The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, September 02, 1868, Image 3
BimMntuttatH LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. Var Tlmrai ISidfftratf. Erie Express East 1:23 . m do do Wc.'l 1:0' iv m. lo Mail East 'HI p. m- do do Wet 2:40 ji. m- Local Freight 1'' St: 10 a. m. do do IVcst G;12 p. in. Elk Lodge, A. Y. M. Slated meetings of Elk Lodge will lip held Tuesday evotrng. on or Wore (ho full moon of each moiiili. once every two weeks thereafter. J. K. WIlITMOl'tE. Scc'y. Grace Chnrch rrotcstant Episcopal Rkv. ( E., lteetor. Pervious will be held in the above church every al ternate Sunday morning nnd evening commencing with. Monday, tliu loth Methodist Episcopal. Pv. F. Vf.knon, Pastor. Morning 8cr vico, in the Court House, every alternate Sunday, commencing with the 17th instant. JWi?A few .lays ago a Republican friend remnrked to us, that as there was now two Democrntio papers in Elk county that it would be to our interest to turn Radical Well, now, reader dear, wouldn't that be hefty t Whoever heard of a Clearfield Democrat turning tail on his party or giving aid and comfort to the enemy ? Wo arc poor, of course poor but honest and we have too much self respect to be numbered with a party whoso leaders arc thieves liko Cutler, and murderers liko Bingham. We'll forsake the party never. Though the sun might censo his diurnal course ; though beautiful Cynthia, the Queen of Night would Cease to illumine heaven's blue arch ; though the regions of the dr.mned congealed with i n iceberg as big nu J soli J as the rock of Gib raltar ; though the Universe were tumbled ititonn immense vacuum of space, and he was the last Democrat, Jack Moore would hurrah for the good old party whicli has dared to board tyrants, whether they were across the blue ocean, or at the head of our own nation in the Presidential chair. No, never ! never ! ! Amen! To The Voters op Em Coitktv H ing been solicited by my friends of both parties to become an Independent candi date for Sheriff at (lie np; reaching election I have concluded (o obey (heir wishes, nnd rcspcciiuny ask tlio support of all who may feel inclined to vote for me. D. C. OYSTER. It white men want to see what tho Stay-Reading matter in every page of the Advo calc this week. JfeSyDcmocratic Club meets to morrow evening Let there bo a full turn-out. XA Democratic daily has boon started at Lock Haven by the Furey brothers. Suc cess attend it. tffX letter from Bcnczette has been received too late for this, but will appear next week. Weiudeo from tho immenso sales that Mrs. S. A. Allen's Improved (new style) South would bo Under Radical rule, let Hair Restorer or Dressing (in ono bottle) thorn look at Hayti. Tho main pro is preferred by every ono. Every Druggist Auction of that country at the present sells it. Price Otic Dollar. tinio is revolutions. Lks HnoitEX. A man named Ilucknhop. In the Georcia Lecislaturn n employed at tho PortlundMills, while cngag- Radical member recently read in place cd in drawing logs, by some means, La 1 h:s ? ill suppressing all Democratic papors leg broken below the knee. Dr. Bordwcll reset the limb, and the injur ed mau is im proving rapidly. A New Pai'kb. A new Democrat ic paper is te appear shortly in St. Mary's under tho editorial supervision of Mr. E. F. Hodge.