1 10CAL INTKliTnEKCH. Erie Express Eit 1 n.m do do Wo.! " do Mail Eat I T- do tlo Wen v Local Pm-IcM : t'tDla. r.i. do j' t1- r- -c-e X'k lo';. A. Y. M. Sfo! T'ir,,i el' KVu nlu? v, ill l.'C held rr" - ! vV cvciiin;:. on or in i ore I'm fill luocu I o.ua m - in : Ti " oveir two week thee ii'ii-r. .). K. W II ITMORE. Sce'y. C m Ci-tcii Iro'cjtar.t Kp'scoppl. II: v. ('. K. I! i'ti r.r. Rector. Services Vil! li !:M-!iu ( n ii i... " cliurt !i r.-.-ry?.;-t -r :i :i I o t-Miii'l i y mor . i ! ii fr and -v -vine i'o!n:u.::ieinu with .l'"iil.'iv. tin' Huh iast r.rv. F, A -v.in. 1 Oit I I!.ll. - 0"'. . .lie i; ;ll I.' I a :.:n ' li 'It. It will L u sec 111 iv our f T; -l f ;;. .J.iui.ROll Will visit '.hi pl.tCC OU the fit it of Oot-V.. jm, ,v..v.:'...-:-i (V)p:i!:i Cap"-"1, CV.ps, Jfcc, .V, n-'verlVcl t thi liy J'. 1 I.'.::;:;i'rM. Head ':i alv; :'.-( Ari in Vox ti i "i".i". "r. V.. Rennet, o! ri. a, f 'v ':--, a-: ) had crm d:sb - ! I ut!;: i -v'j i ju:cl by a;i uiuv y co . Til" V- ;; :;:' ." .r. The oVi-m ci !!,! a.c w'.'.t :..vliil tha:. no per son shou'Vi J.o i!!j;r-.y,.l whoo stiila would n i ; iv:i ' ,- ; c:i'.. '.;i tan doilar. vi '. v, Y:: i :.' ' i noc: in t 'u lit'bt Oi -J :t til! '., ill- II lil-i-Ilo" CXfOilwCil to iiiu ii ! .J.- !! y in-it- Th'.H ves live iif-. ' ' i :n 1 t"f tins anplicu t' .ilj.i ( ! .!: ' v,'.,u iiiivo no ;u "'-.'.ts. f T ii i :u -ri'ir Is ovo-', ii'i-l I 'tin first Uav. i f ;itc !ii-ij u o.i in. Titus W) ;!. :i:- '.i. . .- !:y :i 'I:-!,. ;r. :'io soiimuim, :iiiJ l-y ::::il ! y, wn, tu ), wiii Vi s i;i tho tcr j .i ni yn ' 'v i.v.'.'n! oiir j.'sicncc. It W il lL ll'J il.V'M . "- . .'i ' ia htich jhi.i"..ir.". i' u'J in:n'3i::ii:y, w!io;i we arc in il.o l.-i .or a:. J !n'ui of party b;u.o unit ui'j. .. JteWu-i:. n o mil always sirotig ;n Ji.ujpoi' ):i ; i !!ic c.ii(-'l .'.till .lio I; :i ;d iu in 'v lioii ,'iiy : cjavry 1. 'J'in? Jullow i j '-vo y i iji-.-t.!oe with .iij o;it;i ii H'l'.'! t'.io !.iily -.v'.i rj.sj i! j! ;.j 1 it-!j tl.iy .:tf :.:t .l i- nut'jiy .i-v,.;.. r;iiiij.!o i I-' ;.s , )X'. iailucueej while over eterna.iy with vi.i ia i" ;y ; aces v i ;r j un.'ortti. , '.tiit'o !u.:;.;:t:i,o, t.t.iio '.'C ilo a " "I-.-. t ;iu 1 :n . porma- lililt. ij' Tho f'u.l'iwin r.'ei-iji'. i.-i jtuli!i ih ti io Jul- or ri..c".J lu;.cr : To u p'.it of Water a 11 li.'i lr.i(is (j.b.nit L.i!." a ti a-;iii:r'ui ) nf i 'j l '1 clilm iio of 'iinf. ll:iii i i i iiU : v., ii.;.i iiuii.iJ. ' i. l;ni.-i.i ):: Un.i cii-.y t a.cii.' i ci 1 1 i o L u : : o cnio i. c. ii..ict wilii iins Valor, K. ii, & a.ia u;i lour or iwo ; Jio.i te'.Ii ic w in 1'" e w.itor. Try t'ii Ti t i' ; ; ! it it in l's -m lvi'iu. i :itctij n.: j V.S StsK .s U Vl'itr d ItllUCl ltlOU lui Oa. tiOUlli 1. rtti:i.SKH, Tak-? Noi".i'k! , foreigners wl; i-ati nu ilj' wi h ilio r tjuire.uc.'i of ;iio Acl of Uonfi n a i-i will vn;..'. for !.' yiu'jur atil i!air, cast have tii' ir ji.i;io s I, .ken on by ;jp:yiug to Jo!. (J. i!a !. Too loiiowiilg can bfi iialu:... .z.'u : 1. A!! w'io e.'.mi! fo tiii country an. dor l.'-t yciir.i ol ati.l have rcsiuod in the Uiiitd'1 ii cs f,.r (i.