The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, May 09, 1868, Image 2
Ii.'ilN F. .vr.i !:;. Ki,l:ii. e:- SATUKl A Y : 1 "It I'.M-lwlliKN r i.n l;iis, CLNEMAL GKEENDACKQ !':! VilT. I l!i;siiKM', AL LOW TAXES I'ivMOUATIO STATE TICKET, CiiAS H BOYLE. GEN W If KNT (J ( 'fJiinihi'tt Ci.ii.i.'i, X w that, the iiigntiienl.s nre all in i- i . r r i in-.- i fum nr ingu i.otirt have to n'.iln the pr.'fu A submitted bv Initiator Edmonds, to allow the delates j i secret sesiim to ho repotted : and n. t ' p:i-3 Upon '.!:e additional rules propns '1 by Mi ;Mi!ii!i.'t It was with t Irs vi. w that a secret scs ioii was hrlj on "Vediiosu.iy alternoon, altor the close of Einghnm'ti harangue. Various opinions tiro expressed a to ;he l,ti;:i!i o time will ho con.un.i:d in delibcratim: r;.on the case. Fume well informed ) rscins think u verdict un.y be rendered hy Friday or r;ariir,!ay next, while oth- i vs ;;s-ert t :-at the inal wi.l not tonnhuVe :o the .lii hllc or end if next weilc. Ah :.t rivMuit advised there is soma doubt nbnut the number of days which will be Jequiied to settle tho case definitely. T ho special correspondent of the Ajr oa the situation, writes as follows : Wd.-ihiiiiton, Mi , (!, 1SGS. " From some unexplained cause, the itr,pcaehers are in Letter spi:i;g to day tutu tiiey were yesterday. The story s.bout Senator Fts.-cnden having prepar ed an elaborate opinion against eonvici lion, is generally discredited to day, and t.. is way account, to pome extent, (or. t'ie apparent levivaiol confidence ou the )';rt of the impijuch.r.-i. Notwithstand ing this, however, some eight or ten Kuditul Senators are it;l! considered, by icrtain we'Utif'ormed parties her,:, as exceedingly doubtful on the final jue t ion. 'i he dispatches of Washbiirne and JUnkr to the New Hampshire Conven tion yesterday, are sit down as " Lrnir." Indeed, Eutler's proforscd confidence in c-ouvictiou !o.s caiv-ed several disttiiuuinh ed hero (who Lave hitherto expressed doubts as to the final result), to believe (hat is certain." li3VvTe notice by the lata number of that sterling Democratic sheet, tl. Clarion Democrat, that 11. 15. lirown its able editor, has consented to tho use of his naina as a candidate lot Assembly 10 represent the district composed of the counties of Clarion and Jefferson. Mr. .lonks, well known to many of the cu.zens id this county Las represented the same district for hvo terms, aud has won for himself a reputation, which w think Mr. brown's abilities will retain i! he should be elected. Tin At r.n Kit. It. r i ' ur im i.wis. it sornn to be generally understood among those who outfit to know that Mr. Davis will ei taiuly be tried at the spring term of he United States Circuit Court which commences on first day in May. A veu ire of Mxfy men has been ordered. WTuTherc uro now two hundred ami fifteen JJluu Masonic 'Lodges in the State if J'enusyl-.ania, with twenty-two thou- umii and ,my five members. The as wis of the (J ram Lodu are about fjiju '10, and the new 'lemph; to be erected in tne city ol I'luladelphia, rill cst iuilu ijuariers oi a million ol dollars E?,A younjr man waa poisoned a few days since at Hudson City, New York, hy his sweetheart, who, requesting her over 