-, formerly of Warren. We welcome our cotcmporary to the journalistic list, not in the light of a rival, but ns an nuxil liary iu inculcating those great Democratic truths whicli should bo spread broadcast throughout the land. J&yf Purchasers of lands in St. Mary's at (he hist Trca.itircr-H Sales, nro informed in tne State. Free rations for noorneo but not free speech for whito men, is tho motto of tho Radical party. It cos-t the people sixty. four thous and tunc hundred and eleven dollars to jstomclluiuj $cn A LAItGKE STOCK OF Goons The undersigned have on hand a large aud very dct-ivablo stock of GOODS, and will constantly keep an extensive assortment, including everything that Is wanted to IRfll was ffsa IMMENSE REDUCTION IN THE TRICE OF J''"KQ ftSS&Elf'RN IT 11 P IE -sal i ,T : HENRY II. THOMAS' JATEST ARRIVAL ! I SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS ! CHEAP EST GOODS IN imG WAY ! AT THE STORE OF LfJAP (gua? tut n xt l JJ 0 t July 30, 1SGS. Above corner oj Alain A Depot Streets, RIDGWAY, FEN'N'A. EAT, WEAR, Oil FEED. INSURANCE AGAINST LOSS Oil l UAiuAul'i 11 Y FTR.K which they will soil at tho very bottom TIIE Lycoming County Mntnal lnsur- fjo-uro nnd from this rinl u-ill ll V""" Y'"Pcy Muncy, Pcnna., con j via-j I 1II1UUS IU 111!? lor LASH. e will use every endoav or to mako it to the interest of onr cus tomers to adopt the universal CASH SYSTEM. Wo have dcfcrmincd to give the CASH SYSTEM a fair trial, believing it to bo the est ol both buyci and seller. intor- Ridgway, Apg. 13th, 1867. -rc F. o'eriii,t:i; r, MERCHANT TAILOR, nid-way, Elk Co., Pa. The subscriber desires rcspootfully to in- ry's ; for other parts of t he county at the office of Souther, Willis A Souther, at llidgcway. The costs of sale must be paid on or be fore adjourned sale ou the lid of October next or the lauds will be resold. Accident. On the morning of tho2Ut nliin.0, V.'m. McCaulcy, of Cculreville, and Charles E. Bom an, of lie!! en, wcie drtvir.g down Brandy Camp, when the horse fright ened, threw the two men out of tho buggy, so that between the kicks from t lie horse and the fall fioin the buggy, injuries of r.i ther an aurmiug character were indicted. Dr. Earhy caret f.:r the wounded men, and latest advices inform us that they arc convalescing. PiSTtussiM! Oi' On Thursday last, a young man employed by Mr. Hyde, iu this piace, while engaged in putting resin on the t cltirff of a th; eshinjr nuichiue, had his right aim caught un J manglod in a most horrid manri ;r. reu lei ii.g thj aiiiputation oi the wounded member necessary, which was peil'orniid by lA,ciorj Euldwtll, Haitman uu.l Tilakc'y. The unfortunate young man' whose name is Jos'-ph Calderbach, is, we aro glad to learn, doing as well as could be expected. " Toor Tom's a'cold." How warm soe'er the genial sun May look in kindness on the earth. In Tom Jones' veins no cheering warmth Dispells the ghiumy sorrow of his 6ul. lysi.ei sia, like a goblin, hunts him down, Ague, rrim chamberlain, liirhts him to bed, While Dullness, Vertigo, aud headache dire With fiercer ucbes combine to make him groan. Harkcn, Thomas, (o instruction : For all thy ills a remedy is found, A Panacea, certain, pleasant, sure, 1'I.ANTATION lSlTTKUN S. T. 18fl0 X., A wondrous Tonic, made by Dr. Drake. Wo presume that " poor Tom's " case u not worse than hnudicds who are cured daily by this wou lerful medicine. Maokolia Watch a delightful toilet ar ticle superior to cologne, and at' half the price. JJieJP'Our Radical brethren are getting in preparation a beautiful pole which they purpose raising in a few days. The polo is a very handsome one, and it is a pity (hat such timber should bo used for such a pur pose. We wonder whether they aro going to put the sauio kind of a flag on it which the N. Y. Tribune anathematised an fol lows, Bomo years ago. All hail ! the flaunting lie ! The stars grow pale und ujin ; The stripes arobloody scars A lie, the vaunting hymn. It shields a pirate's deck, It binds a man in chains. It yokes the captives neck, And wipes the bloody stuins. Tear dowu the flaunting lie ! Half mast ihe starry ling ! Insult no B.muy eky, With hale s polluted rag ? Destroy ii ye who can ! Deep fcii.k it in l he waves! It bears u fellow man, To gruau uiih fellow slaves. Furl, furl iho boasted lie ! 