ST he drill gVdroratc, A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER. Ccvolod to fno Interests of tlio Feople of Elk Co IK I'l I1I.1.SHKI) KVIIIV SATI llt.AY, uy John r- moohe, Ofict in the .('"irl lluttsn. TkrHis One Dollar nnl lir:y Cents per annum, invariably in auvaiicv. J'o divia tion Crura these trrms. Bates of Advertising. Transient Advcrtiscniemciits pevs i ire- of 10 lines or less, t! times or less t2 CO For each subsciunl insertion 2" Administrators' and I'.x'is notices... 2 oil Auditors' noliccs - ,,, Dissolutions. Cautions and Estrnys... 'J 00 Local mid (Miituiivy notices net Hue. 1" Professional curds, 1 year 5 (H) Yr.Mll.Y AnVltHTISKMHNTS. 1 square !? 7 oo column f'JO 00 '2 squares 1 J 00.1 column "." 00 !l squares "i(M) I coloiim (Hi 00 The above, rales will be Eiricily adhered to in nil ndvciiising from this ilaic. Single rpiirc $2 So C iiirc Y1 iV..l "' 3 aiuircs t ur... 2 .'iiUlvci l, ",' .jr.. 1 .( 1SI IIANMltl.l J sheet, 2 ' or less 2 OIL.', pixel, 2'iov V-ss.'i ! sheet, 'Jo or less SOU 5 sheet, 2 I or h-ss!i( i 00 100 Nov. 23, ISO' JOHN F MOORI- Eilitov nml l'ri'l'i iclor. (flit OiOiinin gircrtorjj. COUNTY OFFICERS. President Judge I!. White. Additional Lu Juduc 11 w. Wi'liams. Associate Judges E. C. Pehultzc, Jesse Kylcr. District Attorney .7. K. P. Hall. Sheriff James A. Malnnc. rrothonotary, &c. !. A. Ralhbun. Treasurer Claudius V. (iiilis. Co. Superintendent James Blakely. Commissioners II. Warner, J. W. Taylor, Louis Vollmor. Auditors Chirk Wilcox, Byron J. Jones, Jacob McCnulcy. County Surveyor 0 eo. Walnisley. TIME OF HOLDING COURT. Second Monday iu January, Last Monday iu April. Fust Monday in August. First Monday iu November. JOUKIIKY k MACHINE SHOP IN ST. MARY'S. X 0U1S II. CAUSER Less leave to call I j I lie ai tent i uu ol I lie citizens of I lk ami adjoining eniiiilies to Hie fact tl.;it lie lias purchased the I'.iiii'lry. formerly known as MoGi'd's Foundry, ami that lie ha; vetille'l llie establishment with new ami irnirovtil machinery, which will enaMc liini to turn mil all work in Ms line in a maimer such n will compare bivorahly with any Work in the country. He manufactures STEAM ENGINES, MILL-GA'iFS A N i CASTINGS, PLOUGH-POINTS, WATER-WHEELS of alt. KINDS, WINPOW-WEIGHTS, HTOVE-CAS'f IX'OS (IF ANY l'TTKRN, l!o is also agent for Henry darccki's 1 rasa t omulrv, at Erie, anil can furnish f i din that establishment lirass Callings ol any desired pattern on shor' noiice. I'm I ii iiln r ittlcnlnn paiil to the wauls of rual opcrnlot s. Chilled car-wheels, Hxlcij 1 lnl . 1 1 1 f v s luriiishcd anil niaile to onler. Slcaiu engine boilers repaired in a dura- i ami neal nianiier. A varied assort im lit of rubber and loath ticking kepi constantly on hand. !i I'SjicelM through steady application to isincss, to deserve the 1 at ron.i :e of all who may call on l.ii.i. TERMS-CASH. tgFOUNDRY ON MILL STREET, ST. MARY'S, Benzincer 1. O., i:ik County, Va. May 1. lStiS-'iiii'oiic. T" PUB OLDEST 1UTTEUS IN USE IN AMERICA ! II. & U S OLD DOMINION 