The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, May 23, 1868, Image 1
l;iV, t'iDiis (.Vs., Colnloi. HSSFLAND'3 GERMAN BITTERS, and HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, EW rillM AND NEW GOODS !! I'UKl'Altf.t) AT ril. V. M. JACKSOX, 4 , , l'liinnctnni, l'A. ' . TJit greatest know remedies for Xivcr Complaint, DYSPEPSIA, Nervous Debility, JAUNDICE, i : Diseases of the Kidneys, ERUPTIONS of the SKIN, fcml nil IUeNHrn arUliijt from a Dis ordered Mvi-r Ktomnrlti or MMVVUtTY Oh' 77; JiLOOIh H'wl the f'ufam'n't .'ihi)'iij, nnd 'if vw nd th it V"T'W is n ifri'int hp an' fi f thriii, imi mt rrrt VSftrtit that tlii'-ttt ho inrnmr-nrtd '. ttffifh oil tht fnntt tmp'trtfit nnfatts of your bodi.nnd ntth noml -rriitt fry the vf jmt,rfnl mtu'dir, (I miserable jtwi uriiiinuttni in de.ttlt, wtu w. the runic. UoTiBtipfition, Flntulrnoe, Inward Pitas, X umeHnoi uinoa to the neaci, Acunry of the Storniiuh, JNJnUHen, Heart w burn, DiHtriiHt tor Food. Fulnisn or Wofirht ia the Btoimtcb, Soup Kruatutions, Wink ing or Flattering nt the Pit ' of the Btonmch, HwimD'ing of the Hand, Hurried or Pi ill. m It BrpAthinR. Fluttering nt the Henrt, Choking or Huflocaiinjt; Sonrmtion- whoa in RLyinqFoHturt, Dimness ot ViHiuu, D-tta or Wabs before the Sight Dull Fain in the Head, Ioti uienuy of FerspiratioA, Yel- luwuoHHot thu tikiunnd Eyes, Fain in the Sirio, Uuok, Client, Limbs, etc., bud-d-n Flushes of Ha(, Burning in the Flufth, Constant ImagtnitiKs of Evil, aud Great Depression oi bpirita, All tht -f indicate d inn me uf the ,n'"T nr lijtstivc Oryunty etmhiuM with imjmrc UlvvU, QooSnuifa German Cillers la eitt I rely vprcI nlile, nnA rotit nlim no (llHor. It l compound of Fluid Kx irHBl. Tbn l( mil n, llt-ilM4 nml Itnrk from vli It'll 1 lit-Me exirnrfii nr- iitnde ii rr cnt he red I it (iermn -. All t lie mcdli-lunl virtues ore fKrnrdd I'rom t til-in by n Ht'leiit.ltte. cheiiitm. Thene (x(rHet uir (lien t'orwneded to I It la t'oH(iy to lie itted exireMly for hi u ii ii t'nc I tire of llice little. There 14 wt uluolioJIc miiuM itcc of tiny kind i i nt compounding tlir Hliter '!' t Is the only Hitter thai cjitt In riiMfM where tilcohullc aiim itlaitl uie not ndvlHtiblc. ijooflinYs Ocrmnn Conic it a comliitt'tttoH nf alt th inqrtttirttls of the Hitter?, with ruttK Siiiita ('rut It'mn, Orntiff' rtv' It ir until Jur t.'if mine ititntsrH at the fjitttr, in Ctiss let ft &mc finrt ataiholis gtimuttis is rnniml, 'nit wilt hear in mii that these rriiudiet are i-nHroIy dificiviit mm virj ot'ierx it'ifrliirtt J'm' the. cure nf the. diteasra n'ime'i, thesr bring sei-ntitr. jnjhtrtititntii o inrttiriual e. rtrii tt. n-hile the niltrrn mt. mere tierftetiimr a nun in mm win. T.'ie T ?X10 i ifiii'ilty une r- the mtt! nwt jrrnht rrinrttir enr ftffi'rul to the. f-:-iii. In tjtir is tjri'iitite. It it a pl'iitiire to toht t', vhiU i't ItjWjirhnf, ej-hitunttiiirj, ami mntii-iiutl 'fti'itiet tVtrc f'Uttnt it to Or known u& the gnatest o mil tmic$. CONSUMPTION. Tlioiiftnttdw