'Till Freedom lives ugain, lo rule once more in truth. Anions untrammelled men Roll up llie l any slietn, 'iiiccal tlio bloody naius ; For in its folds are seen The tiauU of in-i.. chaius ? tret witneews before the Judieiarv Cc.m mit tee of tlio House, upon kIiopo evi dence impeachment articles were drawn up. This is 020 dirty item the Radical nave to carry. me mate buartf, tho ovan of 'jovernor Oeary in this State, Fay " there is more corruption to-day to at " tain favor in the gift of tho Rermbli can party, titan diasraoed tho wnr form the that their deeds and bonds can be found at " obtain contracts by which frauds nr. ho is prepaicd to make to order as Vch me omoe oi Miort, itall 4: Co.. at Saint .Ma- " tho trovernment weri r,rnninij I 118 "can ne uonc anywhere, anvtliintr in iho Senih. line of lus business. All he asks is a fair T, , . . I mm. uoou jr us guaranteed. w i'juuu n.ivinn; awo L'ono JJemo- tlPA.u:otiis. Lass mors. Vnai;ni n.i cratio, it is fortunate for the Radicals Trimmings of the latest and most approved that elections in Maine. Vermont kn.l f,J,c' ''cpt constantly on hand, which will Tennessee aro soon to !in hM A "e "olJ THAN THE CHEAP cession of Democratic victories has al most craz;d the brains of tho Radical leaders und unless thero soon be some change in the political j)rorrnmrcu they may bo expected to do something des perate, ihey will doubt'esH obtain great relief in tho result of the elections iu tho States above named. If they do not carry them by increased majorities sure aeainst I. oust nr l0n,n v,.. Fire on all kinds ef Merchandise. Public uuu jinvaie unamps, cither iu town or county. Also on Mills, Tanneries, Barns, stocks of Gram, &c, at the lowest posslblo rates, consistent with safety lo the ln,r.. IT . ww.. - nnu insiircu. 'i lie Lycoming County, Mu tual Insurance Company invites an invcstii gation ns to its stability. Its capital amounts to 83,800,000! Thug assuring to every one of Us patrons that their losses will be promptly and satis, factorily pRid. Its management has always been prudent, as its existence of twenty, sixycurs fully demonstrates JAMES B LAMELY, Agent for E'k county, at St, Mary's Oct. 18, Kb71y. ' T. MARY'S STEAM TANNER I s be sold CHEAPER EjT. Ladies desirinor Ilcmmintr. StWi-tn'n Felling, Rinding, 40.. ou dresses, carina. will find it to their iutercat in o-ivrt call. r.ino-Mii.;! II. TP. Espenshade & Co. Take pleasure in aniiouucinir (o (ho nublin of Elk and turrouii'iing counties that they havo thoroughly refitted and rcunovated oiu anu well-known establishment, and coneretulnte themselves that with their ex tended laciues, with first. class workman, that they can put out ns good work as can bo found anywhere We have, and keep constantly on hand nlll kinds of leather sucn as in general use iu this scotion, in VlUUlllir SjHinitJi and Country Sole Leather ! Vatjscins, Sheepskins, kipslcim ! Harness & Upper Leather J XT CASH PAW FOR HIDES. Uive us a call nnd bo convinced of tho wum oi wnatwe state. mar21'li8 THE PLACE TO BUY IS AT THE HI I) Gr WAY DRUG STORE KEPT BY GROVE G. MESSENGER, Dealers in Drag, Medicines, Paints, Oils, White Lead, Lubricating Oil, Lamp Oil, Tanner's Oil, Per. fumcries of nil Kiudu, The purest Varnish, Brushes of every Style and Size Dye Stuffs, Pure Confectionarics Citron, Raisiu3, Patent Medicines, 'Wines, Watehcs, Jewelry, Rings, Tola ccoes & Segars Pure Liquor? for Medicinal pur poses only. AMU vs Little et. al.. Garnishees. In JJ they may as well hang tbait harps upon ""ps on hand npood supply of such arti the (vinows. In tho last mentioned .S'afo jJrovvulow is fully prepared with bi.s ucgro militia .to prevent the few whites who were allowed to register from cast n ' their votes Veimont naver give a Democratic majority and to redeem Maine would be to pluck a jrauu Horn tne burning. the Common I'leas of Elk Countv. No 1". 