The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, May 02, 1868, Image 2

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.'"MIX F. .MIHilIli, .;
lLlX!liu" i::::::: 1hcm.
run j-iiKsiiiKNr in Im;k,
Foil VIC'K I'llENincNT,
For Aii'lilor Gvnrrnt,
Of Ftiyrtfe County.
Fur Sitrwiur Ccncrnl,
Oj Coin nttiiu Comity.
r,i;)iocL'. ri r fh osfkvts.
There is no longer the least doubt,
e.i-n in the minds of Republicans, that
tlie Rjdica! clviiiont is out of odor ; nay
covered with a stench that repels, even
its own members. The lute elections in
very State where elections have been
bold, tho Democratic mn in New
Hampshire, ond increased majority in
Connecticut all to prove the fact' be
yond dispute, and there is no (air lie.
publican who d-mies it. Tha truth is,
ns many of the p...;p'e as have looked at'
matters in their proper ligtit, and such
us aie not barred n-ainst conviction, a:c
filled with horror at Radical misdoing.
It is harrowing to think of all the vil
binios they have committed, and nnt
b s so of tin- uutn'u-rs they are every
'lay perpetrating to keep the breath in
u dying party. !ehold ten States of
the Union under n military despotism !
and that of itself speaks condemnation
to their reconstruction policy. im he
bold their grand master plot, the Im
peyibment 1'arr-e '. the bold mockery
find brazen insult in the face of a nation,
to which the world's hisfoey affords no-!
thing like a parcel! Wo "have heard
numbers of their own party express
their opinion on this question w.d we
notice that among those, every one
vbom wc conaiduicd bjnest, judgrd it
ns nn nbomui'ule scheme of Stevens,
I'orncy, and their train, and they have
d elired thar if the President is im
peached on the charges made again; t
him, it will bo 'he foulest, most sham.
h.?s injustice, an an outrage on the na
tion. This is the general feeling among
(ill classes, and yet those loud. mouthed
Cerebri continuing their bow wow, ut
tcring lies, aud repeating them a thous
and times, but using different mouth,
pieces to produce the effect of new argu
mcnt. Jut tho farce will soon be end
ed, ami wo think we can soon record the
result. Meantime, go ns is may, it will
most undoubtedly redound to the bene
fit ot the Democratic party, ami be the
Inrpest leaf in the laurel crown of victo
ry which will noxt fall cnciiele our
brows, Democrats, be of good cheer.
Is still going forward. All of the conn,
sel have filed their arguments excepting
Mr. Stanbery, for the defence, and Mr.
Bingham, for the prosecution. The
papers iulorm us that Mr. Stanbery will
close bis argument to-day, and that Mr.
r.ingbain will occupy Monday and
Tuesday next. We need not, therefore,
look for a close of the case before Sat
urday next, even if then.
The Philadelphia Age gives the fol
lowing able contrast as to tho legal ao.
quircmrnts, personal record, etc, of the
counsel retained on the different sides
of the ca.-c :
" Tho critics who found tho simple
r.nd somewhat lough style of Judge
Nelson distasteful to them, now have
the President's case presented to thciu,
to which the most insidious cannot ex
cept. The elegance and finish of Mr.
Evarts' speech areas remaikab! u Jia
acutencss of reasoning and elevation of
sentiment. The tone of the speech was
worthy of the occasion, and contrasted
strongly with the violent and abusive
harangues of Stevens and Wi!lian;s, to
which it succeeded. There bus bern,
throughout, a niaiktd coutrast between
twe defeudcra and assailants of the
IVcsiuaut. The former have made
their addresses to the Court, suitin-r to
that tribunal the torui and macucr of
Vc argument. I iio managers, on the
contrary, have talked to their party, ai-d
have made the oral delivery of their
speeches a mere form, reading them fj
of blips from the rewsrapers, in whitb
tbey hail been already i.iineed. or is
i - j vautrast Lai muaikallc between f
tho i lu raet-.ra of the lawyers trr.iyed
against each other. Cuili-., Nelson,
Grocsbcek, E.-arts, and Stanbery, are
all men of unblemished reputation, and
stainless lives. Nelson has passed
through more vicissitudes, which weie
incident to the disturbed condition of
tho State from which ho comes ; but
lie has always borne himself as a mini of
courage and honor. On the opposite
side, wc havo Thnddcus Stevens, too
well known in Pennsylvania for u to
der-d to say a word of him. Thomas
Williams Is the lepudiator o! Allegheny
County many of our citizens know ol
him to their cost. Butler is '.he man
who disgraced the title of General dur
ing the war ; in that station be was Mill
the pettifogging, intriguing kr.ave that
bo had nlwuys been as nn attorney and
a politician. Mr. Lincoln enJed his
military career by removing him from
his command, and Grant wrote bis mili
tary hiidory in a few contemptuous
words in bis report. Bingham gained
his .totoricty as the prosecutor of Mrs.
