The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, July 02, 1868, Image 1

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lMiitimi.riiii l'.
The greatest knoivn remedies for
Liver Complaint,
Nervous Debility,
Diseases of the Kidneys,
nml Mil Ilre arising from a Dis
ordered l.lver, Mnmacli, or
ivpvniTV of the m.oon.
fit ad te fnilairintj tymptamt, and if yon find that
yonr tystrm it alTeettd by any nf them, yon may rt-tt
utsurrd th'tt disease has commenced its attack on thA
must important oryant of your baity, ami unlet! total
cheekttl by the use of pmi'rrt 'id remedies, a mitcrabbt
lift, t'yjn Icrmimtinj in tlenth, wilt be the rctuU,
Constipation, Flatuloneo, Inward Plies,
Fulness of Blood to the Head, Acldl W
of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart
burn, Disgust lor Food, Fulness
or Wotght in the Stomaeh,
Sour Kructtttions. Bink- 1
tug or Fluttering at the Pit
of tho Btomnrh, Bwimninn of
the Hoad, Hurried or Iiflioult
Brpathing, Fluttering nt the lloart.
Choking or Suffocating Bnnaations when
in a liyinir Posture, Dunnoss of Vision.
Dots or Webs before the Bight,
Dull Puin in the Hend, Defi
ciency of Perspiration, Yel
lowness of the Bkiu nnd
Eyes, Pain in the Bidei
Urtik, Chest Jillnbs, etc.. Bud
don Flushes of Heat, Burning in
the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of
Evil, and Uruut Depression of Spirits,
AU thru indicate ditease of the Liver or Ilitjcslivt
Organs, comhinul with impure bloud.
Ooofltinb's German Bitters
it entirely vetfctnlile, iiirt rontalnt no
liiUor. If I n '.(riiitil ff Fluid lx
fine Id. Tlir ll!ilMf lleh. nnd Hnrks
front which tin-He extract are mnde
lire Knt hered In rnmiiy All the
medicinal TfrliirM nrr i-kti-fetl from
them by n nrlmtlflc. cli,..iift. Therie
extracts are then forwarded to tltltt
country to lit lined rxprr4Hly for the
in nil 11 fnc I Hit of lhene iJllterat. There
iu no ftEunhollc Hulistniirt of rtny klmt
lined In com pon ii tit n 14 the jilt tern
lie m-c It I the only Hitler thnt can
In imcd lit rnH N where alcoholic Btlm
u la lit art- not atlvlHuhlc.
IjooflanVs crman Conic
it ft raHifutttitiim nf oil the iwjmlients of the Hitters,
vtlh rVuiK Nf 11M t 'rut If it in, thnt,rji-, .v. It is ttsni fir
Vie same ilinc-i. an the tiiU'rn, in wins imhrrt n'mn
jmrr nlthnlU stimulus is mf -tin-i, 't vi'ti inr in
mind that thfte reiite'tie nrr I'tiiin-ly tilfleront from
ntiy ot'iers ntffrtiS'tl ." the cure uf the tiittattt
fWfrKv, th'S? ti'ivij fivtif p,'ffhii'ttiiit nf medicinal
rjtrtf while ine utters iir wir t ration of rum
in gimte form. The TONIC it V-iy ott' nf the most
fflfiftirtt ami OQrrrahle, rruitiiiejt ever ojfrreit to the
utltc lis tttttr it tT'Jti$ite, It lit fl ple-lture to till'
tt, while its Hfr-fliritij. eihitnrittiu, tttt'l meilieinnt
tftttlitiet have cjusci it to be known U yreattjt of
ait ftmet.
Tlioimnittlti nf cniirii, whrn tlie pn
flenf. MttpnoMrtl he wn nflllrtril with.
I hl t errl olt illsrnsfi have lircn curet
ly tlit line of tlit-Nr remedies. Kxtremo
eiunrlntlmtf dehllltyt and coult it rtt
the mm un I attendant upon ac vera
raaea of dysprpr! or rilaeaHe of the
ttlreitlve orp;niiu. Uvcn In canea of
fCentilite f'niiHiiinptloit, theae remedies
he found of the greatest lieneflty
atrengthenlits nnd lit vlgorutlng.
