John k. io(,i;n, i:i.itoh. SATUJJDAY, AtlEVlPt 1st, 1 SOH. NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC TICKET, 1011 I'KLSI IFXT IN ISti'.l, HON. HORATIO SEYMOUR, (IF NEW YOKK. i'OK VICE I'KFKI PENT, GEN. F. P. BLAIR, OF MISSOURI. democratic state ticket. Fur Auditor General, CHARLES E. BOYLE, Of Fayette Cvunty. Fkit Surveyor General, GEN.WELLINGTON H. ENT 0 Columbia County. Democratic District Ticket, TOR CON'atlESS, HON. W. T. JENKS, of Jefferson Co. Subject to the decision of the Democratic District Convention. STATE SENATE, HON. W. WALLACE, of Cloarfleld Co tSulijcct to the decision of the Democratic District Convention. ASKKMHTjY, nON. T. J. McCULLOUGII, of Clearfield county. JSnhjcet tothe decision of the Democratic Dietrict Convention, Democratic County Ticket. Ktir.HIFF, JACOB MtCALLEY, of Pox twp. COMMISSIONER, II. S. 15ELNAP, of Ridgway twp. AUDITOR, 0. A.WILCOX, of Ilorton twp. OCR TICKET. The Ticket nominated on Monday hot is an excellent one. It will be found at the head of our columns, and needs no enconium from u.s. That it will add strength to our State and National tick ets, wo have not the least doubt All that we reipiiro now is active, energetic effort on their part to net tho full vote out at tho October election. Iu order to win in November wc must win iu October. The eyes of all the States will be turned to Pennsylvania when she elects her slate officers. 'c must inn. Our majority last fall wa small. Although we know there arc many con servative Republicans who have wheel ed into tho Democratic line since then, yet we must work work as we never Jid before. Let it bo tho duty of the candidates to interest themselves in forming clubs in every district of tho county. To work then and let your watchword be, "Wc go in to win." C3WThe Radicals of Missouri have gwen a signal example of their idea of free pcach in a free country. On Sat urday last tho Democrats of Salino and ettcs counties held a Seymour and Blair ratification meeting. When Col. onel Phillips, a gallant soldier of tho Federal army, was addressing the large crowd assembled, among which was an tinnsual number of ladies,a mob of Rad icals attacked the meeting with pistols, clubs, and stones. They were replsed tut renewed the outrage, when a terri ble fight ensued, which ended in the killing of three and the wounding of twenty persons. "Let us have peace eaid -Gencrol Grant, and this is the manner in which Lis friends interpret Ins meaning. iFoRNEY objects to Gov. Semour falling the mob in New York, when ad dressing them, Lis friends. Forney's pieachor, when he goes to church calls liim one of the beloved brethren, which is stronger yet. Tun Radicals of tho Senate took tint some of their spite against Mr- Fes tiden ou Saturday, by rejecting his ttiend Charles Peters, a Radical, for Naval olTietr of the poit of New York. Horatio Seymour is at home j:ed iu rural paruit. cuga' Quilp says he icts along swim mindly with the lady' at the seaside. The Mrongeot Radical point is Eaid to be the point of the bayonet, Prince Napoleon employs hix cooks iu 1 ."! Id .'. 'W a vei v. -lv, ( '0 1 'A TV CON VENT ION. l'm-Mi'int to cult published in the Advn- cit ilio Lith lusliiiit, tho Democratic Vnuy Convention met in (he Court House in I In? place, mi Monday, tlio -7th instant. Tin- dm vent iuti whs culled to order by Judge Messenger, who, In a few wcll-linicil remarks, reminded the delegates of the im jnu'Ur.t duties before (hem, thanked them rr their prompt icsponso to his cull ns resident member of (lie Standing Commit-i'-o, mi tlio short notice given, and regard ed it :n tin earnest of what our county wimld do for Seymour d Blair, nnd the whole Democratic ticket. He then an nounced ns the first business in order was the election of ft President nnd Secretaries, whereupon Judgo Dickinson moved tli.U .lodge Messenger net us President of the Convention. Carried imnnimously. On motion of Mr. McAllister, Charles E. llcmnn nnd John F. Moore wero elected Secretaries. Tho credentials of the different delegates were then examined, found correct, and on the townships being called nil were found to be represented, as follows : TSenezct...C. 11. Wainright, Milton Chase. Benzingcr... Martin Sorg, Jacob Vollnicr, F. Krieg. Fox. ..15. Canovnn, John Koch. Highland ... 