t A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, l TJevotedto the Interests of t'jc People of .Elk Co is r-riii.istiFti rvcnv s nitn.Y, 13Y JOHN MOOIIE, Office in the C'Mil House. Tiums One Dollar nnd Fifty Cents annum, inrarialdy in a'tvam.,.. o Uevia tion from those terms. PatM of Advertising. Transient AdveitisemcnienH, pci'3 q ire of 10 lines or less. " times or loss $2 00 For each subseuiinl insertion Administrators' and Ex'rs notices... 2 fit) Auditors' notices - fit) Dissolutions. Cant iniift ami Estrays... 2 00 Local nnd Obituary notices pet line. ! Professional cards. 1 year 5 0(1 YC AIII.V A I'VKHTISKM KNT9 . 1 square S 7 (Ml; J column $20 00 2 squares 12 00 1 column :!1 00 3 mninros l.'ilMiJ column (W! 00 Tho nbovo ralc will l'C strictly adhered to in nil advertising from tins date. nt.AKKx. Fincle nnire $2 .'(.( uiiiros I1 or..$l 7ri 3 auircs 71 or... 1! 50 Over li, V qr.. 1 oO NIIUII,I.S. 1 sheet, 2'or1e?s2HlJ sheet, 25 or less 5 00 Klicct, lo or Ua 3 00 1 shoot, 2 I or loss 000 Editor and Proprietor. (!31h ol-ounte .Director!?. . COUNTY OFFICKR. President Judge 11. 11. White. Additional Lav Judge II. W Williams. Associate Judges K. C. Schullzc, Jesse kyler. Jiistriet Attorney.!. K. I'. Hall. Sheriff James A: Malono. Pruthonotary, fee. G. A. Rathbun. Treasurer Claudius V. (iiilis. Co. Superintendent James Jllakoly. Commissioners II. Warner, J. W. Taylor, Louis Vollnior. Auditors Clark Wilcox, Byron J. Jones, Jacob McCaulc'. County Surveyor (Jeo. Waluislcy. TIME OK HOLDING COURT. Second Monday iu January, Last Monday in April. First Monday in August. First Monday in November. FOUNDRY &' MACHINE SHOP IN ST. MAItY'S. T Oris If. GARNER Legs leave lo cill I j the Attention of the citizens of Elk and adioining counties to the fact that holms purchased the foundry, formerly known as AlcGill's Foundry, and tlmt he has refitted tho establishment wilh new mid improved macbiiiciy, which will enable him to turn out nil work in his lino in a manner nuoh as will compare lavoraldy with any work lu tho country, lie nianulaetiires STEAM ENGINES, MILL-GATES AND CASTINGS, PLOUGH-POINTS, WATER-WHEELS cr all KINDS, W1NDOW-WEIGI1TS, l R-CASTINCS OF AN V PATTERN, !!; is also agent for Henry Jarceki's I r i'.; Foundry, at Erie, and can furnish tlint establishment lirass Castings of any desired pattern on short notice. Particular altcctijti puid to the wants of coal operators. ( tnllea ear-whocM, axles and pullcvB Jurnished nnd made to order. Slenni i -.iipine boilers repuiied in a dura- nud neat manner. A varied assort inent of rubber and leath- bel.ini! kept constant lr on hiind. Hccxpeels thioiih sieady ai)dicalion lo Misiness, to deserve llioputronago of all who may Call on lnin. TERMS CASH. JCL.FOUNDRY ON MILL STREET, ST. MARYj BENZiKfiF.ii I'. 0 , Elk County, Pa. May 1, lSGR-.".nnoiic. T P1IE OLDi;ST LITTERS IN USE IN AMERICA ! H. 13 S OLD rOHINIOil SIOilACH UITIEKS!! O. E. A: Cx. TTAVING EEEN USED OVJ3R TWEN 1 1 ly years umler the style of Old Do minion Hitters. They are a perfect lilood Purifier, an unrivalled Stomachic, nnd a certain cure for all diseases arising from derangement of I he Stomach, Liver or Kid neys. A sine remedy tor Jaundice, Chr.on. io Diarrrhoaa and Debility resulting from any cause whatever. Uy it, tho appctito is (strengthened, and a healthy (one and vigor imparled to (ho whole system. Quan tities of testimonials, and certificates have been sent us, all speaking in commenda tion of the beneficial tfl'ccls of our Hitters, and wc have no hesitancy in asserting that if they arc once employed, ihcir use will lift rnonmmendeil liv fvevw mivelinser. Thev