UFF, JACOB McCAULEV, of Fox twp, II. S. COMMISSIONER, 15ELNA?, of KiJgwny twp. ai.'iutor, C. A.WILCOX, of Horton twp. THE ISSUE. Thrco weeks from to day the election in Pennsylvania, Ohio.Tndiana and Iowa will have been held, and we shall then know whether those four States aro favor of a Republican lorin ot govern ment under Democratic rule or tyranny and despotism under Radical rub. Democrats of Pennsylvania, are you ready for the contest ? Have you done what aud nil you could, thus tar, for the success of .your principles, which em body the preservation of ywr country ? Have you talked with your Republi can neighbors calmly, quietly .honestly ? Have you aided iu organizing the party into clubs for effective aggression ? Have you regularly attended the meet ings of your club where you have oue ? Last, though not least, have you made up your mind to give the loth day of October to your country, by going to the polls early, and staying there until the voting is done ? If you have done these things,all will be well. It you have not. there vet reniaius three weeks of time to do them in. Then, fellow Democrats, go to work We say it now, and wo bolievo it as much as wo do that an Omnipotent Be ing dwells above us, that if Democratic success is not secured in the comins contest, it will be the last of American freedom. Wa will bo reduced to a condition worse than any monarchical government on the face of tho earth. To work, then, Democrats, what has not been done, see that it is done, aud that quickly. Everything depeuds upon your efforts. See to it at once. B5uGcneral Thcmas, in command in reconstructed Tcunesseo, (Brownlow's heaven,) writes tho Secretary of War that he limit have some cavalry to as sist iu carrying tho election in that State. He docs not uso this precise language, but this is what he means He wants to defeat the people, so that the Tarson and his bummers can rob , and plunder them for an other year. Bf,The Cteutjicld Republican comes to us this week with another column added to each page, being now a thirty two column paper, ana ranking in sizo with the largest paper iu the State Ooodlandcr give3 the llads tome hard hits through his paper. Our wish may revraid him for that his receipts Lis outlay. EUuCoine to the Democratic Meet iog at this place ou l'Viduy niht. Prom llie Louisville Cornier. In a recent letter Senator Davis allu ded to the situation of parties and cec um:." in this country, and, connecting Oils wiih the peculiar moans" which aro bcinir used to elect Grant, urgiud villi great force tint Mich an election would make this Prcetoriau candidate at the head ofhis army a" Oiusnr lnipera'ur." Mr. Davift gives it ns his noloiuii opinion that,"whcu General Grant is thus elect ed and inaugurated President then will the rcvolutifiu ot our Government be complete and permanent and long, dismal night of despotism will brood over the country." Tne New Ycrk Tribnnn makes an exceedingly labored artempt to ridiculo this suggestion. Similar alarms have been sounded so often, iu times of com pnrativc safety, that the Tribune deems it only necessary to laugh at this one to induce the people to disregard it as tne the shepherd boy's cry of wolf. W'i'h no dismantled States, no disfranchised and opprcrsed millions of bravo whites, no hordes of ignorant and desperate Af ricans suddenly crusted with political power no Rump Congress to aggravate discontent, feed the flames of strife and disturb tho equilibrium of our system by usurpations ot power, it is probable that the public could rfford to indulge its wonted conlidence in the fixedness ot our institutions. But tears which a few years aso appeared more visionary than those ot ivr. Davis have been suddenly realized, and change? aioro difficult than those which no lureshadows, have been effected. New methods of legislating " outside of the