The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, June 27, 1868, Image 3

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, IVir Time at Ititlgwinj.
Erfa Expr'-bj l'.n( 1 : '2:. . tn
do do West 4:01 a m.
do Mail 1'iiFt -J: I p.nn:
do tl j West "J: HI p. in.
Local Freight East !i:lilu. in.
do do West : 1 2 p. m.
". Elk Lolg8, A. Y. M
inteJ UiecliiiK uf l')k Lodge will be
(teld Tuesday evening, oil or before t lie full
noon of each month, nuoc every two weeks
thereafter. J. K. WIIlTMOllE, Sec y.
. Glace Chnrch frotcatant Episcopal.
Biiv. C. K. Bi tlkh, Itector. Services
"Will be held in tbc ubovc church every al
ternate Sundny morning nml evening
coiAWucing with Monday, the lot li inst.
Methodist Episcopal,
inv. F. Ykh.non, Pastor. Morning Sor-
io, in t lie Court House, tVery AiVcriintc
Si dy, comiceucing with the 17th instant.
B?i.Our thanks are due to several of
oar exchanges for complimentary notices
of our enlargement.
' OCT!11 n" probability we shall ifsuc
the next Aihuvatv on Thursday, having
a desire to attend the National Demo
cratic Convention.
iirSee W. J. Rlakely's advertise
ment iu !oday's Advocate. It speak
for itself. Tin. Doctoi keeps everything
x.iu his line that is wanted by the com
munity. (Jive him a call.
B-Capt. Ed. SehoGold, our old fcK
wdcvil has turned n;i nt (Ireen Hay,
'ioeonsin El. is a h iil fellow well
ict. and wo wish him all the "rood hick
nagiifiole. Hero is our n-7X- Ed.
S?5uWe will send the ulr fur
Uic campaign Iron) .July Hli to .NnVem
W 14th for 40 cents to each subscriber.
"Vfe hope our friends ir. different pans
'of the county will aid us by ircttinir tin
'clubs at their respective post-offi cor
Ucrraii rort tiik I'm ivrn o:' Ji:i.y.
A splcndiil stock and well si lee'cd as
ortmcnt uf firc-woi lis of various kinds,
-just p':ceivcd at the store of Hyde, tiil
lia & Co., Call soon if you want to buy
as thty arc going off very rapidly.
BiaK.lJy reference to our rdvcrti.-e.
iiieots it will be seen that the cjtizens
f St. .Mary's intend having an old
fashfimcd celcbrat'on on the "g'oriou.s
Fourth." All who attend- may Lc sure
'ct having a good time, w St. Mary's is
jjnitly noted for doing op i.iiything in
that line in a splendid mantiei.
l ?()ur thaiiki arc dtl3 to the com
niitluo fir an invitation to attend (lie
'laying of the corner Mono uf "he Wiron
ul Marine Hospital at Evfc on the -4th.
W 'regret our in ability A attend, and
Jvope'ihiit those who do nny have a ti:ie
tiuio. (uitc a nuinber of persons fro
goKg from I his place.
t-4rir'jll. W. A. Wal'i'co, Chairtnan
tWc Doni iCrat State Central Commit,
'lee, paid m a v'nit this week. The
Senator lo'As well hi& reports that the
prospects of'a sweeping Dciiiotivatic vie.
Ir.ory this fall are excellent. Iy refer.
lencti to 6'iir annniinccmcnts it will be
cert '.hat Mr. Wallace is again a caudi.
(date for State Senator.
1 MoriV. 'Nkw Goods. II-S. lielnap
las just'teturncd from tho Eastern cit.
;cs, where ho has '('iirihascd a largo as--ortmcut
of Ladies' Dress Goods, Tritu
uings &c. Also a large stock of La
lies' and Gents' Gaitors bisidos, a large
Variety of fancy articles, too numerous
Ito mention, nil tf which will sell
Lhetpcr than they' j'an 'be bought clsc
Jwhcrc iu HTdgway.
larl'urchasers of lands in SI. Mary's,
it tho late Treasurer's Fules, are inform-
J that their dueds una bonds can be
Ibund at tho office of Short, Hall & Co.,
Jit St. Mary's ; for other 'parts i f the
i ... ,.rr...., ,. i!,:...i..,.. vi-:n-
Souuiy, ui tuu iiinv-i. ui iiuiiuici, n una
; Souther, at Uidgway.
