The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, September 02, 1868, Image 2

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    Shr JMvjmvlr.
JOHN F. MOURE, Editor.
3nd, : : 18G8.
For Auditor General,
Of Fayette County.
An will be een iu another part of
to.days paper this gentleman has accept,
ed the nouiniation conferred upon hira by
the Deroocratio Congressional Confer
enco wuicn met at this place on the
20th ultimo. Ills nomination tomWs
the election of Mr. ScoGcld extremely
uouwiul. lie is one of the ablest law
yers in tho State, and gentleman
every senso of the word. Politically bo
Has always been a Democrat, and in the
county of Warren, his home, which
usuully gives 900 Republican majority,
he camo within 260 votes of beating the
present Judge iu the Warren district.
AST No to day publish tbo procla
mation of Shoiifl Malono for au election
in Oetober. Every voter should a-ram.
me it carefully.
For Surveyor General,
Oj Columbia County,
Democratic District Ticket,
of Warren county.
HON. W. WALLACE, of Clearfield Co
of Clearfield county.
Democratic County Ticket.
JACOB McCAULEY, of Fox twp.
JI.JS. 13ELNAP, of Ridgway twp.
J63Mf our friends in tbo different
townships will keep favoring us with
the news in tneir locality we shall al
ways to happy to publish their effusions
By so doing they will materially add to
the usclulncss of our paper.
X-IIon. Thomas J. M'Cullough,
our candidate for legislature, is doing
yeoman service for the party in Clear
field county. Mr. MoCullough bas
made a good member, and the Confer
ence only expressed the wishes of the
people in renominating him. He will
bo elected without doubt, and by a
largely increased majority.
C. A. WILCOX, of Ilorton twp.
We are frequently asked by our po
litical friends in regard to the prospects
nf victory for our party in the coming
election. Not being very old in politics
oryears, some may say that we are too
enthusiastic when wo say that we are
confident of beating the Radicals worse
than any political party has ever been
been beaten, if the full Democratic vote
it out on election day.
We fell all those who say otherwise
from Galuiha A. Grow down to the
most ignorant Radical that the Demo
cratic party vhich never would have
been deleated in lSGQ,ou tbe ill-omened
election of Abraham Lincoln, unleB3 it
had Lee n divided, aiid disunited has
made up all lis differences : that it
forms the majority throughout the Un
ion ; that it will stand as true to itself
as a Macedonian phalanx ; that Seymour,
its chosen standard-bearer, will carry
all before him, and that Grant may ei
ther be Major of Galena or Lieutenant
General of the Army of tho United
States whichever he chooses but net
tho President of tho United States, or
in any way tho arbiter of State policy.
Tbo Radicals have had their day, and
dono as much mischief as tho country
will suffer. It is now the turn of tho
Democrats and Conservatives tho only
party whose principles, old as the Con.
ttitution, and as sacred are able to
preserve the Union without a second
civil war, and to save it from the mani
fold evils which the first has brought
uloug with it. Tho time is ripe for a
reaction against tho sham philosophers,
and malignant philanthropists, and ne-fcro-worshippers
like Ben. Butler, Wen
dell Phillips, and Charles Sumner, and
all the other charlatans and mounte
banks who, untaught and unwarned by
1 he lessons of history, sought to repro
duce in the New World the villaoics
aol horrors of tho old, and to emulato
6rHou. IP. A. Wallace, cur candi
date for State Senate is doing' noblo
work in his capacity as Chairman of
the State Committee. The duties of
his position, as every one must know,
are very laborious, therefore our Dem
ocracy must not expect that ho can
give much time to as sure a Democratic
district as this is. But they may rest
assured that ho is in the enemy's coun
try most of the time, toiling Dight and
day for the good of the party and pco'
pie. Go ahead Mr. ll'allaco your in
tercsis win not sutler in lilK while you
arc doing such noble work abroad.
Question. Whore do you live?