Surratf, beloro which little was known
of him. and that liitlc not fovorable. A
military commission of the hangers-on
of the War Department were appointed
to t-y the assassins of Mr. Lincoln. Tho
ehiel of them, Booth, bad already es
caped human justice. The Court was
ready to convict anybody brought before
it. Fate brought thither the unfortu.
nate Mrs. Surratt, with irons on her feet
add manacles on her wrists. A rc-pec
table lady of Maryland, her case eulisU
cd the sympathy of the venr-rablo law.
ycr and Senator from that State, Rever.
dy Johnson, who appeared as her coun
sel. The Court, with the nrimspsf ;
lence, drove him from the case-. Biti"-
ham then had it all his owu way. There
is now no doubt on the mind of any in
telligent person cognizant of the facts,
that Mrs. Surratt wat: innocent. Her
murder is, we btlieve, the only profes
sional feather in tho cap of Uingham.
In the present trial ho has tried to
match it with another worthy of the
first. Tha contra5t between the charac
tors ol the counsel employed in the chs?
is significant of tho merits of the sides
tney taki
in it.
ScX-'Jhe folloing coriespondcnce
will explain itself ;
Sr. Mary's, April SO, 1SUS.
John F. M.-ri:E) i'MJ ,
Uo;ir Sh- .-Will
ymi please fnte in your next issue Hint. Hie
Hun. .T. I. Wickerslmiii, S:nte Supei-iiitcn-ilenl
of Cniiiiiioii b'cliouls, will lie present
at tho Iii-siituie during i;a cuutinuance, anil
thai oilier ilisiinfcuiflicd fiieinU ofeilueu
lien tire expected from a distance.
Teachers will be etiteriiiincl f;-ce by our
public-spirited liotel keepers ami generous
private ci. icr..
Truly Yours,
County Super intern lent.
New J-'NTtniMtisK. Our young and
enterprising friend, Mr. Louis II. Cur
lier, has purchased the valuable proper
ty formerly known as " MeGill's roun
dly," audwillhcuceforth .be prepared
to supply the wants of tho community
in his lino in a workmanlike maimer.
This wc can safely guarantee, as Mr.
Gumer is a thorough and practical ma
chinist, bein; a graduate of the Ashhnd
Macbiue Shops, in Schuylkill couufy.
He well deserves tbc patronage of the
public iu bis locality, ajro the whole
county, and surroundinjeouutics, too ;
the public wilt then sec, with satisfac
tion, that they have, at home in their
midst, a Pound ry which can manufac
ture anything and everything manufac
tured by tho brag " first.clasjjes."
Sec advertisement iu another column.
3-" While tii Lamp holds out to
i:i us " there is a cliuno for restoration of
health. If, therefore the constitution hits
been weekend by disease or excess jhe
nerves shuttered the stomach weakened
the appetite gnue, and all the world appears
gloomy pour some fresh oil into your
lamp, in l lie shapo of I'lanta-iou Hitters,
which will make the flame of lifo again
burn brightly, aud illuminate a onco wretoli
c! existence. For Indies it is nn eli$,int and
genii stimulant, examly suoli as they re.
quire, Many families will not be without
it. It has an imutmse 1 throughout tie
world. ot
B.-tf ('hi'.ls and Fever, l'yspensia. Liver
Complaint, and Kidney Direasos Cured.
Has cured more diseases where il has been
used, than till other medicines combined,
ll is the oidi reuieJy that nally pur.jUi die
blood, ami has never failed in curios Dys,
pepsia, Fever and Aquc, and Disi uses of
the Livee.
