The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, September 16, 1868, Image 2

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. .urns v. ijhtoii.
.September IC.tlu :: isrjs.
roll I'RKSIDKNT Vi 1';('I,
iK NKW Yoitlv.
flitl VICE 1'iU'! HTNT,
or Missotnr.
For Awl i lor Ginircd,
Of Fiye'tc County.
For tiarvryor General,
Oj Columbia Comity,
Jkmocmtlc Distrt'el TUlut,
of Warren county.
HON. W. WALLACE, of Clearfield Co
HON. T. J. McCULLOUtill,
of Clearfield county.
Democratic County T'ulnt.
JAC01J McUAUREV, of Fox Up.
II. S. RKLNAlof Rid-way Iwp.
V. A. WILCOX, of ITorton tn-p.
' - - -- ..... ....
lr.Lvr to kxow.
The editor of this pnper, as well as
thousands of others in this Congression
al District want to know what that great
jiy-lriot, filcnni W. Seolicld, has done
for tho people of tliis district to ctiiilc
liim to bo again sent to Congress.
Wc don't pretend to deny that ho lias
done enough of tlio dirty work of his
party to entitle him to tho hearty sup
port of that portion of tho Radical party
who endorse the unseating of members
(Democrats), who were legally elected,
us in tho contested election case of De
lano vs. Gen. Cicor;;o W. Morgan. Nor
will wo deny that Mr. Schofield has
been ever ready to do any foul and dirty
work which pointed to tho filling of his
own pockets or the political advanee
iiient of Gleniii W. Seofiold.
Tins ho ever, during all the timo he
lias been in our National Leislatu-e,
done anything which would benefit Lis
constituents t We Bay not.
Now wo osk in all Bcriourncss if any
of Mr. SohoGeld's friends can inform us
whether Lo ever drew that extra pay
which was voted Lim three years uo
whilo ho was asleep '( In the last cam
paign Lo said hu had never drawn it
out of tho Treasury, mid never Intended
In tit so. Rut wa are nearly certain
that ho has done go since, leastwise ho
Las been charged with it, and ho far as
we kuow, Las offered no denial, cither
orally or verbally.
In tho liaise of tho people, wo hold
tilenui W. Schofiold as one of those
wen who are personally responsible for
the wretched condition in which they
Lave l:"pt our country siueo Lee's our
render ut Appouimattox Couit House
three years ago, to suy nothing of the
part he took in bringing our national
Jroublcs on us. Wo want no shirking
oa dodging the question by telling dog
io!ics. We want Lim to explain where
that Fifteen JIuudrcd Millions of Do!.
Jars of money which Las been collected
to pay tho interest on the national debt,
lias gone to. Wo want Lim to eyplain
why the national debt is greater now
than at tuo close of the war. Why the
industry of the north is taxed to keep
in illettfiM a pack of lazy, idle and
worthless negroes through tho agency
of that Republican voting machine, the
Freedman's Durcau ?
Theso aro luch'.ious which we, in tho
name of tho people, desire Mr. G. AV
Mcliotield lo answer io the present
paigo. They are the vital
Will t: do it '! Let us wait and sec.
.'M('. A f.WF.V KlXX.
' Tho i!',..f its Invo li li"il tin lifW-,
I I1I"TI l-CH'Vtl (lll'V SIV HI,) VI, II' for
(vyniimr. Jiut. t vo of theta have jinliliely
p-minimeC'l fur (h unt ; one of Ho? othr-v
n le:iil ; one win luinislic'l liy court -mar
tini ; two uovpr piiw a )ml tip. ami live Ml.
tlio army hi displace. Of tho j-cmiiiiiin,"
t.'iir, no mini lins nny weight lmt that of
Wneimi. ,1 " ill not do for I ho cim'era to
OTll 11 1 Oil tul'ttCVS VoleH. lllilp.4 they j;iVP
that runic to iicorti-i"i Mil to nieh lei its
as Wa le II IlTIt'.nH. K M J IV, lil-atl ITL'al :1, UT1 I
1 1. .. ii ... . ... i . i : . .
morr ii-imw. I 10?'IHTS as a are
a imii iir t !u !r ciiiiiiiian'lor, t;uino oilier
-nmo must 1c Inoo."
