1 ATTEXTOX MILL OWXFliS: fyV. EAGLE TUIUIINB W A T K It JL WHEEL, patented .inly MO, lHii7. is superior In any wheel in use. The under. signed have tin- agency for said wheel in llio State of Pennsylvania, mi l cnn recotiu mewl il ns bring the best ninuufncttii cd. For further particulars, n ml circulars, in iiiirc al onr Foundry in Kersey, whore machinery, mill-gearing, castings ami steiim engines will be made lo order til reasonable prices. Wi' export ly giving satisfaction in our work Id receive si good share of pub lie patronage. ,T. F. ROBERTSON, It. HELL. Kersey. Elk Co.. IV, jaiilrt IStiSpil. r ANTED AGENTS In sell llie cheap- y est, uinst practical nnJ durable pens ever hrouaht before the pnMie Gukknk's Goi.iikn Pk.ns, widely celebrated for their remarkable flexibility and nnti-eorrnsive properties. These pens nrc pnl up in bronze nml gill sliile boxes, cell rapidly nml pny n huge pinfil to the ngent. Sample em ils, with Pens, forwarded on receipt of 111 cents. I ircitlars li ce. Address CM AS. S. GREENE, ll'f Chesnut Street, Philadel phia, I a. Apllui "VTa'Fs. SPIKES, HINGE. RIVETS, locks. holts, nml nil kinds ol builders' material in general can be had cheaper nt the Si. .Mary's Hardware Store than any ithcr place in Klk county. (n'JH'liT) 11 I ll G W A V I- 1 V E It Y STAR I. E ! The subscriber would niinounee In the citizens of Itidg-.vay. nml the traveling pub. lie thill he has established n I,IVi:iiY STAHLll in Ridgwav. and that he Impes by fair deal ing with his customers to merit n liberal idiaic of their put roinige. Terms reasona Me. ISAAC CDllltV, Jan. 2'i, US-ly. j. s. r.oniivi ell, m. d. " EV1.KVTIV V li i'S I t'f.l.V. rhc woril eclectic means to choose or I select inoiliciiies from all tlie dill'ercnt schools of me'liciiie : using remedies that nrc safe, nml iliscanlinjr from practice nil mciliciiics lin t have an iinpnrioiis ed'ccl on the system, such ns mercury, xnlimoiiy, leinl, copper. tc. I lay iile the lance the olil blu.i.I letter, re Inter or ilepleter, ami eiiiali7.c the (irculaiiou an I restore the system lo its lialnial slate by alteiatives ami ti.nics. I f 1 1 ii 1 1 liercifter give puiticulai' ntieiitinn to 4'hronic. liiseases, sucii as Hheiimatisui, llyspepsia. I.iver eoiiipl.iinl. ('alnri li. Neil. ralgiit. diseases of liie lliroal. urinary or. jmiis, ami all ilisenses peculiHi' to females. Ac. I'ATAKItll Ilrent wiihanew insiriinient of a lale invention which cures every ease. TKKT II exiraeleil nitlioni pain. Ollice aii-l residence souili of the jnil on "enireSi. tltfiee hour from 7 to H it. in 1- lo I p. in : to 7 p in. iec. wti7. -iv. J. s. r.oKiiw :i.r.. G,u:at RHDUCl ICJN IN TIIK FURNITURE ! paici OF Nlr. I'liarles I., llayer des 're reM .ceiful yy In inform the citizens of Klkl'oiiuiy that lie has now the must ro iifilele. cheapest, find best lot of Kurutture in the county. lli Furniture s al! made n his own simp, he e in liier-'I'iiiv warra'it il to lie neat nml duraMc. lie h is a l:l:;re assortment ot lbiie ius, I, 'iinges. Sofas, t'oairs. Tables. AV:irdfoties, titpbo'irds. 1 Milieases, l.uok stands. Wa-!istands. Towel Kaeks, Hull Kaeks. What Nms, 1'ed-lf ads of Wlilieu oocl 'aliull it'i'l I'hetTV. Bra-kels. I'ctiire Viinne. and everything n-naMv kej t i'i a lirsi class I urniiuie Wai- Ko in. He lias coiineeled with his establishment a cam litrn'r' l ii!i. whirh will eiiu'.h him to ! all kinds of tui uiiii: in n . cut uiid workmanlike manner. All lie asks is a fair trial, nml if his wares do not give sulif.ie;iou, he will re turnl the inonev. :iiai!l::s i,. r. rcn, niy'JJlS'171y Si. Ma . 