The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, July 02, 1868, Image 2

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    John f. mookk.e niton.
Taly 3d, :::::::: 1H(,M.
OF P F. N N S Y f V A N t A .
Subject ( the decision of I lie Xntionnt
l.emocrnlic Convention.
Fur Awfi'tor General,
f Y Fuyittr. County.
Irr S'lrt'rynr Genera,
0 Columbia Cuiuit.
We commend fJleutii W. Seofield,
member of Conruss Iroiu tlio Erie dis
trict, to the Radicals, as their candidate
lor United States Senator. He wants
lie place, and no man cm serve their
purpose to well as bo- He is as dat ing,
desperate and unscrupulous a dema
gogue as their hearts could wish. There
may be contested seats in the Senate of
the next Congress, and SeoBeld will ask
no farther fuestion thau as to the Rad
icalism of the applicant.
It will be remembered that in May,
18(.i7, John P. Voug (Democrat) was
elected to Congress from tbc,.iuth dis
tiict of Kentucky by the following vote:
For Young, 0,012 ; for Samuel Me Ace
(Radical), 7,5:Ji: for T. M. (Jrecn(Ind.
i-emocrat;, oung s majority over
iMeIee,l,l ( ,;ovur both opponents, 01 7.
Mr. Young presented his credential at
the special sessions of Congress last sum
mer, but was no', sworn in. Early in
the present session bo was rejected on a
Iilse and flimsy charge of disloyalty.
The Committee on Elections, of which
Seofield is a member, made a report a-
gainst 1 oung as unfit to take his seat.
because he bad given aid and comfort
to the enemy during the rebellion ;" but
decided uiiam'moHxfi against M'Kcc, for
the very simple a:id satisfactory reason
that he had not rcee:ved a majority of
the votes, and of course was not elected
a member of the Fortieth Congress
Sccfield signed this report.
The Governor of Kentucky refused
to order a uew election, on .hc ground
that there was no real vacancy ; and the
Kentucky Legislature, indignant at the
nnjust rejection of Mr. Young, has
voted him his salary for the entire term.
There arc a great many things the Had.
ieals in Congress can do, but they could
not prevont that. M'Keo has been
hangin" around Washington, alter bis
unauimous rejection, during the entire
session, watching for an opportunity to
get a seat to which he was never elect,
ed. The other day in the Uousc, his
friend Mr. Scofudd, at the bead of a
batch of Radical politicians as unscrupu
lous and vindictive as himself, snaked
Mr. M'Kee into a seat as a member of
the Fortieth Congress. He took advan
lage of a House almost empty, and had
M'Kea admitted by a vote of .02 to 43
There were fourteen Radica'ls, Thad.
dcus Sevens among the ut.ber, who
could not endorse this flagrant outrage
on the people of Kentucky, and they
voted against M'Kces admiss:on. This
i an unusually largo number in opposi
tion to any party scheme, and would
alouo create doubt of ih, honesty of the
transaction, if it did not bear tho mark
of utter dishonesty ou its face. Hero
after all that is necessary under tho ac
tion of tho Houso, is for a Radical to be
beaten in a Southern St.ntn nnil u.' li n n
tho duly elected member is rejected, to
claim his scat. It is an easy matter to
trump up a charge of "disloyalty." There
will always be found such unprincipled,
politicians as J ud-o Seofield to dx the
This h by far the worst cf that long
fk4 of outrages up.,,, U.e viilta of con.
sfituenLs, by which tho Radicals have
maintained their po,Hr. They needed
this precedent in- view of tho coming c
Tectums for Congress i the Southern
States. M'Keo was nothing "to them,
and for bis sako alone, they would not
bave subjected theu.sulvcn to tho jjft
jept-oaches of the people. There never
wa4 any trouble or scruple about throw
ingout an fleeted member, but they
warned a prcec.d.T.t to admit the defeat'
cd candidate. They havs it in this
eef .M'Kee, and to this in.,.., Jj.,e
SeUicld, bel.mgd the everlasting infamy
of engineering the job. Tl.ero is
precedent now for the admission of all
the impudent carpoSb.iggcrs who may
be defeated in tho South for the nest
ten years. The people of Mississippi,
irgiuia, Texas and other Southron
Slates are soon to go through the mo
lions of electing members of Congress.