Constitution," for unrepresented populations, have been invented. That instrument which once held all the needful safeguards for the righf of States, of property, and of persons, ni well as ot the several department ot tne Federal Government, has been found to be bottomless and void while Radicals were in power. They have disregarded its sanctions and prolaned everything which it made sacred. It has been found possible to make Grant imperator in ten States, and tho power ho thus wields is to bo used to make him Presi dent of the other States. Why may it not be used to keep hits President or to make him imperator over all 1 Tho new clcincn of military force has been in troduced into the political contests of this country. It is recognized by Grant's supporters as a means which may belegit imatcly used in time of peace to produce such chances in the Constitution as their party interests may dictate. Why may it not be used to change tho Con stitution in Uito and to ordain a .mon archy. It is no wonder, then, that tne veiu of humor in which the Tiibune attempts to treat tho forebodings of Mr. Davis should prove to bo very heavy indeed. The clanking shackles ot ten States disturbed the play ot its fancy and the ghost of a murdered Constitution arose to rebuke its festive mirth. Its smiles became sardonic, because it is impossi ble to survey the situation of our coun try and still to lautrh sincerely at the idea of an hnpeuding military despo tism. Nor is it strancrc that the Tribune should, in this connection, proclaim it self " tired of hearing about the ancient Romans." The recklc.is extent to which party rivalries were carried and the an imosities of civil war, kept alive for party purposes at Rome, created tho opportunity which has never existed in the history ot any repubne, Whether iu Greece, in Rome, or in Holland, but there was always some popular and sue cessful general to take advantage ol Tho situation which resulted at Home in tho despotism of the Ctvsars bears, in every essential particular, a startling analogy to that winch the iladicais Are preparing as an opportunity and atciup- not that they do not so intend it. It is by their passions aud not by their reason that people enslave themselves. In the eager pursuit oi ineir owu anus, ami iu their hot exasperation against their fel low citizens, these Kadicals are reckless, ly using weapons dangerous to them selves. They fan the ombers of civil war and foster sectional predjudiccs to sustain a party despotism aud vindictive sectional policy, x ney are accustoming the people to violent and revolutionary changes iu th Government, and to changes of the Constitution effected in the Mexican style. Already the bay onets of the Radical candidate gleam in one half of tho Union to execute the scnteuccs of his court-martial, and to cuforco tho rescripts promulgated through his legislative couventicles. The roses of four summers h ive bloom ed and hided upon the gravo of the lust soldier slain in battle, aud still we hear all over the South the tread of Grant h large armies, as they go about capturing electoral votes wherewith to mute mm President. Universal submission to and approval of this style of electioneer, iog U what he and his party mean wheu they say ' Let us have peace." He is all the moro dangerous becauso he appears in this act only as tho pow erful servant of tho domiuaut party. It is as the too! of their passions that be must acqure the power to bceomo their muster. 