to John i1'. ,iim.i;k, mi,ITiiI,, SATlJjM. AY: A pi il 1 1, i hoh. Full l'i;i:.-)KNT IN 1S(S, GENERAL GREENBACKS. l':lt VICK I'Hi;yil)lSNT, GENERAL LOW TAXES. (KMOCiiATIC STATU TICKKT. I'm- An lifur Central, CILiS B BOYLE. OJ I'tiicttv County. l'nr S'irr flenrml, GEN W II ENT Oj Cttttnll:iil Ctll'ltfl, " UiYALTY." l;(.'Mirnn;;ton tells i;s in Lis nnnnls that " there, was mi extravagance of 1 Aiilty in the reign of Charles II it mourned to a irer.zy. And now our o'Hiyir.'sio.ial chaplain f rays tliat we ii;a;, I .(! ina-ie truly loyal. It is so picas- nut tn tltuik that there is but one crowding virtue mid one damning sit) itiaeauley gives ns an amusing account of how these extravagant loyalists had in i no next rciiir,, to L'ainsay tlieir owu doctrines ami eat their own words. His, ti-ry is ever repeating itself. The test el loyalty for lour years was an utHiies t ioimir approval of all done by the I 'resident of the I'nited States. A hearty disapproval of all his acts seems to bo the test now. This loyal ch:ip lain, who now Ictls so anxious about the loyulty of others, only prays (or one. of the three eo.onliiv.ite branches of the !oveiuincnt. " God bless our Congress and make us truly loyal," is the prayer uf this reverend Mjsworm j not a kind ly remembrance (or the poor Prcsidcn. biforc the Lord. 1'erhaps bo thinks, in his present position, ho is past pray ing for ; possibly he has been before the Impeachment Committee, and they have informed him who be shall pray for. The standard of loyalty shifts like the value o( currency. To abuso Lincoln was disloyalty ; to curse Andrew John, toil the very acme of loyalty. 'Scribes, l'haiisecs, hypocrites, ye make clean the ou'.sidc of the cup and platter, while your inward parts are very v.ickedncss." J.VI'L'A t JIMEA T. The Impeachment trial is drawing to a cose. Manager Routwcll oncucd the Argument for the prosecution on Wed nesday and continued his liaraniruc un. til Thursday noon. His rcniaiks, as to argument, were a mere nothing, be ing only a reiteration of the talk in Rad eal papers. Mr. Nelson, for the Presi dent, then followed in a speech occupy ing what was left of Thursday. The court have given permission to all the counsel on both sides to make speeches, so llrut the case will not como to a con clusion before next Saturday, if then. Our opinion as to tho verdict being against Mr. Johnson remains unchang ed. The Radical papers do not claim that tho prosecution have even made a case, and say that Mr. Johnson should be convicted liom pulitienl necessity. r.We are indebted to Lynn, editor of the Erie J)i.-jiiteJi, for a copy of ' The Resources r-f the P. & E. 1!. II. Region," by John 0. Perkins, the able traveling correspondent of the Li'-jiateh The work contains nearly iiOO pages of useful infoimalion iu regard to tho min ing and luaL'uf'acturing interest of this section, and a copy should be in every family. The price, in pamphlet, is Slj per dozeu, and iu cases, ?12 per dozen. Address " Dispatch Steam Printing Company," L'ric, Pa. Cf.Our friend, Dr. U. W. Nubbins, if Urookville, diopped into our office a few days ago. The doctor is looking as well as usual, and purposes staying in Kidgway during next week to prac tice his profession. We have freipcnt. ly heard the doctor recommended as an excellent dentist. Those who are troub led with affected teeth should give him a cstll early iu the wok. tv-n.Kvcry crime committed at tho South is now laid ut the door of tho Ku Klux Klan. Dog Forney i foremost at this dirty business. BUuThe "viiiblo aJuiixturu" bill has passed the Ohio Legislature, which will Mop the Jladical trick of voting uiulut tucs, (juadrooiis, &o. . m i r2T Chicago 1il gouo Deuxcrutio. Ch'AM' ,S P A' t A K EX A EH '. CniCAHO, Illinois, March 7. Tn the Kilitor of the Time ; " (J rant for President ! " Could the negro-worshipping