The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, May 16, 1868, Image 1
ifofle, Gillig & 6o'g., Colqlrin. KW FIRM AND NEW GOODS M . HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, and HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, J'KEl'ARED AT Hit. ('. M. JACeXSO.X, The greatest known remedies for Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA, Nervous Debility, JAUNDICE, p ' ' ' Diseases of the Kidneys, ERUPTIONS of the SKIN, nntl nil Diseases m-lslug from a Dig - urdrrrd I.lvcr, Mnmncli, or j.vrvitiTv or mi; jir.oon. Itsad the fuVvwiny simpfomi, nrut it ynu find th it yrmr system is nllecltd Ly any of them, you' may trt astnred that disease has ritiuineiir.-l its at'ark ini the Must important onjans nf your lmtlit ami tmless soon . rAe.-k.i4 by the use of pawrful remedies, a miserable Atfe, toon terminaliiuj in death, will be the reiidt. Constipation, Flatulence, Inward Piles, fulness of Blood to t he Houd, Acidity ut the Stomach, IVausea. Heart burn. Disgust lor Foorl, Fulness . or Weight in the Stomnch, . ' Sour Eruet at ions. Sink- ' ; In or Fluttorinn at the Pit " of the btoniHOh, Bwimn'inc of the Head, Huvriod or Dillleult TtreuthuiK, i'lulterinK at the Heart, CliokinK or HuftooatitiK Sensations whoa .in a I,yiniFosture, Dimness of Vision, '. Don or Webs before the Biuht, Dull Pain in the Head, Defl ' " oiency of Perspiration, Yel 1 lowuess of tlie Skin and Byes, I'ain in the bide, Buck, Chest. Limbs, etc.. Bud den Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and Great Depression of Spirits. All llitte indicate disease of the I.ivr or tlirnslive Orjant, cuinhitud with impure bluud. fioofhinb's German Uittcrg 1 entirely vejfet able, niul emitnliis no 111 nor It U compound of Fluid Kx lrnf1 The KouIn, llerhtj, nnd llnrks from wli U'l thenc. ex Intel art mnde Hir mt hered In Ciermnny All I lie medicinal virtue nre exlrneteri front them by a dele utfftu cliriiilitt. Thene eitrmrta nrr thru forwarded to till viMiitlry to be UHfil exprrhttly fur lite iiimtutnvtiire of thene lillte r. There In tin nlvoholle Kiihsitiiiii'e of nny klml uitril In com po it u fillip t lie Hitter, hence It I the. only littler flint can br iiMeil In cnari whvre nluohullv tlin ulaul ure not ndvltmble. tjooflaniTs crmatt (tonic iirt combination of all tht iuyredintt of the lfitter vith PUKE Santa i 'rut Knmf iirttntrt tic '. It it .wi far tht saint duett as th ISiUern, in rates trhert tu'unf. part al-nhlic flimnlui it reunited. )'nu will hear in mind that thetf remedies are rntfrely dittr-rent fnmi tnjf ot'i'rt tulwrlif U or tht rrr uf the. tlixrttf taw, thft lifif tcirtttifte jtrrpnrufivn uf MnticiwU Hraelt, while th othrri an wr tO-rnctiottx of rum n tvme firm. Th T MC i tlm'tifUt on of tht vuttt pttatant and itywOrft rrmt'li's rrrr t,jf,rttt to tht ;mW. Its tatt it tjrfjititifr. It t aplrttsurr to take itt whit its tif'-giviitt txhihirativg, mid mttliciwil ffHiXtitit htirr otusrd it to Ot kirmn at the ynatttl of utf feme CONSUMPTION. TliOHHtUittn of ciimw. whrn the pn- lriil HitppoMtd he yiH iimictcil Mltli t Uln I er rl hie illrieune, Imvr been enretl by the mte of (Ihm- reiiii-flleH. ICxtreme Ttimrlnt loti, ilchtllty, niid ronyli nre the itiiitl nt MitdiintH npon nerere 'eitfte of l3'Nprpila or ilUejine of the dlKctlvc