'Answer, in the 19th Congressional
.uistnct ot 1 enusylvania,
w. u no is your representative in
Congress r
A. Glenni W. Sohofield, of Warren
Q. Who is Glenni W. Sohofield
a. a gentleman who was educated
-..v uiiiuoi.iv, luuQu K was not a
money making business, studied law
T . rt
u win seen by the following that
Judge Brown has accepted the nonii.
nation lor Congress.
Kidoway, Aug. 29th, 18G8.
li on. it. JJrown. Sir Tho Dcm
in u t. 8 convention ot tuo
19th District of Pennsylvania have this
day by acclamation, placod you inNom-
luauun 03 inoir standard bearer in the
most critical campaign to our country
joiued tho Democrats bcoatne a profes- " as a committee appointed by the
o.uuui 1-i'nnoinB, was eiectei to ollice """""""u iu noiiry you ot your nomi-
ecveral times by that party, tried to se- D.atioD knowing your well established
cure its nomination for the State Senate, character as a patriot, ask you to banish
failed went over to tho Radicals, was a reluctance you might have to enter
nominated by them tho next day, and tho political arena, and accent this un
linn ucr BlUUg UCCn retainml in n ,f DUUtllUU IUarK Ot tllfl hitrh anr,,.-
profit, to tho great advantazo of his cialin of your fellow citizens, for the uuu ii I u ll.lttlisu ulSffUKE nt mnnu
ro U..I . . , . . " "J
vi inu uiuusi anu most subbtantial of his
party allies.
Q. What particular principle docs ho
favor ? 1
A. Those which rromin tnlm
oencnt to Ulenni W. Sohofield.
Q. What seryico has ho rendered ?
A. Urawn his pay rccularlv. and
patriotically invcetod it in bonds pavine
oueu per cent, interest, ireoot taxation.
V ltb what particular act is his
name most prominently identified ?
A. Writing a litter in 18GG. prom
ising not to take the extra nnv whin!.
I" J
congress had voted to itself, regardless
oi the tremendous taxation nlrendo
v v t i j
uui ue uy iuo peopio
beueGt of our common country.
o ionium, luj iear Hir,
Your Fellow Citizens,
P. G. Sthanaiian,
J. Q. Hall,
J. Carver,
A. II. Boynton.
Warren, Aug. 2G, 18G8.
UfcNTLEMUN. 1 am in laneinC. nf
your iavor ot the 20th inst.. informing
mo ot the nomination for f!nnm-nt
the 19th District- I deenlv regret tLt
, i- J n
Duma uiuur peison Was nnt an ntoI fn
the nomination, as my professional en.
b"b ouuu us io preciuae me
irora giving any timo tolthe canvass.and
Q. Did he take the pay afterwards ? mJ habits and inclinations are averse to
8S?Tbo democrats of this county and
district, with scarcely a dissenting voice
will be delighted to learn that Hon, IF.
a ir ti i h
a. ii aiiace nas secured the unanimous
nomination for the Stato Senate in tho
twenty-third district of this State. This
is tho third timo Mr. Wallace has been
complimented with a nomination for
that position, and in the present in
stance, as in both of the others, his
election is a foregone conclusion. Mr,
Halluces abilities and integrity have
given him not only a State but a Na
tional reputation,and thousands of Dem
ocrats all over the country will rejoice
to know that ho is to be retained in
position whore his qualities of mind and
heart enable him to be of such efficient
strvice to his State and party. Erie
Tho Radicals of the last Congre
voted thomselvcs two hundred and
fifty pairs of white kid gloves. They
cost tho peopio six hundred and fifteen
dollars, but will not oonceal the plun
der stains on the hands of the men by
wnoso votes tne iresury was rot bed.
Thirty.five thousand negtoes have
been rcguli:ly supplied with food
through tho Freedman's Bureau. Thir
ty.five thousand white mon in the
North; and their wives and children,
havo suffered to foot the bill. Who
says General Grant is the white mans
candidate t
In olden timo, if a man committed
murder, tho oorpse of the victim was
strapped to the back of the criminal,and
thus by death be expiated bis crime.