fanatics, who clamor so loudly for tho uCcidelitally munufao lured J upiter who commands our armies, to be chosen Chief Magistrate of the na lion, have as clear and positive know! edge of the habits character and ability of the man as has the writer hereof, it is doubtful if many would be 80 loud in their laudations of his supposed virtues, his exaggerated bravery, his questiona ble wisdom, or his overlaudcd heroism It has been my privilege to know (Jen. cral Grant intimately since lie first took command of the forces iu the M ississip. pi Valley, when he made his heudipiar tcrs at Caiio; and what I am about to state of him, his habits, character and condui t, 1 Khali substantiate by the statements ot getitlelncu well known in this cilv. and whose word will not be disputed, if they may be asked whether my statement, may be true or false .ot only will nil I rite bu eoroborati d by the persons 1 shall name, Radical though they n.ay be, but scores of the most respectable citizens of Cairo will respond most unequivocally to the accu racy of my allegations. That sobriety was the cxccpt:on and not the rule of General Graut's conduct while at Cairo, is a fact too well known to need confirmation ; but individual instances of beastly drunkenness arc not of rare occurrence. I will mention two or three which fell under my own per sonal kuowlcdge, aud which I asi ready to verify on call. On the 8th day of November, 1801, the steamer Alec. Scott started from Cairo on a trip to Columbus, Ky., car rying a flag of truce, nr.d Gen. Grant, his stall', and a few other army officers, the newspaper correspondents, and some invited guests. When the boat reached her destination a bevy of rebel oftieera came aboard, among them weie Gen. Chcathuni. Gen. Pillow, Col. Rusk, and a general from Arkansas, whoso nunc 1 do not remember, when a general drunk commenced, which was kept up until late in the tiiirht. after the flag of truce had separated, and the Scott had return ed to Cairo. When the boat reached the wharf at Cuiro, Gen. Grant was in such a beastly state of intoxication that it was deemed imprudent to take him to his headquarters, over the City !ank. where bis wifa was awaiting him, and be was escorted and assisted to the St Charles hotel, where ho remained dur ing the night. When he arrived at the hotel, it was found that he was so drunk that) consid erablc assistance was needed to enable him to reach a room on the second floor, and Capt. II. 1$ Hatch, Post Quarter, mastci, and Hubert Forsyth, geiicrs.1 freight agent of the Illinois Central 11. 11., one upon either side, and each with a shoulder under the General's arm pit, hoisted him up stairs to Captain Hatch s room. A hundred persons witnessed this scene, and loud and tuanv were tht ex'.ircssioui uttered of ceusuie and of disgu.-t at the spectacle. About twelve o'clock that night Grant got musical. and an orderly was dispatched for the brigade band to come and serenade him The band soon put in an appearance, and were about to commence playing, when Mr. Uedurd and Mr. Lansden, the proprietors ot the hotel, attempted to Ftop them ; but, on word being taKou to Geu. Graut, of the obstruction to the music, he, with a drunken and piofane indecency, declared that ho was coin, maiidcr at that post, and he would have tho band play when aud where he do. sired. So the band proceeded to tho hall outside the room where the General was rollicking in Irs drunkenness, and for a half tour played to drown the up. roar of the hell within. A month later to a day, the same steamer was the scene of another gor geous druuk, upon another occasion of a " Cag of truce " visit to Columbus, wheu Graut became so wretchedly drunk that his friends put him to bed, and kept the boat in the river until he became sober enough to be taken home. Hut of his most disastrous spree