orRiiN. Kven In ene of Kfitiiliic Coil ii m pi loo, t h-e reined leu 111 h found of 1 he rrnleHf heiit-ltly lr:itthenliiy mid Invigoi-nliiit;. DE3ILIT3T. Witrt it no nir-'liriu t'a-d t Ifttft,rnd"i C-rmTn iX'iirfr 1'tnic in t'if-t. & uf Ihi.ilit'i. ' Tifff itnf.irt i tviir und rifittr in tht ivh'd- t;f.t m, itrryi.flhi n th ;- . jxiitf, eutr an rujii;ni'-nt of tUr t ", eiviUl? tht tUnH'i'tt tit difi'xt it. ftttrif th iiv l g-n.tly wttui, hrttUlt ' omflrsvitt. t rttdi--atr tht- jt lhur Hint fri'iH IU rye, imfmrt U lilo-un to the cheek, antl rhmujt the yutti-vit fnm a rhort.firmthr'i, emtn tnti tl, vel:t tttid n mutt imvttiti, to u full-fiCfd, stunt, und viytir 0U4 J t' tnn. Weak and Delicate Children lire made utroiift by iiHin the llltters r Tmilr. In met tiny nre Funilly Plediclneit They run be Hilmliilieretl rltli peifi-ct kulVly in tt child three mom Iih old, t he imonI (U-lliutc female) ur ii in n ii of nliit-1)-. 3fVnv lit nu dies art' the heft. ISlCMXl IMll'Hlcl'H luou'u, taut wilt cure all ditcaftt rtilting fitm OiJ i'i"ti. ' y'-tr hh.tnl jotre: .-..; y,nr I.irer in order; .wi your ilti titer oryun in H-unit, healthy ttitiiH tun. It- tht nr of thete n in flier, tnd uo dinast uill trtt' iifxail m mm ml W V m'm m mm mi mm m mA Itidleit wlio mill a full hkltt und foed eomplt'xiiMi, free from n i llo th 1 1 ik' mill ull it her itisliin eiiienl, Mhonltl line thene ifiurdi-- oeenitloii .. U) The Idver In perfect oidi r, nmt the hluod pure, will re hi It In spin k lliig tytm und blooming chitk, lhntlxmTt Herm.tU ;IiV ur rr,ri)it.rf'i'rd, Tit urtinine hare tin ti'fiwtttrr f t ,1. ,hi victim. Ull thr ffinit of the'ittthi't' i'T r.i. h If iff'-, -Hid tht name of the urliU "bhtfti in eaeh Ootttt. All olhef4 tin cuunttiftit, 'rhoiiHniifN of lettrrn linre been re celYed,tetttlfyliig to the virlnt of thee ft'eiucdlctt BEAD .THE EEC0M1IEXDATI0N3, I'KOM HON". iKO. V. WOUDW'Altll, Clilff Jusllcu v( t)ie;iiirHiiii Court ul' lVmikylvaiiia. rililAlti:Ll'Ml,' ii ltiih.lMiT. 1wltnd ".wff.iwi'., (,'rromn hittn s" it tint nn inti.r i'M'iii.7 tivti'jr, liit ix a fjiitnl liniii; unrl'nl in iliinr dirt of the diii ttive oriaus, tiud nf trtat h nrfit ,'t i-iuc of ikbiliti and waut of uirraits action in tUt lyiUm. l'liur initii, C'i'M. II'. WOODWAUD. FROM HON. JAMK.S THOMPSON, Judge of the S?iiiM'iiu' C.'Url i.f retilisylvaitln. 1'llll.Alifl.l'llIt, Al'ltll. lvrtrt. T cniialitrt' " llonnniira (; i uinil Hlr trri" a nilttnhlit un-ttirtui' In nihu of al tavkii (if 1 iiclif hi lfn or lyirh!n. I nik cct'tll'y till I'rnm iti)- t'&pt'i'itinve f It, Voiirs, wltlt -l)':t, JA.IIKs 1 IIO.llPSOX. .in? W.IM; laiiiHa.ii.his. lln..lirinov Hub Sir : Ihure lrn frnmrntliirr mettrd lu rtaiurrl my Haute H-ilt rriniiiiti'iiitatiithM nf uijfcrrtu kiitittnf meiliciHii,but rtjiirdiii; the practice M (( nf i aj'iroiriatr fihrrr, I hatv. in nil cases tie TtiWft ; but tcili a clear pi imf iu vuriuux iwitaiicer, and particularly in wifnwil ,ilwi 7.V, nf the usel'idncss nf J jr. Jlanjlawl s Un man Hitlers, id 7j.11 fur met frnm my uul enuese, t my full curiitt.u that .iifrnl l.-kilily uf II..