810M1CII BITIEBS !.' O. 15. A. G. TTAVINC L-EEN ViSED OVElt TWEN- J" J ly years tinder Ihe fctyle of Old lo Iiiinion Hitlers. They ui'O a perlVcl li'.ood l'urilier, tin inirivalled .Slomachie, and a eri ti i n cure for nil iliM'ases in isinj; IVoin dernngenieiit til' the Hlomuch, Liver or K;d lieys. A sure remedy lor Jaundice, Chroii. jo ltiarrrho a and liehilily re luliiiif; fruin nny cauae w halever. Jty it, the nppoiitv. i strentttheui d, ami a laallliy lone and vigor inipavled to ihe whyle cysiein (Juan tilics of testimonials, and certilicaluo have Jiecn neiit us, all fj i-.nkinjr in commenda tion of Ihe beneficial itleol.s of our Lilurs, und we have no hesitancy in a.eliil!i; that jf they aifl onco u; j.i. .y t tl, their n.e will be recouinicnili d by eeiy purchaser, 'i'hry lire cheap, available, talc and t-uie, bein eomposcd ol'iii.ycdienl.s jmro and havmhsa. lry them una l e convinced ol their mines. . For Kale by all the principal Drugg14 und Meichniiis. l'o not fail to examine veil the article you buy in order to get Ihe genuine. Bee trade mark. ll.VYNES & EOYER, Sole Vrnprittura & MuuuTacitrrer, jiutyl Sm. Kiit, I'a. fNSUllXNCE ACAINSTLOSS Oil 1 HAM AGE j;Y nilK ! THE I.ycomin; County Mutual Insur ance Company at Money, l eiiiui., con linues to lusure a..iiiisl Loss or Damage by Fire ou ull kiuds-ef Merchatidihe. i-iiblio nml private liihliuM, cither in towu or coitniy. Also ou Mdls, 'J anncries. Earns. stocks of (iraiu, ic., at the lowest possible. Tales, coiiaisiinl wilh safely lo tlie Insurer ud Insured. The Lycomiim County, Mu- I it ill Insurance t'oiujiuny iiiviies au iu vest it palion m to its Klabilily. Iu capital uuimutH to 8f2.HOO.OOO! Thus assuring to every one or its patrons (hat their losses will be j.romplly and salis. f.iclorily paid, lis nineineut has always lieeu prudent, as iis exUieiue of twculy iyer$ fully lcnionstrii.s JAMES ELA EEI.Y, Agent fur U:k Cbuuty, itl Lt. Mary's . Cct. lt. ly. t'tiiiiit eV t'oV., L'oliii)i. EW FIRM AND NE W GOODS ! ! NEW GOODS! JllST HECEIVINM AT THE STORE OF HYDE, GILI.LS & CO. 1 1 A R D W ARE, I U E EN S W A R E, CANDIES, Nl'TS, Ac. DRY GOODS & GROCERIES. THE REST AND CHEAl'EST. IN ELK COUNTY. CALL AND SEE AND RE CONVINCED THAT WE SELL CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN THIS SECTION. WE ARE CONSTANTLY ADDING TO OUR STOCK COME AND SEE US. TToods. Xubins. and all Kinds of Woolen fJ tioods at the ehenp store of 12'07 HVDE.CILLIS A CO. ft o you w aul tc purchase a silver w.ileh American or l-iuoij:n 7 H so. go to 12 07 HYDE. Oil LIS & CO. . "Vcsh Ovsiers constn.ntlv on hand at the sloro of 12'iiT HYDE, G1LL1S & CO. N Totim.M of nil UintU: hi extensive varietv t ... i ire.; HVDK, cans .1 co. A"." extensive assortment tf CLOTHING at ihe more of 1207 HYDE, OILLIS i. CO. "lVOTS, SiltiES and GAITERS every " "1 l.iud, style ami variety at the store of il U7 HYDE, C1LLIS CO. large and complete stock of Hardware and tuilery at the store of 'I Ol'.ACCO The finest Wands for stnok ing aud chewing, al the store of 12 U7 