'William Stubbs, Thomas Campbell. Horton... Charles E. Bcrann, John C. Mc Allister. Jay ...Jacob Ovnl, Michael Spangler. Jones. ..Michael Weidert, E. Kcitzer. llidgwny...Geo. D. Mcssongcr, George Dickinson. St. Mary's. ..Louis Vollmcr, Jos. Wil hclm. Spring Creek. ..Jeremiah Elliott, John Davis. On motion of Judge Dickinson, tho Con vention then proceeded to the nomination of candidates. COMMISSIONER. C. R. Wainright nominated John Barr, of Bcnezct township. George D. Messenger nominated H. S. Beltinp, of Ridgway township. Michael Weidert nominated Henry War ner, of Jones township. Ou motion the nominations then closed, and II. S. Bcluap was nominated on the third ballot, as follows : 1st Bal. 2nd Dal. 3d Bal. Barr 10 10 0 Bel nap 8 8 12 Warner 3 3 10 When the nomination for Commissioner hud been mado unanimous, on motion of Judge Dickinson, Clark A. Wilcox, of Hor ton township, was nominated for Auditor by acclamation. On motion, the Convcution then proceed ed to nominato a candidate for BUEU1I r. Georgo D. Messenger nominated Martin V. Moore, of Ridgway township. Louis Volluier nominated C. U. Sexton, of St. Mary's. Bernard Cauovan nominated Patrick Ma louc, of Ridgway township. John C. McAllister nominated Jacob Mc Cauley, of Fox township. Ou motion, tho nominations wero then closed, and on the 3d ballot Jacob McCau lcy, of Fox township, was nominated, ns follows : 1st. Bal. 2nd Bal. Bal. M. V. Moore, 3 0 0 C. R. Sexton, 5 -l 1 J. MoCauley, 6 10 14 rut'k Mulonc, 8 8 i Mr. Moore's name wa3 withdrawn after the tire t ballot. The nomination was then mado unani mous, una .Mr. mcKinson noininaieu us our candidate for Assembly, Thomas J. McCtil lough, of Clearfield county, and therebcing no other nominations, Mr. McCullough was chosen as the Democratic caudidato for As sembly. Od motion of John C. McAllister, Hon. Wm, A. Wallace, of Clearfield county, was. by acclamation, declared tho choice of Elk county for State Senate. On motion of Georire Dickinson, the Con vention unanimously nominated Hon. Wm. P. Jenks, of Jefferson county, as the clioico of Elk county for Congress. On motion, the Convention then prococd ed to the selection of a Standing Committee for the ensuing year, when the following named gentlemen were ehoscn : GEO. D. MESSENGER, Chairman. Bouciet, H. R. Wilson ; Benzingcr, Ja cob Vollmcr ; Fox, James McCloskey Highland, W. J. Stubbg ; Horton, John C McAllister ; Jay, Jacob Oval ; Jones, F. VoIk ; Ridgway, C. V. Gillis j St. Mary's, Joseph Wilhslin ; Spring Creek, Jeremiah Elliott. Alter power being given by tlio Conren tion to each member of (he Standing Com mittee to appoint a Vigilance Committee of as many active Democrats os were neccssn ry iu their respective districts, Ihey were requested, when the Convention adjourn to meet at the office of John G. Hall, Esq On motion, tho following gentlemen w jro elected Representative Conferees: Louis Vollmcr, of St. Mary's ; P. W Hays, of Fox ; John F. Moore, of Ridgway. On motion, the following gentlemen were elected Senatorial Conferees : Charles Lubr, of 61. Mary's ; C. Wain right, of lScnezct, Clark Wilcox, of Horton Ou motion, the following gentlemen were elected Congressional Conferees ! Major 11. K ret z, of St. Mary's; C. V Gillie, of Ridgway ; Jeremiah Llliott, o Sprii.g Creek. .VI' -:r t'".