-e yeaia. '1. Ail vvlrj iiuvo hoei) in this country f years a .il wlio Jiiu-lij tiuir di'.u'aratiou uf iuti'iiti.vi a: a:.-y ti.uo Lcforu Novem ber L', li; ju. 3. All ivl.o li ivj been hor.orably dis cha.'geil r.o:u ii;ij sjl vico ol iho L'uileJ Sta!ci. Tliero wiil 1)0 a c. n-' hch.l on V'uil. n8'3y, F,-'iji:;I;ei- Z'M, fi,r tho pm jjoao of naid.a'.'.inj those who wish to beco;iie ei.iz.'iii. Tiik '-)Ai. '. .-'.M-.si. Wo are Lap jy to chroiiiele tl.e fact that many of tho ciial companies of this county aro greatly onVuging llieir fotco of 7oik. men auJ inci oashg their business. Tho Siiawtuut eoi!in:i:iy, for boiuo mouths lias (ihipjio.l tuoro coal i:i a given time than ever prcvinm, tcae'iiug often a niueU a -CO lo'.i ; or day. Tlo Ker sey company is making accessions, daily to its miiiiiig tores, and is still in want of hands. Th l'liilaJeiphia & Toby Creek Coal k Oil Company, which has ull euuimiT o;;'y Lept it3 pumps running to keep tl.e v.atcr nut of their uiiues, lo fect below the surface, has resumed op cralions. ?lr. King, a gentleman from Middlctowu, New York, who owns a initio of gi'i.J coal ut (.'eufreville, has laid a tram road to hts mine, aud La? a lare force at woit. The Tr.uu Lady. A trua lady is easily recognized in public places by her neat and tastful drc-ss, by hor quiot, UT?oi;tent?.tiour,,'aud ifthoro is occasion for her to ppoak by Iter gea'.lo voic w.v cl'dcc lai:ago. A ;!oiii:l; l-ar-b voice an 1 ". ng r'-vae" coming from Ouipe vrli r i'-. other rr?p.'e!s ppprT to have boen well hrcn;;ht tin, alwr-ys jar uripl"u?Hr.ty uon the heater. Thorn is a Irng li t of vnmi'Hprirrd words and phrases, which ?re in common ue and and nrc fttppofiad to givo a cettain zest to convetsalion, but which ara very far from i)i-iii elegant. They arc Coined iu vat ions iil'.r-es.in the boarding school, in co'iie?'!, in the store and ia the street. One by one ihey enter the family circle Mid become disagreeably cotnaun. A man V.lio continually interlards h' COP-veisnf-.u v.iiii wdmI.-i whii'h th" diction itiy ignori's, does no?, tfievcby, ineiease. o n- regard for him, nr.d when W3 bear a 7onian habitually using "slang," we can not but feel that ho is vanfing in tliat -li lic.icy urd rcfi'icmcnt wl.i -h aro tlii Li ig'iii t ornaments sho can weor. I iiiao l it is very certain thit the fre jr.e.i!. Um of cour.ic and vulgar words begels a dimgrecablo condition of uiiud which may not bo realized by the pos-Hi's-or, but is very apparent to associ aies. iy-- tm Hos. 1. 0. L-:ek, of the Bellefor.tc lie;,' rJitnun, has had placed in his hands io.'.' i'i "W llciu nibl Jo hn s, ior the pur pose of obliging betting radicals. !?tep i'p gentlemen ii you want to loose yonr ii.o;ioy. Tho money lias been placed in the banking ho'iso of W. Reynolds & Co., it is subject to Mr. Mock's disposal. Now, Radicals, if you want to bet on Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, reir.isylvanic, Delaware, Maryland,Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Mifsouti, Califor. uia or Oregon, j'jst drop a line to 1 6, Meek, at Ilellefonte.: He is author ized to bet a thousand dollars on each St'.to named, that Seymour and Blair wili carry them, lie is also authorized to bet -SllOl):) that Seymour and Blair will bo elecicd, and 5"")fJ0 that no lludi" ical ila:o take the bet. Come on ye :ntii oi" Orar.t and Coifus pn.c!i itios. )i cro'tf h ciiur.rc ! SPL CIA L Ary TI CES. ty'e jul;;is 1'ro.ntli.' iuinienc 6akn t'i t Jlri. t.. A. ALi,I.N'.S Impvuveil (new ; "it ) hi.ir lirsiorer or l).vs"si!i (in one !.;!!) ' i'.t'--.i ... 