The Radicals have invented a (-hotter
and sharper process of election. Ii is
simply, to declare tho . member elect
"disloyal," or to decide that the majority
who voted for him were re'icN, turn him
out, and give the xeat to the defeated
candidate, provided alwnys that he be a
"carpet-bugger ' or a negro.
If we were not very certain thai tho
Democracy will carry the Legislature or
Pennsylvania this year, in opito of Grant,
and Gerrymander, to boot, we should
present the Radicals the name of
Glenni W. Seofield for the Senate
Sinco this job of M'Kcc's, no man is so
luiiy entitled to their admiration and
their votes. Who anions them all has
such claims as Seofield 1 Smart as they
may be considered, Miey are Hero tyros
computed with mm. .some of them may
boast ot having aided in' rejecting a
member or two who had been duly e.
looted by the people, but to Seofield bo.
longs the glory among Radicals of hav
ing admitted the dtfeatcd man. He
shall have his reward !
On the .Inuivcrsary of tho Dcclara
tion of Independence, the President of
the I mted States wil issue a Proclama
tion of General Amnesty for all past po
litical ofTcnces, to the Southron people.
It is a matter of deep regret that such
a proclamation was not issued long airo.
Such an evidence of the geuerosity of
the conqueror would have won tho grat
tude of the vanquished, while al! the
legislation of Congress has bad only a
tendency to embitter and estrange them.
Tho people of the United States were
ueither edified nor pleased at the fre
quent ceremonious audiences given by a
Republican President to applicants for
clemency and pardon, in. the summer of
1805. Therewas altogether too regal
an air about the proceeding. Rut it
must bo admitted that the President
gcncrous!yand impartially pardoned all
who made application. Though limit
ed, as was the action of the Presidcut, it
was very different from the partial and
unjust amnesty legislation of Congress,
which has relieved from disabilities a
batch of about twelve hundred Confed
erates, who bavo submissively acquics.
ced in the infamous policy for tho sub
jugation of the Southron people. The
amnesty act of Congress was a bnbe,and
was accepted by only thoso who yield to
such temptation. . It was a base bar
gain, by which one of tho contracting
parties agreed to remit tho penalties for
political offences on condition that the
other would engage to submit to its pol
icy. The siuccrity and honesty in which
such a humiliating contract will be car
ried out, maybe readily imagined.
The early, action of the President
will be gr&tcfully recognized by til the
recipients of this pardon. The appli
cant for tho pardon of lYngress bud to
degrade himself to obtain what bas nl.
ways been promptly granted by civilis
zed nations. His bumble pcliiion was
sent through the military authority, or
1-rcedinans .bureau, to the pait:zan
committee in Congress, with tho assur.
ancc that tho applicant had shown an
entire willingness to accept tho degrad.
mg terms. If tho applications that
wcro scut to this committee, with the
cuuorsemcnts, arc ever permitted to see
the light, they will bo a valuublo con.
tnbution to tho history of Radical ag
gression and misrule iu tho South. To
obtain this pardon of Coiigrrcss, the peti
tioner had to separate himself from his
fellow citizens, many cf whom were less
guilty than be, but who wcro loo proud
to accept tho degrading terms of tho
Radicals. Tho effect of this partial aud
partisan amnesty, and, doubtless, tho
well considered purpose of it, was not
only to gain adherents to their policy a
nmng the whites, but to create hostility
and hatred among them. This may be
the statesmanship of cowards aud ty
rants, but it is uuworthy the represen
tatives of a freo people. It is a Rcpub.
licau application; of the old maxim : Di
vido and Rule.
Rut when the names of Ilolden and
Ijoiigstreet are found in this list of re
constructed Radical.--, how dooi it come,
that Leo and W'adj Hampton were o.
united? Are the two latter mors u'lfy
than the former!' (netal Lee has
quietly discharged his duties as 1'rc-i
Ldent of a College in Virginia. He has
noc gone to some petty military agent of
uespo.ism in Ins neighborhood, and
"with bated breath and whispering Imm
blencss" begged him to convey to his
masters in Congress the most abject as
surnuccs of his submission aud readiness
respects the dignify 0f human nature,
would ask this of General. Lee. Yet this
is what every one of this twelve hun
dred ,nust do before receiving nnr,1.m.