1 :m i n , . n " i, Apru lorm, isua. llin linrlprulirrwil hovinrr bnnn -vKn;K4-.t I AMli.S ISIcCIOSKEY. Trustees in tho above cause hereby eive W notice tj all nersons holdi III? Tirnni.rlu i.t Tl, ,'. , .. o I.I.- i ...... F J kicr hi urOiiTwiS, CCC. I ",u Jani, or inueoieu to nun, aro re- WouM respectfully inform tho eititpn. nf lU'rea to make payment to the undersigu. the surrounding community that he still cd 'l oe'vf said property to them, : . . . . - nfar,trnia nt i .ifnur nn, ...ill . . the undersigned their claims duly authen- iicuiuu i or seiiicmem. FRED. SCIKENINO 1I0KACE LITTLE, at Hidirwav. or L. VOLLMEB, 6t,Mary's. u. o. ui,atti,i,i, iiainuu s Attorney. lUgUSl oiu, 1000-01. cies as are goueraily kevt in a country gro- teij Biore, uiciuuiug XPJA.", FLOUIt, SUGARS, TORACCOES, SEGARS, DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEES. WHISKEY which ho flatters himself he can sell Wo publish below the names of the gen- cheap as (hey can be bought anywhere in RgJicfll cure of 8l,e;ma,pr'r, tuicu composing the btaiidmg and Work- lje county. " u , Tnrnlnnnrt P g Conmr'tees. This is done in order to 1 have lately erected a first-class shingle JjJy anS in.pfdimJn t voters know to whom they may op?ly 'U..h .. now in operation. It is an ' rvousX Co " llcuieu ing let for documents, kc. Gr.o. 1). Mf.ssknt.eb, Clir'nia C. E. He man, Secretary. C. Y. Uillis, Treasurer CTANMXU COMMlTTKE. Bcnezet, 11. li. Wilson ; Bonzingrr, Ja cob Voilraer ; Fox, James McCkskey Highland, W. J. Ptubbs ; If'iton, John C. Meallister; Jay, Jacob Oval; Jones, F. o1k ; llidgway, C. V. Cliiiia : 6t. Mary's. Joseph Yr'ilbelm ; Spring Creek, Jeremiah 111011. WORKISO C0MMI2TI.K. Eeneet...H. K. Wilson, chairman ; C Wainnght, Julius Jones, Milton Chaso, joun J.arr. Benzinger Jr.cch Vollmer, chairman Joseph Koeruer, John Stockman, Charles Hitter, Martin Sorg, Adam Jeiberger, Se bastiau Ciuclz. Fcx...J:iihf& MeCloskey, chuirman ; Jas. A. Mnlone, P. W. Hays, L. Mohan, junior. I tglilanu...nui. Blubbs, Thomas (.ami) bell. IIorloo...J. C. McAllister, chairman : James McClellan, Alfred Short, 0. 1. Kcltsi John McMahon, Jefferson Taylor. Jay ...Jacob Oval, chairman ; Samuel Vnsbinder, John Thomas, Frank Spanglcr. Jones. Woiik, chairman ; Michael netdert, C. C. Necring, Henry Warner. Uidgvcy...O. V. Ciillis, chairman j V. S. Madignti, Freu. Wilmarlh, Thos. W heeler, JNclson tianlner. St. Mary's. ..Joseph Wilhelm, chairman ; William Kchultze, Auton Eenuinger, George netgar, James Coyne. Spring Crick. ..Jeremiah Elliott, chair man ; Martin Pen-in, Newton Lounsberry, William Jackson, Oeorge Si afford. A Ni:w Hemkuv in CosscarrioM. A l'hysiciau who had Consumption for sver- al years, with frequent bleedings of tho lungs, cured himself with medicine un known to (he profession, when his case ap peared hopeless. lit, U the only physician who nas usol u in hi.-j own person, or who has any knowledge of its virtues ; aud he can ascriho the degree of health lie now enjoys to nuihiog but tha uso of his medi cine; and noiliing tint utter despair mid eiuiie extinction ot all hepo of recovery, together wnh a want, of confidence in u!l others induced him in hazard the exper iment. To those Buffering with any dic tate of tho lun;s he proil.'it a treatment he cioitiduiitly l.idicvis will eradicate the disease. Price Si. fit) per bottle, or$Hu li-til th zen, sent l y express. KenJ tur a liitii'ar or c. II on hi.. V.. i'.oi.sTos .lcn. ".v, o. - ')(), Noi-tii 'i'liith Sireei. phiU d j -la. I'a. luayuC.os-ly attested that the shingles which were utado in this mill and sold in W'illiatusport, nre a first-class article, (he lumber of which (hey aro made being a firs(-olass article. 