'n. 1)INTSfor KU!M::i!S U.ihers. The llraion Mineral 1' iini (". nr." now loanfacliiriiig the Host Cheapest nml in i lurabli) l'aiiit in use: two e.ons we'l pn' on. niixe.l with pure l.insee I O l, will mi 111 or loyears; il is of a li;r!it brown or beauiifiil chocolate color and can be idi.mged lo green, lead, stoio. drill, olive or cream, to suit the l.sle of tin' consumer. !l is valuable for Houk.'H, lbiens. I'etices. Carriage and Car-milkers. I'ails and Wood en ware. Agricultural Implements, ('una' lioats. Vessels and slrps' Kolinms. Canvas. Metal and Stiinglo Itoofs, lit being Kireaml Wnier proof ), Floor tlilCloih". (one Mann, faeturer having used 5000 bbls. llie past yenr. ) nnd ns a paint for any purpose is unsurpassed for body, durability, elast icily, nnd adhesiveness. I'ricc !? i per Mil. of !!0(l His., which will supply ft farmer for years to come. Wnrreiited in nil cases ns above. Send fo- n eitviilar which gives full particulars. None genuine unless branded in ti trade, murk (iral'ion Mineral I'ainl. Address I ) A N 1 1'. I, HIDWKIJ,. J"it i'earl Street. Sew Vnrk. For sale by Hyde, Gillis a' Co., at ltidg way. .Vejt ") YiT.-l'iiii. (XHIUT IMOthiMAnoNy "ITfllKUKAS, the ll.in. II. W. Williams. l'rcsidint, nnd Hons. K. C. 8chulie in. d Jesse Kyler, Associates. Judges of llie Court of Quarter Sessions. Orphans' Court, Oyer and Terminer, and (ieueittl Jail Deliv ery, for llie trial of capita! and other oll'eii. ecs in the county of Klk. by their precepts lo me directed, have ordered llie aforesaid mimed Courts to be hidden nt Kidgwiiy, in mid for the county of Klk, nn the last Mon day in April, il being the J7lli day of the month, and lo continue one week. Notice is hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of the I'eace, and Constables of the county of Mk, th Ihey are by Iheso presents coni lanndcd to he then and there in their prop it persons al I n o'clock, A. J., of said day, wit h I heir rolls, records and inpuisi lions, and other remembrances, to do those I hings w liieh their nrtWs appertain to be ilone, and that all Justices of said county in ike reru ns of all recoguixances entered into before t hem In llie Clerk of lite Court as ,er Act of Assembly cf Jlay Itli. '-'A And ilmse ho are bound by llieirrecog i xauces in piosecute the prisoners thai are or shall lie in llie jail nf the roomy ot I'lk, nnd lo he I lieu and thereto prosecute n.iinsl I he. u as shall be jut. J.iMKS A. MAl.nX". Hidgway, mar 2!. She: iff. "I !.Af KSMITII'S CAIil'KXTFK'K AND I f jointr's tools for sulo ' cheaper than lie cheapest ", al I lie Si. Jl.uy s. Ilardwaie Klorr. r.v'-i 1.7.) Something $cu A LAKGK STOCK OF GOODS iii ng 'iiyj W 'SSm W' wi TfccJunJcrsiKned have on hand tare and very desirable flock of GOODS, auJ will constantly keep nn extensive assortment, including everything that in wanted to P. AT, W E A R, O ll FK E 1 . wliicli tliey will cell nt titc very bottom j fimirc and from this date will .sell only fur f'A SIL We will use every endear or to iniike it to the interest of onr cu? totner to adopt the tmiversnl CASH SYSTEM. We have de'cnniucJ to give tho CASH SYSTEM a fair trial, believiiijr it to be the inter est il both bttvei and seller. I'OWICLL & KIMK. Riiljjway, Aii. ""th, 18li". re. HF. OVKUIKM.TZKR. . MKHC'HAXT TAILOIl, Iticl-waj-, i:ik Co., Pa. The subscriber desires respectfully to in Term the citi.i its of Kidgway and vicinity that he is prepn.nl lo make In order n well ns it can he done any where, anything in the line of his business. Al! he asks is a fair trial. (bind Fits guataiileed. SrjUCIoilis, Cnssimers, Vesiings nnd Trimmings of llie latest and most approved styles kept constantly on hand, which will h-. n.ld (,'HEAI'KK TIIAX TIIK C1IKA1' K.Y. Ladies desiring Ilcmniifig, Stitching, Felling, llimling. c , on dresses, capes, c will find it la their interest, to give me a c.11. angllO C.t; s IT. MARY'S M'K.VM i'ANNl-Uli ! 