The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, July 11, 1868, Image 2

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lie mix
JOHN F. tooHE, KtMTon
v&nvcilAnu STATE TICKET.
For Ait'?t fur General,
VJ layette. County.
For Surveyor Central,
Of Columbia County.
Alio members of ;I,e Democratic
Maudum; Committee who served in tliat
capacity last year aro requested to meet
at the Court House in Ridgway, on
to make arrangements for tho Democrat
ic 1 innary Meeting, the lioldintr of tl
County Convention, and the prosecution
oi a vigorous aud successful campaign
jgaiusc uie enemies of our country.
o. d. messenger
Resident Member.
Tho platform presented by tho Con
vention m on nil pninis explicit, and
conforms to the time honored principles
of the party. That tho regulation of
the suffrage belongs to the States is a
fundamental truth on which our Federal
i r . p ...
list.H. lurm oi government rests : the attempt
lo overthrow it was a Radical and revo
lutionary assault on the institutions of
our country. Tho Democrat!; platform
is faithful lo the Constitution and the
laws, around which all who hopo to
rescue our country from a military
ucspotisiu, mut now rally. Tho ex
liuuuuu oi slavery ana secession are
expressly rccogn'mcd, in a manner that
is appropriate, though the (subjects have
passed out of the region of controversy.
1 ho monetary questions are met ex
plicitly, in no nmbtgous terms, and as
fully as is possible in the brief formula
of resolutions Tho necessary antireci.i.
tion of tho leg:l.tcndcr currency, aud
no i-uunmut approximation to us par
value, through on economical adminis.
tration of the government, is necessarily
implied in the doctrine expressed.
I hat declares that ti e faith of the gov
eminent shall be strictly maintained.
hero tho law docs not stipulate for
coin, the obligations of the government
full under tho general rule, and aro
payable, like all others, in legal-tender
currency. 1 Ins is a doctrine recognized
so universally that no party can now
evade it. Hut a week ago, a leading
Radical, General R. F. Uutler, demon
strated, by an analysis of tho votes of
the LTouse of Representatives, .'hat
more than two-thirds of his party in
terrircted thn nmLmnnim -ih
-....nt r...uuai mo ncaa oi their Chicago platform to mean, " pay-
" " ,JlulJr at ment iu greenbacks." Their platform
"ave not tlrao or Taco is uncertainly worded, with n view to
political deception, but as the Demo
crats do not wish to deceive any body,
they have made their platform explicit.
That the popular view of the question
is correct, can bo casilv shown bv
ur. Thaddcu3 Stevens was
Chairman of tho Ways and Means when
tho five-twenties were issued. II is cou,
tempoiary official declaration was that
tho principle was payable in legal ten
der. The face of tho bonds implies
this, expressing only that the interest
on them shall be paid in gold. Every
Wo tl
our paper
New York
uiyresini to ai;ate on tho merits of
cither of them. Suffice it to sny that
their characters, public and private, is
above reproach. Tho Empire State
could not have presented a more accept
able mail thfin ITnvntin " II- .
, . uijmuur. "Mi authority.
linmn lino LnH M-....-1? 1 ... -. I
"-tu luuuuueu witn Ucmoc
raey and prosperity since he has been a
voter. Frank P. Rair, the second man
on tho ticket, is said to be the most
popular man in the state of Missouri.
He served gallantly through the war,
and at its 'close was a Major General,
having entered the service as Colonel.
We shall speak more of them at a fu
ture time.
New York, July 5th.
Since Reauregnrl p .intcd tl e artillery
ot treason against tho national flag which
floated in the morning breeze over Fort
Suniptcr tho natal day of the republic
nas not oecn commemorated with such
unflagging fervor as it was ycsterday.the
ninciy.-cecomi ot its existence.
And to burn powder yestcrday,at any
nour iroin " early morn to dewy eve,"
was no mean evidence of tho patriotism
of a people who, it is true, proved their
love ot country on a hundred fields ; for
it is certain that for many Fourths of
July wo have not exporicnood such un.
mitigated tropical heat.
n v-m... .P.