7Vr 1 no tutilifinr eqw tn AwftintTf fi-nrutn
Pittrs nr T tn if in oifs Itr-hiUty. Tl e y in, part ft ani rutir tn the system, strewthen, the. aj
firtit,t cause an enjnymmt nf iff f-rnlt enable the
ttnm uh tn iliprxt it, purify the M., jire a piol,
f"iTi'l, healthy cnm)lfsitl, rrfulieatt the yrllnw tirt'jt
frnin the rye, impart a blu-nn to the ci' Av, a't chaiifti
the jmtient from a thnrt-lreittheitx emacuiteit. vmk
and nsrvoits invalid, to a full-faced, stout, and vtyw
Weak and Delicate Children
nrr iiimiIc strong y iinIiit tlie ltlttvra
or 'J'diiit:. In tact, tlity arv Kniiilly
JIrd IciiiCN, T lit y Vflll te nlllllliHI trcd
vltli perfect Hufrtj' to 11 c'iilltl tlireo
iiKiut h old, t lif iiKiHt dcllcntc ft-mnle,
ur n ninii of iiluely,
T'fif Jt-intdiri ?n- llti b'st
llioo.l iMu'iiiorio
ei'T Innu-n, unit uU cure all dinasei irtul:ituj from
AV.71 ijuuv lih'l j-nre; l-'fi your J.ic-r in artier;
ketfi yvr tliiyttiei -;-.v(.f in a t'.:t.-i'i. 'ii.'.i mwii'
tl"". ! tt-e 11J tHi"ti:t t;t,l n't tli. tije UlU
vt:lt.--'il J'm.
IndlrN M'liti lvlsli it fitir skin nnd
CimiiI rompU-xImi, fro fi-om a ytllnu
nil 1 1 ami nil iiIIiit il i h li 11 i-c 111 cut,
Hlllllllli llhf 1ll-e l-fllirilifH flCVIIHllll
nlly. 'I'lit Mvfr In pcrfei-t order, anil
tlir liloiiil puri', will rt-Miilt In Hpark
ling r)ta and lilnoiiiliig vlictUs
ShttfamV fitriifn are rnitntt-rr.'itil.
The U'nmue h'ln tin iiinntnre nf i', .1, tStlvliHinX
nn Ike frni't nf the nntri'le irrnfijur nf ein-lt ltttt, nnd
tin innnr tf the tulitie bltntn in tuti bn'.tte. All tttktri
urc vnuntrrleit.
1'linninniN of Irlfrra linve lirni re
orl vrd, )( I f lug lo the virtue of tlica
hiom mix. iii:o.,v. voonv.iti),
Clil-f Jllalii1-.' nf tlt'SllpllMIH- I'kUIC tti 1',-nu-ylvMlK,
riHMM.Lnm, MAIirit 101 It, 1H7.
If ml "ITtmfl.wtl's f,'fftnan Hitters" it wit an ititnx
ifitiittj tierertitf, Imt it a anntl tnnit', utefnl in tlitur
tlert nf the tti'jtttire tifijtutt, and tft' uteat hrn'fti in
rutet nf tltbiWy unit vnnt nf nervnut a'jtinn in ttli
tttetu. I tiut t i. ttlti.
(.7,'J. If. ITO0)IIM(O.
rnoM mix. ,i.mi:s Thompson',
Jinlge itl llie Sfupi t'liit (Vurt ol l'iinlviiiiln.
l'niLir.i.iiiA, Al'iilL Ulli, lUrt.
I roiin'ilrr If nuflniid'v (erinaii !)!(
Irri" o rtitmthltt iiittllfitu' In chmf of at
f nckri of ludlfff atlim or lyNketln. I
ran certify twin frmii my e pt-i ience
Of Ha VUIII'H, ltll l'l'Kli rt,
' J.l.lltS THOMPSON.
