. w.i wm 3LQCAL INTfi L L IGENCE. CVtr Time f lUdBvay. Erie Express East l:'i:J a. m do do West 4 03 m- tlo Mail East 4:10 p. m. do do Wcsl 2:40 p. m. Loeal Freight Kant U:40a. m. do do West 0:4:! p. m. Elk Ledge-, A- T- M Stated meetings bf Elk Lodge will be hold Tuesday evening, on or before the full moon il'each month, once every two weeks thereafter. J. K. WHITMORE, Soo'y. race Chmch rrotcstant EpiscopaL Rev. C. E. BiTLtn, Hector. Services Vill be field in the above church every al ternate Sunday niorning.and evening voumenciDg with Monday, the 10th inet Methodist Episcopal. Rev. F, Vernon, Pastor. Morning Ser vice, in the Court House, every alternate Sunday, commencing with the. 17th instant. DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEES. We publinh below the names of the gen tlemen composing the Standing and Work ing Committees. This is done in order to lot voters know to whom thoy may apply for documents, &c. Quo. D. Messenger, Chr'ma. C. E. Behan, Secretary. C. V. Gillis, Treasurer. STANDINO COMMITTEE. Denoset, II. R. Wilson ; Boniinger, Ja cob Volltner j Foe. James McCloskcy ; Highland, W. .T. Stubbs ; Morton, John C. McAllister ; Jay, Jacob Oval ; Jones. F. VoU ; Ridgwny, C. V. Gillis ; St. Mary's, Joseph Wilheliu ; Spring Creek, Jeremiah Elliott. WonKINO COMMITTEE. Itcnetet...!!. R. Wilson, chairman; C. Wainright, Julius Jones, Milton ChoBC, Jnlin liirr. lictuinger Jacob Vollmer, chairman ; Joseph Koernor, John Stockman, Chalks Hitter, Martin tforg, Aduui Jesbcrgcr, So bjistiun (lietz. 1'iix... .lames McCloiikcy, chairman ; Jus. A. Maluiic, 1. W. Hays. L. Mohan, junior. Highland. ..Wm. Stubbs, Thomas Camp boll. Norton ....T. C. McAllister. chairman ; Jamoi McClollnii, Alfred Short, 0. 1'. Kellx, John Mc.Maiion, Jefferson Taylor. Jay ...Jacob Oval, chairman ; Samuel Vasbimler. John Thomas, Frank Spangler. Jones... F. Wonk, chairiuau ; Mrchaol Weldert, C. 0. Necring, Henry Warner. Ridgway ...C. V. Gillis, chairman ; W. S. Madigan, Frea. Wilmarth, Thus. Wheeler, Nelson Gardner. St. Mary's. ..Joseph Wilheltn, chairman ; William Schuluo, Anton Beuuingor, Uoorge Iletgar, James Coyne. Spring Creek. ..Jeremiah Elliott, chair iuau ; Martin Perrin, Newton Louusberry, William Jucksou, George Stafford. OniTUAKr. liied-At North East, Pa., on the 21st of July, Li cinda, wife of S. Short, Esq., formerly of this county, aged ubout :i'J years. The writer of this had the pleasure of a brief personal acquaintance with the subject of the above nutiue. Never did wo see more resignation to her certain death; for months before her final dissolution than was evinced through patient suffering by this most estimable lady. The ties thut bound her to earth were regarded by her as only a faithful wife and truo mother oan regard them, yet she felt that it was the will of the Christian's Goif that she should leave them, and waited patiently until he ehould call her. M. r. 1. HOR TOX TO WXSIIIP. The progressive and active Democrats of Horton township met at Oyster's School House on the 1st ijstaut for tho purposjof organizing a Democratic Campaign Club for cflioient service in tho present canvass. The meeting was called to order by J. C. MoAUister, who named J. S. Hyde as tem porary President, and Alfred Short as Sec retary. Tho house was filled to its utmost capacity, aud with four exceptions, every voter in the house subscribed his name to the roll of the Club. After this, on perma nent organization, the following officers were elected : President, John C. McAllis ter ; Secretary, Alfred Short j Treasurer, T. J. Taylor ; Vice President, James Mc Clellau. Horton will give a good account of her self this fall. Tni RiPCHLicAN Meeting. Quite an audtenoe assembled in the Court House on Wednesday evening last to hear a refuta tion of the arguments of the Democratic speakers at the meetiug on the evening previous. We confess that we expected to hear theso