10 mut nis ryes and open his mouthy popped therein a candy ball i-uuiaiinng buiiio noxious substance. S?S- II- II. Helper, who announce d liimself as an independent candidate for Conp-css in the Sixth District of North Carolina, hag withdrawn in favor of lion. Nathaniel Doydcu, the conserva tive candidate. iGTThe Pennsylvania Reserve Guard -fissooiation will hold us second annual meeting m 1'ittsbur-rh, on tho J0th day ol May. A eulogy on Ceneral (Jeoro A. McCall will be delivered. "&a Y Chicairo paper states th.t 11 '.): jirivsts on tho charge of drunken! m ss were made in tlmt city during l!i7. Tim holo u jmber id anests was ',ii'S. fiiTA party of treasure diners have iTtatod gnat excitement hy tlo-ir ins terious operations iu the victuity of to jt city, UTuI'i prrsp.'iiiy. wo need modem ii. in advi'Hfy patieiieo. , .vr.v;. I 'on- m.fiiv, i ! 1 i.'imi l!. .;i oo if ",. I " ClMKl IH I'l M. -semldod i! U'ird; ' : -onn, a id the 4i!i mst-nif. n) 1 ..'!. ..t- Ir. (1. 1!. ! i'W v.a e. ,'!'.; to :i,o 1 1.,,;, I .Inim s y air! . K. 1 . (lull, I,-- s., wero iveeli " ' ar aiim no,",',) tiio r c i j'h.o ol'a !((. r Ji-,,,, ;:,.,!, J!.,,,, j,;.., , .Mcf.ran eounly, eoiit;,ini (t,,, jf, M.niioii thai a mips ol ci.Minoers were about eoiiiineiieinu a survey of the around bi't ween IJi-hops and Miller's West Creek Summit, ami roijncsnf, the co operation of the eiliz-of St. .Marys. '1 ho chair staled ti e object of the tuoctil. to he the inauuuiatiou ne-., sures h r (,L. tu-mril oi fin. u, j, the exi'crises ot'sn.Oi 1!. K. C. Sc! cimnze in-xt fiiMi-nsed Miums, a.'io. iiiii r snme proliiiiimi iy vemiiiks. lead a letter li-mn Mr Clmdw'ck, of Mt-Kiaiti county, in reler eiiee lo the above' iiunti.-iird survey.- Il! leieircl lo tho nr.cesMiv of a short line of conmiuMieution betivp-n e.l fields of Nortl . western 1 Vnnm uid ri UI'jIo, as nb.-ol-ite for the' inter ests of tho people in both seotijns II describe 1 the western roure to .inlm-..r bun,', the ons'cin to Knitmriuin. and th miilillc to ht. .Mary s, and insisted upon Ihn oreat superiority f J,,, middle n.iit.o ; not only wiih respect in distano- .inn easiness o! grade, but on account of the immense superiority of tin. eoal it .t. iMary e, and vicinity, both iu quantity and quality. St. .Mary's bein. the centre (,t (,e e.ial basin, while Kwi ! lit . ponum aim .joiitisouloir occunv Us ev iremc ciais. j udj-e ,c!.ul!ze icad es tracts lro.n geoloj.-ieal reports su-itainin his lisvrliwis. He ii'ionnlil il,' iiiectitig to 1 e eemrous, undo raient "iioe tl.t necessary funds h r tho prose culiou of the suivey. becr.ise. whih- new the siir.i'iinritv of our ionic and our coal, mi actual survey was nec essary to convince others, ifc assi i-.o.l tliat f I - i S Sill VPV Wimlli !lOU' lil:l- l.uiln o be iuf liitely the best. t!i motion, Or. liiid.elv addivssno the mectiio' in relerence to i's obienr oiul a ided some suirttestious as to die manner of raising the mrinev iiece.-sari r the survey. George Wois Ifin-f called unoii. said that if any one thought the southern termination of I he J & W. U. It. In Northwestern Pennsylvania wis nl.en. itely decided upon tliev are mistnlen 'I he Company have now tho funds nee essiry for the prosecution of their road, and they will build that road upon the liortcU ,ine, eisiost grades, and to the lace bavins the miist and best e.,:l Mr. W'eis believed that a .snrvev lrom ishons to Miller's West Creek .