-.''!uv.',ns t.Vit lie Convention heartily rti.lnrso tlio principles us ommriiit- ' ed iu the New York platform ; pledging a united support to tho County, District, State nml National DcuiocriUio tickets, and instructing tlio conferees to voto hb direct ed by the uctiou of tiie Convention, it was, on motion resolved that tho Convention do now adjourn wit limit day. GEO. D. MESSENGER, rrcs't. Cms. h. Human, Joun 1'. MocitK, Secret ai MEETING OF THE CO V COMMITTEE. Agreeably to the rcduest lniule in the Convention that tho Standing Committee meet at the cllicc of John G. Hall, Esq., immediately after that body had finished its business, tho members repaired thither. Mr. Messenger took tho chair, and Chas. E. Reman w as elected Secretary. Tho registry of voters in the different districts were then delivered to the chair. The committee then proceeded to namo vigilance commit! ccs to act in conjuncion with Hie standing committer, in accordance with the resolution of the Convention, nnd the following named gentlemen wora chosen: Benczet...II. R. Wilson, chairman ; C. Wainright, Julius Jones, Milton Chase, John Barr. Benzingcr Jacob Vollmor, chairman ; Joseph Kocrncr, John Stockman, Charles Rittcr, Martin Sorg, Adam Jcsberger, Se- bastianGoetz. Fox. ..James McCloskcy, chairman ; Jas. A. Malone, Y. W. Hays, L. Mohan, junior. Highlaud...Wm. Stubbs, Thomas Camp bell. Horlon...J. C. McAllister, chairman James McClcllan, Alfred Short, 0. V. Kcltx, JohnMcMahon, Jefferson Taylor. Jay ...Jacob Oval, chairman : Samuel Vasbindcr, John Thomas, Frank Spangler. Jone8...F. Wonk, chairman ; Michaol Weidert, C. C. Neering. Henry Warner. Ridgway... C. V. Gillis, chairman ; W. S. Madigan, Fred. Wilmarth, Thos. Wheeler, Nelson Gardner. St. Mary's. ..Joseph WiiheVn, chairman : William Schultzc, Anton Benningcr, George lietgar, j nines Coyne. Spring Crick. ..Jeremiah Elliott, chair man ; Martin l'crrin, Newton Lounsberry, it llliam Jackson, Ucorge Stafford. On motion, C. V. Gillis was elected Treasurer, after which the committee ad journed to meet at the call of the chairman. GEO. D. MESSENGER, Ch'mn. C. E. Beman, Secretary. ADDRESS OF THE . HEMOCTAHIC STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE. Democratic Statb Commtteb Rooms, Cleaiifii.uj, July HI. Democrats of Pcuiwlcania : Wc earnestly mvitc you to organize for victory. w Attention to details, persevering en ergy, nrgaiiizMion and discipline will bring triumph to your principles leal ami perseverance m every Deiii" ocrat, aud thorough organization iu every locality, arc tlio roads to suc cess. Superficial effort, noise aud parade arc valueless. J.I10 stake is a .nighty onc.aud must bo won by systematic work d busmes.likc encrty Pennsylvania is tho battlo.trronnd. At the October clcctiou tlio enemy will make their most determined contest You occupy tho post of honor tho vanguard ot the Democratic party. You have proven vour ability to carry the btate : and individual eflort, faith in your principles and couraga in their maintenance now, will enable you to count vour maioritv bv tens ot thou 0 sanus. The diiftof tho tide is toward you ; changes arc abuudant; and :t is appar ent that tho political revulsion now in progtess will cud in the utter overthrow of Radicalism. Let us labor to deserve so propitious a result. Wc invoke you, thon, to energetic action, close attention to tho details of your organization, to the formation of clubs, to the conversion of voters, to the enthusiastic support of your candidates beyiuour, the statesman, and JJIair, the gallant soldier. Let us recognize in their names the symbols of change, tho representatives of baticd to Radicalism, aud extending the hand of fellowship to all who wib aid us in saving the republic. Conserve atives and Democrats will move for ward under their banner, as a mighty ... I phalanx, united, detcrmimncd and lrro sistiblc. Let your warfare be aggressive. Do Jcnd nolhin?. 