..u..jr uncrnoon a sevcro thun
der storm swept over tho city, tho fast
descending rain quenching for a few
moments the thirst of enrth and giving
promise of a day succeeding of moder
ate temperature But that most unre
liable of al! our public servants, grown
crusty and disobliging from his long re
tention iuoffiee.tho Clerk of tho Weather.
determined otherwise ; and so, in celo.
bratiug Iudepcudenco Day, those of us
who elected to remain in tho city those
of us who forgot that there wero such
magnificent retreats within au hour's
ride of tho City Hull as the Park,
tho High Bridge, tho Palisades and
Prospect Park those of us who sought
in tho burning streets of tho city to kill
three birds with one stone i. c, burn
Urc crackers, drink lemonade and t
i .i. .
lunu ujiun me many winged rumors
which took fhirht from tho vestibule of
Tammany Hall, experienced a moltim
l i . . . r
uioou wnien made each one inward v
P , . . j
I'ujr lor uio near contiguity ot Alaska
or some other territory where there is
oounuiess Epuce ot Irozen water ;
most excellent clement fur soal elevating
ucv crages.
Jjikc antecedent Fourths the day was
i i i . .. .
The recent decision 6f tho. Suprcrtio
Court of this State by which that infa
mous act of a Radical Legislature,
known as tho Registry Law, has been
declared unconstitutional, will to hailed
In accordance with tho wishes and
feelings of all Americans whoso minds
aro not filled with that gall of bitterness
which is tho sltro result of fanaticism;
Andrew JoHhscn, on Saturday, tho 4th
all over this great Commonwealth as of July, issiied a proclamation of gencri
an important v:ctory tor tho friends of al amnesty, to all persons
ushered iu by salvos of artilery from
Forts Columbus, Lafayette, Diamond,
Schuyler, the Battery and Fort Greene,
urooklyn, aud by tho rinirinsr of hllx
from hundreds of steeples in the city
and suburbs- At these signals of the
dawning of the ninety sccoud anniversa
ry of Indcpeudeuco tho masts nnd no-,
ging of a thousand ships on the shore
unes oi tne JNortu and East rivers and
the flagstaff's of hundreds of public and
pnviue ouiioings in jew lork, Brook
lyn, Williameburcr. Jersey Citv and tho
villages arounu were, as if by the wins
pcrca command ot a powerful magician
covered w'.th flacs of
color and nationality, the glorious Stars'
Amnesty-. Tho amnesty prockma
tions of Presidents Lincoln and John
sou tire supplemented by the ono issued
la.t Saturday. It applies to certain
classes hitherto excepted ; including Jin
its terms all but "such persons as may
be under presentment or indictmcnt,&."
Three years have allowed ample time to
bogin prosecutions! and, indeed, the
parties who havo been ludicfed will
probably die of old age before trial. The
President, however in excluding this
class has deprived the Radical press of
any pretext for a howl over tho procla
greenback is endorsed as receivable for
all but " the interest," &o., of the and Stripes overtopping them in beauty
puono ucot. iy ne very tcims or tne b,uu:ui uuu signim-aucc.
contract, tho demand for the principal
KlRVUM,n., ft .
aw ....wit vi ingress sueceeud in
Jorcing ncgro-siilfrago in tho Northern
as well as Southern States, wo may ex
pect to see at the assembling of legisla
tures, batteries, companies of cavalry
and companies of infantry stationed
around the State capitols, as in New
Oilcan, on the day when the Legisla-
turo met under the new constitution of
hat now fully " reconstructed " , State.
If Radicalism succeeeds in gaining four
years more lease of powder, tho North
ern as well as Southern 'States are to be
in like nwiiner " reconstructed." and
when legislatures meet in bayonet and
battery-protected halls, wo shall know
what Grant means when Le says, Let Higations of law and moral duty.
aTbe contingent expenses of tho
Senata and House show that snuff,cork
screws, lemons, pantaloons and scvcrl
o'her things aro issued to loil Senators
ODd Representatives as " stationery,"
andia like manner alio '"stationery," end
item in the Freedmcn's JJurcau bill is
prosumed to cover the general issuo to
negroes of razors which seem so csscn
tiaal to tho celebration of Radical victor
ies in ICashington, and which wcro used
ri freely iu the negro riot in tho Frccd-inf-n's
villago near Washington ou
Tuesday. As this villugcof razor, armed
blacks who- arc supported by the Bureau
is a creation tf Congress, it would seem
ng if these African Arcadians were en
titled to their share of the rifics and
batteries which Puiau's bill propusea to
tiatribute. Let thm have lilies instead
of razors ; uud us If. V. Grant remarkr,
a Let us fcive pea?u."
rind thus commenced tho day. From
rfiniimknnl 1 a 'II-
r ill iini il ifusiuivo iiuuiiy millions
ot siii'h lionil-:. ns ihet fall liin mnu hit . . . r . '"n.'