Frnm rti:V. J0PKP1I II. KKXNAI1P, D.D,
r"l'r nf tlie Tunth Il.plist t'hiurh, I'hiludi-ljihla,
lR.,TArKox llKin Sin . have Iteen frequently ret
nnettett In cnitneet my ntime inith refninmentlalinnt of
tli iferr:,! hintlt nf nietlit-inet, tail reiftirtintf the prartiet
tit entt nf my appropriate tphtrr, I hare in all vatei df
'lined ; but ifiltt a ftttir prwtf in variant iiistancet, and
Jiartii-ulnrlyin mytnen fauiilti.iif the ittefnlnrtttil
Ittt.fnntVl Herman Iiittert, S thpart fnmi':e fmm twy
liiuli ronrte, la erpnts biy fall rnnvirlinn' that f,r
iifiiiritl tltl,ilrly i, the tl,in', iiti-l M-i.illy fir LiVff
t.'llll.ijul, it in tt Miff llhd VIlllLllilf nl:it:ttiull. f
tome catet it littiy fail ; but wwill,. Ithmltl tint, it will
It very Utnefn-itil to thnse vim gi'ltr from Utt abuM
cautei. i'nurt, very retpertfitthi.
). SI. A K. A.I II n,
Lujlith, Lelvtu Cuidet .5.
Price of the Bitters, 41.00 per bottle
Or, a half dozen for $5.00,
Price of tho Tonio, $1.50 por bottle
Or, a half dozen for $7.50.
Til Tulllr i" put lip ill iU:ul Imtllr..
HetMeel Utat it il Pr. Iltmtlnutri Herman Xemetliet
that are'ta uniiermlly utid awl tt, highly rernmmend
ttt ; and tit not altnui the. Jtrutiiiti tn intlnre. you to
lake any thiny elte that he may tny at tjnait, l&
taitte ht mnket a larger profit an it. 'I'hete Siemttlief
will be tail by etpreti to any locality vjioh application
I It
riuxciPAL officii;,
A..U3I AllCl STHKKT, Philadelphia.
CHAB. M. EVANS, Proprietor,
Formerly C. H. JACKSON 4 CO.
Tliex llemedle are for (ale ljr
DriiKI(liili Btorekerpers, and Mcdi
eiua IJcalcr cvcryHlure,
Hi uot feirtiet to examine well tlie article yan bvj, in
Qider taytt. t'ir ff'nnine.
I j.- a....' .i .i M ".V'l I l'il i f J
J01IX F. MOORE, EJltor A Prtrktar.
VO It-
Hi Dame is Isaac IJowcr, I had a broth
er Joe ;
Wo lived once in Missouri but that
teas lonjt; ngo
Before tlie politicians had kicked up
nny War j
When rich and poor was taxed alike,
aud gold was only "par."
Our father was a soldier ho fell in
Mexico ;
He bore the fln which nevct had been
struck to foreign foe,
And when it struck at Sumter, our
mother oliDohed her flst
"That flag," she said, "shall riff, boys,
in its defence enlist I"
So Joe and I did volunteer to do and
dare our best ;'.
We fought with glorious Lyons -the
litiii (if the Went,
And when thut gallant spirit Went Up
to meet his God,
Poor brother Joe did follow he lies
beuuiith the sod.
The flames of war spread widely like
fierce prairie fires
Aud burnt my mother's homestead the
"homestead" of my sires
And forced her to tike refuse with
strangers far away,
And live ou "Bureau rations" and pal"
try "pension pay-"
God only knows the sufferings my
mother did endure
And God ulone appreciates such patri
otism pure
Kor w hen I'd served my time out, "en
' list snuiti," she wrote,
I did, and Irecd the uiggers but not to
make 'em vote !
Three years or more have passed, now,
(ince I was "mustered out i"
I've worked upon the "homestead" like
any "roust about"
built an humble cabin, with auger and
with axe,
Now house aud farm nrc "shingled"
with State and Federal tax.
When I c.imo homo on furlough, a vet
eran volunteer,
I mot a lovely meiden who now to me
is dear.
We promised to invest, then, in matri.
niiitiial bonds
As soon an I returned home, and ! could
r.iise the "spous.
Hut, laving no "Five-twenties, I vc
bail to pay my tas ;
Wh.le 1 muxt turn the grindstone,
bond-holder.', hold the ax.
t'.o we've postponed our marriage until
soriie iulure day,
Lest we become "producers," and have
more tax to pay.
The Congressman I'll vote for must fa
vor the Greenback ;
Must pledge himself so I tell
yon that's no "whnck "
Must vote to pay bondholders u-t as I
got in y pay.
And as my mother's pension was paid
the other day.
The biggest Gsh will swallow the small
er ones lor tood ;
Our ar.ny was a fish. pond it was so un
derstood. I
'Tin taken as tor Grant-ed to be a natu
ral law,
For Grant and other "Generals, to
have the largest maw.