Sold by all Druggi.-U and Dealers.
l'a. S. ll. IUbtman Co., Proprietors,
Lineaster, Pennsylvania, and Chicago,
Minwi inyl-3nj-t3w
tQrCouit proceedings will be giver,
ucst week.
Vttr Time id Mil ! ,.
I Kris Express F.asf 10:HJ p. m
I W. ,
'Io Mail Eat
In ilo West
Loeul Freight Kasl
il do West
-:-' n in.
: p. in.
:4- p. in.
!Mfl. m.
0:4:2 p. hi.
ZTk todge, A, Y. M
!""eli"Ks. "f U.Ijm. will ,
..v... , lu-miiiy I'veiiinjf. oil m-hcriH'C lli full
union of ciieli month. nn every two weeks
tl'donlici-. J. K. WIIITMOIilO, See'y. ' Watihi. A ikHghtful
toilet article superior to cologne and at
half the price.
14? II. S. lU'lnap & (Jo. have removi
cd their Blacksmith Shop into their new
building on Main Street.
In Oi'KRAikin. We had the pleas
ure a few days ago of testing the quali
ty or tho ley Cold, aud Sparkling Min
erul Water, at Messenger's Drug Store,
and pronounce it capital. Uaiuii knows
how to run the machine. Go try it.
l3Trade in town is compaiativcly
dull just now, owing to the absence of
so many down the river, aud also to the
fact, that farmers are ousy getting in
their crops. JJctter times will come ;
and then it is not so very, very, very
dull, after all.
tfbm new fee bill lor the several
officers of this Statu, was passed t?m hir
tho sitting of the Legislature. Slicrifls'
Justices', Kceordors', Constables' fees,
etc., have becu inc;-eaned by it. We
have board it said that these fees were
plenty high before. It is only another
, , . , ...
..iciii.iu nnereoy me laDor'lif; classes
are compelled to pay out their hard
Tiik CtuuT Yam d. We heard the
other day, something said about repair,
log our Court Yard, and understood
front ono of our citizens that this design
is to bo put in elocution during the
coining season. We hope such is i!u j
case. Tho seat of our Court blmuM at i
least have decent surroundings ; every
thing neods repairing, therefore we will
not particularize.
llvs OFF. One day this week finite
an excitement was cieattd in our usual
ly (uiet village by a h ..m coming down
ihc bill above town at a tcariul late of
speed, endangoring the livf T t! e oc
cupants of the wagon to which tbc hor
ses were attached, as well as pedestriat.s
who might lucklessly bo in the streets
Somj of our citizens slopped tho pro
gress uf the reckless i.'iiv.r, aud inter
rogaed bita i? to his driving so ftt.
when ho replied, ' That wife Dctsy bad
told him that I'uwell A; Kime had got
their Fpring Goods, and that if he
didu't hurry ho wtuldu't get an v.
as they are going off like snow under a
July sun." Ho was allowed to proceed.
I.M 1'ltC V KM LNT8 IV ltlDfiWAV.
Since the setting in of spring, our vil
lagc has begun to wear a very promis
ing aspect iu tbc way oi the erection of
new buildings, and improvements gen
erally. II. II. Thomas.' new residence
will be, when completed, a peer to that
of Powell, Willis or Messenger. U.S.
Dcluiip & Co. have surprised cverv one
by tbe wonderful culttity with which, iu
... .ii i
short a time, tb.y have got their j
mammoth concern in operation. 0. V
(Jillis has showu his enterprise in the
new dwelling-house, nejt door to tbc
store of Mr. Ilealy. The old " foun
tain House," for many years a discredit
to the place, though, perhaps, in oldon
time, good asylum for the weary trav.
eler, whose benisons it cnioved. has. at
last, been levelled with I lie earth, and
Judge Messenger is to erect on its stand
a spacious hall and store. A few years
will see store, dwelling-houses, public
buildings, and shops, rising to tbe view
in every corner of ltidgway. Things
look promising, and wo sre happy to
live iu a eommuuity of public-spirited
men who are tot afraid to invest their
money iu improvements.