Tbo Radical party, in like manner, will
die from the effects of tho " dirty load "
their infamous acts have strapped to
their backs.
The October election in this State
is the aimed bead that confronts and
"freezes tho eyeballs" of the Radical
party. They implore the peopio to
staud by them on that occasion, or
Gcueral Grant will be "bottled." But
their prayers, like those of the wicked,
will be of no avail. The doom of the
to the extent ot their fangs and the Radical party is sealed. October will
olumo of their venom, the doings of 0ly be a harvest shower, when com
pared with the purifying rain of Novem
ber. W ill Goneral Uraut resign r
Robespierre, St. Just, Couthon, and
other poisonous spawn of the French
ACVUiULiuu. iiuiciita uai tuuia mull i T . oe.ft . !,: .1,1 1 .v
eaough ot such tormentors, and himself and family in a decent comfor-
tauie manner on the proceeds ol one
mouths work. Now it takes all that the
same man can earn in three months to
put him in a like condition. This change
has been affected by eight years ol
Radical rule. If Grant is dcoted and
tho Radicals continued in power, in
short tiiuo tho workiugmen of this ua.
tion will be as poorly fed, clothed uud
lodged as thoso of the most despotic
nation iu the world1 ll'ill they uiJ in
proJueiug such rotults?
Ireland did in tLe olden day, for a Saint
liko St. Patrick to make an end dt them.
We fervently hopo and implicitly be
lieve that St. Soymour will be the
man to do it, and that (.11 tho black
tmakes iu question, each with a woplly
bead, will, at his blcssod advent, liko
tho toads in tho ballad, " commit (po
litical) suicide to save themselves f'r:u
A. 1 am sorry to sav that hn lid nl
ii t T 1 . . . . '
luuucn i nave no dOUbt his exnnan ic
sufficiently satisfactory to himself.
Q. What mcasures'has he supported
in Congrees ?
A. He voted in favor of nivin tip
groes the right to vote and hold office
in the South and in the District nff!nL
umbia, to keep up a military despotism Kent'emcn, for yourselves, and th
in the South which costs millions of rlnl. bers of the Couvention vnn n.r
lars, to perpetuate the Frcedniau's
Lureau!lor feeding, clothing and cdu
uus uegi-oes, wuicn tuo white men of To l Stranahan, J. G. Hall
iuu VAUCUPC IIJ. U U II1R I I 'norn. a .1 A TT T
burdousonio and inmniinn. mnn,. .(I ' ioynton
- ..vuu 1UVUCUIVO VI
the radical party generally.
y. hat are his views on the
a political contest. But as this is a crit.
cai penoa in the history of our country
and nil onnanpn. !.... I i t
-u-.i. wuairnurQ Uiuu BuOUlO. UU1 ,e
in one commot effort to brini? bck tho
administration of our government within Jo"cs township, at the house of R. (V.
us constitutional limits, I am not at Jib-
TION. Pursuant to an Act of the
Ocneral Assembly of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, entitled " An Act relating
to the elections of the Commonwealth," ap
proved the 2d dny of July, A. D., 1839, I,
JAME8 A. MALONK, Jliph Sheriff of tho
couniy 01 i,lk, state of Pennsylvania, do
hereby ninko known and give nolice to tho
electors of said county, that a General El
ection will bo held in Elk couniy on tho
TEENTII day of Jctobcr, 1808, at which
time tho following officers are to be elected :
One person for Surveyor General of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ;
One person for Auditor General of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania :
One persou for Conirress. to reDresent the
counties of Cameron, Clearfield, Elk,
Erie, Forest, Jefferson, M'Kcan and
One person for State Senate, to represent
the counties of Cameron, Clarion, Clear
field. Elk and Forest. :
One person for Assembly, to represent the
C0Unlie8 of Clearfield. Elk anil Fnrosl !