HYDE, C.ILL1S & CO. QVEI'.NSW ineut, ut ARE sn extensive assort the store ol" HYDE, G1LLIS& CO. 12 b7 fewest StyTfs of Iialuioral Skirls at the cheap stoif of 12U7 HYDE, GILIIS SCO. I; adies' Dress Goods latest and nios hiouable figures, at ihe store of 12'G7 HYDE, G1LL13 4c CO. TXals Caps anil furs, in great variety I l nad a.1 111 lowest tiTice, al llicrtm Jo. lllLt, UlLblSiX t,u. M ens' woolen mi cassi-ricr Shirts seubalion prices, at Ihf store of 07 HVDE. G1LLLS & CO. XTndcr.-litrts and drawers, cheaper than I J I lie cheapest, ut iiic More ol 1!07 HYDE, G1LL1S CO. OjfSltt, ltG7-ly. FOR PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES IN lso 8, SOME EMINENT MAN , SHOULD RE SELECTED. FOR THE PLACE TO RUY S T O V E S T 1 N W A B 9 HOUSE- FURNISHING GOODS, GO TO R IDG WAY, CALL ON SERVICE, MAKE KNOWN YOUR WANTS, And you will be supplied, and well satisGed with the cull. S T O V E S ? Of all Desirable Kinds, always on baud. ib 3 Of the Latest and Most Approved Style aud Woikunnship on hand, and Maio to Order, (a Spcchlity ninda of this Branch.) All Goods warranted. Dealers supplied at the Very Lowest Prices.' Price List furnished on op plication. TOILET SETTS, SOME BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS! SPICE-BOXES, Aud all and every novelty iu the Japan ned Tiaw&rc Liue ! SYirc Goods, Toys, Frcuth Tinned Ware Englioh Hammered Ware, Scotch and Yankee Bowls, Sad Iruus, Coal Hods Japanned, Galvanized And Faney. Iron Hollow Ware by the Sett or Single Piece ! FISHING TACKLE, Rods, Baskets, Flies, Hooksy itc , i:c. Jobbing iu all its branches. I have the agency foi the Celebrated Oriental Bsc Buiuiug Furnace. The best iu the world portable or brick set. If they fail to give satisfaction uo pay will bo asked. ROOFING, Flat or Stading Groove, Eave Trowh, P pouting, aud House work generally. JtfejyOrdets by mail promptly attetd.. cd to, and work guarauteed. I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD I If your are going to build a Home, Store, Church or Barn, tall before you oderyour Tin, Copper or Sheet Iron Work. Oct. Hist UG7-3j. yclVQIliili. JEW 1IAUDWA15K SJUIili: T J he f uos'crioers ntivi jhsi. ipem.-'i m ST. MARY'S A new and Complete Stock of Heavy & Shelf. p 1 1 fta it And will kejp constantly on hand a great varic'y of COOK AM) HE A TlXG UTO VJCS l'mr ion, Sift Aiin'h, hjr-, Anih, Jlurar ishocs, Sy)r,'s, Jmiil iii'l Ilttrihctirc, iSans 1 O'l ' f . 7 .v... t anil jiii'i j Jit ri j ' ' ijiin'ii 0LN3, 1MST0LS AND CAUTK1D0E.S, Cnllery, Plated Ware and House Furnishing Coods. Al' kinds of Mechan ics' Tools ! TIN.WAItE Of every dcseri)ilion, wliieh will be sohl at the LOWEST CASH 1T.1CKP. They have also Ihe exclusive agency in Si Mary's for I ho IMPR.OVEL ORIENTAL 15ASE.1HJRNING COAL STOVES AND l'AULOU FL'lt.NACES ! Which. have received Fouf First Class Vrc mimns nt the N 'W York Slate and oili er Fairs ; Also. Ihe Cleat Silver Medal nt the Fair of t!i Aim irican Instil ute, held in New York City, is;3. They arc Perpetual Jlurners, only one file