1 hey go into partnership ol , violence and iuurnutiuu with him to of ed make him President, in the hope that llitou;;h him, tlid despotism ol the"Rad ieal party may he com o fixed and secure. In that position ha will held a terrible and 'in'ogui'ous balance of power between tin-in and their opponents. Tl lie should then threaten to carry out the Radical idea of govern nent, their intended vic tims preferring the- despotism of one man to that 1 a ciuel and entrust fac tion, would he ill condition to (incept the relief which he could offer, and which would be ncccptp.ble; because his acces sion to unlimited power would involve tno liaiiieai ami tne ouiiierri man in tho came fato precisely. The power eonr.irred on him t.s the tool of n venge ful and despotic policy coukl be easily allied with tho resentment of a desper ate people, and thus become tho stop ping stono to an imperial throuc. Let our Radical friends read a little history, and then laugh at this if they cati. Whenever a rcpublio has fallen, it has been effected by some such conni vance between tho parties out of power and the chosen iustrumeuts of the dom inant faction. A Rump Parliament once made urouiweu Jvoru l rotector, and thought that in doiug so they had obtained complete control ot tho JbiXcc. utive ; but they wero ignominiously kicked out of their sects by their serv ant. If that body had been lull, and fairly elected, aud legally acting parlia ment of England, instead of a lawless and usurping faction, it would have been sustained iu its rights even by its opponents, the Royalists, aud Cromwell could never have presumed as he did so successfully upon the connivance of that powerful party iu his revolt against his own faction. In that page of history the Radicals eau witness the cperations of the Nemesis which fastens upon the fortunes of such usurpations as thty are creating. They are erecting a government ot force to hold power in spite of the white ma jority, and in doing this they aro pre paring the minds of that majority to ro ioice when this uew clement turns to plague the inventor. The Napoleons were elevated as the favorites of Republican Francc;aud both of them became Emperors by the assis. tancoct the dissatisfied Monarchists. But." says the Radioals, " want is a common place man and don't want to be Emnror. lie is neither a cromwen nor a Nepoleon." True, but it is also truo that the Bonaparts were not (Jrouiwells, nor was Cromwell Uscsar. Uromwcii was not kno.vn tour miles from homo at the ace of 40 years and yet he was ab solute master of England wheu he died. The first Napoleon, a poor (Jorsican ca det, became Emperor of Prance. Louis JNapoieon, ins uepnew, was u-ju&iuuruu late in his life as a very common place and visionary vagabond, the laughing stock of numerous cities in which he had been a loafer, and yet when elected President of tho l'rencu liepublic, he declared that he wanted peace, and by virtue of iust such bayonet eleotio-us as Grant is now superintending m the South, he is to da? Emperor of France Nobody was more astonished at all these results than the men who unwittingly contcred the power to accomplish them Grant may appear to his Jiadwai train ers like a very docile mastiff that will worrv wiiero they bid hiai, out nc knows where tho best bids are. Trained in the. nrmv. he loves power. Ho has led many men to slaughter, but Ins am bition is not satisfied with the laurel rii flatterers award him. Ho can be silent and bido his chances. He saw the Radicals oonfor absolute power on Lincoln and offer the same to Johnson lie saw that it was good lor him to be come a Radical President. They di nnt wnnt to trust the silent moody man but it was that or bid a- long farewell to power. They mistrust him yet,and well they way. His lottcr of acceptance leaves him free to consult his own per sonal interests as President. lie is committed to nothing and no man knows whether his views cf government accord with those ofllampdcn, Charles the II, Cromwell or Tiberius. We only know that he is sound on the strategy of " numbers and attrition," and that when he sets out to accomplish anything, he doDs uot stop on the way to count the corpses of his fiieuds. If elected ho is the very man to act