Tho costs J tulj must bo paid on or
leforo tho adjourned sale on the Sth of
July, or tie lands will bo resold.
Bx.lIow much further will a mil
head in tho tyro of a wagnn-whetl four
feet in Uiumctcr fn-ivc at each revolution
than tho circumference of tho wheel
when running on a smooth road, and the
nuil heal 8.11001I1 with the face ol the
tyro W. II.
ANKWEft. 1 he nail head travels at
lach revolution of llio wheel ',1. m l
lire tkn its circumfcrcKco. T. U.
Dlt.DAVlO 1'. IViYO, 01' PillLA-
liKi.rniA. Weave pleased to announce
to our re atl cm that litis eminent pbjsi.
cian and surgeon V-ill nrriVclu our town
on the Kith of July, and iVrnin until the
2")th, when all persons in need of the
medic tl or surgical attention of one who
is n thorough master of his profession,
will do fell to give him a call. Read
Dr. Meyer's bills ; ho promises nothing
that tie cannot perform, and from our
knowledge of '.ho man, wo have no hes
itancy in saying that nd one will be dis
appointed in him. Dr. 15. pays partiea.
Itir attention to the diseases of females,
and wc especially recommend to tlieli a
careful reading of his circulars.
He has 'engaged rooms at the Hyde
lloSsrc, 'and will positively he here.
Ox our outside page this week w ill be
futtntl an explanation of the illinium Keg
islry Law, a-sod by the Hadicul Legisla
ture ci this 8lale last winter. Elk Ailru-
Will the Advocate mnn point out the 'in
fa,inous ' portion of the lnw, or wherein the
law is infamous '.' Also stale if lie is in I'a
Vorol'ii prre ami hone.;! ballot, nml if lie is.
what objections lie has tiVt his lnw, which is
only intetiileil to maintain the purity of Die
franchise. No dodging, neighbor. (Jam
i on I'.
Our neighbor seems to bo very
dull of comprehension ; ho certainly
canr.i.t have rend the bill in question, or
s j he would have seen that its whole drift
and tenor was to put poor laboiing men
to useless tests au l loss of time and ino
irfy to deposit their ballots. Lcl us take
u financial view of it ;
The cost of the infamy is qfiirc a little
item to be charged to 'eleciion cxpeii .
ses," being in the little county of Elk,
Fl FTKI-'.N" Hu.NDIlKD DoM.AK-J in addi
tion to what it formerly cost. t keeps
a laboring man fit least two days awny
! fini" !y avocnious in order to ex.
I i'"-'-'c me -iguc n saying woo sxau oe
ld with office.' We will supp'o-c
! tIlat t!l0,lJ arc l'J(JJ Ijboiing men in this
! t,,,,J"'y whoso wages will average ?1,;VJ
per day per mnn. These nien in voting
Vc S-,i.l J a piece-, making in all 3000.
i his is quite an amount of money to be
taken away from the industry of the
This is one infamy. The constitutional
ity of the bill will be decided on the 1st
pioximo. We will, as Democrats, abide
by tbut decision. The majority on tho
Snpruic Uencli are llejiubliea but
happily our Judititiiy is'jlc,
, ind wo have every' veaton to bjlievc
that the decision will be adverse to the
wishes of the Pirn man, iu which case
he will of cuUro aijtrce with us in pro.
noi'iicing it infamous. How is it, Mr.
'iodd ? " No dod'iins'
'iiiotiuuip Sonato has refused to
eoniiriu Mr. Stanbcrry as Attomy Gen
's .i K :, ofcjuvso. jf his defence, of
I 'rosi ient,
"A thing of Beamy is a joy forever."
And nothing is beautiful as a picture
of health.
Ileadachu, Xervoiw Ihitns.Soi'r Slom
ach, Distress ufter eating, l'rostrating
Wca'.:t.'cfs, Jlisinelination for Society,
Mental dcspoiH-tucy, are tho rule
rather than the exception with the hu
man fhmily, and have statiuied their ef
fects upou us all. The most effectivo,
gentle, sudden and agrceablj remedy is
the I'lautation Jiittcvs. They have
probably cured mote tascs tho past five
years than all other medicines combined.
