The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, May 30, 1868, Image 3
THE PLACE TO BUY IS AT TICK It I I WAY DRUG STORE, Ktrr iiy GllOVK G. MKSSENGER, 1ealen in tragi, Medieire. Pilots, Oils, White Lead, Lubricating Oil, limp Oil, Tanner's Oil, Per. fumeriea of all Kinds, The purest Varnish, Brushes of every Stylo and Siio Dye Stuff, Pure Cmilectionarics CitronJ JUuini, Patent Medicines, Wines, Watches, Jewelry, Rings, Tobsccoea & Sccars Pure Liquors tor Medicinal pur poses only. A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of Everything Useful Peitciuing to the Drug Business Gcn orally. I'm Drug at Low Prices ! Pure Drugs at Low Trices Jfotioiii in Endless Variety ! Notions in Endless Variety American and English 'Watches ! American and "English Watches Latest Styles uf Jewelry, llinia. ifce. Latest Styles of Jewelry, Rings, fie. Fancy Articles, Toy, Latest Novels ! yncy Articles, 'It y-i, Latest Novels Alliums, News, Stationery, Bird-C:tgc! Albums, News, Siationcry. Bird-Cages! Vielin, Banjo and Guitar Strings! Violin. Rauju and Guitnr Strings! mm 20lMjr, rHHDELTHIA & ERIE RAILROAD. WINTER TIME TABLE. Thrtwjh ami l!rrrt Rout' IftiCfrn J'hilaitrfjihiil, Ballimjrr Ham: livnj, Wtllimmfi'irt, ami t'ir a it e .4r 01 l n e g i o uf I'mnivWaiiia. K L E 0 A N T .SLEI4PING CARS On all Night Ttaiii. ON aud afur MONDAY. NOV. 2.'uh. triim on lilt Philadelphia & Erie Kailread wilt run fvlluwi : wtrinM. Mail Traiu ! l'ili.l!.lii?i..ll l 'i p. in. Itulfwuy 2.40 p. in. " " arriv .1 Erin". rb.lo p. in. Erie Ex,. ... - . . hiladelphU... J "J K noun Riilwy n: a. m. " ariiv at Knr 1.1 (1.1 a. in ItlTWAKli. Mill Traia leavei Krir II. 00 a. m ' Ridgway 4.10 p. in. .. rri,.Ht i'liiMrlpliia 7. 10 n. in. 1 Kip leaves Erin. 7.10 p. Ill .. : . ,, " " arr at Pliila lolVili... 6 .1 p in Mail aud Express co. n-et wit -J.l t rem ant Alletflimy li-er . il (:.'. 1 Alt UAGK CHECKED fit lyU.CII ALF.tE.) I.. TVI.Kil. General Superintendent. SEWGOODS ! J UST 1 LEG i : I V I : I A N 1 ) MARKED CLEAR DOW N To the Bottom ! AT TH 14 CHEAP CASH i TO HE i. V. llOl'K, Main Street. Ridgway, Pa HAVING Just relumed from the eastern cities where I have purchased a large ku4 well seleoud assortment of goods, I iuvite I Uie atii'iiti'iti ittli pulilic to cull and vxaiuiue i.i jr mock, consisting uf Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Hardware Hats, Caps Boots, Shoes, ()ucetiiwar PROVISIONS, Ac., Ac. BUYERS WILL FIND MY S T O C K FULL AND COMPLETE, vtud well adapted to tho wauts of the eouiuiuuity. J. V. HOCK. Ridgway, Dec") ly. VALUABLE LOTS FOR. SA LE. The undersigned has luid out a vil. age upon hia ground adjoining tbe Itidg way Depot, to be called ELK. The Iota are (ill feet front by 100 feci deep front ing towards the railroad. Terini For tho first lot sold, $100. Foi the seond lot o!d, $110. For the tdird lot fold, $120 and so on increasing in price an lots arr fold. IfTJ. Kimt purehaHcrs gel the choice lot at tUa clieapeat ratca. l'arohner will b regintrcd in the or der of their application. Ten percent of tun purcliaso money must be paid at the tjiueof the application. tfApplicfitiona will be made to Job 0. Vail, Esq., Kidgway, ptt. J. 8. IIVDE. BUgway, mar.SOTiO-tf. NAILS, flHKK.8. llINOE"TitivKfJ. locks, bolts, and all kinds ofhuildera' luateriola in general can bo had cheaper Hi lh rU. Mary'a Hardware Store titan any other place in Klk comity. (nJ:; Hi) TO 1!UY CLOTilKYa for the Million ! Go to A. ULHLACHER, Agent, DIALER IN CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CATS, noCTS. SIIOES, TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS, &o. ST. MARY'S, ELK COUNTY, PENN'A. Jan218G81ypd TTESTIOXmTlL- 0 WXFRS ! 