being reiiiircd lo be made uuiing the season. M. EEECHE". Jit. WM. II. COl'ELAND. r.ov2f'07 ly STOVES AND TIN- W A 11 E AT John Sosculxeiiner & Sons., WHOLESALE &. RETAIL DEALERS. . st. mary's, i-A.. Keeps constantly on hand and for sale, a lare aud well selected stock of TIN WARE. STOVES &c. We have everything; generally kept in a Tin SIxpp Our Stock of STOVES consists iu part of SPEARS ANT1 DUST PARLOR COOKING STOVES, ALSO IRON GATE & WHEAT-SHEAF STOVES. tVc also keep on liauJ and for sale the MOJLXXfl CLOh'i', A large stocc of ('.LORE II EATERS with Russia ton is mining our assortment, which are now the best stoves in Uje,"and can be sold as cheap as cv jr. SCR AD IRON taken in exchange for good. Sl'Ol'TING & 1100FIN0 done on short notice. Give us u call, mid satisl'aelioii guaraiileed. Sept. 2ii'07. If. FATRONI,E HOME INSTlTCl'IONri. FLOUR, FEED AND GRAIN. rilllE sulisei iei's h.iving completed their J New Grist Mill in liidgwny are now prepared to furnish (he people of the sur rounding country with Flour of the Best duality, au 1 of their own manufacture, at the lowest market rales. The attention cf lumbermen and othtrs is called to our labilities lor furnishing them with fjji-jd of all kixds, cheaper thau it can be bought any other place in Hie county. JTLASIl 1 AID IOR .KAI-Va. J. S. 11 YD E, J. V. Iloi'K. J. K. WHITMORF. November 7, IHGTif look in: hk : WATCHES. JJEWELUY k SILYERHARE. "HARLK8 HOLES, Fracttcal Watchma I j ker. Jeweler ami Engraver, Hidgway, Elk count v. Fa. The subsciiber begs leave lo announce to the citizens ofKt'lg way and vicinity thai he is prepare" lo do all work iu iis line on rhort notice and al reasonable rtes in the very bos! manner. Shop in II. S. Uelnap'h Store. Special atten tion iJ lo cuirravinz. He has also ou hand a large assortment of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry stul Silverware which he oilers for sale on reasonable terms. Give him a call. noT7't7if. 1 LNS. 1' lj pocket and table cutlery, of the best oimlilv nnd wost ftunroved luiUcm, very cheap nt the Hardware Store on Biberger's old uorncr in M. -Mary s. A 11 orders for Stoves and Hardware will bo promptly attended lo a soon u meived. i Hie 12 07 St. MARY'S HARDWARE SluEE. MIE CHEAPEST GOODS IN THE COUNTRY Arc Sold by wets 11 n o t in; r I Successot ? to Ceo. AVcis. liKAl.F.ns IM 0l'ij!i1 fllJ JlolOOfiii: J.Ji'tJ fioilj?, St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. C ALL AND EXAMINE OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF HOOTS AND SHOES AYo have uo hesitation iu saying that in thie dovrartnient of our establishment, wo cat: civc bargains to our customer? with which they' cannot fail to be satis fied. We Luy our stock direct from the Manufacturer, 'Richardsons' Celo. bratcd Hoot & Shoo Manufactory, Elmi ra, New York We warrant nil &oods iu this line sold from our establishment. ir EAVY cc SHELF HARDWARE. WE ARE PR EDA RED TO OFFER To our customers in thia line bargains which in not be xindcrsolj in Elk coun ty. Our stack is large, well