The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, May 30, 1868, Image 2

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joiix v. ji(m!:k, i:i.iii.u.
X luTT: ; : : : : Ihqh.
hill 1'UKKIHKNT IN 1 SliS,
For Awlilor General,
Of Fiijettc County.
For Surveyor General,
Of Vulnmliia County,
Ckowdkd. We have still neglected
fo apologise to our patrons for the
crowded condition of our advertising
i oluiuiif , and the consequent want of
ito.ns ntid'tiews of general interest. The
Approaching Treasurers salt) wilKctuedy
the Cornier, and tho addition of four
columns to our sheet which wo hope
to effect about the first of. July; to
gcther with a firm determination to use
every effort to make tho Advocate a
liistrate county paper, will likewise
remove the latter.
Politically, tho Advocate will contin
ue to bo red. hot Democratic ; at the
came time, if any of our Republican
friend desire to defend their principles,
they will always Le welcome.
The flirh Court of Impeachment is
no more. The astute body dignified by
that name met for the last time on Tues
day last. The snake has been scotched.
The dog is dead. Let the friends of
liberty rejoice. Let praises ascend to
Supreme Omnipotence for His delivery
of the nation from the Jacobinical hye
nas who were sucking its life blood.
The High Old Court met on Tuesday Every Senator was in his seat.
The second and third articles of itu.
peachment were called up, and were
defeated by the same vote that laid out
tiie.llth article l'J to 35. A motion
was then made that the Impeachment
Court adjourn without day,which motion
was opposed by the friends of Johnson,
uho wished to vote on tho remaining
urticlcs. But tho Jacobins carried
their motion, and so ended the great
farce of impeachment, and with it the
hopes of the Radical party leaders of
ever again gettiug their hands on the
reins of Americau government.
In the meantime Andy Johnson
still stays in the White House head,
i:eck and shoulders above all his accu
sers. The ordeal through which ho has
passed has endeared h:m to thousands
of Democrats, who before it had no ex
alted opinion of his policy. And'IBW
Johnson to day stauds tho giciitest
btatcsmaii in America.
Immediately after tho acqui'tal was
announced Stanton, in a note to the
President, relinquished control of tho
War Dopartmcnt. Had he done so
when ho was kicked out, he might have
saved his self respect, and the country
half a inilliou dollars, attendant
ou the late trial.
B&Who are the Democratic County
Committee of Elk, and what are they
doing towords getting tho party in work,
ing order for the approaching campaign '!
This question has been asked us by sev
eral, but we were unable to givo a defi.
nite answer at the time. Wo believe
that as yet there is none. Last year's
committer's time expired with tho close
of the last campaign, and wo learn that
this has been tho custom iu former
years. We think that this is not as it
t-hould be, und wo would suggest that
the old committee's duties are not disi
charged until after tho County Convcn.
ion has been held, when after cuudi.
dates have been nominated for the dif
ferent offices, a new committee should
be organized. Tho summer term of our
Court now comes in August, which is
too late. We wero u few days ago re
quested to suggest the 2nd TU ESDA Y
of July for holding tho Convention.
The several districts should therefore
hold their primary meetings before the
1st of July, aud elect their delegcgtes
to said Convention.
Thorough organization u the surest
precnsor ot victory, and no Democrat
should bo lu'irard in securing it.
Sr. Lawuknck Horn,, 1
PrnsiiLkoii, May 'JA, lsC.8.
Mil. Em ro:t : 1 have been stopping
here tor some days past, and in order to
i.uprovo the time to see what is to be
seen, mid hear what is to bo heard, 1
last evening attende. I the great (was to
tie; ratification meeting in the City Hall.
It had been announced in all the Radi
cal city dailies that Gen. Daniel E.
Sickles, of New York, Gen. John A.
Logan, ot Illinois, Maj. Janies Hegnrty,
of New Ym k.'Uon, Lec, of Connecticut.,
anil many other distinguished speakers,
would be present to address tho moot
insr. I went at an early hour and se
cured a seat where I could see and hear
all that transpired. The meeting was
called to older by the chairman of the
committee, and Thomas M. Marshall
was appointed President, but Thomas
did not appear, so the chairman of the
committee took the chair himself.
