The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, August 15, 1868, Image 4
4 I " 'Of.-, oil of V he muzzle u 1 ..l.n.iti. nl t .10 Mill"' , " i ... nil .,,,OUntod tO 'U T cent. Frpcvioc to !,,..vvrv!fV' with the . . , l.eemr.o nnviKsnicii '. u: ;:;:;.uii,vv the n,-lvive mi. lives, and '.V .lesoripUort. ,lt 1ms been obtained o doubts have rccontiy lecn Vi i,t mid about which was ai,KPu iw th '.lies vMcli occurred at Aide duo to one or two cavtn. ; letc in all their parts, and' has beco to L Ol i'"lu"J p . restriction on tnc, u t ammunition w uvea ily imposed. . ... t- M Ihccasool V.m.-L'- "' Michigan, hcrctoioiu informations tor v ;'iir labels, j.u'-' act of Congress, ' v were not so cute I si deration in tu" There had been ' Iponaltyot 8100 f Lition. Aio .UcitoroftbcT' the penalty Lc had no . The. Joui. Cot It .f, -Wl I 'n. " r- ;es hat . ro tbis been .nrry, in convicted iolation of otin' upon i r.ccordins; c.," when in red, tana up city on Taos, st'c.'so'l nsainst Hid costs for each do npplieatiou to I'ca'ury fjr rf!iiis , and tbo Solicitor such pov.-cr rj copy doiciiucut then 2iod .voit& Co., lithorapl ". . that thty iuitortcd tiiu ed nciordir to act of ,"in the label "vr'fhout the , or conscct of the defendant, rict Atl )rr.?y t'acrcupon coo that the judgment luiht be set and a new trial was accordingly ulecl. ttTA Cliitn.'eo Ahnaiiae i a mof;t ex-tvaor-linary publication. The days for plovficL', l uildinpr, travlicc, nrq marryiuj; are laid down in it v?'uh the greatest minutciiess. Tlio whole period of four scj.oiia i.s divided into twenty-four solar term?, each possessing a oliarncteristic came r.v.d currcqpondin to t!ie day on which be enters tho fit'.-t or fifteenth decree.; of one of tho twelve picas of the zodiac. As flic Chinese ih a lunar cal endar the plaoca cl these solstices, cdui- uorw, etc., which regulate tlsc three j;reat fe-';tiv;u.; ol the year, are enanged overy year. There la also the intercal culation of the arreai'3 of tho Chinee year of !!51 days which in a period of thirty-two or thirty-three months, a mount to a great month of thirty days, which is in'.roduccd every two or three years, in ruch a way as to prsserve the order ol these twenty- lour periods. 8?3uMontana fanners arc trying to domesticate the JJuflalo. A V.T.KXI.Y NSWSI'APEr.. Dcvotcto the Interests c' t'.sroonloof Elk Co in V!:t:i.i:'iiEii i:vi:uy 8ATi:ni)AV, I5Y JOHN F. MOOUE, Ofike in the Court. House. Tkkmf Or.? lJnllar and Fifty Cenls per nnnum, invnri.itily in aavancv. Jo devia tion fraa thtse tcrr.ifl. Eatcs cf nlvortjlr.g. Transient Ailvumseinemems. pcrs qnre of 10 Iineii or less, u times or loi's 1! 00 For cacli suTiSpqunt iiisvtion 2i Alniiiii?tri.tors' and Ex'rs notices... 2 r0 Auditors' notices 2 CO Dissolution!). Cautions ami Kstrny 9... 2 (M) Local and Obituary notices par line. 1") I'rot'essional cnrls, 1 year C (10 TTKAnr.T AUVKBTIfKMEMS . 1 prjunrc ? 7W; column $20 00 2 siiiaros 12(10 column Sj 0(1 o iiiarcs loOO'l column fill CO ulic nhovo rutos will ho strictly adhered to in all advcrtUhig from this dale. ULANKS. Sinple quire $2 OOjG quires qr..$l 73 3 quii-es f! ir... 2 OOjOvor (J, qr.. 1 50 HAX'!i!MLT.S. Jfihect, 2-..wlis2!l,f,hcel, 2-or JcssSOO ) Hlieci, '-'xirlc!'s:J00I sheet. 