'pIlK EAGLE TURH1NE WATER I WHEEL, pntcnted Julyao, 18(17. i superior to nny wheel in use. The under, signed hare the agency for said wheel in the State of Pennsylvania, nnd can rcc.onn aietid it as bring tlio best iiinniifuettircd. For further particulars, nnd circulars, in quire at our Foundry in Kersey, where machinery, mill-geuring. castings and steam engines will be made to order at reasonable prices. Wc expect by giving satisfaction in our work to receive a good pluire of pub lie patronage. ,T. F. ItonERTSON, R. HELL. Kersey, Elk Co.. IV.jaiilO 188pd. 4 CARUTOT11E LADIES. Dr. Dupon J co s GOLDEN PERIODICAL PILLS lot females. Infallible in correcting irrcg. tilarilies. Removing Obatructions uf the Monthly Turns from whatever cause, and always successful as n preventive. One Pill isadosr. Females peculiarly situated or those supposing themselves so, are cau tioned against using these Pills while in that condition, lest they invite miscarriage, alter which admonition the Proprietor na somes no responsibility, although their mildness would prevent any mischief to health: otherwise tho Pills are reenmmen ded us a Most Invaluable Remedy for the alleviation of those ettireriiiK from any ir reul.iritins whatever, as well as prevent an increase of family when health w ill not pvrmit it ; quieting the nerves and bringing back the rovy color of health" to the cheek of the iiint delicate. Full and explicit directions accompany each box. Price f 1 per box : (i boxes, $5. Sold in Ridgway, Pa., by G. G. Messcn. jer. Diugcist. sole netit for Ridgway. La. dies, by rending him $1 to the Kidgway P. o, can have the Pills sent (confidentially) by mail to any part of the country, free of postage. Sold also by Sway no & Reynolds, St. Mary's, and by one Druggist in every village in the Union. S. I). HOWE, my'. -IK-ly. Sule Proprietor, N. V. SALE OF V.a LUA3LE REAL ESTATE IN ST. MARY'S liOHOUGII. ON THE S ..('ON D MONDAY OF JUNE, at the Court House, in Ridgway, the billowing property will be sold at PL'RLIC SALE. Said property is situate in tho Borough of St. Mary's on St. Mary's Street, and is bounded and described as follows : Com mencing at the noil Invest corner of H. Fvy's lot. thence north along St. JIary'sSt. 7!) leet. thence oast 7- feet to a corner, i hence south 7'.l feel to a corner, thence .vest in tlie pitice of beginning, containing 471 leet ef ground, upon which is er ected ihoreon ONE FRAME STO'lE 18x70, wi;h Mono basement, nnlkiovn as the liurc k Wood property. ( II AKI E- M VE N. Assignee' of Rurke k Wood, m iy 'Jlbl. isr,8-4t Iy MNTS for FARMERS and otliersl The Grnton M iueral Paint ('o. are now inanfactiiring the Rest Cheapest and most durable Paint in tise;tw.i coma well nt hi. mixed with pure LiiiKeed Oil, will last 10 or l-lyeara : it is of a light brown or beautiful chocolate color and can be changed to green, lead, stone, drab, olive or cr am. to suit ihe taste of the consumer. It is valuable for Houses, Itarns. Fences, Carriage and Car-makers, Pails and Wooden-ware. Agriculliti.-fl Implements, Canal limits. Vessels and ships' Rottoms, Canvas, Metal and Shingle Roofs. ( it being Fire nnd Water proof). Floor Oil Cloths, (one Manu. fsclurer having used ij(IIM) bids, the past year. ) ami as a paint for nny purpose is unsurpassed for body, durability, elasticity, and adhesiveness. Price $0 per bhl. of Sts lbs., which will supply a farmer for years to come. Warranted in all cases as above. Send fo a cimihir which gives full particulars. None genuine unless branded in a trade mark Grafton Mineral Paint. Address DANIEL U1DWELL. 254 Pearl Street, New York. For sale by Hyde, Gillis & Co., at Ridg way. A'cji 6-'(i7.-0tn. A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN I UST published in a sealed envelope. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radical cure of Spermatorrhoea, or Semi nal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sex. unl Debility, and Impedimenta to marriage generall. Nervousness, Consumption, Ep ilepsy aud Fits ; Mental nnd Physical In capacity, resulting from Self-Abuse, j-o., by Rohert J. Culver ell, M. D., author of the "Green Hook," etc. Prico iu a sealed envelope, otily six cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' succersful practice, that Ihe alarm ing consequences of self abuse may bo rad ically cured without tho use of internal medicine, or the application of tho knife, pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every suirurer, no matter what his condi lion may be, may euro himself cheaply, privately, and radically. E-fA,'H'is Lecture should be in the hands of every youth aud every man iu tlio land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, postpaid, on reocipt of six c uits, or two post stamps. Also, Dr. Cul verwell's" Marriage Guide," prioe liojeuts. Addrese the Publisher. I HAS. J C. KLINE a CO., 127 Uowery, New York, P.O. Box 4.58G. janlGlfcU7 "I1LACKS.M IT IIS CARPENTER'S AND 3 joiner's tools for sale " cheaper than the cl eapest" at the St. Mary's Hardware Store. (nov24'07.) E NVKL01E4, Mil ELS & TAGS nctt- J ly pi iiucd i t the Advocate OHi 0 JF YtJU WANT lomcfhinj $cn A LARGE STOCK OF GOODS Thcjundcrsigned have on hand a largo nod very duMrnble stock of GOODS, and will constantly keep an extensive assortment, including everything that is wanted to EAT, WE All, Oil FEED. which they will sell at tho very bottom figure and from this date will sell only for CAS If. Wo will use every endenv or to make it. to the interest of oor cus tomers to adopt the universal CASH SYSTEM. We have determined to "ive tho CASH SYSTEM a fair trial, believing it tlio inter est ot both huyct and seller. POWELL & KIME. Ridgway, Aug. !olh, 1807. sc. H. F. OYERHOLTZER. MERCHANT TAILOR, ltidgway, Elk Co., Pa. The subscriber desires respectfully to in form the cilizi us of Ridgway and vicinity that he is to make to order as well ag it ran be dune anywhere, anything in the line of his business. All ho asks is a fail trial. Good Fits guaiantecd. BQa.Cloths, Cassimcrs, Vesllngs and Trimmings of the latest and most approved styles kept constant lv on hand, which will bt sold CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAP EST. Ladies desiring Hemming. Stitching, Felling, Rinding, ao., undresses, capes, ac will find it to their interest to give me a csll. augft) til. s T. MARY'S STEAM TANNER i .' II. F. Espenshado & Co. Take pleasure iu aiinnuncing to tho public of Elk and surrounding counties that they have thoroughly refitted and ronnovntcd this old and well-known establishment, and congrctulate themselves that with their ex tended facities, with first class workman, that they can put out ns good work as can be found any where. We have, and keep constantly on hand nil! kinds ot leather such as iu geueral use in this section, including- Sjninmh unl Country Sole Lrtithrr .' Valslein, Shrrpthiiut, Klpskhu .' IJiirnvtx fc L'pier Leather ! OCrCASlI PAID FOli HIDES. Give us a call nnd be convinced of tlie truth of what we state. imir2rt8 JA M ES Mc CXTOS. Y, Wcu'd respec'fully inform the citiicns of the surrounding community that he still keeps on hand a good supply of such arti. cles as are generally kept iu u country gro cery store, including TEAS, FLOUlt, SUGARS, TOBACCOES, SEGARS, WHISKEY which lie flatters himself he can sell as cheap as they can be bought anywhere in the county. 