either as the Cromwell of our Rump, or as the Gene ral Monk of a new Restoration. As - it is doubtful which part Lis personal in terests might lead him to play, the peo" pie hove concluded to dect Seymour and let us have peace . rn om r, exezl n e. A Republican in Benezctte sends us the following, with iho request that for tho " Mike ot justice, &Q., that we will give it a place in our columns." Wheth er what ho states is true, wo cannot eay, uor do Wo care, but as our columns are always open to Republicans as well as Democrats, we give the letter. Editor Benezette, Aixi., 50, 1SG8. D. II. W.Tf this gentleman will give :no his nttentiou lor a lew unuutcs, 1 will set before him a few plain tacts, and thereby give him an opportunity to retract the base charges hp brings a gainst tho "Union League of Bcnczett," In the first place, we do not require of nny our au iidtiation feo of $10 or the ouc.tcntli ol it. All honorably dis. charged soldiers and sailors of the Unit ed States arc exempt from the payment of an initiation fee. No' soldier has been refused admission into the League. Wo do not swear any one to vote for the candidates of any political party. There was no attempt on the part of any mem ber of the Union League, or any Rcpub. lican, to prevent the occupation of the school-house by the Democratic party. We had occupied the school house on two occasions, and felt it to bo our duty to quietly acquiesce in its occupation by the Democracy lor the same number of evenings, " Fair play is a jewel." We are conscious of having acted in no un kind or vindictive spiiir, and were there, fore very much suprised to hear of these warrantable repoits ot our conduct. Not only iu the letter of D. It. W., but member of the Seymour & Blair Club this place, circulated tho report, that they 'the Democracy) had occupi tho schoolhouso in dohancc ot the nion League. I will frankly admit, Mr. Editor, that I do not think there is decent, respectable, law abiding citi zen ot the Democratic party in this dis. trict who would endorse so base a cal umny, or who would by such action in vite a strife between the two parties in this district. No obstacle whatever has been throw n in the way of the meetings of tho Democratic Club, nor has tho Union League of this place ever enter taiucd a thought of lntcifenng in any Much as we may differ in politics, wo all should have a reuard for tho truth, lie will yield notliinr, but arc ever ready to allow others the privileges and biessing3 wo enjoy. I hope Mr. V. It. u. will have man. hood enough to acknowledge the wrong he has committed. A Me J) tier op the U. L. ivytlTiri-:. several Conrl.t ol' Kilt t'u'iniv. cii:inieiic.-iiir on Moirhiy, llic lid day of SoYouilu-r, Ihfif. bt-ifi'c ilic Monday, will on that . dny le adjourned to Monday, Nomnber 10, lV.R, l.cing tlic third Monday, lor which time tip juries will bo summoned.- ' '. ' Sailors, Jurors, Justices, Constables, and All other persons having business before tho cuid Courts will tnko noiiou and govern themselves nccordinply. lly order of tlicllon. IT. TV. William, Additional Law Judge, dllx Judicial Dislrict. GUO. A. ItATHHUN. I'rotliYy. nidftway, September 21st, Sii8-:;t, LOOK Li, IN TMU DISTRICT COl'UT of tlid Unit ed States for Hit Western District, of Pennsylvania, P. W. r.arrctt, a bankiiijil, under the act of Congress of Murcli L'ud, 18U7, having applied for a eiscliavgo from all his debts, and either claim provable under said Aoi, by order of tho Court, no tice is hereby piven, to nil persons who have proved t-heir debts, and other persons interested, to appear on the 28lh day of Oc tober, lH08, at, U o'clock, Ai M, before B. F,. Woodnitl', Esq.. ltcgister, nt the Hyde House in llidgway, l'n., to. show cause, if nny they have, why a discharge should not be granted to the said bankrupt. Ana fur ther, notice is hereby