, .... , ..., w 0I pc0,,6 ,n n,i nc. , mptpnnn in on. I
i tender of paper mony. thirtv-fivo to thirto
East, the West, the North nnd tho
met with
There is an air of liberality in profess
ing a willingness to pay tho principal of Sout of ri refreshed by slumber, gird-
the bonds in coin, but it is a liberality
with the people s money which they
never promised and do not consent to.
A man may properly bo liberal with his
own money, but not with that which
must be raised by burdensome taxation.
II ith this, it is enough for government
to be just. What is just iu every indi.
vidual is as just in the aggregate uirss of
individuals. No one, we believe, per.
it , .. ....
sisicu in paying nis private debts in
gold after tho government substituted
paper as a legal tender Now, all pri.
vato debts contracted before tho war
were actually intended to be paid in
specie. But tho public indebtedness
was not so intended, as wo havo shown
above, from tho face of tho evidences
of it; and they were most of them
issued alter tho present legal tender
system had jbeen established. The
declaration of tho platform is, therefore,
consistant with the strictest good faith
to the creditors. Actuul fulfillment of
the contract, according to its terms, is
tho rule presoribad in complying with
it, individuals and nations fulfill the ob-
The proposed taxation of tho bonds is
in conformity with tho resolution lately
passed by tho vote cf the Radicals in
the House ot Representatives. Wo al
lude to the fact as taking this branch of !IS tliat Poor mai Poct(la(1e so by love"),
tho subject out of the sphere of mere Clark once wrote, the grond
cd up their loins for the observances ol
a iionuay sucn as, in importance, no
other people among the thousand mill
ions which inhabit "this creat round
globe'' cannot count as equally glorious
in their calendars.
Then came tho military naradps. thn
hurrying to tho wharves by thoso who
had resolved on excursions seaward, or
to railway depots, tlia. Iricnds. now
doubly dear, in the country might be
visitca, and amid the burr and tho tur-
moil, the firing of guns, the roar of the
many voiced publio, tho drinking of
beverages of all degrees of stimulation.
me ringing ot ueiis, the passage through
mo streets ot processions, tho gathering
and marching and countermarching of
political processions, the assembling of
tho JNatioual Dcmoeratin Convention at
Tammany Hall, tho dedication bv thn
bacheuia of the Order of Columbia of
their now Wigwam, aud the gathering of
I 1 - t . . V
me uermansac dones Woods helped to
pass tho day until noon, when Trinity
chimes for the second time (previously
. . i , . .. v ..
m auunsoj pcaiea to cars that listened
above tho rack and rattle of tho street
to sweet, silver toned music.
And so the noon passed, and tho of.
tcrnoon was tho counterpait,iu matter of
uro crackers, squibs and tomodoes. of
tho morning ; and as tho sun descended
to the horizon of the west, lcaviug be
hind to mark tho path whbh ho had
traversed a trial of glory such as no
painter could imitate ; then, as night
Let hrr curlnius down
Ana pinned them with a star,
partisan rccnminatinu. Tho practical
details cf it must be tho subject of fu
ture legislation.
Other features iu the platform arc
thoso on which our views have bjcn so
often uttered that we will not recur to
them They aro principles on
which tho Democratic party havo ever
been ready to stand or fall ; and if the
latter, fic3 popular government falls
with them.