Wmia Hampton hai been ever since the
close of tho war, conscientiously dis
charging the duties of citiz.m. He bas
done more to bring about good feeling
between the whites and blacks, and be
tween the people of the two sections of
the country thau tho entire Radical
Congres.i, with all their Freemen's Ru
reaus, Military agents and "carpet bag
gers" iu the State of South Carolina.
Ho did not present himself to some
long visaged agent of the Bureau, who
was trading government rations under
the direction of Congress for negro votes,
aud beg that ho would graciously fur.
ward to Butler and Logan an humble
petitiou for pardon, and accompany it
with as favorable an endorscmcut as pos
sible under all circumstances. Such
baseness as Radicals required of
the "twelve hundred whose petition ob
tained them pardon. They have made
the numeral as infamous forever as
that of the "six hundred" was glerious.
It is a submission as degrading as was
ever exacted by any eas:tcrrf despot in
his divau. Let us rejoice iu the hope
that a general amnesty will come sorm
enough to save the people from the
shamo of more such "pardon brokerage"
iu the Congress of the Uuited States.
Morning Patriot-
This body meets in New Ycjk on the
4th instant, and by the time our next
papct is issued, our readers will proba
bly know who has been nominated as '
the Democratic candidate for President.
The Rads have been terribly exorcised
about 'the Democrats not bavin? settled
heir candidate. They might as well
spare tbcmselrcs any trouble it might
occasion them. I hat the Convention
will nominate a man who will bo accep
table !o tho masses wo have not the
least doubt j who ho will bo we wil. not
venture to predict, but that be will be a
Democrat of the light stripe vc ar con
fident, for Democrats do not desire,
when tho imminent dangers to our in
stitutions are considered, to engage in
useless -party biekerings, which miebt
in nny manner endanger their success at
tho polls, or in any way give aid or com
fort to the enemy. Ho know that this
sentiment pervades tho masses of tho
party, and tho delegates will, wo are
sure, obey tho wishes of their constitu
ency. He have no preference, only as to
availability. If Hancock is nominated,
we can cordially support him. If Pen
dleton, English, Parker, Seymour, or
any other of the Democrats prominently
mcutioueJ, should receive the nomina
tion ovjr tho head of our favorite, Asa
Packer, wo can go iuto the campaign
with as much zest and viiror as if our
own choice had been nominated. He
are for victory and tho utter demolition
of the organization known as the Radi
cal party.
I)a. David P. Roykii, of Puilv
uki.i'iua. We aro pleased to announce
to our readers that this emiueut physi.
ciau aud sureou will arrive iu our town
on the IU1I1 of July, and remain until tho
25th, when all persons iu ueed of the
medical or surgical atteution (1 one who
is. a thorough master of hw profcssiu.
will do well to givo him a call. Read
Dr. Royers bills : he promises noiliiui:
that he caunot perform, aud from our
knowledge of '.ho man, wo have no hes
itancy in Naviutr that un one will Le dis
appointed iu him. Dr. R. pays partieu.
lar attention to tlio diseases 01 females,
and we csneciallv reciiiiiniem . tb,.i.i 9
careful reading of liis circulars.
lie has engaged rooms nt the Hyde
House, and will positively be here.
BNVben engiuecrs would bridgo a
stream, they ol ten carry overut flVst but
a single cord. With that they stretch a
IVll'P. 11 'IVl-ld Tlw.n clr.lH.lj h-M.i-l trt
... , n,.u, , u.ucii iu
strands until a foundation i laid for
planks, and now the bold engineer finds
a sale footway and walks from tidu to side
So God takes from us g-'ine golden
th readed pleasure, and stretches it ficuce
to Heaven. Then bo takes a child, then
a friend. Thus lis bridges death, and
teaches the thought of llu must timid to
find their w:iy hcuveuward between the
xr;cAt, NOTICES.