Sure ns my nane's Ike Bowers, I'll nev
cr vote for Graut,
Or any other white man who "gulps'
the "miner rant,"
Which strikes the foe who yielded, full
worthy ol our steel,
And nuts tho necks of white men be
neath a nigger's heel.
I'vo not forgot the "hard tack" and
measled pork I ate :
I've not forgot the knapsack but these
I II not regret.
If luilktoii ami Greenfinch will only
win the day,
And wine out all the' taxes which eat
the poor man's pay.
Mess pork, "hard-tack" and coffee, the
private soldier ate.
While Grant and Mister Colfax but
these I'll not regret,
Il Pendleton and Greciibrekn will only
win the day,
Aud that's a oonsumr.mtion fur which
all poor men prsy.
Republicanism is now playing its
farewell engagement. This is positively
its last appearance before the American
people. And the closing act like that
if other menageries, will bo a grand ring
oerforinanee of a uionkev on a pony, with
a tumiiler ol whisky in one hand and
-tur spanli'd ij.iiiiu-r in 'In1 oilier.
R IDG WAY, rEXXA., JVLY 2, 18G8.
BY B. r. w.
"Buy t. paper, sir?" risked a bright-
looking boy of a gentleman who was
walking niusiuly along oue of the busiest
streets of an eastern city, on a
day in November, some twenty
"No," replied the gentleman,
"If you only would sir :" mother is
sick aud we need money so much." And
a tear trinklcd duWu the boy's face as he
Touched at his evident distress, tnc
gentleman said
"Well, I believe 1 will take one. liut
what is your name ? Aai where docs
ydur mother live V
"My name is Charles Uoward,8ir,aou
we live in Longford Court. My father
died about five years ago, aud now there
are only three of us ; my mother, little
sister and myself. And since father
died, between mother taking iu sewing
and me scllintr newspapers, we have
uiauascd to get along; but when sho
got sick we ran out ot money, aud it has
gone very hard with us since."
"Ah, 'naeeu; ! said the gentleman.
Then, as if somo sudden idea had ocour.
red' to him, he ubruptly asked : "What
is your age? llavo yoU ever been at
school 1"
I am twelve years old, Eir. I went
to school before the death of my father,
and have for some time past been going
to a night school ucar where we hvo,
until mother took sick, when I quit."
"Well, Charles I came near forget
ting to pay you for your paper ; hero is
your money. Call to morrow at Wil
liam Meredith & Co. s, im o,
Street, and I will see what I can do to
still farther assist you. When you call,
ask for Mr.Meredith."
"Thaok you, sir I will come," said
the boy. llut tho last words were lost
on Mr. Meredith, as bo had rapidly
resumed his wulk when he had Euished
speaking, thinking as he had dono so :
"We just need another errand boy,
and I like the looks of this little fel
low very much. I gave him a gold
piece to try him; in tho gathering
twilight he failed to notice the diifer
encc between it and an other coin ; if
he is houcst, he will return it to me,
and he shall have tho position."
Alter partina with Mr. Meredith,
Charles continued to sell his papers, and
fortunately had disposed ol them all
soon dark, when he went home, up
three flights of stairs, into two rooms, a
lartrc nud a small one, both of which
were uieugcrly furnished. A table
with ono leaf, a few old chairs, two
old mattresses with scant outside covers
that showed a scarcity ot blankets, and
a few dishes were all that constiutcd
their cootenK Advancing to one of
these beds, Charles said :
"Wake up, dear mother j I have good
"What is it, my son V languidly ask
ed Mrs Howard.
lie thcu related his meeting and
conversation witn Mr. Meredith, ot
which the reader is already acquainted
Happening to put his hand into his
pocket to get his money out to count it,
Charles pulled out the coin which Mr
Meredith bud given him ; it slipped and
struck the floor with a metalie ring
"What is that?" said Mrs. Howard.
"A piece of silver, I suppose," said
Charles, evidently thinking it was noth
ing else.
"But it sounded differently from sil
vcr, I thought; brinst it hers and let
me examine it' Why ! it is a five dol.
lar gold piece? here did my son get
it? I hope he has not been stealing."
"Indeed, mother, I did not know I
had it until just now," said Charles ro
allv as much worried about the matter
as his mother.
"Can you not think ? you surely
ought to know something about it,"said
Mrs. Howard.