1 T. V. E.-aponsliiido & Co. Take pleasure in aniioimciiig lo the public of Klk and surrounding counties thai they iiave thoroughly ii lilted and reiinovaled iliis old and well-known establishment, and coiigrettilale llicinselves that villi iheir ex tended facilics, witli lirsi class workman, tlifit they can put out as go.nl work as can be found nut where. We have, and keep constantly on hand nlll kinds of leather s.:cli as in general use in this section, in cluding Spit ii ink ii )itl L'mtnfi'i Sole 1,1'ittlier .' Cut it': 1 llil, .S'lryo,-.?, A'jxr'nt .' .ij'ss- (' I'pprr Lrrttiir .' XrCASf PAID Foil JIIDJS. (live ns n call nnd be convinced of I lie I truth of what w-j stale. marJlCS JAMES .McCKOSKEY, .Jj.'iliji- i,) rji'o.iiVi, ki., W u'd je-p.'c fully inform the citizens of ill,' surrounding community that he still keeps on hand a good supply of such art', cles as are generally kepi in a country gro cery store, including TKAS, FLOUR, Sl'G VR5?, toraccoi:s, SKGARS, WIIISKKV which lie Halt rs himself lie can sell ns cheap as I hey can be bought anywhere in the cmity. 1 have lately erected a first-class shingle mill, which is now in operation. It is an attested .hat t he shingles which were made in this mill and sold in Willinmsport, are a first-class article, the lumber of which they are made being well seasoned, I desire to introduce these shingle- to the notice of builders, who will consult their own interest by giving me a call. May ad, '00. tf 0 D It is the best chance ever offered to Agents'. One or two days' time will secure a good Sewing A'uchine, Watch, Silk lJress, Ue. vnlver, or some other article of euiial value, KKKK OF COST ! Agents wanted everywhere, male and female, for the best One Dollar Pawnbrok er s Sale in the country. .Send for circular. S. C. THOMPSON' & CO. ol) Hanover Street, janl-oinpd Uoston, Mass. TCU I ITCH 1! ITCH '. ! ! Kcn.vrcA ! ki-iiatcii ! ! scratch ! ! ! in from III t.4M hours. Wheatou's lliiiiiiieut Whettton's Ointment Kill-en The Itch, cures Salt Hheuiii. cures Tetter, cures llarbers' Itch, cures I Mil Sore?-, eures Fvery kind, Whealou's Ointment. Wliealou's Oiiiluieul Whealou's Ointment. Whealou's OininiMt nf Humor like .Magic, Price, oOreois a bok : by ma'd, f.O rents Address WKKKS (t POTTEit, No. 17o Weshington Street, Dottcn, Mass, prr tr by alldruj-'gins. Sept. !7'ii7 ly. HJai iircllK'l's' t'eltihji). 'PliK CHEAPEST GOODS IX TIIK COUNTRY A re Sold by W CIS I1ROTIICR Successors to Geo. Wei. WMI.E1IS IN St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa. QALL AND EXAMINE OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF BOOTS A XL) SHOES We Lave no hesitation in saying that in this department of our establishment, we cat give barn.-dn.i to otir Ciistoincrs with which they eaouot fail to be satis fied. Wo tuy our stock direct from the Manufacturer, Richardscns' Celo. LialeJ Root & Shoe Manufactory, I int ra, Xew York We warrant all goods in this Hue sdld from our establishment. JJKAVY & SIIKI.F HARDWARE. WE ARK I'UFI'AIIKU TO Ol'FKll To our customers in this line bargains which cannot be undersold iu Elk coun ty. Our stDcl; is large, well selected, and is es cc'ally adapted to lli wants of the conituuiiity. JADIES' DRY & FANCY GOODS. Ad Unequalled Assortuicnt I Muslin?, Silks, Calicoes, Satins:, Delaines. Muiiri