2 or less t 00 Kov. a:?, isj7. .joiin f moo k i:, F.ditor and Fruprictor. (!:lit djjannfg girector, COUNTY OFFICEI-.S. President Jud-c R. G. White. Additional La Judge II. W. Williams. Associate JudS;s E. C. Schultzc, Jcsso Kylcr. District Attorney J. K. P. Hall. Sheriff James A: Malono. Prothonotary, kc ti. A. llathhun. Tr sasurer Claudius V. Gillis. ('o. Snpeiintcndent James Dlaktly. Coii m:i.- iuiifTs 1. Warner, J. Y'. nl.T , !,"'!" VoUi'iT. i V. . : . Mi roti J. s,. J,.,."- M. ... t; S'irv or - -A.,.:,, -r -'-T.'ifTr,--rv'"Tr-r'-': . ' x'i'.a Si Cc'?., Cohi i.1. IM AM) !' JUST EECEIVING AT THE STOUE OP IIYDIi, GILLI3 & CO. AIIDWAKE, QUEENSWAUK, CANDIES, KUTS, &c. DRY GOODS & GROCERIES. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST. IN ELK COUNTY. ' CALL AND SEE AND BE CONVINCED THAT 'YE SELL CHExVPER THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN THIS SECTION. WE ARE CONSTANTLY ADDING TO OUR STOCK COME AND SEE US. "ood?, Nu'.k.t', and all Kinds of Woolen ill Oo Goods at t!io cheap stove of 107 HV'bE, G1LLI8 & CO. o yen want to purchase a silver watch American or Foreign ? it' so. ao to 12'7 HYDE, GILLIS SCO. TJrosh Oy'crs constantly on hand at the I ' pioro of 1'U7 HYDE, GILLT8 & CO. Totionn of all'kinds in extensive variety at the store of 1F07 HYDE, GILLIS ft CO. n extensive a??ortmcnt cf CLOTIIIXO J nt the store of 12'C7 HYDE, GILLIS 4 CO. TW1T3, EHOE3 and GAITETtS every I hind, stylo and variety at the of irii7 HYDE, G1LLLS i CO. i large and complete stock of Hardware J and cutlery at tlic stovo of 12' 07 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. TOBACCO The finest lvrands for crook inj and clicwine. at the store, of 12'Oi' HYDE, GILLIS & CO. "VCEEXSWARE an extensive assort V-,r, ment, at the store of 12'o7 U111L, Vj 11.1.13 Oi -r. IVTcwest Styles of Balmoral Skirls at tho c.ditatj store of 107 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. Iad'es' Dress Goods latest and mo's 4 fiisliiouablo fifrure: . at tho store of i2'G7 HYDE, UiLLIii & CO. Xats. Caps and furs, in great variety and ai tlic lowest price, at tnestoreo 12 07 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. r' . OH.Jv.i-hL'jV tv'ol "Vf GOME EMINENT MAN SHOULD BE SELECTED. FOR TnE PLACE TO irjY STOVES T I N W A 8 1 3 HOUSE. FURNISHING GOODS, GOTO RIDGWAY, ON SERVICE, MAKE KNOWN YOUR WANT?, And you will bo supplied, and well satisfied with tho call. . STOVES, Of all Desirable Kinds, always on hand. p m $ n G Of the Latest and Most Aprroved Style and Workmanship on hand, and Made to Ordor, (a Speciality made) of this Branch.) All Goods warranted. Dealers supplied at the Very Lowest Prices. Price List furnished on ap plication. TOILET SETTS, SOME BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS 1 SPICE-BOXES, And all and every novelty in the Japan- nod Tiawaro Lino ! Yiro Goods, Toys, French Tinned Ware, English Hammered Ware, Scotch and Yankee Bowls, Sad Irons, Ooal IIous, Japanned, Galvanized And r aucy. Iron Hollow Ware by the Sett or Single Piece ! FISIIINO TACKL12, Rods, Baskets, Flies, Hooks; &c, kc Jobbing in all its branches. I havo the agency for the Celebrated Oriental Base Burning Furnace. The bc.;,t in the world portable or brick set. If they fail to trivo satisfaelion no pay will be asked. ROOFING, Flator Standing Groove, Eavo Trough, Spouting, and House work generally. JCSV'Orders by mall promptly attend t'd to, and work guaranteed. I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD ! H your arc going to build a House, ;t.,;:" ('lurch -r liarn, call ' y.u il.:r j'jui Tin, Cippcr or Sheet Iron 'V'.rli- rw !.v!::;v.ue stop.l; ; 'I hs : itHV(i-.?s b.'