that at Fort Donelson I shall not speak uutil another time. If possible to induce the Chicago TriLitnc to tell the truth, I would be glad to have Governor Dross relato what he saw and what he saw aud what he said of the scene when General Grant lauded from his flag of truce visit to Columbus, just after the battle of Relmout, when he (Grant) was so drunk that he fell a half dozen times in going up the levee from the wharf boat, aud the united efforts of Captains Hillyer and Lagow were insufficient to keep him on his pins. Six P's. Poets raintors Preachers Players Printers and Politicians all snf iur from Dyspepsia, Nervousness, Loss of Appetite, Liver Complaints, and all diseas es which they may cub or pukvcnt by the use of Plauiation Ditlets. If those sufferers took these Hitters, tho Poetry would be purer, the Paintings grander, the Sermons livelier, ihe Ailing truer, the Printing neater, and the politics honester This spledid tonic invigorate the system, and enables the bruiu to work Ueallhily Perhaps no article was never so well en dorsed by all who have used it. Godkv ruE Mav richly illustrated with colored fashion plates full of ohuico read- iag, instructive and amusing liua been re e jived. No woman can well afford to be without it. Term?, tf.1.00 per year. Ad- rc s L, A, CODKV, ruilaJelpUia, I'a. f.OCAL INTELLIGENCE. 'nr Time at llidnu ny. Erie Express Kant 10:liip. m do iln West :i:62 in. do Mail Enst 4:8 p. m. do do West 2: to p. tn. Local Freight Must !i:10a. m. do do West 0:42 p. m. Elk l odge, A. T. M Slated meetings of Elk Lodge will be held Tuesday evening, on or before the full moon of each month, once every two weeks thereafter. J. K. WIIITMOUE, Sec y. Magnolia Water. A delightful toilet article superior tocologuo and at half the price. On tho 12th instant, in Hidgway, Win. Si cveiiBon, ngod about liSycirs. At Kersey, April Ifiili, by I?ev. L I.illlc, Mr. It. W if. J ickc, fupt. Kersey Coal Co., lo .liss Theresa Itosenhofer. TheCiood Tkmi'i.aks This organization, wc lenra is in a prosperous condit'iJii. and they have umiluhud quite a number of ' brands from tho burning." They are now fixing up the rooms in the rear of the upper part of J. V. Ilouk's store on Main street, for a lodge room. Jtfjy-' Ye Local ' has witnessed in the pnst week three persons with black eyes. Were wc versed in the slnng vocabulary of Ihe prize ring, we might give our readers n summary of the dilieient engagements, but our education having been neglected in that respect, we must content ourselves wiih merlcy noting them. One man wu's badly Lammed ; another was done Broun, and a third was burneil and cx C'orry atcd in a beautiful manner. At this writing Fiiday morning, every thing appears to be quiet along the lines, but wc suppose that before the close of the day we shall witness one or two engagements. O.n a Si'HiKE.-Thc miners in the employ of the Shawmut Coal Company are on a strike for higher wages. They were paid off sometime last week, and have plenty of money which they have been spending quite freely during the past week. We ol- fer a bit of advice t these ha-d-wor king nim which they v.otild do well to heed, and profit by, as follows : Never demand high er wages un'.csB you are sure your employ- era can si ami the raise. We respect tho rights of tho laboring man, and believe his labor should be compensated toils full aud fair value. But our experience with strikes leads us to Cipro is the opinion that there is nothing made by them. Suppose two or three huudied operatives quit ork j many of them repair to drinking-places, gut drunk, and spend the returns of two or three months' toil before they are aware of it ; they then see their fully, aud iu must instances go to work at less wages than those which they quit ut. We volunieer these remarks to those under whoso eyes they may come, who