1 by ev.':-y ono. Cvery U.-ii; v, .s.iii .i. l,-ico, Uue Hollar. ToT::: '.Vr.:,isop Klk Couxiv. Jlav. In;, baa solioiteil by iny liieuJs of both parties i ueco::;e an liiocpciiJcnt candi d Ua tor Sucr.ti' at tiie npin'oiicuiug election . I'.ivs eor.clialeii to obey llieir winlt, find icp ..-(iiful'y adit tli support of all who iiii.y tt'ci ii.'-.iiitl to vote l'"i' me. 1). C. 0 STER. .; . i. ci. ih.i j o: I -.;.i'..i i.i St. Mury'a i l i.e. F'.r.i'i 'n 8.-.le.i, are im'uvined i i.. I luei. uue-is aud boiu'.s ctn be l'mmd ut i..- e oi'L'...:rt, l!a;l Co., at Saifci Ma i: h ; ii i.;t ii vim ni' t::a co miy at the i. .n': ui' Suuilicr, V.'i'.iis & tiuuii.cr, lit l iic co t" p' fnle nui! bo j;aiJ on or be t.r i i. j r. r.cd .a'n: on ii:o "ni oi Dctobe.' ..w.'.- 0. .i.o i..iiu3 Will he refold. A C iiv A l'!c ; vi'ii'i, wi:''e veniipug A.i iui 1. i Li.cK.ouaty, ciseot- jv . .. it'..; ." i - a i..' Ii .' tb ci.re VI .'ill: .'..-is, i.' '. Jiccsy, UiKcas : 0-i'..;.tJ v 10..4 fji uii.idl 0. y ns, r.nd '.: .....ii oi ii. ..,!. jr., LioUjiit, oii by . i v '. l lu'j.i . Ui-eitt auin vo e '. -d -y t..iuol.li! veuie.'.y. ..; .. I. uc .1.1 j bJiiuill t-e I'lilictcd I'.r..1 ; IT' ' i :. ; . . (i. :.l ', 1 .. '.1: fi.nd tiio i ccipp fox : ...: ; a ni u-.i- tli;e laed'.Mni, in a !'.!;.! inv.l. re, ' i. ay oni w'no ueeus li, 1 I. K.I Oi. t il A U r'- i. AiVi.-c.-i3, T. IxSMAN, .Siiii.oa D, )tbl3 lli.a..o, Se;i'.i-.'!in. Aew York Oil j. " Poor Tina's ii'cnld." f'iw T ar.ii t.o'1 tr iie gni!i' sun !... 'ou!i i.i li'.n i.i.'ss on liio eari.'i, In '.oii Jo I?!' v an no I'lii'iiiii;; wr.rmlli ii' '. ii". i! 3 (;'''- iy S'iiimw in' h.s s. ul. ''.' T',l' '''i ,:'u 14 C .'in. bunts Iiim down, A;.i.e, .'ui c'i .raocil.Ju, li;lits"!:iiii tob."l, i. It l.'.iii.iijj'i, Vertigo, arfl i;iiu'.ii"'ic ulrs Wi.ii in. uciits cmuliicc to mi. !.c Iiim p-'.:i:i. It rV -.'!, ""..oinhP, to instruction : Tov n". 'ay ill:i a I oiiicdy is fuuud, A Pirn ".i'i:.i, rxiluin, jjl:iiii.n.t, sure, Plantation liiTrnsr S. T. If CO X., A v nii.ti iiiis 'J'nnie, undo by Ir. 1'r.iivO. We p. e-ii ne iliat " ioop 'Joiu'g " case is not wu.H) !ii..n !..ia'IioJs who are cured daily by this won Jtorlel mtdicino. 1acnoi.ia Watkb a ilelightfut toilet ar. tide fcupuiinr to colonu, und at hulfthe fiice. A Neit Kkmel'V is Consumption. A Piiy.iioian wlio hsd Consumption lor sevoi nl years, with frequent bleedings ol'the lung.,, cured liimholt' with medioiua un keown to tiio profe:iion, when his case np pcured hopoio.ss. Ho is tho only physician who lias ii-o 1 il iu his own person, or who has any himwled.B of its viriues ; nr.d he c in nsci iho the decree of health he now enjoys to lioihio but the iu-e of his mcdi cine; mid nothing but utter dcspnir and tiio citiin lion of nil hope of recovery, together with a want of confidence iu all uihvis indiicol hiia to hulfvrd tiiv exper iment. To thoe suffering 'flth any dis ease of the Iniia heprottei s a treatinent he confidently bolides will ii-aiiica.le the dism.