are cheap, available, Fafo nnd sure, being composed of ingredients pure ami harmless. Try them and he convinced of their virtues. For sale by all the principal Druggists and Merchants. Do not fail to examine well the article you buy in order to get the genuine. JSce trade mark. II AVNES & P.OYER, Sole Pjoiuiciois A: Muuufuciurers, xnayl 3iu. Erie, Pa. "INSURANCE AGAINST LOSS OR 1 DAMAGE JiY FIRE ! THE Lycoming County Mutual Insur ance Company at Muncv. Penna.. con tinues to Insure against Loss or Damage by Fire on all kinds f Merchandise. Publio and private uildings, cither in town or county. Also on Mills, Tanneries, Darns, stocks of Griun, ic., at the lowest possible rates, consistent with safety to the Insurer and Insured. The Lycoming County, Mu tual Insurance Company invites an investii Ration as to its stability. Its capital Muiuuum io Sa.8oo.oooi Thus assuring tu every one of its patrons that their losses will be promptly and satis. factonly paid, lis management has always ueeu pruuem, as us existence 01 twenly. uyeargiuny uemonstraies JAMES RLAKELY. Agent for E'k county, at St. Mary'l Go'?., Ooltli)f.' FIHM AND NEW GOODS !! " . NEW GOODS! JUST RECEIVING AT THE STORE OF HYPE, GILLIS & CO. HARDWARE, QUEENWARE, CANDIES, NUTS, &o. DRV GOODS & GROCERIES. THE REST AND CHEAPEST. IN ELK COUNTY. CALL AND SEE AND BE CONVINCED THAT WE SELL CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER BTORE IN THIS SECTION. WE ARE CONSTANTLY ADDING TO OUR STOCK COME ANI) SEE US. ij ooils, Nubias, and all ninds of Woolen i A Goodd at the cheap store of ! U7 -Jll lJE, UlLLia HVO. Do yon want to purchase ft silver watch Anicrioan or Forcipn 1 if so, go to 12-07 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. F resh Oyslcra couslnntly on hand at the st oro ox 12 07 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. "TVrot'ons ftH.'tin'lB m extensive variety 1 at inc sioro oi 1TC7 HYDE, GILLIS CO. n extensive assorlment f CLOTHING at the Btore of 12'07 HYDE, GILLIS CO. TOnTS, SHOES nnd GAITERS every kind, Btylc and variuty at the store of 12 07 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. A large and complete stock of Hardware - nuj cutlery at the 81 oro ot 12'07 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. rpORACCO The finest brands for smok J ing and chewing, at tho store of 12'07 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. "VUEENSWARE nn cxtonnive assort. I VNfj incut, ai me sioi c oi 12'07 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. "fewest Styles of Balmoral Skirls at the l cheap store of . i. fill I tu t. rt 10 uiyL, uiLhw atu. T adies' Dress Gooils latest ana raos I j fashionable figures, at the store of 12'U7- HVDE, GILLIS & CO. TTatg. Caps and furs, in great Tttriety I and at the lowest price, at Hie store o Mens' woolen and cassmer Shirla sensation prices, at tin store of iZVi 11 1 VI, UIJjIjIO & w. TTndcrshtrls and drawers, cheaper than J the cueupesi, ui me siore oi FOR PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES IN 1?GV. CME EMINENT MAN SHOULD RE SELECTED. FOR Till: PLACE TO 15UY 8TOY E S TINWARE, r0 HOUSE- FURNISHING GOODS, GO TO R IDG WAY, iVL ON SERVICE, m MAKE KNOWN YOUR WANTS, And you will be supplied, and well satisfied with the call. STOVES, Of all Desirablo Kinds, always on band. TINWARE,1 Of the Latest and Most Approved Style and Workmanship on hand, and Mado to Order, (a Spechlity uiado ol this BranfcO All Goods warranted. Dealers supjilied at tho Very Lowest Prices. Price List furnished on nn- plicatn. TOILET SETTS, ROMK W. MITliriTT. UKSIfi ! SPIOI3-HOXKS, And all and every novelty in the Japan ncd Tiaw&rc Liuc ! iro ous loys, l'l'cucli liunod W are, jjiigusu xiuiiiiiicieu imux, Scotch and Yaukco Rywls, tj.