gentlemen make speeches commensurate with the int elligence of their hearers. We were disappointed, so were the audience. The stale words " Copper, bead," " Rebel," and so on, were frequent ly interspersed throughout their remarks. The true issue was almost totally ignored, No allusion to their platform was ventured. The firing of "Old Gudgeon" on the pre vious evening, seemed to disturb the nos trils of Col. Curtis, who dished up the clos ing Bcoue, by the way he twirled those or gans with his fore-finder and thumb, re minding one of a bum-boat woman crying out her wares to a ship coming into port. Its no uso, gentlemen. The word, ' Cop perhead," has lost its terror. The people don't cure to have tho gospel of hate preached to them any longer. They have Jiad a surfeit of it. Their attention is now directed to a restoration of the country th-jugh tho saviug gvace of the Democracy, nnd it will require niou of greater calibre than any of vou to disprove HiHt thut is the only party which, can amjomiilisli tuut wot Uwlrublo result, ' avoi r iww DEM 0 CRA TIC MEE TING. The Democracy in Motion Intense Enthusiasm" Little Elk " good for Seven Hundred Majority for Seymour fc Blair Music, Speeches and Firing of the '- Old Gudgeon." As an evidence of tho way tho political tide is turning in favor of our gallant standard-bearers, Seymour & Blair, we point with pride and gratification to the meeting held in the Court House on Tucuday even, ing last. The meeting assembled at 7 J o' clock, and evory few minute9 could be heard the report of the " Old Gudgeon," which grated so harshly on the ears of some of our Radical friends as to make them re mark that the persons who fired it were a good distance off when firing of cannon waB the order of the day In Dixie. They were hugely mistaken in this, as the young gentleman who engineered the firing gave four years and five months to bis country, and like thousands of others of the "White Boys in Blue," is going tov jte ','or tbt can didates of the Democracy. The St. Mary's Brass Band had previous ly arrived, and the pleasing strains of the most excellent music it baa been our plea sure to listen to for a long time, filled the air, and added materially to tho enthusiasm of the meeting throughout. The meeting was called to order by Judge Messenger, who named J. S. Hyde, Esq., as President and Major Kreti and John F. Moore, as Secretaries. On motion of Maj. Krett, the following gentlemen were chosen Vice Presidents : C. Wainwright, of Beneiet township. F. Sorg, of Bentinger township. C. R. Earley, of Fox township. Thos. Campbell, of Highland township. II. Horton, of Horton township. M. Spangler, of Jay townshiy. Henry Warner, of Jones township. E. C. Schultie, of St. Mary's Borough. J. Elliott, of Spring Crock. W. C. Healy, of Ridgwny. After the organization had been complet ed, Mr. Hyde arose, and in a few remarks, thanked the meeting for the honor conferred upoa him, and urged that no stone should bo left snturned to Bccure the victories which await us in October and November. Mr. W. P. Furey, of Lock Haven, was introduced. We have frequently heard of Mr. Furey spoken of as nn excellent pub lio speaker, but we had no expectation of being treated to so rare a specimen of elo quence as was so rapturously received by the immense audience. The speaker di lated on the present issues of the day, and charged on the Radicals the present do plorablo condition ot the country, said that the duly of the people was to deal with the present issues, letting the past be buried. His speech was listened to with marked at tention, and as the eloqnently uttered ben tenees echoed through tho hall, were fre quently applauded in the. wildest manner. After tho conclusion of Mr.'Furey's ro marks, the bund enlivened the audience with another piece of their excellent music, after which the President introduced Hon. Wm. A. Wallace, our