-'11111- mit, w..nld deuionstrale (he superiority eeiy rcspcpt ol that route. He rp- coiniiiende.J the i'.'iointiiieut of a com. miUoe of ihrcu (wliieh was altorwtirds icrcased to five) on resolutions, us loliows : Messra. John ("on v.. 11 P. (' chult?:, Lr. (J. K Ka.l 'y, Dr. W, aines i!:aki!y, aud R. C. McCill. v.!... tteic iiistrueied to have tiie rcsolutio-. s. l.iiiifed iu the Uufl'ulo. Clk -c.uiitv and other pajieis. Gi orge Wtis, i:.-q , and Major II. Krutz were appointed a poiuniiitee to raiiiii money to delrny the expense of th survey. Dr. Hh.kely, Col. J. L. Dates u;id (ien. McCill wi re appointed a spe. cial cr nimittee to wait on coal opeiatms, land owneis, nnii manufacturers, and to oblaiu their .suhspi iptions. Alex Cameron, Esq.. Jacob MeCau ley, Ksq , and 1'. V. Hays, Kq., were appointed a committee at Cenlreville to Solicit eui'sciiptions lit that plaeo. Hon. C. II. Larley. Joseph ltton, Esq., and Gen. Mcliill were upjoinled a oouiuiittte to engage a eolps of eiigiu., ec -s at once. The secretaries were instructed to write the gentlemen in McKeau county, (in case of failure to procure a corps of engineers) and make anan-eniciits fL.r a combined survey with one party, or with the McKeau county parly, and M. Mary's to defray her poitiou of the ex penses. The meeting was large and enlbu-ias. .'ic, and dissolved with' the tinu iuteu tion of making at once the necessary surveys. The importance ol tho mid dlo routo was fully understood by nil, imd when the surveys are completed, it is believed data v'.lfbe furnished to the ptoper panics which will insuro its ud. option, ()u motion, tho uieetin" ml- jourued subject to the call of the l'resi. ib nt. C. K.EAULIJr, President. . JAMKS J'.r.AKlXV, J as. K. P. Hall, 1 j Secii ecrctaries. Tiii.viiH Unknown. Show us the man win se waist bus ever been encoiu- ased by an arm of the sea. ho has ever seen the cow that rvpr hud calves on her legs ? U tiere is the identical nosa of ibo bellow.? that ever smelt a ut t hero is the ncrson w ho wna m- lolt for by tho heart of an onk t H iiut vocalit can lav claim to bis lving ever been li.teued to by uu ear of corn. Who has evcrbceu nushed bv a hnL dor of nun ton ? Tho individual w10 W!W cv,,, i, the eye of u potato has never been visi ble. W as tin re ever an individual nuhickv enough to bo ubused by the moutl of un'v liver f ' Who ever felt thn brealli (mm lllM'M of a chei.t of lira V Is there a soul living who has heard u i'U Miicui eiuaiiutiug Iruw tho bitjt ol Ve.'V J I'M!. ,'!, .!.' . Tn (irri.rdarice wit'i j r, llHrX i 1 . . ii'M'i p. in 'S.-Wu 111. . t.:, p. 111. . l'i p. m. . 10 11. III. . MX p. III. l. n'l .... V.'esi..... do .i . 'in Hi I'ast ii.i W.-t , 1 l'llMJtilf Kllst.... du West r: Ictge, A. Y M ''in-! of i;:k Lo.ljr., w;n i,e .Irlti-l 11 Mil Ti!em!:i y cvoninjr, on nr before t lie full iiinnli of o:ii li mniit;i, mice i'Vitv two werl:n tlieieafier. J. K. WIHTMoHF., f'eC-y. Oiacs Churca i rotes:.