of fiiiirii, xvlirn tbr pn tlrnf Mtipionctt lua uttllrted wlilk 4 lila ttrrtlile OUru m-, Iihvc bri-n cure-ft liy t lir n r of I lie! miii-dlri. K x 1 1 me tnwt'la Ion, ii-lJlliyt and roncli arts 1 tir ii kit ill it tli-ii dun til upon Mvcr HMfft of dyMpt piu or (KbciihP of I lie 'dltfrxf i vr rti'uiiM Even In nnt-M of f;-n nine CoiiHtii pi loti, I liene rem t-it it til be i'titd nl I lie renteM beii'titt trMijsilieiiln; nud in Igoruiliig. DEBILITY. . fr'ete it no tk'itiriite. eiwit to HfiftinV Grmnn 2S..trs r Tir i p''n'li!y. They immrt ti tvn owl ri;r ' thr w'nnl-- tyr'nii. ttf ti'i' hn the ii JieHtf, mute tin rj'j'itiHnt uf the J'tHi, rn-tiite the. $'im.i-H to ilij.'ft it, fntriif ijiv t g-.ti, to'tii t, hi-'ithv r''iufh.rn,ti,frtnlirute fV tiurie. from tht f'tr, i;rtiii.7 a bln iin t' t),r chirks, untl n'mufe. fie p.i'ittit '' tt thfirt-hrrtitiint, enifitti v,ik Witt ii-runt inotfit, to a ntrnnnt, sUml, and vighr oh ftrrm. Weak and Delicate Children rr made Blrona; by m.ln the flitters 41 r Tonle. lit lucl I in y n re Kn nit ly ledlctnea 'I'hey run be ndmlniai ered N-llb perferl mifety to n eliild three luotit I'm iild, I lie limit alrltriil IVniulCf or in it n of ii I net y Thru IiMdiS urc the lhtt irtr .fio M, and ictll cure oil diasft suiting mm (,iW Hri. A""7 ifur ldl fi'tre; lcep ijnur l.ivy in nrtr; f.-trfi t'tiir tliij'Kiir hi t lit (i 'iii', in till hp fundi nil. ha the ut u th-sr rnmdiea, und no dtttust uiU trer osxail you. ...... J WW mum JTrnJdmrnrnWrnim I . ( tl i r i. aim I m Ii n I'n It u k I tt u n d ft mm i corri)i-ilnii, free fi'out n yellow It i ti'f ttnti till nt ber dlftlliireiiiciitf Hlioiilit iim' tliee it-iiintlt'V oieiihlr.ii m ll , '4'f m- 11 vi r 1 ii perfrr t order nd I4ie blood purr, it Hi ri'Mill In imi k. llii!; eye citd bloumlng pikcrk IftttA-tmrt Ii i p,, in H'Mritirjt are eiiui-rf- ihd, Tiit ijriimA' k'ir the tifjmtttire nf i J, .filfK-snii on the mnl f the m'uf u-rnfin' ;' m h hot:', omt ttr u tin tfif urti-Jt hhncu m euh OutU'. Altuthr urr. cu ft . ictt. '" Ttii, it!! tidN of lettei-H linve lieett re 'ri v; ii, i.s'UI) iiitf to lite vlrt uu of the e r in tile. HEAP T.1E EEC0MME5DATI0X3. fii'in ii. ix. w. uo'iinv .villi. i'u-.'-f J:..; M.' r'.i m.,i,-iii- nl' IVntivylvaiii.i. I'ltn.lMIIHIU. l4Hl'll llllll, ltil. Z .n.i It. -.jltut I's (irrniiiti lii'lm' i tint an intra l''''"l 'r.T.i.'', hut It II fiitiit ti'm.. vrrlil in ixfr-( ii-i it' " tiifiiniri- fiyni, nut rt ijrritt lmfii iH ruin debility aud u-tiut n Hrrvoui action in Hit tjtlrin, I'titir tvutii, ami. : woodward. FROM HON. JAMK.S TIIOr.OV, Juilgf ul llir Hiiiifiii I'linrt of li.ti IviliiIa. Iimi.dki.I'Ui Apiul iisili, lr,fl. I rniialalrr llnnflii )' irrinaii Hit. tfi''' i-.iiiiiiliti- utfiliritir lit rH of at liuk.or I iil l(.'l Ion nr lij uprpaln. I -nu rvi.itj- t.'itN fi-oiii my r i frtence fljti UIII'H, II U rt-KM-'.l, JA.IKS 'I IIU.1lli.SOX. Kr. in UKV. JOSKFII II. KKXS AUlt, PH., nf Tnili llij.ll-t Clmrrli, I'liilu.l.liihin. nu.ii,,l In mi, m .,. K. r n .,.,,. , .3.,,, i .,, . mIM. I,ut T. v,.n,, , .,r,i,:l.'l ";'"9?V V (". I 'ii" in utt rau, "" " ""' !'"