candidate for Senate, and Chairman of the State Committee. Mr. Wallace laid open the misdoings of the Radical party in that cloni nnd practi cal manner for which he is distinguished, bo plainly, that only those who are irre deemably joined to the Black Idol of Radi calism could fail to feel the force of his re marks. He dwelt for some time on tho reckless expenditure and waste of the peo ple's money by the men who were scut to Washington to make laws for us. ' Ha said they had neglected their trust, and that they should be held accountublo for it, aud that ho had made up his mind from the great change going on among tho masses, that they would. Mr. Wallace concluded amidst the most deafening applause. After a livclyair by tho band, Hon. Wm. P. Jcnks was called upon. He took up the eubject ol finance, and demonstrated with precision that cannot be controverted that the Radical party are an entirely to expen sive a concern for the people too longer re tain in power. Mr. Jenks was very ear nest in his efforts to convince the audience of the truth of what he said, and we believe that the thinking men of all parties cannot fail to agree with him. After music by the band, Mr. John Q. nail offered a resolution tendering the thanks of the meeting to tho members of the St. Mary's Band for the exe client musio furnished, and to the speakers for the sneeehes delivered, which wu adopted unanimously. Three cheers were then given for the Democratic candidates, and the meeting adjourned. Akotuhe DEMooaiTio Mmetixo. The Democrats of Ridgway township, baving been impressed with the duty of organizing a Campuign Club, met in the Court House on Thursday evening last. On calling the meeting to order, it was found that the house was full, and that Mr. Jenks, of Jef ferson, was still present, and that Hon. B. D. Hamlin, of M'Kean, had arrived. It was therefore conoluded to postpone the forma tion ofthe Club until Monday evening next, and as ammunition was plenty, pour ano ther dose of hot shot into the broken ranks of Radicalism. Accordingly Hon. Jesse Kyler, of Fox township, was chosen Pres ident, and C. E. Bern an, of Horton, Sec'y. Mr. Hamlin, being called upon, made short speech, with tolling effect, after which Mr. Jenks completely sewed up the trashy, clap-trap harangues of the speak ers of the previous eveuing. Mr, John G. Hull and Jud-e Messenger afterwards ma le u few remarks, when the meeting acijournid. ! SPEVIA L NO Tl CES. 1 Tub Sweetest Thins in Lira ' is good health and good spirits, 'and if you have them not. the next best thins is what will restore bloom to the faded check nnd hap piness to the drooping heart. Tho great and sure renicay is Plantation Bitters which our physicians recommend to both mnlo and female patients, as a safe, reliable agreeable and cordial stimulant. They con tain nothing to disagree with the most del icate constitution, and have won golden opinions from all who have tried them; anil probably no article was ever tried by so many persons. They elevate the depressed and give strength to the weak. Maonolia Water a delightful toilet nr. tiole superior to cologne, and at half the price. A New Remedy in Consumption. A Physician who had Consumption for seven al years, with frequent blcedingB of the lungs, cured himself with medicine un known to the profession, when his case ap peared hopeless. He is the only physician who has used It in his own person, or who has any knowledge of its virtues ; and he can ascribe the degree of health he now enjoys to nothing but the use of his medi cine ; and nothing but utter despair and entire extinction of all hope of recovery, together with a want of confidence in all others induced b initio batard the exper iment. To those suffering with any dis ease of the lungs he proffers a treatment be confidently believes will eradicate the dieease. Price $1.60 per bottle, or $8 a natr dozen, Bent ny