-c. Price S?l.fiO per buttle. or?'8a li.iif i'uzcti, fei.nl by expres s. Sen.l for u circulur or call on flu. K. Puylm'on Jaci.' tiOX, So. 2."0, Xwli Tenlh Si i -i-t. Phihi U'lrhis, Pj. nayCO.oS ly Beneette, Aug., 24th, 1808. Mr. Editor: Ou Saturday night last our Club met at Benczette, and our number wr.8 increased to 71 all good, sound .Democrats. The meeting was a very interesting ono, r.iost e.very mem. ber np?akiug. The U. L. A. met the same evening and after they had ad journed, a few ol them came to oar meeting nod peeped in at the doors and windows. One of tlio3o gentry 1 noti ced. Ho is ono of tho Beu Butler kind of lladicals, being vorp fond of epoons. Duting the war be camo home on furlough, nnd Tvith pome otncr.s went fo Lock Haven on n pleasure trip, and while there went to John Fox's Icn Cream saloon and stolo a silver fpocn, and carried it home With him. I c'on't rccan to Say that ali of the Ilri'lienlpatiy are ruch kind of men, but it is very Grange that wheu you find a man who steals ho belt. ugs to the Radical p'fty. More hereafter. i. it Y. 1?-!3.A new I'epnt'i:cn daiiy paper is about being started in Eric, ECA-In Switzerland G0,000 persons make 1,200,000 watches a year. 3Tho gmsshoppers have put ap. pics up to 25 cents' apiece in Utah. tiy-Judg Brown, our candidate for Congress is attending court iu l'itts0 burg. CQuThc entertainment of the Chinese embassy by the City authorities of Bos ton cost about ?1 5,000. IKSuA western editor says of a Min nesota hotel, that it has a " big wall, a big bar, big waitors, o. big butler aud big price." JSrJ-Tbe value of tho hay crop of the North is estimated at more thau two hundred millions of dollars, the largest ever produced. DtSA Buffalo uredding was lately terminated by tho arrest of the bride groom, at the instauco of the bride's parent, nnd his being sent to jail sixty days as a vagrant. f7Tho Humbolt Register reports the discovery in Nevada'of a mine large enough to supply the world with quick silver for uiauy years. The Erie Weekly Observer is one of the best Democratic papers on our ex change list. Its editor Mr. Whitman is doing Doble service in making speeches in that dark section, Success to him. . A LARGE STOCK OF GOODS 1 .h Tho I'-bJersigucd have on hand a largo and very desirable stock of GOODS, and will constantly keep nn extensive assortment, including everything that is wanted to EAT, WE Alt, OHFEEID. which they will sell at tha very bottom figure and from this date will gcll only for CASH. We will uso every endeav or to make it to the intercut of onr cus tomers to adopt the universal CASH SYSTEM. We have determined to give tho CASH SYSTEM a fair trial, believing it to be the inter est ot both buyct and boiler. 