.vc j : r ; t. '..vonot m ST. MA FLY'S Anc nisi! Cinpl'-!-' ir'ioik of lie. ;v X S'R. if. A; J r" 'f y ' i .l vunitji oi CO OK AND HE A TIXG RTO VJJS Bar Iron, Stcrl Anrfltt, Bellows, AW., Lorsc Shorn, fsjiringa, Build ing H'tnlwrirc, v??'s cwc Filnt of Every J)rarrij)twn ! OLNS, riSTOLS AND CAHTBIDOES, Cutlery, l'lalcd Waru aud House Furnishing Goods. AU kinds of Mecliau ics' Tools ! T I N W A It E Of every de?criptioVi, whioli will lie sold at. the LOWEST CASH FRIGE?. The have also tho exclusive agency in St Mary's for tho IMPROVED ORIENTAL BASB.BUHNING COAL STOVES AND FAR LOU FURNACES ! fTZ - .'T.i...,J-.'T:.'n Vt hieh received Four Firr-t Clai" Trc miums at the New Void; State, and oth. it Fairs ; Also, the Great Silvor. Mei'a! at the Fair of the Am. urie ui Tiifiit nte. held in New York City, l'Mo. They arc Perpetual Burners, only one fire heing required to'' made auring the season. M. 15EECIIF P, .Tit. WM. II. CUI'ELAXI). ncvZS'C" ly PATUOKIZB HOME lNSTlTU'HON.S. FLOUR, FEED AND GRAIN. fTIHE rulisciihcva having completed their New Grist. Mill m Jtnlgway arc now prepared to furnish the people, of the bur rounding country with Flour cf tiis Befit Quality, and of their own manufacture, at the lowest market rates. The attention of lumbermen and others is called to our iacilUies fur furnishing them with FEED OF ALL KISDS, cheaper than it can he bought any other place in tuc county. jvrCASH l'Ain von or.AiM"Xiy. J.S. HYDE, j. v. lieux. J. K. W1UTMORF. November 7, IoC7lf LOOK HERE ! WATCHES, JEWELEY & SILVERWAHE. ""1HAULES HOLES, Practical Watclnna- J kcr, Jeweler mid Engraver, Hidgway, KlK county, Fn. The subsoiiber heps leave to announce to the citizen:! of Hidg way and vicinity that ly; is prepared to do all work in his lino on tdiort notice and at reasonable rates iu the very best manner. Shop in II. S. Uelnap's Store. Special atten tion paid to engraving. lie has also on Iiiui'l a largo assortment of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry snd Silverware which ho offers for sale on reasonable terms. Give hi'in a call. nov7'U7tf. f UN'S, PISTOLS, RIFLES, KNIVES, X pocket and table cullerv, of the hest quality aim most, approve i puiicms, very cheap nt the Hardware htore on i.ioergcr s old corner in M. Mary s. VTATTAtyvYlr C SHOP IN ST. MAItY'S. 0U1S H. GAENE1L hegi leave to call j the attention of tho citizens of Elk and adjoining counties to the fuel that helms purchased the foundry, formerly known as McGiU's Foundry, mid that he lm refitted tho establishment with new and iinprnved machinery, which will enable Litn to turn out nil w ork in his line in a manner such as will compare lavorably with any work in tho country. He manufactures STEAM ENGINES, MILL-GATES AND CASTINGS, PLOUGH -POINTS, W ATER-W1 1 KELS of all KINDS, W1NDOW-WEIGI1T.S, STOVE-CASTINGS OF ANY FATTEKN. ii -j is til.