1 have lately erected a first-class shingle mill, which is now in operation. It is an attested that the shingles which were made in this mill and sold in Williamsport, tire a first-class article, tho lumber of which they are mado being a first-class article. I desire to introduce these shingle to the notice of builders, who will consult their own interest by giving uiea call. May 3d, 'GO. tf TCI1 ! Pi'C II !! ITCH ! ! ! SCRATOA ! SCRATCH ! ! SCRATCH ! ! ! in from 10 to4H hours. Wheaton's Ointment cures The Itch. Whcaton's Ointment cures Salt Rheum. Wheaton's Ointment cures Tetter. ' Wnentou's Ointment cures Rarbers' Itch. Wheaton's Ointment cures Old Sorer. Wheaton's Oiiitmnt cures Every kind, of Humor like Magic. Price, GO cents a link ; by mail, CO cents Address WEEKS & POTTER, No. 170 Wcshington Street, lioston, Mass. For sale by iilldruggisls. Sept. 17'07 ly. T OU1S II. GARNER, PRACTICAL MACHINIST, Can bo found at bis Foundry at St. Mary's, where be ia ready to have all shop. work in his line done oo short notice. St. Mary's, Deuxiiiger P. O., Elk co., Pa. niyl'liH'y "vroricEis hereby given that" i have now in my posession a Kitle Gun, which was left with uie in pledge for a debt, aui unless the debtor calls and re ducing mid gun, it will he otherwise dispos e l of. JOHN MALIl'IIANT. Ridgway, Pa.,.Vjy !lth, 10S at. jUcig jfll-ollKl-s' Column. CHEAPEST GOODS IN THE COUNTRY A rc Sold by tv n i s nnoTiicR f Successors to Geo. Wcis. HKAI.EIIS III t loiign qr)D Sohjjslii Qi-jj GooJx, St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. C ALL AND EXAMINE OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF HOOTS AND SHOES Wo linve tto hesitation in saying that in this department of our establishment, we can give bargains to our customers with which they cannot fail to be satis fied. We buy our stock direct from the Manufacturer, Riehardsons' Ccle. bratcd Boot & Shoe Manufactory, liluii ra, New York Wc warrant all goods in this line sold from our establishment. pjEAVY & SHELF HARDWARE. WE ARE PREPARED TO OFFER To our customers in this lino bargains which canuotbc undersold in Elk coun ty. Our st3ck is large, well selected, and is especially adapted to the wants of the community. TOADIES' DRY & FANCY" GOODS. An Unequalled Assortment ! Muslins, ' Silks, Calicoes, Satins, Delaines. Moiro Antiques, Chintzes, White Goods Cloths, Flannels, Beregcs, Laces, Corsets, In fact we have everything connected with Ladies Wear. We aro determin ed to sell lower, cheaper ami BETTER Goods than any other fina io the coun ty. Give us a call, we'll prove it. "iJARK WELL WHAT WE SAY. Be .SeM the Bent, therefore TH& CHEAPEST CLOTHiNG Sold in Elk County. Our Stock of iI nilO 3k!)s' ((h)k)ff qnd $ 1 .0 i I i i n i IS IMMENSE, And wo confidently flutter ourselves that better Clothing cannot be found ANYWHERE. Persons, before purchasing elsewhere would do well to give us a call. K3ii.No troublo to show our Goods. QROCERIES, NOTIONS, &c, kc. In Endless Variety, and CHEAPER than rne CHEAPEST! At the Store of V ,W rl A - V In St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa piPES, TOBACCO ES & SEGARS Wo havo now on hand AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT, Which will be sold at a VE RYSL1GUTAD YANCt On eott and rarr'unjt. ISf Our Store is i'; the new Stent Buililiiit on Main Street. July II, 18U7 tf. Snlglpcgs iijiwcfoly. JOHN G. HALL, Attorney at law, Ridg way, Elk county Pa. mar-22'CO ly IAURIEJ. RLAKELY, Attorney at law, j and U. S. Commissioner. Ridgway Elk county, Pa. f mar-22'OO-ly. JOB WORK of all kinds and ds". crtptions done at this office. H ENRY SOUTHER,, Kidgway, Pa. (febS'.IT.X) CR. EARLEY, Physician and Sur . gcon, Earlcy, Elk County, Pa. March 7, IHWI-ly. ALriNE HOUSE, .St. Mary's Pa., Her man Krcts, Proprietor. sug'.l'tifj DR. W. JAMES RLAKELY Physician und Surgeon, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa. mar-22'60 ly. DR. W. W. SHAW Practices Medicine and Surgery, Ccntreville, Elk county