r THE PLACE TO BUY 13 AT Til Kill I 1 WAY RUG STQBL Kr.rr i!Y GROVE C. MESSENGER, Dealer in lrug, Mcdiim:, lVnts, Oils, White Load, Lubricating Oil, Lamp Oil, Tanner's Oil, lVr. fumerios of nil Kinds, The purest Varnish, Ikushcs of every Style and Size Dye Stuffs, 1'urc Confectionaries Citron, ltaii-itm, l'atcnt Medicines, ".Vines', Watches, Jewelry, Hi tir-, Tobaccocs & Floats l'ure 11. mus lor Medicinal pur poses only. A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of Everything Useful I'cttiiiniDg to the Drug Eiis'iness Gcn crally. Puee Drugs at Low Prices ! I'uro Dmns tit Low Trices Notions in Kndless Variety ! Notion in Endless Variety American and English Watches ! American and English Watches Latest Styles of Jewelry, I'invs. tr. Latent Styles of Jewelry Riiins, A:e. Fancy Articles, Toy. Latest Novels ! Fauty Articles, '1 . y, L.ttc-t Novels Albums, News, Stationery. IJird-CaJex ! Albums, News, Stationery. Uird-Cagcs '. Violin, lJanjo and 2uitur Stiiuo?! Violin, l.anjo aud Guitar Strings! iiihi201S0(j PHILADELPHIA &. ERiE KAILBOAi).' WINTER TIME TARLE. Thr irh ttml I)!fvt Itmrti' Litircru I'llitlll'ffj'flit, l'illlllHJIC JI'llliH- "'', W'JInniisi'i'it, nit'! ,'!if. a it e a t o it 1: a 1 o of I1, u isylvania. ELEGANT SLEE1T.VG CARS On :h!1 Night Ti :iin. ON iin.i after MoNDW. NOV. ii r. 1 ( I !l I i n i 11 - i :i 1 ! i I'liihj.!, ij.in.i , i ,i ,; liuiii uj.l v. ill i mi u tbllm. i : W K- I' IV A I. Alllil 1'lnill l.'MVI- l'l.i.. l.'lj.l,":l..U l'l l. in '.;dgi..iy -J In i... ' ariiv I V.ri- ! (. in Erie Ft,. .... . .i i i.- in .... 1 1: 1 1-, ..o i, ii.dWaV i '.I J :t. ... nniveat Kt-.o 1 i ii'i t. a: k a" i iv a i; o. Mi'l Tr .ill Rave.-, ii.ie H .i 'i! a. c Eidii'iav I. i', .. I., " " nrrivui :'l.ii. i.... ;...i a. in Exp leaves Erie T.io n. n- - '- ! a. -a " air nt P.iil.-ilolti i i.. 6 i p u Mail and Express eu: n ;t ivu ... ie atul Allegheny I i ! ....i l.n;. J A(! i.GE checked "in:i)i i;ii. ai.f.:e: t,. tv. .Kit, Geui-i.-.l Sllperilit.. ittU'ltt. SEW GOOD S ! -i i ;st 1 1 1 :c i : i v i : i a i ) MARKED CLEAR DOWN To the Bottom ! AT THE CUE A I' CAS STOItU 3. V. UOl'K, M:iiii..Vrrrt, HM-w ly. ':, HAVING just ieliiiai.1 fioin ;he iii:ie:i cil:c irurrv 1 lia . 0 nut e!i e I a lai n 4.H.I well nfVneil asortaieiu i,;' e.'.id. i nunc I be Htleiillnn ol I lie pulilic to call aim examine lay slock, coiisiMing nl i'ry Goods, NjtioitK, CloihiH'', Hardware Hats, Cap Uoots, Olioes, Q u e c ti 6 w a r rnovisiONs, ,., &c. UUYEUS WILL FIND MY S T O C K t i vn ! -ud well adapted to the wants of tin couiuiunitv. T V. IIOUK. ItWway, Dce5ly. If ALUAHLKJ,OTS I'OU S.TaT. V I he uudersionod hlis ij llllt y; age upou hid proun.I n.Ijoiuiz the iti.lrr 7 Depot, (o be oil..,! klk. The loi s r. All f,ct from by Iflrt fC(o deen uut in lowrd the railroad. Term Fnrtl.o first InLsuhl, $100 r.n he ecun.I lot gohl, $1 10. Eur tl,e Hiii-J lf nol.I. $12(1 ami no ou lucrcasiiiK i pnreolsm e vnlij.