Ono person for Sheriff of Elk county ;
One person for County Commissioner of
Elk oounty ; I
Ono person for Countv Auditor of Elk
county ;
And the Qualified electors of llm
of Elk will hold their elections in tho sever
al districts, as follows :
Bonczelte township, at tho houso of Thom
as Overturf ;
Bcnzingcr township, at the schoolhouse on
Michael street, near the Elk nrftpk hril era
Fox township, at the Graveyard school
house ;
Highland township, at the house of Levi
Ellithorpe ;
Horton township, at the schoolhouse near
Hezekiah llorton's :
Ridgway township, at the Court Ilouse ;
St. Mary's Borounh. at the house nf Ivnn.
tius Garner :
Spring Creek township, at the houso of
Stockdale. Downer & f!nmnnnv
Jay township at the house of Alfred
"BOROUGH;" and ench class shall bo
deposited in separate ballot boxes.
f GIVEN under my hand and
I gEAIi I'cl my o"iee in Ridgway,
Vlthi8 FIRST day of SEPTEM
BER, in the yenr of our Lord, Oi.o Thous
and Eight Hundred and Sixty-Eight.
Sheriff of Elk County.
September 2nd, 18'i8:taoe.
For doing a family washing in the best
and cheapest manner. Guaranteed erjnal
to any in the world ! Has all the strength
of old rosin soap with the mild and lather
ing qualities of genuine Castile. Try this
splendid sonp. Said by tho ALDKN CHE
MICAL WORKS, 48Koitl. Front Street,
Philadelphia Scpt2 'C8:ly
JLnercby given that the petition of
. . I . I r
y . B use 01 vo7 name in
this importaut camnniim. Air.i
. n - "vvv ;,
e mem
Vou renresnn t.
e i , r
udouiuuuo ci my nigiiest respect.
J. B
Cial question f
A tti.j: ii 1 r ,
I, iiwumg tuuusanus or dollars in
bonds, he naturally wishes them to be
exempt lrom taxation, and is bitterly
uuiaguuisuo to me pian ot paying them
off in greenbacks.
Q. How does exempting the bonds
aucct larmcrs and laboring men I
A. 11 they havo property it must be
taxed to the nmouut of the bondhold
ers exemption. A man who owns a
small tarm or a houso pays,
poor and all other kinds ot tax, while
Mr. Schofield's property, being mainly
:u uouus, goes nearly clear.
y. What has Sohofield done for tho
good ot tho distnot i
A According to a correspondent of
the Gazette, he never built so much as a
chimney anywhere.
tj- Has he invested in no public en.
A t . 1 . t . .
terpnse ior tne oenent ot the district?
A. None that I am aware of.
U. as he " loyal " durincr the
war 7
A. Exceedingly so, but took cood
care to render no service in it, aud his
contributions to tho soldiers worn so
meager that they were exceeded bv
T , .r m . . '
scores oi men nut halt his cauala in
O. How comes it that ho has linen
elected to ollice so often c
A. Because he is a politician bv trade.
and knows just how to manipulato
tue wires ior his own advantage
Q. .4 re there do men in the district
who would make as good Congressmen ?
A. bcorcs who would mako better.
Q. Why are they not chosen ?
A. Because Sohofield has his retain
era in every county, who hvo upon bis
oounty, and bavins little elso to do. em
ploy a large share of their time in edu.
oating tho confiding people to believe
that ho is the best man they can choose.
Should Bueli a man be re-elected ?
A. I think not. He is a deuia"orua
of the first water.
Q. How can ho be defeated ?
A. By all those who wish to see a
reform in the Government, and honest
men chosen to office, voting for Judire
Brown, tho Democratio candidate.
Q. U hat are Judge Browu'a views
and what is his character '(
A. He is a just and straightforward
citizen, who possesses the respect of all
who know him. He served as Judge
of our district over a year and woo the
esteem of all parties. He believs the
publio debt should be paid as soon as
possible, so the people may be relieved
from the taxation and increased ex.
penses of living compelled by it. He
is opposed to taxing the farmer's and
mechanic's property and exempting tbe
rich man's- lie supports economy in
the Government, and will vote against
11 unjust appropr lations. He sustan a
the Constitution and the Union, and
gave more protection to both during the
war than bcoheld, who bad twice tne
former's wedUi.