-Tho U
-ouisvillo Board of Trauo has
adopted resolutions thanking the House
of Representatives (or reducing tho tax
on whiskey and tobacco, nnd .Liii" tLe
Seuste to concw in the reduction.
pyrotechnic displays announced to tako
place at the Battery, tho C;ty Hall park,
tho squares up town aud iu the public
grouuds ot Brooklyn, c J crsy City and
elsewhere before tens of thousand (in
tho agg-cgatc) of happy, but exceeding
ly tired and unusually hot people, who,
when the :st pieces all intensely pa
triotic were buibcd, hastened to ice
cream saloons, lacr beer gardens and a
hundred other inviting places to rclrcsl.,
and then New York aud Brooklyn aud
Jersey City, with their wives audjehil.
dren (save and except the roystering
blades who hadn't had enough of a good
thing, and who were resolved on seein"
it "through") went home and to bed
so that thoy miht all get. up lliia morn
ing rclichhc l and ireuperated, virtuous
and sober for the duties of tho day.
Constitutional Liberty. The Radical
majority at Harrisburg, not having the
true welfare of the people at heart and
filled with chagrin and rago at their de
feat at tho State election last fall, con
cocted and passed this law, which they
fondly hoped would prevent a large
portion of the laboring men of the State
from obtainipg a voto at future elec
Tho Radical leaders well know that
the coming Presidential contest would
be one of the peoplo against a corrupt
aud reckless body "of desperate politi
cians ; a contest of white men educated
to think for themselves and voto intclli.
gently against tho irresponsible adven
turers and ignorant mob of misguided
ticgrocs, who now seek to have tho con.
trolling power in our National elections.
It was important, therefore, for them.
that the clecterial voto of Pennsylva
nia, the second Slato in tho Union.
should bo secured for the Radical can
didate. Conscious of the unpopularity
of the iniquitous measures they advo.
catcd, and driven to desperation by their
love ot plunder, tho Radical legislators
at Harrisburg sought to so impede the
right of the white laboring man to vote,
as to insure at all hazards a Radical ma.
jority in Pennsylvania at future elec
tions. But this odious Registry law,
enaetcd for party purposes, and in its
character so destructive to all that is
most conducive to thn purity of the bal
lot box, was in duo time bronrl-k Ifm-.-
tho Supremo Court of tho Statc,and has
met with . that condemnation which
ever awaits an oppressive and uncoiisti.
tutional law aftho hands of a just and
wise judiciary.
The following extract from tho opin.
ion of the Court, as delivered by Chief
Justioo Thompson, will enable tho peo
ple to form sorao idea of the manner in
which Radical representatives onact laws
aflboting the dearest rights of their con
stitucnts :
" In tho case in hand. nhiYli la on ,i
oi tne greatest public consequence, the
Daily Lrpiilathe Record, an official
publication of the legislative proceed.
,r-Ssi gives no account of petitions of the
people for tho great change of law at
tempted, or so far as tho eitv
ccrncd, that the act was the work of any
ommittoe; but it dors how that the pro-
vitions to it mere virtually the torc of
a tinjlc member, and pretcnfeil to flic
Jiouse in manuseript, ami without hav
ing been printed pasted the Home with
out debate. In thin shane it irrul t ih
Senate, where it wis almost immediate..
ly agreed to without lie allowance of de
bale or printing. This may well account
for the incongruous and unconstitutional
features of tho act. These facts how
ever, have had no weight whatever in
producing the result at which wo have
arrived. They might well stimulate the
activity of tho activity of tho scrutiny
exercised in cxamiuing the provisions of
tho act, but they had no other effect."
in any way
connected with the late rclcllicn, thoso
only excepted who are under indict.
ment in any United States .Court for
treason or Other felony. Wo aro happy
to announce that thoso unfortunato riicn
in tho South who did not instigate the
rebellion, but from local connection,
State pride or other causes, were drawn
into it, are no relieved from the con
sequences of their folly.
l he exile can return home, and all
who fought in the rebel army or iu any
way aided or abetted tho rebellion cari
now with (his broad patent of pardon
to shield them, sit down under their
own vines and fig trees with no man to
make them afraid as long as they show
themselves worthy of the conGdcncc
of tho nation. It was a fitting celebra
tion of the day a proud evidence of
American magnanimity. It was well
that the 92 aunivcrsary of the dny which
gave us liberty, should bo honored by
the proot that the Christian feeling of
generosity which marks a bravo people
still exists among us. No surer way of
uniting to us tho brave but misguided
men who composed the mass of tho
Southern army could have been found
The proclamation is well conceived
It is prefaced by tho resolution of Con
gress passed in ISOLthat tho war would
be waged in no' spirit of oppression and
tor no purposo of conquest or subjnga.