The nboc nt-ilignanl r1anderof fnme
of tho je?t gcnrils in the. Uninn army,
made its fit-it npncairneo in tl-.o l'liiLi
delphia XnJi ,hn rl-nn. a paper edited
by lion. Morton M'.Mieliael, tho radi
cal mayor of tint city. It has, of course,
been re copied into every unpirupulotis
Radical sheet in tho land, The only
liKt which Democratic papers have pub
lished is tho following, which contains
tho names of more than fifteen of our
bravest and best officers in the war :
fjporjro V.. Mi-Clc llfui, Don (V.los H,H1.W.
S. Jioscerans, .lo.l'C. Uni, Vi'. 1', (ilnhly)
smitli, I! envy W. .loonm. W. !. rtt,!.:;ti,
W. 8. Ilatiooek. Tom Hiving, iuninr. .luoio
li. f ieclm.iii. I'ctrr Lvle. lien. Unlliev. IT.
Napl.-o, I.. II. ttousseau, (iersliom Molt, .1.
A. M'flornantt, (i. W. Castor, :pov(f W.
Merpnn, Uolit. ('. liiie'iatmn, 11 leliard Coul
ter, V. II. II. litivK .lo-;.;,li Knipe, W.
I!. M Cniolli-MH, O. H. Wi pox. N. M. Cnrtii.
(iovdon Uningev.
Will tho Xorth Ami rlcan print this
list and point out the names o! any two
who have pronounced for (.Iran'? Yt'hioh
one of the above li:t is dead ? Nearly
every one of thorn bears on his person
marks of woumb received in the f.ico of
tho enemy, but they ill live, and to cast
their votes for Seymour and IJlair.
What five or wh..t one of them retired
in disgrace ? Who were court liitniial-
ed ? In his official capacity as Mayor,
Mr. M'Michael has pwd high honor: to
more than one of the gallant soldiers i:i
this li.:t,and yet party spirit induces iiitu
now to foully slander thou?, lit has
turned out more than once, at the Lead
of tho civic authorities of Philadelphia
to receive scioo of these very General-;,
amid tho grateful plaudits of tho people
The chagrin that tho Kadieals expo
rieneo in contemplating this list of
Union heroes who aro heartily engaged
in the campaign for Seymour and Dlair,
prompts these unworthy assaults ou
Without undertaking for one mo
ment to disparage tho soldiers who Cud
it their duty to support tho candidate of
tho Jladical revolutionists, the Demo
crats proudly contrast tho above glori
ous names with the lladieul Generals hi
the following list :
Hen. Iliitler, Dick HuMecd. X. V. r.-.n',:,
II.T. Oollis, James S. ti, James
.M Neil, Kenl Dow, Samuel LuW.ridfrp. Hick
Kvntichot, Dill Xurchin. Clins. Van Vvek,
H lliinter.Cail b'liul, li. C. Pchcnk, Julius
White. H. K. Scott, A. Willich, J. Kilnnt-
rick.Jolm W. Geary, Dan'l Piekles, Juntos
!. Nef'lcy, John A."j,ogan, 11. I... Cuke,
If tho lladieals aro sat:;;ied with tlio
comparison, we dia!l not enter into con
troversy with them. The .7V('li)ic some
tiiuo ago triumphantly asked whr.t sol
diers will vote for Seymour m.d Dlair.
The two lists above m:iy aC.ird a satis
factory index to the soldiers who sup
port the respective candidates for I'rcsi
dent. Mornlig Patriot.
C?Why should any poor man vote
for Grant and Colfuz, the representa
tives of the party that are grinding him
in tho dust and applying tho proceeds of
his labor to tho use and behoof of tho
wealthy bondholders ami bloated ariuto.
crats 'i I.-: our plain republican form of
government to be superceded by an nr.
istocracy, where the unny "-or l.r.s to
rights which the -eaithy few aro bound
to respect ? Will tho workiuguien sur
render the government into the hands of
tho advocates of tho doctrine that it is
the ouly duty of government to protect
the rich, leaving it to the rich to take
caro of tho poor ? Or will they not
hold on to tho rights giveu to them un
der our Democratic form of government
and maintain tliem against tho attempt
ed encroachment; of thoso who despise
labor and would make a serf of the
workingman ? We shall sec.
rr&I'rofessioiial Christians and Tem
perance men will be allowed an oppor
tunity iu November to show their sin
cerity. Tic candidate for Drcsideut on
ono side is a Christian geutleman and on
tho other side tho nominee is one who,
according to tho very Lest ltadical .au
thority, has 1 ccn seiii o drunk on the
Kabhnlli day, in the city of Washington,
us to be unable to wall: straight, 'i'lio
returns of the election will show v.'Uth.
cr Clislian principle l.w: prevailed over
party prejudice.