Chills nml Fever, Dysnrrmiii, I.ivcr
v "l" nmnry DireOKcs l.uretl.
MIHKI.kll'M Ill-nil utTTinu
lias eiiieil mure diseases where it tins hcen I linn nil nilu.r ,n, li. 1 : i
. '-.1' viililiM IIUH.
It is the n I, i cmeily Hint really punjim t lie
never lanea in curing lys-
, i.-,--..., icra- am Aifiie, nnl Diseases ol
iiv i.l.vv,
SoMby all Ilniinrints unit I)!,.!-.
I'll. S. Ji. IlAHI'.MAX ,t Co.. li-i,tii-ip(nv
Iiinciislcr, renii-.jlv.inia. nml Cliieno,
my l-:sm e:iwJ
na." li : Hint will tie joyful ! " When
men nml women throw ' Physic to
mi- niM iviirn it Ir.tlc out nt or.lcr,
or to prevent gelling out of order, take
rinntaiioii Hitlers. Are you DvKf.epiic.
Nervous. .liiiiTi.Hn.--l llv'nnn.l I "v. i
.... - rr-1 . nuu
Weak, irnre you siek mid don't know what
iiiisyou: no nave iieen and was reco
mmended totry the Plantation Hitters
niiuiiwe in. ttiin great satisfaction nnd
entire success, bidiemn l-'i.m.i.. !
men, MorclmnlN, Lawyers nnd person iif
S.denlary Habits are particularly benefited
Hjr uk-mj ...iters, iuc sale is. perfectly cn-
Maiinoi.ia Wateh is n dr!iCTl,t Till I nilnl
article superior to Cologne, and ut half
A M:w Ukmehv is Cossi-mi-tion A
1 nysicmn who l.vl Consilium inn l,n-
M years, will, f-.euent bleedings el llie
im(!a, cured himself with medicine un
known to the profession, when his case np-
ic-i ..i.!.ch. ne is I lie only physician
who 1ms tifed if in his own person, or who
nns nny Knuwleilgo of Kb virtues ; n id he
can nscriiie t lie degree of health he now
enjoys lo nofhine-biit thi ni nf ...n
cine ; nnd nothinir but tlttPI ill. Ql. nil. m.,1
i-iuiii: ixuuf iion oi nil hope of recovery,
tocelher with n nnil i.r nnnfi. t.,n.. .11
: , , v ,11 in,
otiiurs induce I him to hninr.l tlm
inient. To tlioc sufTering witli any dis-
"' 'o mugs 11c proiters a treatment
he confidently believes will eradicate the
disease. Price Sl.-Ki per bottle. orSs,
linir dozen, sent by express. Sen t for 11
eiroulnr or call 011 l.iti. L. Hovt.srOM Jack
sov, Xo. .rn), Norlli Tenth Street. I'hila
dcljdiiit, pn.
Ji'cl" j)iNjriis,:h),:ij?.
We have found it necesnry, in order to keep the
...... j mpi linen uj u,a navocaio oa a good
Transient Advertieiiiente aunt be paid for in ad- , anaaiuoj worlt as soon as completed.
BiJls made out and presented to yearly advertisers
at the beginning of each quarter.
Subscriptkns to be paid for invariably in advance.
jiiii. r. .iiiuuii:, 1 unliNlier
1L l'UU.Ntjl 1'HRSON.S"
f'n n.l
should (ibtiiin a gnp.eliirnfion. For partic
ular!! ml. I ess.l. A. I'OOI'F.U. l' of
me cinie .Mirinai ocnooi, r.ilnilioi 0, I'.i.
PAINTING. The undersigned hv
iiiiiuludedlo hung up turn while in Kidgwiiy,
would respecifullr inform its citizens nnd
those of tis surrounding vicin ty, that they
are prepared tudo nil work in their line in n
manner warranted lo suit their customers
nnd tit as reasonable a price as ileal, be done
by nny other man.
Our .initio is to - Live nnd let live.'
All orders promptly intended to.