-i-i.it -.1 U'... Sad Irons, Coal Hods, Japanned, Galvanized And Fancy. Iron Hollow Ware by the Sett or Singlo Piece ! FISHING TACKLE, Rods, Raskcta, Flics, Hooks, 1c , &.C. Jobbing in all its branches. I have tho agency fft the Celebrated Oriental Base Burning Furnace. The i l. i...:..i. vo ii uiu nuim iuiiumiu ui uii.& T,., ,., . . ..... ii tncy iaii io give satisiacuon no pay will bo asked. ROOFING, Flat or Standing Groove, Eave Trough, Epoutiug, and House work generally. s50rders by mail.pronipil attcnl- cd to, and work guaranteed. T HriT t Mnn tii mriinr...i-T r. . - iun il.i Uli Ui.Mr,lvCUI-IJ I Tf trnn urn r,nln,r r l.nlhl TT,-..i; Store, Church or Barn, call before you i . n- ri el .t uucryuur iiu, supper ui cucui irou Work. WcftMriiiie, "EW HARDWARE KTUUU: The subscribers have just 'opened in S T. MARY'S A new and Completo Stock of Heavy & Shelf 1 J And will kecp-conttfinlly on hand a great variety of CO Oh' AX I) m; A TING STO YES JJur fmn, Slcrl Anvift, liclfoirs, A'uih, Jlurf S!iocs, Springs, liuild inj Jlnrdicare, JSnws and Files of Every Ihsrijtinn. ! GUNS, PISTOLS AND CARTRIDGES, Cutlery, Plated Ware and House Furnishing Goods. Al' kinds of Mechan ics' Tools ! TINWARE Of every description, which will be sold at the LOWEST CASH TRICES. They have also the exclusive agency in St Mary's for tho IMPROVED ORIENTAL RASE.RURNING COAL STOVES AND PARLOR Ft UN ACES 31 Which have received Four First Class Pre niiunis at the New York State and oth er Fairs ; Also, th Great Silver Medal at the Fair of the Am erican Institute, held in New York City, 1S0-5. They are rcrpct.ml .Uiirncrs, only one fire IJCing i'uiri:ii iu nc iiiuuu uuring the season. M. UK EC 11 KR. .Tn. WM. II. CUPELAND. r.ov2fl'il7 1y STOVES AND TIN- W A R E John Soscnlieimer & Sons., WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS. 6T. MARY'S; TA. Krcps constantly on hand and for Falo, a larjio nnd well selected styek of TIN WARE. STOVES &c. Wo have evcrythine: ircnernllv kept in a Tin Shnp Our Stuck ot M() r.S cousi.sts in part of SPEARS A NT I DUST PARLOR & HOIlL'tVl! UTllt'l'i AT til T 1 ' 1 1 V G ATE & W II EAT-SHE A F STOVES. n'e also keep on hand nnd for sale the A large st oc.-of GEOFF. HEATERS with Russia top is niuoiirr our assortment, which arc now the best stoves in use, and can bo sold as cheap ns cv.-r. SCRAP IRON taken iu exchange for gf.mls. srouTiMi K .nut if I. u done on snort notice, (iivc us a call, ana saiistaction guaranteed. Sept. 20 07. tf. PATRONIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS. FLOUR, FEED AND GRAIN. TllIE suhscii'iers having completed their 1 New Grist Mill in Ridgway are now prepared to furnish tho people of the Biir rounding country with Plour of the Best Quality, and ol'thcir own manufacture, at tho lowest market rates. Tho attention of lumbermen and others is called to our lacililics lor furnishing them with FEED OF ALL KINDS, - ' j ...... l.nnn- .!.. 1. K.v l..il.t nil.. J l.ft- j pice in the county. fetf-CASU, 1'AIU V0R GRMN-Qa j. s. nvDR, j. v. none. J. K. W1UTM0RF. Ncvembcr 7, IS07tf LOOK HERE I WATCHES, JEWELRY & SILVERWARE "tHARLES HOLES, Practical Watchma J ker, Jeweler and Engraver, RiJgway Elk county, Pa. The sulseiiber begs leave lo announce to tho citi.enj of llidg way and vicinity that he is pe.purod to do all work in his line on short noiico nnJat reasonable rates in tho very l est manner. .Slum in II SI 1 tul n u li' Si n re. SlU'riitl littPll. I I . . . A turn raid to engraving. lie has also on nana a largo no?ortmenl of (.'locks, Watches, Jewelry sud Silverware which ho oners lor sale on reasonable terms. "C hill! U Call. . llOVitult Q ie cuGe of' KNIVES, I lie best i iiuainy anu nioai nppioveu liuneins, very iiality ana most npprov cheap ut the Hardware I old corner iu Mary's t.,ic u, ,he ,IarjHUI.e Sl - A' 11 orders for Sioncs uud Hardware nil bo promptly ailcudiJ to aj souu as ruci-ivcl, al I he 3JJc j &YoUtlri' 6olih)n. rjUlK CHEAPEST GOODS IN TUB COUNTRY A re Sold by VFEfS BltOT Ii:KU fSuccessors to Geo. AVcis." IlEALEn.1 IN St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. QALL AND EXAMINE OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF BOOTS ANI) SHOES Wc Lave no hesitation in saying that in thin department of our establishment, we cnu give bargains to our customers with which they cannot fail to be satis fied. Wc luy our fctock direct from the Manufacturer, Richtrdsons' Cclo. bralcd Root & Shoo Manufactory, Elmi ra, New York We warrant all goods in this liuo sold from our establishment. IT EAVY iVSIIELF HARDWARE. ME ARE PREPARED TO OFFER To our customers iu this lino bargains which cannot be undersold in Elk coun ty. Our stDek is large, well selected, and is especially adapted to tho wants drthc community. ADIES' DRY & FANCY GOODS. An Unequalled Assortment ! Muslins, Silks, Calicoes, Satins, Delaines. Muiro Antiques, Chintzes, While Goods Cloths, Flannels, Rorfe res, Laecs, Corsets, Iu fact wc have everything connected with Ladies' Wear. We arc determin ed to sell luu-cr, ihcupcr and BETTER Goods than any other firm in the coun ty. Give us a call, we 11 prove it. ARK Wi:LL WHAT WE SAY. lie Stll tlta JJiff, tnarure THE CHEAPEST CLOTIIiNG Sold iu Elk Count3-. Our Stuck of '1 ilil5 SojJS ?lliiiJl" flflJ JUiiiji' j I 0 :t II i IS IMMENSE, And wc confidently Cutter ourselves that better Clothing cannot be found AXY WHERE. Persons, before purchasing elsewhere' would do well to give us a call. BfjuNo trouble to show bur Goods. QR0CER1ES, NOTIONS, &c.,&o. In Endless Variety, nnd CHEAPER than Me CHEAPEST! At the Store of V IN Y In St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. pIPFS,TCRACCOES & SEGARS Wc have now on hand AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT, Which will be t-old at a VE R Y SL I U II T A PVAXVh On cii.il tun! ciin iinjr. tcSfOtil' Stm c ii ill tlic iii ir Siwtc li'lil.lilrj oil 1 " Sli ft. . .1 iity M , i it. Sli?ir3 JjiVv'clohi. J OHN G. II ALL, Attorney at law, Ki,ig way, Ivlk county Po. uiar-22'00 ly T A VI! IE J. 11 LA K ELY, Attorney aTlw" j nnd U, S. Commissioner. Ilidejwny Elk county. Pa. f mnr-22-(ii;.ly. TOR WORK 7r alT kiiiTlTuTddel. J criptiotw dune at this office. HENRY SOUTHER, Attornoy-at-Lnwy Ridgwny, Pa. (fVli2U't8) ALPINE HOU.fE, Si. Mary's Pa" Ilor" man Kretz, Proprietor, riig'.t'OO DR. W. JAMES P.LAKKLY Physician and Surgeon, St. Mary-, Elk county Pa- nmr-22'(j(i ly. DR. W. W. SHAW Practices Medicine nnd Surgery, Centreville, Elk county Pa- niai--22'(i01y. JXECL'TION.V, SLMIMllS.?, SlT.PtK, ll nas. Warrants, &o., on hand and fr sale nt this ollioe. U. VOLK. Jlaiinfactiircr and Dealer in Liirtr Reer. opposite the RailroaJ Depot. .St. Mary's, Elk county Pa. Sfar-22'0(i-l . DR. W. 11. HAltTM. county, Pn. Late N. St. Mary's. Elk te of the A rin i- i.fi!. """). i ariiciiiar attention pivon to all cases of surgical nature. mr.r-22'lJf;. v. ri ROVE G. MESSENGER, Druggist and Vl I'eiinr I ii urun and Chemicals. Piiinls. Gils and Varnish. IVvfnn.n..,, T:i et articles and Utatiounry. Ei.lgivav, Elk county Pa. r.mi'-22'C.!i-y, jRANK E.VIZ, Mki.ci.ant T.a.'ioV! J. Ccntrcviile. Elk cnm.iy, Pa., drr to inlorm tho citizen of Centreville and v. cinily. ihat he isat nil limes preimred to do work in a neat and saf if lattory mannor. Titve nic a call. tiovt'TJy jo.is a. ham . , 7-7 -IAS. 1.. , Attovii ovp 1 1 - 1 j n av ST."' MARY'S PENZINGEll 1'. O. KI k COUNTY S. ptethlier :'' L-';;;.;. y. 1 :-ii'dwe!l, M.Ji. EefenbTj'hvi PA. ff , ("Mice and lc-idcuct nu- "1-1 fite iho Jail, on Coin ro S:.. 