Secretary Seward advises the peo
ple to support Seymour and Dlnir.
Good f.r f i war J he pelting sensible
in his old days.
'V Ti'.i: A7.7 A -of .( l').i".t.a
Were t!:; leaders of tho negro-eijual-it.y
party net too severely blinded by the
most intolerant pailizanship, they could
Lave failed to discover ere this Lour,
that their insane efforts to incorporate
the negro clement with the while raco
in tho South, must sooner ; later,rcsult
in a terrible conflict of races that even
the aforeraid leaders will stand ng!ia-;t
at the consequences of their cv.u stu
pen Jour; folly.
Not to i;;;,k of the bestiality of the
anialgimalinn of tl.o rane--, which is a
pet theory of such men as G ,-eeley, Ray
mond, t;uinnev, liil.-o-t, I'hillips, Gar
rison, 1'aliiighuy son, andj-uch k scr
Ik'lifs pts Marcus li. Ward. J din If;:!,
and John I. Llair, of Dehidere; nor
to pint rut its direful cfleet.-i in the
marked deterior.vion of tho whito raco
wherjver u:i..Ci.gouution is extensively
practised but superceded io these evils,
we End that society ia tlio once pros
porous coit.-ui ttates of the South is
shaken from eeatre to ciicua;ftrcnco by
ii:o savage and uncontrollable propensi
ties to all sorts of crime, which is fear"
fully exhibited by the negro element of
thoso Stnlcj.
It is true beyond ail shadow of doubt,
that tho Radical parly of the North is
doi ag ito'deve! bcs.t"to bring about a san
guinary war between the white and Mack
races of the South. In season and out ol
season, Iladic.d newspapers and Radical
Congressmen loso no opportunity to
impress the idea upon the Southern no.
groes that they aro in all respects, social
and political, pecis of tho white man.
They demand in iho name of tuo ne
gro, that hi shall lift Lave tho
ballot, but that he sl-all bo" eligible to
tho high- st oiTiecs io tho nation ; r.nd
that tiio black race, having the Lalanco
of power in the Gouth, mart insist at all
hazards, that a full recognition of such
lights i:iu.,t be Cotieeded by tho white
With such forced upon them
by Radical orators, tho negroes nro be
comingmad and desperate that their social
and political ciprality rctnain.5 nnrocog-
tiicd. They are purposely kept to this
point of madness and desperation by
carpet-bug Radical scoundrels for tho
vilest partizan purposes and tho conso
fi'aeno is that all over tho South there
is a perfect reign of terror and appre
hension. Tho negroes tire aimed to
teeth, whilst the whites arc without tho
means of defense; the former tire; back,
cd up and encouraged by tho military
satraps who rule villi a rod of iron, and
the latter arc kept down nud intimida
ted by every specie3 of unfriendly legis
lation, The result is boforc us. With pain
and burning indignation wo refer our
readers to the columns of '.I;o daily
newspapers in which aro found recorded
numerous crimes of sueh a fearful na
ture, committed by negroes ag:.iast so
cial life, rs r.lmo.U to beget tic question
'How such things can be tolerrtcd by a
just God:" The details of the-to revolt
ing crimes aro too sickening, t.-.o repul
sive, to find room in the columns of a
local newspaper cirenlati-ig ng r:s
pectablo families ; r.-:d yet the? bhould
bo published i'l detail in ov.ler that
Christian people, especially ti; ,;,3 who
are heads of familicshoull fully iiull;:e
the. enormities whieh these negroes aro
guilty of, and f jr-which vile Radical
leader.; in tl.o X-u!i stud S-jutu ua di
rectly respoctiMe.