1W2LL & KIKE. Ridgway, Aug. 13th, 1867. so. H F. OVJiUHOLTZER, , MiiKCIIAXT TAILOR, ltidgway. Elk Co., Pa. The subscriber desires respectfully to in form the citizens of ltidgway and vioinity that ho is prepaed to make to order us well nt it can be done any wliero, anything in the line of his business. All he asks is a fair trial. Good Fits guaranteed. KWClolhs, Cussiuicrs, Yesiingg and Trimmings of the latest and most approved 9tyles kept oonstnntly on hand,' which will be nold CUKAl'Eit THAN TUB CHEAP EST. Ladiea desiring Hemming, Stitching, Felling, Binding, c., on dresses, capes, Ac will tiud it to their interest to give mo a call. auoti IMMENSE REDUCTION mm jJ;th:t v- r.3 IIENRY II. A''ivc corner of Main July 30, 1RC0. TX2URANCK AC. A1XS T LOSS Oii 1 DAMAGE n Y IT HE ! TlTli Lycoming County Mutual lostir nnce Company at Muncy, i'euini., con tinues lo Insure aniin't Loss or Uaninge by Firo on all kinds cf Morclmndise. Public and private uildiiifcs, either in town or comity. Also on Mills, Tanneries, Pnrns, stocks of drain, &c, at the lowest possible rates, consistent wiih safety to tho Insurer nnd Insured. The Lycoming County, Mu tual Insurance Company invites an invesli, gution as to its stability. Its capital amounts to S2.800.000! Thus assuring to every one of its patrons Unit their losses will be promptly nnd satis, factor!! paid. Its management lias always been prudent, ns its existence of twenty, si i yours fully demon .trareg JAMES PLAKELY, Agent for E'V co.iniy, at St. Mary's Oct, 18, 18u7 1y. riT. MARY'S STEAM TANNER 1 1 II. F. Espenhade & Co. Take plcasuro in announcing to the public of Elk and tsurrounding counties that they hnvo thoroughly refined awl reunovated this old nnd well-know n establishment, and conprctn! ite themselves that with their ex tended facities, with first. class workman, that they can pu out ns good work ns can be found anywhere. Wo have, and keep oonstahtly on hand alll kinds of leather saeh as in general use in tiiis section, in cluding ' JSpmu'r-h find Country Sole Leather ! Cn Iffkim, Shrcjtnkins, Kqinkiiis ! Harness A Upper Leather I XT CASH CAW FOR HIDES. Give us a call nnd be convinced of the truth of what we staie. luar'jruP LAMB vn T.ittle et. al.. Garnishees. In the Common Tlcas of Elk County, Ko. I i, April Term, 1808. Toe undersigned having been appointed Trustees in the above cause hereby givo notice tj all persons holding property of tho defeniant, or indeh.ed to hiin, aro' re quired to make payment to the undersign, ed nnd deliver the said property to them, creditors of defcuduut will ulso present to the undersigned their claims duiy authen ticated for settlement. FRED. SCIItENIXO, HORACE LITTLE, at i'idiway, or L. Vt LL.MKii, St. Mary's. L. J. FLAK"Ly, Plaiutid's Attorney. Angui,. 8th, 18t3-Ct. OCSE, SIGN ANU ORNAMENTAL PAlNTIi.'J. 'flu ii:iiH'ii;.iird liav. ooncludedto iirn;-1:; for a while in Uidway, would respeeiful'T infirm if j ciliiaii and those of its Burrouailin vieinity, that they are prepared lod all work in their line in ti maimer wniTai.'ed to suit their euiloincrs iimi at ns reason blc u price us it can ho done by any other nm:i. Our motto is io 'Liet:ud let live.' All orders j roM-.-l " iittcnik"! lo. JACIvT.ll'.l.Ti CO; Ju!yC -Cm. A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN JUST published in a se.ili'.t envelope. A Lisclure on i lie Nature, Treuimeni and Rai'.icl cure of Spermatorrhoea, or iSenu nal We.'