After thinking a moment, Charles'
face bri;litcusd up as he said :
"I believe I have it; Mr. Meredith
must have given it to ma through mis
take. I will ask him in the morning.'
" Thut is right my son. 'Honesty is
the best policy always; ever lollow its
teachings, and you wil never bo I
Mrs. Howard was a Christian woman
and ever tried to instill in the minds of
her children thoso correct principl
which were cussential to make them not
only good children, but which would
cxtcud throughout their lives, aud make
them useful and worthy members of so
At eight o'clock on the next morning
Charles made his appearance ht Mr.
Meredith's place of business.
"Good morning, sir ; how aro you at
1 h ih t'nio, and how is your mother ak
ed that gentli'iii iii, kindly.
"Oh, I am very well, I thank you,
and my mother is somewhat better. But
we both have been considerably trouo.ed
about one tiling. It seems that on
counting my money last night I found a
piece which did not belong to me, and
tho thought occurred that you might
have given it to aio through mistake ; is
so, sir? said ho showing tnui tne
piece of gold.
"les, it is mine, ana I am very mucn
obliged to ou for returning it. We
need another errand boy, and I believe
you are just the one to suit. Can you
come tomorrow 7"
''Yes, sir, I am very, very thankful to
you. '
"Sot at all j consider yoursoll perma
nently engaged at a salary of four hun.
drcd dollars tho first year, and if every
thing progresses favorably wo will talk
about an increase at the expirUion of
that tfmo." .
"O, sir, I can never forget your kind
ness, and mother will be so glad.
The next day Charles took his posi.
tion, which he held until the end of the
first year, he was promoted aud
received six hundred dollars per annum,
which crlnablcd the family to live iu
quite a state ct com tort, compared to
that ol their former lite, lie continued
with the firm five years; at the end of that
time he was getting an annual salary of
fifteen hundred dollars, having by Ins
integrity, industry and perseverance,'
risen from one of the lowest to one of
the highest positions in the store. Short
ly after this a branch store was started
in a thriving town some distance from
the place, and the entire management
placed la tho hands of Charles. He
made money rapidly lor its owners, and
so well pleased were they that they off
ered him a partnership, which he ac
cepted. Some time after he took a uo
tion of going Luithcr west, nnd opening
a store for himself ; so he withdrew from
the firm to the evideut reirret of its
members, and taking his mother and
sistei ho went to Detroit, where he
started in business, and by his prudence
tact and integrity, soon made himsclt
known, and established
The commercial disaster of'57wjs
sweeping acros the country, involving
many in destruction and ruin, when a
merchant might have been seen, late
one afternoon, working at his books in
the counting room iu one of our East
ern cities.
"Lost, all lost !" at length exclaimed
he sadly, closing tho book and restiu
his head upon h's hands.
"A gentleman wishes to see you, sir,
were the woids that hist aroused hiu,
"Tell bim, James, that I' will bee do
"But he said ho must see you."
"Show him in, then,"
"Good evening, sir. Why, Charles
Howard, is it you ? lam very much
surprised as well as glad to see you
How are your folks? .
"We are all enjoying the best of
health, thank you, Jiut 1 came to see
yon on business; I henr tne old house
ot Meredith ana & Co. cannot weather
the storm. Is it so ?"
"Alas ! it is so. We have had exten
sion on our paper iu expectation of re
mittances which have tailed to come,
until we cannot meet our liabilities, and
to-morrow wo have to make tho much
dreaded assignment which we have in
vain tried to avert, unless help comes in
some unexpected manner.
"ITnw miioh id vnur inr1ilitAr1nocg
inquired Charles.
"About twenty thousand dollars, re
plied Mr. Mercpith
"it ycu nau thirty thousand you
would feel perleotly sale, I suppose?
"Have you any blank checks heie ?"
"Why, what do you mean? You are
not going to lend me the money ?"
"1 am ; but the check where is it ?
"Here," said Mr.Meredith banding
hint one.
Charles tilled It up and banded it
back with the remark :
"Here it is ; thirty thousand dollars.
payable to your order.
"lint why, sir, this kiudness '
"Did you not treat ne kindly when I
was but a poor newsboy ? And would 1
not be ungrateful indeed, if 1 did not,
now that L am able, try to repay you.