ciprcss. Sena rora circular or call on Da. E. Boylston Jack son, No. 250, North Tenth Street, Phila delphia, Pa. may80.68-ly ALL YOUNG PERSONS Can and should obtain a good education. For partic ulars, address J. A.COOPER, Principal of the State Normal School, Edinboro, Pa. PAINTS for FARMERS and others. The Graton Mineral Paint Co. are now maufacturing the Best Cheapest and most durable Paint in use ; two coats well put on, mixed with puro Linseed Oil, will las! 10 or 15 years ; it iaofa light brown or beautiful chocolate color and can be changed to green, lead, stone, drab, olive or cream, to suit the taste of the consumer. It is valuable for Houses, Barns, Fences, Carriage and Cor-makers, Pails and Wood-cu-ware, Agricultural Implements, Canal Boats, Vessels and ships' Bottoms, Canvas, Metal anil Shingle Uoofs, (it being Fire and Water proof), Floor Oil Cloths, (one Mnnu. faoturer having used 5000 bbls. the past year,) and us a paint for any purpose is unsurpassed for body, durability, elasticity, aud adhesiveness. Price $1 per bbl. of 800 lbs., which will supply a farmer for years to come. Wnrrcntedin all cases as above. Send for a ciriular which gives full particulars. None genuine unless branded in a trade mark Grafton Mineral Paint. Address DANIEL BIDWELL, 254 Pearl Street, New York. For sale by Hyde, Gillis it Co., at Ridg- " A'ejt. 6-'67.-6m. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that Ictteis of administration having been granted to tho undersigned on tho estate of Wra. I. Denny, late of St. Mary's borough, deceased, all persons indebted to eaid estate arc request ed tocouieiorwurdand make immediate pay ment, and those baving claims against the same will present them duly authenticated furscttlomcnt. ELISABETH J. DENNY, July 2, 18G8-6t. Administratrix. U. 3. Marshal's Orrici, Wkbtebn District or Penn'a. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE : That on the 18th day of May, A. D. 1808, a Warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the estate of Frederick Rudolph, of St. Ma ry's, in the county of Elk, and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt, on his own petition ; that tho payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such Bankrupt to him or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law that a Meeting of the Creditors of tho said Buukrupt, to prove their Debts, and to choose one or more assignees of his Estate, will be hold at a Court of Bankruptcy, to bo holdou at the Hydo Houlfe in Ridgway Pa before S. E. Woodruff Esq., Register, on tho 4th day of August A, D. 1868 at 4 o'clock, P. M. TnoMAS A. Rowley, TJ. S. Marshal, as Messenger. By G. P. Davis, Deputy. July 11, 4t. INSURANCE AGAINST LOSS OR 1 DAMAGE BY FIRE 1 THE Lycoming County Mutual Insur ance Company at Money, Penna., con tinues to Insure against Loss or Damage by Fire on all kinds cf Merchandise. Public and private uildings, either in town or county. Also on Mills, Tanneries, Barns, stocks of Grain, &c, at the lowest possible rates, consistent with safety to the Insurer and Insured. The Lycoming County, Mu tual Insurance Company invites an invest), gation as to its stability. Its capital amounts to . rB2.800.000! Thus assuring to every one of its patrons that their losses will be promptly and satis, factorily paid. Its management has always been prudent, as its exiatense of twenty, sisyears fully demonstrates JAMES BLAKELY, Agent for E'V county, at St. Mary's Oct. 18, 1867-ljr. s T. MARY'S STEAM TANNER! ! IT V. T7-rftrtlifl(lQ & Co. Take pleasure in announcing to the public of Elk and surrounding countieB that they have thoroughly refitted and rennovated this old and woll-known establishment, and congretulate themselves that with their ex tended facities, with ftrst.class workman, that they can put out as good work as oan be found anywhere. We have, and keep constantly on band alll kinds of leather such as