He I-.u.-o i.o l.::i::un-c slrot ef.u;.!;
to c.iprc- cur iir.l:g: :.::ou at the suen
t!o Lava Iroigl.t tl.o ::.!g:-o up to tlio
ecu::.i.7dori of :.usl. r.'.ruil crimes i.s are
daily recorded a;;r.iii. t them. MufaciciH
ll.-r.t there nust bo in the raturo of
things, a fearful retalia'ion ere b :-;'- Ii
such tilings eoutinuo there must be a
war of races in the Kouih, and should
such a taii.miiy arise, it is not
to coiiji cturo tbo fate of the ignorant
and I.esotteJ negroes, vLo attcr all are
but moie tools in the Lauds of desi uing
men. Baynn (N. J .) J km.
tC:,.ln a recent cpeech at Chicago,
Mr. ('olfas, the Radical candidate for
tlie Yieo-J're'idency, in alluding to Lis
recoid, said, "for fuurtccu long years it
"had been wiitttn doin in the record
"of tho country. And there is no recol
lection before my God to night there
is not in all that record a single lino
ihat -dying, I would wi .h to blot."'
Mr. Collux, in the room of u Kuow
NolLing organization, took a solemn
oath to duiy all political lights to
adopted citizens, to exclude men from
ofiicc, place r.ud preferment, because
they c'.id not vor.-.hio God at tho same
iilicr with Lim. And vet he Ids
Gtd deelji'ts there is no part of his re
cord li'sil, djing, lie Would ''wi.h to
I U i. r i. a it -ism. w not til. to l e en-
iU.-.Vu wi'h tl; I ',) ' -. a f ee peojile
TKllRlli, ; t'J 1, AMITY.
There is heartrending news from
prmth America. Thirty-two thousand
persons were swept out of cxistanco in
l'cru andji'cuadorou the l"lh of August
by an esirlliqunkn, mid thirty thousatnl
rendered homeless by Iho same ten iblo
calamity. Cities arc oilhev fitibmerged
by a tidal wavo, which rose to the un.
paralleled height of forty feet, or swal
lowed by openings in the catih. T:i one
case a vast lake of unknown depth 03.
cupies the spot whero a town recently
stood. The loss of properly is e. (i.i.ated
at tlireo hundred millions of dollar-:,
while io many localities so numerous
way the dead bodied tort toe sim'ivors
were Ibfcod to i!y from the r.eig-ilor-hood
to avoid a pes' ileiico. Misery,
dismpy, aiid siiHering reign supremo in
all Iho smittoti region. The United
'"t.ites steamer Krarwigc rendorcd a'!
tl.o as.-islanec possible. Rut other steps
should at once be taken to aid such of
our countrymen as have susTered.. In
all tho visited portions of South Ameri
ca thcro are hundreds of Amerieaus.and
to th nil fjod and clothing should at.
ouec be di.ip.'.tche 1. 3y the i-th:ou?
relief can reach the scene of Mi.T.r'.Dg in
n coiiipantively short time. Lot action
be immediate. Those who wish an out.
let for their humanity can now i!nd it
nearer home than those points to which
their eyes hrtvo boon directed. In
tho name of ail ii best in human
nature let us act in this most appalling
KTwI'or somo d.iy pn-'t the Radical;
have been exulting over a party triumph
in Colorado. Tiny based tmeli notion on
a dispatch from that Teiritorv staling
that tlio Radical I'eh gates to Cotturcty
had been chosen by u decided majority.
Rut that dispatch was a ?:!n;m, gotten tin
to have an t fleet upon the Maine eleo
tiou. Tlio truth is, the 1 erno-;rats
have carried Colorado a.:d elected Mr.
Rcldcn, their e.'nili.l'ite for elegato to
the lV,i:ty-Cr-t ( oiign-si. TL:s i'aut is
substat-tiated by a liispateh from G. W.
1'oikins, Cliaira an Central i'emreratlc
Associ.-.tioij of Coloiado, to tho l'
detit. The ball stili rolls on, and tho
Ti "est votes for tho Democratic party,
peace, union and prosperity. Whan
the Nc7 York Trlbiu). announced the
reported success of tho Radicals in Colo.,
rado, it attributed the ve.-.uit to the pop
ularity of General Grant. Ne-w that a
a Radical majority of eigl.t hundred and
Eovcnty three has been overcome in a
single year, it is fair to suppose that
the un popularity of General Grant has
assisted the Deuiccrat-s. Add Colorado
to the iemoeratic column. was oa the Jtl. of April, 1S05,
that General Leo accepted tho terms of
surrender proposed by Geueral Grant.