-o agent for Henry Jareeki s Erass Foundry, at. Erie, an I en liu ii'. -li IVoia that, e-tahlislnnciil l:v:ss fastings cl otiv de-ired ptiilern on i-.ior: p;.in.e. I'artieuhir aitenti-.:! paid M t!ie wants of coal i iiefntots. t hillu.l rav-wl er's, nxles and pulleys furnished Mid tu order. Stei.m.tneine boilers rep it 1 in a dura fund nuinncr. A varied assortment of rubber and leath- behii.g kept coiisiiinlly on Find. 1 eexpi-cts through sternly application tu rlisine.-s, to deserve the patronage of all who may call on TERMS CASH, t I'OUNDEY ON MILL STREET, ST. MARY'S, PrvziNfiF.R P. O., Elk County, Pa "i . i. . ' '-'V.iolie. I v.'lili,' '..-.'(in).!'-. rnij;i: CHEAPEST V,OOio I J- I IN TTl'-l COUNTRY Are !.'., .M by j: o y j: . v;.' lil.ALiii-.S i;i St. Mary's, Elk County, Ta. pALL AND EXAMINE OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. Wo have no hesitation in saying that in this department of our establishment, we can f;ivo bargains to our customers with which they cannot fail to be satis fied. We buy our stock direct from the Manufacturer, Richardsons Celo. bratcd Boot k Shoe Manufactory, E!mi ra, New York. Wo warrant till goods in this lino sold from our cftabli.dimcut. XJEAVY & SHELF HARDWARE WE A11E ritEPAFiED TO OFFEE. To our citstotuers iu this lino bargains which cannot be undersold in Elk coun. ty. Our stDck is largo, well selected and is especially adapted to tho wants of tho community. L ADIES DRY & FANCY GOODS An Unequalled Assortment ! Muslins, kuluS, Calicoes, fc-atms, Delaines. Moire Antiques, Chintzes, White Goods Cloths, Flannels, ;crc'c?, Laces, Corsets, la (act we have everything connected with Ladles' Wear. We arc determin ed to sell lower, cheaper awl BETTER Goods than any other firia in the coun ty. Give lis a call, we 11 prove it. HK WELL WHAT WE SAY. li e SJl (he Best, therefore THE CHS&PS3T CLOTHiNQ Sold in Elk County. Our Stock of vU'l miO Scijs' 1(11)11)01' )i)3 2JUil)i i V IS IMMENSE, And wo confidently flatter ourselves that better Clothing cannot be found ANYWHERE. Persons, before purchasing elsewhere would do well to give us a call. BfBNo trouble to show our G oods. QROCERIES, NOTIONS, &c.,&o. In Endless aricly, and CHEAPER than me CHEAPEST! At the Store of C'J- A fi- H'J f t n j v fj rj In St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. piPESfCEACCOKS V,V llVC M'.V 111' J-..!.; (51 AN EXCELLENT A;-i !' 1 Mr.V, Which will !;e ;o!d a! it VE R Y SL J C Jl T A UYANCE On cunt and rarriie. tZj'Oitr Store in in the new Stone Bull dim; o.i Main Strict. July 11, ISUT-tl. .'!IW UIIWl,MWWMi.'J.H MHH.IWI,WmiW J'J'HIWPJWt' .- 7 Oli.N li. liAI.I,, Attorney nt. law, 'lilO V.i.y. !.'' ! . i'.i. inaV'22'0'' ' l;iV. Atioviii.y n. '.' . ')i'!i:iis?i'in.!r. i';ii' .' t.-.j-lri-r-22'l'O t?. 1 i' till kind i iiiii': .l,v. - :f :;: olli. v.. !) 1'a.. ! nmn Krvtii, Fi-oj.) U. W. JAMES ULAKELY Tliysiciftn and Surgeon, St. Murjr's, Elk county Fa. mar-22'G01y. DTt. W. VY. PlfAAV Fr.ictices Medicine and Surgery, Cenircville, Elk conntv Fa. .mar-22'C01y. I7XECUT10NA', SUMMONS, BUllFtK, 2J nns, Warrants, 4;o., on hand and for pule at this odice. CIT. VOLK, Manufaeturcr and Deal -.' in Lagtr i'.eer, opposite the llailrc v. D. ml, ft. Mary's, Elk county Fa. .Mar-l'U (iti-1 . it. W. I!. 1IAHTMAN. St. Mary's, county, Fa. Lute of tho Army of ;h3 Futoniac. Fan icuhir attention civen t -ll cases of surgical miturc. mar-22'0C-!y. (1 KOVE 0. MESS END Ell, Druggist and X Dealer in Drujrs and