in general use in this section, in cluding Sj)U7iish and Country Sole Leather ! Calfskins, Sheepskins, Kipskint ! Harness & Upper Leather ! Oir CASII PAID FOR HIDES. Give us a call and be cqnvinced of the truth of what we state. mar2168 LAKKS of all kiuJi for sale nUnis of jSomcthmjj Ito. A LARGE STOCK OF GOODS The undersigned have on hand a large and very dctirablo stock of GOODS, and will constantly keep an extensive assortment, inclndiug everything that is wanted to EAT, WEAR, OR FEED. which they will sell at the very' bottom figure and from this date will teell only for CASH. We will use every endeavj or to mike it to the interest ot out cur tomers te adopt the universal CASH SYSTEM. We have determined to give the CASH SYSTEM a fair trial, believing it to bo the inter est ot both buyet and Bcllcr. POWELL & KIME. Ridgwny, Aog. 13th, 1867. so. H. F. OVERIIOLTZER, MERCHANT TAILOR, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. . The subscriber desires respectfully to in form the citinns of Ridgway and vicinity that he is prepared to make to order as well as it can bo done anywhere, anything in the line of bis business. All be asks is a fair trial. Good Fits guaianteed. mUCloths, Cassimers, Vesllngs and Trimmings of the latest and most approved styles kept constantly on hand, which will be sold CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAP EST. Ladies desiring Hemming, Stitching, Felling, Binding, Ac, on dresses, capes, to will find it to their interest to give me a call. nug300C JAMES McCLOSKEY, Siiilel ii) Grocel'Iej, &e., WouM respectfully inform the citizens of the surrounding community that he still keeps on hand a good supply of such arti. cles as are generally kept in a country gro cery store, including TEAS, FLOUlt, SUGARS, TOBACCOES, SEGARS, WniSKEY which ho flatters himself he can sell as cheap as they can be bought, anywhere in tho oounty. , I have lately erected a first-class ehinglo mill, which is now in operation. It is an nttostod that the shingles which were roado in this mill and sold in Williamsport, are a first-claRB article, the lumber of which they are made .being a lirst-class article. I desire to introduce these shinglo to tho notice of builders, who will consult their own interest by giving me a call. May 3d, '66. tf I TCH 1 ITCH ! ! ITCH S ! ! ECRATOA ! SCRATCH ! ! SCRATOn ! ! in from 10 to '18 hours. Whealon's Ointment cures The Itch. Wheaton's Ointment cures Salt Rheum. Wheaton's Ointment cures Tetter. Wheaton's Ointment cures Barbers' Itch. Wheatou's Oiutment cures Old Sorer. Wheaton's Ointment cures Every kind, . of Humor like Magic. Price, 50 cents a bok ; by mail, 60 cents Address WEEKS & POTTER, No. 170 Washington Street, Boston, Maes. For sale by alldruggists. Sept. 17'G7 ly. J. S. BORDWELL, M. D. ECLECTIC I'li Y8ICI1.. The word eclectic means to choese or select medioines from all the different schools of medicine 1 using remedies that are safe, and discarding from practice all medioines that have an impurious effect on the system, such as mercury, antimony, lead, copper, 4e. I lay aside the lance the old blood letter, reducer or depletcr, and equalise the circulation and restore the system to its natural state by alteratives and tonics. I shall hereafter give particular attention to chronic diseases, such aa Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Liver complaint, Catarrh, Heu. ralgia, diseases of the throat, urinary or gans, and all uieeases peculiar to femalae, At. CATARRH I treat with a new Instrument of a rate invention, which cure every ease i tLln extractea witnoui pain. Office and residence eoiuh of the jail en Centre Bt. Ouee hoars from 7 Ij S a. a ; 13 to 1 p. m j 6 to 7 p. at. Dee. aS'67-ly. 3. 