Over threo years have elapsed since the
Army of Northern Virginia laid down
th'. ir arms; yet tho expenses id' the
United o'.ates Uovcrnmeut in tli:i? timo
have averaged over $.00,00'.yjOO rer
annum. Iu that time sixteen uux-
"onr.ii Mir.i.iox.'j have been wrung from
the industry of the people to meet cot
only the necessities of the war and the
interest on tho public debt, but the ex
travagant expenditures of men who have
squandered the people's money in'mad
schemes of reconstruction, the mainte
nance of idle hordes of negroes and of
supernumerary army officers, a count,
le.'s croud ef useless oftieiuls, and on
their own wanton self indulgence.
Never in nn era of peace was so much
money ruLcd by taxation nuio:ig-t v
fiee people to be so wasted aud mis
ay plied.
X-ij"i1i.vr-i,ly millions of dell was all
that appeared upon tho books of tho
Udtion when the Ltfieoe.-ats -.vent out of
power. mi It-ail to 1 '):, four years
of war, the Radicals inerjase I this debt
to?2)00:,000,00'J. From ISiio to 18;,,
three years of pcico, they added ?-,'K'-),.
O'J'.i.Oiii), and (.Iter three years cf peace,
wi.'. k ir. g rpw'uh i'.iii- yeurj of v.'ar,.;ev.-a
y.'-rr t Ridi-jal sup-reuiuo, the
i-o::::try is mere than two tl:eu.-a;;d
i-iiiiou.-i of dil:ai-j worse oil than we
were ia l.".'.;i).
i-T" 1; ha pays tho t.o;e.s iu the South?
Upou whose sholders lull? tlio burdens
of llio carpet bag governments '( Not
iuk.ii tho;e who reap the profits of cii'icc.
Tho Governor of i lorida gets six thou
saiid dollars per year, and d ies i;ot a
a eopticr cf taxes. G!oasa,l:en!eo,
ant tjoviii i:cr ; Hamilton, Congre isinan
and Osborii, Senator, aiu iu the same
boat. Thiy havo all their c.T.xts in
carpet bags, and send their money
North as soon us it is teeeived. Wh it
ckuuee l as a people to recuperate when
tdiey me thin drained by U'jiCer. y
leaches t
r.-'iVc Lavo oflon been rsked the
difference betr.-cen a " carpet b:i;.:o";r "
and a " seala-,.-ag." The Jul, a, Jlissls
sippi, GazcU:' answers tho rjueslioti in
the folliiwing manlier : Tho c:n j ot log
ger is a Nerlheril thief, v.l.o e nnes
South to plunder every white man
who is a gentleman of any property or
rcspoctuuii.ty, and pet all the ota:es ho
'i'he scalawag is a Southern boru
scoun Ire, who will do all tho crpet
ba-rger will, and besides, murder the
carpel bagger tor tl-.o gutta pcrcha r'.u,;
1' A '. .I . i' 1 "l 1. 1
m.s M-iei gave 'inn wiifu oo n n me.
Ni 'e mm Lhe. c '"l-ilo in u Cl.ri-'i-es
cue !'.)'. J'.u !; :.!!.
From tho Maine election we first had
n&Ki of a great Republican victory but
on later returns being received wo Cud
that tho Radicals have lost from .000
to 10,000 on their majority of iSW.atid
over 12,000 on their vote of lS0t,whi!o
the Democrats Lavo increased their
vote since IviO over 0,0o0. The Radi
cal majority in the litatn, we think, will
not exceed 13.000. In lsUG it was
27,000. il'ith the ramo proportionate
Di.iiioeri.tio i.'ie.-ease i ) i'eu:::'y Ivauia v,e
will L.Mt the R.els 2.),'.;f.a..
,!n -!;-t-tii' : v ; i vlrn-'i-fd' ,A' l!-.c
el ut' ;; v t A i.!-.-or J i in: !-ir e
-u: t-f '.-: ti- ;:u !'.:,': 'h: il.t'l:- -ho. Lie
I'i'.Viio It' ll' linl i: i :;n'in-o:i O'e-i'i"; tisc
past luy'ilii : 1 00 ). A', i'. 'j'.d.oie.
That is a fair speclii-'on of Radical
duplicity. The report of tho Secretary
of the Treasury shows that the army
which is kept iu tho South cost more
during August than Alaska and the
r.ieiSe combined. Yet the
tries to conceal tho fact from
too people.