Autitjues, ChiutzcD, White Goods Cloths, Flannels, Rcregcs, Laces, Corsets, , In fact we have everything er oneetsd with Ladies' Wear. We are detcrmin cd to sell lowrr, rltcojter it ml JiKTTER Goods than any other Gnu iu the coun ty. Give us a call, we'll prove it. M ARK WELL WHAT WE SAY. lie Si the Bi ft, tlu-rffvrt THE CHEAPEST CLOTHiNG Sold in Elk Couuty. Our Stock of :') fli3 Ss' 5ih)h)il qi)D 3JL)iijit'l' (C I 0 f li i i ,fj IS IMMENSE, And we conGdcntly flatter ourselves tliat better Clothing cannot be found AXYWJKJF. Persons, before purchasing elsewhere would do well to give us a call. BrTk,No trouble to show our Goods. QR0CER1ES, NOTIONS, &c.,&c. In Endless Variety, and CHEAPER than tne CHEAPEST! At the Store of Wci.ii Jl V VI il In St. Mary's, Elk County, Ta. piPJCS.TCRACCOES SKGARS We hive now on hand AN EXCELLENT ASSOllTSIENT, Which will be sold at a VE It Y SLJG 11 T A 1) YAXCh On coat and eurrimje. P5t0ur Start it iu the new Stent lhiilJhiij on Mn in Stmt, July 11, 167 tl. C. Jl). Hii'cj's ciiili)i)' IMI E W OR L D It E NO W N E D MORNING IG LORY! FOR SALE AT SERVIC , EXCLL'SIYE AGENT FOR ELK COUNTY. I have now on hand nnd am now receiv ing the most complete stock of Cooking and l'nrlor Stoves ever brought to this section. I buy the best, believing tliey are the cheapest. I hnve the exclusive agency for the Cel ebrated Jlorning Glory, nlso, for fpecr's Cooking and l'nrlor .Stoves. I have some beautiful designs from Erie, liuffalo, Troy and Philadelphia, nnd am preparing to fur nish on short notice tiny stove made in the country or parts of stove to repair old ones. Having devoted Eevcntcen years exclu sivcly to thcsnle of Stoves and the manu facture of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper- Ware. I am satiflicl that the most fastidi. mis call he.plonscd at my shop. Don't fail to call before you purchase elsewhere. MERCHANTS supplied with Tin-ware and Stove Pipe as low as can be bought in Eric. TIII3 18 NO I1U.MUCG. Coal Hods plain and fancy, and everything usually kept iu a first class Tin and Stove Store. Hags, Copper, Ilrass, Tewter, Lend, Sera Iron, Sheep Pelts and Funnels pro duce generally takeu in exchange for goods or work. UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WHINGER. We have tlie Ajeney for tin UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WHINGER, it is the best, 300, 000 of them iu use. K it-h Wringer war. ranted to be as good at the cm! of one y em its when first purchased. Call aud take one home with you and if ;t does not give good satisfaction after a fair (rial, it may be returned and your money will be refill ded. SAVE YOl ll CLOTHES, SAVE YOUR LABOH, rKESEKVE VOIR HEALTH, YOL'R TJ.ME, ALSO, THE tlLV WHITE IIJ15iS. and have smiles iu.MeaJ of frowns en Wnsh lbiys. Oct. 31st ll07-ly. y ii i i it c i j OIIS O. HALL, Attorney at law, Ridg wny. Elk county Pa. iiiar-22'UU ly TAL'ltlE J. HLAIvELV. Attorney at law, j nnd U. 8. Commissioner. Bidgway Elk county, Pa. f mar-22'OI5-ly. 6irWOlUCof alT kinds andTdoV. J criptions done at this office. H ENIIV SOUTH Ell, Attorney-at-Lnw, llt.lgway, ru. (IVbll'.l'oH) C R. EAKLEV, Phys cian and Sur geon, Farley. Klk County, Pa. .March 7, iHiiS'ly. A LPINE HOUSE, ,St. Mary's Pa.. Her" man Krctf., Proprietor. pitgd'lili D Pa. t) Pa. II. W. JAMES III, A K ELY Physician and Surgeon, St. Mary's, Elk county Lmar-J (Hi ly. H. W. W. SHAW Practices Jlcdicine and Surgery, Ccntreville, Elk county ninr-22'liti-ly. T7XECUTI0N.S, .SUJUIO.N.f, SUIII'lE. j nns. Warrants, kc, on hnnd and for sale at this ollice. C( II. VOLK, Manufacturer