.kness, Involuntary Emissions, Sex ual Debility, aud Imp edimcuts to mnrringe generall. Nervousness, Consumption, Ep ilepsy and Fits ; Mental and Physical In capacity, resulting from Self-Abuse, o., by Robert J. Culvernell, M. V., author of the "Green Rook," etc. Pruo iu u sealed envlopo, only six cents. The celebrated author, in thin admirable essuy, e'oaily demonstrates from a thirty years' srccersful practice, that the alarm ing consequences of wlf i".r.' inay bo i. ill icitly i iii-c.l without, tho nsa of iuioinsl medicine, or the application of the knife, pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sull'ui'er, uo niutler what his cmuli. tioti may be, niny cure himself cheaply, piivnlely, nnd radically. t .This Lecture should be iu the hands of every youth and every man in the land. bent under seal, in a plain envelope, to nny address, postpaid, on receipt of six cents, or two post slumps. Ako, Pr. Cul ver well's ' M ii ri'inge Guide," price 2ocenla. Address the Publishers. CHAS. J.C. KLINE CO., 127 Eowery, Now York, P. 0. Eox 4.58G. janlC1807 STRAYED. From the rcsidoueo of the subscriber near the former resideuoe uf Esquire Liudcmulh on the road between Caledonia and Eeneietto, a KKl) AND WHITE COW, more red on the sides than white ; about ten year old ; has long horns, and was missed about fifteen days since. Any one bringing her home, or giving information where she can be found will be suitably rewarded. JOHN KUl'G. Benezelte, Aug. 80th, 1868-ot. A FIRST-CLASS MALE TEACHER 18 wanted by the Ridgway School liourd lo take charge of the ltidgway School for the Fall term, commencing September 1st .By older of the Hoard, 11. A. PAH SONS, Aug. 15th, 18C8. Secretary. LANKS of all kiudi for sale ui this of tic:. IX THE PRICE OK r i ir m mm .r is TflOMAS Dupot Sircttf, RIDOWAY, PENN'A. THE PLACE TO BUY 13 AT THE 111 I) GWAY (i KEPT DY GROVE G. MESSENGER, Dealers So Drug, Medicine, Paints, Oils, White Lead, Lubricating Oil, Lamp Oil, Tanner'a Oil, Per. fumeriea of all Kinds, The purest Varnish, Brushes of every Stylo and Size Dye Stuffs, Pure Confcctionarics Citron, Raisins, Patent Medicines, Wines, Watches, Jewelry, Rings, Tobaccoes & Scgars Pure Liquors for Medicinal pur poses only. A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of Everything Useful Pertaining to the Drug Business Gen erally. Pure Drugs at Low Prices 1 Pure Drugs at Low Friccs Notions in Endless Variety 1 Notions in Endless Variety American and English Watches ! American and English Wntehes Latest Styles of Jewelry, Rings, &c. Latest Styles of Jewelry, Rings, &.c. Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels ! Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels Albums, Nows, Stationery, Bird-Cages ! Albums, News, Stationery, Bird-Cages I Violin, Banjo and Guitar Strings ! Violin, Banjo and Guitar Strings ! mar2018CO PHILADELPHIA &, ERIE SAILBOAI). WINTER, TIME TABLE. Thmigh and Direct Rome between Fhllalelph!a, Jialtimore Hurra uur;, WiUiamxpnrt, and the. GREAT OIL REGION of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT "SLEEPING CARS On all Night Trains. ON and after MONDAY, NOV. 2Gth, the trains on tho Philadelphia & Erie Railroad will run lisfollows : WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia..ll.lo p. m. " ' " Kidgway 2.40 p. m. " arrive at trie 8.0O p. m. Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia. ..12.00 noon. ' " " Kidgway 4.03 a. in. " arrive at Erie 10.00 a. m. 11ASTWAB1). Mail Train leaves Erie 11.00 a. m. " Kidgway 4.1D p. m. x 11 arrive at Philad'a... 7.10 a. 111. Erie Express leaves Erie 7. 10 p. 111. ' " " Hiigway... l.:3 a. iu. Rrrat Philadelphia f.00 p. ni. Mail nnd Express connect with Oil Creek and Allegheny River Rail Ilovl. HAG GAGE CHECKED THRorr.il. ALFRED L. TYLER, General Superintendent. ADM IN ISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that Ictieis of administration having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of W111, 1 Penny, late of St. Mary's borough, deceased, al! persons indebted to said estate nre request ed to come forward and make imnicdiut e pay ment, and tliobo Laving claims against the snme will present them duly authenticated forsettlcuicut. ELISABETH J. LENNY, July 2, 18G8-61. Administratrix. VALUABLE LOTS FOR, SALE. The ttudcrsigncd his laid'out a vil age upon his ground adjoining the Ridg way Depot, to be called ELIi. The lots are 50 feet front by 100 feet deep front ing towards the railroad. Terms For tho first lot sold, $100. F01 the second lot sold, 5110. for the thhd lot Bold, $120 and so on increasing in prioe as lots are solJ. 1$, First purchaaois get the cliu'tce lot, at the cheapest ratos. Purchasers will bo registered in the or der f their application. Ten per cent oJ the purchase money must bo paid ut tin t)me of the application. fUApplicatiou8 will be made to Job Q. Hall, Esii., lUdway, Pa. J. S. HYDE. Ridgway, marJO'CC-lf. 'Vf AILS, sT'IKe'sTIINGES, RIVET locks, bolts, on 1 all kinds of buildei materials iu general can bo had cheaper ut I he St. Mary's llijidw iic titore than '111,1 ntha place iu Elk county. n2. ii7) JATliST ARRIVAL 1 1 SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS t C H CAP EST GOODS I N RIDGWAY ! AT THE STORE OF M R" M-AP ij tQs .y.i.Q?iJaMr 9 Cor. or M-in Water, end of Hyde House, Where he 1ms oa hand nil extensive assort ment of Goods con-isting of Woolcu Goods, Hats and Caps, Boota and Shoe?, Ludctclothcs, Ladies' 1 Goods, Shawls and Nubias, Hoop Skirts, Opera Hoods, Mus lins and Caii. e 0 c s ! liKABYMADIv CLOTHING Balmoral Skirls, Blankets and Couuteri panes, Ladies' Dress. Trimmings, G cuts' Furnishing Goods, Groceries, Paintd, Glass nnd Putty ! 1 ! Call and sec my stock before purchasing elsewhere ! Dec. 567 ly. 5GO.OCO crSTOMEHS IN FOUR Years, l'atvonize the liist. Having the largest capitiil, most crper ienccd buyer", an ! extensive t'tideof any concern in the Dollar Saio business, we G U A RAN T ViE fi A 1 1 S FACT 1 ON in every instaii.:e, nnd also the lie-t selec tion or goods eve.- o.icred at ONL DOLLAR, EACH. No other concern has nny son-".- wherever our nenls are selling. O111 inotln, "Prompt and ltiiiniile." ale lied feniu'.e agents wanted in ei'y and cf.uniry. THE LADIES me purtienlsrly vcqvested to try our popular 'eluli system of selling nil kinds uf Dry and Fancy Goods, Dre.