- tiffy. Kirsi piirohmserii gel (lie choice lu' ul the chcupekt ralca. J'nrrliuscri) will be registered in Ihe or Ier ofllioir application I'en percent oi lie purcliimo money mlIst, bo paid ul (lit Ipneof ihu application. W9-Applioalions will ho made to Job 1. Hall, Esq., Ri.lgway, I'u. J. S. JIVDE. lll'lgway. mar,2tri;fi.-lf. "l-.U'S, SI'IKES. IIIXOEjs RIVETS J, lucks, holt. n 1 nil kinds ol luiildeis' i...ueri-l. it. penernl cm, l,c had cheaper at nm He. Mary's HunUare Storn Ihnn nnv vfx-ri' ; ::v. .... . . ,-, YOU WANT TO KUY CLVTiii.Yfi rot- :sic .7n:iioii : Oo to A. DUIlLACilER, Arrcnt, DEALER I M CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! CENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, IIATS.r.vrs, BO'.Td, SHOES, TRUNKS, t:iavi:ling dags, Ha. ST. MARY'?, ELK COUNT V, l'EN.YA. JanClSCIypd -i ttlwtjox jnr7o:FitlT: ft 'in: evci.e tci;i;ine water WilEEL. pnlciitoil .iii'y;)!. 1 SOT. is !!iHTinr to nay wheel in use. Tli inuli'i'' sirne-l lirivi? lie; jijree.cy !'(r "jiM v.'lii'et in Hip Siale ot l'canvlv.iaia, t . 1 cm i rcciuin men I ii ua Ileitis tlie liesl iiiatml'aiMiired. I'ur fill tll'T Jul 11 ll lll.i i s. Mill cil'i'llalis. ill tpiive nt inn Ktimi'Iry in iv. rey, where XT:u ii i mill-i;"ariiic. nasi iiijr.s aittl steam engines will lie made lu iinler at leasunaMe priees. We rxp.'ct ly giving satisi'.n.'liiiii in iiir wtivk tu receive a auil sii.ire ui' pub lic pairuuiie. j. r. r.or.ERTsoN, u. ki:i.l. K rsey, V.lii Co., Ii.,janiO f"'..i.l. .1 CARD TO Ti; E LA 01 ES. Dr. Ditpcm co s CiOl.DKN 1'E.tlOlilCAL TILLS tin- K'inalc.s. lnli.llMile in Cni rectin;.' irre. iihiniivs, Removing Oiistuiuiintis ul' tl.e Monthly Tmii . tioiii wjialever cause, mi l ahvavs siiccessl'ul as a pieveii! ive . One fill isailosi. I'.oaales peiciliar'y siluaie l or time s'l, p 'ntg I !ieaiehes so, mv cait tio'icil ii'iinsl UMiijr tl.ose while iii that coii'liiioti. lest tiiey invile aiisca i-ri.! alter ivliico ailai'tr;ition t!nj I'l-of-'-i-'iio- as lltlcs ii'i res (insiliili.y, all liaii'.'h tiieii laihiaeH' wo.ihl picvent any mischief to health; ot iierwis;-t iie Tills are rccoiiMMen del as a .Most I riv.iln.il. ie Kenui'v lor tlie i ! i i - . i in of i ho-.e MiXo iii;; !Vo;n a:,y iio re-uliifilios wiialever. a-i U'e'l i;1-revv'itt an iiieie se of f.i hily when l.ea!:!i will not perwi! i; : .oiieiii,- the an v.'s and ln-ino-iuii-l aek t!.c r.i-y enloi- of hei'.iili to'liit e'e.'ek ..t ihe n:o.-! ilc!a ale. i'ld! and cxplie't il;i-?."ion aaenmpnny eaeh iiox. i'riee :? 1 p hex : l.nxe-i, V Sold ii I'.idiwa, Ta , iiy 0. 0 Messen T, . r 'K x;W a,.r: ni loi- Ri.lway. i.a. die:', li, M-ii.li:io- l,im .