James Ilegai ty, who was the first
speaker, appeared. to bo not only a reue.
gade Democrat, but a renegade Irish
man. He told several anecdotes about
the Irish at the Irishman's expense, and
said the Irish were deceived by the
Democratic party pretending friendship
for the laborer, but he was not anxious
for labor, and wished to work as little
as possible, us much as to say, " I dem't
belong to that class of Irishmen who
havo to labor, and therefore these pro
fessions tor the laborer had no induce,
incuts for me." lie next tried to snow
that some Southerner had characterized
the stoiking class as " .uudsills," and
scouted the idea that negro labor would
come iu competition with the Irish la
borer and reduce his wages thereby.
So far I think he was right, for exper
ience proves that the fiee linen will not
work when they can steal. He then
eulogized tho negro soldier, aud said
Pied Douglass could make a better
speech than most white men, and there
fore they (the negroes) ought to vote.
He sain wiih a million of negro votes
tiiey Ciul l be it tho Democrats evuiy
ti in . He then' told us they wero going
to make the city of New York a Repub
lican city us much so as the great city
of Pittsburgh. At this point a gentle
sitting beside me remarked, if they at.
tempted to make the negro the issue iu
Pittsburgh, they would fail as they had
done last fall in the electiou of Mayor.
" 1 voted asaiust that principle then.
aud I shall do it again. The negro is
more than I bargained for," said he. So
you sec, .Mr. Editor, that'the programme
as foreshadowed by these apostles of
Grant und Colfax, just warm from the
Chicago Convention, is negro equality,
although they have uot the manliness to
say so in their platloim, aud neither
Grant or Colfax have solar acknowl
edge!) it in their acceptance of the nom
ination. One feature of the argument
was observable from tho beginning to
the cud of bis lemarks, and that was a
disposition to ignore the Constitution,
aud whenever it was necessary to say
Constitution, liberty and law was sub.
stituteil. Ami in order that there mi-jrht
be no misapprehension upon that, ;he
speaker said that tho Democratic, party
aud Audrew Johnson had great regard
for the Constitution, bu, miht us well
talk about carrying buttles constitution,
ally, aud the several commanders be re
quired to command fire constitutionally,
charge bayonets constitutionally, etc.
'1 be uext speaker was Geueral Lee,
but so soon us the audience discovered
that they had been deceived; that
neither Sickles or Logan was'prescut.
about ouo half of theiu left, and your
correspondent with them. More uiiun,
GosMi'i'iNU . It is not alone in small
neighborhoods that scandal exclusively
operates. Out iu the world it interferes
with a thousand things, causing unboun
ded troubles. In trade, iu friendship in
politics, its effects are seeu, aud hall the
evils ot life that one encouutors is caused
by the obtrusiou of aomo baud iu his dish
besides his uwu How much heartburn
ing iscaused by it, how much bitterness,
bow much hatred, how much annoyance!
And yet thcko who meddlciiosture often
very good people, who would uot do any
huiiu lor the world, aud urc quita shock
cd at the results which their abomina
ble interf'eieuec has brought about. JO v..
cry thing is heard to bo repeated, und
suggestions are made by tliein which
afterwards become ufl'u mutious ot your
own, that do uil manner of harm. And
yet the meddlers do uot know what tin y
have done. They might, mdced, weep
with you over crushed hopes thut their
Very propensity has caused, aud Lear no
malice in thier hearts towards 'inybmly ;
us uu innocent colt might, iu his excess
of loviiigness, kick his owner's uud best
friend's biaius out. It people would but
mind their own business, there wtuld be
less bankruptcy of comfort in society,
aud the machinery of lifo in all iu de
partments would run more smoothly.
BSi,Rev. Dr. Chspiu says a man liv
ing timid tho activities of the nineteenth
century is a coudeused Methuselah. No
doubt there aro somo pretty old boys
uroui:d iu these days.
ftaJ-All tho diamonds cutting iu this
country is done by one firm in Boston,
and their business confined to the rectit.
ting of stones which havo been nicked
or otherwise rendered imperfect.
UCguThe htrawbtrry ci up will ho tho
largest this year ever gathered in the
State of Delaware.
Maunhua Watkr.A delijihtlul
toilet article f-uperior to cologne and at
nan iuc price.
l;;.The Commissioners will meet nt
their ollice in Ridwav on Monday, the
'Jth day of June, 18(38.