First party I have heard enough to
convince me that b'cofield should uot be
re-elected. Aside from h'u other faults
a mau who will take advantage of bis
office to save his own property from tax
ation, aud thrust the burden that right.
ly belongs to himself upon his neighbor,
uufit to bo a rcpiescntative of tbe
people. My voto shall go forjudge
rown. Eric Observer.
Ihose who talk about rpnndislinn
should remember that if the Radicals
get another four years' lease of power,
me peopio win do so betreard with tax.
ation that they will bo unablo to pay
men uuuia, even in greenbacks.
I also make known and cive notice. a In
and by the thirteenth section of the afore
said act, I am directed, " that every person,
excepting Justices of the Peace, vhn nlmll
noia any othce or appointment to profit or
trust under the Government of the United
States or of this Stale, or any city or in
corporated district, whether a commission
ca omccr or otherwise, a subordinote offi
cer or agent, who is or shall be employed
uuuur me legisiotivo, juiliciary, or execu
tive department of this State, or United
States, or any city or incorporated district:
and also, that every member of Congress or
oiaie Legislature, ana the select or common
council of any city, commissioners of any
luvurporuivu uismci, is Dy law incapable
of holding or exercising at the same time,
me omce or appointment of Judge, lnspeo
tor, or Clerk, of any election of this Com.
monwcalth, and that no Inspector or Judge,
or othtr officer of any such election shall
be eligible to any office then to be voted for
ALSO, That in the fourth section of tho
Act of Assembly entitled " an Act relating
to elections, and for other rurnoses." bd-
proved April 16th, 1819, it is enacted that
tho the thirteenth section " shall not be
construed asjo prevent uny militia offioer
or borough olficor from serving as Judge,
Inspector or Clerk, at any general or spec,
ial election in this Commonwealth."
ALSO, That in the 61st section of said
Act it is enacted that " everv ecneral and
Snenifll .JilaMinn u li n ' 1 V.. ,... 1 1. 1 1
i r m 'esidenoe of the hours of eight and ten in the forenoou, and
subscriber near the former residence shall continue without interruption or ad
journment, until seven o'clock in the even
ing, when the polls shall be closed."
The general, special, city, incorporated
uiHincis ana township elections, and all el
ffeto StD6ertiseh)ei)fs.
We have found it necesary, in order to keep the
.mouuai ueparimem oi tne AUvocate on a ood
I . tj i uio luuiiwuiir nim
Transient Advertisements must be naid for In .
vance ; and all Job Work as mnn nn,i.u.j
Bills made ont and presented to yearly advertisers
oi luu uegmauig ox eacn quarter.
Snlwcripticus to be paid for invariably in advance.
UUVII JOHN t. JlOOBt. Pnhl ul.r.
of Esquire Lindemuthl ontherniul h..r.
uaicaoma ana Uenezette. m. RED mn
ivnut, uuw, moreredon the sides than
white : about ten vcars old ; b
horns, and was missed abont fifteen days
since. Any one bringing her home, or
Hiving luiurmation wnere sne can be found
n in uo suiiaoiy rewarded.
Beneiette, Aug. 80th, 1808-31.
T 1ST OF LETTERS rcreaing uncalled
j4 ior in me uuigway rost Ollice, un
claimed to August 81st, 18C8.
Blisscl, Joseph
Bowers, 0. II. & Co,
llridgecs. R. Co.
Binkie, John
Burkely, Mrs. IV. L
Coul'cr, John A.
Clark, Mrs. Mary
Calcuthcr, J. 0. (8)
voy, uucu
Davis, I.
Deity, Kate
Dent, Miles
Bailing, Ellen
Eibicl, Mary
Fox, Joseph C.
Qanshirc, C. IV.
Gritlin, Thomas
Hall, J. T.
Humphrey, R.
ilankcy, John R.
Jones, Sidney
mug, ana
Kyler, I.
Kclsey. H. C.