given, that the sec ond and third meetings of creditors of the said bankrupt, rcouired , by the 27th nnd 2.Slh sections of said act, will be !;eld before the said Register, nt the snmo time nnd plnro. S. C. MoCANDLEHS. Sep!, 1808-21. Liei'K. JF. YOU WANT ClU'rt:J, Sextet: IWft iUl-lKilHSi Pons tub AT catfict fie of llic Art, . AXO AT TUB The party of great moral ideas and of progress gives a ballot and a musket to every negro in the South in order to carry on the peace. The Radicals offer every negro down South forty acres and a mule if he will vote for Grant and Colfax, nnd yet complain that tho Democrats try to get a few negroes to vote for Seymour aud Blair. The Triple power of the Executive Legislative and Judiciary has been to tally destroyed by the Iladicais, and the whole government has been transformed into a despotism in Congrcs,with Grant at tho head of tho army , executing its tyranical decrees. . . 3L9WEST LIVING FaVKS GIVE VOUtt ORDEK3 TO THE tflh 3uU-Maic i1viiva3 g;stuUU;;hwcut.- jyi. t &YLpivs; 7 ; OLIVE BRANCH BITTERS, A mild and agreeable TONIC STIMU LANT, STOMACHIC and CARMINAT1VK BITTERS,' Extracted entirely from HERDS & ROOTS. Highly beneficial iu DYSPEPSIA, GFXK11AL DEBILI TY, AND LOSS OF AlTUf ITE ; Anu an excellent corrective for persons sutt'evine from Disorders of the Bowels, Flatulence, &c. SOLD EVERYWHERE ! Denot. fto. 4i:t Marliet Street, l'hila'n SepOtiS-ly CENTRtVILLE TIN-SHO'P. JOHN WAl'Lt-- dosire.-i to. make kuowu lo tho citiaoiis .of Centrevillo and the surrounding country that ho has taken Iho shop formerly occupied by It. J. Maloney, on ''MoCiiuley's Corner" in Ccnlreville, nnd that he hopes by paying strict ntton .;,. i i,w t.iminess nnd the wants of lm customers, to mcrit'lheir patronage in his line. Ho will c.ip ion linnu a iin-ge mm well sclebtcd assortment ot , Slu unit luct-ifvi Wnvf. ofhis own manufacture, which he will war rant to bo of lhe best iiality. . l"s -' consislsof everything that Is useful m tluf tinware line about a bouse. I nsk n fair trial, and if my work does not give satisfaction, my customers will not bo oblized lo tako it. scp1U:tf. JOHN WAl'I.K. ) 500,ooiTstom"i-ui s in ro i' rt Years. Patronize the Rest. , Having the largest, capltnl, most prpcr ienced buyers, and extensivo tiade of any Concern in the Dollar Sale business, wo 0 U A U A NTKK SATISFACTION in every instance, nnd nlso lhe best selec tion of goods ever ottered at ONE DOLLAR EACH. No oilier concern has nny Bliovf wherever our npentk nre selling. Our motto. " Prompt, and licliftblo," nnd female ngents wanted in ci'y nnd country. THE LADIES nre particularly requested to try our popular club system of si lling nil kinds of Dry nnd Fancy Goods, Dress Patterns, Cotton Cloth, Castors, Silver Plntcd (ioods, Watches, &c. Established 1804. A patent pen imintain nnu a ciiock describini! an article lo be sold lor a dollar, 10 cent T'tW I -lOfor!?!; (iOfor ?U ; 100 for $10 ; sent by iniiii. Free presents tou'elter up, (worth "i0 her cent more than those sen! by any ol her concern,) nccordiug lo size of club, or if not do nst fail lo send or a i-ircnlar. N. 15. Om (ale Miould not ho, classed with New York dollar jewelry snles or bo mis " Tea Cniiiprnicf," ns it is imlb'rn" of the sort.. jlASl.MAiX ai ivi-.A"'ii'M, i 0!i Hanover Street. mavt-S-tim.' . Potion, Mil's. .7. K. TAYLOR CO. ITIIIP HTTLn MANCFAUIvllKlt 01? TJ X F YOU WANT TO 11UY ULOT11KVG for the JIttlion z Go lo A. DURLACUER, Agent, J'EAI.EH IS CLOTHING ! CLOTHING G KNTS' FU11NIS II IXG GOODS, hats, caps, r.o:TS, SHOES, TRUNKS, TRAVELING UAUS, &c. ST. MART'S, ELK COUNTY, PENNA. Jan'21808lypd A f TENT OX MILL- O WNl'RS ! Mil-: EAGLE TURBINE WATER WHEEL, patented julySO, Mi, is superior to nny wheel in use. The under. si"ned have the agency for said wheel in the State of Pennsylvania, nnd can l-ecoini mend it ns being the best manufactured. For further particulars, and circulars, in. quire nt our Foundry in Kersey, where ii.;cliinery, niill-goavina. castings md steam engines will ho made to order nt reasonable prices, ivuexpcci uy giving !