Ia December, loi5,,Mr. Stanton,
then Secretary of TTar, gave ua the cost
of tho liar Department on a peace
basis tho sura of thirty three mi'dious of
dolla-'-s. I'Mtu official records it is
fhov.-n that tho liar Depr.rli.ierit in tho
three years since ti.ech se of tho v.:r
has cost si.v hundred and ten milihtis of
Ji.!!.rs, or more than si" timo3 thr.t
named at tho close of the eeriest. H'Ly
ia this 1 Rocau.x tho Radicals tire ni.i.
ni'ig peace on n war footing, 'i'iiey arc
keeping a large, standing troy, feeding
thousands of idle negroes, and thus i.i-erea.-'iog
C2)c-iiej at a fearful rU.-. if
eontliii'.ed iu power, no man can measure
the cost of this government. Ihat ef
I'lugland or France will bear no Compar
ison with it.
The negroes in Liberia, after r-ev.
eral years of experience, have doilarcd
against universal sufii-ago, and only ed
ucated persons arc allowed t ) Vote in
that colored I'.cj u' lie. In this country
the Radicals, not only insist that all the
ignorant negroes of the f-oitth shall vote,
but they have by !e;:idation given ten
States into negro hands, to be ruled by
passion, prcdjudica, and caste hate ami
hostility. It ill not such fe.cb as the
above induce white men to surrender
their T'ar'i.7 feel ii; :?.. and vote with that
organization which is for continuing the
rule of intelligunco in this country '!
Sixteen hundred millions have
been raised by taxes since the rrar, yet
(he national credit is lower in the mar.
kefs of flie world than that of Austria,
Tu-key, er the South American States,
and the taxes and LcyouJ a
parallel. The election of General
Grant will continue this uinous system.
Forty thousand dollars taken out
of the pocket:; of white working men iu
the North was devoted by Congress to
tho maintenance of nn army of idle
negro voters in Washington, '-ho might
take the national c.pital cut of the
hands of its white ei'ize: s.
Ten thousand do'hn v.-rre .''gun
do: od by the. Radicals en the impeach,
.'-yit trirl n movctiicnt intended to put
despotic po",'L-.-its the Li nks of .-uch men
as Duller, Ashley, and their associates.
This is en? of the modes by whleh our
taxes are increased.
Vote the Democratic Ticket.
i'l' til I.VL NOTICE.
Va iav4fnr-; il licrcsary. if- or-icr tc 'f-.r t'.o
fiasiif.i:il t'.-.L-:-.' of ;se t Jvycs oa a (jaoa
b-'-ris, Wa.i'.;H 0.-fvi3.r!r!r rnic :
TrAi;;i;i;t ..-v. .':- !-ut t- v-'it'- :Vr in a-!-
V-t-ro ; fi-i J ': V. -r ;.n r l.-: t.-'l,
liilj Ki.V-f:r. -a". ;-.-.v. :.! ;v.....v re vc':t..r3
at t!.i.-' : . v . ; : r
Sr'.i .: -1- '-. . : . .-. -..'y ; , - "v
i . .'.i.,. ; -., , v.. :--n v
r.iiiCV is.4 ?ir;-;.v:t.l.J
lJ".Vi: JM THE
xlcdi of Hie itt,
oivi: vouit oitPEna to the
C (iU W.VPI.;-: .1, -;.-(- t.. make known
f I! t i l'..c titi.'.'tH d' Vn'.rcvi;te nv-1 the
niiTnuiiliaii country t'oi In- ln:-t fiUoti tin
ss c-ji'iiy c.-oii h. l.y it. J M.,lnov.
ou -' N'ut .uih yN ( '.irnev '' in t-et ivviliV,
na-l t'..:.t l.-j lioi'-i-s 1-j psi;.-i.-ij5 suiui i-.'
to ,:.; tin ioc-3 a!,.t'ii: waists uj' li-s
cithioiin-r to ai,-i-:t t'li-it- psttroateri- in Iom
line. Mo vi:l i e i;. ots 1 :n.,i u iu;-te ami
well si-'.t.'o:e .1 is iucii-i:,;cLt uf
awil ,!hr(;-,'!v3.t
f his ev.n lii:;";.. tin e, wLichlie wi'l war
i': ii l ' I'O oi' lie 1 ; i-i i un lit y . Mtltk
t jasisis of eve;-; tiling ti,,;, U;l.i'ul Lut,
tinv.avi' lino also i!. a iicu-e.