-.v.i,-jm. iin.i i . l:illv (.r Uver 'iulUint. II In A Kir,. hii.I n ,-.i,, iilir.n. In, ran ruses tt m.iy fail ; hut utttalti. I itnnU it mil . let rery Itnefieml to tlime Ml,,, ,,r , tht above -VOU4C4. iuurs, verv reterl fttlU, J. II. A li.XXA It P. Eighth, btluui Cuatcl St. Price of the Bittors, 61.00 per bottle i Or, a half dozen for $5.00, 1'riue of the Tonio, $1.60 por bottle t Ur, a half dozen for $7.60. Tb Tunic ii put up Iu qu irt bottlm. ttcenllect that it is Or. ItnnJInntTs f.'erman Itemediet that are so uuirersalli used and so hiyhlif recnmniettiU rd; and do niit altnw the. Itruijuisl In induce yuit to take any thinff else tlud he may say is just as oi, iV muse he makes a larger prohi tm it. These Hemedire trill be tent by erjiress to any locality uitnn aiioUcatiun it Ul4 PniSClPAL OFFICE, AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, ' .Yo. 631 AltfU STHKKT, fl,iladilvl,ia. CHAS. M. EVANS, Proprietor, Formrly 0. M. JACKSON It CO. Then Utmrilln are for kale by DiukkIpIi, hluickrriiiK, aud JUtdt cluo lcalrrs every here. 1H uotfnr.iet to examine K.H 1it urticlc yuit buy, in etrtLr to ytt tlu yutane. Vtjt tale at tie fi. Mar-'i, Urug V'.oif JOIIX I M0 OR ft, EtUtor f? Vrnpru She oHk dvontc, A WKKKI.Y NEWSI-APER. Devoted to the Interest! of the Peoplo of Elk Co IS PI 1II.ISIIKII KVKIIY SATPHDAT. HY JOHN F- MOOltE, Office, in thr. 0'iurl hkkk. rurtMs One liollnr and Fifty rents per annum, iuvaiiablj' in hiIvuih... No ilcviu tion from thee Irrni. Kates of Advertising. Trniipietit Adverlivenienit'iils tiers n ire nf 10 lines ur less, !! times or less 52 (Ml j Fur enoli suliseiiint insertion l!fi i Ailminislriito-s' and Ex'rx nnlices... 2 fit) Ainlitovs" nntiees fil) Pissnliiiiims. Caul inns nn.l Ksiravs... 'J CO I I.uenl ami Oliiimny notices jiei line.. 1 I'rotuHsio'inl cards, 1 year 5 00 YKAlll.V .MlVf.UTISKMKSTM . 1 fitinrc $ 7 W column 00 'J s.ii.ui's 12 0oA column Ho 00 !! Hiiiares loOO l column till 00 The iiliove rules will be siricily ailhcreJ 13 hi ull advertising li mn this date. III.ANKS. Single quire ?'J od d rnii cs p qr..$1 7") B itiircs "j1 qr... - olMlver ti, "f1 (jr.. 1 ,10 ii tNtinn.i.. 1 sheet. 2.1 or less -J 00 J licct, 2-1 or 'ess .100 j sheet, 2-1 or les H 00 1 sheet. 21 or less 0 00 Nov 2H, 1807. ' JOHN V MOOUK, Editor and Proprietor. TIME 0E IIOLlUNd COURT. Secoinl Momlny in January, Last Momlny in April. 1'iift Moinlay iu August. l'iit Monday in November. I.A" A'lKT ah rival: : FALL AND WINTHU GOODS!! C VI E A P EST G DODS I N 111 DG WAY ! AT Tllti 8T0KK OF Cor. of Main .- Water, end oT Hyde House, Where he hus on hum! an extensive assort inei.l ul'!s, consist ing uf Woolen (loods, Huts ami Caps, 15oots ami Shoes, Underclothes, Ladies' icss Goods, Shawls and Nubias, Hoop Skirts, Opera Hoods, Mus. litis and I'ali. C o c s ! llalmoral Skirts, Ulankets and Counter panes, Ladies' .Press Triniinius, Genes' Furnishing Goods, Groceries, Paints, Glass und Putty ! ! ! ('ull and see my stock before purchasing elsewhere 1 1 Ve. r.Vi7 ly. PHILADELPHIA &, EHIE BAILHOAD. WINTER TIME TAUI.E. Tlifitlt tiuil IHrrrt J'mtlr hutwecu J'iiiiriliin, Iitlt 'ilH ii v Jl'irris nn, 'iiiiiiiirt, it nil the : 11 E A T OIL A E G 1 O A of Pennsylvania. Ii L E G A N T SLEEPING CARS On all Niglit Trains. ON and after MONDAV. NOV. 2.1ih, thelrainsou the l'lii'.adelnhia &. Erie Kailroad will run as follows : w T.S.I WAHII. M.ii! Train leaves 1 .1 -1 i. ni. ' ' " llidgway 2. -15 . in. " " arrive ul Eric ii.00 ). in. Erie Exp leaves Philadt'lphia... 