'iou; showing that the national faith
thus plighted is ropected by at least ono
branch of tho Government.
May we hope that this effort for
and unity, this attempt to restore har
mony and good tooling, will be followed
by its legitiinato fruits, tho victurv of
the Democracy and tho restoration of
the Union on the basis of civil liberty,
icsung on tno uonstitutiou and the
laws, while tho nation spurning under
its heel all governments resting on ih
bayonet nnd tho degraded African, will
uuuu mul e uuvimco in us career or great,
ncss, united at home and feared and
respected abroad. Lane. Jiitelligmxr
A National tcinperanco convention
tiinnta nf fU..1 i ' .1 ...i.. .
. ... u.ccmud on ine znn tnsc.
i he wmd thut blows every
.w..1 it.. I 1. . . J
d 'iicuuuo wind.
Illinois intends lo have a grand cel.
ebration of the semi-sentennial ot its
admission into the Union, in August.
The proof of the adago that timo is
money is found in the fact that times
The lute like locust having accom
plished their manifest destiny, are rap
idly dying out in this locality.
Their is a sweet summer thing just
out for ladies' ear-rings. A large,hairy,
spotted spider, with n fly in its feeler.
It is stated that the census embra
ces seventeen millions of women. Je
rusalem 1 Wouldn't it bo nice to bo a
census? ,
English papers spell Forney's hum
bin name as "Foumey," and call him a
"notorious orator." Such is honest
New York has POt in odnrntion in
"Informer's Bureau." for the bennlff nf
jealous husbands and such.
We have found it necesary, in order to keep the
uuouuaj unfjiuuneni 01 ine Advocate on a good
basil, to adopt the loUowine rule !
Transient Advertieements most be paid for in ad
vance ; and all Job Work at aoon as completed.
BUls made ont and presented to yearly advertisers
at the beginning of each quarter.
Subscriptions to be paid for invariably in advance
iiuvii joiin r. MooRw, rublislier
belonging to the subscriber in m.K
way township. aid horse is seven or
eighl ycnrsnhl. Any person knowing nny
thing of his whereabouts, nnd giving any
information which will lead to his recovery
will confer a favor on nml be liberally rc
war.l.d by ANTHONY (iATfck
ladgway, Tcnn'a , July 11, 18U8-3t
D cvW- STEHIIINS, of Brookville,
I a., hois leave to inform -i;,..n.
of Ridgway and vicinity that he will bo in
UKlgwny (iuniiR tho coniinc Court, com.
muicing on the ;id day of August next. Ho'
offers his professional services lo all tho.o
who nrc nHMclcd with had teeth, anoT guar
antees satisfaction. ' iulv 1 1
V. S. Marshal's Ornce.
Vkstphn Distiiict or I'k.nn'a.
JsjyTuu York Rcjmblican mourns
over tho loss sustained by the Radicals
last year in not electing a partizan-Judgo
of tho Supreme Court. The Republican
is satisfied that Judgo Williams would
liavo sustained the Registry Act. Tho
Radical loss is tho people's gain.
Every man who honestly loves his
country, aiid wishes its prosperity and
greatness to move ou its old channel
will givo his voto for Seymour & Blair,
tho popular candid I'es of tho party wl.ic'i
has never faltered when it was duty to
defend their couutry's honor on flood or
Geld. Every man who supports Bond
holders, Blood-suckers, murderers,
th ieves, shoddyites and tvrants. will
vote for Grant & Collar.
Choose ye between.
Edited at tho Pennsylvania. Institute of
8-Somo Radical newspapers, for the
sake of nnking just a little political cap
ital, mention of the rebel General Price
as a delcgato to the Democratic Conven
tion from Missouri. Tho l'riee who is a
delegate is Gen. Thomas L. Price a
Union man throughout the war.anpuint-
cd a Brigadier General by President
Lincoln, as early we believe, as 1862.