-.nt Ep::opal. i:v. (!. E. IIi tlkh, l!eeir. SeivioDs will I13 lu-ld in t .c above church every nl lennitc Rimilay niorninj nnd evening coiiiinenciiig with Monday, the MOili inst. lu'elhairt Sp.'scr pal. I'.kv. F. Vkrnon. l'listor. M uriiing Per vieo, in the Cuui-l lluuse, every nlieniale Hiiuday, coMimene.iiR with the 17th insmni. U as any barhnr ever applied to, to shave tho beaid of an oyster ' M.vti.NuLlA W.A i'Ku. A delightful tnilet, iirtiele superior to cologne and at hall the price. I'l-J'.sil. Nearly ,m j,lt.i of Pnrw cvered the hills in this vicinity yester. day inoriiin.7. fi:5-Tlli: C.iir.NTV iNsnrUTi;, to be hold iii St. Mary's for Kik county will commence on MOXDAl', the 19th inst.. at 1 J o'clock I'. M. Teachers altcnding tho Institute will, through tho hospitality of the citizens, ho at norxpensp during ihe term. i,'K'.v.Ri); Skasdn. After the se vere cold and Jeep M,ows from Novem ber until April, an early ppiing was ion. fideutly predicted. Due sne'i has not 1. ...... .1.,. I.I iimj iiiij uiu PoiKllilled wet wea-her has been very d.i.rimei.tal to farmng. (Daiu and looking well. grass, however, is iiiuiiwAY itoiiiiKity. He rnL-nt 'o T1 ... learn that Mr. Cooker, living on the up per Mime malionii g, was knocked down un l robbed ( T 61700 one ovpnio., week, in PhilaJelphiu. Two ! u.d.s .id tho work for hi:n. Mr. C.okcr h .d bought a property on tho Sinneniaho;:. ing, intended b.r his future residence, and this liluiiev Was inVnde.l f..r payment. UPl.Si i:ce has at his establishment l.,.f 1 . .... .i .i.-twi tiuuui. 01 goo is in nis line, over brought to this section. His new advertisement would have appeared ti.i weck but for tho fa :t that wo had de layed puking it into Jv(,u until yj.-tj:. lay afternoon, wheu wo received pro- eecdings of the railroad meetim; at St. Mary's, which would bo stalo if lolt til next week. fc2TT!ic Mason why MISllLKlt'S IIKK1! ni f l JillS cure so muny different disease-. islieiMiiseii is the bLt rcaiedy tor n d -ranged stomach, or J)ys; opsin, now known, and beanuse it invigora'cs the cn'iresys loai, strriorthcns the nervous f.lnx's. ele vales the standard of nil the vital forces, and sustains a heailhful tetie o!' the entire hniimii orpaiu'siii. MjJ.eine that williio this, will cine any disease, for the simple reason that nature will do iho rest. We ginoaaiee, ihai jo wom an or child, however pale or emaciated, can use thes;! Uitteis ri'suini-Iy for twenty-one days, with out the return of !ho rosy cheeks nud fair coa.iplexion elmrjclerislic of good hcallli. Sold by nil lhu-gisls and Dealc s. Ull. S. li. Il.lRTMA.N It Co., I'l(.pi-ii!toi:, Inncastcr, Pennsylvania, and Chicago, ii.yl-:i.ac3 C-Jy " V.'llILK TIIE L.'.Wl' Il'JLIlS OUT Tl urr.N " there is n ciiuuc' fop r, nn:..r,.n ,.r heulih. If, therefore tho constitution has been weakened by disease o;- exuess tho nerves bhattored lac stoaiauh w jnkciied Ihe appetite gone, aud ail tho world appears gloomy pour nonie ( tie ih oil into your lamp, in the shapo of l'ltiitaiion Hitters, which will make Ihe flau.e of lifu again burn brightly, and illuminate a once wretch ed ex istenee. For ladies it is an elegant and gentle stimulant, exactly such as they re. quire. Many families will not be without it. It Las uu iiuuieusis sale throughout tho orld. ot JfJ-i5"The