12 00 noon. ' ' ISnlgway i o2 n. in. Esi ?Mtli. f i'1 a- Mail Train leaves Erie 10.21 a. in. " " Riiljrwny 4.38 p. in. ' " nrriveat I'hildeljiliia S..ri-1 a. in. Erie Kxp leaves Erie 4. 21 p. in ' ' " Uidgway 10.1:1 p. in. " ' nrr. nt l'hiludel'pliia... 1.00 a. in. Mail anrl Krprrs trains evntiert tcith ull train un Warnn ami Franklin Jiitilu tH. J'umrngrre Irariitg I'hilndrljihta ul l'J.OO ). arrire ut Jrvinrlnn at ti. -10 tl. m. anal ttil Citii O.oOu. . J.earinj I'liilaileltiia at II, lf . in. arrire at Oil City at 4. ill . m. All trains on Warren & Franklin Railway make close connections at Oil City with trains fur Fiunkiin ami Petroleum C'eutre. ISAGUAGE CHECKED TH ROUGH. ALFRED E. TYLER, General iSupcrinlcndciit. LssOLL'TiON OF PARTNERSHIP. The partnership heretofore existing .mder I lie, inline cf II. F. Espcnshude & Co., iu the Tunning business, is this day dis solved by the withdrawal Coryell and W. C. Kehullze. All persons Jinving claims against said company will please present them for puyineul, and those know iug iheinsclvtB indebted come forward and suule. J. U. CORYELL. )l. F. K.S1KNS1I.ADE, W.M. C. SCll U L I Z, Si. Jfnrv's. Dec. 1. 1'.7. laplll B LANKS of ull kit (Is for sale at this of. JtlDGWAY, PJ:XXA: MAY 10, tor. TfiFBEST IS ALWAYS THIi 'sa -r w 17 URN ITU RE. COFFINS, PIC ' 'J'URE-FilAM ES, &c. The unilersigr.eil having sold his interest in t lie wagon (imp, now intends devoting his time exclusively to the Furniture trade. He lias just received a large stock ol the BEST FURNITURE MADE which lie offers at prices that cannot fail to please. His stock consists of Bedroom Suits, Upholstered Goods, Ilurcaus, AVashstamls. Couonndes, Lounges, lledst cads of Maple, Oak, Whitewood nnd Mack Walnut Spring Reds and Mat trasses, Extension Dining, Itreak fast Tea Party nnd Quartette. Tables, Chairs of every kind a id description. The largest, assortment of Cane Seated Chairs ever brought into this section of the country. Farmer's Secreta ries, What Nots, llracketg, and everything usually found in a First Class FURNITURE WARE ROOM rictnre Frames of cv k'ud sue or Quality, kept mi hand ami made to order, looking Glasses, Looking iUss Plate and Pictures. VTe vould call at tcniion to our large stock of Coffins, con sisting of Pine, Whitewood, Cherry, Chestnut an 1 llliick Walnut, any one of which we can furnish in tloechourstiuie, trimmed iu any style to suit. Metallic cases of nny kind procured in three hours' time. Feclingconfident tha. with a liheral pat ronage, we shall be ab le to keep up a First Class esitiblirhnicnt, wo appeal to the peo ple of Elk county, to say if it is not belter to keep their money in circulation at home to semi il off lo the cilics where if ihey buy but Tittle Ihey are sure to get cheated and pay a good rour.d sum into the bargain. Then let your motto be, never buy away from home what can be hud just ns cheap at home, and therhcapest place to buy Furni t tre in Western Pennsylvania is at II. II. Thomas' Ware Rooms, Excelsior Ruilding, corner of Main nnd Depot streets, Ridgway, Elk county Pa. Oct. 81, 18(i7-1y. II. II THOMAS LOOK HERE ! WATCHES. JEWELRY & SILVERWARE. C, il.V IU.KS HOLES, Practical Watchma kcr, Jeweler and Engraver, Ridgway, 1.1k county, Pa. The subset iber hcgs leave lo announce