'Ibe ltadicais in power are responsible for the unhappy condi tion ot our country. Charge upon them their extravagances and their crimes. Demand ot them an account for your trcasuro wasted, your Union not res' tored, your race degraded, your bust dosZyed ri ness prostituted. Let your rallying cries be, a govern ment of white men; equal taxation; one currency for all. Organize ! Organize ! Organizes ! To work ! To work ! To work ! By order of the Democratic State Com. mittce. WILLIAM A. WALL-ICE, Chairman. tsn,Nevcriu the history of Elk coun. ty was there more deteimination to wiu for the Democratic) cause than was evin ced by tho delegates attending tho con vention on tho -Tib iust. Ho honestly believe that Elk county will give 700 maioritv lot Sevmour uud Lla:r tui- RADICAL' HYPOCRISY. Tho Radical cant about public faith with tho bondholders is atonco hypocrit. ical and absurd.' At the very beginning of the war, ('nngregs passed tho Legal Tender Act winch tnado greenbacks a substituto for coin in payment of debts. This wanton violation of tho rights of property immediately struck off tho faco of every Ktato, Company, and individu al obligation the dia'urenco between the value of gold and greenbacks. It shav ed all credits of the people to tho extent of depreciation of the government cur rency, Under its operation contracts made in gold and payable 111 gold wero liquidated in paper at times . worth but W cents on the dollar. Radical Icgmla. tion thus compelled creditors to accept Si'JO in full satisfaction for 1000. Radi cals everywhere hastened to avail them selves of the advantages of tho nef'ari" ous Act. Notio of them dreampt of paying in gold when they had the op portunity to pay in paper. It mado no difference to them that their obligations expressly called for the payment of yold and silver money of the United States. It was enough that they could pay in depreciated paper. They universally elm so and thereby repudiated part of their private debts. After the passage of the Lesal Tender Act tho Radicals paid not only the prin cipal but the interest of their individual debts m paper, notwithstanding that their obligations called for payment ot principal aud interest in gold. Railroad, canal, insurance and trust companies, banks and Earing institutions, managed entirely or mainly by Radicals, paid in paper tho principal and interest of debts lor which thpy received gold and prom ised to pay gold. All the State gorern mcuts iu the North,then under the con. trol of the Radiculs, paid in paper the principal and interest of loans ibr which they hud reoeived coin. Pennsylvania and ?cw j ork, indeed for a short time after tho passage of the Legal Tender Act, made a feeble clfoit to to pay their interest in gold, thereby acknowledging their duty to continue to do so ; but the premiums soon became so inconvenient ly high that the ' Radical legislatures of these btates.IiKC all the reft, struck their colors and settled in greenbacks.' And about twelve months ago tho Radical Governor and Legislature of Pennsylva nia paid tho whole funded debt of the Commi n .vcalth iu legal tender notes, although the State had received cold for every bond, and the Legislature had cxptessly premised to pay cold for every boud. Resides this, the Legislature of Pennsylvania for vcars taxed the bonds of the State like every othor description ot property. In view of these facts, wc repeat tbat the opposition of tlic Radicals to the payment of tho principal of the Cvo- twentv bonds iu legal tender notes is hypocritical and iucrcdulous. l'ithcr couic iu every