July 2 r,m.
j Nnfieo is hereby piven that letteis
ofadmiitisti-'nioii having been graulcd to the
undersigned on the estate of Win. 1 Denny,
lute of Ml. Mary's borough, deceased, all
persona indebted to snidestalo ure rciUest
! Income forward and mnke immediiile pay
ment, and those having elaitim npainst the
same will present ihem duly autheticnted
for settlement.
July 2, 180K tit. Adniiiiistrnlrix.
I'llOVUiU FOll
Oranges nnd Lemons Fresh Figs mid
liaics Plain inn! French Candies,
fresh mid pure,- nnd of liKlfvnrio
t'es Sardines nnd Olive Oil
flip Frcsl est of Cnvo
t)y slcrs Lng'.isU
Wiilniif s Fil -berls
can Xiils Pennuts Soft nnd Paper Shelled
Almonds Wnler, Cream, Suda, Sugar,
Wine, Oyster and Huston Crackers,
Calsups, Canned Peaches, Pens,
Sweet Corn, Itlackberries, Straw
berries, l obsiers mid Cove Oys
ters, Jumbles, Cream Cakes,
Sugar Cakes, Honey Cakes,
Egg Crackers, Sc , just
received from Philad'n,
Syrups fur cool nnd
refreshing drinks,
Fiui: wor.ics : fike-woisks :
Iu abundance just received from Xew York,
nil of which w ill lie sold at C.ty Prices.
1 r. t'mixmwIimiIi-. x- c
Take (.Unsure iu iinnuuuciiig to the public
of Elk nnd sui riiiiuding eouuiies that ihey
have thoroughly refined nnd ri-uiiov.ite'i
this old nnd well-know 11 estiibii.-diiiu-ut, nnd
eongi rlulnlo tlieniselves that w ith lln'iri x-
tin. leu incnies, will, nrsl class workn.nn.
that they can put out ns good wmk in cm
be found an) where. We have, and keep
ti ii.lcil Willi hrsl class workc.nn.
eoiminuilv 011 hiiii-i n 111 kinds of le.-u lier
siuli ns iu general use ill liiis seclioii, in
cluding h HH'I iuuiifft Sole l.riillur !
CoHH-Ih, Slii 1 1
.ii'iie...- i(' i 'i.'i' 1. rutin r
j:trCA.SU FAl'O FOU .' S.
, i';vr ii n 1 itl! an I bo eenvimed of 1 lie
I 1 1 ii' li t,!' U.U v.-e stile. iriir'.'l iiS)
The Largest, Mo.t Complete, and Rest Assortment of
Eecr Iro'Hjhl withm the UnvU . ihh sx t.jj'i, 0 11. If Thomas'
July 2d, ISfiS-lt niDOWAV, PA.
rfcWuhK'CE naVM
St. Mary? Saturday, July 4tli.
".Come as the winds come, when forests are rended,
"iJome as the Waves ccme, when oceans are stranded,"
And let it be shown that wn vet. ii.vmv.
1; , . . . -j-- .
die that their pu.steiily mi-ht enjoy the
Ty Order of the ('omniit'.ee on Military.
Pt. Mary-s, June 2-", IsHH. C. II. VOI.IC, bate Major 8-1,1, P. V.
I.N 'JliK RlsiTItl. r OCURT OF TUB I'. S
Full TIIB WkkTKII.V (if I'kvm'a
P. W. Iliirtelt, Unnkiupt imnui'i-t.-v.
lo Whom it mav riiM u-i v Tl. 1....
signed hereby gives notice of his appoint
iin-in in iiii-u 01 r. v.. timreil, of
lliilgeway, in the county of Flk, nn, Stnte
oi Pennsylvania, uitliin M.ii.l ,. 1 ...
has been ndiuJifeil it Hunk I'llllt ntl l.iu oa-..
pcliiion, by the Jii-nrict I'mni of said dis
irict. 11. T. TACKi.M'.T. A ski irnnn
Fm-i.iim H Pa.,
Finpcriiim, P;,., June, L'liili lMiH-;ii
rIAUTlOX. Wlicreas my wife Harriot
J U. l'eiirsiill. b.-iviii.r l..l'i ..... l..l
, , . ' n '"J
iionril w iilioui just cause orp rovi'i'-.i ion, a'!
persons are forbidden lo tru-i )., ,
nceounl, ns Ivill no. iv nnv ,1. '.1.. 1.....
ci'ntri.eling fioui tliis .bile.