- i-,rii.,,sin,tnr',,wl rrlv-t.nt., ,n mi, ., ;. , fl,,r ,,,, , j """' ',"'."'.", " '',"" ""' J'U ,-uri,H m ( ; f"1"?1 '1:' "f ii-'i..ti v r..r i,if, .ma. ..,.,,( . u, ,, ,,,;,,,, ,rf . ( .'. til,Mr,ri,-,,v' """" t-'jt't'i, Ui,w Coatti St. Prion of iho Hitters, tl.00 por bottle Oi. a half fVuzou for JS.OO. Prioo ot tho Toiiia, $1.50 par bottle; Or, a hull dozen for $7 50. Tk Tunic ij put up iu furt l.ittlii. RmMtH' it it Tr. Ili-.ti.iu.rt ITi rman It-mrrltr, h il art so kMirn-xi'y " m4 tn ,. rmmmunt. it: unit iln alliiur Me Jirwiiiil' hi imlua ynu tn t.ltr any ihimi rlu that kr mil) ,.IV i, j.l , j,,, llr. uu hi i a hiri'r jri( on it. ,, n,,,,,,!,., U ten: .;! nprru to any locality upn, tijiiilimtiun PIMXriPAIi OFPICK, T THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, A B.II A lift! BTKKKT, riiiMil,ihia. CHA8. M. EVANS. Proprietor, Formtrly C. M. JACE30S & CO. Thru Rnitllr r for by rrMKRll, muitkfi prrn, muU Meiii. clue llriliuvtilin t, l" " .';' Inrnimiiic nil tht uilklt u. tu , ilcr tn fli-t the g. mitiie. i'yr italtf ut lli u SI. M.irv' 1) u' Hior w Pi) JOIINF. MOO'i':. Kh'tot t) Proprietor. Kite' (C'lk Advocate, A WEEKLY NEWSrAPER, Devoted to the Interests of tte People of Elk Co lSrUBMHIIKll KVT.IIY SATt IlliAY. BY JOHN F. MOOllK, Office in the Court 1ottn: Tsums One Duller Fifty Ci-iIk por annum, iumriiil iy if navimi,.. No Jivm lion from iher.e Urn-. Kates of dvcrtising. Trnnsient AilviMtiM-iiifineiit orrs q ivm nf 10 lines or lrps, ! t i 1.1 es nr less ?2 W For each s ihsoiiutit insm-i inn L'ii AJministr ito s' nml Kx'is nniici's... 2 -riil Auditors' nnti. ps , - " Pifisolutioni, 0,'iuruins nnil Jis'rnys... - I'd Local and ()!)iiimry ii'iiii't-s j.ei line.. 1-1 Professional enrd. 1 yrnv 5 Wl TEARI.V A HVKll nsr.HKNTM . 1 square ? 7 00 ;', ouliinm ? l!0 00 2 squares 100 ! cnlnmn ;!.'i00 8 squares 15 do 1 coliiinn (iii 00 The nbove rates will lie tiirtly ullivred to in all a lvei limine trniu this date. III.ANKs. Single qnirs Ml (i quirps 71 qr..$l "" 3 quires "1 qr... - "i0 'Ovi-r ti. "f' qr.. 1 oO IIAMUIII.I.S. sheet, 25 -ir loss "J 00 .,heet..'J5or 'ess 5 00 J sheet, 25 jr les:i JU 1 shod. Vit.v lossiMHi Nov. 28, 18(17. ' .KilIN F M i M ) I? K, F.-l'tor ntiil I'rnpi'ioJor. TIMii u( ii.iLiu.v.i CHL 'UT. ScC0:l I Monday ill Jauuury, Last MonJay iti April. First Nli.nul.ty in August. First 'ilomJav in Xnvcuilicr. MACHINE SHOP IN ST. MARY'S. LOUIS II. G.W.N Kit bops leave (o call the atto.iiioii uf ilic i-iiizons of 1.1k and ndjoining o mnties lo ilie fact that ho has purchnscd tie f uinl y, furuiurly known as McGill's F) in. Ivy. nml that he has roliited the establis .'iii-m; wiih now and inii'Vnvo.i tuachinnry, v.iiii li .vill onalile iiiiu to tuvn out all wuri in Lis lino in a inai.nor suoli as will com ) ;vo l"v irr.l lv wi'h :my win k iu the couu;ry. 11c inanufiiotures stuam i:(jix:;s, JIILL-GAU:S AN j OAfeTlNGS, rLOUGIl-i'OIN'TS, WATElt-V.'ilKKLS v.v au. KINDS, WINDOW-WK1CJ UTS, PT0VE-C.V n'lNC.S UF .AN V I'.' TTE UN. He is ai n ajront I'm- Henry Jaiocki s Brass Fou:i 1,'y. at Erie, mi I cun lumisli from that o-t iMishaioni llia s Callings ot any ueair : 1 ;.;iiioi n on sam-: nuMoo. 