otliar similar transaction shows that they entertain neither prin ciple nor fcrupieon me suujcct. Ihoir attciniit to burthen tho cou'.itry with tho pavmeut of these bonds iu gold is merely a bid for the political support of the boiiuholdcrs. It is an unscrupulous effort to .purchase tho aid and inlluaacc of money leudcis and capatali.sts at the expeuso of the sweat and blood of the laboring classes aud tax payers of the nation. w gravely proposod by the Radicals to furuih United States arms, at the rato ol one thousaud to each Con gressional district in the South, to arm tho negroes for a war of races, li'ill the white men of the North voto to mako Grant Presideut after that? If they do, thoy deserve to have tho coun. try plunged inlo a war moro horrible that through which we havo pass ed, and they may expect to see it come without fail. E?Ii,T he Radical journals of this state are not ouly denouncing Governor Sey mour as disloyal, but some of them are abusing the, soldiers sent by him to the defence of Pennsylvania in its hour of greatest peril. Somo of the editors who arc engaged in tbw disreputable busr ncss were fleeing ia wiid terror when these troops inarched to the defense of their abandoned homes. Such is Radi cal gratitude to tlio soldiers. J642r"Tbo Radicals arc shouting loudly over tho fact that the Democratic plat form and candidates aro assailed by 6uch English newspapors ns tho London Times. Vhon wore these journals ever I' J tUS rromiscd guuu III Lll3 c uuvu ciaica , AA.ivt; iiiuy not alwiys been against us ? Tho fact that the Democratic party is assai'.cd by the organ of the 15iitish autocrats,ouly show it is right. r,i5,,l hero are various n ports as to why Grunt was sent out of lt'atiiiiig(ou, and forced by his liadical keepers to 10. tiro to tho privacy of his farm near St lioms. uue rumor is mat no tias so given himself up to his unfortunate hobit sinuo bis uotuitiation, that his re moval f rom the public notice was s1 1-" lutcly necessary to prevent the '10St damaging txposuics. 1 l.i is vuJ'hed for by well itribrme.l resldetits. ''"b- in.r,,. IP (ril.-. it : :l v...- ';a'l 1" IMMENSE EEDTJCTI0N 111 h X HENRY II. ttiit it xt 6 Above corner of Main July 30, 1SC8. Tfeto 3i3beHiseiT)ei)is. SPECIAL NOTICE. We have found it necesary, in order to koep the nnancia department 01 the Advocate on a good basis, to adopt the following rnle : Transient Advertisements must he paid for in ad- vanes ; and all Job work ns soon aa completed. Bills made out and pretested to yearly advertisers at the beginning ol earn quarter. Subscriptions to be paid for invariably in advance, uovlt John t. Moohe, Publisher T AO THE INHABITANTS of RIDGWAY. SOMETHING NEW. The undersigned having made arrange ments to open a Meat, fish and Vegetable Market in Uidgwny, wishes to inform tho public t lint he will be found in his place of business in tho basement of Ur. fuller's residence, where ho will have FRESH MEAT lor sale every Monday, Wednesday and Friday; FUKSII FISH every Tuesday and Friday ; VEGETABLES always on Hand. July 30. IROS-tf JNO. MALIPHANT. V. 8. Next week being Courtweek, will have Fresh Meat on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. J. M. STOLiEN.""g?t ?'"o tilli instant, O110 Brewer s Book, Six Boxes of Cigars, containing tiOO Cigars, marked B. & C. on one side, La Ititica 011 top nnd label on end, One Bar Bottle marked Gin, One Bar Bottle, marked Tansy Bitters. A liberal reward will be paid for tho ap prehension of tho thief or thieves. CHARLES H.VOLK. St. Mary's, Ya., July 25, 18GS. I NTEUNAL ilEVENVE TAXES. Notice is hereby given that I will attend at the Hyde House, in Uidgway on Tuesday and Wednesday, tho 4th and 5lh uays of August next, 'Courtweek), lor the purposo ot col looting and receiving tho