8. BORDWKLL. WHEELER & WILSON'S SEW ING MACHINES. The under signed having been appointed Sole Agent for the sale of Wheeler k Wilson's Sewing Machines for Elk county. He keeps an assortment constantly on hand. Machines sold at Philadelphia and New Yor prices. Any parties desirous of obtaining them can address J. K. WHIT MOKE, March Ut 'tSij-Jy. at IUdwar, . THE PLACE TO BUY IS AT THE 111 1CW AT mm. KEfT BY GROVE G. MESSENGER, Dealers in Drags, Medicines, Taints, Oils, White Lnad, Lubricating Oil, Lamp Oil, Tanner's Oil, Per. fumeries of nil Kinds, The purest Varnish, Brushes of every Style and Size Dye Stuffs, Pure Confcctionarics Citron, Raisins, Patent Medicines, Wines, Watches, Jewelry, Rings, Tobaccoes & Scgars Pure Liquors for Medicinal pur poses only. A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of Everything Useful Pertaining to the Drug Business Gen erally. ' Pare Drags at Low Prices ! Pure Drugs at Low Prices Notions in Endless Variety ! Notions in Endless Variety American and English Watches ! American and English Waithcs Latest Styles of Jewelry, Rings, &c. Latest Styles of Jewelry, Rings, &o. Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels I Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels Albums, News, Stationery, Bird-Cages ! Albums, News, Stationery, Bird-Cages I Violin, Banjo nnd Guitar Strings ! Violin, Banjo and Guitar Strings,! mar20186G PHILADELPHIA, 60 ERIE RAILROAD. WINTER TIME TABLE. Thrrvgh and Direct Route between Philadelphia, Baltimore Harris lurg, Williamsport, and the GREAT OIL REGION of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT "SLEEPING CARS On all Night Trains. ON and after MONDAY, NOV. 25th, the trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad will run (is follows : WKSTWAHD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia..ll. 15 p. m; " " " Ridgway 2.40 p. m. ; " arrive at Erie 8.50 p. m. Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia. ..12.00 noon. " " " Ridgway 4.03 a. m. " " arrive at Erie 10.05 n. m. HASTWARD. Mail Train leaves Erie 11.00 a. m. " " " ltidgway 4.16 p. 'in. i arrive at Phildelphia 7.10 a. m. Erio Exp leaves Erie 7.40 p. m. " " " Ridgway 1.83 a. m. ' " nrr. at Philadelphia... 5.00 p. in. Mail and Express connect with Oil Creek and Allegheny River Rail Roid. BAG GAGE CHECKED THROUGH. ALFRED L. TYLER, General Superintendent. NEW" GOODSl JUST RECEIVED AND MARKED CLEAR DOWN To the Bottom ! AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE J. V. nOUK, Main Street, Ridgway, Va HAVING just returned from the eastern cities where Ibavepurchasodu, large and well selectod assortment, of goods, I invite tho attention of tho public to cull and examine my stock, consisting of Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Hardware lints, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Q u 0 en b w are PROVISIONS, &o., &o. BUYERS WILL FIND MY STOCK FULL AND COMPLETE, and well adapted to the wants of the community. . J. V. HOUK. QRidgway, Dec5 ly. VALUABLE LOTS FOR SALE. The nnderaigced has laidjom a vil. age upon his ground adjoiuing the P.id wiy Depot, to be called ELK. The lota, are 60 feet froaa by 100 feet deep frcni ing towards the tailroad. Terms For the first lot sold, f 1 00. Foi tLi seoond lot sold, $110. For the third lot sold, $120 and so on increasing in price as lots ar sold. Vkm First parcysers gtt the eheic lot, t the cheapest rates. Porehatera will be registered In the or der of their application. Ten per cent of the purchase money must be paid at the tjtne of the application. .AppUoationa will he made to Jeh Q. Hall, Esq., Ridgway, pa. J. 8. HYDE. Ridgway, mar,2D'C0-tf. TVTAILS, SPIKES, HINGES," RIVET'S L loeks, bolts, and all kind of builders materials in general cnu bo had cheaper al the Si, Mary's Hardware Store than any other pluce iu Elk couuty. (n8'07) . , ATEST ARRIVAL t ! SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS ! CHEAPEST GOODS IN RIDGWAY ! AT THE STORE OF H. S. BELNAP, Cor. of Slain Water, end of Ilydo House, Where ho has on hand an extensive assort ment of