1 sis!; a fs:h- il ia', if my v.-ot V ilocs
iiCI :io;'. .netivii. liiy oi-inmcv-itoi" ,.
! a ..!.lt-...a -., ,.:.,. ,
HOBSr, CICN &- OBNAMI.H iV.L rAiin'iira,
rg Mii:: f-Tiwciim i: it v: o i; l ii it 1:-
jj f-pect fully inf.'itii the ci'izt-ns of li'k
county thr.t lie Ims just slni-U-d in I lie
atiove ljti..incfs in liiilwny. nn 1 f'. d rotili-ik-at
Ihat l.c can please nil wlinriniv lavin
liitiiwiih iheir (insljin. U UA I N I Mi,
I'At'lMt 1!.::,1N"(I ASV !AI ( I M I.MXO
DliMi ON M!OI!T NO'J'IC!: A N I IN 'llil'.
i t ! i 1 i .ii..1 .' :'. :. i i'lii n vc i i:i in-iet- .i'e!
f!i. Orkrs left at l! is "."V r.r ut iio
I'sniVin;? lknsnof S. ui : ! . i-r. V'lilis Ci .'..'.l.ei
iwil I...- .i ui.-i':y n: i 'a 111''.
W. 1-. V. il.T.I.'sMo',
M iy-l l f'.o-ly.
CI-'.N'I'.-S WAN'l'i;i) t'"i- tlio .-::.'iie' n'l
V 'i-il I'ivci "f viu.-ur mi 1
lt! A loot f-n- every fii.-soy atel iv
n-iil; 'f j:.; i nunl'iony 1 1; I i( . ! and tare
tii-ti.'i-i-. il Ki 1-atvioi c-i'i d' uiili -i
u; il Ji.ivca jest toi'1"! ts: I;-,; '.!' tl:e
-i l-vf.u-i.. tin. e":ii:ti-y, -. .;s. ; ; :i.!ii;:-
it. l-j. e i-.-i- I ! y the Ua.i; j ' o-.m
ini'l t 'i'i!. . ves of lii" I f i .,-,. 'I In- -,.l i isi m
ol the .llenio'-ii-.t-i; caiiilM.itcs I .j tl.0 ;ii!isa
?es ef tiie ju.'-ijilc lire so ort l ayi-l
anil el.'arly i-liowti in Ihis volisine, thul to
iiiiirnl of l.'oii.-titiito.n il i,!,i-vly yl.ottl-l fail
to veail it. A;;'tils in nil par's of tin- t-oitii-try
arc liii'ling in this jjrtiit slnn.ianl vvi-k
the In-: I oi'j-oiiiiis'.ly tn jssske n.nei'y cvi-i"
oli'ei'c1, as its l-.v;-e thi low fric-, nail -.x:!:iri!y have iii.nlu a . Ii ; ve ilo
ma.i'l v.hijh canvascis i-n'y have to
Semi for circal-irs', i.inl sen our'al
terms ini'l a full itivcrintion ef the ii. c-.U.
c. t selisnrition Ijouk of iho tiiiu s.
v. s. I'viiiiisniyc co.,
Ill I'.lv t-'lrc-t.
iuw Vs-r!;.
Jlt. TAi.oirs
A Riihl r.r.-.l ce-v. cal.!e TOt'IC STIMU
D I T T ; II s ,
llstraeteilcntii-'ly ft-era Ill.i'.I: ' & Ui.-OT.
lli-i;1 l encti::::! in
DY;il'i;i'SIA, GelNiiRAL -iiV.VAU-1Y,
Ami an cicf-'dent corrcsllvc f .-r poi-son
s;it'ic:-iii;; IVrnii liii-oi'uers tl' the iiuw c! ',
I'latulcrice, f.c.
Pcp..t, Ko. HZ Ma-.kct Strc-ct, riiHa'a.
fr.t),'C;-ly J. K. TAVI.OI! (
111II.IP U I T.!,,
j2 mam r v. r.'iKT; op
No. i'Ol Cl'iirch itvei-t, Vhlhuh-lpl.!.". .?. a, 1
f.u- lio'-'iaviiij. s r.n4 l's-n.. 1.:. t.