1 desire to introduce these shincle- to the notice of builders, who will consult their I own interest by giving mea call. Way ad, OU. tt 1 TCI1 ! ITCH ! ! ITCH 1 ! ! SCRATCA ! SCRATCn ! ! SCRATCH ! 1 ! in from It) to 18 hours. Whcaton's Ointment cures The Itch. Whcaton's Ointment cures Salt Khcuin. W'heaton's Oir. neut cures Tetter. Wncaton's Ointment cures Barbers' Itch, Whcaton's Ointment cures Old Sores. Wheatou's Ointment cures Every kind, of Humor like Magic. Price, GOcenU a bok ; by mail, CO cents' Address W E k.l3 & POTTER. No. 170 W dshington Street, Boston, Mass. For sale by alldruggims. Sept. 17'07 ly. J. S. I'.OUDWELL, M. 1). ECLECTIC 1'Jll'Sl Via J "the word eclectio means to choo or select medicines from all tho different soltools of medicine ; usin-; remedies (hat are safe, aud discarding from praotico all medicines that have an impurious ell'ect ou the system, such as mercury, antimony, lead, copper, &o. I lay aside the lance tiie old blood- letter, reiucer or deplcter, and equalize the circulation and restore the system to its natural state by alteratives and tonics. I shall hereafter give particular attention to chronio diseases, such as Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Liver complaint, Catarrh, Hen. ralgia, diseases of the thronl, urinary or gans, and all uiseascs peculiar to females, KC. CATARItn I treat with a new instrument of a lalo invention, which enres every caoa. TEETH extracted without pain. Ollice and residence south of the jail on Centre St. Olhoe hours from 7 lo 8 a. m ; 12 to 1 v. ni ; 6 to 7 p. m. Deo. 2:i'(i7.-lT. o- 1UUU LECTURE TO YOCNO MEN JUST j published in a scaled envelope. A Lecture on die JXature, Treatment and Spermatorrhoea, or Senii- Etnissions, Sex- pedimpflts to marriage generall. Nervousness, Consumption, Ep ilepsy and 1 its ; Mental nnj I'hystcal In capueity, resti'.ling from Self-Abuse, -c, by Eoliert J. Culver ell, M. 1)., author of tho "Green Book," etc. Price in a sealed envelope, only six cents. The celebrated author, iu this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' succersutl practice, that the alarm ing couiequeuces of self iibuso may be rad ically cured without the uso of internal medicine, or the application of the knife, pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and ell'ectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter w hat his condi (ion may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. rQ','his Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope', to any address, postpaid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Also, Dr. Cub verwcll's " Marriage Guide," price 25 jents. Address Ihe Publishers. CIIAS. J.C. KLINE CO., 127 Bowoi, New York, P. 0. Box 4,68(3. janlO-1807 XTOUSE, 8IGN AND ORNAMENTAL 1 I PAINTING. The undersigned hay- concluded to hang up for a whiloin Ridgway, would respectfully inform its citizens and those of its surrounding vicinity, tnal lliey are prepared to do all work in their line in a manner warranted to suit their customers ami at as reasonable a price as it can be done by any other man. Our motto is to 'Live nnd let live.' All orders promptly attended to. JACK. T. SUITED CO. July 2 3m. A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of Everything Useful . Toitaiuing to the Drug Business Gen erally. Pure Drugs at Low Prices ! Pure Drugs at Low Prices NotionB in Endless Variety ! Notions in Endless Variety American nnd English Watches I American and English Watches Latest Styles of Jewelry, Rinss. ko. Latest Styles of Jewelry, Rings, &e. Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels ! iuncy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels Albums, News, Stationery, Bird-Cages! Albums, News, Stationery, Bird-Cages ! Violin, Banjo and Guitar Strings! Violin, Banjo and Guitar Stringy! mar2013G0 PHILADELPHIA lo ERIE RAILROAD. WINTER TIME TABLE. Thrmgli and Direct Route, between l'hiladefphia, Baltimore Harris bur, Williamsport, and the G R HAT OIL REGION of Pennsylvania. ELEGAN T SLEEPING CARS On all Night Trains. ON and after MONDAY, NOV. 25th, the trainson'the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad will run as follows : WtSTWAIil). Mail Train leaves l'hiladelphia..ll.lo p. in " " Kidgway 2.40 p. " arrive at Erie 8.'0 i. Eric Exp leaves Philadelphia... 12.00 noon, " " Ridgway -l.o:l u. in arrive at Erie 10.0-5 a. iu. 1IASTWAUU. man iraiu leaves r.ric., u.uu a. m " " Ridgway "'-.It; p. m " arrive at Vhilad a... 7.10 a. in Erie Express leaves Eric 7. 10 p. m " " " iidgway... l.;',3 a. in " ' arrat riiihutelidiiu 6.00 d. a, Mail nnd Express connect with Oil Creek and Allegheny River lla-.l Ilo id. BAij UAQE CHECKED THROUGH. ALFRED L. TVLER. General Superintendent. WHEELER ING MACH MACHINES. The under signed having been appointed Polo Ageut for the sale of Wheeler &. Wilson's Sewing Machines fur Elk county. He keeps an asHrirtiuenl cm stantly on hand. Machinus soid ut I hit .It-1 1 hinaud New Vor prices Any parties desirous ct oluaiiiing them can adurcaa J. K. W111TM0RE. IN tho District Court of the United States for the Western Distriot of Pennsylva nia. To Whour it may Concern : The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of Frederick Rudolph, of St. Mary's, in (ho county of Elk, and Statu of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own pe tition, l y the District court of said District. II. T. TAGfiEKT, Assignee Aug. 13-3t. Emporium, l'enn'a. A 11 orders for Stoves and Hardware will be promp'ly attended to as soon a.i lee. ivi d, at llie 12 C7 St. MARV'S IIAED'A ARE STOLE. DM INISTRATRIX'S NOTICE :j . . . . . - . 11 XX ottee is hereby given that letteis of administration having been granted to tiie undersigned on tiie estate ot W in. I. Denny. late of St, Mary's borough, deceased, all persons indented to Batd estate arc request cu to come lorwaru anu make immeuiat e nae. ment, and those having claims against the samo win present tnem duly authenticated lor settlement. ELISABETH J. DENNY, July 2, 18G8-(it. Administratrix. iuixli t'l-'CJ-ly. , V, IGiJ WORK of all kinds and dus. I . ti.-us d-ius at this u2ioe. VALUABLE LOTS FOR SALE. The uudersigned has laid-out a vil ago upon his ground adjoining the ltidg way Depot, to bo called ELK. The lots are 50 feet front by 100 feet deep front ing towards the railroad. Terms Forthe first lot sold, $100. Foi (ho seeond lot sold, $110. For the third lot sold, $120 nnd so on increasing in price as lots are sold. Bt?i First purchasers get the choice lot, at the cheapest rates. Purchasers will bo registered in (he or der of their application Ten percent ol the purclinse money must be j.a:d at the (line of (he application. ' B'-Applientions will be made to Job 0. Hall, Esci., Ridgway, Pa. J. a. U ut.. Eidgway. mar,20'0fi-tf. TAILS, SPIKES, IlINGKf, KlVI'.Tt X locks, bolts, and all kinds of builders hoilormls in general can bo had cheaper al the Ft. Mary s llar-lwuru Ctore mno nj ( otiici p'.aee in E'.V. eo'u.'y. (v.2S'ij7) J Cor. of Main ,5- Water, end of Hyde House, Where he has on hand nu extensive assort ment of Goods, consisting of Woolen Good, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shocf, Undoiclothes, Ladies' Dress Goods, Shawls and P Nubian, Hoop Skirts, Opera floods, Mus. lias aud Cali. C 0 C 6 I REABYMADE CLOTHING Balmoral Skirts, Blankets and Counter- panes, Ladies' Dress