-s to the ; "i.; u m v T. ii, eaa liavitiie I'd'. sen: (..onti deni'iil'v ) 'y in iil to a..y :;! of the count ry. fice ul p. siaj'i". Sold nix.i Ly ;Mvayiic Reynolds. .Mary's, and !.- oiu lifiiirist i:i" eve: v u S Ii. U'lWK. S,.'e Vropi-;-:.ir. N. V. (LKJTIoN Or FUR.Ni7UP.E ! i, . s I., tiiyer .I-S' IV-'ie.-ol lli- liu tl.e di i.eus .,( Ii.!.. (' e.ioiy 1,' al mo A coe.pletc, eio ape. I li ii. tare in :iie c- ir.i ,. all Iliad.' in his liV, a r-o. i . ii.ii'i'au; ii to he ni-a; i:ud ie Mas li" ti-o I,,.; j 1 1 - i-'arni: ai e . ion I in ceior; Ml- lli. ile has 1 : as 1 lineal , 'laid. I. l na i-i.l,.-s. l a "I'.U. Wa-'.- ;a 'i.r, Wio.t N. . ... d I r la"1', an.', i v e!.t: s I iit-o lie lots cmli. i !U-:v. tir.-iiir. .ml i:iokeae-!, !' ..Y d !la o-,. ad- .d' Waiien- o." ;y, lo .-k.-t -. 'Vi II-'. ally I.:, nii-e i m i'- I'.o. in. led vi: !i !iis esiao! la'he. wI.kiIi will i-l Pt ill! ianie-.l em-Id. .eal at. i in lo do all k-i, h- i:i : 1 1 .-n t i ;: in a -iri-..iiaaid.e laniiai'i'. .'ill he i:sl,s is a t'.i ' r t i ial. mid ii' his vai-es do not .J v.. sa!i.-r.,eiion, lie willit Kit. I I he in in. v. ' Ci.'AKl.i'S L. T..VEU, tiiv--1.-';7!y !';. Ma.- 's. Ta. J") UN'I for i' i;.ii:-:S an ! vMu-.s.--5 Tiie Ciaion Mineial I' aim Co. nee i:(,.v a.ai.l.ii-lui-iti I he Cti.-.-ii est and i.io-i iiiraii e Taint In u-e::w. coUk v.ell uf ti. in xe-t w.ia , i.ve l.io-ec I (id, ill last II . r lo y ii i-nl a 1 1 -1 T liro'.vn ot leiotiful elo'eolat-' r.d'-r and can la h .up.- 1 I" ;.i eon. Irad. .-Ion.-, lir.ih. ol:ve u- i t. -an,. In uit i in., t.-sii; f ii.,- l:,ai -iiaier. i t is -ilu. ).:. tor I ious.-s. liarns. Ti in-es. 'a-1 ia,-re and C:..--;n.-.k. -, s. VaiN itad Wood- 'ii ware. A:-.cn!'i:-:il ! oats, 'i'-.-e's an ! l:ios I'ciaeiils, ('.ma! ' H iii-. Canvas. leial anil Siii.i'.rie !!.... Is, .it li:!n ! ire and '.Val"- ; i-.ii.fl. Kioor ( ill idol n j. (one Man a. in ei i. , '.iif i:-ed ol I. ID liliis.llie pa.-i ,'car. a::d a- a j.a'.nl i ; any purpose i-in.-ii.--a - e 1 for body, daraaioiv. ela-aieit v. an 1 adl.c:-:vcii'-s. Tri.-e .-d per 1,1.1. of iliii lbs., which will sepjly a fariii.-r fm years lo ciiine. Warreriled in ail cuts as aoo-ve. Sen I fo" a circular whirii irives full pnrticulari. None fr'-n Hint" unices briiudcd iua Hade mark (ir.-it'ioii Mineral l'aim. Addrcas IiAMKl, HI DWELL. 2ot I'eiirl Slrecl, New York. Fur sak by Hyde, liillis o; Co., a. Rid0' way. .s'eji o '('i7.-''nn. 4 I.KCTl'llE TO VOL'Mi MKN J LSI puli'isheil in a feile.l euvelojie. A Lecture on tl.e Nalure, Treat im-nt and Radi 'al cure of Speriuniorrhaea, or .Semi nal Weakness, lnvoluiiiary Eu.issio.ix. Sex gcuvraR. Nervousness, ('oiisaiupiioii. Tji ilcpsy and Fits : .Meuli.l and Thysica! In. capaaty, resiiltiuK fruiii Seir-Ahii.