-.iiiiii;iiu.i in our work to receive ft good share of pub lic patronage. u. r. in ' iJ. iv i R. P. ELL Kersey, Elk Co., ru.,janlH ISHPpd. T ar. For the last twenty months the niy and navy have cost the country two hundred and fitty-nino million six bun died and forty-seven thousand dollars, nearly thirteen thousand dollars a month. Isn't this rather heavy when wo have no commerce on the ocean for tho navy to protect, and no business for the army but to uphold reconstruction and sup. port the newly acquired rights and dig nities nf tho Southern negroes ? What think vuu. cood people. ? Thirteen ...... j - t millions a month to support reconstruct, ed States and negroes ! Is tho game worth tho candle ? Turn out the Rad icals reduce the army let the negroes support themselves as the white men do, and tret rid of debt and taxutiou. Cbaflgu is the only remedy. Let us have change. Jiictl. On Friday mornine-, the 1 St ri instant, in Fox township, David Meueiutii, scuio'iy ugevl over t2 years. ''' j&QyMr. Meredith was one of tho pion eers ofthe county, having settled here over fifty years ngo. Ho was a good nnd penc ablo citizen, a member of tho Advent Church, nnd died leaving ninny friends in this county nnc' elsewhere. ywiMjU'jagj ajtwl . u trvu: i ' m Jen ra ftcto ftCbcl-iisehwis. SPECIAL NOTICE. Wo havefouad it necesary, in order to keep the flnanciil department of tlie Advocate on a good 's. to aclout the following rale : Transient Advertiiementi must be paid for in ad vanca : and all Job Work as loon a completed. Bi)l made out and prcsentod to yearly advertisers at the beginning of each quarter. Subscriptions to be paid for invariably in advance, novtt' John F. Mooiik, Publisher "11STRAY. Came lo the residence of the Si vosiib-neo of tho subscriber in 15en- , . . .ii- ...Liu "er township, .a. h" wmh.- uwi. hi h horns. 7 or 8 years olil, nnd leet "irth. Tho owner of said ox is requested In call, nuv chnr-'es, and tako bun away otherwise lie Will nc disposed oi neconuug t0 law. JOHN TIiEKDLE. lieiizinger, September lid, lbUK-dt. TS THE D 1ST RIOT CUIjliX ot tno iniiea L States, t'oi the Western District ot l'enn .. . . . t . 1 !..., ,-lviin in. h riMlPl'li-K iiUUO I'll. II Dlinni ii ' under the Act ofConarcss of Warcli -iml Iil7 'inTiner nnidied for a discharge lrom nl! his debts, and o.her claims lirovuble un der eaid act, by order ot the court, nonce iu IhtmIiv invnn. lo 111! n?l'SOUS wllO have didits. und other persons in tcrested, to uppear on the 2Hth day of Oc tober. 1H0H. nt tl o'clock. A. M., before B V. Wno.li-utf. Eso.. Retrister, at tho Hyd House, in Kidgway, Pa., to show ciuso, ii bnve. whv a Dischai-se should not bo granted to the said bankrupt. And further, notico is hereby given, Hint tho second and third meetings of creditors of iM-pilimrs of said bankrupt, required by tb Uilli and -Sin. seolions of iaid Act, will be huld before the said llciiibtcr, at the same time und idace. S. C. McCAXDLESS. 8ep'2Jl,1808-it . Clerk. No. 20 i Clur.eh Street, Phibidelpbin. Send for Engravings nnd Price List. . 1!. Presidential Cnmpnign Torches, 25, 28, ::0, 35 and $10 per hundred. . slMt K OENTS WANTED For tho Standard J and Official Lives of Seymour nnd Blair. A booi lor every fibrin y nnd a work of extraordinary interest and rare historical value. No Patriot can do with out il or have a just understanding ot the sins bcloro the country, without reauinjr it. Endorse I by the lending Democr.its nd Conservative of lhe Union. The cu'Mus uf the Democinlic cnndidaies to the sullVii- ges of tho people arc so foruibly porlraye l :d clearly shown in iihk voiuuu-, linn no friend of Contititutiomil liberty