selected, aud is especially adapted to the wants of the community. JADIES' DRY & FANCY GOODS An Unequalled Assortment ! Muslins. ' Silks, Calicoes, Satius, Dela i Moire Antiques, Cliinlzt s. Whi'.c Goods Cloths, Flannels, Beregcs, Laces, Corsets. Iu fact we have everything connected with Ladies' Wear. We arc ueteriiiit; cd to sell loicii', cltcnjicr and HKTTEii Goods thau auy othei firm in the coun ty. Give us a call, we'll prove it. ARK WELL WHAT WE SAY. lie & the Jiczt, therefore THE CHEAPEST CLOTIIiKG Sold in Elk County. Our Stock of .0 t ll IS IMMENSE, And we confidently flutter ourselves thut better Clothing cannot be found lATl'7A,A,i, Persons, before purchasing elsewhere would do well lo give us a call. BCL.No trouble to show our Goods. QR0CEI1IES, NOTIONS, Jte., &e. In Endless VaiietT, and CUE AVER than me CHEAPEST! At the Sture of n r a r- In St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. piPFS,TCBACCOES ct- SEGARS We have now on hand AS EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT, Which will be sold at a VE 11 Y S L 1 0 11 T A D VANCE Ca tuft and ciirrt'iiie. IripOiir iSt'ire in in the hi w fii'vue Ihi.'ldim on Main ytiiU. July 11, li-uT-tL' ;lji.s.l)Oi's frirccicWi. I OIIN 0. II ALL, Allorney nt law. Rid way, Elk county i'a. iniir. 'M ly IAUR1KJ. l'.LAK ELY. Allorney al law", j and LT. S. Commif.sioner. ilidgway Elk county, Va. mar-22'i' TOR WORK of all kinds uud des". t) criptions done al this office. HENRY MIl'TIIER, Atloriieyat-Lnw, liiilgway, l'rt. (fe'b2!rfiS; AI.FIXK HOU.E, St. Mary's 1'aT. Her man Krclz, Pro rielor. piigO'lili ft I'll. R. W. JAMES HI.AKEI.Y lMivsieiail and Piugpon, ,St. Mary's, Elk coitniy loar-22 lil. ly. DR. AV. W. f-'HAW Pt-ielices Medieinrt and Surgery, Cenlrcvillo, Elk eounly I'a. niar-22'(iO ly. IXECl'TIONN. VEMMON.S', SL'lilME. lias. Warrants, tic, on hat.d r.iul fof sale at this oflicc. II. YOLK. MantlliK't nrer and Dealer , in Lngtr Leer, opposite Ihe llailroaJ Depot, Hi. Mary's, Elk cuunly I'a. Mar -22V1-I . II. W. V.. IIAHTMAN, Si. Mary's, Elk coufily. I'a. Laic of the Arniy of ll P l'oluiino. 1'ai'lionlar aller.lion given lo all cases ol'Hiiigical naliuc. tiiar-22 '(iij-ly. ROY E (i. MESSENGER, Druggist and X lleaier in Drugs and Chemicals. l'ainls. Oils and Yarnisli . lYrftuipry Toil, et articles and Stationary, Ridgway. F.Ik county I'a. " mar-22'lili-ly. "J7 It A N K ENTZ. Mi;ti( iuxf Tailor, Cenlr' viilp. Eik county, I'a., desirea 10 infi)li!i the. citizens of Cenlreville and vi cinity, that he isnr nil limes prepared to" no worn 111 a neai anil sausiaelory manner, u'ivc me a call. ijovtiTIv .tOilX (i. JI.M.I .T A s , K. 1. HALL; hall & una. Attoi'iiovs - m i - J j a ' RT." MARY'S: 15ENZINGER 1. o. CoL'NTY, PA. September UU, lS'G'o. ly. TS. For Irrell, M. I). Eclectic I'hysi , Olliee and lesidenee opposit cinn otiiiosite iho Jan. on l.cnirc M., LMgir.iv, l a. J rompt iillenlioriVill be given lo all calls. Oflic.ri hours : 7 lo H A. M- ; 12 lo J 1. M. : and ll to 7 T. M. Mar. 22, lit! tf. 1AYLR HOUSE. R IDG