They aro sold throughout the length
iud treuuvh ol tie lastl-.
tvy-f he rensort w'ny .'.IS!lLKrt'S IIKM!
BIT I Klt.S cure so many tl-vTcrcnt discuses,
is becmiro it is the best rrau-dy for a il
rnugeil stomach, or Iys; vpsia, now known-,
nml becnii-e it iuvigorn'cs the eu'ire sys
tem, strcngtliens the nervous fibres, via
Tales the standard of nil the vital forces,
nud fiistaii.s n hciitrlifMl tone of the i-ntive
hiinrin or;;ain'siii. .Medicine i li fit will do
this, will cure any disense, I'nr t lie simple
reason that nature will dj the rcs
W e guarantee, that .10 or child,
howe'.er palo or eniiiriatci, can us'a those
liilleis regularly for twenty. one days, with
out til'.- rutiii u of tha rosy clieek3 au l fair
compleiioii cliaracleristic of gMinl health.
Sold by nil L)rn(;Kit8 lai-i Hi -tilers.
liu. S. i. IUrohs ,v Co., rropriclors,
LiiK aster, rcansvlvi'iiia. nn-1 l,l,- i
loyl-wtu ctp.v
A ?i:w r.DMi'.uv in CoxsiMi'TtriN-.A
I'hysi- ian wluj In 1 Consuiu.i"n for sever
ill years, wilh f.e.iifnt bleed: i-s of the
lungs, e-.ired himself with inedfciuu un
known to the profession, wiiun his case up
peire 1 hopeless. JIo is the only physician
who has used it in his person, or who
has any knowle dgc of its virtues ; a 'd he
can nscrib'j tlie degree of health lie now
enjoystonolhingbut of his medi
cino ; und iiotidng but uitu- despair nn l
e.niie extinciion of nil lipu of recovt-rv,
l'ii;iiher with n want of cioifi leiice in all
others induce I him to haiurd the exper
iment. To those, snll'ering with finy ilis-easeofth-j
lungs IiepronViS a trcatineiil
hu confidently believes will eri'lie.Uu the
disease. Price S I ..r,(i per bottle. r .S n
half dozen, pent l,y express. Sen. I t-u-a
eircular or cull on int. ;. ttivi.1(,:i ,I.m-k-No-
Noiih Tenth Siieit. I'hila-
ilclpl.i., I'.i. iii:iv''o,',s i v
Piiinti:u' I'r.K. Slate Senate. $lo: As
sembly, ! II) ; Shciill', if 10; Commissioner,
7 ; Coroner nnd Auditor, $2.
No notice will ho liikcti of nny announce
ment unless accompanied by the cash ns pin
above rales.
WE arc authorized to announce the
name of Hon. W. A. Wallace, of Clear
field county, us a candidate for State
Senate, subject to tho decision of the
Democratic District Convention.
YE arc nuiuomed to annotinrfa the
name of T. J. iMcCullough, of Clearfield
county, as a caudidatc for Assembly,
subject to the decision of the Democrat,
io District Convention.
J nnd Doniesiic Merchandise iu Elk
t ounty, subject to the pny merit ol' License,
for the year 1KC8.
SV. Mnn'g Jioruiiih.
T.?, .
in on
:.'o oo
lo (JO
1.1 00
7 oo
fit) 00
10 00
7 HO
Joseph Williclin,
A. r'.echtnmn,
Weis Ri-otlif-rj),
A. Hurlachcr,
C. Lithr,
Mary Fisher,
t'oryell & Hates,
John 'vruy,
John Wachtel,
l'atrick tjiiinn,
W.J. Wakely,
liccclicr Copclnud,
John Sosenheniiei' .t Sons,
Mrs. Iiiidolph,
bwayne Hcyuolds, Imgs)
Jacob l'-ieberger, do
Jos.'eldi.r, (brewer)
V. 11. Vulk, do
(Jies .; (irabcl, do
Win. Sell?., do
l'n ir-hhi r Tuif-m,liip,
Tanucrdiiic Coal Couipary
Jones Totriishi'ff.
Wilcox Tanning Company,
A. T. Aldi icii,
.Martin ScWers,
7 oo
7 oo
::o oo
7 oo
7 1.1!)