1J1'IU.. I II... ,
THE Lycoming County Mutual Insur
snoe Com). any at Muney, l'enua., con
linues Io Insure against Loss or Damage by
Fire on all kinds ef Merchandise. Public,
and private uildiofES, either in town 'or
county. Also on Mills, Tanneries, liarns.
slapki of Oram, &e., at ihc lowust possible
rates, consistent with safety to the insurer
and liuuiej. The Lycoming County, Mu
tual liisurao Company inv.ies an investi,
gation ns to its Hability. lis capital
amounts Io
Tims assuring to every one or us patrons
Uat tliei li.: sci will beprompily and satis
f-iclorily paid. Its (Uttua;teiiieiii has always
been prudent, as its sxisien of Iweniy
iymr fully deuwins (rotes
J.?.it:s rT..vt."Ly.
Aent for Kk coiiuly, al Si. Mary's
Oct. 19, 1807 ly.
I I'a'cHisc'liu'iilji.
M'Kt i.w, NoTici:.
We have fouud it nscmarjr, fa order to hero thn
financial department of ths Advocate on a jrood
basis, to adopt the following; rule :
Transient Advertisements must be paid for in ad-
vanes ; and all Job Vork as soon at eomplettd
Bids made out and presoncd to yenriy advertisers
at the toginnmg of eath quarter.
Subscript us to be paid for invaiiably in fdvance
JiovM J. iix F. Momm. Publisher
OliS II. (i All MX
f'nn be found nt Iih Foundry nt .St. Mary's,
wlirvo he is ready to have, nil shop. work in
his line done on short nolii e. St. j, V-K
lletiiiuger P. 0., F.Ik eo., Pa. n.yrfis'y
JL meeting r.f the stockholders of
Korsey Mil .'.tinn-al Company will be hold
nt I lie othee or the Colleitor of Iiiteinil
lievenne at Willinmspnn, Pa., cm the fl M
day of June nest i t 10 o eloek A. M.. for
Ijie election of dii f-clors nnd cillieers of said
Company for the ensuing year.
II fM l'llVKl'l T
Jxo. U. Ortii. Seerel.iT-v.
Willinmsport, Pa., May 1, 808 4w.
J 1
session in may, for lilk county.
Teacher nnd tlinvn
" IL.1H,
are earnestly reiiiested to alien I.
j-nieeiors aim all oilier, interested in the
progicj.i uf our Public Kehools, are a!nu in
viled. 'J'I.e term will commence at 9 o'clock A.
M. on "'l.'liSUAV t ln -Jin l. ,!.. ,.f i.,
and continue ilircc davs. " '
Coiinly Siipeiiiitendeiil.
ft. Miry'.H, My 1, lN'.S-L't.
shop in
ST. aiAUY'ei.
T OflS If. OAIIXER bgs lcavc to call
Q J the niU'i.iitiii of iI.m ..r i n. t
a.ijiiiiiinjt foiiiilies to the fact that lie lias
cm iinsu'i loo i iinii-y, lorweilv known as
."e(.Mi s l oiimiiy, and Unit lie lias refilled
! J''.-!''''1 ""', ,vi!); 'f i'l'v,'l
, ,, , , 7.7. ... V.7 . " " '" '
" nt . i.iuiuii-r eoieil
is will favorably with uiiy ,rk
in the country, lie maiiii.a.;iiires
He ;s ii Is a agent for Homy Jiu-ecki
brass Foundry, ut, and K-lU furiiisli
from ihut c.-l:iblitlinieiit liia:.s t'a.tingti
of auy desired pattern en .-hi.r: notice.
Pariieiilar aliciiii.m paid t j tliu o
coal operaiors. Chilled ear-wheels, nx!,.N
and pulleys .uriiished ni.d undo to i.rd.-r.
Meam tnjriiie boiler.- repaired in a din-able
and imai iiiihiiu'i-.
A varied assiii i in-'in of i ubber and 'fath
er bel.iivf ?;ept constiimly ., i:m .
lie . xpe.- s hioujj:i dy it .i : i . ,:i t,,
hitsine.-..-', to dtberve ilrj p,,i r tl . !;
who may cull uu U ui.
CiU.-l'0L'.Di;Y 0. Mli.I. .-'T!:!:r:i-
ST. M.vilV'S,
IIk.nzimikh 1". O , i2'.l C-JUIily, ';.