-t, ,x:. by Robert J. Culvemel!, M. 1)., author of Die "Green Rook." etc. T.ajo in a envelope, only six cents. The celebrated author, in (his admirable essay, clearly ileiimmlralcs from a thirl rears' siicceisful pra.-l ice. that the iibiriu ini; eoiisc.piiiices of self abuse may be rad ically cured without the use of iaiernal iiie.liciue, cr llio npplic.ilii n of the knife, iioiiiiine; mil n mode of cure nl once simple cirlam ii. id cllcciua . bv nnans ..f wi.;..i, very sull'eier, no mallei' what liU condi. :ion may be. in ly euro himself ciieuply, I'livaiely, and rn lically. I'M. ins Lecture siiould be in the linn.l. I evciy youth and every mail in Hie laud. Sent iiniler si',,1. in a phiiti envelope, to my address, post;,ai., on receinl of six o 'lit si. winn iiusi u a..., i, ... , ei cll j - Marriage liuUe," price iujcutb. Adilrtss Ihe Tublinhers. I II AS J. C. KLINE I'll 127 Ro'.vcrv. i,ew York. T n lt..v i jnlti Ihd," !) LACKSMITH S CAI!PENTi:!! sTx, ) j-jiui-r'i tool, for s.,!e el e.i) er liuia he cbeap-.-s. " ul tie.1-::. Mii-v's Ta'd-.v ire I" Something Iciu. A LAUGH STOCK OP GOODS X i, 'V V TliCundorsigncd have on hand a laro and vety decirahlc stock of GOODS, niid will constantly keep an extcm-ive assortment, iuclaJinir every thin;; that is wanted to KAT, WEAU, Oil FEED. which they will sell nt the very bottom fionre and from this date will sell only for CA SH. We will use every endenv or to iiiake it to the interest of our ctir tumor to adopt the universal CASH SYSTEM. Wo have ilc'crminrd to yive the CASH SYSTEM a fair trial, helieviti"; it to be the inter est of but!: bv.vei and .seller. I' (J WELL .1 KIME. HiJirvav, An-. :.,th, 1FC7. "I F. DVEiillOi.T.ER, M'.liCIIANT TAILOR, Jti(l;;Avay, Elk Co., Pm. The siib-criher ibvii'es vopccH'.iUv lo in fcrui ihe cilizc us of i;iil;;ay and "vicii.iiv iliiil he is prei.'i.ed to make In order as well is il cii'i ti" doneany where, nnytliiii;; in the litie of his business, .i.il lie askd is :. fair irii.l. (iood l-'ii- iri'-Min-.tevd. li-'v'., C'olhs, ( asdint-r-i. Ves.i-fs am! Tri luniii.-' of Ihe latest and iao:. aj,,, roved siy'.,'- fci'i't i on-1 i in I v on hand, which will i'- s.ii.i i.'.iEATEii tu an ran chew- K.'V. 'Ladies d'.'sirin lleiiuaiti. :: ,-l:ii,j.-. Ilinjr. T.Lnl.iij!. ,vc . .. .i.v .-s. e.ua-s. ..ill had it tj their i;.,e:e.-. to '.;i,e me . 'I- a'a..::.i .MAikV'.S fVKAJl i'ANNEiVr: 0 1 I. I EixMishn.le & Oo. I'ai-e I'li a-'ue in ; t . i. . . 1 1 n: : i: to the puliii -' : Siiir..-,i..d'i.i;x c..i,.ui,'s that they i.ave t oi"ii-h!y lefnied and renin. vatci . a is ..li .i:i.l wed known cstiibUsliineiil, and i a otoi.,1,. tin ai. -eives tiiai will; their ex tended faci.'ies, with hist cI.,s.H woikman. .hat they can pal out as good work a- can oe found an wi.i.'i-e. Wc have, and keep oiistiinl ly on hand 11 Ml kinds id leather " s 111 general use in ihici tectioii, ii .