11 OO
7 (0
1 rO
VI ."id
7 00
7 00
7 00
("0 (0
1:1 fit)
7 UO
Jiiii'.tiii Jwriifh'p.
Hyde', (iil'iis & Co.
l'owell and Kiine, .
II. S. lielnap,
V. C. i:ea!y,
J. V. Ilouk,
('. W. Set vice,
(. (I. Messenger, (drug
I o 00
J I) 00
it) 00
7 oo
ID 00
7 oo
10 00
7 O.i
l.enuura I ook,
l?--iac lla-gau,
'loir imh 'p,
Powell and Kiire,
James McCloskcy,
Jos. Koch and Sun,
C. I!, liarley,
''.flcv.ii 'fo iv li ah 'p.
K. Flelcher,
E. 1!. Margy,
It. and 1). li. Winslow,
lluilun Tuivnthip,
Hyde ond Heed,
Short nu I AVilco,
Shtiwiouf Coal Companv,
7 00
VI .-o
7 oo
) Hi
10 00
7 00
7 oo
7 00
10 00
1 50
l!0 1)0
jel!0-GH it. iMcrcantilu Appmracr.
'atlbi 'L.i.J Ul M i J
X1 ' TUKK-l'ilAMKS, kc.
a undersigned having sold his interest
in the wagon simp, now intends devoting
his time exclusively to the Furniture trade.
He has just received a large stccli o.' the
which f.e od'evs nt prices thitt cannot fail to
please. His stock consists of
licdrooni Suits,
. I'pholjterid Goods,
Washstnnds, Commodes, Lounges,
JJedsteads of Maple, Oak, Whitcwood and
lilack Walnut Spring Heds nr.'l Mat
trasses, F.xtcnsion i)iiiing, l'reak
lnst Tea I'arly nnd iuni-tctte
Tables, Chairs of every
kiwi description.
Tho largest assortment of Cnno Seated
Chairs ever brought, in'io this section
of l he country, FarYiler's PeeVc"i.
ries, J,'ots, lirnckcts,
ft'.iil everything usually
found iu a First Class
riclure Trames of cv
t'nd fize or iju.'.iity, ke'.
on hand and luiulc to ord'-r,
. Looking iJ lasses, Looking illa.-s
l'late an I l'iciures. iVe would call at
tention to our large slock of Coliius, cou
tistiiu; of Fine, Wliilewool, Cherry,
Chestnut mil liu-k Walnut, any
one of which we can furnish ill
three hoars t hue, t rimmed
in any style to suit. .
Metallic cases of ally kind procured in
t In i-o hours' time.
Feeling confident thai frith a liberal pat
ronage, we shnil be ab lc to keep op a First
Class 'establishment, wc appeal to the peo
ple of LU county, to say if it is not bet'er
to keep their inon -y in circulation (it home
t U ah to send it oil' to I lie cil ies w acre if they
buy but Ilitlc they are sure to gel (-heated
nnd pay agood lotir.d sum into the I'argain.
Then let- your motto bo, nevt r buy awny
from homo what can be lia-1 just asClmap tit
home, nn-1 the cheapest placet buy Furni
t lie hi Wesiorri t,cnr..-ylvanU is at If. 11.
Thomas' Ware l'.oums, Fxcelsior lluilding,
above the corner of Main an I t.'cpot streets,
Uidgway, llVi county Fa.
Oct. lMj7-y. H. li THOMAS
J joinir's tools for sale " cheaper than
the cheapest " at the fc't. Mary's Hardware
Kloro. rnnV.H'i'i7.1
Vll orders for .Stoves and Hardware
will lie promptly attended to as sooa
i.s received, nt the
ijy: ,t. ma:!V.-h iiAiiu'VAUU Si J::::.
Something Iciu.
The undersigned havo on hnnd a large
and vciy desirable slock of GOODS,
and Will constantly keep an extensive
assortment, including everything that
is wanted to
which they will sell at tho very bottom
figure and from this dale will sell only
for CAS If. Wc will use every endcav
or to make it to the interest of onr cus
tomers to adopt tbc universal
Wo have determined to iVc tho
a fair trial, believing it to be the inter
est ot both bnyoi aud schor.
Uidgway, Ausr. loth, 1807. sc.
HF. 0'tiH!li)I.TZi:i;.
lUducwny, i:ik Co., Pa.