are concerned in the strike, iu the best spirit, and with every good foel ing for their welfare. CaA County Isstitctb wilt be held at St. . ' ary's in May, commencing on Tues day, tho -till, at 'J a. m., and will continue in session threo days, closing on Thursday afternoon. As it is intended to make this Institute not only instructive, bu: interesting to all who may attend, inviiat ioLS are extended not only to those who are teaching but al so to those who intend doing so. Directors, nnd all who feel an interest in the Public School System ; who earnestly desire its progress, and who would wish this Institute to be a step towards the improvement of our teachers, are requested to attend. It is more thau likely lint wo will booh have a Normal School iu the northwestern pari of Pennsylvania, where our teachers can ucquire a thorough training, and become masters in their irofession. Let us hope, that by a full attendaace at the Institute, an impetus will be given iu the right direc tion, and that it may awukcu a desire ta attend the Normal School, whea it will be established in our midst. JAMES BLAKELY, County Superintendent. Illi it WuiSKtv. We are informed that on Sunday last two men representing them selves os persons desiring to go info the business of manufacturing " benzine," called at the establishment of Mr. Uiberger, at St. Mary's who keeps a drug si ore in that place, and it has been slyly suspected for some lime that his supply of aqua viitae was manufactured in his own cellar iu short that Mr. 15. has been making and Belling whiskey without a license, or pay ing government tax thereon. We learn that Uiberger, with big partner, made such a glowing account of their profits tha; the pseudo purchasers were satisfied that the investment would pay, aud said they would call ou Monday and close the bargain. It turned out ou the following day that these pretended purchasers were U. S detectives. This fact was made manifest when they arrested Biberger and Grotzin- ner, and detained Capt. Luther, U. S. Ilevi cnue Assusir, as a witness. The party all got aboard the afternoon train going west and were taken to Erie, where an examjnn liou was held, aud Uiberger and Cruizing- er held t the auiouut of f 10U0 bail for their appearance en Monday next. Uiber ger gave bail, and Crotzinger was com mi t ted in default thereof. The above are the faots as we have heard I hem, aud ts to their truth we cannot vouch. ?! CfW tll'I'ti'ilst'lDjji. i " ""WixiAirNuf ice" Wo have found it Decenary, in order to keep tbo nnarwuu nopnrrnnnt ot me Advomte on a good basis, toauopi the lolly wing rulo : Transient Aflve'lisements must be paiu f ir in ad vance ; and all Job Work as soon as compleud. Ellis made out and priser.ted to yearly advertisers at the beginning of each quarter. Subscripti us to be jjid for invaiiably in advance, liovti' .lonx F. Mooiik, Publisher WANTKD.-A (loot). YU'KAHLK IHUFT IIOKNB. SBR Any person owning men rfrsc, weighing about 1400 pounds, and desiring to sell, can find a buyer, by applying to C W. SKKVICE, At the RMgwny PtoYefc Tin Store. DISSOLUTION OF PAliTKItSini'T The partnership heretofore existing under the name f II. F. Jicpenslmde & Co., iu the Tanning business, is this day dis solved by the withdrawal of J. II. Coryell anil W. (!. Schuli i.e. All persons Luting claims niminst said company will please present tliem for payment, mid those know ing themselves indebted coin" forward and settle. .1. 11. COIIVLLL. II. V. l;sl'l)NSILl)iO, wm. :. m'ih;ltz. Pt. Mary's, Ike. 1:!, lntlV. npll 11IK CnMMISSfONF.HS OF ICI.K CO. will tii'-et at their office ill Itidgwnv on MONDAY, the 'Tih d::y of April next. I'.y or ter, F. 0. DICKINSON, Ci.KitK. rillil I-' Tit C.IVI" NOTICK. That on I the :!Oio ijay ,,r Maivh. A. D.. lhtiS, ,, Wan-mi in " i'i!ro):icv was isn'd r.g-iiiist the est at ! I' !'