phould fail to read it. Agon's in nil par's of the coun try nre lind'iig in lids grout standard Work the beet opportunity to lni'ue money ever offered, as its bu pu ei.e. low price, nnd great prpulariiy liavo mailo a jmsiiivo ue- iud which canvtisers only nave to supply. Send foi circulars, nnd see our liberal terniR and n full description of the great. est Rubsorit ion book of the times. Address, u. s. puuLisnn:c co., 411 Droonie Street, New Vork. CARD TO THE LADIES. Dr. Dupon- Co'hCOLDHN PKRIOUUJAL 1'IIjLS lor females. Infallible in correcting irreg. ulariiies, Removing Obstructions of tho Monthly Turn', from whatever cause, nnd ahrnys successful ns n picvuntive, One Fill is a dose. Females peculiarly siluaied, or those supposing themselves go, nro cau tioned nfrninst i;ainj theso'Pillu vhile in tin t condition, lost they invite miscarriage, a fie r which admonition tho Proprietor as sumes no responsibility, nlthouuli their mildness would prevent nny mischief lo health; otl-erwise the Pills are reeoinmom ded ns n Most Invaluable Remedy for the alleviation of those puilVriug from nny ir regularities whatever, as well s prevent rn increase of family when healtli will not permit it ; quirting (be nerves and bringing buck the "rosy color of health " to tho cheek of the most delicate. Full nnd explicit directions accompany each box. Price 1 per box : 1 boxes, Sold in P.idgway, Pa., by 0. (i. Messen. gir, Drn;ff;ist, sole nyent for Ridjswny. I n. dies, by bcndinp him SI to the Ridgwuy P 0. can have the Pills sent (confidi-jt '.ally by mail to any part of Iho country, ii:t luitne. Sold also by Swayno & Reynold'. St. Mary , nii'l 0V one urujsgisi in every village in the L'nion. S. 1). hoavi:. my2 U8-1y. Sole Proprietor, N. i . SOMETHING NEW ! D1 ISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Tho pnrtnevship heroloforo . existing between the undersigned in tne Tanning business has Veen this day dissolved by mutual consent. II. F ESPENSIIADE, E. L. SC11L LTZE, . C. M. MOUSE, St. Mary's, Sept., 0 Ut. "1ARDS, 15ill-l I cads, Letter-Heads, T I Handbills, &c, done in a neat manner, nnd at the lowest ruin:. FOR CASH, at the Elk Advocate Printing Olliec. T HOUSE, SICN &. ORNAMENTAL PAINTINO. HE SURSCR1UER WOULD HE- Epcctfully inform the citizens of Elk county tlir.t ho has just started in tho above business iu Rulgwuy, and feel confi dent that lie can please all who may favor him with I'ncir custom. GRAINING. PAPER HANGING AND UALCl.M INI MO DUNE ON SHORT NOTICE AND IN TUB raost fashionable nnd improved manner nnd style. Orders left at Ibis OHice or at lhe liituking House of Souther, Willis & Souther will be promptly attended to. W. V. WILLIAMS, May-l7'0lS-1y. "lRANK S. BARRETT, Altorney-nt-Liiw, 1 Clearfield. Pcnn'a. Will practice in ilk aud Cameron courties. sepOUS-y . All orders for Stoves and Hardware will be promptly attended to aa soon us received, at the 12 07 St. MARY'S HARDWARE STORE J" OM. WOllk of alf kinds and del criptions done at this office. E ENVELOPES, LA EELS Si TAGS neat ly printed 1 1 the Advocate Otli'o -TflSlTlNG CARDSNEATLY EXEC UT ' ed uL this office. INCORPORATION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the petition of James Snadden, and others, to be ineoi perilled un der Iho name, style nnd title nt "Shiloh Presbyterian Church nt St. Mary's has bren filed in my oflicennd will be on-sented for confirnintion nt the nt t 1.1 ol iho Cour of Common Pleas of Elk o -o i'y-. GEO. A. EATUi-i::., Sept. 2d to. Protliouui . y. In1rFoRAtIoN NOTICE. Notico is hereby given that lhe petition of Elms Moycr, and others, to bo incorporated un der lhe name, style nnd title of ' Messiah's Church, at Toby," has been tiled nl my of fice and will be presented for continuation at the next term of the Court of Common Pit-as of Elk county. ''' ' tEO. A. EATII.EUN, SepLidilc. lYolhouotuiy.