We havo ."elected lmm a reliable
source some articles re.lntiiiL' to the coal
interests of this county, which wo in
tend giving to our readers as soon as
our space will warrant.
I6iyPistnl shooting is getting to be
quite an amusement in our town. Yes
tetday one of our sportsmen put a ball
throogh a pluu nf t.-ihacco which was
held in a man's hand, ut. a distaucc of
three rods.
The H...usu. This pop
tllar hotel has been taken possessiou of
by Messrs. Lnrgcy & M alone, and we
bespeak for them a fair share of custom.
Doth tho proprietors are gontleniinly
fellows, and will spare no pains to ren.
de.r their musts comfortable.
Cf-B-Capl. Cal. Luiin r has tuken pos
session of the hotel formerly kept by
Mr Yaughaii, on the northern or upper
side of the railroad track, near the depot.
He bus refitted and refurnished the
house in first-rate stylo. This hotel
will be found convenient to travelers ar
riving or leaving on night trains on nc
count of its proximity to the depot, and
we know whereof we spenk when we say
thut Cul's table will be well provided. Iu the classic language of
the immortal showman, Tcefs, the Rad
ical Ratification meeting, which was to
have been held in the Court House last
evening, " fizzled out." Some ten. or a
dozen ot the laithful collected and ad.
ol'urned tho meeting ovu until Monday
cvenum. Whether the heavy rain was
the cause of tho " fizzle," or not we can
not say ; but we'll bet our bottom dol
lar that it a Democratic meeting had
been called, nothing short of a shower
of pitchlorks would have prevented its
being held.
"Canst I linn not minister to a mind diseased,
And with some sweet oblivion nntitlm .
(Jlcaii-c lilt foul hnsuiu of tho perilous stuff
Tim! weighs upon tlie heart. ? "
Certainly: lllonlnt ion Hitlers will do it
when notion;; else will, Melancholy, De
pression. Hypochondria, I ns'iuity.ali spring
more or less, from a diseased stomach, mid
this, Plan tiitioti Hitlers is a sure cure for.
There is no mistake about it ; Dyspepsia.
Headache, Dullness, Ague, and Low Spirits
must yield to tho hcnlilugiving mid genial
iiiniieueo of tho l'lantniiou'l'itlcrs. If you
are iu doubt, mnlto one trial nnd he con
vinced. Thus say who know.
(ViTrThe reason why MI8II l.Kii'S HF.HR
BIT'IEKS cure so many different diseases,
is because ii is the best remedy lor n de
ranged stomach, or Dys; epsi.-i, now known,
and because it invigora es the en' ire sys
tem, stream liens thu nervous fibre-i. ele
vates the. slumlord of all ihe 'vital foieus.
nnd hustnius a healthful tone of the entire
homan organism. Medicino that will do
this, will cure any disease, for the simple
reason that nature will do tlic rest.
We guarantee, that .10 woman or child,
howevo r pale or emaciated, can uso these
Hitlers regularly for twenty-one days, with
out the return of the rosy cheeks and fair
complexion characteristic of good health.
.Sold by nil Druggists and Dealers.
Du. S. H., 4 Co., Proprietors,
Lancaster, l'eansylvunia. and Chicago,
Illinois, iiiyl-Uin eoV
A Nkw Hkmkhv in Consumption. A
riiysieiau who h id Consumption for sevet
al years, with f. eiiiciit bleedings of the
lungs, cured himself with medicino un
known to tho profession, when his case Hp
pen red hope ess. lie is ihe only physician
who has used it in his own person, or who
has any knowledge of its virtues ; a d lie
can ascribe Ihu degree of health lie liow
enjoys to nothi-ig but the uso of his medi
cine; nu t nothing lint utter despair antl
entire extinction of nil hope of recovery,
together with u want, of eonlidvneu in all
other iinhicoil him to hazard the exper
iment. To those siillering with any dis
ease of Ihe lungs he protters a treiiimeut
he confidently believes will erjilie.itc the
di -asu. I'rieo Sl.fjli per buttle, or$Sa
half dozen, sent by express. Heii-l for a
oiiviilai- or call on pit, H. Koyi.hton Jacii
ns. No. y.itj, Noilh Tenth hit reel. Phila
delphia, I'a. iiiayiHWiH-ly
Wo have found it necftnry, in order to keep th
financial department of thu Advocate on a good
bnaii, to a lout tho following rule :
Transient A Jvertispmenu must bo paid for i nd-
vaitra ; anil all Job a soou as coair 'oUil.