-i.i.i; ii -j in s.'ois, ,S 1 jirkius, AV.7.'i'(s ,' Jlm iiif..; it'' i . ,rr Lvittluf ! ?rCAS:i t 'Ahi rott ;: ?. Give us 11 call an 1 be convinced of the il uih of wliat wo state. iiiarJi'iif'J JAMES McCEOSEEY, ' u'.l us. '.'.' i'uliy inform the citizens of lh; siirroiiiidin;; co'iiiuiinily Holt he still keeps on haa i a jioad supply of sueli nrii. eli-s as are getu-i-.iliy kepi hi a country gro cery si ore, inc'ui i Lu ir fEAS, FLOUR, SUGARS, TOUACCOES, si:gaRs WHISKEY which he Hall rs himself he cm sell ns .:heap us they can be bought anywh.'ro in ' he c, tin y. 1 have lately erected ft first-class shingle mill, which is now in operaiioii. Ii is 1111 1 1 1 -js 1 ci.t h it 1 he shingles which were made in this mill and sold in V illiamsport, nri a first-class 111 fl.-lc, the lumber of which I hey are made being a first-cluss nriiulu, 1 d.-sire In iinroduce Ihe e shingle to the notice 01" builders, who will consult their own inieres.1 by giving me a call. IL - - 1 '.'"' tf 1 Ten : itch itch : : : tsniATc ! sntATcn ! ! sciiatch '. ! in from ID lo -Is hoiuw. Whenlon'a Oitunienl cures Tho Ileh. Wlieiitoii's Ointment cures Sal: Rheiiin. Wheato.Ts Oiiiiment cures Tetter. Wlieatou's Oiiiiment cures Rarbers' lull. Wheal... i's Oini!iiei;t cures Old Sorer. Wheatou's Oiaiin"iit cures E'.erykind, of Humor like Magic. Price, f.ll cents a link : hv 1 1, lie) ceni Address WEEKS S POTTEI! No. 17, W eshiiidlon Si reel, P.usloii, Mass. .'lir h;l, by all.lt ii;i-:sis. Sept. 17'il7 ly. J OLiS H. GAil.Eli7 " J'RACtKJAL machinist. 1 '.in be fniiii 1 ill his Foundry at St. Marv'n vheio lie is ready tu have all shop.-.vork in lis line ilotie on short ii.ilie,' Si M.,..uv Eeuinger T. O..J Elk co., Ta. layl li.S T0"l(.'i:i.S IlEREItY GIVEN TI'AT no vis now 111 my puses.-.o 1 a I. ill una. which was It'll u iih 1.1.. in 1.... .-. 1 ib bt, an I une, the ii. I, lor calls i.iol n l ien , r,ud gun, it will be i.tl.e.-wi-e dispo " ,,r- JOHN MA LI lil AN I'. I' '-!-, .V:y .!. ;-. a '.:. Jl.l.'Is ,jiivil)Cl's' Golqloi). 'jMIE CEEArj:ST GOOD.S IN THE COUNTRY Arc Sold by W CIS URO T II E II Successors to Geo. Wcia. ii:ai.i:i!s in St. Clary's, Klk County, Fa. QALL AND EXAMINE OUIl IMMENSE STOCK OF HOOTS AND SHOES Wc have no hesitation in saying that in this department of our establishment, wc can ivo bargains to our customers with which they cannot fail to be satis fied. Wu luy our stock direct from the Manufacturer, Richardsons' Celo. brated F.out L Shoe Jlauutctory, Kimi- ra, New York Wc warrant all goods in this line .sold fiom our establishment. J JEAVY k Ml ELF HARDWARE. WE ARE TRI TAT, ED TO OFFER To our eustoiiiers lo tins lino bai';aius which eunuolbo uiidcr.-iol-J in Elk coun ty. Our st ick is large, well selected, and is especially adapted to tho wants of the eoninitinity. AWES' DRY FANCY GOODS. An Uiic.jM.illcd Assortment I Muslin s;:k.., Cal.O'ies, L'aii.is, D.'lni .M ciil'0 .vlltl.jlU's CliilltS. White GojJs Cloths', FlaeineU Eereges, Luces, Ctl'scts. In fact we have everything cciiuectcu v;th Ladies' Wear. We arc deteiuiiu cd to ;,ell loiccr, chaijvr am? BETTER Goods th;;n any othei lirui i;i the eouu- ty. Give us a call, we'll prove it. ARK WELL WHAT WE SAY. I IV Kill the L'l-, (n.-nore THE CEZ&rE3T CIOTEiJaG Sold iu Elk County. Our Stock of Oj 1 0 1 li 1 n IS IMMEXoE, And wc coiiGJently flatter ourselves that better Clothing cauuot be found AXYWL'EL'E. Persons, before purchasing elsewhere would do well to "ive us a cull. riNo trouble to ihow our Goods. QEOCERIKS, NOTIONS, Ac, ic In Endless Variety, and CJjEAI'EI: thmi tne CHEAPEST! At the Store of In St. Mary's, Elk County, l'a. pil'ES.TCEACCOES ,C- SEGAES- Wo have now on hand AX EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT, Which will he s.iid at a YE li Y S L 1 C 11 T A 1) YAXCL On csf .I. ffirt'it '. C )li- .SVi.'C li .'! (0 &',oh Ullil.lill! I'll .!.''; S',it -'; 'll, bnui JOHN O. II ALL, Attorney at Uw, Fidg way, Elk county l'a. mar'22'Gfj ly IAUU1K J. l'LA KELY", Attnruey at law, X and U, 3. Coininiusioner. Kidgway Elk county, Va. f niar-22'tHi.ly. TOirWOllk of all kinds and des. J criptions done at this office. II 1 ENItV SOUTHER, Attornoy-at-Law, uitgwiiy, i-a. (Icb'.l 0) R. EAR LEY", Thys:cian and Sur. jt peon. Enrley, Elk County, Ta. .March 1, ISl.a-ly. VLTINE HOUSE, Nl. Jary'srTTlT inun Kretz, Troprii.tor. eug'J'ui) DR. W. JAMES li LA KELY Physician and Surgeon, St. Mary's, Elk "county l'a. mar-22,00 ly. "TR. W. W. SHAW Practices Medicin. 1 aud Surscrv. Centreville. Elk enuntv l'a. mar-22'61y. TXEi;L'T10N5, SUMMONS, 8UP(E. l tins. Warrants, &c, on hand aud for sale at this office. CH. VOLK, Maniiractiircr and Dealer . in Lagtr Recr. opposite the Railroad Depot, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa. mar-w 00-1 . T"VR- W. II. 1IARTMAN, St. Mary's, Elk 1 count v. Pa. I.aleofllm trm nf Totomac. Particular aller.lion crivMn in 1t cases of surgical nalure. mnr"--'iju-ly. .ROY E G. MESSENGER, Druggist and JT Dealer in Drugs and Chemicals, Taints. Oils and Varnish. V et articles nnd Stationary, Ridgway, Elk county Pa. f mar-22'GO-l v. FR A X IC ENTZ, Mf.rchant Tailor. Cenlreviiln. Elk to inform the citizens of Centreville and vi cinity, thnt he isat all times prepared to do work in a neat and satisfactory innnnor. give me a call. novliTJy JO.I.N O. n A 1.1 jas. k. p. uau. w MALE & HIIO. Attorni'vts - at Law ST. MARY'S- EENZINGER P.O. .1 K COUNTY", TA. ccprcmocr u, isiju. ly. TS. Hordwell, M. I). Eclectic Physician. - Olhcc and vesi.l. ..,,.. .1.. Jail, on Cenire St., Ridgway, Pu. Prompt ......wo., n.i. ne given 10 all calls. Office hours: 7 lo 8 A. M- : 111 in 1 t . .i 10 7 P. M. Mar. Q2 r.fi.lf rpiIAYER HOUSE, 5. RIDGWAY, TA. D.VID THAYER, Tropriclor. Tlie undersiene.l havimr fiite.l i.. and cio, nno. lions hotel 011 tl.n s,,il,. curncr of Centre and Mill streets, with goodi ... . eooienieiii siai.nng atlnclted, respect fully solicits the l.at roll!. na nf his rtt.I fc!.....!