lothe citizens of Ridg way and vicinity that he is prepared to do all work in Ins line on short notice iiudnt reasonable rates iu the very best manner. Shop in II. S. llelnap's iStorc. Special atten tion paid to engraving. He has also on hand ft largo assortment ot Clocks, Watches, Jewelry snd Silverware which he otters for sale un reasonable terms. tiive him a call. uov7't7tf. "JoRElGN ATTACHMENT. T. L. Foster, Clms. E. 1 Foster, & E. N. Frisbie, In the Court of Administrators of Asa Common Pleas of L. Foster, deceased, f Elk Co. No. 80. versus I April Term, IMS William Heed. J ELK COUSTY, SS : The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the Sheriff of said coun ty, GREETING : We command you that von nttnch WIL LI A M REED, late of your county, by ail und singular, his goods and chattels, lands nad tenements, in whose hands or possess inusever the sumo may be, so that he be and appear belore our Court of Common i leas, to be hnlden at ficJgway, in nnd for said conuty. on the last Monday of April next there lo answer T. L. Foster, Charles it A'sifsr v'i,,.l:.-,N.-.!'',:iic' A'1"!'!8 And also that yon summon Joseph S Hyde, rud any other persons in whose hands or possession the property may bo. so iliat they be and appear before our said Court on the last Monday of April next, to answer what shall be objected against lnni, und abide the judgment of the Court therein. And have ynu then and there this writ, WITNESS the Hon. R. G. W HITE, Presi dent Judge of our said Court, at Ridgway, tins Jlth day ot Alareii. ituis. GEO. A. RATI1UUN, rroth'y. Pail required in tho sum of $70,000. The Sheriff will u'l.ieh all the goods and chattels, binds and tenements of the defen datit, in the hands and possession of Joseph S. Hyde, or in the hands or possession nf nny other persons w hatsoever, aud summon (hem us gurnishees. Soi'TiiE Ai.imir.iiT, l'laiutifiV Attorneys. April 4th, 1808-liw. t 11 orders for Stoves und Hardware will be promptly ullendtd lo as soon us received, at I he 12 07 St. MARY'S HARDWARE STORE UK S, PISTOLS, RIFLES, KX1YKS, J pocket and lable cutlery, of the best uuulity and most approved patterns, vei v cheap ut the Hardware Siurc ou Liibergei's 18G3. VOL UME EIC, UTX UMBER 0. Tifcrcanlili. N EW HARDWARE STORK! The subscribers have just 'opened in ST. MARY'S A new and Complete Stock of Heavy & Shelf 1 1 And will keep constantly nn hand a great variety of COOK A XI) HE A TIXG .S TO VES liar Irtin, SlrA Atifitn, IhJloirt, Xtu'h, llnrti' Shoe, S)rt'n;s, Jiniltl iinj Ifitriirnrc, iSaim nnd Fih nf" Evtrj Dtcription ! GUNS, PISTOLS AND CARTRIDGES, Cutlery, Plated Ware and House Furnishing Goods. AR kinds of Mechan ics' Tools ! TINWARE Of every description, which will bo sold at tho LOWEST CASH PRICES. They have also the exclusive agency in St Mary's for the IMPROVED ORIENTAL 13ASE.151JRN1NG COAL STOVES AND PARLOR FURNACES ! Which have received Four First Class Pre. niiunis at the New York Stale nnd oth er Fairs ; Also, the Great Silver Medal at the Fair of the Am erican Institute, held in New York City, lSliS. They nre Perpetual Burners, only one fire being required to be niado uuring tho season. M. BEECH ER. -Tn. W.M. II. COPELAND. r.ov28'67 ly STOVES ASD'TIN-WARK. AT John Sosenheimer & Sons., WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS. st. mary's, ta. Keeps constantly on hand and for sale, a large and well selected stock of TIN WARE, STOVES !fcc. We have everything generally kept in a Tin Shop. Our Stock of STOVES consists in part of SPEARS ANTIDUST PAUL011& COOKINCr STOVES. ALSO IKON GATE & WI1EAT-SIIEAF STOVES. i'o also keep on hand nnd for sale the M OR XIX O GLORY, A large stoct of GLOBE HEATERS with Russia ton is among our assortment, which are now :he best stoves in use, and can be sold as cheap as cv2r. SCRAP IRON taken in exchange for itoods. SPOUTING & ROOFING done on short notice. Give us a call, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sept. 2b (ii. tf. PATRONIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS. FLOUR, FEED AND GRAIN. fllHK subset ibers having completed their J fvewOnst .Mill in ltidgway are now prepared lo furnish the people of the sur rounding country with "n v. t e l : tiuui vi tun xicsb V(ua.iiij, and of their own manufacture, at the lowest market rates. The attention of lumbermen and others is called to our tncililies for furnishing mem witu FEED OF ALL KIXD. cheaper than it can be bought any other place in the county. J&T'Casii Paiu roB Okain-Jj. J. S. HYDE. J. V. IIOUK. J. K. WJ11TM0RF. Kevcmbcr 7, I8tl7(f WHEELER & WILSON'S SEW ING MACHINES. The undor signed having been appointed Sole Agent for the sale of Wheeler & Wilson's Sewing Machines for Klk county. He keeps an assortment constantly on hand. Machines soi.l at Philadelphia and New Yor prices. Any parties desirous of obtaining them can mi l ress J. K. WIIITMORE. M irch Ot-'CC-ly. at Kidgway, Pa. NEW GOODS! JUST RECEIVING! AT THE STORE OF HYDE, GILLIS Si CO. -i ; HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, CANDIES, NUTS, &o. DRY GOODS & GR0CERIE3. THE 13 EST AND CHEAPEST. IN ELK COUNTY. CALL AND SEE AND 13E CONVINCED THAT WB SELL CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN THIS SECTION. WE ARE CONSTANTLY ADDING TO OUR STOCK COME AN1 SEE US. H nods, Nubias, and alt kinds of Woolen Goods at I he cheap store of 12 C7 1IYDE.G1LLIS iCO. Do you want to purchase a silver watch American or Foreign ? if so, go to 12'C7 HYDE, G1LLIS 4 CO. niresh Oysters constantly on hand at tha 12C7 HYDE, GILUS & CO. N otions of all. kin (Is In extensive variety at me store oi 1107 HYDE, G1LLIS CO. A n extensive assortment of CLOTHING at the store nf 12 07 HYDE, OILLIS a CO. B 0OJS, SHOES and GAITERS every kind, style and variety at the store or 12'C7 HYDE, G1LLIS a CO. A large and complete stoek of Hardware aud cutlery at the store of . 12'67 HYDE, G1LLIS& CO. T OBACCO The finest brands for smok inn and chewing, at the store of 12 G7 HYDE, GILL1S4 CO. OUEENSWARE an extensive assort, ment, at the store of 12'b7 HYDE, GILLIS 4 CO. "VJ"ewest Styles of Balmoral Skirts at tha cheap store of 12 07 HYDE, GILLIS 4 CO. Indies' Dress floods latest and mot j fashionable figures, at the store of 12 07 HYDE, GILLIS 4 CO. H ate. Caps and furs, in great variety iwd at the lowest price, at the store a 12'07 HYDE, GILLIS & CO, Mens' woolen and casshner Shirts at ensation prices, at the store of n67 HYDE, GILLIS 4 CO.' TTndershtrts and drawers, cheaper than I I the cheapest, at the store of 12 07 HYDE, GILLIS 4 CO. Ocf31st,18b7-Iy. ti j. oli comer ut .M. .Mary s. .