Pa. rnar-22'oGiy. EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, SUEPG5. nas. Warrants, &c, on' hand and for sale at this office. CII. VOLK, Manufacturer and Dealer . in Lagtr Beer, opposite the Railroad Depot, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa. Mar-22'0U-1 . TR. W. B. HARTMAN, St. Mary's, Elk If county, Pa. Late of the Army of the Potomac. Particular attention given to all cases of surgical nature. tnar-22'66-ly. GROVE 0. MESSENGER7l7uggist and Dealer in Drugs and Chemicals, Paints. Oils and Varnish. Perfumery Toil, ctrnrticlcs and Stationary, Ridgway, Elk county Pa. mar-22'6G-ly. FRANK ENTZ, Merchant Tailor. Centrcville. Klk 1U - . -' j i . '. -, uuqiici to inform the citizens of Ccntreville and vi cinity, inni ne isal all tunes prepared to do work in a neat and Hiifiicir n,unn. oive me a call. novHTIv JOilN a. IIALI .IAS. K. V. UALL. . Ai HALL & UHO. Attorneys - at - Law ST. MARY'S: BENZINGER P.O. ELK COUNTY, PA. September 20, 1800. ly. TS. Bordwcll, M. D. Eclectic Physic inn. , Olhce and residence opposite the Jail, on Centre St., Ridgway, Pa. Prompt attention will be given lo all calls. Office hours : 7 to 8 A. M- : 1 2 to 2 ! M . ...m to " M. Mar. 22. 66-tf. rpiIAYER HOUSE, X RIDGWAY, PA. DAVID THAYER, Proprietor. The undersigned having fitted up a large and commodious hotel on the southwest corner of Centre and Mill streets, with good and convenient stabling attached, respect fully solicits the patronage of his old friends and tho publio generally. decl3 (i(i ly DAVID THAYER. S. SHORT. LOUIS VOLLMER, JAS. K. 1 HALL. JOHN G. HALL, BANKING-HOUSE OF .Short, gait & 0a. Sl.itlary's, IScnzingcr J. O. Elk CorsTT. Pksxa HYDE HOUSE, ' Ridcwat, ElkCo., Tk. M. V. Mooue, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so libcrnllv bestowed nnon th. n. proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of the same. Oct 24 isr.r. LICENSED AIICTIOXFKIl NOTICE is hereby given that I have tak. en put a license as anctioneer, and will altend promptly to tho calling of ill sales entrusted to my care. Any person calling sales without a license wil be held answeraliln to tlin Miriot lciia- 4 tho law. P. W BARRETT. Dec2418C6tf. Auctioneer. EXCHANGEHOTEL, RIDGWAY, PA. J. HALEY Proprietor. This hotel is tlleox.tnllv ailnuln.l nn It.. banks of the Clarion River aud Elk Creek, at the lower end of tho village, Mr. Healy will spare no pains for Ihe of ma giienm. jie invitos ono andallto give him a call and try his house, Sept. 17th'67-ly. TIEDELIUS V8GT, Practical Clock It " Watchmaker. St. Marv's. Elk cnuntv. Pa. Rooms next door to Hintenarh' Clothins Store. All kinrfs of work don done in a satisfactory manaer, and war- rauieu. i oiisuii.iuons in regard to work in the Gerniac, rench or English lan- g"ees. March 14, 18ti7tf. SOMETHING NEW I HOUSE, 8IGK & ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. 1-1HE SUBSCRIBER WOULD HE spectfully inform the citizens of Elk county that be has just started in the above business in Ridgway, and feel confi dent that he can please all who may favor him with their custom. GRAINING, PAPER HANGING AND CALCIMININO DONE ON SHORT NOTICE AND IN THE rcost fashionable and improved manner and style. Orders left at this Olliae or at the Bunking House of Souther, Willis & Souther will be promptly attended to. W. P. WILLIAMS, Mny-17'fiu-ly. COAL. COKE AND FIRE-CLAY ! ' All uf superioi quality, for sale by the Tannerdale Coal Company, St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. ttQTOrdcrs by mail promptly ittcnd. cd to. septlG '3-tl gELLEKS & FOLWELL ijijoiesqla CoiifccticiKra & fmiltrer. No. 161 North Third Stiieet, PHILADETPI1IA. (ttiyOrders promptly attended to. 2-3ra. ANTED ONE HUNDRED TONS 0? iuu i .o i lit. ai. ine iiinvo aii Tin bhop, Ridgway, Pa. MetiJ.Jt)