. 'V. liaiivlt, of llidgwny, in the enmity ot t!ik. nnd State of Pennsylva nia, w!r ! n n-lj'idjii'd a Han nipt on Irs o iv ii peC'tnii : th-tt ili -lytiienl of any debts and delivery of a y pnierly belong, ing to such lhinlcrupt. to him. or for his use, and the transfer o! any piopcrty by him tiro loi hidden by law : tliat a meetinj: of the creditors id' the said i'oinkrupt, to prove their debts, nnd to elu o-e one or more n shrnocs of bis etate, will be held at n Court of r-t'.nl.inj-tey, to be bidden at the II vdn II in Kidgway, Pa., before S. K. Wood i nil', l!egter. on" the I'-'ld day of June, A. 1)., Is". ut '.I o'clock. A. M. 1 litis. A. IlijWLcY, l'. S. Marshal. Messenger. II V 0. P. DAVIS, Deputy I'niu l states '.Marshal npll ISCS-lt HKKIFl'ri" SaTk: BY YUm i: OF AWP.IT OF Venditioni l.xponas issued cut of tht Court ot Common I'leas of LIU county, in the State of Pennsylvania, nnd to me direuted, 1 will liy virtue of said writ, on the lih Monday, being tho 'JTth day of April, expose to Public Sale, at the Court House in I'.tdg way, the following described property', to wit, viz : All thai certain town lot in the Borough of St. Mary's, in the county of Klk. nn I Stale of Pennsylvania, on St . Mary's street, containing iu front on St. Mary's strict on hundred feel by two hundred feet de p at right angl s, being No !, on John I. L'. Cartuy vol's plan, bounded on the W"st by street ; on the south by Wash ington street ; on th ! east by Lafayette street ; on the north ljy lot of Ma:hias Hack : whereon is erected one two story frame building, 1!H feet by 41) feet. cale.ihit ed for a store room and duelling house, one small stable, mid has n'so otic small orchard thereon. Seized nnd taken in ex ecution, and to be told as the property of trederick luulolpli. JAMES A. MALOXE. Smkbifk, April 11th, D-i.S. fipii.e DENTAL NoTlCi:. D . l W. Su n iiins. of P.rookville, Pa., will be a Hidgway during tho pn; Inn of Court lo ope ale in the '.ine of his profession, for the iasertioii of artificial t.eth, or the preseiva- lion o! the natural nrgajs. Hooms at the residence of Mr. prooks. (I'eb''.l 7v. 1 IKEIUN ATTACH UiNT. T !.. Foster, Chan E. "I roster, & L. N. rrisbtc. In the Court of Administrator.., uf Asi Common Pleas of L. Foster, deceased, versus William I'.eed. Llk Co. No. do. April Term, lSiliS ELK L'OUNTV, SS : The Commonweall h of Pennsylvania to the Sher.U' of saiil coun ty. liKEt'llNU : We conuimnd you that you attach WIL LIAM KKKD, late of your county, by all nnd sMigiilar, bis goo. is and chattels, laud aud tenements, in whose bands or possess ion sjever the same may be, so that he be and appear before our Court of Common Pleas, to be holdeti at Piugway, in and for said county, on the last Monday of April next there to answer 1 . I., luster, Charles L. Foster and . X. FrUbie, Aduiinistiaiors of Asa L. Furl Mr, dee d, in a plea of debt And also that you miioiioiii Joseph S. Hyde, rod any other persons in whose builds or possession the i-roiieriv rn.; be. so that they be un I iitiio ar beioro our suid Court on the lasi Monuay of April text, to answer what shall be objected njiiinsl him, and . lite judgment of the Court therein. And have vou then nnd there Ibis writ. IV!TNt-S the ll-m. 1!. (i. V I! IT", Piesj. denl J ude of ou r sai l Coi l t, at ltidgwuy. this Ith d .v of M-irea. lS':s. (.:'. . IIATIIP.L'X, Proih'y. Hail ii --..ii ' i'i the sum of $7l.t)l.i: The Slierut i.l a taeli iillllie goods and c'aaliels. and tr-i.. -merits of the def.