Internal Uevenue Tuxes fur l(iS. Tersons neglecting to pay at that time subject .themselves toau audi tion of 5pe' cent, on their tax. 1 J O KD, Deputy Coll. 19th District, Pcnu'a. X 1ST OF JURORS Grand and Traverse I J drawn for August term, liSu'8. OltANl) JL'KOUS. Bcnezct Coleman T Johnson, lienzinger Anthon Bauer. Fox .lames Furnsworth, Conrad Moycr, junior, Enos Hays, I Meredith, junior, Mlus jWuycr, vt imam Ilewut. Horton J Tay'or. Jny G Thurston, S Vasbiudcr.M Spangler, I UothrncK. Rideway T B Cobb, Kimball Scribner, Minor V, lleox, N Gardner, J V llouk,'is .1 Wheeler. Spring Creek Henry R Moore. Si. .Vary's C JcVoau, T. i'iiumett. .testing. Bcnezct W Murray, James IV Crown, Byron .T. June.-!. Benzingcr F Tcgler, George Decker, C'o Kernel'. Fox G Funk, J W Rodi'ers, P Murphy, John Mohan, L .Vol. an, seuior, L. Mohan, junior, S Hays, 11 Thompson, J Horrdiy, H Cross,. J Moycr, Eli P Kyler, E K Gresh, Alexander Cameron. Horton Dennis Egglestou. lay A W Gray. Jones E Burliiigaino, John -Varoh, John Pi.-tuer. Hide-way II F Ovcrholtzer, J FDill, Isaac Stephenson. Si. Mary's Georgo Imhoff, Frank Weis Georcc l.d Weis, Georgo Wnlmsley, N J W C Schultzc, Joseph Keruer, A Weis, T 1ST OF CAUSES set down for trial I J at August Term, 1.S0S, of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk county. commencing August od, 1SGS. H'aiuwriglit vs Corrcll llcll vs Werner, ctal. llcebncrs Heirs vs Scott. Rathbarti vs West creek 51. & 51. Co. Lawrence vs Luhr, ctal. Bowman vs Elliot, ctal. Malioud vs Crirpin, ctal- Hyatt vs JMeLauIey. Shawmut Coal Co. vs Hyde & Reed. est lr. Ins. Co. vs Scbullze. Hyde &, Reed vs Woodbury. Wilhclm vs licnziugor, i.'ch. Dist. Stephen vs Same. Rood vs Rrcedi't), c!al, Co. Nat. l'.k vs Powell. Maliu vs Corey. Pcleool vs Tozicr. Souther vs Coyne, ctal. GEO. A. RATUKURN Proty. HOUSE. SIGN ND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. --TI10 iindersipned Iniv cuiicliiJi'dlo haiiff up for a while in Uidgway, wouM respei''li!!y inform its citizens nn.1 I lioc ul'" stirrouuiliii;' vicinity, ilnitllicy are invpareil todnnll work in their lino in u aanner warranted to suit their customers and at as reasonable a prico as it can be done by tuiy other man. Our i.iin 'Live anil let live.' All orders prmuptlv 111 1 einle l in. JAi.'k T.SIIl'fKS ('. Ju1y2 liin. TNVKLiM'l S. J.AP.CT.S l TAdS neit- V 1 It" I lit' r,W-sTi A AT IN TIIE PRICE OP itrm d n (W ftk in tnm ftt rtk m mm THOMAS' & Dcjwt Streets, RIDGWAY, PENN'A. DR. C. W. STEBBIN8, of Brookvilld, l'a., begs leave to inform tho citizen of Uidgway and vicinity that ho will bo in Ridgwny during the coming Court, com mencing on the tfd day of August next. Her oilers hi professional services to all those who are atlliclcd with bad teeth, nnd giinr autces satisfaction. julyll Wil E E LE R & WILSON'd SEW ING MACHINES. The under signed having been appointed Solo Agent for tho salo of Wheeler & Wilson's Sowing Machines for Elk counly. He keeps an assortment constt.ntly onhand. Machines sold at Philadelphia and New Yor prices. Any parties desirous of obtaining them can address J. K. WH1TMOHE, March 0t-'C0-ly. at Ridcway, Pa. QHEIUFF'S SALE. By virtuo of a writ of Vrnlitioni Exponas issued outof tho Court of Common Pleas of Elk county, and to me directed I will, by virtuo ol said writ, expose to PUUL1C SALE nt tho Court House in Ridgway, on tlio first .Womlay in August, being tbu 3d il itv, the following described property, to wit ; By virtue or tins writ 1 havo levied npon the interest of the defendant of in and to a certain tract of unseated land situated ly ing and being in Jay towushid Elk County, Pennsylvania being warrant a umber liver th )ip:md and six (5(MMi) cnnt iining nine thousand and ninty acres (UO'JOJnnd nliow- anco warranted in the namo of