He has always been the staunch sup-
porter, of the Uuion cause that bo is to
day. But if old "Pap Prico,,r as his
oldicrs familiarly called him, were the
delegate, it would make no very im
portant difference. Docs Radical Re
construction merely mean sticking the
States to tli6 Union with bayonets, and
keeping up the quarrel with the ancient
foe 'I Or, will they havo no Uuion, ex
cept with the negroes and carpet bag
gers ? If tho Union is to be restored in
cd and in truth, wo must uako up
our minds to complete reconciliation.
Savages bury tho hatchet. In tho
words of Geo. Grant, " Ltt us havo
peace ! "
BWheu a quack doctor wauts to
palm of! bis villainous compound ou tho
publio ho obtains tho siguaturo of jmo
Lrokcadowu clergyman, certifying to its
cfljcieucy. The mongrels aro resorting
to the sumo dodge, having engaged a
Reverend somebody " whose sands of life
havo nearly run," to writa the lifo of
ehuyler Coltax, and another to cc.tify
that Gen. Giant don't drinli '. Clerical
ndorscmcnt has become rather cheap to
Lave much force.
Medicine, contains nu'article on Ln'sncnsin
f'liiMa n.l L' .... I i-f i . ' 1 . '
.....o ... c,rr, mu money .ineeiioiis, in
which tho writer positively declares that
the whole science of .'o.liciue contains no
remedy for the cure of those diseases, that
is half ns efficacious ns MIS II LEU'S HE It II
HITTElia. Ho speaks from
having used tlivni in his practice for the
past two years, to tho exclusion of all other
remedies, and without a solitary instance
of failure.
Sold by all Druprgists ami Dealers.
1R. 8. IJ. Hahtmas Co., Proprietors,
Lancaster, Pennsylvania, ami Chicago,
Illinois. ,nyi
-!im cvvj
a' (Mi ! tliat will bo joyful ! " When
men ami women throw " Physio to
uie uogs, nnd when a trifle out of ordor,
or to prevent getting out of order, take
Plantation Hitters. Are you Hyspcptie,
Nervous, Jaundiced, Hy'pped, Low tipiritej
Weak, or are you sick aud don't kuow what
ails you? Wo havo been and was reco
mmended to try tho! Plantation Hitters
which wo did with great satisfaction und
entire success. Helieato l'eiunles, Cleigy.
men, Merchants, Lawyers nml persons of
Sedentary Habits are particularly benefited
by theso Hitters. The sale is'peil'ectly en
ormous. Maonolia Watkh is a delightful toilet
article superior to Cologne, and at half
the price.
Physician who hid Cousumpiioii for sever,
al years, with frequent Meudiucs of the
lungs, cured himself with medicine un
known to tho profession, when his case ap
peared hopeless. He is Iho oirly physician
who has used it in his own person, or who
has any kuowlcdjjo of its virtues ; n-id he
enh ascriho Iho degree of health ho now
enjoys to nothing but the ums ofhiw medi
cine; nnd nothing but utter despair an l
entire extinction ot all hope of rocoverv,
together with a want of conlideuco in nil
others induced him to huiard the exper
iment. To those Kutluriug with any dis
ease of Hie lungs bo proffer a treatment
bo confidently believe will era licitc t'c
disuse. lVice I.:,(ip, r lotile. or $K n
half dozen, bent by expn-. .St- ( (,. tt
circular or call on Hii. K. l:0vi..-ro-j ,IA. k
on, No. pi, No, ih Tt-uth Street, Phil.,
d'rhu, Pi. u.ay.XU, ly
rp HIS IS TO filVK NOTICE :' That on
Jtho isth dny of May, A. H. 1808. a
arrant in Bankruptcy was issued against
the estate of Frederick Rudolph, of St. Ma
ry's, in tho courtly of Elk, and State of
Pennsylvania, who has been rir!i,i,l.l .
llaiik.rupt, on his own Petition : that, ihn
payment of any dehts and delivery of avV
properly belonging to such Bankrupt to
him or for his use, and Hie transfer ol.any
properly by him are forbidden by lnw ;
that a Meeting of the Creditors nf tl.