"Nobb, generous nun, how can I
thank you ?" said Mr. Meredith with
feeliug. But maybe you iucouveuieuce
yourself by doiug this?
"Never mind that. When the storm
first came on I thought it better to sell
than to hold those goods which I had an
idea that must fall. By this and vari
-.1 - .
ous otuer precautions, i managed to cs
cape with but little loss. It is getting
dark, so 1 must leave you. Good bye.
uaii to morrow witnout fail.
"Thnnk you, I wdl."
'A triend iu need is o:ic iudecd'suid
Mr. Meredith, when alone by himself.
"Surely, 1 would have laughed at the
idea years ago, it any person had told
me that the boy I then took into my
store as an errand boy would one day
bo tho means ot saving the firm from
With the money thus furnished they
were eonabled to continue their busi.
ncss without interruption, and when
the storm blew over they soon mana
ged to pay tho debt, principal and in
terest, although at first thore was con
siderable demurring on the part of
Charles Howard to tho payment of
the latter, but he finally accepted it, and
the debt was thus cancelled financially ;
but this timely and generous aid was
thankfully remembered by Mr. Mer
edith and his partner so loeg as tbey
What a Worktnoman Thinks.
Hon John A. Bingham, in ono of his
speeches during the last campaign, was
foolish enough to exclaim, " 1 hank God
there is no such thing as Equal Taxa
tion." This came to the eyes of a Mont,
pclier (Vermont) Radical workingman,
which struck him so forcibly that, Kadi.
cul a3 he is, he is forced to comment
as follows :
Of course Bingham and his party
represent the bondholder, who has his
horses and carriage, his Wine parties, his
plate, and his bonds.
1 am a workingman. a have my tin
dinner pail, my tool chest, and my hard
palms, and tired bones at night, and my
hasty breakfast in the morning, a lean
purse, and a tax receipt at the end of
the year.
n hen quarter day comes the bond
holder cuts off his coupons and draws
his interest, and thanks God there is no
such thing as equal taxation.
1 draw out my purse and pay my rent.
And when the year is gone he couns
up his gains, rustics his bonds, and has
a wine supper.
And wheu the year k gone I look at
the tax receipt and go to bed with an
aching heart to dream of Democratic
times, light and equal taxation.
the bondholder does nothing. He is
x pay btato taxes, county taxes, poor
taxes, road taxes, city and township
taxes, revenue taxes; in fact taxes of
all kinds and on everytding.
1 pay taxes to support the bondhold
ers, who pay no taxes for any purpose
I shall vote for cciuul taxation, and
dowu with tho party who " thank God
there is do such thing as equal taxation."
BJi.Not many months since a well- farmer of a Connecticut village
went to a telegraph office and wished to
send a dispatch to his friends of tho
death and funeral of his wile. Being
somewhat acquainted with the niau a
lady operator expressed sympathy for
him and his motherless children;
whereupon the afflicted widower sobbed
aloud, and tho tears coursed dowu his
checks. At Inst, becoming a little
more composed, he said : "She's dead.
She was worn out liko an old setting
htn. She died without a 'kick."
BX.A Greek maiden being asked
what lortune she would bring her bus.
band, replied, "I will bring him what
gold cannot purchase aheartu "spotted
and virtue without stain the luhen
tauce from paranU who had those, aud
nothing else to leave me.
Tho Radicals almost everywhere
seem utterly destitute of enthusiasm over
the nomination of Grant and Colfax.
Their attempts in tho way of la.'iGcatiou
meetings have almost, without exception
ether been entire failures in point of
attendance, or hava been spiritless af.
Butlcrssys Bingham is a murderer
Bingham says Butler is a coward and t
iinei. jiouueny says asnburnc is a
TV II ...a,
scoundrel and a fool. Washburne says
Donnelly is a criminal snd a liar. All
these leaders in Radicalism aro endorsed
lor trutn ana vciacity, and iu this m-
s'ance none will question their reliability,
The editor of a suburban sheet, hav
ing a big egg laid on bis table, cackled
out Lull a column in its praise. It proved
however, to bo chalk, very neatly turned
a fact evolved on attempting to boil it
three minutes by the wateh. It has very
properly been chalked down as a good
St Bernard calls fear tlie dourkee per
of tlie soul. As a nobleman's porter stands
nt ibe (loot nnd keciis oufvaRinnis, so ilio
fear of Clod sluiuU aud keeps all sinful
temptations from entering.