The subscriber desires respectfully to in
form the citizens of ltidgwny nnd vicinity
that he is pn to make to order ns well
us it can be done nny where, anything in the
line of his business. All ho asks is ft fair
trial. Oood Fits guaiantccd.
VjsguClolns, Cas'itners, Vestings and
Trimmings of the latest nud tnostpproved
styles kept, constantly on hand, which will
Ladiei desiring Hemni'iig, Htitehlng,
Felling, Hiuding, it., on dresses, enpes, AC
will liud it ta their interest to give mo a
ell. uug:lO 00
Wou'd respectfully, inform the citizens of
th-i suriouuding conimutiity that he still
keeps on hand u good supply of such nrti.
cles as arc generally kept in a country gro
cery store, including
T13A$, FLOUJv,
which he llnltt-rs hib'sclflic can sell r.e
cheap as they can be bought anywhere in
the couiily. ...
I have lately erected a first-class fliinglc
mill, which is now in operation. It is an
attested that t he shingles which wore made
in this mill and sold in Williamsport, are
a lirst-cluss nrticle, tho lumber of i h!ch
they aro made being a first-class article.
1 il.-sire to introduce th?se shingle- to tlie
notice of builders, who will consult their
own interest bv giving inea call.
Way 3d, '015. tf
TCii 1 ITCH ! ! ITCH I ! !
in from 10 to -IS houri.
Whealon's Ointment ctircs The Itch.
Wheatou's Oiiituieut cures Salt Ilhcum.
Whealou's Oiiituieut cures Tetter.
Wiieaton's Oiiitineiit cures Ilarbers' Itch.
V heaton's (lintiuent cires Old Sores.
Wheatou's Ointment cures fcvery kind,
of Humor like Millie.
Price, fit) cents a I. id. ; bv "iiiti'l, CO ccnls
A.ldress Wlil-KS & No. 1X0
Weshington Street, Koston, Mass. For sale
by nil ill -uggists. Kept. 17'(i7 ly.
J. lmmnvK!,!,, jf.1)".
r pi ic word eclectic means to chouso or
J select medicines from nil the dill'erent
Sohools of medicine ; using remedies that
are sale, and uiscarditig from practice -All
medicines tlmt have an inipurious ttl'ect on
the system, such us mercury, antimony,
lead, copper. &c.
1 lay aside the lance t'.r old l.!oo
leller. leiiKer or depleter, and eipializj the
circiilat ion and restore tho system to its
nat ural state by iil'ernt ives and tonics. 1
shall hereafter give particular at lent ion to
chronic- diseases, buch as Hlil-um.itisiii.
Hyspi-psia, Liver .viniphiiut, Culai rh, Ntu
ralgiiv, diseases of the throat, urinary or
guns, and all ureases peculiar to females,
CATAK llll 1 treat wilh a nrtf instrument
of n lute iuveulioii, which cures every case.
"fKKTII extracted without pain.
Oliice nnd residence south of the jail on
Centr- St. Ollice hours from 7 to H it. m ;
1 J to t p. in ; 0 to 7 p. in.
Dec. lW'07.-ly. J. fc. P.OUDWFI.L.
T 1 1) (i IV A V L I V K It V S X v li Lr,
"V .
ilio subscriber muh nnnounce In the
ciu.ens ol lliilg.vay, nut the trawling pub.
lie thai I e hai '--.itablishe-1
Ilidgwav, and that be hopes by fair deal
g with his customers to merit a liberal
are of their pauoaao. Terms reasona
ble, j.j.uc c::iti'.
.i i'.i.
Dealer in Xrags, Mdicicf?, Pa-uts,
CHU, While Lead, Lubricating Oil,
Lamp Oil, Tanner's Oil, l'cr.
fumeries of nil Kinds,
The purest Varnish,
Brushes of eVc'ry
Stylo and
Dye Stuffs, Pure Con feetionaries Citron,
liaising, l'atcnt Medicines, Wines,
Watches, Jewelry, Rings,
Tobaccocs & Si-gars
l'uro Liijuors for
Medicinal pur
poses only.
Of Everything Useful
I'citaiuing to tho Drug Business Gen
erally. Puic Drugs at Low Prices
Pure Druga at Low pviccs
Notions in ltidless Variety !