Ilnukrunl. to prove their 1Jp1.i ..j
choose one or more assignees of his Estate,
will be held at a Court of l!anVr.,t .
be hohlen at the Hyde House in Ridg'way
PabeforoS. E. Woodruff Kxr. n?...
on the 4ih day of August A. D. 1808 at 4
o clock, V. M.
,r c ..T"As A. Rowisv,
U. S. Marshal. nt.
l'y O. P. Havis, Deputy July 11, Jt!
ft H VI- "r8 S)LK Uy virtue of n writ,
kj oMcnhtloui Exponas issued not nt , i.
(.ourt otXoinmon Pleas of Elk county, and
to me directed. I will, by virtue of said writ
expose to PUULIC SALE at Iho twJ
Mouse in liidjnvav. on the first. .ln.i. ...
August, bcine the 8.1 ,lv u,. rn f- - .
described property, to wit :
Ry virtue of this writ 1 li,n
tho interest of tho defendant of in and tt
a cerlitiu tract of" unseated land situated ly.
ingand being in Jny townshid Elk County
j ennsy i yauia Warrant Number fivo
ousaud and six (5(K)G) c ,nt-ii.iuB nine
, mlJr aL.rcs i yuwiftml iow.
ancc warranted in the name of W. Willink
and others. Hounded on tho North bv
Warrant Number mr, on the Kast Bby
Warrant Number 5007 on tho Somh !by
Warrant Number 6017 and on the Won. bv
Warrant Number 41H5-and tract warranted
in the nnmo of Horace Little. Seized and'
taken iu execution and to he sold as the
property of the Cherry & Trout Ruu Oil &
.Mluuig Comp.tny.
c. ' Mai". Deputy Sheriff.
Sheriff aOfuceHidgway July 11,1868.
8":rBy virtue of 11 rVt
kj of rien racias, issued out of the Court
ol Common Pleas of Kilt county, and to inu
directed, (hero will, by virtue of said writ
on Monday, thc27ih dnv of July, 18,8 t
,.iijr , uc rxpui-eii 10 "t H1,1(J SAL10
Hie following described prefer!, to wit :'
ui giuuuu, Biiuuie in lb j bor.)M-l,
of ft. M;.iy;., county of Elk, and"ot
1 cnnsylvunm. bounded m,,i ,i....:i...
i..!!ows, lo wit: lionnded on the north hv
1 UtllFA a t T'i-Kat on 1 1, . .
...... uu ,,1 y wt. Alary 4
street, nn fha c.i.11. I... .r .l .V.
, .. . ... ...iciiaei wo.Nalh-'B
lo , and on the west by A,lony JJi,urgeV
lot, nnd being e.ghty-seven feet front amt
sixty reel back known and numbered o
the plan of said town of SI. Mary's a lot
Number ,7. Being part of a-lnrger lot of
Kaneliv '' 'i 0 The Said
rrancisX. Hiberger by Matthias Benzlnger
aud w,te, and John Esehbach aud wife, by
dce.Mated the second day of August, A.
1). 18..4, and recorded in tho office for ro
eor.lmg dee.!, in I lk county. i UCod book
r.p-ge&'.ty. Sa property has thereon'
eicc.ed one two-story house, with
Mono basement, 12x17 feet, and calculated"
lur a sloro rouiu.
Seited nd taken in execution, and to be"
sold as the property of V. I'. i!it),.,
Sheriff s lilhce, Bheritr.
l.idgway, pu., Ju0 ;;o, lft;8.
nTf ,.?vlNv x l) ounVmextai;.
IAIN INU.-Tl.o undersigned hav
concluded to hnn? 1,0 for a while iu Ridgway,
would respectfully Inform its cilizeuS and
llioseof Us surnmnding vicinity; (hat they
are prepared lodoall work in their hue iu a.
maimer warranted to suit their customer
and al as reasonable a price as it eau bo douo
l'y any oilier man.
Our motto isto Live and let live.'
All orders promptly attended lo.
J.U'K r. ell UTE & CO
. July2 -2m.
1 lie.
K oi' nil kiii.U f... wK. ... . 1 '7.
- , . W4 omv ui ill 19 uit
ly i ruiteiU t tho Advocate Olh'