E'lU ma le oat ami prosofiied to yearly advei litcrc
at Ihe bifUirui(t of each quarter.
3ubcnpli. ui to be paid lor iuvatiably in advance.
novif John K. Mooiik, i'nblishor
.1 ir. Maiiv's, I'a.
I.AIHiKY & MAI.OXH, Pimm's.
The propriclor respectfully ask the atten
tion of ihuir friends nnd tho public iu gen
end la the.r large and commodious hotel.
livery atluutiou paid to Iho convenience of
guests. 11. LAUU K V ,
laayllO-lStm-ly J, A. iuALON'E.
H.-Thero will be a FAIR in
Si. Mary's, for the benefit of Sst. Ben
cuiu'.'g Academy, commencing on the
and continuing until after the
After the Fair cloaen, there will bo given a
All are cordially invited to attend.
y)lt01'()3AL3 will bo received by tho
"uiiuiseiuiiui iiji io iug oui uay ot uu
l, IhljS. for repainting tho outside of the
t onri lIouuwith to C0HI3 of while
and oil. Also for imiotinR tho eulridj
wood week of Lite jail in lil.o manner.
i. I'. PJCKlNt-'OX,
ianyO' C'jiutuii-iiouers' C.erk.
Cor. of Main Waler, end of Hyde House,
Where ha has on hand an extensive assort
ment of Goods, consisting of
Woolen Goods, Hats and Caps, Roots
and Shoes, Underclothes, Ladies'
Dress Goods, Shawls and
Nubias, Hoop Skirts,
Opera Hoods, Mus
lins and Cali.
liitlmoral Skirts, Rlankcts and Counter
panes, Ladies' Dross Trimmings,
Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Groceries, Paints, Glass
and Putty ! ! !
Call and sec my stock before purchasing
elsewhere !
I'cc. i"),T7 ly.
) AIM,000 CrsTO.MF.liS IX FUL It
Vcirs. l'atroui.e the Hest.
Having the largest capital, most exper
ienced hovers, nnd i-xliwmivi. t . mli. ,.f ....
concern in the Dollar Fiile business, we
in every instiinee, and also Ihe best selec
tion of uoods ever ullerod ntOXK Dill. I. Alt
Xo other concern has any show wherever
otir a"enl nri- so linr. t mi- tino in l'w,..t
and Heliable," Mule and fomiile agents
wnnicu in et y ami country.
Till'? LADIKSnre roiriii'iibirlv
t j ,
to ti j-our popular elnb svstem of selliiiLr
..II ..." I, l ... "... , .. e
mi mini ui uvy iiuu raney noons, press
l'allerns. Cottrm Chub. Ciiut.n-
l'lated (ioods, Wiiteiies, &e. t ul.I i : i .-
iui.j a paieni pen loiininin nn,. u ( .. i;
describing an article to be sold torn ilulln-
10 cents; il.ur '.': 10 for f 1 : litj for --tl
100 fill' .Sill Nl-llt llV lll lii I'll... ,,.. ..,.. u
to if t-t I or tin. (worth "ill lu-r n-ni n,,,i. il,,.,,
those sent by any oilier concern. 1 according
lo size ol cluli. or it not do ujt fail to tend
or a circular.
X. 11. Our stile fthotiM mtl 1
wi h Xew York dollar jewelry suUn or bo
gus Ten Comprnies," us ii is nothing of
ihe sun. JiAST.MAX Si KKMIAI.I..
ti-j ll.mover Si reel.
maylM-liin. Huston, JI isa
I X Til!-:' DISTKICT ('Ol.'lil' Ol.' :i'.;
L'niled Stales, for tho Western Disii-iel
of uiisylvania. Adolnh liiu-bielier. a
Hiinkriipt under tho Act of t'onere s ol
iMareh d. lfli", having npplied for a di(
charge from all his debts, and oilier claims
provable under said Act, 11 order of the
Court, notice is hereby given, lo ail persons
who have proved Iheir debt, nnd oilier per
sons interested, tooppeir on the 'J;li day of
eune,, tu '.i o eioci; a. in., helore S. -..