Goods, consisting of Woolen Goods, Hats and Caps, Bootff and Shoes, Underclothes, Ladies' Dross Goods, Shawls and Nubias, Hoop Skirts, Opera Hoods, Mus. Kfis and CalL docs! Balmoral Skirta, Blankets and Counter panes, Ladies' Dress Trimmings, Gents' Furnishing' Goods, Groceries, Faints, Glass and Putty Hi a Call and see my stock before purchasing elsewhere 1 Deo. 5,'6T ly. 2 000,000 CUSTOMERS IN FOUtj YcarB. Patronise the Best. Having tho largest capital, most erpcr icnoed buyers, nnd extensive trade of any concern in the Dollar Sale business, we GUARANTEE SATISFACTION in every instance, and also the best selec tion of goods ever offered at ONE DOLLAR EACH. No other concern has any show wherever' our agents are selling. Our mottoi "Prompt and Reliable." Male and female agents wanted in city and country THE LADIES are particularly roquesteit to try our popular club system of selling nil kinds of Dry and Fancy Goods,- Dress Pattern'?,- Cotton Cloth, Castors, Silver Plated Goods, Watches, &c. Established 1864.1 A patent pen fountain and a check describing an article to be sold for a dollar, 10 cents; 20-for $2 ; 40 for $4; 60for$G; 100 for $10 ;' sent by maii. Free presents to getter up, (Worth 50 her cent more than those sent by any other concern,) according to szo of club, or if not do not fail to send or circular. N. B. Ort'r Sale should hot be classed with New York dollar jewelry sales or bo gus " Tea Comprnies," as it is nothing of tho sort. EASTMAN & KENDALL, 65 Hanover Street, may23-6m. Boston, Mass. JF YOU WANT TO BUY CJLOTlIIJtra for the Million i Go to A. DURLACHER, Agent, DEALER IN CLOTHING ! CLOTHING GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS,- TRAVELING BAGS.&c. ST. MARY'S, ELK COUNTY, PENNA. Jan218681ypd A TTENTION MILL- 0 WNIRS ! rpHE EAGLE TURBINE WATER JL WHEEL, patented ouly30, 1807, is superior to any wheel in use. The under signed havo tho agency for Baid wheel in the State of Pennsylvania, and can recomi mend it as being the best manufacture 1. For further particulars, and circular, iu. quire at our Foundry in Kersey, where maohinery, mill-gearing, castings and steam engines will be made to order at rcasonablo prioes. Wo expect by giving satisfaction, in our work to receive a good share of jub lie patronage. J j.Y. ROBERTSON, R. BELL. Kersey, Elk Co., Pa., jan!6 1868pd. CARD TO THE LADIE3. Dr. Dupon co's GOLDEN PERIODICAL PILLS for females. Infallible in eorreoting irreg. ularities, Removing Obstructions of tha Monthly Turns, from whatever cause, and always suooessful as a preventive . One Pill is a dose. Females peculiarly situated, or those supposing thomselves so, are cau tioned against using these Pills while in that condition, lest they invite miscarriage, after which admonition tha Proprietor as sumes no rsaponsibility, although their mildness Tould prevent any mischief to health i otherwise the Pills are recommcn. ded f s a Most iraVaMe Remedy for the alleviation of thc-so suffering from any ir regularities whatever, as well as prevent an increase ef f .mily when health will not permit it ; quieting the nerves and bringing taek the "rosy color of health" to the bLeek ofthe most delicate.- Full and explicit directions acoottlpatiy eaeh boa. Price $1 per box ; 6 boxes, $6. Sold in Ridgway, Pa., by G. 0. Messen ger, Druggist, sole agent for Ridgway. La. dies, by eedmg hiiufl to the Ridgway 1. O. can ha the Pills sent (confidentially) by mail to any part ofthe country, freo or postage. Bold also by Swayna A Reynolds, St. Mary's, and by one Druggist in every Tillage In tho Union. S. D. HOWE, mj7 R8-ly. Solo Proprietor, N. Y. T OL'lfi II. GARNER, PRACTICAL MACHINIST, Can be found al Ma Foundry at St. Marys where he is ready to have uiPshop.work in his lino done on bhort notice. St. Mary's, Bcimner P. O., Elk co., Pa. niyl'CK' ly Trisn'T.'G cari sneatTy OECUT- ed at this olSee. L ;..- -- - --- -.taiv ... . -. tnj