1 ; ; . J - i: vav. fa r allention will be given to all c.l'N (;;,-,. l''s: 7io8A.il- ; 12 to 2 P. M.': .! ,j 10 ' 1 M- ' Mar. 22, C(i tf. T HAYEK HOUSjJ. RIDGWAY, IU. uj ill A ikk, Proprietor. Tlicundersieiied having fitted up a largo and commodious holed on t southwest, corner of Centre nnd Mill streets, with .ro,l and convenient stabling attached, ivpor-t-fu'.ly solicits the patronage of his old frieud.i and the ji-illic genciv.llv. decli'OU ly DAVID THAYER. S. SHORT, JOHN G. HALL, LOI'f.S VOLLMER, JAS. X. P. HALL. RANKING-HOUSE OF Short, g;i!l & i;:o. S!..ll(trj's, 11 ?:: Snzcr O. Ei.k Ciu N i v. I'rsx E HOL'SE. ' RintWAY, Ei.k Co.. Pa. M. V. Mooni:, Pmprii-ior. Thi-.nl.rul for the prrmnge heietufov. so liberally bestowal upon him, the new prtl.ii.-tor, hojie,. ly paying stri.-t at leniion to the comfort an l" coovenienee of guests, to merit, u coiiiiniianec of tliu !,u'- Oct 21 lr,i;. lliANKI.TN ILOUSJ-f, A v!'. M.Ml'.'s, LARGE Y M ALONE, Pnorn's. 1hc proprietors re'.pecttuUy a-U ihe iilten lion ol' their tVii-nils and the public in c:en. oral to the large and commodious huli-l. Every attVniioii paid to the cm eni.-io e of t?ucts. . J.ARGEV, may:lO IPoS.ly J, A. m A 1,0 N 1'. "jNCHANGEIlOTEI., ' ' i j RIDGWAY, PA. J. HALEY Proprietor. This hotel is pleasantly siiuvled on thi banks of tliu Clarion River ud Elk Creek, at Ihelowercnd of ihe village, Mr. Mealy imii spare uo j'.uiis lor i lie conveiiie c hisguesK, Voinviiosono mi I all to him a call and Irv his house. .' ol give Sept, 17lh'07-ly. I.li'.IHM.RS VOOT. Praelicil C'l.iTk " Jt Watchuiaker, S'. Mary's. Elk county, I'll. Rooms next dour in lliiilc-n o Ii'h Clothing Store. All kilos of work d i done in a saiisfaelory maiiaer, and war. ranted. Cousiibai ions in ntr;ii-.i t vnik iu the Germar, reucli oi- r.n.rjH, Pm. gimecs. March 1 i." Isr.Vtf. soAniTlTTxa nITsvT" IICfSE, SItN & ORNAMENTAL TAINTIWa MMIE SI I1SCR1I! E R WOULD R I'. J fTectfully inform the citizen of Flk county tht.t. ,e , jllst slnr(c,i ; 1Q ab , ye business in Ridgway, and feel confi dent that he can please all who may favor hnn with their custom. GRAINING I'APER HANGING AND OA LCI M N ING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE AND IX THE r.est fashionable and improved uinnnni- stylo. Orders 1 ft at tiiis Office or al the thinking House of Souther, Willis A: Souther will be promptly attended to. W-. P. WILLIAMS, May-17'C'j-ly. C10AL, CORE .NM7TTlUrr'LAV . All of superioi finality, fur sale by tho Tannerdalo Ccal Company, St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. BijrOrders by wail promptly iitcnd. scj.tlii 'j-tl HS. BELNAP t; CO.. "51LACKSMITHING. Having completed our now cslabli.hnieiil, and lociled liiert-in, we still hope by con stant attention lu business, and turning out lirsl-chiss work, lu merit a coiitiuuaiHu i,f she ralioiiage heretuluie tu irnieio-is'v I, tltiwcd. I'udal our new shop, al ihe v. ern cud ol ilaiu Street, Ridgway, Pa. iiiiikuiiii iiiit-oiiuu given io ine tlrjeia.: of horses. All w e ask is a Uiv t rial. May 1 1 O'j-ly. LACKSM1 I'll S CARPEN I'ER'.s AND I ! I't.l -ale eli,-al e. th-i-i i: ti lllllt, U1LI.1S 4 IU. Oct 31st, 1807-ly. Oct. Sl.n lSC7.lv- he fliiape-l :,. ,e ; t ,: y'.- li tl.'. .1 - lore. ... . JJ 7 Si. .MARY'S l!ARDWAi:r STi'KE V A