May 1 l.siiS.:!r.,.0iiM.
in-: oldkst m m; us in ie
ii. & irs
O. B. A. 0.
yi-ar under Ihc slvn r Ml. I n..
in. uioii Hitlers. Ihey ro a peilWl ii 'nod
Purifier, nn unrivalled Sioniuuliic, and a
eei iaiii cure lor a!l disenHos in i-iin; t'rom
derailiJ.-meiil of the .St .uii i-h, Livui-Tu- K.d
iievs. A sure remady for Jaili.diee, Chroii
i lliarri-hu a and Ucbility ro 'iiltin;: Ii ..m
any eiiusii v li:it..v;-. I'.y it, ti, npp.'i.i
is .-lreii.-lheiied, and a r.-ei-l-e to.-- :,,,,
vigor impailt i ij iiie wliuie .-ysiem tlii-m-lit
:cs of l . stiu. oiti:,ls, and oerliliuiiiesh.-ive
been sent us, nil speaking in commenda
tion of I lie beneficial etiecis of our Hitlers,
and wo have no hcsilniiey ii asHcrting thiit
il'lhey ui'i onee enipliiyeil.Mi. il- use will
no leeoiuiueti. ltd by eveiy ( n . h . , r. I'hey
are cheap, available, salu kml -..,., i'.- ,
re ene.ip, availahle, salu uud
exposed of ii,Krediem ,...,.
Try ihem and be convinced of I lu-ii-virtues.
rorsaie ny nil tlie prmeipal Drug -ist s
and Mureliauts.
Do not fail to exniiiino well the trtiele
you buy iB order Io gt i the genuiue.
See irade mark.
Stile Proprietors & Mauufaviiu'ers,
mnyl 3m. Kl.i(.( ,,a
4 I.KCTl'RK TO Yol'StTfEN-Jl-g'T
X pul.lislied in a foaled envelope
A Lecture on the Naiure, Treatment and
I'adical cure uf tueriiiiitiirrhoe, or Semi
nal Weakness, Involuntary Kuiissioaa. Sex.
mil Debility, and Inipeiliuii-nts to marriage
pen.-iall. .Nerviv.uiiiess, Coiisinupti.,n. Fp
ilepsy and Fits ; Mor.lal aud Physical In
capacity, rcHiiliiuji Irmu Si-ll'-Abuse, J-e.,
by Itobert J. Culver ell, M. D., aiilhor of
the "liieeii l!ook," eto. Price in a scaled
envelope, only six oenls.
Tbe eulebrated author, in this admirable
essay, clearly demonstrates from a,-tuirly
yours" suecersf'ul practice, Unit the alarm
injr consei,uence v self abuse mny bu rad
in.lly euiod wiiliuut thw me of internal
medicine, or the pplie.Ui.n of Hie knife,
pointing out a mode ot' cure ul once simple,
certain nnj t'll'coJiial, by means of which
every mifl'erer, no waller what his condi.
lion may be, may erc hinissif cbeaply,
privately, and ladieally.
H?;X'-bis l.cemre sboiild be iu the hands
ef every j-oiilli ftud every wau in I lie land.
iv-nt under sbiiI. iu a plaiu uveh,pe. to
any addles, postpaid, on receipt of six
cents, or two pust slumps. Also, Dr. Oil
vi rvvell'j Marriage Cuiide," price H'ueiilg.
Address the I'nti! islu rs.
M AS J. c. KLINE a CO.,
17 llowery, New Yo.k. P.O. llox -1,58U.
FlFl.FI U S Ytl-iT. Prai-iic7l"7lu;.k &
HalehiuaUer. M.ny s, Klk,
Pa. lmiS UlJi, iur IO Uiiileiiaeir.
I Lulling Store. All kiiW of work done
done in a satisl-irtni v m. naei-, and war
va:.ied. Cou.suli .i ... ....... ...i i.
jii tlj.e Geruut, vcuvh or Ian-
-tla- -laicU U, IN,, U.
i nt ru.vt i u tiuy is A
Tinnui OWAY
oeue store.
grove o. mi:skxgi:r,
I'ralers in Irug, Med'c'p., T''.-'nS,
Oils, White Lead, Lubricatim;
Lamp Oil, Tatuer's Oil, 1'tr.
fuincries of all Kinds,
Tho purest Varnish,
Brushes of every
Style and
' .V ?MitTs, 1'ure Coufectionaric ' itrm,
l?iii.-i:i, IVitoiif Medicinci, ',Yiiit-,
W'ntshr., Jewelry,
Tobnccoes & S-;;.irs
Ture Liquor lor
Medicinal pur
poses only.