1 aiticul i . aiieni i .in i. ant t.) t lie wauls of coal operat n- . I'hi'U-d oav-wlioo'.s, nxka and pullcyi :'iii-ii'sl.! ui.-i made t-i ovd.-r. JMeaui-ea riiio hmliis 1 iii.nrcd :u a uina- bleandiK-a aani.or. A varied :s-m imont of rubber nn 1 ltath er belting ko t i-misiamly on L.-md. lie expej s iIiiuiil'Ii sioaiiy n j-lieu I iuii I o business, t ) ii-ii ru (lie palrunagi! of all who may c:i mi EE5.Fta.N'-'.:Y US MILL f-THLET, t l M All Y'S, lEXZi.os i l'.. O , VAk Cuuntj, 1'a. May 1, 1 -i ;-- ia o.i-:. i m 13 o ...-.-.? i i;m-1 : iTs" Fn u i; X IN AMKlt i A ! 1 1. irs OLD E0M:T;N Si3:i.C1I B.T.E23!! 0. R A. G. HAVIS J I LEX IS El) TWKS ty y-5 .vs uinloi- liio stylo nf Old II. i milium liilr i'lu-y ai-o u . jioi !" -ij ; I!'.iod l'urilicr, a i nnrii-aliod Stimiaetiic, and a certain cur i im all d -onM-s avisin from derangeme i' n; t n- S-nanu-h. l.ivor or K.d neys. A 8 iv i. f..r .lau:.dioo. CIiiuii io Uiamho a and bolnliiy re -ultiiij; fi niu ony cause w i iiivcr. liy it, ibu ajqioiito is strength ! i d, and a In-.ililiy touo and vigor iuipar ed to ihe whole system ijuiiii tities of testimonials, and cortiticates have been sent u i, all i-jioakin in ciimiiionda tion of the.1) -ni-lioiiil efieels nf our liiltors, and we haj no hesitancy in nseri injt that iftheyar once -ui)dnyed, lln-ir use will be reeouim ) l lod by evoiy purchaser. They are cheap, available, safe and sin e, boin composed of ingredii-nis pure ami harmless. Try them and bo convinced of their virtues. For sale by all tho principal Druggists and Mercti mis. Do net fid to examine well the' article you buy in order lo got the genuine. Sulo Proprietors -Si M.inut'-.ciai t-r.., mayl 3m. Kiie, Fa. INSURANT!, AtiAlNST LOSS OR DAM AliK iiV I I UK ! THE Ly j lining Uounty .Mutu.-d Insur ance Coin;)iny at Muney, l'einia., con tinues to I-isure against Loss or UuuiKgu by Fire on all kinds ef .Meroliamliso. 1'ublic and private uil lings, either in town or county. Al-o on Mills, 'tanneries, Earns, stocks cf G am, Sic, at (he lowest possible rates, consistent witli saloly to the Insurer and Insured. The Lycoming County. Mi,, tual Insurance Company iuv.tes an investii gation as to its stability. Its capital amounts to 83.800.000! Thus assuring lo every one of us patrons (hat their losses will be promptly and satis factorily paid. Its management lias always been prudent, as jis eiisieu.-e of twenty siiyears fully demonstrates J AM ES ULAKELV, Agent f ir E k county, ut St. ilury'g Oct. 18, Hi 7 I . . GUNS, iV-iul.S, ItlFII.S. KNIVES, puCkO llllll lilbie OMiel v. n Iln- 1 est quality uii I , nost appi-.ned pitiin.s, very elieuji at the it a. si.,ie i. u l..i i roi '" tllcuiiH-r iu -St. Mary's. AH r. V. 1 Iv i VI 4 V.! t7-.? IX Ml ' t fl MI UMi 1 C E1DGWAV, PEXXA. 