Chcmicius. Faints, Oils and Varnish. Ferftunery Toil. in articles ana stationary, llulgway, blk county Fa. "mar-22'0o-lj. 17 11 AN K ENTZ, Mkrciiant Tailou, Ccntreviile, Elk county, Fa., desires to inform tho cilizens of Cenircville and vi cinity, that lie is at all times prepared to do work in a r,tit and satisfactory manner. Jive mo a call. novGTlv JOilN O. IIAI.I ,1AS. K. r. HALL. HAIJ, & BHO. Attornuvfa - r t Lav,r' .s'i'.' MARY'S : F. O. EI K COUNTY', TA. Sf-prcudicr 'JO, D'GG. ly. JK. Eorawell. M. P. Eclectic FhjMician' "'ice and residence oppsilo the Jail, on Centre .St., Bidyway, Fa. Frompt tittetitio!.. will lie jrivon "to all ce.:!-:. OHieo hours : 7 to 8 A. .F ; 12 to 2 F. ; nd 0 10 7 F. M. M.vr. f,i;-tf. rrjHA YEIt HOUSE. 1 RIDOWAY, FA. D-5YID THAVEK, Fropncti.r. T""n un ders'rriied having fitted up a larj.? and ronii.indimis iiotel on the Houthwect ti'iin,riu v-euire arm '.in streets, cor.t vit'l convenient stahiing attached, rcspoct- ...tlly solicits loc patf'impeof his old friends uid the put Ho generally. dociaotily DAVID THAYER.. S. SHOUT, LOUIS VOLLMl'M , J AS. K. F. HALE. JOHN G. JLVLL, BANKING-HOUSE OF Short, lalt & c:,i. 67...TJrrjs, SScnzhtg-rr M. ?. Ei.k CtTSTr, Ft x XTVDE HOUSE, kJL F.mcwAY, Ei.k Co., P .. M. V. Moohk, Proprietor. Thsnkfnl for tho rmtroimae hereto rurn so liberally bestowed upon him, the n,.-v proprietor, hones, ty paying stri.-t la tent io'i to the comfort and conveniene.i of citests, to merii a coiitiniiaiieo cf ,:tt t anie. (i;t. r4 ' ; "ORANKETN IT OUS II . Jj i. Maiiv?. Fa. LAF.CEY & M ALONE. Fitoi The proprietors respectfully ask the atren i.iiiiu. iiieir lrienus ami the putjiie :;i t oral to their large and fviimodio: ;J:. i. Every attention paid to the conventem-i- guests. H. LAltC l;V. iiiayCO-lS( J, A. J t.i - ::. IXCII.VNGEHCTEL, li UIDGWAV FA, J. HALEY' rrnprietor. This'hotel is pleasant :y siliivt- ! i banks of tho Clarion River and 1. ': at Hie lower end of the village, v:,.. -will spare no pains for tho con. !'..- ( his guests, yeiiivitosono ant! .... ,;; him a call and try his house, Sept. 17th'li7-y. SOMETHING .' i : V ! HOUSE, OEIf AJrJEKTAI, TAI'H 'a . fSHE SFESCUIBEK W''i.-,1' .; I. l fpectfully inform the li'i n.- of 1,ik county that ho has just "w: i ti..- above business in B'nlgway, ;.-.. r 1 i . dent that, he can ).lciic nV v m.-iy i'.a.-r liitn with their custom. Ch' U' iV FA 11, It HANGING AND '", 1 : : ' ! VI " DONE ON SHOUT NOT1C ' . I' i N if'.;' most fashionable and impr-. '.; 'mi-u- v o:..' style. Orders left at thin st r m Ihinking House of Souther "u:; w,v ,-VMithvr will be promptly attended : W. F. MS. May-17C0-ly. (lOAL, COKE AND i nl'i. CL ' V ! J All of superior qu r ;. . i .' . ! , .i, Tannerdale CotI Coinpnwy. St. Mary's, Ell. tVuii. ., 1 CS?Ordcr3 by nif.ii promji'ly I'-end. cd to. i -i ,-t'ui II. S. BELNAP t i LEA:. :rni!Na. Having Completed o and'e l i heTeii . Mioit oMe.-itioii to ' first -clans work, i die puiroaiiyo lie . ttow oil. Call ut. ,. on end of Main r Particular nttt of horses. All M i.y 17'tjij-l.y. 'V !.,pe" t '-. : ' '--' " 4 it I !'! ill' """l i - ., i :i;T. It. "v : V, ..'. -i'- '.( C .;L- P., Ir,...-t.r. Fa i i I he hi 'i : .i fair H i.ii. KSM7 0 ner s i ! capebl " 11 ord V will t . as receiver. 12 l;7 St. '4 Tl. S.r.o. La;d I'lrH ?.i i'ir:,t Mo. X