Leslie, Isabella
Falrey, Patrick
lioaran. John
Lcary, John
l . a. t'erson8 callinir for mt nf H.n
abeve letters will please give date o! list.
vjue cent nue on each lor advertising.
i , -i . ...... . o
u. u. jir.si3i,AuiiH, l'ostuiaster.
IN the District Conrt of the United States
for the Western District of Pennsylva
nia. In the Matter of C. E. 1 , ,
Beman, Bankrupt. t "naruptcy.
To Whom it may Concern :
'ine undersiened heroby eives notice nf
nis appointment as Assignee
man, or ilorton townuhiu. cou
---1 Cll. . . 11 , ,- ...
uu moio oi i unusyivania, witnin said ais-
trial, who has been adjudged a Brnkrupt
on his own petition by the district court of
saiu uisinct.
II. T. TAGGART. Aseienee.
Aug. 15-4t. Emporium, Pa.
wanted by the Rideway School Board
tu luke charge of the Ridgway School for
the fall term, commencing September 1st-
ly order ol the Board,
Aug. 15th, 1808. Secretary.
LANKS of all kind for sale at this of
tic 9.
JLj ly 1'iiutcJ 1 1 tho Advocate
ections, for electors of President and Vice
President of the United States, shall be
held and conducted by the Inspectors and
Sudges elected as aforesaid, and by clerks
appointed as hereinafter provided.
" No person shall be permitted to vote at
any electioo, as aforesaid, but a white free
man of the oge of twenty-one years or more,
who shall have resided in this Slate at
least one year, and in the election district
where he offers to vote, at least ten dnvs
immediately preceding such election, and
within two years paid a State or county
tax, which shall have been nssessoil nt
least ten days before the election. But a
citizen of the United States who has previ
ously been a qualified voter of this State
and removed therefrom, and returned, and
who shall have resided in the election dis
trict and paid taxes as aforesaid, shall be
entitled to vote after residing in this Stato
six months. Provided, That tho white
freemen, citizens of the United States, are
between the ages of twenty-one and twenty
two years, and shall have resided in the 1-
ection district ten days as aforesaid, shall
not have paid taxes.
Pursuant to the provisions contained in
Hie 4th section of the Act aforesaid, the
Judges of the aforesaid districts shall re
spectively take charge of the certificates or
return of elections of their respective dis
tricts, and produce them at a meeting of
ono Judgo from each district, at the Court
House iu RiJcway on tho third Jnv nfior
ter tho election, being for the present year
on Friday, (he 16th day of October uext,
thon and there to perform tho duties re
quired by law of said Judges , also, where
o Judge by Bickness or unavoidable acci
dent, is unable to attend
Judges, then the certificate or return afore
said shall be taken in charge by one of the
Inspectors or Clerks of the election of said
fiistrict, who shall do and perform the du
ties required of said J udge, unable to attend.
AN ACT rCBulalintrthe niniln rrvnlm .1
all elections, in the several counties of this
Section 1. Be it enacted hv th. e...i.
and House of Representatives of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania in flrn,.i
of C. E. Be- mf t is hereby enaoted by au-
uuty or Elk, !h0ntf "f the Sttme -Lftt te qualified vo
thin said dis- teI9,! ,hf eTil e"tiei of this Common-
""l""l,,u general, township, borough
and special elections, are hereby hereafter,
authorized and required to vote, by tickets
printed or written, severally classified, as
follows: One ticket shall embrace the
names of all Stata officers voted for, and to
be labelled outside, "JUDICIARY : " one
ticket, shall embrace the names of all State
officers voted for. and shall l, i,ii...i
"STATE:" one ticket shall nn.K...
. - ui aiu liio
uames of all county officers to bo voted for
iucludinfi office of Senator, member and
members of Assembly, if voted fwr, and
members of Congress, if voted for, and bo
labelled, "COUNTY; " one ticket .hall em
braco the names of all township officers to
be voted for, and labelled, " TOWNSHIP; "
BU embrace the names of all
Lashe, Mena
Lainoreaux, B.
Larkins, Mrs. Mary
Lee, A. M.