N. It. I' Cam a!:ra Toit'io-.
2-,, 'Jli, ::n. tm-l r.-r S.i-::-!:. !. f: j,
"7".Ci"'.i'()i;.ATio:c :uv:-. i:. .vJioTTh
rhercVy given that the jvtiiiou f Jaiise-:'
,sis:i I ii'ii, ini'l ot'.i'.'i s, lo !,o ttu ..:-jh i-atc-l li I-
l.-l- t! o nam.'. Myie nml liih.-nl S!-il.,)i
i're Li ; ?vi:iii (Jhii. jls at fit. Marv's has
l.eea ii'.-.'l ia my oiiieu -.n.l v. ill ho prt-M-nit-.l
for coiifii'iiiatioii al tin- next tc:-' i ef tise
Ceei- ef t.'i-:::!JsU 1' of l.'.k .-1 - ; i .-.
ol.o. A. i; v;;
-J.:-!.-. 1 i..t:.:. i:-y.
jt lo't-e'-y ; '".-!, ii,.. i i'l0 pvt-tien ..i' l.i:-i
.-O.V'.-I-. IU!'! lOl."l-, lj ... :t.! I ll
i'iit Hie na'iie-, style aa-l ihlc i f 'ii - A lii'.i
Cl-t'.ri-h, at '"'. l.y," li is ! n a hk-.! a; : uy of
fice iiti-l will l.c ;'' a'l i ! 1 1 ,siti.-;i
' i lie licit term io' ii:-..' (..-..i-t ( t'oinitiu
l".. as ef 1'.!'.; o. uni v.
i.;V::.i. A v. mi;:,v,
f.t-l ' 2 ht-. Vr ; .!:.. e.
T-M':.'.! a:: : ; ";:.
T 7"A ;:;:a.t:' ivinove ; 'i ;.-irs f.-:-
Y V 1 ' '-s'.-'i. '..'i-si l..y:y i'an
;:: :'!, :.t :.; j . . .it-1-. Is to ; -i. i ,o )
i:;,,t'i -.a. i s i i.-e:, i .- ,p
l.'Ull'I' fsti't .-' - l:tllill; .iv ?:-.
I,.. I I ill! . .' i.. i. tl Ol O :. l st 1 1.0 lit
It'.r .1,
f. 1, n.akv s.' i ji ri-lVes!ii.!i'. tul i-st;:f,'i. .-
r...!iii.-i liv.i.i.i. s'.-.i.l (.h.-v. t'v
f-.s- ,ixiy Veats Cured, i'riee I illy Cent-". Is-ci.-. A IreuliM- on liia itiier--,os i-k.-ts
,.f Vu'.iicee, with i:..!.) ef re-.wifv ,
tcs-.hi.i uisi.s, I'.e., fceisi li-ee. A--o;its v .mt
t-,1. A.'.iiie-s He. X. K. .IllliJT. ...r--. i'
t'iiy, .New Jersey. Att. l.j(h l.'rt-
yvliVOLUTloX OF rAKTN'iiltSlIll'
.IJr The nvi'ievsliip licrctofero eisiina;
b..ivton tli. uu-iersifiiioa in il.o Tanuiu'V.;
Willi i ban liicu iiia il .y uLvoIve- t hy
laiitua! coase'Lt.
ti. r Ti.-r"?;AL.i:,
i:. i.. tti'iiui.'. .i:,
-M. VtlitSti,
MavvV, N"' I.,
.pAitl'S, V- ,
J Han ihiils, tn-., , ,oi:l -. ,. :; -...
iinJ at the lowesr im-.h-r. I'i lit CA.i t. ut,
the AJv,.caie l'l-iutii! I'lii-.e.
T7-'t 'iv?. iiAI.UliTT, Attn-nev .u-I.aiv,
.1 t'tcs-.i t;.; 1. l',.,;u .,. Will jvae-'ice iu
Liii UU'l Csilnvi-uii c.-artie-s. -si -,'s y.
A 11' i'1-ile'iv foi- !;: jves n i I 1' U 'i iv.r. o
will he- T'l-i n.j'lly attiii.i t u a.; teMU
es iVii-ivt'l, n: ihc
jti'i.r i-'t.LiAitvs !ia':dv,'.i;i:st.,!;i-:
) cii
or 'wok;-; of r.n kim'.-. m-i d..
pi ions done at this o! i i.
:-'i.x; lit.ul'i..-!. .'..'.'U.l.s . '!' A. i i - -. -H;
: , i rit.i. ! : t i,s- A : .v .... ' . : -