Editor of tho Jicmocrat, Daven port, Iowa, endorses Iloonaul's Herman Hatters, in the columns of his p&nor, as follows : lIuofLM-s In another col umn will be round the advertisement of this stuiiing remedy. To it. tho writer of this article owes his health. Having once been cjinplettiy presumed by diseases contract ed ia campaigns contracted in Louisiana nud Mississippi, v.'o were uunlilu to regain our healili by iollurting regular remedies, bat ivera cured by a few bottles of this iiieuieine. ll is llu greatest knowu Tonic, nud is en tirely free from alcoholic, admixture. Ho ki.anii'b Uki .m vn Tumi 1 is a combina tion if all ihe in-ivdipiiis of the Hit'ei-,,, Willi pin" SiniaCruz Hum, oinu-e, iini.e, kis., niakiiijr a prepn aiiim of of euro modi.' nil value. It Hilled in eases where somo .M o!o.'n tatiioulu is n,Tcviry. IVincipul I'd.ei.. r.ll Anil Strrel, i'hihi.1,.11,1,;.,, Suli cvv.-y v.Uu- by Ir,:Wi.,i aud ol'iers. l '' iM ITM'K." ' '" VTo Jiav. i inA it rctes.-Ty. 111 order to Ircop tho fina-,.c!i.l d3part-tnt 0; the flvocate on 1 good lan.s, t - ,-vtoiit tl foaowinr r.:!e : Teukics: idvertifomc'ita cuut I9 pai.'t f.?T in Kt. va :c j ; and .11 uh V.or: as own as rorepiattd. ma toui a::d prese-t-.! tn re.-.r!? auvrt-scm at t id nofn'nTvr.f c.' 5. 1", ii'v!. r ' iiui.v:i nt la b? pud f.,f iiA j mivii" N I . :fi7?.n:o. .slier G iui;niv MIfLTK. A TEACH Kit 1: rrrrn: ;ii b? i,. S"S.-(H ol ,!!y, f..,j. 'M'i ,., .,,,(.. Tcai-hers no I f ii.i.-,- iiiti-T: i:i'' to Iv:k!i, are uutiesllv reonc-ie I In at (,.,,. j. I'ir. rtors and all nthors itilerested in the. progvess (,f oar l'uidic School ), are ais j in vited. The form will c iinnmie-o t 9 o'cla-'c A. ' ' on the I'.lih und euiuiiiue until Friday. day of May, .i..:ks nr.AKn.v, St.. Mary'p. May 1, 1'm;S-Ji iipeiiaieii lent. T!)"ir:; is r:i:Ki::-.v civkn tiIat i i lmve 11. i in in v posiMsiin i Kille t un, which was leruwi.-'li me in pkdM( ft. n debt, an I unless the del,:.,i- calls !..,d le deeias said gun, it will l,n 1 disiiu. . e'' -JOliN MAI, 1 1 IlA.Si'. llidgwny, Pa., .Iay II. ii, IMiH :!. FUUSIHIY MACHINE SHOP IN ST. MAHY'S. IOUIS II. OA UN Kit boys leave to call j the iiitei.tioii of the ,-iiiens of l lh und nj oiling co'inties to ihe fact that he has (on chased l..e f uml y, foi sierly knouii as Alcliiii's Kim nd ry, und thai he has ri tilted Hie csialiln.loiieiit with new und improved machine y. which will enable him l lorn out all wi.ik 111 his lino in a maimer such as will compare bivoraley wil ii any work in tle country. He miiMifnctures STHAM KVOl.'vi.S, MILIi-C.A'i lij ANi; CASTINtiS, r:,ot'!:n-i'()iNTs, vatkk-whi;::i,s ,-ir am. kin dm, WINI'OW.WKIGHTS, STiiVJi-CAfTlNCS ()!' Ay ! VT ! !i Y He is r.l:o n'eiit for He.ny Jnrecki's l'-riiss Foundry, ut. Mrie, ami can famish fn. .11 I inil e-t abli.-hnnt llim Cn,iiiiMS ol' any ilesii cd piiiteru on short milieu. i'articular uitunli ju na.d tj I lie wants of ep.-.raims. I'iiillcd car-H'hcels, nxlo. ami pulleys .urnUhed and made lo older. M vji mi engine boilers ropairud in a dura ble and ue 11 manner. A varied assert incut of rublier 1111 1 ica:l. er iivbing kept consian'ly 01. iiniei. lie o.j.ecia Ih.ough ,-imdy apjilicaiioii lo liusin-ss, lo deserve the pairon igo of all who may call on him. Biol'.MUtV ON .V.IU.i.