Fashioiiablcyoung ladies in New York
are in tlie habit nf Uking an early canter
I around Central Talk, folio e'l by a groom
; iu vclvisiecu lirccdica aud top bouV.
Open air services police duties.
Gold still keeps up to 1,40).
Cool contracting debts for ico
Failuics Grant raitiGcntion nicct
Going to New York a large del
egation ot Harrisburg Democrats.
The psper having the largest cir-.
culation a paper of tobacco.
Grant has detectives on the Canada
frontier to watch the Fenians.
Mississippi has gono Democratic
by a very large majority.
Can ladies who wear brass bands be
called musical 1
Peaches arc arriving in New York
from South Carolina aud Georgia.
-r-A youDg Cretan has been fighting
through the insurrection iu male attire.
The Democratic " white boys iu
blue" aro enthusiastic for Hancock. "
Senator Grimes is reported to bo
very low, and is not expected to recover.
If you want to riso iu tho norld,
go up in a balloon.
To keep shade trees green the year
round paint them.
Tho proper platform for Ben. But
ler the platform under tho gallows.
New York city is filling up with
prominent Democratic politicians.
Tho largest gold brick ever secu
in Montana is valued at 31,050.
A man in Philadelphia cut m
throat with a piece of wiudow.elass, but
failed miserabiy if he meant to kill himsel
Mosquitoes arc so thick ot the sea
side that the residents can only brcatho
through wire straiuers.
Cap.t. Mayne Rcid will become a
citizen of this country, and remain per
manently in tho United States.
MoDtana is swarming with gold
seekers, and recent rains have giveu an
impetus to mining operations.
All the enthusiasm about Grant and
Colfax exists only in editorial inkstands,
and muddled at that.
Burnsido has invited Burlingamo
and as many of his merry men ns the
State will hold, to visit Rhode Inland.
Six freedtnen spoke at a Democrat,
io meeting at Terry, Mississippi, recent
ly, against the Radical policy.
Reading has been selected os tho
place fur tho next meeting of the Ger
man Evangelical Synod of Pennsylvania.
Somo men in Philadelphia wanted
to drink cream of tartar in their water,
aud drank tartar emetic instead, it'iek
uess, physicians and stomach pumps.
Seeing tlicro is sonic doubt as to
Grant's real name, tho New Orleans
Picayune suggests that he bo styled tlio
so called U. is. Orast.
Tho California delegation to tho
National Democratic Convention havn
arrived, also a number id politicians
from tho Southern States.
Geary says, " Drunkards, liko pi
rates, arc public enemies. lheu ot
course " Hans" will uot support Giant
for President.
An earnest lludical learning that
negtocs arc uot admitted to the North
and South poles, proposes to chop them
off with tho axes of tho earth.
The French ladies arc envious of
tho American belles iu Pans, as they
receive all the attention, compliments,
invitatious, aud notices iu the uewsna
Gold has been found in Alaska.
If Russia waits a while longer, wo shall
bo able to gather enough ol the pre.
cious metal iu tho coded territory to
pay for it.
Greeley has given one hundred
copies of his " Conflict" to the libraries
of England and Ireland. They can't
exactly reluso to take them, but what a
bore it must be !
Tho Radical legislature of this
State, at its last session, appropriated
$2,500 to school in Chester county, cal
led the "Lincoln Uuivcrsity," where
negroes ore educated for teachers.
A Cairo editor tolls tho ladies that
cleanliucss is the first ornament, and
that this is obtained by taking a bath
once a month, aud washing their bauds
once a day.
Baron Ilaussmanti has spent S !)(,
000,010 in improving Paris, and h-issad.
died the city with a debt larger than
those of Denmark, Sweden uud Norway
put together.
Six months ago Greeley said that
" thoso who are pushing Geu. Grant for
Presidoiit will laud where the Whigs
did with Foott in io2 ; they utterly mis.
take the timo of day." Greeley's owu
clo k scims to havj ruu dowu-
Hon. John B. Henderson, United
States Senator from Missouri, was mar
ried lately, in. Washington, to Miss Ma
ry l'o itc, daughter ot Judge Footc, of
Saratoga county, New York, and niece
tf the late lluu. Solomou Foote, former,
ly United States Senator from tLc bUic
ot Yeimout.