AI.I UI.I) pi:.i;.sall.
C iledoniii, Jittic ls-i;s-:!t
CAUTION'. V. hereas my wife f h ul.iii.
Ann Luther has left my bid and bonrd
with, ut ju.-t cause ,.r .. ov'ncai inn. all
sotiH ure hereby fin bid irusiinjr her on mv
aceoiuil, us I will pay 1,0 debis of nor con
tracting. .IOIIN C. I.LTilK.II
Kidgwny, Pa. .iuno, 'Jilth.
1ST (;F LKTTiiltS reiuaiui in tlie
J lii'lgw.iy Postollice to June Isi, lt-ns.
Amy, Slinou
Fill mer, A a rim
Allen. .1. I!.
f.'imel, .1. I).
Il:imiltnn, V. A. 0
Hind, M iry
Al.ison, William
liles. liiinu 1
liarkel Aiithoifv
llrnnch, W. W.
l'xil, liiehard
Iturns, Patrick
Coiuice, Hubert
Dippol I, Charles
Dniiey, Pal rick
OuWus, .1 oil ii una li
Davis, John F.
Chillis, Merrill
ijuigley, Joseph
jlteeser, fa rtih r.
Selli iis, M.
Snow, llairiel
inelds, Bernard,
liobitl.01l. Jc-;i'ph
M.iver. Pliillin
j.Swcenoy, P.arl hiil'w
1. S. Persons enl'in for nr v nl"
will say iidveriise.l,- tin I -iv-j d it,. ,,f
list. One cent due on mi ll li-ttir for a .
veriising. i. u. .mi:s.i:.n.;f.u, p. i.
in liankrnpli y was is-m-il aain-l l!i
-a 1
talc ol I. F. ili-ani.-in ; ,.!fi, j,, tlv
County of Ktl; nnd Sim,. f Pennsylvania,
who has breii Btl.i.ipe.1 a- linr.Urupi. ,, ,;s
own pciitimi; , t,e payment f nv
Didiis mid ili-livery of nny prnn-iiy .i l,,.j
ing to such liaiiki upi 10 'in 111 or t..'r hisi.s?.,
and tin- tr.uU-r cf any ptoj.eiiy I y him
arc fin bidden by law; tlmi ,.,.jn.. f
ihe Cieditirs f ,he said l'.aiiki-.:pr' to
prove their Helus. and lo eh.. use ,.n o,
moie assignees if bis INiale, will be held
nl a Conn of ibinkiMpicv, t, ),.. hidden at
he Hyde House in Ki.lgeiM.y Pa. b,-,.c
S. . Woodrufl F.y.,.. p.eois,,,., on Ihe 111,
dny of August, A. 1 iMiH at :! o-t.l,.u
I . Mi.l .ial, ns .Ve.-M-n.-.T.
Fy O P. Innis Jvi.'i V. s. M.
June L'-'M '., Is ,s ... 1,
I )I.AMv.- of
l t., -.
. kin.l-
1.1 tins
WPW' . 1770.
......' r .1 ?. 1 ...
..... .n ,.,, j .,1 imvu nil iiareu io uo and
blessings l liberty and lieedcm.