21AY 22, ALWAYS T1II1 W kJ W W ml ' -'u.liil W S IU 7LTvN1TITI11'i. COFFIN?, PIC- TriU'i-FilAMlv"5, &c. The undersigned having sold his inter?"! in the , wagon simp, now iuleuds devoting his lime exclusively to the Furiiititre trade. He has just received a large stock o! the BEST I:URKITUUE MADE which he oTers n! prices that cannot fail lo please. H is stock consists of liedroom Suits. Upholstered Goods, Bureaus, M'nshstan Is, roinmodpo, Lounges, Iiedsteads of Majde. Oak, Whitewnol and lilaok Wnlniit Spring leds nud Mat trasses, Extension Killing, lircak-l'n-t Ten I'avly and Quartette Tables, Chairs of every kind description. The largest, assortment of Cnno Seated Chairs ever brought into this section of the country. Farmer's Sei retu rn's. Wliat Sots, Brackets, and cverylhinp usually found in a First Class FURNiTU?.EWAR.E ROOM Picture Frames of ev li:ud si.e or Quaiily, kept on liund and made to order, Looking Glasses, Looking vjlass Plate and 1'ictiirrsi iVe would call at tention lo our large stock of Collins, con., sisling of Pine, Whitowood, Cherry, Chestnut an! l'-laek V.'aluul. any one of w hich wo can furnish iu three hourstiine. trimmed in any stylo to mil. Metallic cases of any kind procured in three hours' time. Feclingcoufidont that with a liberal pat ronage, we shall be ab le to keep up a First Class establitdnucut, we appeal to the peo ple of El county, to say if it is nor hotter to keep their money in circulation at home th.-.n to send it off to the c'uies where, if they buy but linle they are sure to get cheated and pay a good i onr.d sum into the bargain. Then let your motto be, ncvr-r buy away from Lome what can bu had just as cheap nt home, and tho cheapest place to buy Fuvni. fre in West -in Pennsylvania is at II. II. Thomas' Ware Eooius, Excelsior liuihling. cm ner of Main and Depot streets, ltulgw.iy, Elk county Pa. Oct. ;!1, ise.T-ly. II. II THOMAS WATCHES, JE'.VELltY & SIT.YEliWARE. CUIAltLES HOLES. Practical AVutchiua ker. Jeweler and Engrover, Iti-lgunv. I.iii county, Pn. Tlie mbsci ibcr beg leave lo announce to i ho fit izuns of Uidg way and vicinity thai lie is prepared to do all work in his line on i-hoii notice nndnt reasonable rates iu ihe very oosi manner. Simp in II. S. lielniip's t'lui e. Special atten tion paid to engraving. lie has also on hand n largo assortment ol Clocks. Watches, Jewelry Mid Silverware which lie offers fur sale on reasonable terms, (iive him a cull. Ucv7'ii7tf. J. S. 11'iKliH ELL, M. 1). EVLUVTIV I' XH 3 I CI. IS. . 'Miie word eclectic means to cl:oJse or I select medicines from nd the different schools of medicine : using remedies that are sate, ana iiiscai-iin g irum prac-ice nn medicines thi'.t have an impiirious effect on the system, tomb, as mercury, antimony, lend,, copper, ."tc. I lay nsido the lance tho old blood leller, reducer or deplete!-, and equalize the circulation and restore the system to its tun iirul slate hy alteratives and tonics. 