-s Patterns, Cut t .in Cloth. Captor:', Silver Plated Goods, V atcho, &c. Esiaiilishcd 1801. A patent en fountain nnd a clieelt describing e n nvtielo to ln-iuild for a doilar, 10 cents ; '20 lor !?2 : -!Hf.ir.'?t ; tiMor U ; 100 for $10 ,- sent by maii. Free pri'senm togotter up, (worth ot) her cent move than those sent tiy nny other concern,! according to size of club, or if not do net fail lo send or a eirculpr. N. 1. ti,r sale i-hould not bi c!.".?cd with New York dollar jewelry "ales or bo gus " Tea Comprnies," 111 it is nothing of the sort. EASTMAN & KENDALL, Oii Hanover Street, mny2ij-fim. Huston, .Mass. Tf YOU WANT TO li tJ Y CLOTZSI.VG for the SZHHon ! Go to A. DIT.LACilER, Agent, DEALER IN CLOTHIMG ! CLOTSING GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, 1!0?TS, SHOES, TRCNKS, TRAVELING BAGS, ko. ST. MARY'S, ELIi COUNTY, PENS A. Jau21S0Slypd ATTEXTJO.Y MILL-O YXl-RS ! rrillE EAGLE TURIUNB WATER J WHEEL, j ntenied only .10, 18(17. is superior to any whtiel in o.e. The under, signed have the agency for said wheel in. the State of Pennvlvauia, nnd can leconii mend it ns bein;f the be.-t manufactured. For further particulars, and circulars, iu. quire at our Foundry in Kersey, where machinery, mi'il-uearinpr, eastings aud steam engines will be uade to order at reasonable prices. Wo expect, by givinj satisfaction in our work to receive ft good share of pub lie patrona' 0. J. F. ROBERTSON, It. BELL. Krrscv.r.l'tCo., V. ..j.tul'J lHpd. ' A "t'ARD TOTIIE LA DISS. Df Dnnon- f- co's GOLDEN ri:i:ii:ncAL PU.L3 i." i.m:ilpn. Infallible in correcting u'reg. ulnrities, Removing (ibsiiuciiors of tha Monthly Turns from whatever cause, and always successful ns a preventive. One Pill is a dose. Females pcealiarly situated, or (IiO'-e supposing themselves so, aro cau tioned n.v:. iust using these Pills while in that condition, l.-t ti.ey invito niisearriago, after which admonition Cu Prunrietor s suiaes 110 res) ons'.lii'.'.i;,-, ill ; :-tu;:?i lhen lliil'jnrs would pri vein any lai-eiiii f to health; ntrerwi.-e. itie Pills are recomiacii: led as a Must lnvaiu.-.liiii ueme dy for tiio alleviation of t.. use itu.lv-'.ti' 1 '"'J' r regiilnritios whuievcr, as well as prevent nr increase uf family wlua l.cah'a will not. permit it ; quieting t'ne nerves ami blinking back the ' rosy culur cf liea'uii ' to tnu chack of the rinil ileliciue. Full nnd explicit directions accompany each box. Price i'l pe.- 1 ox ; li boxes, Sold in Ridgway, Pa., by G. G. Messen ger, Dtuggisi. sole agent fur Ridwny. La. lies, Ly bending him ?! tu tho Ridgway P 0, can have tlie Pills still (uoutideiitially liy 11. ail to ar.y pari of tho country, tree ).' pustnjre. Suld n!.-o by fiwnynj .t Reynolds, St. Mary's, nn I by one Dm; ;,i.ii iu every vil'.aLO in t'.iu L'uin. S. 1). HOWE, my'i (iP-ly. f'o'e l'ro;.i i -lor, N. Y. I, (iLlS IJ. tiARJiEi PPvACTlCAL MACHINIST, i7an be found nt his Foundry at St. Mary's where ho is ready to have ull slmp work ill ids line done on short notice. St. Muiy's, Heimnger P. (., hlk to., Pa. w IT' ly r isi i iNii t Al'.iiS "EATLY E.'.ECL'T'. j.e. 1 Ul . I.i i