1 VniFliK S, the Hon. It. W. V.Fi..nn.
Y Pi-esiiloiit, and Hons. I). ('. siclnibzj
hi.. I. le--- e Kyler, Assuciiile-i. Judges ofth-j
Court of Qnaric- .Ve.ssj, , Orphans' Cm,,;,
Oyer and Termitier, and Oenei nl Jail Deliv
ery, for Ihe n ial o capita! mid i,Cr oil. u
111 "(.V '! Klk. by (heir pic,-, m
I 1 me directed, have ordered Ibo 11 fore .-ni, I
uiiiiied Conns to be holdeti ,U liidgjj-,,y, iu
and for tlie.eounly of 12 1 It . on tho first Mon
dny in Augiin, It being the day of ihe
motiili, and 10 cominue one week. Xoi'c
is hereby given ;.. the Coroner, Ji-.-ii,-.-. -f
the Pence, an. I ('.notables of ihe v ,,
Klk, Ilia, liiey pre 1 v these j.. -- i-t - -. . -inaiided
lo be' Ihi-i! .i'l.i then- in .h.-ii- ;
erpesous nt I 11 ovinia, . I., i; - Ji
lay, vrith iheir rolls, record nnil :r,-i
linns, nnd othet reiiieiiilraiiee . 1.. .1 .
thitiifs wliidi tlu-ir oIKces up;.- : ,.iin :..
do'ie. ami I inn nil . Hx:. . ci:,,--i.inke
I'eiurns of alt ri-eo.r.n; atteei fir 1
into b.-fiiiv I hem In the Cln k ( t 1 ;. (. in. .
11s m i Ael of Asm i.ibly 1 f May . It!,, ,;!
And tlniM- who -tie bontnl bv tin ir m .. ,.
.aiiees 10 pioseoole ihe pr.soieis lhalTiix
or shall be in Hie iaii of iho cmtiiiy o- K!k,
Mid lo be liieu and there Iu pioseculc
ngiiiist Uiem Hi- shall bo just. -. MA LOX
ltid;rT.-nj June lltMh. t'iieiiH'.
SIIKIUFF'S SALK.-lty virtue of a writ
of Fieri Facias. N: ued nut of ihe Conn
of Comuion Plean'of KlUconuly, mid lo m.
diiccled. there will, by virtue of said writ,
oil Monday, theiilh day of July, IS.S, In.
e.uiseii in 11 1.1, It; ,c following
described properly, lo wil :
A of ground, siluale iu the bornug'i
of Si. Maiy's, comity f Klk, , s;,llltf ,
Peuii.-ylvniiia, b.iuii.led ami described in
billows, l wil : Hi,i0, ,ic north lr.'
Ceiin c slre. t, on ihe cast bv Si. Mu vs
si reel. 011 the seiiih by Micha'el McVallV's
lol, and iiii.llmi-i by Anthony Ilibi-igeV:
lot. ami beiu.r ei;il,ly-seveii feel front an-',
sixty Itet b.-tek, known i numbered oil
d: f said t.iwu of SI. Mary's ns Li-
V I"'1' '" I'.eing pail of a larger li. I i.l
ground w-l.i. h ti n cenveyed lo I he said
Francis X. li.l.. ,rer by M.inhias riu n
and wil,., and John Fsehbai h icid wile, by
deed d-il.-d the ,l.,v ,- .,1WI-
l- I I, i.n. I . , .. j,, ,-;, ..n,,.-
eonliiig ,1,-cls in Flu ,-..iii,iv, in k
1', page ...'... Sni.l .i,ciiv M,s iheieou
creeled one iw., nlory i, ,.,use. with
sl..iebasenM.m, ljx); UI1J k-iilaled
lor a store rimm,
S"i.i'. 11 ml 1 1 k . 11 ji, , s.-rntloii, nnd lo fit
su!d us t,o ,..-, ,,c (- p. Il.liere.ev.
Shei-iifs !lie. S!i-ri!i'.
llidgway. pa., June '.'tl, 1 !;!.
T 1 7 III' 1' I.KI! X- WH.yflV's sl.'u"
VV lYl! l 'IHVf.' 'Fl, 1 .
, j ..... ...... iiu; HIHUM-
signed I'aviiii!- heel; appo'ii led Sole Acr.-i.-for
the sn'e of i heeler V, lison's Sewin
M....1. I..,.- ... .'It ..... .. II ,
-"ui i.v. ne Keeps 11
iisjf.t n.ieiil w! 1,11 '.and. Machine
.-iita; ri.ila.Mjd.ia and .Vev; Vor ti(l--.
Any p 1! 1,. - di- .'a jit, 1 f t.l.i ,t iiin laie.i ,.n.
"Id'- s .1. I,. H III .Miii:-'