-ti lanl, iu the hands anil possession of Joseph S. Ilyde, or in the hands or possession of any other persons whatsoever, and summon them us garnishees. BoL'Ti El A A I. II 111 CUT, PlaiuiinV Aiiorueys. April 1th, 1Si;j tiw. L' 1CENSK NOTICK. Notice is hereby given that the following named tier- sons nave nieu their applications tor li cense in my office, to Aj ril Sessions, 1M,7, according lo law. S. asbinder, lienttet. Tavern. Elizabeth Win-low, he acted, Tavern. A. Uerg, Fox, Tavern. W. Aunian, Fox, Tavern. Homer it. Leech, Fox, Tavern. Anthony O'Chase, Fating House, Fox. M. Wellendorf, Si. Mary's, Tavetu. (i. 11. Shrincr, St. Mary's, Tavern. John Thompson, St. Mary's, Tavern. II Kretz, St. Mary's, Tavern. Henry Lnrgy, St. Mary's, Tavern. Margaret Kennedy, St Mary's, Tavern. J. Wnehlel, Si. Mary's, Fating House. P. Qiiinn, St. Mary's, Fating House. John Kriihaut, Jone, Tavern. martin Sowers, Jones, Foiling House. JiU Paiierson, l'.ilgway. Kaling House. f. Jaeksoa, Hidgway, Fating House. tiKt). A. ltATHUUN'. Mj,ij ac Pioihono ary. THE PLACE TO BUY IS AT TIIIM1I I OWAY DRUG STORE, Ki-.IT 11 V GIIUVKG. MKSSiiXGER, D.;litr in irus;?, A'eiicicM, Teicta, Oils, White Lead, Lubricating Uil, Larap Oil, Tarjncr's Oil, l'er. ftniiPrioH of nil Kinds, Tlie put est Varnish, Lnishcs of every Ftyle and Oyc Stuffs, I'urc Conf'ectionaries Citron, Raisins, Patent Medicines, 'Vines, Watshes, Jewelry, Rings, Tobaccocs & Sugars l'tirc Liquors for Medicinal pur poses only. A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of Krorythin" Useful l'i rliiining to the l)rn usiness Gen erally. I'm:.. Jlnii's at. !..,w I'riecs ! 1'uie iv-ig.s at Low Trices .V"ti.'ti. in Kti'lluss Variety ! Xoti'itis iu 1'ndless Arnriety uieiie in ami Knlish Watches ! American and Knglish Watches Latest Styles uf Jewelry, Rings, etc. Latest iSty Its of Jewelry. lungs, &c Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels ! Fancy Articles, 1 oys, Latest Novels Alliums, News, Stationery, Ilird-Ongcs! Alhums, News, Stationery, Rird-Cagcs I Violin, 1'anjo and Guitar StrinsrsI Violin, l'aiij-i and Guitar Strings I mar'JiilCfi NEW (JOODS ! JUST UKCKiVKO AND MAUKKD CLEAR DOWN To Bottom ! AT 1'UVj CHEAP CASH STORE I. V. DOCK, Main Street, Ilidgway, Pa HAYIXf! just returned from the eastern cities where I ha :e purchased a Inrco and well releeted assortment of goods, invite t he intent ion of the public to call and examine v.'.y slock, consisting of Lry Goods, Notions. Clutliing, Hardware Hats Cups, Hoots, Shoes, (juecnswari ruovisioNs, &p.,&c. RUYEUS WILL FIND MY 8 T O C K FULL AND COMPLETE, and well adapted to the wants of tha coiuiiiuuilv. .)'. V. IIOUK. Kidgway, Pre") ly. j alhakIjH lots for sale.- Thi! undersigned has laid out a vil. age upon his ground adjoining the Ilidg way Depot, lo be called F.LK The lots are AH feel front by 1 00 feet deep front ing towards ihe railroad. Terms For the first lot sold, $100. Foi the second lot sold, $110. For Ihe third lot sold, SI 20 and so ou increasing in price as lots are sold. Rf First purchasers get the choice lot at Ihe cheapest rales. Purchasers will be registered in the or der of I heir application Ten percent of the purchase money must be paid at the time of tlu' a pplieation. T r idioal ions wi'l be made to Job. 0. H all, ts.j., II' l.jwjy, l a. J. S. HYDE. Hidgway. niar,2'.l'00--(f, j-F VoU WANT TO UL'V t'j.oTr'i.rG nr tin .mi i ion r C.. to A. lt Kl.At MHK, Agent, l'KAI.Ktt IU CLOTHING ! CLOTHING GENTS' IT UN IS II ING GOODS, 11 ATS, CAPS, EO . TS, SHOES, TRUNKS, TRAVELING RAGS, &c. ST. MARY'S, ELK COUNTY, PENN'A. Jan21SGSlypd III'.DEI.ILS VOOrTpractical Clock ft Watchmaker, St. Mary's, Elk county, Pa. I'.oouis next door to Hintcnnch'sr Clothing Store. All kinrfs of work dona done iu a satisfactory manner, and war ranted. Consultations in regard to worW in Ihe CJermar, t reueh or English lnn giiaces March H, lSUTtf. VII orders for Sloves aud Hardware will be promptly uitended to as soon us iceeived. ut the Vi 1.7 St. MARY'S HARDWARE STORE. L'NS, PITO.S. RIFLES. KNIVES, IT poeket aud luble tutlerv. of the best ipiatity ami tn ist approved )alteins, very cheap ut the Hardware Store on Uiberger' old comer iu Si. Mary's.