-TUF.ET, ST. MAUY'M, IJKNZlMiKii 1. U, 101k County, u. May 1 lUS :5m ouc. INSURANCE AlJAlNriToTss OV I KAMAdE j:V 1'iliE ! XI1K Lycoming County Mutiml lnsnr aiiee Company at Aliiney, reiini.. con ionics lo Insure against b i'ss or Damngu by Fire on all kinds ef Merchandise, l'ublic and private uiidnors. i-iiher ; town or oouiiiy. also 011 Mnl.s, 'lamu'ries, I'arns. slocks of (iinin, t:., at tl.c lowest posiilble rates, cm.-is 1 - ut Willi safely to the Insurer and Insured. The becoming Coiiiity. mill liisiiranec Company invtijs an invest ii aiion as to ils slability. lis cai.ilal lo 8.800,000! ThusassnriiiL' 10 overv o:ie ..r n iirr.n. ilnu their los.-es wid bo promptly ami s.-.tls t'aciorily paid. I's m.u. ic-cei.'.i, hasa'v. m betn prudui, ,-.s 11s c: isieu;o of twciii'y si j years fufy demon si rates .lAMIlS Ur.AKKI.V, A (tent f.i;- R'k county, at 81. Mary's Oct. is. lri.71 .. L" "' J'i: a (..-;" (.iAI'.Niib, A!, M ATHINIST, 1. in found t his foundry at :'i. M--. where iio in vn iy l.i i.'il simp. .v. '';' his line iloiiii ou short, notice. hi. d.ii Hoiuiiiger 1. O , lilk Co., fa. mylY,; IN TOTICI2 TO STOCK110I, 0 K i be. sey Oil ,: Mineral Comnanv will be i.eld lit I lie of tin. (,,11, .,.ir f I nl ..i'l...! Itevenne at Wiiliiuuspoi i. I'm., mi tin; ti 1 lay of June next t lo o'clock A. M.. (ue ihe eleeiioii i.f .lireciors und officers of said i.'oi. pany for llm en-iiins vear. 1!. A. UL'KiLvSEt . Pre!. J.'.o. If. Oiirn, rieci ciai v. Hillinuisport, fa., May 1, )8.'.8-lw. " '' HE OLDEST HITTKlis IN UE I , IN AMERICA ! 11. & irs CLD ECjKIKIJN EIOilACII E'.TIEPS" O. B. A. (i. AV1NU US!-:,! OVEIt TWK.V- ly years under Uiu el vie e.f (lid b.i ni.nion Buters. They 1110 u jierfect 15!ood 1'urilier, an unrivalled Stoamehie, and a cei lain cure for ail diseases iiriMiig from Ueiaiig.'inciit of the Sioinach, l.ivcr or K.d neys. A fine remedy for Jaundice, Chrou. 10 Uiarrrlio Hand L'cbility remit ing from any cause whuUvcr. Jiy it, the nppuiite is ulronglLcncd, and u heulll.y toiui and vigor imparled lo ihe whole ey-icm Quan tities of testimonials, and certificates have been sent us, all (peeking in commenda tion ot Ihe beneficial eliccis of our Uiitcrs, and we have no hesimney in asserting that 11 lheyaiM oncii employed, their use will be recommended by every purchaser. They are cheap, available, Hiilu and sure, bciii" composed of ingredients pure and im-mlens! try liitni und lij convinced of their virtues. for sale by all lUe piiiicipul ilrug"-isfi and Meichauts. I'o not fail to cxtmine well tho article you boy in nr.lertoget the gcuuiue. Sec trade mark. liAVNKS i IiOVEIt, Pele I'roprietors Manufacl urcrs, niayl 3m. jnifPEI Il-.S VOGT, Ir,.c7ic"aTFircir& r atehmuker, .St. Mary'8, Elk coull(y la. booms next door 1.1 11 1... ,. .,1 ... , ,, . " "llllDllllUU ( loth:, 12 More. A l L- r 1. .1 lone in u nit isfactoi v u,,.n. o.,.i ..... ran ed. I onsultations in regard 10 ork a the (.', rraueh or Euilish Inn. Man L U Iw.Tif. J THE PLACE TO rjuylSAT T1IK HI I m WAY DRUG STOm. keit t ukove g. M:: ;7rxc,ER, f'rsb.T in 1) rtt-ueifM, J',,'at Oilfl, While I.mA. I i.i mmij. uJ, Lamp Oi,, T.t- , r' . ud, J'er. J'utoeri.