ami Dealc1" . in I.ngtr llecr, opposite the Itnilrond Uepot, St. Marv's, Elk county Pa. Mar-L'J'tili-1 . DU, W. 11. IIART.M AN, St. .Mary's, Elk county, Pa. Laic of the Army of the Potomac. Particular attention aiven to all cases of surgical nature. rmar-JJ'tili-l v. GROVE 0. MESSENfiETl, Druggist nnd Dealer in Drugs nnd Chemicals, Paints. Oils and Varnish. Perfumerv Toil. et articles and Stationary, Hidgwny, Elk county Pa. mar-'tid-ly. I71RANK EXTZ, JIkhcii.int Tailor, Centrcviile, Elk coimtv. Pa., desires to inform the citizens of Centrcviile and vi cinity, that he isnt all times prepared to do work in a neat nnd satisfactory manner, nive me a call. novtj7lv jo, in o. ham .l is. k. c. iiai.l. U AT.T. Iil?r Attor Jl "Vim - r t- - Tj.n-'A- ST. MARY'S : BENZINGEK P.O. ELlv COUNTY. PA. September 20, 18(i0. ly. TS. Rurdwcll, M.I). Eclectic Pliyslo'nr. . Ollice and icsidciice npjiosi- t'. Jail, on Centre St., Hidgwny. Pa. attention will be given to all calls. ... Honrs: i to 8 A. M : I -. P. Jl. ; nml li lo 7 P. M. ..f.v.-. s Oi; tf. T 1IIAYEU"ji'"'"t - i' li I DO WAY, PA. UAVID THAYER, Proprietor. The undersigned having fitted up a lnrge and commodious hotel on the southwest corner of Centre and Mill streets, with good and convenient stabling attached, respect fully solicits the patronage of his old friends and the public gencriklly. dec!3 00 ly DAVID THAYER. S. SHORT. JOHN 0. HALL, LOUIS VOLLMER, JAS. K. P. HALL. BANKING-HOUSE OP Short, gall & dpu. St. .W.try's, IScnzinsrcr P, o. Ei.k Cors-rv. Pknn.v DE HOUSE, HincwAY, Ei.k Co., Pa. M. Y. JIoore, rroprietor. Thnnkfttl for the pnlrotnge heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict in tention to the com foil nu I convenience of guests same. to merit a continunnco of the Oct ".4 18I1H. L I C E N S E I) A UC T I ON I-: E R . "VfOTlCE is hereby given that 1 have tnk- en out a license ns anciioneer, and will attend promptly to the calling of all sales entrusted to my care. Any person calling srlcs without n license wil be held answerable to the strict letter of the law. P. W HA li U El T. DeclUlSGGif. Auctioneer. ITtXCHANGE HOTEL. ll R1DGWAY, PA. J. HALEY Proprietor. This hotel is pleasantly situvted on the hanks of the Clarion River nnd Klk Cre e nt the lower end of t lie village, Mr. Ilcaly will spare no pnins for the conveuie ce of his guests, einviiosone nnd all to aive 1 1 1 in a call nnd try his house. Sept, 17th'07-ly. RLACKSMl T 1 1 1 NO V ' II. S. IIELNAP desires to inform the citi. tens of Hidgwny and vicinity that he has leased J. S. Hyde's Blacksmith Shun nn Mill street, nnd lias employed good work men who will bo ever ready to make nnv. thing from a buckle to nn nnchor. Particular iiltcntion eiven to the Khnom of horses. All I ask is a fair trial. May 17'Oti-ly. HOUSE, SIGN to ORNAKENTAl PAIHTIIxa. ''piIE SUHSCRIHER WOULD R E X spcctfully inform the citizeus of Elk county thr.t he 1ms just started in the above business in Hidgway. nnd feci confi dent Hint he can plense all who may favor mo won ineir custom. (iiiAl.MNG PAPER, HANCIXQ AND CAL( 1MIXINO DONE ON SHORT NOTICE AND IN THE rsost fashionnblennd imnrnved IttAiiitoi ami style. Orders left at this ( mice or nt the banking House of Souther, WillisJt Souther win oe promptly attended to. W. P. WILLIAMS, May-170ll-ly. C10AL. COKE AND FIrIiVILU' Al! of superioi quality, for sale by the m. .Mary , I'.U tfititv, i'i. eS3"vders by mail primitlj itferj. I to. i 01 t : i s Nil t I.' I "-. I A .-i j Kit N..!i-iti T.! I'M ! t.. ff eeror' TITAXTED ONE HUNDRED TnNS0F OLD ('ASTlR)N at the Stove nt Tin Shop, Hidgway, Pa. lel2" 'l