Trimmings, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Groceries, Paints, Glass and Putty 1 ! ! Call and sec my stock before purchasing cisewnere 1 Dec. 5,'G7 ly. (y 500,000 CUSTOMERS IN FOUR Years. Patronize thc Best. Having the largest capital, most croer- ienced buyers, nnd extensive trado of any concern iu the Dollar Sale business, we GUARANTEE SATISFACTION in every instance, and also the best selec tion of goods ever offered at ONE DOLLAR, EACH. No oilier concern has nny show wherever our agents arc selling. Our motto, " Prompt and Reliable." Vale and female agents wanted in city nnd country. THE LADIES aro particularly requested to try our popular club system of selling nil kinds of Dry and l-'ancy Goods, Dross Patterns, Cotion Cloth, Castors, Silver Plated Goods, Watches, &c. Established 180-1. A patent pen fountain and a cheek describing nn article to be sold for a dollar, 10 cents : 20 for $2 ; 40 for ?'l ; 00 for $6 ; 100 for $10 ; sent by ninii. Free presents to goiter up, (worth 50 her cent more than thoso sent by any other concern,) according to size of club, or if not do not fail to send or a circular. N. B. Our Ealo should not be classed with New York dollar jewelry sales or bo gus " Tea Comprnics," as it is nothing of the sort. EASTMAN & KENDALL, 65 Hanover Street, tnay23-f,m. Boston, Mass. J F YOU WANT TO BUY " CLOTlII.ra for the Million I Go to A. DURLACHER, Agent, DEALER IN CLOTHING ! CLOTHING GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNK3, TRAVELING BAGS.&o. ST. MARY'S, ELK COCNTY. TENNA, Jau21SGSlypJ .4 TTEXT10X XlLLOWXhRSt "MIE EAGLE TURBINE WATER WHEEL, patented .iulySO, 1807, is superior to any wheel in use. Tho under' signed have the n;:eii.-y lur said wheel in the Sh'.te of li-iu-v I ;ii:i . nnd can reeonu mend it as hein the be( iiianut'act 111 ed. Fin-further pariieiihivs, nnd eiinilars. ill. ju ire at our l-V-.tudry iu )"c rsey, where machinery, pi ill-gearing, casiings and steam engints will be mi le to or-ler al reasonablo prices. We c:. cot by tiivi ui satisfaction in our work to receive a good share of pub lic patronage. J. F. EitBEIiTSON, U. I'.El.L. Kersey, E'.k Co.. Ph., jaulii ISHSpd. T ,4 CARD TO Til li I - ' 1I ES. Dr. Dupon j coVtiOi.l.E?: ! :.itIODICAL Pll.LS lor female--. Jr- l-'m lotiectiiig irreg. ularities, Rem-vi.r; OH.-tiiietions of (he Monthly Turn , lrom wliatever cause, aud always successful us a preveuiivc . Ono Pill is a dose. Females peculiarly situated, or ( hi iso supposing themselves so, lire cau tioned, against using tlieso Pills while iu that condition, lest they invite miscarriage, after which admonition tho Proprietor as- sumes no responsibility, although their mildness would prevent any mischief to health ; otherwise- the Pills are recomineu. de I as a Most Invaluable Remedy for the; alleviation of thoso suffering from auy ir regularities Whatever, as well as prevent an increase of family when health will not permit it; quieting the nerves nnd bringing back tut "rosy color of health" to the check of the most delicate. Full and explicit directions accompany each box. Trice Si per box : 0 boxes, ft. Sold in Hidi'wav. Pa., by O. (i. Messen- ger, Drujgist, sole aj ent for Ridgway. La. dies, by sendini him $1 to the Ridgway P. 0. can have the Pills sent, (confidentially) by mail to any pait of the country, free of postage. Sold alio by Rwayuo & Reynolds, St. Mary's, and by one Druggist in every village iu the Union. w. v. iiuw r., iuy2 C8-ly. Sole Proprietor, N. Y. L UL'IS II. GARNER, JT.ACTICAL MACHINIST, 'nu be found at his Foundry at 8t. Mary's- where he is ready to have all shop-work iu his line dmioau short notice. 61. Mary's, Ueiizinger P. O..J Elk Co., Pa. uiyl'tf ly VTISITINO OKI NEATLY EXECUT- t-d t' this clea.