WAY, TA. Jl.v ID TI!. El!, I'roprielor. The unersipncd hiving tilted up n largo and comiiioiiio'is hotel on iho south wphI corner of 'Autre nml Mill sheets, wilh good and convenient -liib'.in,; attach, d. respect fully solicits the p.ilronagc oi' his old friends and the i'il lie gcner..l!v. decDi'lilJ ly DAY It) THAYER. S. SHORT. JOHN U. HALL, LOCI- YobEMEE, .TAS. K. 1'. II ALL. 13A.KING-I!:ll'SL up hort, Salt ft (to. St..llary't, Sienziwrcr I. ifm Ei.K Coi ntv. 1 .:n: DE HOl'SE. . Eifn way. Ei.k Co., M. V. Motiiii:, l'ri ! iclor. Thnnkful for the pair,in ig. heretofore so liberally bc:;tov..C'l iipnn him, the new proprietor. Impes, ly V:l.v-i'g strict ai leuiioti lo the comfort an 1 convenience f uels, lo lnvu a eoiuinii.niee of iho ame. t.ia i? t 1 17JJANKE7X HOUSE, J M Ma lev's. LARfiEV & MA LONE, En , en's. The proprietors respect Lilly ak Ihe aileli lion of their friends and the public in gen eial lo Ihe.r large and comimidioiis hotel. Every attention paid lo Ihe convenience of guests. II. EARGKV. l.iaytAl J. A. ...ALONE.' XCH AN G E 110TE L." " . -( Itl DGY.'AT, I'A. .7. HALEY Pro victor. This hotel is pleasaully situ led on iho banks of ihe Clarion River and Elk Creek, al the lower cud of Iho ullage, Mr! Jlealv will spi-re ito pains foe the convenie ee of his giicsls, A' in . itosone and all to civc him a call mid lev his huuvc, Sept, 17th'!'.7-ly. IIEDEI.U'S YOGI. lYaci P Watehiuakev. St. Mai v't 1 Clock & Elk eotiiitv. I a. iiooins next id. or lo iliulenat li s Clothing Store. All k;ms of wo.k done' done iu a s-altsfiieiory manner, lind war ranted. Consultations in icpaiii in work in the (icnn.ii', i cnch or 'English lan gi"H'cs. March 1 !, lS-ii7tf. f so3T i : tTI i x o n e v. T HOUSE, SIGN ft, 0?.rAJ.:EXT.L PAIKTDTfl. T MIE Sl'liSCRIU E R Wo I! Mi v. v. sicc!fui:y ii.foria the citizens of i!lii county liu.t l.e has jujl tlarled in iho above business in l'.idgay, and fool couli ilenl that he can deaae till who may favor hiia with their custom. Oil lN!."(i l'Al'LR HANGING AND CA Ll I 1 1 Ni Nt DONE ON SHORT NuTICE AND IX "I'll E nest fashionable and improved manner and style. Orders left at this Otliee or at the Lurking House of Souther, Willis & Souther mil be promptly utietided to. YV. F. WILLIAMS, May-lt'te-ly. CtoAL, COKE AND FIRE ( LAY ! ' J All of sc.perioi quality, for tale by thcr Tanncrdalc Coal Company, St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. JBfyOi-dcrs Ly mail promptlj jttend. cd to. scptki ?j-tl S. BELNA1W. CO., BLACKS.'! ITIIING. Having comj-letcd our new establishment,, and located therein, we still lm e b cou slant ntlention lo business, and mi ning out first -class work, lo merit a continuniieo of she patronage heretofore so generously b llowed. Call al our new shop, nt the east ern cud of Main Street, liidgwjiy, Fa. Particular attention given lo ihe tjlioein ' horses. All weVisk is a fair trial. Miy 17'CC-ly. BEACKSflTH'S CARI'ENTER'S AND joiner's tools for t.-'c " cheaper Ih iu heeiieapest" at iheSl. Mary's 'llaiilwaie t i.-. " (uev'2t'07.1