Notions in Endless Variety
American and English Watches !
Amcricau and English Watches
Latest Styles of Jewelry, Rings, &c.
Latest Styles of Jewelry, R'oigs, &c.
1'aiiCy Articlos, Toys, Latest Novels !
rancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels
Albums, News, Stationery, Rird-t'tigcs !
Albums, News, Stationery, Bird-Cages!
Violin, Banjo and Guitar Strings!
Violin, Banjo aud Guitar Strings '
Tliyitih anil I)irvct limits hnticccn
1'hilailntjilun, Jlitttt'mjre Harris
liitn, YiUuiiiiitivt, nml tint
GREAT 01 L Ji E G I O .X
of Pennsylvania.
Ou ull Night Trains.
ON and after MONDAY, NOV. 25th,
the trains on tho Philadelphia il Erie
llailroad will run as follows :
W rsTW Vt!).
.Mail Train leaves Phiiadclphia..l 1.1 p. m.
" " " Itidgwny 2.10 p. m.
" " arrive nt Eric H.'it) p. in.
Eric Exp lenves Philadelphia. ..12. 00 noon.
" " " Kidgway 4.0:5 a. m.
" arrive nt Eric 10.03 a. in.
' Train teftves Erie 11.00 a. m.
" " " P.idgway. "... 4. Hi p. ni.
" " nriivent Phildclphia 7.10 a. m.
Eric Exp leaves Erie 7.40 p. in.
" " " Itiilgwny l.!53 a. in.
" " nrr. atl'liiln-lel'phiu... 5 00 p. m.
Mail nnd Express connect with Oil Crock
and Allegheny Hivcr Hail Hold. D.H!
AL?ltrci) L. TYLER,
(ii-nernl Superiiitcndeiit.
To the Bottom I
1. V. HOL'K, Main .Sircet, Kidgway, Pa
n.-VVINO just returned from the easfern
cities where 1 have purchased a largo
nnd well selected assortment, of goods, 1
ihvit'njhe, aoe-ru'ton of the public to cull nud
exiiiiiine my stock, consisting of
Dry Golds, .,
(2 u c cuswarn
PROVISIONS, &o., do.
tud Well adapted to tho wants of tho
j: V. IIOEK.
Ridgway, l)ec ly.
TjrTiTrAinjyiTirPtTsi 8Ai.iT-
The undcrr-igncd has laid out a vil.
age upon his giouinl adjoining the lii.lg
way Di-iiol, to b.j called ELK. Tho Ion
tire 00 feel front by luo lVet. deep front
iug luwards tho railroad.
Terms For the first lot sol I, $100. Fui
the second lot sold, $110. For thu third
lot sold, $l2i)iiii-l so oil increasing iu
price aslu's jlre sold.
l- First purchasers get the choice lot
at the chetipcst rates.
Purchasers will be registered in the or
der of their upplieai inn Tin per cent of
the pin eh use- money must be paid ai the
tmieoi the application.
P'--Appiicai ions will be ma le to Job
0. Hall, Eo p, Eidgwa;, Pa.
J. S. 11VDE.
Kidgway, inar,2'i'0(i - If.
locks, bolls, and nil hinds ot builders'
niati-ri-'ls iu jreiioiul run be hud il.eaer at
:lie ; t.'a liar In-Hie ;;tore tl-an any
ii.;f i-Ucc i.i Lik county. (n-!3 07)
IlIJ.-.Thcrewni boa FA HI in
8t. Mary's, for tho benefit of .t. Ecu
cuic's Academy, commencing ou thu
and continuing until nftor the
. HlUllTII OF JULY. ,, ,
After tto frail- closcg, there will bo given a
All nre cordially invited to attend.
IU0r0SAL8 will be r'ec'civf J by thq
Cummissioners ujto tho Oth dny of Ju
ly, 18tiH, for rcpninting the outBide of the
Omit Uouse nith two coats of white lend
nnd oil. Also for painting the outsido
Wood work of tho jail in like manner.
O. F. DICKINSON, toininissionera' Clerk.
Cor. of Muiu j- Wafer, end of Hyde House,
Where he has on hand nn cx(cusive a.' sort
incnt of Goods, consisting of
Woolen Goods, Hats and Caps, Boota
and Shoes, Uuderclotiics, Ladies'
Dress Goods, Shawls and
Nubifts, Hoop SkirtsJ
Opera Hoods, Mus
lins aud Cali.
c o e s !