1 bhall hereafter give particular attention to chronic diseases, Midi as Rheumatism, Ilyspepsia, Liver complaint. Catarrh, Nc-u. ra'lgia, diseases of Hie throat, urinary or gans, and all uisensos peculiar lo females, e. CAT Alt I'.ll I treat with a new instrument of a late invention which cure every case. TEETH extruded without pain. Office aud residence soiiih of the jail on fiV? plm :'ft"o'p.""ul 7 10 8 a' "' Dec. 2d '07. -ly. J. S. liOllDWELL. I I DG W A V L 1 V Jill Y STABLE! due subscriber would announeo lotho citizens of Uidgway, and the traveling pub lie that he has established a IrVKRY STAHLH in ltidgwav, and thai he hopes by fair deal ing with his ciisluiiiers to uieril a iibeial shaie of their piti'uiiuce. Terms reasona. bio. " ISAAC COUltY, Jan. 25, 'tiS-ly. Vll oideis for Stoves and Hardware will be prompt ly attended to us soon us leoeived, at the 12 C7 St. MAltY'S HARDWARE TORE. UTICE TO STOCK HOL U Ell S. A meeting of iho stockholdcis of I lie Kersey Oil A; Mineral Company will be held ut the ollice of ihe Collector of Inlciual Keveoue at Williumspori, l'a., on the tir . I day of June next nt 10 o'clock A. M., lor the election of direclors aud oliicti'S ul said C'ouipany for the ensuing year. II. A. CilEli'XtH, Pivs t. J Ml. II. OllTII, Meielaiy, .'iilia:.isporl, l'a., .:iy 1, lst.s-w. I) I A S KS of nil K iii J t 0 -ale : t lli.s u . ) lie J. 18G8. VOLUME LIGHT XU3IBEJ1 10. IjfjfCyiV.ilJ, N EW 11 A KDW Alt E STOltlJ 1 The subscribers havt just 'opened in ST. MARY'S A new and Complete Stock of Heavy & Shelf HARDWARE! ! And will kcp con Uauily oa hand a great varioiy of COOCAM) II A T1XG STOVES Ihir Irtitt, S'lihAnritD, lirl'oirs, iYWs, Jnrttf .S'i'ics, iSy('iHs, Jhtild in j II irilintri:, jr.i mill Fill it of Ei rj l)i scriptton ! GLXS, PISTOLS AND CARTRIDGES, Cutlery, Plate. I 'iVa-e and House Fiiriiishing Goods. Al' kinds of Mechan ics' Tools 1 T J N W A II E Of every description, which will bo sold at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. They have also the exclusive agency in St Mary's for tlio IMPROVED ORIENTAL KA-iK.M'l'NINtJ COAL STOVES ! AND PARLOR FURNACES ! Jtfi :'i. - .3 :';''''--iT.----;--T-,r--'-J Which h ive received Four First Class Pre mium ai ihe Nov York Stale and oili er Fair' ; Also, the Great Silver .Medal at I he Fair of the Am erican I nsi it uie, hebL in New York City, lMifl. They are Perpetual Burners, only one fire being r"jiiir"d to be made uuring the soman. M BEECH E". .Ta. ViM. II. CUPELASD. r.nv2S'li" ly ml J, '-x ..L.J S T 0 V E S AND TIN- W A R E AT John Soscuheiracr & Sons., WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEA LEI'S. s?t. mary's, pa. Keeps constantly on litir.J and for sale, h larso nud well Si-lcctml stock of TIN WAHK, STOVES &o. e have evcrytiuno- o-eiif-rnlly kept in a Tin Sliop. lur Stoel; of STC) V ES eotisists in jiavt ol'SIAUS ANTIDL'ST PAULO K & COOKINC. STOVES, ALSO I HON GATE & WIlEAl'-SUEAF STOVI33. iVe also keep on hand and for