- and the p'tl lic generally. ucc.oooij DAVID THAYER. SHORT, ' LOUIS Vorr.MPtT JOHN G. HALL. JAS. K. P. HALl! li.VXKING-HOUSE OF liorf, gall ft d!tr. El.K Cui xtv. Pi:xna TJVDE 110LSE, -IjL RtnowAv, Ei.k Co., Ta. M. V. Mooiie, l'roprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberaily bestowed upon him, Ihe new prr.prielor. hopes, ty paying strict nt leniinn to the comfort and convenience of guests, lo merit a continuance of tho 'lillt-'' Oct 24 ISOii. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. TVJOTICE is hereby given that 1 have Ink eu cut ix license as auctioneer, mid will 11, lend promptly eo lim calling of all sales mtiiiStcJ 10 my care. Any person calling sales without a license wil be held auswcrublo lo the siriel letter of tlie law. p. jv EARRETT. ltec.MlSGCtf. Auctioocer. tVC! Will.'MiH'l.'l ' ui tij 1 2i KIT:. WAY, TA. J. HALEY Propri...:..,'. This hotel is pleasantly .s:,inted on tho banks of the Clarion River and Elk Creek, at the lower end of ihe village, Mr. Henly will spare no pains fur the convcuie.ee ot his gitesls, yeiiiviiosone andullto gire him a cull and try his house. Sept. 17tiTu7-'ly. 1?IEDEI.1U. VOGT, Practical Clock Si " Watcliiimker, Si. Mary's, Elk county, Ta. Rooms nexl door in llintenucli's Cloihinu Siore. All kiius of work dono done in a satisfactory, manner, nnd war rnuied. Consultations in regard to work in Ihe Genual-, French or English Inn. s'uai-'cs. March 11, lSlj7tf. sqmi:tjiixg new: ;:0"SE, EICII it, ORKAJIEXTAL PAINTUTO. 'pilE. SUIiSClilRER WOULD It K 1 spcctfully inform the ciiizeus of Elk county tiu.t he bus just started ill the above business in Ridgway, and feel confi leut that ho can please all who may favor him wiili their ciisiom. GRAINING I'API-.R HANGING AND CALCIMIXIXO DONE UN SHOUT NOTICE AND IN THE r-.e.-t fashionable and improved manner and 'tyle. Orders left al Ihis OHice or at Ihe i'.iinkiiig House of Somber, Willis & Souther will be promptly attended to. W. P. WILLIAMS, May-17T(;-!y. C10AL. CUKE AND F IKE -CLAY I All of supcriui nuiilily, for sale by the Tannerdale Ccal Company, St. Mary's, Elk County, l'a. si- Orders by mail proinptlj ittcud. d to. fseptlti EE EE US & FOLWELE No. 101 Nuiitii Third Street, l'HlLAHEITIllA. V;;vOiuers prumpt'y .MieniLd lo. 2 Air. I T A X T I . I) O V E HUNDRED T XSOF y 1 .Mi ' v.-I'll! N a- l..e ;t..ve .,,,1 -;-i. . E l.x i'd. e.fv''-''--ij