-s oi' ; il Kin' "s 1k' purest Vn.'ni.sli, of every .y !:tylo and Eizc Dye Stuffs, I'urcConfi ctionaries Citroa, Raisins, Patent Medicines, Wine, Watches, JeelrT, Rings, Tobaccocs & .Syars J'uro huywn i'uT Medicinal pur poses only. A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of Everything Useful IVr!ninit:g to the r.rug i:usiucss Gcn crully. 1'iirc Th ugs nt J,nw Prices ! Pui-o Prugs at Low Trices Notions in Endless Variety! Notions in landless Ysrictj Amcricati and English Watches ! American and English Watches Latest. Styles of Jewelry, Rings, SiC. J-ntost Styles of Jewelry Kings, Ac. Taney Articles, Toys, Latest Novels I l-'aney Articles, 1 oys, Latest Novels Albums, News. Stationery, Hird-Cagos! Albums, News, Stationery, Rird-Cagcsl Violin, and Guitar Strings! Violin, Eanjo and Guitar Strings ! tnnr2'Jlf NEW "iOODS ! -ti'st iir-:ci:ivj-:n and MA UK El) CLE A II DOWN To lEie IloUom I AT THE VIUCM' CASH STORE I. V. HOCK, Main .S'ireet, ltidgwny, V J T A VIN'ti .insl returned from iho ensfcrn X .1 e!''e where I havr purchased a lnrgw ami well selecied nssortmciil of goods,' I inviic Hie alleiilinu of the public locall und exaiiiine my stock, consisting of l.'iy Gouds, Notions, i.'lolhitig. Hardware flats, (.'up; liools, Shoes, Q u c e 11 r w a r t 1'IU) VISIONS, Ac, &o. IHJVEKS WILE KIND M Y S T O V K. EELIi AND COMPLETE, and well adapted to the wants of th eemmnnitv. J V. HOUK. Ridgway, Beoo ly. j a 1.1 a ifi.Turrs vnn ;,, j k. V The undersigned has laidloot a vil. .1,1" im. ground ndjiiiiiir-.:' tlie .'idg av i -ei.-u. ., ;. ( ,"ed K!,k: '.I'!,... lot, :"' " ''-'" '.'.'! r ot deep ;ro..t ::e.- ;.. i-.f.U the r. nifi, i'.. :i- - .'; M.e first lot sold, $100. Fot "In- second 1,,: sol,, -jiiii, p,. ,he ,hjr h.l lid 1,! H ou jn(.. ,,,F jn price us lotsaif " .11. i&K first pnr.diftsers get Ihe c.V iic U at I lie chcapes' rates. i'niidoisers will he rrgislered in Ihe or der of I heir application Ten percent of Ihe purchase money must be pnid at Ilia lime of the npuliuiiiiou. li'ft.A pplicni ions will be made lo Job 0. Hull, Esq., Kidgway, fa. J. 8. HYDE. ltidgwny, mar,2!'(iC-tf. JF VOU WANT TO 1JUV I'LOTISlA'a for Ihe Million T Go to A. DURLACJIEU, Agent, DEALER IN 0 CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, IIATS.CArS, DOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS, io. ST. MARV'S, ELK COUNTV, PEXN'A. Jan218C81ypd TI137 N0TICK- Th... I the ..Oik day of March. A. D.. 18fi8. a W arrant m Hankrupicy was issued agaiott the estule of P. W. Barrett, of Kidgway, in the county of Elk, and Ktate of Fennsylva. nia, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt oa r li s own petition ; that Iba payment of an debts und delivery of any properly belong. " iiit; to suuh Bankrupt, to him, or for his ' use, and transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law ; that a meeting of the creditors of the aid Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more a aignces of kit estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be kolden at the Hyde House in Ridgway, Pa., before 8. E. Woodruff, Register, on the 28d day of June, A. I)., 18H8, at 0 o'clock, A. M TH08. A. KOWLEV, .' X ' v- 8- Marshal, Mamenrer. By 0. P DAVIS, Deputy Uid lM .Marshal. rU i$m.4t