Ruhuoral Skirts, Blaukets and Counters
panes, Ladies' Dress Trimmings,
Gcnis' Furnishing Goods',
Groceries, Paint--, Glasa
ami Putty ! ! !
Call and see my stock before purchasing
elsewhere !
Dec. 5,'G7 ly.
) 500,000 CUSTOM Kits IN FOUlt
ijj Years. Patrouizo tho liest.
Having tho lartcst enpitnl, most exper
ienced buyers, and extensive trade of any
concern in the Dollar Sale business, we
in every instance, nnd also the best sclec
tina of goods ever ottered utONE DOLLAR
No other concern has nny show whercvor
our n?eitviire selling. Our motto, "Prompt,
nnd lteliurjh-," lVi:ilv and female agents
wanted in ci'.y and 'cuun.try.
THE LADIES arc particularly- requested
to try our popular elnb system of selling
all kinls of Dry uad Fancy Goods, Press
Patterns, Cotton Cloth, Castors, Silver
Plated Goods, Watches, Established
18(5-1.' A patent pen fountain and a chec!;
describing an nrticle to be sold for a dollar,
10 cents ; 20 for !?2 : 10 for 1 ; tiO for ti ;
100 for $10 ,- sent by niaii. . Free prest-ntil
to getter up, (worth 50 her cent more than
(hose sent by any other concern, 1 aceor ling
t o size of club, or if not do njl fail to scud
or a circular. ,
N. 15. Our sale should not i;e elapsed
w ith New Vork dollar jewelry sA!c ' or bo
gus ' Tea Ciiniprnies," as it- is nothing of
the soil. UAS'J'M '.N jt KEN DA
Oj Hanover Streot,
Huston, Mass.
,(J HE Ui N AT TACll :1 EN T.-
FKANCIS WEISS AND In' the Court of
GL'OlUiE li ELFOUD, Comuion Pleas of
surviving partners of j Elk Co. No. I.
the firm of Shnrpc, Weiss AugustTcrm, 'OH
& Co , vs. William KeedJ
The Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania te the ShcrilT of said ooun
We command you that you attach WIL
LIAM MEED, Into of your county, by all
and singular, his goods and chattels, lands
and tenements, in whoso hands or possess
ini soever the same may be, so that he bo
nud appeiVr before our Court of Common
Pleas, to be holden at Pidgwny, in ond for
said county, oh (he first Monday of August
next, there to answer liichard Sharpe,
Francis tVeiss and George liell'ord, surviv
ing partners of the firm of Sharpe, Weiss
& Co., of a idea ot debt, S-iiO.OOi).
And also thai you tuiiiiuiiu Joseph S.
Hyde, rnd tiny other persons in whoso
hands or possession thu property may be,
so thai they be and appear before our said
Court on the first Monday of August .next, to
mistier what shull be objected against him,
an. I abide the judgment of tho Court,
Au l have you then and Ihevo this writ.
WITNESS the Hod. K. C. WHIT!?, Presi
dent Judge of ouri-aid Court, at Kidgway,
this 23d day of April. 1Si;,s.
GEO. A. EAT 11 15 UN, Prolh'y.
Hail iT'iuired in the sum of $ 00, 000.
The Sheruf will nllacli nil (ho goods and
chattels, lauds an 1 leiienicliis of tho defen
dant, in the hands nn-1 posses.-don of Joseph
S. Hyde, or iu the hands or possession of
any oilier pel sons whatsoever, and suiumou
them as g.u'ui&hccs.
Soitiikh a A i. mi lou r,
Plaintiffs' Attorneys.
Ma- Pi, lS08-r,w.
f r S. BELNAIW (Jt).,
lliivihg completed our new establishment,
:id lui-ale-l liierein, we still hope by con
stant nileiitiuii to business, and turning out
lirst ebits work, lo merit a continuance of
the palroaajjo herciuforo so generously be
Flowed. Call al our new shop, m the east
ern en. I of Main Si reel, Kidgway, Pa.
Particitla-- '-enliou given to t,e shoeing
ofhorsei; All . e'aak is a fair trial.
-May l.'tC-l.
tJ nt mis oi. j: