jUeig SfrHiel-g' eoli(h)ij. riMIE W O R L D R E Is O V JN J'J V r rpilE CHEAPEST GOODS N EW HARDWARE STOllh! i!(t',' ciillis t'o'?., t'Pitli)i). KW FLHM AND GOODS ! ! The subscribers have just "opened in NEW GOODS! MORNING GLORY! riULABEUHIA & EltIS RAILROAD. winter time table. Thi-'ifh inl Pin,! I'ni'lr liirrni Flilhiilillili'il, .lll'liiniii: ITnns- Villi, WlfiitllilSl'll', Hi1.'- the. (,' E E A T O 1 L E E C, J 0 A i.f lViius;, Ivaiiia. ST. MARY'S A m-w ami Complete Stock of Heavy & Shell And will ke?n cotu!-"il!'y on l.nu-.l a great yjrie'y of CO 0 K A .V D in-: A T1XG .? rr i v;.v Z'k;' Iron, &,rl Ann'!, JlrVoKS, Xioh, Jltirse Shorn, Snn'wf, Jitild. imj ll'irihr irc, Satr ami Filrs' of Every lrsrrt'ti"t '. GUN, PISTOLS AND CARTRIDGES, Cutlery, Plated Wa-c an.l House Furnishing G JO 1:. AP kinds of Mechan ics' Tools ! TINWARE Ofuve-.y descri plion, which will lie sold at the LOWEST CASH I'UICl'.S. Ihcy have also the exclusive agency in S Mary's for tlio IMPROVED ORIENTAL RASH.IH'RNING COAL STOVES AND PARLOR FURNACES : V'liicli liavc rcceivoil Four First Class Tre. iniiiin i nt tlie New York Slate ami otl,. vr Fairs : Also, the Great .Silver Mi-'hil nt the Fair of I lie Am friean Institute, lielil iu New YorU City, !8ii5. They urn Perpetual Burners, only one fir Vcing veiii!rcil to l;o mado during the season. M. la-.KOllI'l, .Tn. UM. II. CUl'.ELAXU'. bovES'CT ly " Something Unu. A LAllOE STOCK OV GOODS 1 & iiiiii' wi The' undersigned liavc on hand a larc;c and very dci-irable stock of (iOODS, mi J will constantly kcq an extensive norluicnt, including everything that is wanted to EAT, WEAK, OH FEED. which they will sell at the very bottom figure and from this date will soil only for CASH. We will use every endeav or to make it to the interest of our cus tomers to adopt the universal CASH SYSTEM. We liavo determined to give the CASH SYSTEM a fair trial, helievint; it to Lo the intor- et oi both buyei and Belief. TOW EEL & KI3JE. llidgvay, Aul'. 13th, 18(i7. ko. 1'ATRONIZU HOMB INSTU'Ui'lU.NiS. FLOUR. FEED AND GRAIN milt; buliseiiliers liuvint? coinpleleil llieir I New Grist Mill in ItiilL'way are now prepared tn furnish the peoplo of the tur- louimitig country Willi riour of the Lest Quality, and of their own manufacture, at the lowest market rates. The attention of lumbermen ami others in called to our lacilitiei for furuiiluiig them with FEED' OF ALL KEWS, cheaper than it can ho bought any other place in I lie county. tiC'Asu 1aiu von Cn.iNtrva. J.S. 11VDK, J. V. nunc. ; ' ' J, K. i 1UXM0UF. November 7, IBiiTtf - 1 LANKd f ull kiudi for tale ut this of tic;. C L E G A N T SLEEPING CARS On nil N 5 jrli L Tinins. ON mil after MONDAY. NOV. 2."lli. tlic trains on Hie Philadelphia il Erie. Uailroad ill run ns follows : Wl TWAII 1. .Mail Train leaves l'hiladolphin..1 1 .1 "i p. tn. " " " Kidgwny li.' p. n " " arrive nt Erie '.MO p. in. Eriel'sp Ichti-? l!iil:il''lt.hir ... 1 '' till noon. ' " Ridgwny o :'. a. in. " " arrive at Erie ! lo a. in. RASTW.UiK. Mail Train leaves I'.rie a. in. " " ' lii'k'way 4.:! p. in. " " nrriveat I'hildolphia H..V", :v. in. i'lic lisp leaves I'.rie I . U p. in ' " Ridgway Hi. lo p. in. " ' nvr. nl I'iiila lelpliia... 1 Ml a. in. Mail t'ti't .Vvr- . .m cmir: irifh oii ,'nlinx mi Wlrrrn air! V-f' h '. n tiiliinri'. 'ixi n r I'tiri'i,; 7.o..'''','"','' at is.iiSf- ! . urrir.' nl I rniuhn nt II. -Ill a. in. omt I'll i ' '.i. oil a. in. f.-mui I'liihi.l. .''li'i .il 1 i . I f ' "' tirrirr ill O f (''III "I l.o-i p. All trains on Warren S Franklin li.tilway Tiiake elof eonneetior.s at tlil ritvuil'i trains fi r l''ianKlin ami lYtrnloiini ( Vnire. I'.AtifiAC.K CIIKI Kl:l Tlllim.illi. aiakkh i.. Tvi.i-ii. General f'tijirrin lornloul . .4 i.it -id STOVE A A N 1) T I N - V A I! I'. Jolin ScscnLeimcr S: Sens., vik;u'al;c i:kta!i. dkai.hii.s. KT. MAliV I'A. Keeps constantly on band mid fur sale. a larye and well t-olected stock of TIN WA !!!:, STOVES Ac V-c have cvcryt niio ornorally kf't, in a Tin Shop Our Stock of STOVES ootisi.-N in pari .f SPEAKS AXTIDI'ST I'Alil.Oli.v COOK1XG STOVF.S, ALSO I HON GATE & WHEAT-SHEAF STOVES. iVc also keep on lian.l and for sale the M OR xix a a LORY, Marrte Riocv of Gf.OIiM IMIATF.IIS with Russia ton is anions our nsorl uietit. which are now llie best stoves iu use, and can he sold as cheap as ev:r. fc'CUAl' IRON taken in exchange for goods. SFOLTiNG & KOtJl-INa d mo on short notice, dive us a cud, and satisfaction sruaranl ecd. Sent, -ti'ti". if. AlXTSfor FAMMniS an 1 others. TheGralon Jliueral 1'aint t'o. are now m nfaeluring the Iicst Cheapest and most luratile raiiit in use: two co:ii well pu on, mixed with pure Linseed Oil, will last 1 0 or 1 i years : it is of n li(iht brown or beautiful chocolate color ami can be chaiiL'ed to green, b ad, stone, drib, olive or cream, to suit the tate of the consumer. Il is valuable for Ilousi s, Harms, Fences, Carrinec and f 'ar-mnkers. Tails and Wooil- en-ware. Agricultural Implements, Canal lioats, i esyeb' and snips l.oltoin.-:, ( anvas. Melal and Shingle llool'-, (il bein;; Fire and Water proof), Floor Oil Clmlis, fone Mann. faelurer having used fillill) bids, the past year,) nnd as a yiaint for nny purpose is uusurpasscil lor uodv. dnraluuty, elasiieitv, and adhesiveness, l'riee .0 per bid. nf HK) lbs., which will supply a farmer for years to come. arrenled in all eases as atiovc. bend fo" a eir't'.lar whu.'h gives full particulars. None genuine unless branded iua trade mark Grafton Mineral Faint Adlress LAN I i'.L HI DWFI.L, l i'euil Street, New Yori'. ej (. 5-'G7.-om. 11i:ii:i,ll',S VOUT, l'raclical Clock Hi ' 'Watehniaker. St. Mary's, Flk county, Fa. liooins next door lo llinteuaeh's Clothing Store. All kiii's of work done done in a sutislactory inauaer, ami war ranted. Consultations in regard to work iu the Gcrmac, x'lench or Fnglish lau- sna:re. March 11, lstulf. I ATEST ARRIVAL:! FALL AND WINTER GOODS!! CHEAP EST G DODS I N HIDGWAY ! AT THE STORE OF .NAP, Cor, of Main j- Water, end of Ilydo Houe, Where he has on hand an extrusive assort ment of Goods, consisting of Woolen Good.s, Hats mid Caps, Hoot.' and Shoes, I'udcrclulbcn, Ladies' Drcs.s Goo'.Is, Shawls and KubiuH, lloon Skirls, Opera Hood.s, Mus. bus and Cali. e o e s ! Hahnoral Skirts, Hluuketi and Counter panes, Ladies,' Ureas Triujuilngs, Gen!s' Fuini.ihiug Good, Groceries, l'aiuls, Glata and I'utty ! ! I Call and see my Block before jvurchnsiug tlewhetc ! Dee. 507 ly. JEST EECEIV1NJ AT THE STOEE OF HYDE, GILLH & CO. 1 1 A IT D ' Y A HE, (I V K E N SWAH E , CANDIES, NUTS, &c. DilV GOOl GUOCl'.RIES. THE 11 EST AND CM EA TEST IN ELK COT'NTY. CAT.E AND SEE AND HE CONVINCE!) THAT WE SELL CHEAPEI 'III N ANY OTHER SlOilE IN THIS SECTION. WE ARE CONSTANTLY ADDING TO OUR STOCK COME AN1) FEE I'S. TToods, Nubias, nnd all kinds of Woolen g Goods at l ho cheap store of 12'U7 11VLE, G11.L1S &.CO. To you want to purchase a silver watch J.. Ainericau or 1 oieign ? if so, go lo 12'07 IIVDK, Gil. LIS Si LO. I Iresh Oysters constantly on hand at (he ' store ol Ili'DE, G1LLIS & CO. Tyolions of all kinds in extensive, variety nl Hie store of H'(i7 HYDE, GILUS CO. A" extensive assortment of CLOTHING al the store of lli'07 HYDE, GILLIS CO. I"OOTP, SHOES nnd G AITE11S cTcry ) kind, style nnd variety nt the store of JJ'iji JlllJi, U1LL1S i CO. A largo nml coni)lete si o jlt of Hardware X and . cutlery the store of VSH7 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. "VHSAtro The (ine.-l brands for sinok ing and chew'rg. m ihe store of 1 (17 HYDIi. Gi LL1S & CO. OVEENSWAHE an extensive ussort input, at the store of 12'07 HYDE, GILLLS & CO. "J"ewest fityles of Hahnoral Skirts at the y cheap store ol 12 07 HYDE, GILLIS &CO. Indies' j fashii Dress Goods latest nnd most shioiiuble figures.nl the store of 12 G7 I1VDE, G1LL1S&CO. TTnts. Caps nnd furs, in prent vnrieiv .11 ,ll"l at the lowest price, nl Ihestoroif 12'07 jnDE, GILLLS& CO. "E rens' woolen nnd cassrncr Shirts at sensation riees, at tin store of 1207 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. TTndershtrts and drawers, cheaper than the cheapest, nl the slore of 12HJ7 JIYDE.OILLIS&CO. OetSlst, 18GT-ly. IP Wf-.rilkiS : B-5.. :.'-li S-:--r s??.ZJr-& "mmmmm ro'.i sale at nnivrc v , EXCLUSIVIi AGENT FOR ELK COUNTY. I have now on hand nnd am now rcceiv ng the mos! comp'ot- stool: of Cooking and Parlor Stoves ever brou.ht. to this section. I buy the best, bcneving they are the cheapest. I have the exclusive agency for the Cel ebrated Morning Glory, also, for f peer's Cooking nnd Parlor Stoves. I have some beautiful designs from F.rie, DulTalo, Troy and Philadelphia, and am preparing lo lur- uish on short notice any stovo made in the country or parts of stoves to repair old ones. Having devoted Seventeen yenrs exe'u sively to Ihe sale of Stoves and the manu facture of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware, I am satisfied that, tho most fasti li ous can be'pleascd at ley shop. Don't fail to call before you purchase elsewhere. MEKCHANTd supplied wi:h Tin-ware and Stove Pipo as low as can be bought in Erie. THIS IS NO HUMBUG. Coal Hods plain and fancy, nnd everything usually kept iu a first class Tin and Stove Store. Itags, Copper, Tlrass, Pewter, Lead, Sera Iron, Sheep Pelts and Farmeis pro duce generally taken in exchange for goods or work, UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WniNGF.Il. have the Agency for the UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER, it is the best, COO, 000 of ihciii la use. Each Wringer wan ranted to !m as good at the end of one year as when firs! purchased.. Call nnd tuke one home with you ami if it does not give good ml isfact ion alter a fair trial, it mny be relumed and your money will be refun dcd. SAVE YOUR CLOTHES, SAVE YOUR LABOR, PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH, SAVE YOUR TIME, ALSO, THE LILY WRITE HANDS, 6 nnd have smiles instead of frownn on Wush Days. Oct. S 1st lbU7-ly. IN THE COUNTRt ' A fo Sold by W C I 8 II II O T II E It . fSflftccseofS to O'co. Vieii. ' DtAf-EItS IS forcigi) 0 3)oloc?ilc Goo??, SC. Jlary's, Elk County, IV QALti A?fD EXAMINE OURlMJlENSE STOCK OF BOOTS ANfl SIIOEb' Wo have no liesitation ifi soying thai in this department of our establishment we cm: give bargains to cur customer with which they cannot fail to be e&Us ficd. We buy our stock direct from !hi Manufacturer, Riehardsous' Cele brated oot & Shoe Manufactory, IJluu ra, New Yoik We warrant nil mioi'. in this line ."old from our establishment. IT EAYY Sl SHELF HARDWARE. WE AliE niEPAREU TO OFFEll To our customers in this line bargain which cannot be undersold in Elk ouu ty. Our stDck is large, well galcO! and is especially adapted (6 the w.anta of t'le co uiuunity. JADIES' DRY & FANCY GOOIS An Unequalled As3ortujont I Muslins, Silks, (.'.I'ifnos, Salius, Moire Antiques, Chintzes, While Cloths, Flannels, Rcregcs, I.aoe, Com to, In fact wo bare everything ccnaecUif with La .lies' Wea Wo are dctarnua cd to sell lower, cheaper ctoid BETTER Goods than any other firm in th eua ty. Give us a call, we'll prov it. J.J ARK WELL WHAT WK SAT, H'e Sill the Bat, therefor THE CHEAPEST CLOTHING Sold in Elk County. Oar Stock 11 1 Jl i tt IS IMMENSE, And we confidently flatter onrselrcf that better Clothing cannot b fe&4 AXY WHERE. Persons, before purchasing ebjcwhtr would do well to give us a call. tti-No trouble to show our Good f QROCERIES, NOTIONS, &o.,& In Endless Variety, and CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST f At tbo Store of In St. Mary's, Elk County, Ta '' piPES.TCHACCOES & SEOARS Wo luvo now on hand AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT, Which will be sold at a VE R Y S L J (i 11 T A V YAXCb On cost uud carriage. 1ST Our Store i in the new Stent Buildimj on M,i in Street, July 11, 18i)7-tf.