Of Everything Useful
I'citnitiing to the Drug Uusincss Gen
erally. Putc Drugs at Low Prices !
Pure Drills at Low j rices
Xotious in Endless Variety !
NiitioiiB in Endless A'liriety
American ond English Watches !
American nnd English Watches
Latest Styles ..f Jewelry, Rinos. Xc.
Latest Styles of Jewelry, liins, Ac
fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels !
fancy Articles, 1 o'ys, Latest Novels
Albums, News, Stationery, Eird-Cujios !
Albums, News, Stationery. Hird-Caes !
Violin, Hanjo nnd Guitar Strings !
Violin, Uanjo and Guitar Strings I
just ni:ci:ivj:n axd
To tlie BoUoej! I
1. V. Hill K, Main ."fireol, ltidgway, Pa
HAVINf! jus-t retui' from the easie-. n
cities o lien- I have pun-lived a largo
anil well si.1i..i..I h.nh.i m .r iu i
invite tlie atuiilioii ol'ibe public loT-all and
esiiiimie riy slock, emisisi in uf
Dry Gouds,
I'loil.i: -.
PRiiVl'lOX. A-,.
Rl'VERS WILL I ! ,,-
MY- S T O ?: zi.
Fl LL AXD CO'iiPLKl i..
and well adapted tn the icii.s .4 tha
j! v. ii one
Ridjiway, Dcc.'i ly.
f a i.n a TTlk lots' roR .-alITI"
V The ntnlersined , n l ii.l ,.. ., vil,
ai lip. II' il's .rrniri.! :i ' - ' ' .i.l.v
l lots
'' " !'"' . l '' tvt ,-onl
.1! lowaids lii,- railruud.
Terms For -l.e lii-m lot sold, SPKI. Fo
the second lot sold, $110. For the Ihird
lot sold. .'fl'.MI and so on increasing in
price as lots are sold.
tfL. Firsi purchasers gel the choice lot
at the cheapest vales.
Purchasers will lie i e;-i..:. i ! in tlie op
der of iln-ir applie: ' ii.u ; .nt of
lie poroitiiso iiion v;..'
ii the
Ijt'.vjuf iiie npplic -.
ri..pplieaiioi. - '!
fl. Hail, lis,,., Hit :V, p.
Ki.Igwiy, ninr.i'.riiti-tf.
!!. l ie l,i JoU
J. iv HYDE.
VM.OTMII.Ya for the Million !
Go to A. Dl'ltLACilKU, Ag-nt,
Dk.! : :; iv
G EXTS" I'L'RXI III N ! ' i ; - t -DS,
HATS, CAPS, DO?TS, Sllvilis, ii l NKS,
r I Ml IS IS TO CI Vl-i NOTiciT Thai o
i the ;.iHh day of .March, A. D.. lxi',8. n
w-a-runt in llaiikrupicy was issued again
i he e.-talB of p. p,:-reii. Kidgway. in
Hie eoitniy of Klk, and Stale of Pennsvlva.
uia, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt oit
h's own petition ; that the payment ornnr
U. bls au l delivery of a. y propel ly beloii.
uifl to such Waiikrupt, to him, or for bis
iiso, iid lh liiiiisl'ei- ef any properly by
him are loi bi.ldmi by law ; t'iiai n mee'iinj
ol the creditors of the said Bankrupt,
prove Iheir d. t ts, i 0d Io clionso one or
mine a sij:uees of bis estate, will be hehl
at a Court of Funkin, t. y, -o 1, . boldeii ul
tlie ll.ue II..US-. mi ,.. ., v 1 ., brforv
S. K. H'oodl-ll I P, ..: O;.,) ,.,y
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V. S. .Mu-U:ii. nior.
l y C P. DAYliS, Dipuiy li. Mate
MalsW. pH lKiJ-VJ
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