Moore, V. B.
Mc Oonald. Alexander
McMillan' Hugh
Satin, E. M.
Stark, D. A.
Stewart, W. H.
Steel, Mrs. S. A.
Squires, A.
Smith, E. D.
Sweoney, Nick
St. John, Mrs.
Taylor, D. II.
Wasson, Robert
Wilson, James
Wilcox, C. B.
Ward, John W.
Wioks, Lillie
W lllson, Hiram
Webb, James R.
Wicket Joseph
Wilcox & Percv
Mary B.
Lee, Albert M.
Simpson, John
Walker, Williams
Notice is
Snaddon, and others, to bo incorporated un
der the name, stylo and t'alo of " Shiloh
Presbyterian Church nt St. Marv's hns
boon filed iu my office and will be presented
for confirmation nt tho next term of tho
Cour of Common Pleas of Elk countv.
Sept. 2d-to. Prothonotary.
hereby given that the petition of Elias
Moycr, and others, to be incorporated un
der the name, style and title of " Messiah's
Church, at Toby," has been filed at my of
fice and will be presented for confirmation
at the next term of tho Court of Common
Pleas of Elk county.
Sept. 2d: to. Prothonotary.
XECUTOR'S NOTICE. Where as let
ters testamentary on the estato of
George RcuBcher, Senior, late of Bcnzing
cr township, Elk County, Pa., having been
granted to the undersigned, all persons in
debted to said estate, and allhaviug claims
against it, are requested to come forwvrd
and settle immediately.
Aug. 25,'68-Ct. Executor.
GENTS WANTED For the fitumlnr.l
and Official Lives of Sevmnur n,l
uiair. A boo for every fibrary and a
work of extraordinary interest and rare
historical value. No Patriot can do with
out it or have a just understanding of the
issues before the country, without reading
it. Endorsed by tho leading Democrats
and Conservatives of the Union. The claims
of the Demociatio candidates to the suffra
ges of the people arc so forcibly portrayed
a id clearly shown in this volume, that no
friend of Constitutional liberty should fail
to read it. Agents in all parts of the coun
try are rinding in this great standard work
the best opportunity to make money ever
offered, as itB large size, low price, and
great popularity have made a positive do
inaad which canvasers only have to supply.
Send for circalars, and see our liberal
terms and a full description of tho great,
est subsoritionbook of the times.
411 Broome Street,
New York.
spcctfully inform the citizeus of Elk
county that he has iust started in th
above business in Ridgway, and feel confi
dent that he can please all who may favor
him with their custom. GRAINING,
most fashionable and improved manner and
style. Orders left nt this Offico or at the
Banking Ilouse of Souther, Willis & Souther
will be promptly attended to.
St TAOS neat-
The Lasl Cgf
m success.
borough ouiceis voted for, aui be UUllcd, Ciiy, New Jcru-y.
jYewrty's inceBoifte
Gray or Faded Hair is qnicidy
restored to its youthful color and beauty,
and with the first application a
beautiful gloss and delightful fragrance
Is given to the Hair.
It will cause Hair to grow on Bald Spots.
It will promote luxuriant growth.
FALLING HAIR is immediately checked.
P' Hale by all DruegUta.
DEPOT removal from Greenwich St. la
35 Barclay St, & 4Q Part l'iuce.
"TTTARRANTED to remove all desire for
yy Tobacco. This great remedy is an
excellent appetizer. It purifies the blood,
invigorates the system, possesses great
nourishing und st.-ongtliening power, ena
bles the stomuch to digest the heartiest
food, jiiakes sleep refreshing, and establish
es robust health. Smokers and Chewers
for Sixty Yeois Cured. Pi n . Fifty Cents,
post free. A (rtHtise oi: 1 l e 'i.jttroua ef
fects of Tobacco, ii I, li.-'s ol 1 . rcuces,
tcstinioiiiiils, &c, (.em lice. Ar. iiH want
ed. Addif.- Dr. T. R. AtUilT. Jersey
Aug. lolU 12w