sulo the MOUXLXG GLORY, A large si oci of GLOBE II EATERS with Russia ton is uioung our assortment, which tire now- '.he best stoves ill use, and call 1)3 sold lis cheap as l-v .r. Si'ltAP lilO.N taken in exchange for goods. SPOUTING & ROOFING done on short notice. Give us a call, nud satisfaction guaranteed. Sept. ilU'o". tt". PATRONIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS. ruoua, peed en. aim. rtMIIE subsciibers having completed their New Grist Mil! in ltidgwav ni-c now prepared to furnish the people of the sur rounding country with Flour of the Best -Quality, ana ot men- own uiunuiacturc, at the lowest market rates. The attention of lumbermen nnd others is called to our lacilities for furnishing I hem with FEED OF ALL KISDS, cheaper than it can bo bought any other place in the county. fcjrC'Asu Paid rnn C.RAixfja. J.S. HYDE. J. V. HOL'K. J. Ii. VilUTMORF. November 7, ISii7if WflEKLKH ot WILSON'S SEW JiAClUNES. The under signed having been api .in:cd Sole Agent for Ihe sale of Wheeler .S; Wilson's Sewing Machines 1 in- r!lk county. Ho keeps an a.-sorlmeiit c.iusiamly on huiid. Machines s-iid at l'liilii.lelpti i-i and New dr I'l-iees. Any p'li-iica de. iroi s ol nliiainin:; iheiucau Uildiiss J. K. WIIITMOItl'. Miuli td-'tiiMy. ut Rjilcvrav, l'a. lsT.'. V "... 1V..'sV " frrVrV'.--r'.-.3 NEW GOODS! JUST RECEIVING AT THE STORE OF HYDE, GILLI3 & CO. HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, CANDIES, NUTS, &o. DRY GOODS & GROCERIES. THE REST AND CHEAPEST. IN ELK COUNTY. CALL AND SEE AND BE CONVINCED THAT WE SELL CHEAPER- THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN THIS SECTION. WE ARE CONSTANTLY ADDING! TO OUR STOCK COME AND SEE US. IT onds. Nubias, and all kinds of Woolen Goods at the cheap store of 12 U7 HVDE, G1LLIS &C0. D o you want to purchase a silver watch American or l oreign T it so, go to 12" 07 HYDE, G1LLIS &C0. 1 rcsh Oysters constantly on hand t the store of 12 07 HYDE, G1LLIS & CO. N Totions of all kinds in extensive variety nt iue store ot 1107 ini:, GILLISiCO. n extensive assortment f CLOTHING nt the eioro r f 12 07 HYDE, GILLIS 4 CO. OOTS, SHOES nnd GAITERS every J kind, style ami variety at the store of 12 07 HYDE, GILLIS CO. A largo and completo stock of Hardware and cutlery at the store of 12 07 HYDE, GILLIS it CO. rilOIJACCO The finest brands for smok J ing uud chewing, al the store of 12U7 HYDE, GiLLly & CO. 0 UEESSWARE an extensive assort nieut, at the store of lo'l.T HYDE, GILLIS & CO. Tewest Styles of Balmoral Skirts at the cheap store of 12"G7 . HYDE, GILLIS & CO. r tidies' Dress Goods latest and mos j fashionable figures, at ihe store of 12 07 HIDE, GILLIS SCO. IT als. Caps and furs, in great variety and al tlie lowest price, at ihpsioreo 12 07 HIDE, GILLIS 4 CO. M ens' woolen and eassi-ner Shirts at seiieiilioii prices, al ih slorenf 12 07 HYDE, GILLIS CO. rlnleislilrts and ilr.iwers. clieapir thsa Ihe cheajie.s-, at die sfove of 12 'i7 ilVDL, GILL1? & CO. U?t "1st, 1Sl'-.y.