Wiualrnll', Ksq,, le;;isier, nt his ollice. in
Kidgway. to show cans !, if nny they hnv ,
why a discharge should not. be crantcd to
said Hiiiikrupl. And furiher, not ee is
lierehy giv.-n that Ihe lecond ami lliird
nieeiings of creditors of tho said Uiinkritpt,
required by the 27lh and 2Sth sections of
said Act, will be had before ihe said Iteg-
"ici in i ne piuiiu nine nun puice.
may-M 2w Clerk of mid Court.
I'MIANCIS WKI.SS AND In tlio Court of
tiKOitfJH liKLl'-OU), I Common l'lens of
siirvivina partners of I lilk Co. 1
thelirin of Slinrpe, Weiss AiigitstTcrm, (IS
,x .o , vs iMii'.ain ueeu j
, The Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania to the iShenil'ol said coun
ty, (;hi:i;tix(; :
We cotoiiinnd you ilmt yon nllnch WIL
LIAM IlKKD, late of your einiiny. by nil
nnd singular, his goods und chntiels, lands
aud tenements, in whore hands or possess
ion soever ihe same may be, no that he bo
and appear before our Chum of Common
l iens, to be hoUUui nt I'idgwiiy, in nnd for
said county, on the first Monday of August
next, there lo nn-wer Itiehnrd Khurpe,
Kraneis Weiss uud George Helford, surviv
ing partners of tho tirtn of Sharpe, Weiss
& Co.. of a plenol debt, $-10,000.
And also that you summon Joeph 8.
Hyde, rnd nny other persons in whose
lin mis or possession the prupurty mny bo,
so that they be and appear before our said
Court on the first . Mimility of August next, to
answer what shall b objected against him,
and nbido the judgment of the Court
And have you then nnd Ihcre this writ.
IVITXKSS the Hon. R. Q. WJI1TK, Presi.
dent Judge of our said Court, at Uidgwny,
this 3d day of April. 1808.
GEO. A. RATHBUN, Proth'y.
Bail reijuired in the sum of $110,000.
Tho Sheriff will attach nil the goods nnd
chntiels, hinds and tenements of the defen
dant, in the hands and nossessinn nt .1
S. Hyde, or iu the hands or possession of
iiuj oinur persons w uHisucver, ana summon
t hem us garnishees.
SouTiiKa h At.iiHir.iiT,
Phiintitfs' Attorneys.
May lfl, 1808-fiw.
Having completed our now establishment,
and locatril therein, wo still hope by con
stant attention lo business, and turning out
lirsl-elass work, lo merit a contineaiico of
the pn'ro'iagc heretofore so generously bo.
slowed. Call at our new shop, at Iho east
ern end of Main tUreet, Kidgway, Pfl.
i n it ii-1 1 !n i- intention given lo the i-hncinj
of horsen. All w e'aak is a fair trial.
May 1 1 'U'i-lj.
IN 1868,
And you will be supplied, and well
satisfied with the call.
Of all Desiral.le Kinds, always on hand.
19 jj .o-v ;u-n
0( the l.ntest and ilutt Atimuved
j Style a. id V. oikinnnship uu hand, and
Made to Order, (a Specitlity tna l off
this Branch.) All Goods wiirrawied.
Deulers supplied at the Yry Luwem
Prices. Price List furnished on ap
plication. TOILET SKTTS,
And all und every novelty in thu Japan
ned Tinware Liuo !
Wire Goods,
Toys, French Tinned War,
English Hammered Ware,
Scotch aud Yankee Bowli,
Sad Irons, Ijoal Hods,
Japanned, Giilvanijtcd
And Fancy. Irou Hollow Ware by tic
Sett or Single Piece !
Rods, Baskets, Flies, Hooks, Ac , At.
Jolihing in all its branches.
I have the agency foi the Celebrated
Oriental Base Burning Furnace. Tha
best in the world portable or brick set.
If they fail to give satisfaction do pay
will be asked.
HOOFING, Flator Standing Grow,
EaYe Trough, Spoutiug, and House
work generally.
HaTOrJers. by mail promptly attsoJ.
ed to, and work guaranteed,
If your are goiii to build a Hons,
Store, Churoh or Bara, call bofora jou
order your Tin, Copper or Sheet Iron
Oct. 31st l37-ly.