W. Vi.llink and others. Bounded on the North (ftr Warrant Number t00! on the EiikI by Warrant Number GO07 on the South by Warraiit Number 5017 and on tho Vcl by Warrant Number 4l',l5 nnd tract warranted iu the name of Horace Little. Seiod und taken in executieu and to bo sold as the property of the Cherry & Trout It tin Oil A: Mining Company. B.Sale to commence at 1 o'clock P. M. of f.aid diiy. P. M U.11NK, Deputy ShcrilT. Sheriff's Office Kidywny July 11, lftiH. S'1 IT. MARY'S STEAM T ANN ERA ! J T. F. E-ponsluwlo & Co. Take pleasure iu umioiincing to Ihc pnblie ot Elk and surrounding counties that they have thoroughly refitted mid rennovated this old and well-known establishment, aiul congratulate themselves that with their ex tended faeilies, with tirst class workman, that they can put out ns good work ns cuu be found 1111 where. Wo have, and keep constantly unhand nlll kinds, of leather such as in general use iu this section, in cluding Sji'inish and Country S"b' Let. titer ! Culfshinx, ShiifihiHS, kijifLim .' Jinnies ?: I'jju:r Lentliv.r ! r CASH PAID FOR JUDFS. Give us 11 call nnd be convinced of tho truth of what wa suite. I iiiai-l'ij.-il COURT PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, the Hon. H. W. Williams, Piesidui'.tand Hons. V (,'. Scliuluo tiiul Jesse Ky'.ui-, Associates. Judges nftho ('oiirt of tjiiarler Sossiens. ()r; lian. nui-t, Oyer and Terminer, find General Jail Deliv ery, for the trial ol rnpilnl and other otb 11. ccs in the enmity of I'ilk, by their precepts to uic directed, have ordered the aforesaid named Courts to be hidden at Ridgway, in and for the county uf Elk, on the first M011- day iu August, it being the lid dny of tho month, aud to continue one week. Noiieo is hereby given to tho Coroner, Justices of the Peace, und ConMnblcs of the count v of Elk, thin they are by these presents com manded to be then und Iherfl in their prop er persons at t n o'clock, A. M., of said day, with their rolls, records nnd inpuisi tious, ami ollici remembrances, to ilo I Undo things which their ollit-rs appertain to bo dune, and that nil Justices of said county make returns of all recognizances entered into before them, to tho Clerk of the Court us per Act of Assembly of May din, 18)1 1. And those who are bound by their recugui znuccs in piosecute tho prisoners that are or shall be iu the iail of tho county of Elk, nnd to be then and thereto prosecute against them as shall be just. JAMES A. M.VLONF, Ridgwny, June 'JOth. Sheriff. "a lect 1; u k TtrvoT'NtTTi en iTsf published in n sealed envelope. A Lecture on I ho Nature, Treatment nnd Radical cure of fpormntorrlioen, or cnii 1111I Weakness, lnduntnry Emissions, Sex ual Debility, und liupediiiii'Ula to niariinge gi'iierall. Nervousness, Consumption, Ep ilepsy and Fits ; Mental and Physical In capacity, resulting from .Self-Abuse, ,c. by Robert J. Citlvei-wtll, M. I)., author of the "Green Honk," etc. Price in u healid envebiie. ouly six cents. The celebrated aiulior, in this a dmirablo i'f:-nj, clearly demons! rites from a thirty years'siicccislul pi act iee, that tlieubirm ing coiisc'iucnccs of sell' abuse may be rad ically cured without, tho ire uf internal medioine, or the application of thoknile, pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain aud effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no mutter what his coiidi. lion may be, may euro himself cheaply, 1,1-iv'ileli; unit I'.-ltlit-allV. yJX This Lecture should be in the ImmU Of every youth and every man 111 tho land. Sent under seal, in a plum envelope, to any address po-tpiid, on receipt ol six renin, or two post slnmp. Also, Dr. Cul. vei well's " Marriage Guide," j.rice J joi nts. Vldre-w Ihe Pub! i -hers. CII AS. J. V. KLINE CO , 1.1T 11, 1 Wur l n A .".sit til 0